Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.

hi, talking about diet. I took chicken poridge in hospital oledi. I thot then chicken & fish can eat. I ate pork too most time too. I heard my fren say only can eat female chicken. I didn't care. Nobody cook for me at home so just cook soft diet so long it doesn't encourage constipation.

I went to work on 8th & 9th day after op but but resume my mc after that. Lethargic feeling most of the time. By the way, our two weeks away does it count as medical leave or hospital leave? Any idea?

Vitamin E is good for man. They should eat more fish. Get lots of rest. I hope I made sense. Exercise is the best but I believe when you are healing good to let the organ recover from LASIK and from other operative method. I had 1.5 hr. Is it consider major? I had 4 areas if growth. 3 cyst licstion and fibroid too. What a mess! Thinking back is that I had them in me for so long.

Do you know I was not even thinking yes or no for taking jab. Pipi, what makes you decide to say no? I remember I just ovulated few days back and the mucus/lubrication feels healthier.maybe because after lap. Will I have mensus after the 1st jab? Wanna prepare myself mentally. I heard from my doc I m suppose to be on menupause. I hope she is right.

Same here, the mucus on my 1st ovulation after the lap looks much healthier and normal. I decided to say No to the jab first cos my mum heard from neighbours that I may be able to conceive after the op, as some of the neighbours ard her area also had/heard about it.

Did our Dr C gynae also intro your hubby for testicles scan? My god, so his method is very standard (like SOP). Step 1 this, Step 2, that, Step 3 this, blah blah blah...I just informed my hubby what I received from Dr C and DH needs time to think about it. So meanwhile I canit answer you if I am continuing, but will keep you updated.

The TCM - Tan Siew Lan is also working in Thong Chai (at Chin Swee/Bt Merah) She goes to the medical hall in hougang on certain days only. I have seen alot of good comments about her treating women but not sure about men.
Hi Twinsmummy,

my hubby likes to drink cold drinks so my parents always tot cold drinks bad for sperms. not sure whether got scientific proofs or not ..yeah anyway we just let everything be but i will let him know abt the coke.


so fast u went back to work on the 8th or 9th day. i remember i can hardly walk tat time when my pain in the holes are still pain. yeah now muchie better. all the leave are classified as hospitalisation leave. first time i am claiming this too..oso dun wan too muchie experience hahaha

i guess the jab will be more effective if taken straight away after the surgery as it helps to clear up the inside straight away. anyone knows whether does KKH do lunchtime injection huh? cos wanted to save time by goin down lunch time to jus inject and back to work....cos my mind is on my work...

yes have menses after 1st jab.

Hi Pipi,

did the dr tan give powder or brew medicine kind huh?
Hi sunbelle, if have mensus after first jab why then we have jab...i thot the jab is to stop mensus and put us on menopause to heal the left over endometriosis better....oh no...i feel i m going to hv my first mensus after op...breast sore and i know it is a monthly sign..will see.

I believe you can the KKH hospital nurse know that you need the jab during lunchtime and make the appt..for me i arranged it during Saturday for the coming one. The jab is done by the more flexible...but must make a quick appt..

To be honest, i wasnt feeling any pain on the holes..i wonder why. i only feel more sore on the inside than the outside...i didnt wear the elastic bandage over my tummy...when i told the nurse during my dressing, her eyes popped.She said i must used it but ops! too late...i hope no side effects.

i guess for me no turning back, i had to go ahead with the jab and just try to get pregnant after aim is in June...if not successful i will try until a few months....maybe next will be IUI. Has anyone consider IUI? The cheaper and faster way of getting pregnant apart from natural way. i cant bear to think of hubby will suggest that we live without kids...
IUI is not a 100% way to have kids. If your endo is severe type, then you can opt to do the jab (GnRH)

Mine is not severe endo so I decided to try naturally for 2 mths. If unsuccessful, then maybe I will take jabs. Meanwhile I will go see TCM to tiao my dh and my body. Hopefully I can be like twinsmummy, and stike naturally.

