Support Group - Endometriosis and Fibroids.


Can you give me more info on the hougang sinseh? What's her name and add? Can you also share whether she is good? if not comfortable posting here, can pm me. Thanks


Stream TCM Centre
Dr Velonka Toh Xue Mei
170 Upp Bt Timah Rd #01-02
Bt Timah Shopping Ctr
S588179 (beside OCBC bank)
Tel: 6463 7476
HP: 9772 7633

She dun entertain walk in... so hv to call her n make appt. She might sound quite unfriendly on the phone but she's actually ok aft u talk to her. She wil scold u if u dun follow her instructions! She dun giv face one.. haha

I'll talk to u again when I'm back... : )
Thank u so much Hazeline!

Hougang Sinseh:

Teck Chua Medical Hall
Dr Tan Siew Lan
Blk 322 Hougang Ave 5 #01-84
Tel: 6281 0373

Every Tue and Thurs: 6-9pm
Every Sats: 2-5pm
Close for public holiday

The sinseh only at the medical at the mentioned timing and day of the week. Most of the time, the lady boss of the medical hall will pick up the call and she will be the one helping sinseh to pack the "yao cai".

Heee hee...I have only started to see Dr Tan this Tues. Based on my 1st visit, she is friendly and patient in answering ques. Got motherly feel la.....She has asked me to take her herb for at least 3 months to see effect. So I have to be patient now and be guai guai to take the herbal brew.
Hi Pukuping

Yes, I understand Menopausse version is the lst book. Premenopause version is more suitable to ladies from 30 to 50. I compared two when I was buying the book. I realised the 2nd book is more suitable to us.

Vegetable without pesticide is sweet and tasty. It is always polish finish first for my family.

This from a TCM's view
The liver is our body's most important organ after the heart, performing many important functions including metabolism, detoxification, and formation of important compounds including blood clotting factors. It also filters, regulates, and stores blood. Stress, poor diet, and over-medication are common problems in our "civilized" lifestyle. These may lead to stress and functional damage to the liver. As a result, "sluggish" liver has become a common ailment. It may affect memory, sleep, thyroid, body weight, and other body functions.

Both estrogen and androgen stimulate cell division. Elevated levels of these hormones may lead to abnormal cell growth such as women's uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, breast cysts, and breast cancer or men’s prostate enlargement and prostate cancer. Since the liver is the principal organ which removes these hormones, its failure to remove them efficiently often leads to their accumulation in the body and is a major cause of the above diseases.

It is a known fact in TCM that liver problems are the source of many ailments. However, hormonal imbalances are still little understood in Chinese medicine. As a result, most women’s problems are treated for blood and energy stagnation. "Blood moving" herbs such as Don Quai, licorice, and ginseng are frequently used for reducing stagnation and stimulating circulation without realizing their effect on estrogen levels. These herbs may initially help improve circulation, but the elevated estrogen levels can eventually make the problem worse.

Drink warm water before breakfast in the morning is mainly to stimulate intestinal movement and activate the kidneys. Exercise stimulates blood circulation and reduces estrogen production. It also activates the liver.
Tan Siew Lan is also at Tong Chai rite? If I'm not wrong..

I used to go to Tong Chai too.. but I saw Tan Siew Mei.. not her.

TCM takes a while to c effect.. that's why the 3 mths. Hv to be patient lor...

That's another dose of heavy information to digest! But thx for sharing... : )
Wow Hirami,how did you come across so many information esp on the TCM aspect too!

I agree that liver is a vital organ that linked up to other parts of the organs too.If liver dun function properly, the "burden" will be pass on to the next-organ-inline to remove the toxins and sooner may oso overworked too. Must take care of liver too.

It's time for me to exercise and sleep/wake up on time.
I'm not sure abt oats... u'll hv to check though.

But I was told to eat wholemeal instead of white bread. Brown rice instead of white rice...
Chanced upon this thread.

Just wondering how to confirm if one has endo. After my second boy who is 14 months now, my period is super heavy on the second day and lasts shorter. Probably 4 days and all clears. I also have mild pain on the second day. Sometimes on the second day the pain can be so bad but after clearing the bowel, it goes away like magic. Are these symptoms of endo?

HAPPYSUNFLOWER: Just concerned when I read about the water in UK as I will be relocating there soon. If there is hormone in the water, should we take only bottled drinking water then? Any advice?

Thanks ladies.
U sound like u hv IBS instead, dear... u ned a proper scan to know if u hv endo. Maybe u shd check with ur gynae.

I wish I hv 4 day long menses! haha Did u jus regain ur menses recently? Cos u mentioned ur boy is just 14mths... if so, maybe it takes a while for it to adjust back to norm.

