Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

Hi sunbelle/ trustbaby,

At least u pple r working. Time passes by faster. I quit my job when i had ectopic, now looking for jobs again. I didnt know coffee can cause endo. Can check with ur gynaes whether can take folic? I wont be going back in the meanwhile so cannot asks for u. I used to sleep on my right, then after ectopic happens at my right also. Im getting the phobia, though it may not have any connections.
The dream of conceiving seems very faraway for me...

Hi Apple Blossoms,

Welcome to this thread. : ) Dont feel overwhelmed as we are all here to share our experiences.
I didnt know i have endo until i undergo laparoscopy to remove my ectopic. My gynae told me he will take the chance to see if there is anything wrong during the scope. Then he saw endo at the back of my womb so he removed. If one had endo, normally one will experience cramps/ bloatedness/ diarrhea b4 a period. I understand most pple will have such symptoms also. This is what i always experience.

Normally gynae will ask you to try first b4 doing any tests. U can ask ur hubby to go for semen analysis(SA) if u want. What else did your gynae say?
Hi twin stars, when r u fit to try again?
I am sorry that you had ectopic pg..mind if i ask. Does the pregnancy feels like normal pregnancy..or there is/are symptom/s to it.

Hi Apple, welcome. Normally if the endo is early stage, it is hard to detect unless they grow into cm. I had no pain whatsoever. So only when i had my pelvic scan and confirm that it was endo after laproscopy, i knew tt i had to remove it to increase the fertility.

No hard for you. Hope it is useful
Hi twin stars

My gynae just did a vag scan and told me that my womb and ovaries look fine. The appt was over in just 5 to 10 mins.

I do not usually experience cramps before a period but I would have mild diarrhea though.

I did ask my hubby about going for a check, but he was reluctant and kept saying that these things take time. I feel like I'm doing it alone.

Hi Trustbaby, thank you for sharing the website with me. May I ask, what does the pelvic scan consist of? What is a laproscopy? Did your gynae order the tests or did you have to ask him to do them?

I kept asking my gynae if there are more tests to be run but he says that from the vag scan I am fine and should not stress myself my worrying so much.

Thanks everyone for being so helpful
Feel better knowing that I can vent my fustration here.
Hi Trustbaby,

I guess i still need somemore time in order to try as Im still on the pills for the jab, havent finished as i forgot to take sometimes. Will wait for a full menstrual cycle first. Actually, im still having the phobia, will prob go tcm first but havent decide which one. I think u have provided quite a good website for endo. Thanks.

I didnt even i was pregnant in the first place as my 'menses' came at the same time as it would monthly. All along i thought i was having the normal menses n didnt suspect it to be an ectopic as i didnt know it's symptoms. It's only when i experienced quite painful cramps so i went to GP to get an mc. He asked me to take a urine test then found i was pg. That was already 10 days of 'menstruating' with increasing intensity of cramps. I called my gynae n he asked me to admit to hospital for complete bedrest. All i rem was the 'menstrual flow' was like what u have on the 2nd day of period, always heavy. The colour was prune in color. If i hadnt gone to the GP tat day, i wouldnt even know im pg.

Hi Apple,

Maybe u can suggest ur hubby to accompany u for gynae checks. At the same time, ask ur gynae to suggest to ur hubby whether he needs to take SA. I read from the forum a lot of men seems to have unhealthy sperm. It will be good to find out from the test, at least can do something abt it. Perhaps u can have a good talk with him to expresss ur concerns as child bearing does not rely on woman alone. Let him know that by going thru the SA test is not undermining their masculine. (not sure of the spelling)
Hi Trustbaby,
Thanks for sharing. I remember my doc mentioned tt one of my tube had to be removed to avoid ectopic pg. She said it is not worth saving as it was pretty swollen due to endo.

On the positive view is that you are able to get pg. So to me its good news. Just look forward to a real good try.

HI Apple, if you are worry best to get 2nd opinion. If two doc says u r ok means good chance that you are. I have a fren whom she claimed she had no problem at all after a few as mentioned by twin stars, your hubby could be the one require a check up too.

My pelvic scan is the transvaginal ultrasound scan.
Laproscopy is
i gave you some websites for easy reference. Hope they are useful. Good luck.
Hi trustbaby,

Thanks for your encouragement. All my sisters have no problem with conceiving. It is really a big blow to me when EP happen. According to my gynae, the only part tat has endo is at the back of my womb. Until now, i still do not know the reason for my EP & i dont think endo is a cause for my EP.