I think sunbelle had the jab where it is supposed to stop the menses but her menses came anyway. Well, each of us got diff body mah, so maybe she had the jab near to her period so she has menses? Anyway I am just guessing as I am unsure.
hi PiPi,

Yes, he also asked my hubby to go for testicles scan.. I was surprised when u said Dr C wanted to send ur hubby for the scan. The same procedure... im kind of losing faith.. I guess what happen is the kind of stressful lifestyle that is affecting our hubbies.

Told my hubby that we shld go tcm instead. I believe tcm is more effective in the long run.
while you are seeing TCM can you try to get pregnant? Will the TCM prescribe you medicine?

My fren suggested to see Eu Yan San to tiao the body. Does it make sense? i guess it is better to visit the specialist, right?

i am excited for you and wishing you the best.
hi trustbaby,

TCM will prescribe either herbs that u need to brew on your own. But if u go eu yan sang, they will give u in powder form which u can stir to drink.

I did visit eu yan sang b4 my ectopic & after. I stopped going becos taking the jabs cannt consume the chinese medicine according to the sinseh.

Thanks and all the best to u as well.
accordingly to my gynae, is normal to have 1st menses. after the 2nd jab, then no menses anymore ...

yo, trustbaby, the article is veri useful and realli i am a sin coffee drinker. one day at least 3 cups leh...oooops from the day i noe tat kopi is bad, i realli abstain from it..nowadays drink tea or chinese tea lor...

do you gals manage to claim 100% amount from ur insurance company huh? i jus got my bill but a bit funni on the items...there is no breakdown for the cost of the GnRH jab ..anyone know how muchie is the cost of one Gnrh jab from KKH?

meanwhile is there any chinese herbs we can take to "pu" our body or not huh? can we take the "yang mi jiu" huh?
Hi twin stars, ok in this i will wait till i finish the jab to be on the safe side.

I drink coffee every morning before the op...i was told no coffee, no seafood, no curry, no spicy stuff, no heavy lifting, no strenuous excercise (i hardly anyway) etc

Hey, i discover today that i am lubricating i having 2nd ovulation? is it normal? Does anyone has it after the op? so strange...

i heard that there is a type of wine that helps fertility... sometime like the mountain wine.i hope i m close. "san jiu".
hi sunbelle,

my menses came 3 days b4 i took the 3rd jab. I think it depends on individual bodies.

May i know what policy did u buy that can claim?
I think normal to have CM(cervical mucus) cos I had mine like for 1 week. The website you posted does help.

I just submitted my claims (thru company's insurance-inpatient hospital claim) today. Did you manage to claim back all the expenses, including the dressing change + medication at clinic/ follow up?

I will be visitng TCM Tan Siew Lan today with hubby. will update you guys once I see her. Is anyone else visitng Thong Chai to see TCM?
Hi Trustbaby,

i tink is normal to have the ovaluation cos i oso have leh after i taken the first jab.

wow where to buy this "san jiu" huh?


mine is prudential policy...havent approve yet now still dun noe whether the subsequent injections can claim or not...

so twin stars, you finished the 3rd jab liao huh? do u need to see the gynae huh?

hi pipi,

i am still pending the insurance claims but i cannot understand that there is a miscellaneous charge which cannot be reimbursed. when i checked out, the hospital say is admin charge ..but when my sis in law told me the item can be claimed. i guess is up to us to go and ask for it i guess.. to me i jus wan to know the truth...

how is ur visit to tan siew lan today? how long did u waited? how muchie huh?
Hi sunbelle, i claim through my company, its under NTUC. Quite good. i just submitted today..will see any result. it will take awhile to return. i also wonder whether the jap and dressing can claim cos the jab is the treatment after op..normally they allow 3 mths follow up claims. after that on your own...i m not sure other insurance. i didnt buy mind..but i got the bill deducted from medisave first..coz my bill in total ard S$10K...madly expensive. i was told 2.6K and later turn out 5K for hospi and 5K for doc fee. what to do.Pay first la.

i was having mucus and light mensus body is getting weirder and weirder. i guess just take it easy. i may just let the nurse know when i go for my 2nd jab..see what they say..

you guys are right. all bodies system are different.
Hello all,
My visit to TCM tan Siew Lan was ok. She explained alot of things to me. She said my dh's SA is not too bad.(even when the Dr C gynae said it is no good)

I think Dr C is quite famous cos TCM SL Tan said that he always ask ppl to go for scope. I also told her that I am in dilemma if I should get the GnRH jabs and she told me not to go for it. As for dh's testicles scan, she said we can go for it but don't go for op if dr suggest it. She said she will "tiao" both our body and asked me to stop all medication (including vitamins). She also said that TCM need at least 6 mths to see the effect.

