Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

tsf, good question! I want to know too. Haha.

I also have another question, if your ER is in the afternoon, when does DH need to submit his sample? In the morning or just before ER?

What was your afc during ur last cycle when you have 2 eggs?
Only upon u know ur ER date then they will let u know. For now, no restriction.
Bb blues
Will you be taking wheatgrass thru the stim n after ET? I am also taking wheatgrass shot. 8 is still a gd number. But I thought u are on nor-e and u went to check ur afc?
nervous_babe, I think no issue taking wheatgrass throughout since is a super food. What about you?

I only did my AFC once and that was few years back under Dr SF Loh. 8 refers to the actual number of eggs retrieved. Sorry for the confusion :)
@bbblues - your results have to be correlated - age + amh + fsh + antra follicular count (afc)
you have to know your afc before starting your ivf - some months you can have 6 some months 8 this can change a little and it is recommendend for us low amh gals to do our ivf on the months with have good afc cause 6 follicules menas eggs <=6 and 8 means a number of eggs slightlhy higher after stimulation
i am really concerned pc wong did not do it - i HAVE to ask for it he surely did it without telling you cause he is not talkative at all
sf loh does it and lc fong as well and kkh i dont know
yes this is my first ivf but i am in science (maths) so i love research and all and i already have a natural born kid - low amh people can have better responde naturally than with ivf you know it s just a matter of time
your amh 4.1 is really good your fsh slightly too high but can be improved (fsh can change quite easely) where as amh tends to not move (except for syrian ;)) i dont know your age but lets say you re 38 you should not worry so much
i still think you should have more than 2 eggs in western forum they say empty follicules does not exist this is usually due to human error in injection timing (but let me ask again ;))
good luck!
**** also i forgot to say LC FONG did my afc on day 18 of my cycle which is non senses at all i told him he insisted (i paid 200 SGD for that :mad:) of course he tried to count the follies but some were hidden by my egg (i just had ovulated) this is so dumb really it has to be done day 3 only! anyway he counted 6 only but i cannot be sure:confused:
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gigi, my AMH is in pmo/l units leh..Don't think is good. I am going to be in my mid thirties this year hence prof think the value is not good for my age.

Wow! LC foong charged you $200 for the AFC scan! That is alot. Thought is just normal scan.

Good luck to you too! Remember to check with prof on the AFC. I may ask him to check since we need to scan during the next visit also.
pmo/l ooooh ok now i understand o_O i was just chatting with a friend who told me her ivf was successful the month her amh was the lowest!!! so its really AFC and stim protocole that makes a difference - we also have to ask for growth hormone!
have a nice day
by the way yeah we are following
*** yeah this is normal scan!!! that gleneagles is VERY expensive
Gigi, forgot to mention about the growth hormones. I took saizen before and it doesn't work for me as the number of eggs retrieved is almost the same as the cycle without saizen. But I do know of ladies who worked well with saizen. No harm asking from Prof. For me, I won't take saizen as it is very expensive and doesn't work well for me.
Nervous_babe, i didnt do any afc at all. Prof didnt do it for me. Btw when do they do afc? During which day of cycle? Meaning they count the follies during scanning or thro BT? Nvr heard of this test type before..currently im under dr ou. Juz sign up 1 new ivf package yesterday. So does tat mean tat im automatically under dr ou? Dr ou is ok but i prefer dr zhao. Shes more motherly. Dr ou is younger & conpared to dr zhao, her rank is higher than dr zhao. Duno if anyone manage to BFP under dr ou. Our sista, Maomi BFP under dr zhao. So i think high chance i will change to dr zhao. Wat abt u? Hows dr jin? I think shes the highest ranking physician there rite?

