Premature babies support group

hi afcai - Dr Shankar is around 50+ ..he wld love to think he is young

hi cindy - u cant cos 8 weeks is by the company and this has to be taken together..the other 8 weeks is paid by the govt and that can be taken anytime before ur child turns 1

Hi Cindy,
U will need to tok to ur HR. Cos initially my company want me to take 8wk + 8wk. After discussing with them abt my situation, they let me take 4wk + 12wk...
just want to check with mummies here. nate went for his regular checks today. doc argawal is happy with his health and everything. went to see the dietician and she mentioned that nate needs to put on more weight. and she suggested to give him some formula milk. my question is, should i? nate has been on expressed breastmilk since birth. i have more than enough supply to last him through a few more months. what should i do? change him to formula now and stop the ebm? he is currently CA8mths weighing 6.7kg.
<font color="119911">Mrs Yap</font>,
welcome. my sec preggie also very short, bb are welcome by abt 20 ppls fr 3 diff teams squeezing in the delivery rm rushing here and that.

how old is yr son now if not counted the CA age?

<font color="119911">Cindy</font>,
think it depends on yr co if they allowed u to take yr ML flexible or not loh... gd to plan to save yr ML cos once bb come hm, need lot of care. call yr co and make arrangement loh.

<font color="119911">vanilla pod 2</font>,
oic. thks for the update on Dr Shankar.

<font color="aa00aa">precious_one</font>,
hmm...some unknown reason loh...KKH and NUH also dunno why I bleed. TMC said that my placenta and womb not close - got gap.

<font color="119911">lilac</font>,
if I were u, since I still got abundant of bm, I would still continue to feed him. maybe u increase his solid intake....

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
do u still got wobble tummy? I will have bloat tummy after meal aNd wobble tummy. sian...

<font color="119911">ana</font>,
tot old gynae is much experience leh....unlike KKH has lot of young MO. wow, during my first preggie, my 2 veins burst and blood kept on flowing like fountains. even the mid-wife kept on grumbing said how, cannot stop bleeding. luckily, the medicine student very observant detect the problem. then the MO stitch up the veins.'story' not ended yet. during the stitch half-way, dunno why, he unstitch again...errr...can u imagine....stitch and I still prefer old gyane....hence, in the end, I was in the delivery suit for 12hrs for observation as BP is super high and also transfered 2 bag of bloods after wheel out. before that, this MO did not even have the skill of bursting water bag. dunno what device he used to poke, kept on poking but in the end, he called the senior doc to poke. the old gyane poke once and water bag burst. faintz wor....

that's my first preggie experience...

for me, I lose weight faste for my first preggie. but second one, weight lose is slow. now and then got complimentary or discount slimming promotion, will go and try.
Hi afcai
Mine is an emergency c-section
No dramatic 20pp watching me give birth... haha
However i had contraction which didnt stop after 3 days of subutamol even dosage increased to 20ml. I hate the CTG machine. I cant sleep in the labour ward. So noisy and i hav to lie so still. I think i am in distress and tired, partly contributed to my premature labour. Was pushed into the OT but then just before the op I said I no longer feel contraction already. So they push me out back to labour ward, strap me to CTG again and barely 5mins later my contraction starts again... EVIL CTG!
Me too stressed... then i felt the urge to poo... can feel bb head coming down and pelvic start to pain... then bleed...push back into OT and there they deliver my boy perfectly... Whole baby + waterbag (not burst) + placenta come out together cos baby so small... can send to national geographic!

My boy is 7 mths old from date of birth. CA 4.5mths.
<font color="119911">Mrs Yap</font>,
think to me is dramatic, see so many ppls until I forgotten my labour pain it is a very painless delivery.yeah, think must feedbck that CTG machine very round, they will invent a silent CTG monitor.

haa..u so funny....can send to national geographic. hmm...waterbag not burst can deliver one meh?? wow, placenta also come out...for my second preggie, think my placenta still leftover in my womb, that's why bleed so badly after 3rd wk of my delivery. hence, go e-DNC loh. oic...already gd weight liao leh...unlike my coming to 16mth boy (CA 14mth) still at 8.4kg. only 10% growth but height is 25%.
haha this is what the doc told me.. you delivered perfectly. Baby come out together with the waterbag. I dunno how they do it... i did not hear my boy cry... think they whisk him off somewhere liao. Kinda mixed feelings after delivery... on 1 hand i feel sad cos boy is so small.. on the other i feel happy cos i am no longer pregnant.. I am FREE... haha