I will continue and see her for 6 mths. To determine if she is good, let's see if I get pregnant before I start recommending you guys.
hi sunbelle,

thanks for sharing. I just had my 3rd jab 2 weeks ago. Gynae asked me to go back after 3 mths. I shld be going for tcm for the next few mths.

hi PiPi,

Im also thinking of visiting TCM SL Tan as her clinic is more convenient for me to go to. Actually Dr C also gave some medication to my dh after the testicles scan. He did suggest have medication first b4 op. However, my dh doesnt wish to continue with the treatment anymore. Will wait for next mth then i will ask dh to go tcm with me. Thanks for sharing.

Btw, how much did u spend at the tcm? Consultation & herbs? What type of chinese med did the tcm give u?
The consultation and herbs are not expensive. Total damage(dh and mine) about $42 for 2 packets. (which last for 1 week)

If you go and see her, pls bring the xrays of endo + dh's SA along so that she can see and explain.

If distance permits, you might want to visit TCM Tan Siew Bouy cos she is quite "big" (qualification & rank) in Thong Chai.
Hi Twin stars and Pipi,

mi oso planning to see TCM after my 3rd Jab. seemd like this Tan Siew Lan is quite good rite? cos i have seen marine parade one for more than a year but no effect to get pregant before i go for the surgery. who is Dr C huh?


do we have the xrays of endo huh? i tot we only have the pictures which the gynae took during the operation huh?

do u need to wait long for dr Tan huh?
Dr C is the fertility gynae both twin_stars & myself visit in Glene.

Btw, if you guys are staying around Chin Swee Rd, you should visit TCM Tan Siew Bouy from Thong Chai cos I she helped Mark Lee and wife conceive. There is a pic of her in their blog. (

I think the waiting time for TCM Tan SL is quite long.
hi PiPi,

Do u need to brew the herbs on your own? Btw, i do not have x-rays for endo, just some photos taken during lap. Thanks, i will bring the films or test results there.

How long is the waiting time? U went in the evening or afternoon.

Hi Sunbelle,

So u had been to the marine parade one? Actually i had been there once after i had taken 1 endo jab. He has asked me to go back after the 3rd jab. During then, he did not give me any prescription since im on the jab. So have u been to see him recently? During that 1 year, did the sinseh give any comments abt your health? If he is not effective, then I may not want to waste my transport trip.

Now im deciding betw this sinseh and the hougang one.
Hi Pipi,

Dr C issit Peter Chew Or Christopher Chen? i am curious to know.

I am staying in the east so thong chai is central so quite okie. hmmhmm how long is the waiting time for Tan SL ?

Hi Twinstars,

yes Twinstars, i have been there oso the other day when i saw that there is no queue when i happend to pass by. he did say dun go see him unless ur 3rd jab is finished. prior to my op, i am seeing him for a year before i decide to go for my op. i realli dun noe cos maybe he did not manage to cure my endo cos he was puzzled after one yr liao, the medicine still din work. i guess maybe i am not suitable to see him issit? he oso did not give me any prescription. i guess sometimes it all boils down to luck cos some sinseh has fate with some people ..i guess maybe i am not fated to get pregant thru him cos if it shld happen, it should happend liao.

where is the hougang sinseh huh?
I think Twinstars refers to the Hougang Sinseh as TCM Tan SL & the other sinseh as TCM Marine Parade. hahah...

If you want to know who Dr C is - just go to the forums to find out. If we post on the doc's forum - it means we are his patients. *winkx2*

I went to the Hougang one cos the Thong Chai one is not near for me as I am staying in the Northern side of Singapore.

Yes, waiting time is v long. Can fight with Dr C. Actually I don't know if TCM Tan SL has managed to help any couples conceive successfully within 1 yr.
Hi sunbelle,

like what PiPi has mentioned, i name Hougang Sinseh as TCM Tan SL & the other sinseh as TCM Marine Parade. : )

The address for TCM Tan SL:
Teck Chua Medical Hall
Blk 322 Hougang Ave 5 #01-84
Tel: 6281 0373

Every Tue and Thurs: 6-9pm
Every Sats: 2-5pm
Close for public holiday

Maybe u can call to confirm again if u r going.