What's ur plan after the 3rd jab?
Hi Twin Star...there are ppl who suffers from Endo do get PG. There are some who causes infertility. In my case, is the latter one and it has gone the extra mile to attack my productive organ. So try not to leave the endo unattended as it can grow and spreads. If i dont get pregnant soon, i have to take the direct measure to curb. Maybe pills or jabs....

My next plan after the jabs, is that I will be trying in June. I was given the greenlight after the lap that i can try again. I was told that June is my best time and i will be given clomid to help out. i feel pressure but yet excited. There is a hope again after many years have passed.

A few mths of try will be given and if nothing happens, i believe i will proceed to IUI or IVF. Killing two birds with one stone ie to curb my endo and to have a baby of my own is worth the cost.

What is your plan after you recover from EP?
hi Trustbaby,

Thanks for sharing with me. My plan... hmmm.. i guess i will try tcm. I believe endo has occurred becos of my bad dietary habits. I enjoy snacking alot, therefore i believe toxins were accumulated in my liver n resulted in stagnant qi. Hopefully, tcm will help. I would like to try accupunture as well. It will be good if hubby can go together but too bad he isnt into the idea. Perhaps after i build up my body, only will i have the confidence to try again. : )
HI Twin stars, it seems you and me have our own plans...with one goal in mind...Baby baby !

I am not sure of my diet. i dont snack at all. i eat 3 meals a day and i guess i had it when i was young in my 20s and i believe it grows in me since. Maybe i will need lap every 5 yrs. Of course now i m very careful of what i consume...more health conscious nowadays! Let me know your new experience with dust to you!!!
Yeah baby dust to all of more jab to go...mi sweating profusely these days under aircon when i am sleeping too

do u huh?
Hi Sunbelle, today i had my 2nd jab..and thats all! i did sweat today but i was under the sun and i thot i felt the heat in me...could it be the jab?

I confirm that i only going to have 2 jabs in total.
Now my next step is to take the clomid in June cycle i guess.

Do you know i m happy to have found this website and share my experience and to get to hear others as well.!!! Fun and grateful.
hi sunbelle/ trustbaby,

Me too, I did sweat a lot also ever since on the jab. Most of the time, woke up in the middle of the nite sweating. Finally free from the jabs liao. Completed all 3. Trustbaby, how come u r so special? U only need to take 2? Agree with u that we r able to share with each other. Perhaps in the near future we can all meet up. keke...
Hi gals,
After the jab, i am feeling restless and agitated at times. Obviously the weather is hot during the weekend so maybe combination of both.

I am not sure why i only have 2. i probably check with my gynae again when i get to see her.

Meeting up is good idea...being anonymous is also fun. Maybe when we can close the "endometriosis" chapter for awhile (since it cannot be completely cure), when we conceive and to meet up or wait till we can show off our babies if we get there together. That will be meaningful and exciting, isnt it? Something to look forward...Jia yuo!
Congrats twinstars
you have completed ur whole course of jabs. mine is oso 3 jabs leh ..taking the 3rd one end of this april ...yeah now feeling so hot and flusteres due to the jab.been sweating under the aircon leh...bath a few times a hot leh....

so what are ur plans huh, twinstars?

trustbaby, ur suggestion is indeed good. hehe i tot maybe if all of us see tong chai tcm hor, we might bump into each other one of these days...

yeah i still feel stress can be a factor contributing to our condition. so i am oso telling myself to relax even though for the next three days got to work til 10pm ..yeah i haf gone thru numerous times liao ..may all tins flow well ehehe

taking leave this thursday to take a break
and oso to pray to ancestors chinese qing ming now...yeah there are so many tins in life which are so impt to us. i have glad that i learnt tis when i gone thru this surgery leh..realli ..i worked too hard for the past years and is indeed time to review my lifestyle going ahead is to have a balanced lifestyle and spend more time with family hehe hopefully the littie one will come along to add in to our family foto

long time din see pipi around liao hor..maybe she is busi heeh
hello sunbelle,
Thank you for missing me. Yep yep, I have been very busy at work lately too. But I dont have to work till 10pm like you. Your work very siong hor?
I am happy that all of you are finishing/ finished your jabs. I am still with my TCM Tan SL. I am keeping track of the no. of visits I go to her. The medication is getting more bitter now...and I seriously cant swallow it. I need to find out if I can add brown sugar into the medication.
Fri/Sat, I was down with slight fever, 37.2. wonder if it is due to the medication. Cos TCM Tan SL said the medication will get more and more heaty. Anyway I will report to her when I see her again next week.
Hope all of you are well, and once again baby dusts to all.
Hi Sunbelle,

I wont be trying TCM yet coz it didnt work for me in the past...
Will put faith in the western approach + my own "animal" instinct to achieve my goal..hehe
I am interested as well to hear your experiences. I know it is good to fine tune the body through TCM..perhap if there is any good diet list for us to follow on will be great!