Actually my boy so heavy i worried is it too obese.. if so also not a good thing.. headache... too light worried too heavy also worried.
<font color="119911">Mrs Yap</font>,
very unique delivery as one whole package.did u opt for full GA or?? u witness the delivery? true true, unloaded liao....I also dun even see my boy when they delivered him. heard him scream 2 times then already push the incubator out liao. haa...ppls said that after jabs will slim down. my boy even slimmer...
I actually wanted GA but they pyscho me to do a spinal block. I am fully aware and can feel tugging n pushing. I feel nauseous during the op... heart is racing somemore.
Because for my case not only i worry about the prematurity, its also the moment which i will find out if my son is a down syndrome. My oscar shows 1:79 and that was the darkest period of my life. Thank God he is not. I have heard the Oscar picked up false positive and scare mummies who does not have DS bb. Yet it did not pick up the real DS baby and shocked the new mummy after delivery. I think oscar shd be totally removed from prenatal assessment. Its not accurate at all!
<font color="119911">Mrs Yap</font>,
what is spinal block? half GA?? oh...tot got epidural to numb the other half of body...shd not feel anything?

is it yr first pregnancy? I did not do any extra test for both of my preggie. that's why I dun want to scare myself and cause worries too. tot, OSCAR is optional? not cheap wor...
Hi monster, I ate a lot of durians, and drank black chicken essence (my mum chopped the chicken until very flat, and then brought the chicken to boil and let it drips out whatever soup it had). I ate a lot of meat too. haha.

Afcai, the problem is not with my tummy, I dun have big tummy to begin with during my pregnancy. The problem is my whole body. haha.

ana, so good u can shed off 26kg? I still have 5-7kgs to go. And it is more than a year liao!!!! sigh...think no hope. but never mind lar, I keep thinking, no more pregnancies, so I have lots of time to shed off...:pppp yah yah yah...haha.

Welcome mrs yap! wow, 2 months in hospital, I will go crazy!!!
I was given spinal block injection for my delivery too.. I asked wat is the difference cos u will be awake too like epidural.. Was told tat the numbness will come almost immediately for spinal block whereas epidural, the numbness effect work abit slower.. Normally it will be used on emergency delivery..

Mrs Yap,
Hihi.. *wave* Actually horr CTG machine can be silent by tuning down the volume.. I was hospitalised before and was on CTG mach before, it started off v loud but the nurse pressed on some button and the noise got softer..

How is Dash now? Saw ur posting in fb mentioning he caught hfmd? Hope he has recovered now..
Looks like I have to go check with HR and see how flexible our goverenment sector can be with the maternity leave. Wish me luck!!!

Many of you mention CA, pls enlighten me what does CA means.
Tree ice,
normally no Q at the dietician. dietician will always tell u wat the percentile ur bb fall in. then ask u how much milk he drinking n how much food he eating... then she will tell u enuff anot... i gave up on them after few mth.... we were even sent to feedin therapist cos my gal was nt puttin on weight. tt was so demoralising, like i wasnt feedin her enuff.

gd luck. Ca= corrected age
Hi all,

I ate a lot of fish (esp cod), beef and egg. Almost everyday. Stayed in hosp for 1 mth..had to do CTG for at least 1 hr everyday cos the gals are moving around and cant get their heartbeat.

The doc didnt give my gal any drugs to close PDA. They wanted to monitor if it will close on its own. But only elder gals hole closed. Younger gal (maybe cos she was only 2kg at birth)'s hole is still opened

How was your baby when discharged from ICU/SCN? My younger gal was given pacficer when she was there. Was told by the nurse all babies will be given 1. Gal used to be very quiet and sleeping. But after 2 weeks, started to cry nonstop. When I brought her home, she cried nonstop for few she still cry when she is sleepy...