Gigi, thanks for the prayers..hope we will all graduate this time.. I didnt request to redo amh test. But duno y, CHR did tat test & transmissable disease for me lei. Btw i am 31 this year but i got low amh due to endo & after going thro 2 laps. So tat affecting my amh. But prof told me tat its possible to have empty follicles. Does not mean tat every follicle, theres egg inside. & doesnt mean tat every egg retrieved will be matured. Tats y we need to be prepared when undergoing ivf. Lotsa obstacles etc..juz be mentally prepared.
Syrian, AFC is usually done on day 3 of your cycle, as mentioned by gigi. They will count the follies during scanning, not via BT.

Dr Jin is the senior acupuncturist consultant hence her rank should be quite high. I still have 2 more sessions with her. Most probably finish the session then I see how. She also advise me to switch back to Dr Zhao because Dr Jin working hours are very short hence is quite hard to get her appointment.
Mustard Seed, welcome! I just stopped my nor-e yesterday. Yours is only 3 days difference from me. We're cycle buddies!!! I didnt take royal jelly. I heard it's not good for pcos patients, though I dont have it. No side effects from nor-e so far. Maybe rest more and relax? Try deep breathing?
Mustard Seed - welcome to the group. I am taking royal jelly (before breakfast) every morning and I do not feel any discomfort. Did you make any changes on your pill taking time that might cause u breathless. Eg. I need to eat egg white everyday and used to eat 2 at night after my work. I do feel breathless too. Then my TCM advised me to eat it in the morning or noon and it disappear. Hahaha... :)
Cheeka I am pcos patient and try to find from internet some say RJ is good and some say not good. I ask prof and my tcm if I can take RJ and maca and they said can. But now I stop everythinh including blackmore coz I have bloating and gastritis.
So co fuse...
Straw1, I can understand. There are so many things to eat, chicken essence, longan red date ginger, durian etc etc. I think the rule of "eat things in moderation" should be followed.. :D I also started to have bloating and acid reflux after I started blackmore, so I stopped it altogether (despite feeling that it's such a waste not to consume the supplement). Follow your body. If you dont feel good, stop whatever supplements that you are eating. After all, each person reacts differently to different treatments.
Ladies, my suggestion is don't overdo on supplements. Dr Zhao told me, the impt thing is not what to eat or intake, its really eat well, rest well and shit well.

Don't let your body become overly heaty, cos' Dr Zhao said, if too heaty, implantation will be an issue. Drink lotsa water when u up your protein intake cos protein will cause constipation. If you can't take much egg whites, try to take other proteins like chix, fish or even immunocal. I personally find immunocal useful but of cos its very 'painful' to drink cos of its taste.

After ER, rest alot and take lotsa protein to recover as ER is considered a surgery, u have 'wound' internally so protein helps in recovery whereas after ET, if u feel well, do get out of your house once awhile to take a breather, no need to bed rest daily but if u feel tired just rest. Listen to your body and STAY POSITIVE AND HAPPY! Talk to your embbies.
Bb_blues, thanks for the explanation abt afc. Not sure if prof did for me last round. Will ask him when i see him on the 28th. Dr Ou's working hours also limited. Its difficult for me as shes not available after office hours. Kinda difficult to arrange acu after work. At least Dr Zhao has evening clinics. Thats expected lah, higher rank thus have shorter working hrs.

Ladies, anyone can advise in how early must hb start acu b4 ivf starts? I think ladies need to start acu much earlier since we r the ones going thro jabs for stimulation etc?
tsf, not that I know of. Prof did tell me to stop all supplements when i got my bfp andtold me to only take folic acid that he gave me. It was only when I was in Wk 12 that he started me on multi-vits and calcium pills when he discharged me from him. The TMC gyne that I saw gave me fish oil when I saw him at wk 12. So it depends on your comfort level lah. I was taking GNC pre-natal during n before ivf for a short period of time. Didn't manage to finish 1 bottle when I tested positive. eheheh....
Syrian I am also with physician ou didn't try dr Jin before. But bb blues was saying dr Jin is gd. You changing back to dr zhao after she is back? For hubby think depends bah if he has problem or not. If there is some problem with the troops then maybe can start now.