Hi Pipi, hang on with the TCM medicine. my mum used to say the bitter the better..and it can work wonders.
hi sunbelle/ trustbaby,

I had mentioned in my earlier posts to trustbaby that i may consider tcm or accupunture in the near future. Hopefully hb can go together.

Ya, actually i wonder if it's the hot weather that is causing the sweat? But since u gals also sweating profusely, the jab could be a reason too.

hi Pipi,

long time nv heard from u, thot u had gone to other thread liao. Nice to see u again. : )
How many weeks r u on the chinese herbs?
Hi Pipi,

yeah onli for these few days onli and soon it will be over. taking leave on thursday to rest too and to pray to ancestors. last time will have to tong til rest day, now will tend to take leave to let my body rest.

Pipi, how frequent do you see Tan SL huh? how long do u need to wait to see her huh? still tinking to go which outlet to see her at tong chai or hougang. how long do we have to wait huh?how muchie? does she do acuputure huh?medicine brew or powder?

i agree that sometimes the medicine can be heaty so guess we have to feedback to the doctor.

Hi trustbaby, agree that good medicine always taste bitter.

hi twinstars, i tink is both the weather and the jab caused the sweating leh..mi tinking whether will the 3rd jab cause further sweating huh? i am jus wondering leh...
hello ladies,
This week is a very hot week. I can feel the heat even at home......gosh!!

Next week will be my 4th week TCM-ing. For TCM Tan SL, I asked her about acupuncture before but she said there is no need for acu cos this is a internal prob. Acu is for joint pain, etc. She will read/test your pulse for both hands and prescribe the medication.(she stress that we have to stop all medication/vitamins when taking her medication - for the well being of the baby, if you manage to conceive)

sunbelle, you only need to see TCM once per week. She will give you the medication for whole week.

Thank you for your encouragement on the bitter medication. Yep, will hang on. I also hope the best for you and hopefully we will hear good news from you soon.
btw, did anyone catch The Secret Of Human Life on Channel U at 12.30am every sun?

I only saw 15 mins last week cos Mon is a long day for me.... Maybe today I will "tong" to finish the programme.
Hi Pipi,

After the downpour, the heat is back again.
Thanks for the well wishes. Just hope that it will be easier and more relaxing road to TTC. Eventho in the back of my mind i may end up trying IVF.

Does anyone here can share the pre-conception remedy whether it is chinese or western. To allow the womb to be warm and ready to conceive?
Hi Pipi,

thanks for the information. how long do u need to wait for Tan SL huh? how muchie do u need to pay for a week's medicine huh? tong chai huh?

din manage to catch so late the show cos have to wake up earli to work so usually slept by 11.30pm liao hehe

Hi Trustbaby, agreed with u leh ..mi have a big fan blowing at me when in living room watching tv and using computer at the same time...

trustbaby, i am oso trying to find out wat we can eat at the moment to strengthen our body yet dun wan to trigger our endometrosis ...hmmhm wonder wat shall we eat hehe
HI sunbelle, one thing i know is try not to drink cold drinks. But i nvr listen coz nowadays the weather is unbearable.

I am trying to collect as much information as possible..gear up for a better and healthier body.

Do u exercise much?
Each week once (preferably with hubby) and the medication for the week is about $50. No Acup. Not expensive. Waiting time depends - from 15 mins to 1 hr.

TCM Tan SL said to avoid Hashima and Gui ling gao.(both hubby and wife) She also prescribe non hormonal medication for me cos she said hormonal medication will trigger endo. And during ovulation period and after ovulation - avoid pineapple.
HI Pipi, Oh no i just ate Gui Ling Gao. I thot good for detoxic and i was having a bit of sore thoat so good for "liang" mah. Maybe avoid these until i get PG
Pineapple is my fav but i dont eat it so often.