Any baby taking Pronan2? I have a 400gm tin to giveaway but expiring in Oct10 if anyone is interested.

Any mummy to be on Proluton or Duphaston? I have some left....
hihi, the dietian also asked me to add FM into EMB for added calories. She will computed the amount to add.

Dr prescribed iron and multivit for my gals. She say premature babies are usu anaemic.
sneak in...

<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
at least, more to propotional mah...unlike me, no fats at other part but a wobble tummy. very bloated after meal which is super ugly. I also still got 7kg to shed off tough I only gain 12kg.

<font color="119911">Tree_Ice</font>,
welcome bck, it's been long time u didn't post. how's yr kids? thks for the infor. hmm..think they got the noise filtering button at the CTG machine blar...

<font color="119911">cindy</font>,
if cannot, then go for the meet the MP session. hmm...

<font color="119911">shellow</font>,
isn't need to book appt with dietican? is it ex? just curious...

<font color="119911">newbride</font>,
is the pacificier a fake one?? when my boy is in the SCN, the nurse use the teat to act as pacificier. of cos, behind it stuff with tissue paper. if not, bb inhale lot of wind...

think bb still have not adapt to new environment. maybe home is too peaceful while at SCN got that beep beep boy also took sometimes to settle down at hm.

my boy also has been on iron and multivit till 9mth. cos they prescribe 9 bottles of multivit and 1 bottle of iron (took abt 9mth to consume 3/4).
yeah is together wif neonat appt... dietician is quite cheap la... if i nt wrong is less than 20 but feeding therapist is ex.... anyway i find them no help at all.... haha....
yup yup..the pacifier is the teat with tissue...when baby is back home, have to continue giving her fine day, she just decided to suck her thumb instead :p
Thanks for the info.. I dun think the dietician can help much cos my boy hate food.. Each meal he can only take in at most 10 tablespoon of food.. Headache..

1 word to describe how I feel now.. TIRED.. My kids r fine but not me.. Lolz.. My bb jus recovered from a fever cause by the vaccination.. My 1st boy now trying to potty train him.. Tough job..

my gal not into food too..Feeding therapist say might be due to the regurgitation problem she had at she associate feeding with vomitting. Thus, she wouldnt like to eat. Advice - Need to let her play with food??!!! Messy time if let her play and she is not eating. Just playing. : (

So i feed her with milk when she is zzzz. Wake her up at night though she is happily sleeping. No choice. Else she wun drink.
my gal was exactly like yours. milk goes in will b merlion out... feeding therapist said the same thing to me too, let her play wif her food... i just give her watever she likes, eg, baby bite n all kinda biscuits... I also used to feed her when she is sleeping, now she only drink milk when in childcare (peer pressure). After childcare, she is eating quite ok (finally).
Shelllow, after childcare will be ok? Looking forward to put them in childcare when they turn 18mths (rather than idling at home :p). Only concern is them falling sick at CC
younger gal is already coughing, stomach flu/fever staying at home.
What is Corrected Age then?

yes, I intend to meet MP if my big boss at HQ says no. Haha. I am the change if I want to see changes! I overheard some mommies at SGH saying that they are using holiday leave to cover for the time being and has yet to start maternity leave. Envy. Cos I do not have holiday leave to begin with.
<font color="119911">shelllow</font>,
oic. just read online on the information on the diet me, I just give kids a balance diet 9but my boy dun like fruits but sitll ok with veg).

<font color="119911">newbride</font>,
we dun give pacifier to both kids. even when we gave them during their infant time. they also would 'pui' out. we would pull out or 'scold' him for putting things in mouth or finger in mouth. but my 3yr+ gar think kana finger poison, suck 2 fingers(with handkerchief) to slp. always tell her not to suck by scolding and beating her, she still like that. now she developed a very bad habit of biting nails (as well as toes). last 2 wk, she is sick and asked doc to tell her that got worm in the nails but till now still like that...sigh...

oh, why u want to wake yr gar up when she is slp soundly at night? my boy also merlion whenever he drank when he is below 4mth. hence, he only can intake a small amt of milk each feed. so we fed him 30ml ebm hrly.

yeah, go ccc will prompt to sick. my gar was placed in ccc for 1.5mth and was sick every week till withdraw her out.

re:yeah loh, I find a lot of thing need to change. even the height system also need to change. kids grow taller compare to last time kids. but can't imagine a 2yr old+ with height 90cm was asked to pay the fares...where's the logic man....

haa think next time, if gov want to encourage ppls to hav emore kids, they shd gave free labour bills.