Straw1 I took royal jelly in capsules form in the morning and it was ok maybe you want to try. But I know from TCM doc that raw form works better than capsules type.
Nervous babe I take RJ in a raw form and I mix it with warm honey water. Initially could not take the sourness and the smells, but now ok. I bought this RJ from shinshen and they even send it to my home.
Sigh I need to cure my gastritis before resume to my supplements.

Have agreat weekend everyone
Morning ladies..its start of the wkends!

Nervous_babe, thanks for the advice abt hb. Will bring hb to tcm mayb next wk to enquire. For acu, actualy who do u prefer? Dr Zhao or Dr Ou? Guess i will be changing to Dr Zhao next wk. Btw how frequent did u do acu? I did once a wk but thought of doing 2x per wk once stimulation starts. Duno if its advisable.
Morning ladies!

Gigi, my amh was 4.1 and fsh was 13.5. Prof was shaking his head when he saw this..haha. When i did my previous cycle, my fsh was only 6.5 which is considered good and now it has deteriorate. Wonder if acupuncture really plays a part as I was doing acupuncture way early before i started my previous cycle. So after I know my horrible fsh value, i better start my acupuncture now. Oh, I also started to take wheatgrass everyday. Read from western forum wheatgrass helps to improve fsh. No harm trying.
Maybe my egg count is good considering the number of eggs retrieved but think the quality not good lo. Sigh. I did my AFC few years back when I was under Dr SF Loh and was about 15! Now only miserably 8! Time is really ticking. tick tick tick...

Gigi, I will see Prof on 24 Sep to take BT and start jab! We are only one day apart! This is your first cycle?

Nervous babe, sorry to hear that your amh and fsh value. May I know what is your amh value last time when your fsh was 6.5? And how long is it between the previous and current cycle?
Morning all, hope u all have a great weekend!

Maomi, thanks for the advice. Hope u are doing fine with yr twinnies.

I see some ladies taking royal jelly. What is this for?

Jus had my first jab this morning. Anyone here took elonva?
Straw1, is me who posted about the amh/fsh, and not nervous_babe. Hee. I did not check my amh when my fsh was 6.5. That was 9 months back.
Actually amh should not varies much but fsh does varies cycle to cycle.
Ops sorry bb blues, confuse leh. Hehehe

Just wondering if amh does not varies so much, it should be deteriote gradualyy ya.
Hi girls Hope you have a nice week end!
@straw yeah its supposes to deteriorate
Ok girls i have to tell you something kind Of funny i went to my gp for a talk ! :p Well he told me i Know pc wong he s supposed to be the best but he s nasty dont take anything without his consentement he would get really upset! ( i was thinking herbs vitamin blabla)
Its been several Times i ask around And i always get strange words : nasty, optimistically pessimistic, i dont like working with him , he s famous thats for sure, he has a strong ego etc etc girls i think All Of That is really positive):p

Good cycling girls!:cool:
Ah i forgot he also explained to me why doctor wear either bow ties or nothing - its to not touch patients when they bend Oh gosh we laughed So loudly!! :eek::D
Ah i forgot he also explained to me why doctor wear either bow ties or nothing - its to not touch patients when they bend Oh gosh we laughed So loudly!! :eek::D
Hi gigi yeah a lot of comment about him outside there. But to me as long as his skills is good and his main priority is to get us pregnant, i dont really bother about his personality, i think being stren is one thing that indicate he has a very good knowledge and experience. Afterall what we need is an experience doctor to get bfp,,,,,:);)

