Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

hi sunbelle,
I think you should choose work life balance. I work in the private sector and I easily clock 10-12 hrs daily from Mon to Fri. I dislike this lifestyle and wish I can go into the govt sector, and have a pro family life boss but I dont think I can ever go into public sector as I don't have a local degree. I heard ppl w/o local degree don't get good chances.

Hi jenn
I am a emotional weakling. I dont think I can deal with IVF injection plus BGN again. Going thru IUI was already a little taxing on me emotiomally and mentally. I guess it's very hard when you are surrounded by kids in your family and you have to act normal. Sometimes its emotionally draining on me.

Thank you for your encouragement. You ladies have been great companion. Yesterday I just went to pray. This time round I prayed for different things...instead of praying for babies, I just pray for good health and happiness. Whether have baby or not, as long as I am happy and healthy, that's the most important.

Thanks for making me feel that I am not alone when I feel depressed and upset hearing or seeing ppl with babies/children. I am sure all of us here feel this way, in one way or another.

Like what Jenn said, BE POSITIVE and DON'T GIVE UP!!!
Hi ladies,
I need to check something with you. I am currently menstruating only 3 days. CD 2-3 more heavy, then CD 4 onwards will be very little..then start to turn to spotting from CD 5-7. Is that normal?
Hi Jinnous,
Do you mean after the lap, your menses is prolonged? Ie: from 3 days to 5 days? I am abit worried cos my menses used to be 5 days and now reduced to 3 days...I have done the lap before. Now the worst thing of all is today is the 3rd day and there is only a little...not even full pad. (Wonder if I will go into early menopause)Or could it be my age? (I am in my mid 30s)
I know I have probably asked ppl in this forum but may i check what is endometrosis in chinese called? did a google but couldn't find anything.
Hi PiPi,

I'm not sure if it's due to the op that caused it to prolong. 1st time after the op my menses came and it lasted bout 1 week. First 3 days was really heavy and the cramps was like after op feeling.

Now 2nd time I'm still waiting for my menses to come. Today is 32nd day liao but still no sign of it. I guess it's delayed due partly I'm feeling very very stressed now. All haywire. Anyone has similar experience?
This 子宮內膜異位症 sounds serious sia!

I couldn't explain to my mum.... now I know! Thanks for sharing!
hi gals,
very happie that lots of discussion is going on in this thread. Jenne you are certainly a great motivation to all of us here. One day we will also share good news with u

yo, pipi, you are right . I value work life balance a lot but stuck in my present job. Yeah my first job for the past 10 years. Gotto really think properly. Yo, imagine your boss asking u to take a shifty position with your younger lunch khakis being your boss. I am disappointed that my boss did not tell the full story.

Guess all these are part and parcel of wrk. Jus learnt my good fren is preggie with third child. She dun wan the child one bur Bo pianz . so she Bo
chap and goin tour next week. Hmmhmmost of the time, when people din expect, they get it hahaa...

Happie for her. The new baby maybe my godchild. Hehee

Trustbaby how Tins for u huh?
Hi gals,

I was having a hard time for the past few days. I started bleeding last week, terrified and worried, I rushed to the hospital immediately. Luckily my baby is alright. But the bleed didn't stop until the next day. I realised that our medical technology is still not very advance, the gynae doesn't know what's the cause and they can't stop my bleeding. I have to "save" myself. I can only pray and hope everything is fine.

I'm still having some bleeding on and off for the past few days. Today went for my normal checkup, my baby is fine. I'm given MC to rest at home for 2 weeks. This is really scary...
jenn, rest well and take good care of your little one. take mc if you need to...pregnant woman is the greatest!!

sunbelle, i know how you feel when you work with shitty colleagues. I used to work for a boss who don't know anything. Plus I didn't like the culture of that place. I tolerated and tolerated...but kept to myself and 1-2 colleagues..but i always tell them i hate that darn place and my darn boss. Finally I left.