Thanks for the info. Good Stuff.
Hi all
I'm not sure if this is the correct thread to seek advice.
i did a scan and confirmed that there is a polyp/fiborid in my womb. (endometrial lesion, not sure what is this) actually there's another 2cm fiborid detected 3years ago but it did not grow.

The newly dected one is giving me trouble. i was having some bleeding (it has stopped though) and painful cramp during my menses days.

Is D&C the only option to remove?
Anyone of u gone thru' D&C? is it painful after the GA when u first get out of bed? is there any thing i need to take note of?

hope someone can advice
hi JKJT,
what is D&C? Maybe you just need to go for a lap. But better to confirm with gynae the available options.

Must avoid eating "liang" stuff....and gui ling gao causes endo to grow if I dont rem wrongly.

The medication TCM Tan SL gives me is getting more and more unbearable....I got to put a sweet in my mouth and drink the medication and suck the sweet cos its super bitter..... And this is only my 4th week. I hope I can last!!!

Oh TCM Tan SL says tt if I have fever during that period, I shd call her and not take panadol. She said it could be possible tt the egg is trying to settle in the womb so ...anyway I didn't know so I took a panadol & now my AF also come already. What to do, try again next time lor...
Hi Pipi,
thanks for the info on liang stuff..i like to drink does tt mean "melon" soup stuff is better to avoid?

I also drink water crest soup recently...i hope this is ok ?
Hi Sunbelle & twin_star,

I have experienced "LS" for past few it the side effect of the jab? Not serious. only mild.
Hi Pipi
the procedure is known as Hysteroscopy D&C
anyone of u here went thru'?
Is it painful when u get out of bed for the first time? For the 1st checkup after the surgery (abt a week time), how did the doc check you to ensure all are cleaned (adominal scan), can't be V-scan since the wound is there right?

hope to hear from you all. thanks in advance
very lost and scare...
hi trustbaby,

i always experience mild LS ard 2 days b4 my menses is coming. So cannt confirm if it is due to the jab also.


I had D&C to clear up when my gynae thought i was having a miscarriage when it turned out to be an Ectopic pregnancy. Not sure if my D&C is the same as what u called the Hysteroscopy D&C. My D&C lasted ard 1/2 hr only done under GA. When i woke up, i dont feel any pain except very mild soreness but only lasted for an hr then it's gone. I was discharged on the same day. But i do feel giddy when i took a cab home. Upon reaching home, I ate the med that gynae prescribed n went to sleep. I was normal the next day.

Not sure if gynae will be using v-scan cos mine did as I underwent laparoscopy to remove EP after 1 wk after D&C.

U shld talk to your gynae to clear any doubts that u may have. Only then u can make a decision.
Hi twin stars
thank you for your reply

It helps alot and i'm relief to hear that the process is "painless"

As for the after-op check up, you mean can have v-scan a week after D&C when the wound is still new? i guess i shld be able to say NO to v-scan if its less than a month after the surgery. i hope my gynae will not insist on that.

once again, thank you for your reply
TCM Tan ask me to eat less bittergourd and dong gua. And no "dun tang" or "liu wei tang" or me. She said stop all herbal tonic, vitamins, medication. Even fever, sick, got to call her for advise.

Sorry, cant help you much about D&C. But I guess twin_stars has cleared your doubts. Everyone of us here experience feel free to ask everyone.

Omg, the medication is getting super bitter. (Warning for those who are going to see TCM) And my medication is always changing weekly.
Hi pipi,

Thanks for the extra infor.

Interesting. I know bittergourd is bitter and liang. Dong gua is good for blood circulation i think and my frens said good for body but mayb not good for endo. i dont normally drink herbal so thank goodness. hehe

I am on the waiting period now...June seem so long...sigh.
Hi Pipi,

how long is ur consultation with TCM Tan each time huh? i guess she is trying to enable all forms of medicine to stop in a way so that her prescribed medicine can work.

does ur hubby needs to take the medicine oso huh? i am feeling so hot lately not sure due to weather or wat..jus went joggin yesterdae, left side pain again..maybe i cannot jog too muchie but dun like the feeling without exercise as i am realli a exercise person.

trustbaby, mi oso on the waiting period now. i guess jus take it that we are healing and i quite like the feeling of no menses hahahhaha ..maybe cos my menses pain is too great so i am enjoying the painless feeling now hhahahah

jkjt : dun worrie, everytin got its own soln how we view it...i strongly believe, tins will solve themselves
Hi pipi, i agree with sunbelle that for one treatment to be effective, one has to ensure no other medicines or herbs should be taken. Ensuring optimal result. 100% focus.