Actually I went for only 2 session of dr ou acunputure only as I don't see much diff between hers and dr Zou at amk. Most importantly is raffles is so ex compared to dr zou. If I continue going i think I will need two packages so if my hubby can send me I will go amk if not then I go dr Jin. When I m abt to start acunputure with dr zhao she has injured her hand and i have no chance to try her.
Hi sisters, I have been feeling itchy throat and nose plus swollen gums for the past few days... May be a sign of heatiness. Other than drinking more water, what else can I drink or take??? Btw I started elonva yesterday. Hope to gather some advise here
Good afternoon girls
Hope you had a nice we
@tsf0205 elonva aims to reduce the number Of jabs no? How was your first jab ? Why did pc wong give you this protocole ?
I think you can get those throat pills or if you scared hot honey boiled with lemon should do for your throat
Take care
Good afternoon girls
Hope you had a nice we
@tsf0205 elonva aims to reduce the number Of jabs no? How was your first jab ? Why did pc wong give you this protocole ?
I think you can get those throat pills or if you scared hot honey boiled with lemon should do for your throat
Take care
Hi gigi31,
The jab elonva can reduce the total no of jabs. But there is certain criteria to meet to take this jab. It's kinda painful.....
Do u know if I can take those drowsy cold medicines???
Hi all
I have been given the dates 22 sep to 2 oct for the noreth....
10 days.see prof on 7 oct .

I am with prof also but ER will be done by Doc Anu...

Frankly I am ok.... if it has to happen it will happen with any doc
@sunshine well my point is i cant imagine pr wong would appoint a relief doc That he would not think able to do the job
@tsf Just drink honey And lemon no? Or call the nurse first thing Tom morning ?
I didnt Know this jab was more painful :(
Have a good night
Dear Sisters, may I seek your advice please. I have stopped Nor-E on last Thursday, but until now, my period is not here yet . Im supposed to see Prof on Tuesday. If my menses havent come yet at that time, would I be able to start my IVF? Will he start the injection regardless whether or not menses come? Please share your experiences. Thanks a lot!
G'morning ladies
@cheeka they told me it will start whether or not AF like tsf said but if am not wrong you had spottings a few days before so you should mention it to pc wong to make sure that was not your AF...o_O
Good morning, thanks tsf and gigi. Today I started spotting again, but it's slightly heavier than the one few days ago. And Im having stomach cramps. I suspect it should be coming soon.
Good morning, thanks tsf and gigi. Today I started spotting again, but it's slightly heavier than the one few days ago. And Im having stomach cramps. I suspect it should be coming soon.
Cheeka, good luck for yr scan next tue!!! Taking Gonal f or elonva?
Hi tsf, I am not sure which one. This is my first fresh cycle, so I hv no expectation except injections and more injections. :p

How is everyone doing?
Gigi31, yes, starting jab tomorrow. I am excited, but hope it's quickly over and done with. I hope the whole process will be smooth and no emotional roller coaster.
Cheeka, good luck to your jab tomorrow :) I will have my last Nor-E tonight, will see Prof Wong this sat.
I don't feel any breathlessness after reducing intake of RJ, as per instruction I suppose to take 1/2 teaspoon but I eat a bit more. Thought will speed up the effect :p lesson learned.

Straw1, you get RJ delivery from ShinShen, is it cheaper compared buying in SG? My small tub going to finish soon.
Mustard seed, I got my RJ from shinshen sg too but they deliver it to pur doorstep.

Ladies, I thought of sharing this, after taking vitamin and tcm medicine, my dh troops improve in term of concentration and morphology. Jthe concentration is almost double, morphology up from 2% to 3% and the progresive motility also improve. Not sure is it the vitamin or tcm medication do their job ;)
My dh is currently taking mens super mega from nature farm and tcm gave him kidney health vitamin.
@ straw1 ooh very interesting! thanks!!my hb morpho is 1% only! where do you get those pills any chemist will do? also your tcm is dr zhao right?
btw any girls go to eu yan sang in paragon - am i the only one???

Morning sisters!

Cheeka, all the best to your scan and blood test later.
You are finally here doing the injection, happy for you.
I didn't have any emotional coaster while doing the jabs... just faithfully jab and pray that the follicles grow and also expect to hear the result during the intermittent scans. Jia you and keep us posted about your progress.