Now, I have a very very good boss. I think if this boss quits, i will probably trsf out...cos I think no body will be as good as this boss. My current work environment is also v good...inter dept colleagues all very nice. (I've worked here for more than 1.5 yrs already)

Haywire feeling...i can understand cos I am always hay wired the week before my menses comes. I become moody, think negatively, will cry for no reason,....really terok... Sometimes I don't even feel like going to you imagine how bad my hormones have gone!
trustbaby, thank you for comforting me...guess we have been around long enough here to understand each others' pain. I am thinking of taking a short break and then seek 2nd opinion from another gynae...

currently gynae asked me to do so-iui. but i really not sure if i shd do it so will be resting for a while before asking another gynae..

nowadays i just pray to be children also nevermind, as long as i am healthy and happy.
Hi PiPi,
Taking a break is good. I took tt when I was with my private.
However when I went bk my cyst came bk. I planned to take a month break end up 4 mths bcos of kidney stones. I cursed n swear then n for some reason I feel something is blocking me fr getting pg. I told myself no I will go against my obstacles n get 2nd opinion. Now I went ahead with the 2nd opinion n today I just had my embryos transferred. I did one step at a time. Support fr ppl in your same path in fertility is important. If not i will be very lost. Good thing u take a break. When feel ready again your mind is more settled, do what u need to do. Health come first. Without health pg is nvr a good journey. Many complications can arise. I wish you all the best. Go n rest n do thing u like during your break. Don't think. You will be fine. I m sure.
remember one step at a time.
so did you transfer 2 embryos? may be you will get a twin.

Just rest and relax, take it easy. Hope to hear a BFP from you.

have you tried TCM? It may increase the chances.
Hi Jennette,
Yes I tfr two. Only hv 5 fertilized ones out of 14 matured eggs. A bit sad. 3 fertilized are frozen. However shld thaw it may not be usable. I worry on tt a bit. Just in case I need it.

I hv been suffering from gastric yest n today. Could be the antibiotic. Quite painful n I just endure. Nothing is guarantee whatever happens, happens for a reason. Just glad it is over. ;)
don't be sad. I only got 1. my hubby kept telling me, only need 1 good one to succeed. don't worry about unnecessary things. don't give yourself any stress. when the time comes, you'll know what to do. most importantly think positive. are you taking any chinese med?
Ya jennette,
I agree. I guess it is not the numbers of embryos used. Ultimately I hv to resign to the fact whether God wanna blessed me or not. I just take it easy fr now.
Yest I think I had OHSS. Very serious. Even I could feel it at my lung. Cramp all over. Today much better after a good rest.
Did u feel any pain?
Trustbaby, tell you something so commom b/w you and me. I also had kidney stones (left side). I did my laser op in yr 2004, now it is coming back..but the stone is very very small. Every half yearly i need to go back to my specialist (company pay) for check up and xray...just to make sure things are in order. My urologist is very kind, he knows that I am trying so ask me to see dr fong in Glen E. But I think very exp so I just told him I will try normally first.

Jenn, I have seen a TCM (from Thong Chai) for almost a yr, which also means 1 yr of brewing chinese medication, but no luck. Now I changed to another TCM, I am not sure if he can help me but I am trying him out. And b/c he is a guy, its pretty hard to explain certain things to him.

Ladies, may i check if any of your doc ask you to embark so-iui? I want to find out what type of couples should go for so-iui to increase their chance of conceiving?
Hi Trustbaby,
I don't have OHSS, never have any pain during my 2ww. No symptoms at all.

I have tried the TCM from Thong Chai for a year before too, but I find it not strong enough. I feel that acupuncture + chinese med is more effective.
You want to try my TCM? She's Dr Zuo Yumin. She's very experience in IVF & IUI. She's very popular in this forum.
Hi Pipi
My stone also very small 4 mm n hope it has flushed so far no pain on my back. Once a while I will feel suan suan on my right at the bk. I went sGH urology. Discharged as for now.

Hi Jenn, I din take any Chinese med. So far. I also switch to Dr Zou last minute due to the cost at first. I agree she is experience n even knows a lot on Ivf matter to my surprise. So I decided to go with her. She Tolstoy me tt my end will grow too when I jab the puregons.
Hi jenne,
Pls take gd care. I have gone thru what you have last year. That time I was ordered bedrest in hospital. I m upset as that was a difficult period. Have more rest and dun move around.
Hi pipi, you are right. Wrklife balance Is the most important thing which ladies hoping to have kid to have. Hmmm sometime felt stuck in current position. Yeah have faith and hope. I believe all of US can get preggie one day.

Sometime when look back, my baby shld be 3 mths old Liao if din miscarrry last year. But guess everything happen for a reason. So mi jus hoping to get one with gd health haha ...

