Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

hi trustbaby,

Thanks for your reply. The thought of endo really scares me. Sigh... This month I do not have the discharge during mid cycle, so I guess there is no chance. Baby dust to you too. : )

yo gals,

tink as long as we maintain the faith in having a baby, i strongly believe our wish will be granted cos all of us are nice ladies here hehe
Hi gals,

Yup, hope we will be soon go on board.

We are trying to kill two birds with stone. a heavy stone somemore. ie trying to avoid endo and having baby. What a major responsibility to ourselves.

How you doing sunbelle? any symptoms? what is the earliest symptoms of pregnancy we can find apart from testing with the clearblue. i know cramping could be one eventho many reason to it. what about fever? well it could be flu since fever now is pretty popular. my temp is going up and down, 36.76 to 37.21. could this be triphasic temperature or i m getting ill. LOL

what are your dpo now? Mind is 6/7 dpo.
Hi trustbaby,

i am super busi with work lately cos have to take over another collegue's new portfolios din have time to go internet for few days liao

yeah for me, i jus take it easy cos maybe too occupied by wrk liao tke it easy lor..trying to take tins step by step cos i know that initial period is not easy to implement ...

baby dust to all gals
Hi gals,
how you gals doing? i have recovered and a waiting game.
I am feeling that i wont be having positive result this month. Pretty sure about that.

Its a bit disappointing but i m hopeful still.

Hope all are doing better. Baby dust!
Hi gals,

I had my menses on sunday. Currently trying to eat healthily, waiting for my fertile days again.

Hi trustbaby,

Y do u say that u wont have a +ve result? Who knows u strike this month? : )
Hi twinstars,

I just know. Not this mth.

I will try again next mth. Hopefully all good again. i m scare coz after a few try i will need to advance to IUI or IVF soon. sob sob...hope i dont need to resort to expensive way...

i think the chances for me to strike toto higher than +ve result. lol
hi trustbaby,

Dont think too much for the time being. We will hold hands to walk the path together. Hopefully our efforts will be paid off soon.
hi gals,

I jz went thr the laparo surgery last mth 20th due to adenomyosis, oso have taken the GnRh injection that last for 3mths.

After the surgery i have sum bleeding and keep on spotting, i have been told by the nurses and doctor these r all normal cos i hv jz done the surgery and will stop after sum time.
But this 2days the bleeding increase and with sum cramps and pain jz like menses, I dun know whether all these r normal, can you gals share with mi yr experience. Thanks
hi shirley77,

If u r worried, perhaps u can check with your gynae again n let him know. For me, my case is different as endo was found during the ectopic removal. After the lap, everything is clear. I do not have any spotting or bleeding after the lap.

Take good care ok. Hope u recover fast.
Hi Twin stars

Thank for answering to my query, yes i already book for an appointment to c my gynae but must wait till next wk that why i check out with you gals as i quite worry abt this matter. My doc is the doctor frm KKH wanna c him must wait and wait cos he vry busy. So hope that frm here someone can help mi up to clear my query and worry.
hi shirley77,

Dont worry too much for the time being. You just continue to monitor on your own first. Hopefully you r ok by then.
Yeah i tink dun worrie so muchie first..

my menses is here and so painful last nite til i woke up.. yo, so tired from it and almost kenna arrowed by new mgr to go attend a bo liao function. rejected her to say got urgent tins to rush ..sianz....realli din feel like entertaining when u are having menses cos mood swing and oso dun wan to move muche due to the heavy flow ...

yo, i went for a full body massage the dae before my menses come. not too sure did the massage induce the menses to come. what do u gals tink huh? tot of goin for a massage to relax esp in the midst of stressful work.

i veri the sianz cos jus now at train was saying the middle mgt all one gang or rather one click. nuttin we do below can go thru them if they chose to reject ahhahaha tat is working life i guess

hope my menses end soon so that i can see chinese doc for some advices . i am goin kk this mth to see the doctor .feel like asking him lots of questions leh. like whether can take EPO, etc....

a lot of my hubby frens wife got pregannt. mi oso wish to but......

yeah wanted to go for slimming treatments but felt that is a waste of money and also scared later on the treatments are harmful to our body which is in preparation for baby. wat do u gals tink huh?
Hi sunbelle, your menses come so early..your no of day in a cycle must be 28 days. Mine is 30 days. I hvnt had my menses but a little wetness. Not menses based on the ovulation calculation shld be on 10th Aug.

Back to you on your question, message is good and i do believe it does stimulate the menses to come earlier. Not sure what is the logic behind.

