Sengkang/Punggol Mommies Club

sharon (gracemum) & PreciousMoments_tan (pm_lynn),
pls PM me your email address,
click on my name on the left & send me a "Private Message",
got something to ask you.

mm... Subject: JB kakis... hahaha...
Hi all,

PreciousMoments & Sharon: Thanks for saying "hi".

Abt my younger son's speech delay - he can only says very simple and limited words. We're a bit worry that he might have mild autism, cos he shows a few signs of it.
Sharon, u mentioned that ur sis-in-law's 5yo son can speaks incomplete sentences. pardon me, but is she worry that her son may have some language difficulty?
Ladies, keen to share my experience today. Absolutely heart-ache.

On the way,to my elder son school to pick him up-I came across an Indonesian maid with 3 kids and one baby about 2 year old. The baby was crying out loud along the way while the maid scolded him loudly and pushed his stroller. The 3 older kids just followed the maid obediently.

I was walking just behind them. As the baby cried louder, the maid started to shout at him and mumbled in Bhs Indonesia " day and night like this..i'm tired!" to the baby.

As predicted, the baby cried even louder - attracted some passerby to look up.
The the maid slapped the baby, then she pitched the baby in his cheek, then she pulled the baby out of the stroller- the baby scrambled to stand on his feet. BTW, he looks about2 years old.

I was so angry to see that i approached them and scolded the maid in Bhasa Indonesia.

To my bewilderness, the maid scolded me back. And challenged me to report her to his madam. Cos the madam gave her permission to beat up her kids when they are naughty. Then she told me she were happy to be sent back to Indonesia!But i paid the ticket. (CRAZY DUDE?)

Then, i replied"You won't be home to Indonesia, you will be at police station by abusing little kid like this!"

The older brother came closer to me, he told me his daddy's handphone number- but he seemed very afraid with the crazy maid! He also told me they are staying at block 261c and he is attending compassvalle primary school.

I called the father- and told him what i have seen. Hope he will do some investigation and keep closely watch-guard to his maid.

I might not in the position to scold the maid- but watching 2 year old boy got beaten by's painful. Especially we also got children.

From what i can understand-the maid complaints,that she is over extended already. Taking care 4 children by herself is too much! Day & nite like that - is kind a frustrated job for he. But she should resign from her job-rather than abusing our kids.

But i don't like her also. She dared me like that! showing she thinks she is right!

The lesson for us are:
Don't give permission to a maid to beat up our kids in any kind of situation. It's just a ticket for her to abuse our kids.
Don't over extended maid jobs-i think they are human too- they need rest and proper attention. If they go crazy- our kids will be the victim.

I think Childcare will be better place-rather than- with crazy maid like that
*nod nod* crazy maid...
Guess the "madam" don't know how badly the kids are being abused,
hope the "sir" do something b4 bad damage is done...
Hi mikael,

Kudos to you that u actually went forward to confront the maid.

Sometimes when I am faced with all my 3 kids screaming at the same time also drives me crazy. Of cos' being the mummy, I have the 'license' to vent my anger on them but shorthly after that, I am even more remoseful....
Hi Sengkang mummies,

my gal has turned 1 year old, and am intending to bring her to see GP instead of PD in case she falls sick. pls recommend good GP for kids around Sengkang area. Thanks
<font color="0000ff">kresentia eugener (mikael),

i salute u for confronting tat crazy maid (^_-)b
&amp; i totally with u on the topic of overloading the maid.

&amp; sometime i think many spore moms r over dependent on their maid (i m a sporean myself =P) plus lack of communication with their kids. In this case, if the parents have a close realtionship with their kids, i m sure the older kids would have told their parents abt it long ago.

I m sure this maid must have been abusing all the kids for quite a long time liao, poor kids

I m still vy against leaving kids (no matter what age) alone with maids!</font>
Hi Mommies..

Any comments on Bright Kids Childcare at Blk 192, am starting to have 2nd thoughts about this prince has been in for 2 months..

Troubled Mum...
hi tiffany, y are u starting to have 2nd thought abt the childcare? i was actually thinking on putting my ds at this childcare in the future... hmm.. :S can pm me if ure not comfy sharing here? would appreciate it! thanks!
hi, mummies
please advice It is ok to stop milk feed in the afternoon for 4 years child.? if my ger says she don want e milk for afternoon nap.