Hi trustbaby,

Be positive and faith . Yeah each stage is critical. I alreadly admire your courage. How long do u need to wait after u register for ivf huh?
Hi Jenn, I din know she give an tai med so fast. She din offer to me at tt time so I din know. Now diff coz I cannot move ard much. Only within my house vicinity.

Hi sunbelle, thanks it is my last resort. Furthermore there is govt grant if below 40. Better to do at KKH. I actually made Appt with dr Loh on mid June to see him n once we talked abt my condition n his treatment proposal. I just agree on the spot to go ahead. We start the paper work ie the nurse called me to go down n start documentation on end of June n my Ivf starts with my first period in mid July on Ivf is a long protocol. I had to start with suppression with two lucrins injections n I start my Ivf hormone injections puregon on mid august. My injections for 10 days (depends on your response) and thereafter on early sept ER n ET in
the same week. Give yourself two mths or less.
My next hurdle now is to ensure implantation of the blastocysts. Beyond me now.
hi sunbelle,
actually I still go out once in a while. My bleeding has stopped but still got stain.
if really something happen, just mean that the baby is unhealthy and rather not let him/her come to this world to suffer.

Hi Trustbaby,
may be you are a new patient, so she din offer. if you are really keen, can call her and ask your hubby to collect from her.
Hi Jennette,
Thanks for your suggestion. I think once I confirm I will ask for an tai.

I hv been bed rest n house rest since Friday. How do I know if everything is fine in me. Today is my 6th day. I felt sharp cramp on right. Not sure whether it was endo or implantation. So anxious to cross over 2WW. Any symptom rightfully for me now? I will get my progesterone test in two days. Will the result tells me tt I m going to be positive?
Hi Trustbaby,
I think once in a while I do have cramps here and there but it's bearable. Just relax and don't think too much. I didn't do any progesterone test during my 2ww, so I'm not sure. did KKH give you any crinone gel to insert? it is to help in implantation.
morning everyone...when i see all your posts, i realised most of you here seems to have gotten pregnant and some, unfortunately lost it.

for my case, its sooo weird. i never ever got pregnant before so never know whats the feeling of being pregnant.

dunno what's wrong with me...

oh yes, need to ask a critical question here, have anyone of you here got cervical muscus which sometimes has the transparent and a stretch of dark red coloured blood ? Cos I have and I wondered if that is normal.
hi jenn, trustbaby,
thank you for introudcing ur tcm to me. i think my case abit diff from most ladies cos my tcm says that i am hot at my upper, and cold at my lower...meaning, if i take pu, i will feel very warm or hot, and will have ulcers in mouth and will feel very dry, pain throat and thirsty. Yet, my womb is cold, that is why i need to pu..
I dunno which TCM is good at seeing such probs.
Hi jennette,
I m given progesterone pills oral n otestrogen insert.
Messy but must take.
Today will go take BT. Not sure why u don't hv. KKH protocol not same with everyone. I try not to think.
Hi Pipi,
No harm trying this dr zou out. She does accu n you can request no medicine. I was mainly going there to warm my womb before my ER. One day I may go bk to her for other reason like reducing my cyst n inhibit it.
If you experience bleeding on your non menses cycle then best to seek doctor. There are many reasons. Take it easy okay. Btw, I hv never conceive before in my life. If this Ivf is successful it will be my first.
Hey, do u gals take temp? Like I do but thing is my temp is always very low... 36.1/ .2 like tat and this morning I have the CM and supposedly it's the fetile period? But doesnt match wif my temp leh...
Hi pipi,
This is my 1st pregnancy, I'm actually not very used to it. My tummy feel weird, my nausea getting worse, I lie until my head feel giddy...
btw if you keep bleeding, better go to see gynae, it could be cyst.

Hi Trustbaby,
I did my ivf at NUH, so the protocol will be different. Just curious, did you get to lie down for 2 hours after your ET at KKH?

Hi Jinnous,
1 day before you ovulate, the temperature will be lower than usual, then it'll shoot up the next day. I heard from Dr Zou that she has a patient who's temp is always very low even when she pregnant, her temp is only ard 36.5.
hi jenn
thanks for your advice...will think aout visiting dr zou if my current doc cannot do acupuncture to "warm up" my womb.

i finally made my 1st appt with kkh. it will be mid oct..hopefully the doc there will give me sound advice, suitable for me and hubby.
Hi Pipi,
Good on you for making the first step to KKH. Yes get another opinion n suggestion. He is experience doc n dedicated. You are in good hands. Happy for you.