Slimming, not so encouraging unless you are taking your time to conceive. If you really planning to conceive and at the same time to avoid endo coming back, best to conceive soonest possible. Exercise and dieting is encourage.

you can join slimming after birth...i will definately do that.
hi gals,

My first menses after the jab was also quite painful. The 2nd one was relatively ok. Heard from my fren tat massage is a no-no if u r trying to get pregnant. And, sunbelle, no EPO for conditions like ours.
HI Gals,

yeah i haf experienced sharp pain on my right side last week, now shift to left side. went to see normal GP whom gave me muscle relaxer. i wanted to jog but cannt and felt so frustrated at the tot of unable to exercise frustrating lor realli.

my frens are comig to my hse later to gather and chill out for national day and i have cooked green bean with sago for them. i tink i cannot take muchie cos they are too cooling i guess. yo, for me, i love to gather with frens. but i realli cannot understand the pain on my body. why so many parts like gt problems lor? been tinking of work and even when i sleep lor hahahah how can i get rid of the tots huh? mi realli workaholic. brough work in harddisk back but no mood to do lor hehe maybe start tomorrow. are u gals always tinking of work huh?

what questions do u tink i shld ask my gynae when i c him next week huh? is goin to be long wait i guess..
Hi Twinstar, thanks for encouragement. Yup Yup try again. Next mth i will be going oversea with my parents...may miss the ovulation time...sigh.

HI sunbelle, i dont think of the work when i come home unless i have unpleasant experience. My company is small but very political. Sometime i get slashed at just because someone was not in a good mood. I am not a confrontational type of person. So i just keep in my heart just

My hubby told me to relax and take it easy. My menses is very heavy and dark red...not sure why. Tired.

Hey Happy National Day..and enjoy the singapore idol too!
Happy National Day everyone.

I am actually quite depressed now cos had a quarrel with hb. I am sooo fedup and told him we will be child-less.

Feel so helpless & miserable when you know you are aging and can't conceive! Sorry guys for listening to me grumbling on National Day. Shan't spoil anyone's day.....have fun celebrating Singapore's 44th bday.
Hi trustbaby is a good habit tat u dun tink of wrk the moment u come back hme. i tink i shld be praticising that. my hubby's frens are all now at my hse ..they are playing mahjong hehe veri small bets more for like entertaintment hehe

yo, happie national day gals

hi pipi,

dun quarrel with ur hubby , he probly oso stress with work or not in gd mood lor. heheh yeah anyway sometimes i feel that everytin is predestined so i leave it to fate after putting in all the efforts to do sometin like visting chinese medicine and also gynae lor hehe the rest is not up to us to control leh hehe

cheer up gals....hehhehe
Hi Pipi, hey dont get upset okay. It happens sometime when we feel helpless. Me too. The word childless ever cross my mind...I totally agree that it will be disappointing and frustrating. For all we know we hv been spending so much time trying to conceive and at the end back to square one. No matter what, be prepared to accept our fate. i agree with Sunbelle. I am always reminded by my mum and hubby that if i have means its time. There is no way we can rush this and i know it deep deep down in my heart.

Sometime you need someone to remind you and care for you and we are here to do just that.

My aunty was 52 and she conceived a baby girl. I didnt know how she did that. She married late and the amazing part is that she dare to try. Salute her! So hey, better late then nvr unless u give up. So cheer up okay. Kiss and make up with your hubby still need him..
thank you so much sunbelle and trustbaby.

i feel better already. i think it hit me yesterday when i tried to ask my gfs out and none of them is free and plus the quarrel...i just felt that i didnt have the avenue to release my frustrations.

quarrel is resolved yesterday and hb is out to work this morning, though it's a public holiday. I will be out shopping later...enjoy the Mon holi.
Hi Pipi, hahaha...i was feeling down and tired of the sight of my menses and i actually wanted to talk to my gfs too but none were available. one going out, one in the cinema, one cleaning house, one just busy with their own kids so i end up calling my mum...hahaha so pathetic but i felt good. I was suppose to go out and meet my MIL but i was not in the best mood to entertain.

It happens sometime in our life when we need someone there and no one was there and when we are okay, they are there and available....

Today i feel better too. i went out with my hubby and spent money. Just sharing...:p
Because of the frustration, i drank cold drinks and drank coffees. Suicidal for my body. i must be mad oledi...but it feel good that i m not sacrificing my enjoyment.
Hi gals, today i went to pick up the clomid again and also took some folid acid pills too. Try again...My plan is after trying for 3 times if not successfull i will need to see my doc to see what happen. Hope i dont reach!

I hope my prayers are answer.
Hi gals. how are your short week after the last long weekend break?

My menses are finally over. Surprisingly again, it is quick and short 4 days include the pre and the post spottings. I am sure that i m right but i believe after the laproscopy my menses is shortened and not so lengthy as before. I hope it is a good sign to my body. Maybe the endo is not really around yet...

I have joined two marathon this is the 5 km great eastern run and one is the 10km std chartered 10km. These days whatever i do i make sure the heavy activities are btw my menses and preconception period...hehe

Do you think our thread here shld change its name to "TTC after endo lap"...just a thot!