I'm a mother of 2 boys, 4yr old and 5mth old. Is there anyone who's child is in MMI sengkang? Any comments? My elder boy is there and i'm actually not very happy with the school
hi eileen,

i cant comment much but did have a trial for my gal there 3 yrs back. Did not continue in the end as my gal dun like it. I osso find the teachers there not really loving to the kids.

anyone has recipe to share for 12mths old baby?
or where can i find such recipe? hehe dun tell me library or popular. i'd been there if i have the time
thanks all!

For our toddler,
I basically cook anything that's available in the kitchen.

Mix &amp; match;
silver fish (can be dried or fresh)
sweet potato
mince pork/chicken/beef

mee suah

Rem to leave out salt, sugar, any types of seasonings,
try to drag as long as possible.
Once they tasted seasoning, their tastebuds will get picky.
regarding MMI (SK), I personally have experience with students who graduated from there. They are in P1 now. If you want, you can PM me for my comments.
Dear All

Any play group to recommend in sengkang ..i ams taying near the buangkok MRT

My son is turning 2 soon

Hi Ahjo77

If I'm not wrong there is a childcare near to 24hr NTUC near Buangkok MRT operating from 7am-9pm.

There is another one near to "Very nice coffee shop" carpark which is operating by NTUC.
Hi Lydia

I am staying near the buangkok MRT but i am looking for 2-3 hours class .
the other one near to the coffe shop operate by NTUC is playgroup or chil care. where is the exact location?

Thank you very much
Hi Ahjo77,

If I'm not wrong,the one near to the coffee shop belong more to the playgroup,it offer infant care &amp; playgroup together.

Maybe you can check it out from this link.

The exact location should be this one.

Telephone 64890711

If I'm not wrong,near to that area there is a RC near to the shop N save also offering those 3hrs classes,maybe you can check it out as well.
Dear Sengkang/Punggol Mummies

I m a SK mummy too, can I join?

Ay one has experience with learning vision @punggol field walk blk 128D or Shikenah enrichment class at Punggol Plaza?

Caan share your view or feedback?

Sigh, I can't get a place for my 22 months old boy for next year pn most of the centre in SK and even Puggol learning vision,all put me under waiting list. HB don't want to go to town child care centre, he said very ex..

And I am worry if my boy din manage to enroll in N1, N2 where got chance??
Dear All

Any feebdack for the childcare near the buangkok MRT as well as the Junior Playhouse mentioned by Lydia

I would like to enrol my son in those playgroup around Buangkok MRT but seems like all taken up liao =(

<font size="+1">Hi,

A long black wallet has been <font color="ff0000">STOLEN</font> today (SATURDAY) at around <font color="0000ff">1.30pm to 2pm</font> at <font color="0000ff">Seng Kang Compasspoint Metro</font>, 2nd floor, fitting room at the children's section.

The wallet was removed from a blue waist pouch that was left hanging in 1 of the cubicle in the fitting room. The person <font color="ff0000">TOOK the wallet</font> and left the blue pouch untouched.

Am appealing to all, to PM me if you happen to find this wallet.

I do not wish to pursue the money lost, but would like to get the rest of my document back.

Thank you.

A very depressed mum..

Dear Sengkang/Punggol Mummies

Anyone here can give any good recommnedation for playgroup/pre-nursary class at Sengkang? Have shortlist appletree but heard that most of the time are playing time. Looking for those sch that are more focus on academic and price range like PCF and appletree.

Thank you very much

im staying @ Buangkok, but FC was fully book even b4 the resident @buangkok is moved in, urgently looking for a cc for my 27M son, MFS oso fully book, anyone heard of Bubblesland or Bearrington?
welcome ger..

If I'm not wrong,Buangkok having 2 child care centre.

One near to the shop &amp; save (near to Blk 26X) and the other one near to the 24hr NTUC.

Bubblesland is the one near to Blk 239?Quite far from Buangkok ley..but sch not bad..belong to my kids's child care same organization.

Good luck

There is one juz below my blk FC. waiting for almost 2yrs still no news, dun understand tose K2 kiddos no grad de meh?? Den heard frm tose @ 26X feedback nt tat gd, the other is the MFS, oso in waiting list, haiz..
Hi ger11,

Most of the chil care will do the internal enrolment during ard Aug for the siblings of their existing students then open to public so at this moment most of the them will be quite fully booked.
hi moms,

sorry to interrupt, i am having a garage sales at hougang, near to buangkok.

pls pm me if keen to drop by.

thank you.
