Prof PC Wong - IVF with Norethisterone

Hello girls i was wondering whats the name of the embryologist? He s the one who Check the embryos right ? If Am not wrong wong does not interfere in this process right?
Also any body heard of Dr. arjit biswas in nuh? Do you think if wong on leave we can ask for him??

Duffy_bear, maybe the gas from the bloatedness after ER? Shd clear soon. I think as long as can pass motion shd be ok. Watch out for wt gain like wat Maomi said.

Hi Maomi! Collecting ur dust again... Many thanks!
I also didn't know longan can cause m/c wor. Safest to drink water or milk.

Oranger-tigger, if everything goes well for my natural FET, our ET may coincide and thus I have 2ww buddy :)
Seeing Prof on my D10, keep u posted on my progress.

Tsf, think it is subjective regarding the commencement of mensus after u stop Nor-e, mine came 2 days after I stop. Anyway, u seeing prof abt 5 days after stopping right? Not to worry :)

How are the buddies cycling in Sept?

Regards :)
Morning! For those taking Nor-e, doing ER or ET, 2ww this month, all the best and jia you!!
I know easier said than done but its all in the mind - dont stress ok! Stress no good!! :)

gigi - Dr Arjit not in fertility dept but he was actually recommended when I asked a friend who is an NUH staff about who she would go as a "normal" gynae. As in who would be second choice after PC Wong. But too bad cannot choose him.

Anyhow, take care ladies - eat healthily and rest well!!
hopemiracle - it is good to have a 2ww buddy. :D I am scheduled to see PC on 23 Sep as I will complete my progynova pill on 22 Sep. I will also update you accordingly.
Good morning all!!!

Syrian, Gigi,
I didnt call CHR cos my spotting stopped. I think you are right. I have to take it 12 hours apart instead of after lunch and dinner to spread the dosage. Two more days to go for my Nor-e. Jia you to all taking nor-e!
Cheeka, importantly is your health cos heartbeat will really increase. Discuss with prof n your doc. Having 2 inside your body means u have double the dose of preg hormones. When it hits, it is really quite dreadful. Must be prepped on that although not everybody has the same preg experience. Twins preg also meant more medical fees cos gynes charges times 2. So that's what I've experienced so far. But when u see them move in the scan, they r actually very cute
Morning ladies!

Maomi, so nice of you to come here to support us. :)

Ladies, for those who went through the counseling session, how long will it takes? Is at CHR right? I wonder if I have time to run some errands after that.
bb_blues - Yes, the counselling is conducted at CHR. I think it is around 30 to 45 mins, if I am not wrong. Sure you will have plenty of time to run your errand. You may catch a glimpse of the counsellor face if you are watching tonight programme - On the Red dot.
Bb blues, the duration of the counseling will also depend on how much u have to say. I think it's quite a waste of time...

Other than cheeka and me, who else cycling in Sep??
Thanks ladies for the info. Then I have time to run my errands.

tsf, I only just started on Nor-e hence estimated ER and ET should be early Oct.
Maomi, thanks for your advice. Actually, I prefer one embryo. But my worry is... what if that one embryo doesnt make it? Im afraid of the failure and disappointment... I might not be able to take it you see...
hi hi ... me & DH decided to proceed with Oct cycle even thou ER might not be done by Prof Wong due to his leave... Will start Nor E on 24 Sept... any buddies?
May i ask during the jabs, I still can do nornal house chores right? no need to avoid squating down etc?
Miric, good that you have decided on when to start. :) The nurse said that during the jabs, it's good to keep active and move around for better blood circulation. She advised me against sitting the whole day. So I think normal house chores are fine. You can get Brazil nuts in Takashimaya basement, there is a stall that sells nuts by weight. Im not sure when to eat it though...
Miric u can find brazilian nut at wisma atria B1-47 holland & barret
I read from other sister eat brazilian nut after et 2-3 pcs a day
Thanks Cheeka and Straw! :D
I seriously tot that brazi nuts come in capsule like those supplement *arbish myself* LOL
So brazil not to start after ET?
During jabs take more egg whites? me allergic to Royal Jelly :(
Maomia, oh god... Thanks for your advise... Oki oki... I will stop drinking long gan drink... I tried to check thru your earlier threads but too many pages ....I still have 1 box of durian and from web site, my implantation should begin today .... In this case, can anyone advise me if I can take durians???