<font color="119911">Tree_Ice</font>,
yeah, lacking sleep for all mum. sian....I'm also very tired. haa..same fine but not me. oic...yrs both boys or?? dunno trian boy or gal potty easier? my gar is off diaper since 27mth. to me, I find that training gar easier leh.
Corrected Age is the age calculated from the EDD instead of the actual birth date.

My #1 also vomit all the time.. YES, ALL THE TIME.. at least once a day.. And he is already 31mth old.. Wanted to bring him to see a PD but hubby think is not neccessary.. As for playing with food, we divide his food portion into 2, the lesser portion one will be given to him to self feed or rather play with it..

My #2 is also a boy.. lolz.. I heard that training gal r more easier cos they understand faster than boys.. Correct me if I m wrong cos I hav no gal!! hahahaa.. I wanted very badly one.. hahahaa..
For the 1st few week, u do expect down time, cos they will b down wif fever then flu la... but tis will help to strengthen their immunity. Maybe go CC, everyone is doing the same things, hence she will follow also. In CC, she has no problem finish her 200mL of milk 1h after lunch but at home, 50mL it will take her like >30min to finish.
<font color="119911">Tree_Ice</font>,
hmm..try for no 3 loh...yeah, I agreed, trying gar much easier. gar a bit timid last time. she also luv her thomas n friend matteress so she 'die die' won't urine on that. she will get up to run to potty but sometimes accident happen, urine on floor when on the way to potty. but as she grew older, she ok liao.

<font color="119911">shellow</font>,
hmm maybe yr gar more active at the ccc so used up more energy so much hungry loh.
hihi all,

Reporting in again! Was here in Nov last year asking for some advice and have been silently reading since then.

How time flies, my 31 weeker is now 6 month old (CA 4 mths) and seems to be doing fine. Just had his last 6-in-1 yesterday and he's at 6.75 kg now. He did a lot of catch up growth in his first month at home. I'm lucky that the only physical problem so far is that he's anaemic. He's been on multivits and iron as well, except he's already finished one bottle of the iron drops! His PD told me to give 8 drops every day leh, maybe it's a bit too much? His poo poo has been super dark, almost black...

Paiseh, need some advice again on introducing solids from the mummies and daddies here. Did you start solids from corrected age 6 months or actual age 6 months? I recently started him a bit on cereal but was a bit worried because I read that actually preemies should wait until 6 mth corrected age so that their stomachs can fully mature.

Actually, I wanted to try for #2 but still feel a bit traumatized by his birth. Well the actual birth process wasn't really very drama except only to me and hubby. No bleeding, no water bag burst, no warning symptoms at all until I suddenly had contractions. Until now still don't know what went wrong... my MIL is the 'best', she thinks it's my fault and even told my mum when she visited during my confinement that I'm very picky with my food that's why baby might be undernourished and delivered. Don't think I can ever forgive and forget this kind of monster in law, except I still live with them so have to 'ren' until we get our own place =\
No no no.. My factory is closed permanently confirm guarantee chop.. lolz..

For my premmie (he is a 34wker) I started him at 5mth actual age on cereal.. But then again, no harm to start solid later so u might follow his CA instead of actual age..

Like u, I was traumatized by my 1st boy birth too.. All the injection, hospitalisation, waterbag leakage and bleeding make me wonder I can hav another healthy bb in the future.. My #1 was born 1.5kg despite being a 34wker.. Then 1yr+ later, I decided to go for it and I jus delivered another bb boy at 38wk+ with some help from my gynae.. He prescribed me a few medication which help in the growth of my #2..
<font color="119911">rhyea</font>,
for me, I started my boy solids in between his non-corrected and corrected age. as along as the baby is ready to feed (need to test him a small amt), it is ok to give. come thing when went wrong dil will be at me, after the delivery, my temper not gd. when MIL came to visited me 2mth later, she complaint to my mum that I shd control my temper and then told her her daughter(me) shd not anyhow lost temper angry...usually, woman after delivery or few mths later, temper and patient are not gd right.... sigh....

