Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

thank you for all ur support. still recovering from the loss. cos tink it takes some time to get over it.

yeah there are some side effects when i took the jab too. remember not to take any chinese medicine during the jab as advised.

yeah any of ur hubby went for varicole vein day surgery before huh? i am worried cos my hubby is goin this sat. i noe is a minor one but still a bit worried for him.

Hi Sunbelle,

Did Dr C advise your hubby to go for varicole vein day surgery? He asked my hubby to go for tat too but we didnt went ahead cos it wont be much difference if surgery was done. I would suggest u seek a second opinion.

Side effects are getting better now. I did TCM for 3 mths before going for the jab. Yes, I did weekly acupuncture with my TCM and scan once a month with my gynae.
yes twinstar, we decided to go for the minor surgery as we conducted some research and realise that it helps to improve the percentage of good sperms.

yeah understand ur good intention of seeking a second opinion. yeah cos is quite costly to see him. have u been to dr LC foong huh? how are his charges huh?

Chewy, can u share with me on your story huh? cos both of us got the same kinda of woman problems.
Hi Trustbaby,

Good to hear you did your IUI today.. Try this.. hot water pack on your womb today. And not sure which dr you are with (Dr Fong Yang?) When I did mine, he asked us to try the next two days then 2WW just rest. And take any hormone pills given.

Hope to hear good news soon.
hi chewy, thanks! thanks for the tips. yes there are two type of hormone pills given,one is utestrogen and one is progynova....any side effects?

My doc is ann tan at paragon. have u heard of her and let me know if u you hear anything? i am trying her out through frens recommendation.
Hi chewy, how many times have u tried IUI? any success so far? what is the success rate? if not, what would be the like cause? i m quite sceptical but hopeful.

how do u know if the IUI successfull before u test for pregnancy? Is there any symptoms that is obvious.

i want to get myself familiar with this process and mentally and physically prepare for it.
Hi Trustbaby,
not sure about progynova. But utestrogen is the one I took too.
Side effects, bloated and sleepy for me. But it's a start to a good sign. Stay positive.

yes, I heard of her but she is expensive too.

I did SO IUI twice. Both successful however one m/c at wk 12 and the last one at wk 22.

The success rate for SO IUI is about 20 -25 % . Not being successful have alot of causes. Don't think too much .. THINK PREGNANT...

If you like PM me and we can chat on MSN .


how is this IUI being done huh? i am jus wondering whether my miscarriage issit due to bad egg or sperm. so wondering IUI will be able to help huh?

what are the procedures involved huh? do u need to go back to clinic or hospital to measure the egg like IVF huh? how muchie time and effort required huh?
pls advise.
Hi sunbelle,

The doc normally will prescribe you clomid to ensure you ovulate. you will need to go for vaginal scan one or two times to ensure your eggs are growing. the last scan will determine your time of ovulation. you need to obtain sample from your hubby to the fertility centre for "wash" and selection.

IUI is a quick procedure. It bypass through your vagina track straight to the uterus. doc will inject the sample just before ovulation. now the next question is whether the sperm will penetrate into my egg and if so, will it implant on my uterus. that is my worry now.

Of course, doc prescribe me hormone pills to make sure i have balance hormone to keep the uterus lining healthy and stable. this is to avoid miscarriage.

Doing IUI is a step further after failing in trying naturally.

Hi Chew, hope my understanding above make sense. yes i would like to PM you and chat. how do i go about?
Hi Trustbaby and Chewy,

thank you for ur information. guess i will try to rest for a while before deciding the next move. have to see what is the detailed report of the fetus which is sent for analysis. realli hope everytin is all rite and my miscarriage is a one off case.

yeah in life, is so hard to predict and control. guess there are jus some tins which we have no control over. whatever we can do, we will do. the rest is up to heaven to decide. i have reckon that this experience have woke me up esp when i don't really take care of my diet. guess i will take the chance to lose a few kgs before trying.
Hi sunbelle, we have to know the reason to have a closure to a problem. This will help you to move on and hopefully, you get good news there after.