I dun thk u hv endo.. ppl with endo hv a hard time getting pregnant. And u said u hv ur 2nd child already.. Jus my views though, stil better to get a proper check if u're worried. : )

Thanks for your advice. What's IBS?

My menses came back when my bb was 4 months old cos i was fully bfing him. I thot 14 months is long enuf for the menses to be back to normal. Maybe age is catching up....

I dread goin to the gynae for checks really. Very scary.

Thanks again!
I'm jus guessing.. since u said aft ur poo, like magic ok liao! So maybe it's jus ur bowels.

Stil thk it's best u check with ur gynae. Then u wun worry so much n keep on guessing. : )

Hv u done ur PAPsmear aft ur giv birth? Else might be a good time to do it.. plus usually wil hv a scan to check, rite? Then u can c if everything is ok lor.

Shdn't be any big issue lah.. dun worry. : )
Hi pukuping

My friend's friend is studying TCM at the moment and she let me read so I thought it is good to share.

Yes we need to exercise, balanced diet and also our emotion also play a part..
Anyone here has any idea, if one's egg quality is bad, anything to eat to improve it?

Or.. it's like no hope liao? Cos u're born with the no. of eggs u hv in ur lifetime... but I'm not sure abt the quality though.. can we do something to make it better? I know quantity is fix liao.
I've multiply fibroids and needs to got for op to remove it next Sat which is 5mth plus after the birth of my son. I'm currently still express my milk for my son and am worried that my milk supply will drop after the operation as I read from somewhere that it takes 10 days for milk supply to return after op. Need advice from those which had op while breastfeeding. Thanks a lot.
hi gals...

i am just diagnosed with having 2 blood cyst on both my ovaries and endometriosis at the uterus..
doc advise to remove it. but am trying to seek for 2nd opinion from another gynae before deciding.

anyone has done ops to remove the cyst and any gynae to recommend that is good for such surgery? thanks!

[email protected]
Hi Summer Reef.

I was diagnosed with blood cyst and endo too 3 yrs ago...sadly the diagnosed came only after I have a mis-abortion. (Foetus didnt grow after 6 weeks old) . I had a surgery to remove the cyst and 5 mths of Injection to reduce the endo... My then gynae was Maurine Tsakok. She is very expensive but I am glad I went through all that. I am already a mother of one now and currently 33 weeks pregnant with the second one. The point is if you planned to have baby, better have it check and problem resolved before planning for one.. otherwise it is mentally and physically distressing..
Hi Jol,

Thanks for sharing and your advice. I have already confirmed my gynae and will be doing laparotomy next month. Did u get your cysts removed thru keyhole surgery or laparotomy (cut)? the gynae advised me not to go for the keyhole as the other one will be more accruate in preserving the child bearing ovary cells. hopefully all goes fine.

its nice and encouraging to hear that u are already a mum of one and expecting a 2nd one. congrats!
Hi Ladies,

Just want to share my painful experience with my 1st baby, which turned out to be ectopic.

My hubby & I got marrried in November 2007 and had been trying for baby since then. However, due to work stress, I had got Shingles around end January 2008. On the 1st day of CNY this year, I saw stains on my panty, so I thought my menses had starting, which meant our baby making failed again.

However, the bleeding went on for 2 weeks, which slight pain is accompanied. I got worried & went to see my prevous gynae, who cleared my endometriosis in Dec 2005.

She spotted a cyst inside & only gave me some medications to shrink the cyst. I asked her about the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, because I experienced the same signs as another colleague who had ectopic too. This gynae didn't do any check on me and just answered me it was impossible. Actually, I did a check in December 2007 with this gynae and I was perfectly allright. I couldn't believe a cyst could grow to a size of 4 to 5cm in 2 months time. I started to suspect whether she did a good job when checking on me in December 2007.

My colleague insisted that I seeked another opinion & recommended me to her gynae, Dr Peter Chew. He's a very careful man. He said any treatment could only be decided after I'm confirmed to be not pregnant. Therefore, he did multiple tests on me, such as Beta HCG & urine test.

To my surprise, Beta HCG showed that I'm pregnant. But ultrasound scan couldn't see anything. Dr Chew said he's worried that it may be ectopic, but asked me to rest & be bed-ridden for 3 days.

The 2nd Beta HCG gave us the bad news that it's more likely to be ectopic.

Dr Chew insisted that I admit into the hospital immediately for the operation. I was so disappointed when I heard the news of I couldn't keep my baby. I broke down in my hubby's arms.

27th February 2008, a date that I will never forget. It was one of the longest day that I went through. After the operation, Dr Chew confirmed it was an ectopic pregnancy & it was in my right tube and a 5cm emdometroic cyst. I was already having internal bleeding, which means I was lucky that I went to Dr Chew for 2nd opinion. If not, I might have died or have other complications, due to the overlook of my previous gynae.