Western are different, it seems anything is edible. me tbe uncertainty of what to eat and what not to eat... my frens advice me to drink dates and tong guai chicken soup after period. On the other hand, i know it improves blood circulation and in turn to encourage endo. I try nowadays to eat moderately and not excession my fav food.

Sunbelle, after my first jab i had menses and now i see whether after the 2nd jab my menses will cease.. Btw, can we have intercourse during jabs. No menses means no pregnancy so quite safe to have. hope no side effects.

Since you have pain during menses, once pregnant can take a long break man and also after birth may consider treatment to solve the pain...can be unbearable i believe. My oolleague suffers the same and take one day leave each mth. To me i only have minor cramps.
Hi sunbelle, since yours in June? are you preparing yourself specially to be pg...any vitamins? or any herbal drinks? or any special diet? Since we are waiting..

i want to be my optimal or fertile when i can start to try again.
hi PiPi,

Im kind of feeling excited for u as u r the first among 4 of us to go for tcm trying to conceive. Hope to hear good news from u.

hi JKJT,

Gynae wanted me to do a v-scan is becos my HCG level did not decrease after D&C. Therefore, ectopic preg is suspected. In order to confirm the suspicion, a v-scan is needed. The D&C process is done under GA, so u need not fear that u will experience the pain. During that time, when i was told to do a D&C on the same day, i didnt have time to react as things just happened too fast. I was so scared that the nurses kept assuring me things will be fine. V-scan is more accurate to detect if fibriods or cysts r still present. If u r really uncomfortable to do v-scan during checkup, then ask ur gynae if can do a later date.

hi trustbaby,

According to my gynae, we can still have intercourse during the jabs. Even if pregnant also is fine, though on the jab decreases our chances of pregnancy. My menses did not come after my 2nd jab. However, after my 3rd jab, my menses came 2x. During my 4th month, my menses came 2 weeks after my 2nd menses in the 3rd mth. Hope im not confusing u. Hopefully, next mth my menses will be stablised then can go tcm.
Hi twinstar,
i understand perfectly well. thanks for the info..encouraging and comforting indeed.

Since i was told that i m only getting 2 jabs - (Decapeptyl Cr for iNk 3.75mg ) is it the same as yours?
hi trustbaby,

I forgot u just need 2 jabs... my jab seems different from yours. Mine is known as GNRH-Agonist. Not sure if we r having the same jab?
hi pipi,

thanks for ur information

trustbaby, doc say is okie to have sex but jus that the chance of conceiving is low cos we took the jab.

i am not taking any special diet jus to avoid caffeine and too heaty stuff. trust baby i understand how u feel. but i guess we have lots of chinese herbs which we cannot take at all leh

hi twinstars, after 3rd jab, will have menses huh? i am enjoying my mense free period now leh..realli good leh...we have to wait for menses to come before goin to TCM rite?

yup yup twinstars, my injection is the same as urs lehh :p last jab end of the month leh..
Hi twinstars,

i think the fomulation is the same. i copied my inj treatment from the does it state on your bill? Is it GnRH ? Just wondering?
hi trustbaby,

Yes, mine is GnRh-Agonist. Perhaps like what u mentioned, the fomulation is the same, except the manufacturer is different.

hi sunbelle,

Like u, i enjoyed my 2nd mth without any menses, felt so Shiok! However menses came 2 days b4 i took my 3rd jab. After taking the 3rd jab, my menses came twice. During my 4th month, my menses came 2 weeks after my 2nd menses in the 3rd mth. Hopefully, it will stabilise soon by next mth... Im currently taking aqua aerobics, if menses keep coming frequently, it's going to disrupt my lessons. Yes, u need to wait for a regular menses to come b4 u go tcm. Actually, me not sure if my regular menses has arrived after so many menses after my 3rd jab. Haha : ) So fast rite, we had/ or almost complete the jabs... really hope that all of us will become mothers in time to come. Cheers!
i am very excited too....hopefully can see results soon.

btw, i think you guys can see tcm when your menses report. Cos ovulation is after menses so the doc will give you medication to improve chances of conceiving.

I am excited mid Apr..where is June?! hahaha

I m planning to go holiday in June..hope it is good idea..
an idea to conceive...not so stress.