everyone of us here is trying hard to conceive. No hard rules. all try and errors in making decision forward.

baby dust to all here!
Yes trustbaby, the final report will be out in 2 weeks time. yeah it will definitely bring us closer to the issue.

yeah next week goin back for blood test.

baby dust to all. i am sure all can be preggie and deliver to healthy babies.
Hi Trustbaby,

If Im not wrong, the blood test is needed to make sure the hcg level, which is present in pregnant woman has fallen to 0 after D&C.
Hi all,

i oso do not know why need to take blood test.
yeah anyway i jus go do next week for the blood test.

hope everytin is well.
Hi sunbelle,
dont should be fine. Just a procedure test.

soon after you will be TTC again like us.

Now i m anxious to know whether my IUI result is successful. one week has pased and another to come. i feel the waiting time is so long.
Wow you did IUI happy for you. Remember not to stretch yourself too much, if you feel tired, rest or sleep cos the more tired you are, the better it is *good news*. Dont do heavy chores too....

I am still TTC-ing. I am with TCM for around 7 mths already. I see everyone graduating, except me. Hopefully I will see something positive now...
I went for another check up arranged by my TCM. I found out that I never, and didnt have endometrosis. I was soo upset to have undergone a sugery which I didnt need. Some doctors in Singapore are so unethical!!! There should be a law in Singapore for doctors to practise their profession in an ethical fashion!
Hi Pipi,

Nice to have you back!

How can doctor operate without knowing what they operate..normally they will do a test of the endometriosis that is taken out from your body. there is also pictures taken. do you have these?

Yes dear i had IUI already. i m on my 9 dpo. No symptom so far. i feel nothing at all. i did feel sharp shooting pain last weekend. now nothing at all. i hope all good.

Actually i do feel a bit stress when doing IUI.
there are a many visits to the clinic. Very disruptive...i feel like taking a break if it is not successful this round.
remember to rest more. sharp pain may be a good sign as it may be the egg trying to attached itself to your uterus. Dont walk too much and do too much household chores. Remember to take folic acid if you have proper meals.
i sincerely wish you the best. i am sure god has a plan for all of us.
Hi pipi, thanks for your reply and advise.I have been walking a lot like to lunch and shoppings too, I did do house chores like moppings. Sigh. I know I shld take it easy but honestly sometime I forgot and I continue to be my normal active self. This month is very challenging.
This long weekend once it is over I will know my results. Baby dust to you all okay.

I hope your TCM goes well for you as well.
Hi Trustbaby,

relax and everything will go well. i have been sleeping a lot. pipi, you are rite. i am thinking of changing gynae cos i tink the cost is veri expensive. the issue now is change to who???

realli headache even to change gynae. have u seen dr fong yang before huh? or dr thong at raffles hospital?
i tested this morning (kan cheong)...nope i m not PG. sigh and sob sob. a sinking feeling sat in. thinking back, since i had no symptoms at is already a clue to the outcome.

My hubby said we shld take a break try naturally without any medicine. over stimulation of the follicle is not good i read. Does anyone knows?

Today my menses came. I m fine. Expected.
Taking a break in Dec and i have informed the clinic...Looking forward to holidays.

Will resume TTC in Jan 2010. hope it will be a good year for me and to all.
Hi All,

Just to check, izit true that we are not suppose to take chinese herbs like Ba Zhen & Dang Gui since we got endometriosis ?

May i know the effect on us?
Hi Gals,

Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

May 2010 bring us what we wish for and face the challenges ahead together.

Cheers everyone!
Hi gals,

How everything going? Seems like there is no input from this thread anymore. Where are you all?? Any good news to share?
Hi MrsTan,

i am still here and i have no good news to share at this point. PG planning is put on hold since i hv other health issue that needs to be attended first before i am completely ready to resume my baby making plan.:

i hope those who have good news please share with us and keep this thread alive again.