Gigi, dun worry... U will have good no of eggs too... :)

Cheeka, maybe u can discuss with ur hb on how many eggs for ET??I oso transferred 2 embryos as I'm scare of disappointment too...
hi miric, glad u have decided to proceed with the cycle.
U can also get brazil nuts from parkway basement, Pat's oven. They have a branch at Vivo too. I started before ET la, but I think u can take it after ET cos it is more for implantation. 2-3 a day.
When I was on stim, i did ask can jog or not, nurse say can exercise but not too much, cos scare the ovaries will be tilted, then hard to reach... so I think housework can, dun go and scrub and scrub vigorously ;)

duffy_bear, I took it during my first fresh, just dun eat too much cos it is heaty. Moderate amount can.
Miric, Brazilian nuts are available in cold storage.

Hopemiracle, I dunno my ET dates yet but ER should be btw 25/9-27/9
Cheeka, glad to noe that ur spotting had stopped. Was worried abt the same thing happening to me too. Agreed with what Maomi said. Important is ur health. Whether body strong enough to support both embryos. Everything also doubled during pregnancy & after birth. As for me, i consent to transfer 2. Hope i can produce more eggs this time. Agreed that if transfer 1, might not be successful but some sistas did get a BFP with 1 embryo transfered. Be sure to prepare ur womb & body well to receive ur precious when the time comes.

Kopibaby, nervous_babe & low amh buddies..i think acupuncture works in improving our reserves. My level increased. Still on low range but level much higher than last time.

Miric, u can also find brazil nuts at cold storage at tamp 1 under organic section; named as brazil kernels. I got mine there as i stay in the east. Eat after ET. Be sure to drink lotsa water as brazil nuts are heaty.
:):D:rolleyes:@syrian you made my night ! I want détails : when was your Last amh test how much you got And how much you have now ... What happened in between ? How many sessions Of acu? Have you tested in the same Lab.? Thats such a good news even if the increase is little it means it can increase!
Syrian what test did you do? Is your amh low in your previous cycle? Hw many follicles you retrieve and transferred?
Btw where did you do your acunpuncture?
Morning ladies!

Did anyone catch The Red Dot yesterday? Prof looked as stern on TV..Lol..

Yesterday went for acupuncture and my TCM Dr advises me that when my next menses comes after completing the Nor-e, to boil old ginger (skin on) + dried longan + red dates + brown sugar and drink during your AF periods. This is to ensure your old lining is cleared and ready for your stimulation phase. Thought to share with you gals. :)
Hi ladies
@bbblues yes my hb And i did : i thought That was toi short my hubby said he had the professor look plus he would not trust as much the lady who talked about the food recommandations lol its All about look on TV anyway
But yeah stern as usual Of course
Have a nice day And thanks for this recipe looks yummy ;)
gigi, the lady who talked about food said to avoid chicken, beef, pork and soy. TCM dr want me to eat more soy product to boost estrogen. Now I am confused. Haha.

nervous_babe, I am with Raffles TCM under Dr Jin.
nervous_babe, Dr Jin is good too. I used to be under Dr Zhao but since she on medical leave, i switched to Dr Jin. Dr Jin's points also fewer than Dr Zhao's.
You can have before ER And after ET And in between ER And ET
You also can have before ivf to boost your body And after to hold your fœtus if you re prégnant :)
I go to eu yan sang my doc has quite poor english but its ok (doc zhong) but expensive ! It lasts almost 1h - time to put the needles and 25mn each side
Seen prof today, all test come back normal except vitamin d. My vitamin d level is low so he prescribe me with vitamin d which I need to get it from pharmacy or watson etc. I hope this vitamin d supplement can improve my pcos condition.
He ask me to do iui at least one more time although I had 2 failed iui previoisly with private gynae. He is so stern until I can not argue with him to proceed with ivf.

Hope only with this iui I can strike and if he is on leave, dr anu will do the iui...