<font color="119911"> Tree_Ice</font>,
oh...not trying for no 3 (gar) in future few yr down the road. I also sian...after having kids, not only lost a lot of freedom, time, sleep etc but the only thing I gain is a big wobble, bloated tummy. sigh....sob sob...that's why being trying to get rid of my 'xiao du nan'.
super sian....
Hi afcai
Its my 2nd pregnancy
1st one is a gal... almost lost the baby to placenta abruption. But managed to keep her till 37 wk before she pop

Yup the 2 mths is unbearable as i count each day that passes and its seems so long to my EDD. My EDD is 29Dec09 whereas i am in hosp since 28 Aug09.

Hey mummies
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">I need some advise. </font></font>
When my boy was discharged. The PD prescribed Iron drops and Vitamin drops (the box got a teddy bear design). NOw my boy is CA 5mths and just 2 wks ago send him back for review.
Then I forget wat DR MC Chua said. But I tot I heard her say continue on the Vitamin C and Iron. I told her no more Vitamin C but i left the clinic without any prescription. So the next day i call the clinic but the assistant say will get Dr MC CHua to call back but she didnt call back. So my question is IS it necessary to continue on the Vitamin drops? How long does your kid take it for. Thanks ya
<font color="119911">Mrs Yap</font>,
oic. same as me b and one g. haa can close shop.

yr neo-natal doc is also MC chua. mine also leh...will be seeing her in early sept only.

for Vitamins drop, first time, I was prescrible 3 boxes. then second times 3-4 boxes. so in order to finish all the Vitamin drops, it took my boy 9mth to clear all. for iron drops, after 9mth, the iron drops still half bottles so Dr Chua said dun need to continue since his blood count is bck to normal.

to me, I felt, it is gd to have the Vitamin drops at least up to 6mth.
hi Mrs Yap,

I think should at least have vitamin drops for the first 6 months or until you start solids for your little one. Coz our little fighters usually do not have stores of vitamins compared to full term babies so until they can get the vitamins from solids, better to continue.

My boy is now actual age 6 months and still continuing both. The iron drops I managed to buy from Guardian when I ran out. They don't display it though, I brought the empty bottle and they found one in the storeroom for me. Not sure about the multivits. But if I recall, my PD in KK told me to just get from pharmacy if I run out.
Hi dropping by! monster how are you???? seems like didn't see u posting? hope u and ur little one are doing well!

Saw a lot of new mummies here? welcome!

Thanks treeice! Dash is back to school and violet is still recovering but much better now.

My factory also close already after 3 pregnancies, and 3 premature labors, and with 2 kids. Want my life. haha, but really, even if i dun have premature labors, I dun think i will want more kids, as I simply have not much patience, and will die from worrying about them + money money money.

Mrs yap, no harm for vitamin c wat? My boy and girl are taking cause it is just like a supplement to build up their immune.

rhyea, I think I didn't really follow corrected age, i saw my boy ready (27 weekers) I just gave him solid food. for my girl 34 weekers, I simply bor chap, and treat her like normal babies, and compare her with normal babies. I think for your 31 weeker, u dun really have to see corrected or not.

newbride, regarding your girl rejecting milk, i think it is a unavoidable stage? both my elder and younger went thru the stage rejecting milk and we changed teats, milk bottles, milk powder, feeding techniques and what have you. But after a few months, they suddenly drink again.
hello all... lucky i log in at this time to read posts.. recently feel very sian cos my boy's weight gain is like STAGNANT.. hahah.. now we already no heart to feed him, just give whatever he wants. When he says enough, we will just stop. well.. at least this way he doesn't vomit and can keep everything in!?!?!?!

dun be discouraged for those mummies going through the weaning phase. i started my boy at CA 7 months onwards and cooked my own cereal. beginning was tiring cos he took very long to get used to new textures plus eat them. however, once he got used to the idea, feeding was a breeze. i say this cos he rejects the bottle all the time. u will find a way around it, so no worries! whatever works just do it!
Hi all,

MIA and back again.