Best wishes to all!

May I know if endo can be confirm thru V scan or need to do lap to confirm it?
I recently have some abnormal bleeding during my cd20. wondering if it is endo that cos it.
Anyone could advise me which gynae is good in treating endo??
it can only confirm via lap..but strange thing is my gyne do vscan and say i got endo. anywayi went for lap and remove stage 4 endo..the worse stage.u can pm me if u wan more details.
hi ladies,

long long time din step into this thread as hardly have the time to log into the thread in office.

how are u gals huh? any good news to share huh?

do u hrd of any good postive case of ladies with adeyomosis huh?

sign...why do we have this adeyomsis huh? issit becos of my fats in my body huh ? i am quite big size ...though.....todae doc said that only way to treat adeyomsis is to have a C-section to cut away and in any case will not be a clean cut. i have no wish to go thru any more surgery. i realli pray for miracles to happen. cos i am really sian abt this whole waiting experience. guess adoption will be one of the considerations if all fail.
Hi Sunbelle,

How you? I also have adenomyosis due to my enlarge uterus. But recently, I went for second opinions, this gynae rule out that I have enlarge uterus. Anyway, I will have to monitor for a cycle before he can really conclude.

I hope you wouldn't give up. I read that you had once BFP before. I'm sure miracles will come to you and your hubby.
Hi mrs tan, sunbelle,
good to catch up again. No good news for me. I hv changed doc to KK recently. My endometriosis is back and also hv fibroid. No end to these growth. KK doc decided tt I do suppression for two mths. And I embark to a higher fertility treatment ie ivf. I was told the more u clean up the womb the changes of producing more eggs will be reduced. So get 2nd opinion before u decide on any surgery.
I hv wasted my time with my previous and not to mention the money that I hv invested in her. Total waste!
I told myself that I will go ahead to do my last try. IVF.

Sorry I hv no news but we can continue to keep this thread alive. Best wishes to all!
Hi Trustbaby,

hugz. Hope you success with IVF. So you are currently on the supression? Did you remove your fibroid?
Why did you say it's a waste of time with your previous gynae?
So you mean with the hormones theraphy, chance of producing less egg will occurs?
Yes I will be put under suppression. I was told tt for endo if u do too many surgery it will somehow affect my eggs production. see how it goes. Anyhow, I hv a few mths before anything happen.
What abt yourself?
looks like my endo & ovarian cysts are back but bec cysts just abt 2cm+. doc say wait & see. so tired of waiting & seeing. feel like going back to private but no $$. wish to remove the cyst & see if the pain will finally end. been having constant chronic pelvic pain since mid 2006. after 1st lap to remove the endo & cyst in 2007, still have pain. in & out of hospital. docs just keep saying i got poor pain management skills & depression. how can 1 not be depress with all this pain causing me to lose my job & now have problem looking for another???
Hi anggie, u planning to conceive? Endometriosis can be very painful. As for me I m lucky that I don't feel any pain. Just infertile. Bad enuf I guess. Removing the cyst can be relieve but it will come back again and again as long we continue to mense.

I just saw Dr. Loh last Fri for a checkup cuz have been trying for 2 years still no good news.

He suspected I have endometriosis and discovered cysts. Feeling very low rite now cuz it's so sudden. I saw a gynae last Apr 09 and the gynae nvr detected anything also. Going back for another test in Jul to confirm.

If it's from Dr Loh, chances are he's rite rite? And he asked to test blood if cancerous. Double whammy. Anyone encountered similar thingy before?
we hv quite similar prob. Endo cyst. However, I m doing ivf soon. The only way out from the infertility. All the best to u!
If u hvt done laproscopy n no intention to do ivf yet u may be recommended to do laproscopy to clean up.

Hi Jinnous,

How did Dr Loh suspect you from having endo? Is it due to infertility since u have trying for 2 years or other factors?
