Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

hey ladies i went to gymboree last weekend at tanglin mall.
My N was sleeping b4 the class, only woke her up 5 mins b4 class. So she was in a dazed.

Cloud9, i tried Nan & similac.. but stick to similac for both gals. As for baby food, initial stage i used the braun quickmixer to puree everything. So i just throw rice, potato, carrot, etc etc boiled then puree.
Now N prefers lumpier food. So I'll steam the veggies first and blend and freeze. But for the rice i'll boil and use spoon to mash coz if use blender too fine she wont like it. Then once rice boil i'll just throw one of those veggie cubes into the pot to melt it.
Normally made a big batch of blended veggies over the weekend so that my mom will hv an easier time to cook during the work week.
Also I won't hv to dictate to her what to put in the porridge. Whatever i wanted my gal to eat all in the cubes!

hi all,
gymboree trial yesteray was good for chloe ;) was so fearful of her bursting into tears again after wat happened the previous sunday.....
when we got there, she semed a little apprehensive... i squatted down next to her and she was touching the gym equipment for a couple of minutes before she decided to inch forward to try to climnb it..... after that, she was fine already.... was very happy climbing all over the equipment! then during class, she actually paid attention and stayed still shen supposed to ;) but towards the end as it was time for her feed, seh got cranky so had to take her out for a feed... when she returned, she was enjoying herself again!

think all babies have different inclinations and aptitudes due to their different personalities... thus the approach to learning has to vary for different babies..... gymboree may work for her but may not work for otheres... just liike how bjg worked for many babies but not for chloe.... most important thing is that both parents and child enjoy themselves ;) and the parents identify the personality of the child and enrol him'her in the appropriate class ;) chloe definitely is not ready for classroom sessions!

no, tat lady not my mail... she my mil's maid who is on her off day and wanted to come see chloe ;) ya, pretty revealing her dressing... she was going to sentosa with her fren after tat
so chantelle, about the postage thingy, the method you've mentioned is for documents (flat papers) right? Then how about those in small boxes?

yah, i personally feel too revealing for a maid moreover i think these maids can be quite naughty at times, sorry to comment this. I mean why do they need to dress until like that? To attract men right? Quite indecent lor...

guess what mummies, i suspected that i'm preggy!!! did the test twice and both shows the same reading. i'm soooo excited! should be going to the gynae's pretty soon!
hi cloud9mum,

the machine is meant for items that can fit into the mailbox slot.... for parcels and boxes have to go postoffice
congrats!!!!!! u ready to have a 2nd one?
ya understand wat u trying to say..... she is a very good maid... very efficient and honest.... as for male frens, i really doubt she has any as she's the timid sort.... she's also smart enuff not to get herself into tat ind of trouble.... have observed her for more than a year already
hi bluesea,
if got let me know hor... i never came across any tats why sign up with gymboree serangoon coz tat's the nearest one!
Hi gals,

I only know Sengkang Community Hub got a playgroup but it's only for weekday, think 1.5 hours per session.
However, I only want weekends when I'm at home and can go with my daughter. Haiz... will continue to look around.

Perhaps we can even form our own playgroup by letting our kids gather!
hi, gals,
i'm new here stay @sengkang ,my baby girl currently about 3 weeks old, i am working mummy, will back to work in jan 2006, now looking for babysitting/infant care???? can anyone give inform????
hello chin ;)
me very lucky to have my mum help out so cant offer any suggestions on babysitter or infant care..... mebbe cloud9 or jen can help u..... they the experts ;)

an update on chloe:
chloe said her 1st word yesterday (other than mama and papa)! she said the word dog!
we were playing with my dogs and i kept saying the word dog and she suddenyl repeated after me!!! ;) very cute coz sh epronounces it as 'dock'
thsi morning she was trying to say the word duck.... her duck sounds like 'tuck'
Hi chantelle,

Was thinking of letting the kids gather and let them play amongst themselves with some toys, so not much of equipment involved. So not really a formal playgroup but an occasion to let kids learn how to interact and socialise.
hi bluesea,
tat sounds very feasible... like any normal gatherings ya?
hint hint cloud9.... when's out next gathering ah?

but then when we last met up, the babies werent really interacting... it was the mummies who were interacting... the babies were just crawling around doing their own stuff... quite funny
hi all, wah me din come here for few days liao n suddenly this thread is moving again!
chantelle, can I ask how old is chloe now? and oh ya, regarding yr 'self-comforting' issue abt b/f... dun think so much lah, I also din feed for long, i only gave my girl EBM for 3wks+ only.
But one thing lor, If we b/feed, we hv to be very careful with our diet. As we're not like the caucasians where diary prdts like Milk, cheese n such are their basic food. So we hv to make sure we absorb enough And proper nutrients for ourselves and most importantly our bbs... These r things which e b/feeding campaign did not highlight lor. And when they turned 6 mths old, we'll hv to take in more meat to give more iron to the bb, how many is doing it correctly here leh...?