Till today, I still cannot come to terms that my baby is gone, especially when I know endometrosis is one of the cause for ectopic pregnancy. I keep feeling like I'm the one who killed my own baby. I feel guilty & lousy.
Hi Nic,

How r u now? I had the same experience as u- ectopic pregnancy. Dont be too hard on yourself, u dont want that to happen too. My gynae was also Peter Chew. He did the same procedure on me as well. Just had it done in Nov 08. I suffered from endo also discovered during the surgery. I just took a jab to control my endo condition.
hihi all,
I just want to let the ladies in this forum know that endo found in women is very common. My gynae is Dr Chew, and I was confirmed with endo last week and did my op this week. Upon returning to my gynae's clinic, I saw a few woman like me in his clinic and when I asked Dr Chew, he said this is a very common prob found in woman who can't conceive.

Don't worry, I am resting at home after the op on Tues.
hi babes
Yes agreed with pipi , i had endo 3 yrs ago , went for key hole surgery and aft that pregant with twins and BF for 14 months and now i realised my cyst is back again , i have spotting 2 days b4 my menses and slight pain on my left so went to check , my gynae said maybe its just functional cyst but hv to check after my menses clear ,but i hv a gut feeling its cyst again and i am not too worry cos its very common . My mum and sis had it too and removed it .Beside cyst i also hv 3 fibroids and with me for 5 yrs alr but for fibroids as long it din not grow its ok to leave them alone , dun disturb them .

I realised alot of ladies here knew they hv endo but din remove it and TTC , but i personally feel that cyst shld be remove b4 having bb cos according to my gynae there MAY be compliation , of course i am not saying that its 100% will hv complcation la but there are high chances so i dun see why some ladies dun wanna removed them first , dun put ur life and ur bb life at risk , just my 2 cent
Hi Pipi and mummy,

i totally agreed with you. i am oso an endo sufferer goin for the key hole surgery this mon morning ..a bit scared cos dun noe hw is it..but i have total faith and trust in my top gynae in KKH, Dr Loh.

for the sake of having babies, i will definitely be brave to go thru it.

any tips to make the whole process better?
hi sunbelle
I been through it 3 yrs ago and i think i got it again , need to cfm aft my menses .

keyhole surgery is consider as a minor surgery although they put u in GA , i rmb the nurses at SGH asked me to do surgery first b4 other patients cos "oh urs is very minor one , will nt need any blood to standby so u go first lor" . The whole thing took less than one hr and 2 hrs later i was discharged cos i was able to pass urine but i advise u to stay for one nite , i went home cos my ger very attach to me she needs me to sleep with her so no choice . I feel ok after the surgery just a little discomfort and i drank some ginger tea . I was walking quite steadily the next day , so u dun need to worry ok . The wound is very very small that y they called it keyhole surgery , they din even asked me to go back to change the dressing i went to a GP and they just change new one dun need to "wash "the wound , and aft 3 yrs i can't really see any scar , my gynae told me can wear bikini . ahaha

All the best to u .
Thanks mummy for your great support and sharing of experience.

going to bed soon cos got to wake up at 5 plus..needs to report to KKH at
7am in the morning ...yeah it will be a successful one

thanks for your concern.
Dear all
I was diagnoise with a fibroid 3 years ago, till now still dun dare to go for another checkup

i have been having cramp-like pain on my tummy area especially when my menses is here... my tummy also very bloated even on non-menses days. The pain is getting serious as months go by.

Not sure if its due to the fibroid coz my menses has bcome very heavy. I want to go back to my gynae for a check up but im scared.
can someone advice the checkup procedure and the treatment procedue? After effect is it painful? I'm a working mum with 2 young children
hi jkjt

I think you shld go for check up asap , if there is really anything like fibriod or cyst its always better to have it treated early. heavy menses may due to fibroid or cysts and it is very common among women , many of us had experienced it so dun need to worry . Just my family alone , my mum had cyst (removed), my sis fibriod (removed also)and me cyst plus 3 fibroid . i removed my cyst 3 yrs ago and i feel ok abt it and now i think is back again , my gynae found one 1.5cm cyst on my left but can only cfm when i am having menses cos may be functional cyst , i am not worry at all , just remove it cos it is still small . As for fibroid , accoring to my gynae if its not getting bigger or giving trouble (like mine)we just leave it , but for ur case i really think u shld see a doc maybe evrrything is ok lei ? Dun worry .