I ask the nurse about his leave on dec and nurse said he is available in dec means he is not taking leave
so after Nor E, AF come, ard 5 days later.go see Prof Wong, if everything goes well, jab will start that day, meaning TCM will start too? during the jab days? sorry for asking so much...Im getting confuse @-@
Miric, For me I usually wait till AF clear then starts acunpuncture. During jab usually not advisable to take TCM. When u starts jabs ur AF may not finished yet as it usually comes only few days after you stop Nor E
Bb blues

How many eggs u retrieved and fertilize from ur previous cycle? Did ur egg increase after the jabs? I need to prepare myself as our condition are diff from the others sisters here.
nervous_babe, for my first cycle, i retrieved 9 eggs, 7 fertilised, only 4 can make it. For my second cycle, 8 eggs, 7 fertilised and also 4 can make it but those that were used for my fet did not survive thaw.

Is this your first IVF? Which phase are you in now? You are worried cos of low AMH?
May i ask what are your amh And fsh levels? Does pc wong allow saizen? How come you failed? What did they say? Am impressed by your egg count what was your antra follicule count if you ever done it
Good luck ! Next Time Will be the good one! When do you try again ?
Hi all, I am new to this forum. I am with prof Wong too, currently on Nor-e till 16Sep will see him on 21Sep. I am taking fresh royal jelly everyday and start feeling breathlessness the past 1 wk not sure if anyone has same experience? It could also because I am too nervous about the coming iVF treatment.

Wish all of us a success in this treatment, many many babies to come ......:);)
Gd morning ladies! TGIF!

Gigi, I did my previous amh in early may before my 1st fresh, abt 3 mths after my lap. The amh level was 2.3. Repeat my amh last week after 4 sessions of acupunture under dr zhao & dr ou frm raffles hospital. Besides that, i eat folic acid, conceive well pills, vit c & e, omega 3+6+9 daily. Did nothing else besides those. My current amh is 5.4. Duno if acu make my amh better. But i read online tat say acu before ivf can improve egg maturation, quality & ovarian reserve. Both BT done in nuh.

Nervous_babe, my amh also low during my last cycle. Not sure if ovaries still recovering frm lap surgery. Tats y its not accurate as mentioned by the gynae who did my lap. Mayb this time my ovaries recover already? Last cycle, i got 2 eggs. Both mature but only 1 fertilised. Tats y im hoping for better response this time..

Ladies who are under dr zhao frm raffles hospital, i have an update. She will be back on 16/9.
G'morning ladies!
welcome mustard seed - am under nor e also till now no side effects at all i advise you to call the nurses - true stress can do that but still just check with the nurses
oh thanks god you almost doubled and in the same lab!!! i do acu and conceive pills anf folic etc as well hope it will work! seee am impressed cause we ve been told so often it could not increase and you are the proof its wrong i am very much sure this is thanks to accu!:rolleyes: i can feel it keep on going this month might be yours!
i have to meet 23rd pc wong for BT scan and start jabs you know if the redo the amh test? hooooope sooo i ll ask for it
have a nice day chicas;)

*** on this link (in french but you might understand little) there as a study on rats (ok this is quite disgusting) but that tends to prove the impact of acupuncture on ovarian reserve they also show the different meridians (legs and stomach) to be stimulated (in white test without accu and black test with accu)
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Morning ladies!

Gigi, my amh was 4.1 and fsh was 13.5. Prof was shaking his head when he saw this..haha. When i did my previous cycle, my fsh was only 6.5 which is considered good and now it has deteriorate. Wonder if acupuncture really plays a part as I was doing acupuncture way early before i started my previous cycle. So after I know my horrible fsh value, i better start my acupuncture now. Oh, I also started to take wheatgrass everyday. Read from western forum wheatgrass helps to improve fsh. No harm trying.
Maybe my egg count is good considering the number of eggs retrieved but think the quality not good lo. Sigh. I did my AFC few years back when I was under Dr SF Loh and was about 15! Now only miserably 8! Time is really ticking. tick tick tick...

Gigi, I will see Prof on 24 Sep to take BT and start jab! We are only one day apart! This is your first cycle?
Welcome mustard seed. I am also currently taking Nor-e. Did not feel breathlessness. Perhaps you are too nervous? Very important to stay stress-free during this period. (easier said than done).
I do feel hot these days, wonder is because it is my luteal phase now or is Nor-e increasing my bbt...Hmm..

Syrian, good that your amh increase!

So are you going back to Dr Zhao? I am currently under Dr Jin and abit paiseh to jump ship leh. Moreover, I signed up the ivf package with her.