Updates about my appeal for 4 weeks + 12 weeks of maternity leave. Submitted appeals to company and CPF board. Met MP who is understanding, supportive and more than willing to help. Phew. Thought meeting MP is very long wait. But no. And I met him in person. Now will wait and see how it goes.

Question for all who had this experience: How do you store the expressed milk when your babies are still not home? My freezer is almost full! Do you get a freezer just to store the milk? Where can I find one and how much?

hi cindy,
cross fingers for you too.

think some mums got the freezer chest to store extra ebm. You can ask hospital to store for you as well, but upon discharge you will have to think of alternatives. How about borrowing space from mil or your mum's fridge? keep those very old stock there and use your fridge to store new ones. chances are you won't get to use the old stock if you have lots of ebm to spare. problem is the freezer has got to be dedicated to just ebm or you can only keep it for lesser time.
Thanks xbliss.

I am looking for those freezer at Best. Will continue to search for smaller ones. Not sure what to do with it when I dun need it in future. Last resort to use somebody else fridge cos need to transport to and fro.
Any recommendations?
I got those chest freezer from neighbourhood store ard 150$.... after i m done wif all the moo-ing business, i sold it off.....
Hi Mummies,

Need advice. Danya's weight has not increased for almost a month. She had her MMR jab 2 weeks ago. She is still 6 kg. She is teething again with more saliva and greenish poo.

What is more concern for me is her appetitte is really bad. She really hate milk and solid. She can finish 180ml weeks ago and now hardly 100ml. On a positive note, she is very active. Like to walk alot with support, like to complaint alot.

Has any one of your warrior encounter this phase??
<font color="119911">Cindy</font>,
great u can meet the MP in person. tots meet MP session usually very long. maybe yrs con ern abt sg growth, that's why can go express queue.:p

re:qns on ebm
last time, my bb is with my caregiver during wkdays. so if got the excess and gg to expire milk, I will use it to bath from knee to toes. then wash arms. friend used the excess for facial. she said it is so pitiful to pour down the drain. her supported mum also use her ebm as facial. she also force her hubby to use her ebm as a milk to put into the coffee.

<font color="aa00aa">david</font>,
my boy dun increase his weight for 2mth one since the jab. usually, kids during teething or after jab period will had low appettie. the doc used to tell us, if the kid is hungry, they will auto ask for food. she even tell us dun force food them, they will either have phobia or vice versa.....

is she very chatty? HX really buay ta han, very loh soh one...ask and ask u to repeat again.
hi David
My gal also does not hv good appetite
although she is full term bb her size is considered small at 9.9kg @ 20mths.
So i went to Fuhua medical hall and they advise me to give Si Shen Zhen Jing Tang $3.80 for 2 portion. I didnt really quite believe in it but just thot to give it a try
End up my gal drink like keep asking for Neh Neh... like v hungry which is not like her usual self... haha... Hope she will continue like tat. And i am talking abt after just 1 portion of the drink. Good outcome. Can try
Hi Cindy,

I bought 2 Kadeka 100L chest freezer for around SGD300 each, and sold out at about 180SGD each after using them for more than half year. It's still a worth investment since for this type of freezer, EBM can be kept up till 1 year (mine kept till half a year then finished)
Wow Jas you bought 2 freezers! I am still wondering how much space I can use.

Hi Shelllow, I intend to sell off mine when I no longer need to deep freeze any ebm. So was looking around for something that has a better resale value.

Afcai, I used to find it a pity to pour those hard-expressed milk down the sink. The nurses in the hospital always ask me if I want the expired ones back. I will find it weird to put them in my coffee. Will try to wash maybe hands and legs with the expired ones next time. Haha. Sound like some Eygpt queen.

My husband bought one freezer today. Not sure what brand did he buy. Headache where to put it as it is not small to begin with.

Hi Mrs Yap

You mentioned some herbal tonic from Fuhua. Can a 5 yr old take? My son is skinny and small in size. Tried going to TCM for help to make him grow bigger in size, fatter in this case. If the tonic can make him eat more, I don't mind trying. Not expensive too. Is it ready-to-drink or do we have to brew it?