I agree with the thing u mention abt fate with some pple. Im curious, was the marine parade sinseh able to detect ur endo b4 u told u of ur condition? Or he only knew after u told him when u gone for a lap?

Hopefully, all of us r able to conceive soon as we had been thru lap to remove endo. I believe with tcm, it shld further enhance the effect.

Hi PiPi,

Im deciding betw marine parade/ hougang /Thong Chai... As my dh has to travel occasionally, time n distance does matter to us. My dh is quite frustrated with the long wait at Dr C. But hougang seems to be more convenient for me as i stay in the northeast.

If u r comfortable with Tan SL, then u just continue with her for at least 6 mths. Who knows u will be pregnant within these 6 mths? Does she require u to take ur temp reading daily?

Next yr will be tiger, we had missed the Ox yr.
Hi twinstars and Pipi,

i know which Dr C you both are seeing alreadly. initally i oso wan to see him cos i saw his articles on infertility in mind ur body. jus that all the records are in KK.

Twinstars : thanks for ur contact on the TCM.

Nope leh the sinseh din detect ..i told him i hve this problem..after seeing one year, not muchie help in my condition but execept feel pu qi to my body.

oh yeah do we need to take temp when we see Tan SL huh? hehe i dun even have a thermometer at home hahahaa
i noe i should have one....

yo, gals, do u know which brand of knee support is good huh? i wanted to buy one for my weak left knee...wanted to start joggin bit by bit..cos i signed up for the passion run in may..need to train i guess...not too sure whether can run within 3 mths. issit true that within 3 mths cannot run huh?

is okie, in tiger year, we can register easily for our kids hahahah
Think you can look for knee guards in Guardian cos I found the ab wrap (to be wrapped after lap) too.

Yes, you will need to bring your bbt charting too. I think from the charts, she will be able to determine if you are ovulating.

Yeah - I also hope to have a TIGER baby...
hi sunbelle,

no problem, i found the address on the tcm thread. Maybe we shld also go for accuptunture for better results with tcm. Did the marine parade sinseh ask u to go for any accupunture b4?

Im also not sure if can run within 3 mths. Better to check with gynae. Im at my 4th mth now after my EP lap. I will be going for aqua aerobics class end of this mth. Hopefully it's not too streneous for me.

U can check from the staff at guardian which are the recommended brands. That time i didnt even buy the band after my lap cos i didnt know must wear. My gynae sold to me after 1 week when i went back for review. I think it's a waste of $ as i only use it for a day. It cost $70.
Did you guys catch CNA yesterday? It talks about surrogate mums in India. (the woman let patients use their wombs to conceive but sperms of your own dh) Wow!! And these surrogate mums are paid abt US$4-5K. Anyway I hope none of us need to go through that.

I think you got "ker tod" already cos I bought from Guardian, only $30+ for the ab wrap.

I think sunbelle is trying to say that ue to economic crisis, low birth rates so if you have baby Tiger, easier to register for P1. I think many ppl dont like to have tiger baby but I ok.
Yes Pipi is rite, tiger year will have lesser babies cos most people dun like tiger babies...hehe mi dun mind at all cos to me, all babies born in whatever years are the same

twinstars, he din mention abt acuputure before...i din even noe got to wear this wrap one told me abt it i din buy at all.. i am lookng out for a knee cap one instead....

Pipi, din managed to catch CNA repeat huh?

this ab wrap issit the same as thos mums whom had cesarean op durin delivery huh?: )

do u gals still expericence "swan" feelings huh? when u are in high tide, do ur holes have the "swan feeling"? cos this phenmomen tend to prevails and an auntie whom had this lap shared this feeling too.....
Maybe for us the option of choosing which year to conceive is not our priority. just as long as we get pregnant we get two good news.. ie reduce or heal endo and have a baby!