Oh ya the checkup procedure is very simple they just do ultra sound for u to determine ,like when u pregnant u do ultra sound its the same , as for the fibriod i am not sure cos mine is cyst , but i heard if its small they will do keyhole surgery and "burn"the fibriod away , if its big den maybe have to do like the c section way . If its keyhole , you will recover very fast , i can walk on that day so dun worry too much.

hope the above helps
Hi Girls,
I just had my lap on 25th Feb. Now resting at home. Removed endo cyst and fibroid and one side tube. I feel like a mess in me. Glad all are remove but doc said have to put me on menopause for one mth to suppress the leftover endo for better recovery...anyone similar situation? any side effect on the menopause treatment?

Hope everything is positive from now.
Hi Trust baby,

i am like you jus did the op last week. now resting at home. jus took GnRH to suppress the symptons too.

mi oso hope that everytin will be okie. do u feel the holes like a bit of pain like "suan" kinda of feelings huh? i have 4 holes in me so quite painful for me to sleep initially lor.
oh yeah toking of side effects, first few daes i broke out in cold sweat leh..quite aimlessly now resting at home and wanted to get well fast...but cannot reali walk muchie initally...wat food are u taking huh?
Hi sunbelle,
today went to doc for dressing and got a jab (decapeptyl) expensive and hope it works.

i have 3 key holes and dont feel pain. just sore inside i believe and still feeling tired. still on mc. yourself?

i have no side effect after the jab i took today...what is it different from what i had?

i ate soupy stuff ie ikan bilis noodle, pork soup noodle, fish ball noodle once,wan ton noodle and porridge once a while.
Drinking red dates and wolfberries drinks alternate days. too heaty to drink everyday but good to pu chee (mandarin).

Hi Trustbaby,

i havent went back to the gynae for my follow up yet. now still on mc. dun noe leh i took GnRH jab and as for ur jab i am not so sure. i noe that GnRH is few hundreds dollars a jab lor...

yeah i am oso taking soupy stuff..i jus felt tired and sleepi after taking the medicine.

goin to sleep earli every day.
Hi Sunbelle,

mine cost me S$400/- ex ex...thank God only 2 times. As long as it is effective i m happy.

i read somewhere that red dates and wolfberries drinks are no good for endo...i freaked out after reading them. do you agree?

Dear all, does anyone know about the endo sufferer proper for our reference?


How do we know if endo has grown back? what type of scan will show? Does anyone have any idea how long will the effect of the GnRH jab lasts?
Hi twin stars,

a good question that i want to ask too.

To know is to scan again. hopefully the latest scan technology around. i think.
Hi twin, i have no idea. the nurse told me to take one yest and april once. i hope i didnt hear it not right?

i may ask again in april when i hv my 2nd much is yours btw?
Hi twin, mine is S$400/-also. its a standard cost right?

how much you paid for your lap and which gynae are you with? mine is ann tan (mount E) recommended by my fren...i didnt know she is expensive and i hv yet to know if she is good. so far so good on the lap and will see the rest as i move along. yourself?
hi trustbaby,

Just wondering y the no. of jabs taken is different. I cannot rem the exact amt paid for my lap but i know it's very costly, close to $10k i think. That time, the lap was to remove my ectopic and took the chance to see if there are other problems. My gynae is Peter Chew at Glenseagle.
just had another scan done. both ovaries enlarge. right ovary has 2 small cyst, each containing a 7mm daughter cyst, as well as multiple smaller clear cysts. left ovary has 1 small cyst containing some echogenic material, may represent endometrioma as well as multiple smaller clear cysts. power doppler done on uterus detacted some myometrial hyperemia which may represent adenomyosis.

the doc say cyst very small so nothing to worry & gave me a follow up in 9 months time. don't know if endo has recur.
Hi anggie,

Just continue to monitor the cyst shld be fine since the doc also said not to worry.

Btw what type of scan is used to detect your condition?
but i think 9months abit too long. still have pain & alot of frequent bleeding, spotting ...

it's just normal transvarginal ultrasound scan
Hi anggie,

Thanks for the reply. How was your condition in the past like? If u r really worried, why not go back to ur gynae if u feel uncomfortable or seek a second opinion?
hi twin stars
i was under private gynea previously. went for check up because kept having pelvic pain & frequent bleeding. did scan a few times then during 1 of the scan the gynea saw a small cyst. did a lap to remove the cyst & he found some endo deposits & adhesion. after lap still have pain & frequent bleeding. in & out of hospital but can't detact anything else. become ex so change to subsidized patient under KKH still can't detect anything else. doc state as chronic pelvic pain & think it's all in my mind. loss weight. kept having abdominal pain & frequent bleeding, started getting gastric as well. fr. TTSH got referral to SGH now. at this 1st visit saw the cysts. don't know if want to go back to my previous private gynea or not.

Hi Mummy
thanks for your reply

dear all
really wish i can be like u brave!! i don't even dare to go for check-up ever since my gynae detected the fiborid years ago

the recovery process.... is it painful? Since we will be put to sleep i'm not scare of the op but more concern on the recovery process....