Hi jennette, all the while I thot u are with Dr Loh whom is at KKH. Nope after ET straight I stood up. What bat NUH? My BT was okay on the progesterone. So far so good. Do you know when the best time to test pg with our pg test kit before the final BT on HCG?
Hi pipi,
Good that you have made your decision.

Hi trustbaby,
at NUH, after ET, they make us lie down for 2 hours with legs higher than our head. according to the nurse, this will help in implantation.

glad that your BT is ok. I didn't do any pg test before my final BT, my hubby feels that no point giving ourselves unnecessary stress, just wait for the BT to confirm.
Hi jennette,
Each hospital has it's different protocol.

You do take care and all the best. I m hanging on still.

I m having cramps. Hope good sign
Hi everyone,
Jenn hope you are doing well....getting better each day with tummy growing bigger and happy k and you will have a chubby happy baby.

Trustbaby, jia you jia you jia you. I just went to buy clearblue ovulation test kit cos today is my CD14, so wanted to test if I am ready to babydance..
Oh i just went for massage by malay lady. She said my womb slanted to my right so she massage back to middle for me. (this is my 2nd time w her) Dunno what she say is true or not, but no harm believing too...but the massage was good, take away all my stress and tension @ work.
Fell so sleepy now...
Hi trustbaby & pipi,

Thanks for the well wishes.
I just went for my 1st trimester scan & blood test, baby seems ok, but test result will be out next week. I have been quite worried about the baby coz of the brown discharge. Gynae said he can't do anything to it, can only wait for it to go off by itself lor. So I just keep my figures cross.

Trustbaby, you should start talking to the embryo, it may help.
Are you taking BT this week?

Pipi, I have tried this type of massage before, but it doesn't help for my case. I heard from my colleague, it worked for her. Anyway no harm trying.
hi jenn,
dun think so much. I have gone thru what u have been. Pla rest more and less movement around. Try to bedrest at home if possible. Take more vitamins.

Yeah upset that my menses is here. Tot got good news this month cos menses is delayed. But menses came today. yup the great disappointment is hard for me but I am taking it in my stride. Goin to book a holiday soon. Yeah try harder next month. Maybe my endo haven't cure so might be a bit difficult to get preggie. Sign. I have been goin tp TCM and fertility doctor , take clomid and scan here and there. Not sure sometime all these waiting result more in stress.
Hi Jenn,
Your spottings you may want to seek private care coz they will be more thorough and kiasu. Your baby is precious not easy to conceive if continue spottings perhaps you can consider.
You rest well and don't move around too much. Eat well okay.
As for me I am still waiting and hoping. I have no symptom like the others in the Ivf support thread.
Ppl tell me if it's mine it's mine. Got to hang on.
Jia u sunbelle and pipi! Don't despair no matter what happen. Just need to move forward. Happy mooncake festival to you all!!! May our dreams come through as soon as our heart desires.
Hi Trustbaby,

Be positive. I am also thinking of goin for IVF jus that my gynae say I m prone to miscarriage So not sure whether worth the money and effort to do IVF. Another consideration is for me to lose some weight before I embark on IVF.

yeah jus learnt two good news today. Both are my good frens. Happie for them. Wish I k be preggie as them haha ... guess is all fated. Whatever is ours will be ours. may our mid autumn wish can come true. 
Hi Sunbelle, thought of helping, cos I use a great weight management prog called TRA with my other doctor and pharmacists consultants to help people like yourself loose weight for a better health. The program is safe, simple and effective and it teaches you the right concept of weight management. If you are keen, do contact or PM me.
hi ladies,

anyone try SO-IUI huh? can share the experience huh?
can one continue to have sex to increase the chances after doin the SO-IUI huh?
Hi sunbelle,
I hv gone thru so iui before my Ivf. I was advised not to intercourse on the so iui actual day. Subsequent days nurse said ok to increase chances.

hi trustbaby,

can briefly explain what is the procedure of so-iui huh?

yo, do u feel bloatedness when u inject those tin into the body for the eggs to grw huh? any food to avoid taking?

hrd today on ICVF. they said even better than IVF. tomorrow i am goin to call KKH to check it out. my mense this month has lesser clots ..not sure whether issit due to the chinese medicine i am taking good sign for me ...