HI sunbelle, after the lap and only later i had swan feeling when urination. Now i dont have after drinking lots of water. Thanks to mummytwin advised. i stop drinking the dates water and started to eat more of the normal diet except seafood. Still trying hard not to eat. The wrap i only used once but nvr continue. its for the pain control. If you are now better i think no need to worry. safe money.

How long should i wait until i can eat them ah. i miss the crab and the prawn mee so much!
Hi PiPi/ Sunbelle,

As usual, nothing is cheap at the clinic... I didnt want to buy, but the gynae just stuff it to the nurse... Actually, i dont find the wrap useful at all after my lap. The wrap can also be used after a cesarean op too.

Hi Trustbaby,

It will be good to abstain seafood for ard 3 mths.
I only resumed having seafood after 1 mth. But some older folks say it must be after 49 days.

Agree that nothing is cheap, as long as associated with Dr C. (all those scans and test, he also up the price by $20) heeheeh. I find the wrap useful cos after the lap, I was hunching forward all the time...and with the wrap, I can stand upright. Guess, it is also useful if you need to climb the stairs daily too...

Are you ladies visiting TCM already?

Sorry I am unsure if there is a repeat telecast. But I want to share with you ladies a program which I watched last night at abt 12am - 1am Ch U. It is in Korean but dubbed in Chinese. It talks about Male and Female fertility. Apparantly in 2002/03, there was a study done and the fertility rate dropped from 10 yrs ago. Interestingly, it showed guy's sperm thru micropscope and you can see those sperms which are unhealthy/dead/headless/neckless or bodiless comapred to healthy ones which moves like live tadpoles...For the guy, they must try to keep their balls cool. The clip showed that some guys go for op, cos the passage/tube is clogged due to 'heat'.

For women, we also have our own sets of problems as we age. Eg: Endo, Inverted uterus etc. Sorry if my explaination not so good cos they were using alot of chinese terms which I don't quite understand. In the documentary, it talks about many women trying to earn more money, delaying marriage thinking it shouldn't be diff to conceive but in the end, found out they have such problems.

More interestingly, in a sperm research lab in France, it did notice a trend in sperms produced in 1970s vs 2002/03, sperm count has dropped. Best to avoid smoking, drinking, tight clothing for guys, & try to keep the balls cool.
I found the TV programme name on Ch. U website:

This programme is on Sunday, very educational for people like us. Hope you guys find it useful.

12:00 AM Info/Education ׊Ѷ?ڄ? ɺ???ˀ?ă؃ܲ The Secret Of Human Life ( ׊Ѷ?ڄ?Info/Education )

բ???????Ē?ѧ?ǂ?Ƭ, ի?Ԋ?ςȋÇ׮?ؗ??Ľ???Ί̢, ϲ???ڄ??ĵ犓?ۖڣ? ͆???ӐֺӚ̡?ߋ?{????ӫВ??ָʽ}?ā??É?ʽ.

Produced by Korean television KBS, this medical documentary series seeks to advise its viewers on how to enhance their "health & happiness indices" through adopting a wholesome lifestyle.
hi PiPi,

Thanks for sharing the info abt the infertility. Havent not been to TCM yet. Probably in May/June. The effects of the jab shld be still in my body. My DH is also super busy wif work. So maybe arrange to go in May/June. Havent decide who to go for tcm also.
I just visited TCM Tan SL today and there was lady (seems to be in 40s) carrying an infant to see TCM Tan SL. When I went in to see her and asked her multiple questions, she told me the lady earlier with the infant is her patient and only went to see her when she is 38yrs old. She managed to conceive after 1 yr. You may want to go Thong Chai and try to see TCM Tan SL or Tan SB again. Baby dusts to you.
Hi Pipi, sounds good. TCM Tan SL is at the Chin Swee Road? Do we need to wait long? Can we go on weekend? its hard for me when i m at work.

i will need to got for my 2nd jab on 2 april. Like twin star may need to go in May or June when the effect of the jab wears off.
Thsnks for sharing.
Hi ladies,

i jus took my 2nd jab hot and hot flushes at my body leh hot til i even sweat in air con enviroment leh hehe
yeah so hot? do u feel the effect huh?

my last jab is 24th april. gals, when shld i go to TCM huh? i dun noe leh..mus we wait for menses to come huh?

which one is more popular huh? Tan SL or Tan SB?
hi sunbelle,

I do feel the hot flush occasionally. When i woke up in the middle of the nite, my blouse is wet with sweat.