Baby dust to all!
Hi Trustbaby,
may I know the jabs you refer to earlier in the threads is Lucerin jabs? What is the side effects you experience after the jab?

I'm having adenomyosis and an enlarged uterus...and dr propose for the jabs. Pls advise.
hi all,
I am down with flu, cough, sore throat, achy body and fever (on and off) since last week. However doc said it is not H1N1, just the common flu bug. Funny thing is I finished the antibotics and hasn't recovered yet. My weekends is spent resting at home now....Don't ever get flu bug now, it seems harder to recover this round. Stupid virus!!!
Hi Chewy, the thing with me is i didnt ask abt the jab type? i know it was meant to prevent myself from menses... and in turn to prevent the endo from coming back. i have no side effect except no menses but only for two mths..i took the only two jabs. Others are three. I asked why and the nurse told me i wasnt so serious...i thot my uterus got inverted must be serious. Surprisingly not! :p

Take care Pipi... the new strain of flu virus now are mutating. scary..
Hi twinstars, you may want to consider clomid. Help to ovulate better if it works on you.

Ask you doc and see if he recommends it. No harm trying.
hi Trustbaby,

I think my body system has not recovered fully after the jab. How do u find clomid? At the moment I am not seeing any gynae and do not wish to go back to the previous one. Getting pregnant is really not an easy task
Hi Twinstar, i take 5 tablets each day from the 2nd day period onwards, this round i took it later ie on the 4th day due to holiday...i do find wetness after nowadays. Slight but i dont believe it is ovulating. Too early.
If you tell your doc that you are not ovulating, i m sure the doc will fix it. As for me i didnt complain of ovulation prob and the doc still prescribe for me. Maybe to increase the chances.

Not an easy task. you can say that again.
hi Trustbaby,

Thanks for the advice. Just a thot whether the jab will cause the body system to be in 'sleeping mode' If next mth, Im still having the same symptoms, I will go n c gynae.
hi gals

can i check with u gals after yr GnRH injection u gals totally free frm spotting and menses???

i taken the Lucrin injection which can last for 3mths the next day after my surgery. Now already 1mth pass i still having spotting and sumtime jz like menses come like tat. I have check all this frm my doctor he say its normal, but after i check out frm sum web site found out tat GnRH will stop yr menses, but hw come my does not stop........
Do any of u gals have the same problem like mi, pls share thanks.
hi shirely77,

Mine was one injection per mth. I had menses and spotting throughout the 3 injections too. It was only the 5th month and 6th month tat i had no menses.
hi twin stars,

oh tat means its really normal, finally i can rest my mind. Cos when read out sum information frm the web its says GnRH will stop menses and it make mi so confused.

Do u exp any cramps or pain throughout the 1st few mth b4 u stop the menses.

Recently i keep feeling cramps although the cramps and pain is bearable but vry unconfortable. sigh...........
hi shirley77,

Did your gynae recommend you to take the Gnrh? I kind of regretted taking the jab cos when my menses returned, I do not have the discharge during my mid cycle. I suspect Im not ovulating at all. Also, one of the side effects of Gnrh is frequent hot flashes.

I rem when I had my first menses after the operation, the cramps were very painful. I suppposed that was becos the internal wound has yet to recover. And when i had the first injection, my menses still came, but the cramps were not as painful as b4.

So u dont worry too much first, as i believe the uncomfortable cramps was becos u just had a lap. It wont be as painful in your next.
hey everyone,
are any of you going to see TCM after your gnrh? btw, anyone has a discharge summary from your gynae after the lap? I am trying to upgrade my insurance and realised that I had to get a discharge summary from my gynae. I guess I got to go and pay him a visit again....
Hi Pipi, no i m not seeing TCM. Not sure what is discharge summary...? do u mean the report after lap detailing the result.

Hi twinstar, did u visit your gynae? hope you are okay.

Baby dust to all!
Hi gals,

Me not seeing any Tcm nor gynae at the moment. Im adopting a wait n see approach now. Thanks Trustbaby for concern. How r u?
Hi twinstar... i m the same wait and see.

Hope all are good and progressing. I need to someone to give me good news...booster for us

yo gals,

tink my endo came back liao so fast onli two months hve menses and yet is back. todae i went to seek another gynae opinion as dr loh st away asked me to go for IVF. mi and hubby not ready yet so decided to seek second opinion to visit the 2nd gynae.same as pipi as recommnded by fren.

pipi and twinstars : it was a super long wait abt 1.5 hrs lor. yeah jus wondering how are ur experience with him huh? he asked me to take few months of GNRH again. sianz cos it means no chance to get pregnant. yeah i reallli oso dun oe what to do now. sign....cos my endo is in stage three and quite severe lor...

how? i am confused now.