Cloud9, congrats!!! Is this a planned pregnancy? I dunno when I shld hv my 2nd leh... I'm getting wif age but my girl is only 8mths+ now...
hi mum05,
u shld come here more often and get this thread movning more!!!!
chloe s 10.5mths now
true, totally agree with u on the eating well part....
chantelle, paiseh lah, cos recently kinda busy lor, with quite alot of biz emails to attend to and visitors droppin by lor

ya, but alot dunno lor(the eating well part - is this phrase gg to be repeate? if so then soon it's gonna be our 'kou tou chang' ahhahaha)
Hi Mum05,

Shd be pretty new since the building is new also. I did not go and see as they dont hv wkend playgroups, so I thot see already also no use.
I hv their person-in-charge tel though. Josephine 93878211. You can call her to enquire more. Spoke to her once, she sounded nice.

Hi chantelle,

Sekali my girl go there and bully the babies. She's already 2.5 years old.
HI all, posted earlier but too busy to check back..:p ..Im also staying in SengKang with a 5 yr old daughter at Compassvale Drive..Just wanna you use weekly domestic cleaning services..those that come once a week and do the cleaning, ironing etc ..any recommendations?
hey, i'm also looking for a partime domestic help, *5 belladona

but more to take over my hubby's duties, not mine
Hi mummies
need your kind advice. a fren of mine thinking of setting up a maternity and kids apparel at the east side. there are a few malls.. rivervale plaza/mall, tampines mall, punggol plaza.
she wish to find out fr you all which mall is the most crowded during weekdays/weekends.. and it is visited by mummies
hi hi .. wah this thread happening again.

HI bluesea, my elder gal turning 3!! heeh. can be friend friend.

Hi Mum05, not true abt the need for special diet for bfding. U can eat all the normal things u eat .. of coz eat everything in moderation. As for the nutrient, we are encouraged to supplement but it's more for the mummies coz it will deplete our own supply of nutrients.

tulip - without doubt Tampines mall
oh btw, mum05, after bb 6 mths, they should be taking most of the iron from the solid that they are eating.
Hi mummies

Got questions to ask you all.

I was using Friso Gold 1 and last mth started mix with SE 2. The 2nd day bb had slight fever then 3rd day fever increased and had rashes around groin and anus. Went to c GP. Then 2 days later got blocked nose and cough. Went see PD after 10days cos no improvement.

Then I stopped SE 2 and gave FG1 only after 1 friend ask me to stop. He was sick for 2 weeks and rashes almost 1 mth then disappear.

Then after his "6th mth injection" ('cos he sick have to postpone)
I mix FG1 and SE2 again yesterday...yesterday had slight rash at bottom and today temperature a bit warm and the rash seems to be redder...(I told hubby don't try SE already...mix Friso Gold 2 ...but he say like that the SE2 worst have soo much symptom..)

So does that mean that he can't take Similac Ex?? Any mummies here has the same problem?

Should I mix with Friso Gold 2 instead?
hi garlic chilly,
my gal has taken a variety of brands of milk and no such problem... normally infant milk formulae shldnt cause any problems unless baby is lactose intolerant... which ur baby isn't... the only possible reason i can think of is that he might be allergic to coconut oil in similac.... their milk is coconut oil based which is not good for baby in the long run... friso is good coz they use veg oil... when i heard about this, i immediately switched to other brands (my gal was taking se for 1st 6 mths)... better to bring ur baby to pd to check on this
haha bluesea, even 10mth old babies like my girl can bully older kids ah!!! she likes to pinch other kids... when she was about 7mths old, while playing with a 3 year old girl, she pinched the girl so hard until the girl went to complain to her daddy! hahaha
Hi Qdee,

Haha ... quite close age gap. My girl is exactly 2.5 yo next mth.
Is yours attending childcare or any playgroups?

Chantelle, really!
My girl is more quiet when she sees new people but she may soon warm up. However, when home hor, aiyoh, totally different liao. Very naughty!
hi chantelle, no offense but similac is not using coconut oil.
In fact they are the first one to remove palm-olein from their ingredients.
I think they are using a mixture of sunflower and something else .. need to check the ingredient.
oh qdee, actually I got the info abt b/feeding diet from a website promoting b/feeding N the iron intake thingy was mentioned by PDs... otherwise how wld i know?.....
and chantelle, qdee is right abt similac not using coconut oil :p
hi mummies,

just thou of checking whether has anyone sent their kid to the playgrp inside the new church at Punggol? thou of placing my gal who is 2yrs old for the 2hrs playgrp...

my gal also now entering into the Terrible two stages, really test my patience!! sometimes she really gets on my nerve... especially outside.. she don like us to hold her, then just run as she like, really has a hard time catching up with her... does any of ur kid do that?
oops, then my info source is wrong already.... sorry....
anyway i stopped similac also coz i didnt like the smell.... the smell is rather sourish.... friso and promil smell alot alot better
it's ok lah, chantelle, cos since yr child is not taking it, then very naturally u'll tend to not rem lor :p
Yr girl is juz like mine, though mine can smile n smile n appears very demured, but at home, arrrghghhg... haahhah
actually even though my daughter's 5, been trying to get her to sleep in her own room, she still insists to sleep with us in the same room..any advice?
congratulations & enjoy your trip

tampines mall is definitely the choice

contribute one vote towards jia le
belladona, my hubby's 'duties' are : mopping of the floor, washing the shower/toilet area(not the toilet bowls and basins), cleaning the windows(which is not very often), ironing his own biz shirts(i iron his T-shirts)...
U working full time?