You shld wait for 1 regular menses to come after your last jab b4 u go tcm.
The wait is long. I think you can check the website to find out if they operate on weekend.

Agree with twin stars.

Anyway I am monitoring my bbt chart now and it seems like its a BFN cos the temp is starting to go down. Hahahaha
hi twin_stars,
BFN is a terminology used when you are not pregnant (like after testing the pregnancy kit). I didn't buy the pregnancy kit to test lah, but I got feeling I will not get pregnant cos my temperature is low, after ovulation.

Are you guys watching the secret of Human Life today? I think I may not be able to catch it and was hoping someone can summarise. *lol*
HI, this month mensus is different from other months whereby i have been spotting for many days. i hope it is due to the 1st jab i had taken.

Twin star and sunbelle, do you have such problem? By the way, do ppl get pregnant during the jab? what if they do? any concern?

Pipi, be positive. Baby dust to you! i can only try in June...
HI Twinstars,

thanks for the advice and sharing

dun noe why when i slept on my left side at nite, the left ovary side still pain. maybe still havent recover from the extraction of the 2 cysts....hmmhmm mi alreadly start a bit of exercise liao....


mi oso dun noe abt BFN leh hehe


i had a painful menses heavy flow so mine is not a spotting kind leh...i oso ask gynae...he said unlikely to be pregant leh...anyway i did not try much oso since i am recovering..maybe even if do might be waste of effort leh ahhaah

i oso can only try in June. hope to have markmanship hehe
one shot hit target.... hhehe

any chinese tonic u gals taking huh?
that will not affect our Jab huh?
Hi sunbelle, i dont even try yet. worry if i do get pregnant..not sure yet what is the effect if jackpot while on jab.

Anyway, June seems so far away...
hi trustbaby,

i rem i have lots of spotting after my 1st & 3rd jab, no menses after my 2nd. I checked with my gynae, it's normal. I did ask whether we can still become pregnant during the jab. He said the chance is low, even if pregnant, also not a concern.


I rem after my operation, i dont really dare to sleep sideways. U so fast, turn left & right liao? : O

Only recently, i started to sleep on my right. The feeling is weird, like some slight pain after 4mths liao. Then i juz lie on my back again. Me only drink the fish essence, nothing else for chinese medicine.

Hey ladies, still having the phobia abt trying... worried abt ectopic...
hi trustbaby,

june is approaching veri fast, i have been wrking so many days after my op liao ..every day passes so fast..sometimes i do wonder what is the purpose of work leh haha


mi likes sleeping on my sides one leh..jialat felt sharp pain on my left side leh ..issit swollen huh? i cannot see from outside leh....

dun worrie twin stars, we jus focus on the postive..

can we take folic acid when we are on this jab huh? issit wasting the folic acid huh?
Twinstars, Hmm, i dont feel pain now at all... firstly i was quite naive about my condition after op..quite reckless of me when i resume work during MC. So in a way, it helps me to recover fast. Long term side effect, no sure yet what will happen. I slowly try to eat seafood...a bit of Prawn hokkien mee yesterday and slowly trying to eat normal. But i do not drink coffee so far..afraid of endos again.

Sunbelle, i also want to know whether i need to take folic acid upfront while we are getting jab...

i agree time flies i work and work and stress sometime and still work..hopefully once i conceive..i look forward to enjoy the 16 weeks break. hehe

Hi Ladies

I'm new to the forum. I've been ttc-ing for close to a year unsuccessfully. I suspect that I might have endometriosis and/or cysts as I have heard from a friend who also had difficulty despite trying for nearly two years till she had an operation to remove her fibroids.

May I know what are the symptoms that you had / experienced? What is the procedure to remove endo/fibriods? I went to a gynae for a check but he kept telling me I'm physically fine and might be too stressed.
Maybe I should get my DH to get a checkup done too?

Trustbaby, I saw that you mentioned about not drinking coffee. Does it lead to endo?

sorry if I am asking too many questions.
I just feel very overwhelmed with no one to talk to as most of my friends have kids / are expecting and didn't seem to have much problems.
