Premature babies support group

Hi mimylassy,

may i ask the reason u delivered at 26 wks? Prof Rauff refused to let me deliver at 29 wks.she said min 36 i must hold out till then.i'm so worried day & night.i'm counting baby movements.i write it down so i will be conscious.

can i also ask what extra tests she ordered for u? for me,at the moment,it's glucose tolerance & i was scanned wkly during 1st trimester.Progesterone jabs x2 wkly during 1st trimester.2nd trimester,scan every 4 wks.

I'm on asprin daily.may i also ask if ur baby was in danger as she was a 26 weeker?

Thx so's nice to hear fr someone who had the same gynae

Hi monster,

Up to date, i still don kn wat happened. My water bag jus broke then everything go haywired. Scare the hell out of me as i hv nv heard of premature birth then. I only managed to prolong the pregnancy for 4days aft the water bag broke.

Prof Ruff is super pro-natural. i think she prefer to let nature run its course. She is v happy 4 me on each of my visit as it shows that i m getting nearer to having a term baby. I totally understand the level of worriness u gg through. I was super paranoid when my pregnancy hitted 24weeks. All my colleagues were also scare of me, i was given the minimum workload. My previous premature birth plus having gestational diabetes plus numerous v.infection jus added to my worries. U jus hv to look fwd to each gynae visit n count them as blessing
. i also counting baby movement since around 20weeks then Prof was saying only need to count i think fr 28weeks but i still super kiasu. Abit inactive, kan cheong liao...

I did the glucose tolerance test during the 1st tri. She also ordered a few cervix scans 4 me to ensure that my cervix is not open. i think these were done around 24weeks onward.

My ger doing well. jus on the petite side! Thks god she is a girl!

I m glad to share my experience w u if it helps. Prof Rauff is actually v popular. When i gave birth to my boy, there were around 6 other ladies who r under her in the ward.i think the ward has around 15rooms. A few of my colleagues were under her care b4 and all hv v gd comments for her. She will really take gd care of u n ensure that the best is given for yr pregnancy. Jia You
the IQ test i believe is for VLBW (very low birth weight) babies, probably 1+ kg and below.. but exactly how much i can't rem liao.

my boy had a whole series of follow ups and slowly clear one by one. that's inclusive of the eye too. Don't worry. the weight is good for 10m CA. My boy at 30m CA is not even 10kg! that's not to mean it's a norm, but at least what i know is that a number of premies do battle weight issues quite a bit. Just press on with the feeding and trust in your little one to do the work.
<font color="119911">xbliss,</font>,
do yr neo natal doc said yr boy undeer weight and not up to standard weight? y'day, went for the bb contest, the doc assesed my boy said he is 25% only.
Hi Mummies,

Sleeping through the nite for Danya is not workable. Danya can sleep thru w/o problem. On 2nd days after trying, her weight drop by 150 gram. We decided to be back on nite feeding schedule but with only 1 feed between 3 to 4 AM.

Hi Xbliss &amp; Sgal,

The IQ test is for VLBW below 1.25kg.

Hi Afcai Mum,

Did yr boy win any prize?

Hi Mimylassy,

Thank you for the compliment which I don't think I am up to mark. Without all the encourgement and support from all the mummies here, I don't think I am able to ride out of my darkest moment. I feel the need for me to share and hope that it will benefit those who seek advice and support. We are all in the same boat.
oh look like my gal hv to go the test then. she was 1kg at birth. Any need to get a referral letter frm PD for the IQ TesT?
Hi mimylassy,

thank u for sharing.i agree with u that prof rauff is really very good.she puts her heart &amp; soul in for every patient.i'm very reassured i'm in good hands.that takes a big worry off me already.i never once doubted her.

like u,i'm super paranoid.i've started counting foetal movement at 24 wks,though she said no need to start until 28 wks.i juz want to c if i can c a pattern.afterall,she can't be with us 24/7.i get pararnoid if my baby doesn't move.she has mentioned we can try stimulating baby with music.i went out &amp; bought headphones &amp; d/l-ed nursery rhymes.seem to work.i've also started playing the piano.should be loud enough to stimulate movments.i even bought a doppler to monitor the heartbeat when i'm in doubt.i take my blood pressure every day &amp; evening.i'll do anything within my ability.

like u,i look fwd to gynae visits.i juz had 1 last wk is the growth scan &amp; the following wk is a review tih prof rauff.that will keep me going for the next 2 wks.i used to even look fwd to having the injections!not that i really liked the injections,but it's something to look fwd to &amp; keep me going.

Thank you for ur surely helps!
<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
RE:nite feeding
do u wake Danya up or she self wake up during the wee hr?how much is D intake for milk? do she eat cereal or porridge too during meal times? maybe give her small meal but lot lot of meal per day.

hmm...of cos, no leh, cos he did not win. other bb know how to walk liao. this boy only care of play toy during the sporty games. doc said that his weight is only 25% hmm...think kind of low wor..anyway, 2 more wk, he will be taking MMR liao.
Hi David,

Yes i think all the support n advices here has really help me as well as other mummies pull through the most difficult period of our lives.

Hi Monster,
U r most welcome! is gd to b extra kiasu. How many weeks is yr baby now? U can always PM me if u wan to know anything
Hi David..

Long time no see.. Haha.. im also like you when i was letting them sleep thru the night leh.. and always tell my maid off.. say why never feed them at night and refuse to let my maid and my trio sleep thru,... ask them to wake them and feed.. hahaha and was scolded by another mummy.. she said im silly.. said if baby can sleep through, let them.. and now im letting them sleep through ... its said to help development even more and better for them to grow physically and mentally..And when baby sleep, they dun fell hungry, but when they wake up give them some water or milk.
Hi sam, lovely boys!why two only 3rd one leh?
sorry, can't distinguish who is who...haha. maybe all 3 boys are in photos but to me, they look the same!

mimylassy, remember u! congrats in your full term 2nd one.

monster, i totally understand ur phobia. I was like that too when I have my 3rd baby. I was soooooo worried and uptight since 23 weeks, as i had premature labor before at 23 weeks plus. i was soo worried of losing her. I kept worrying about the slight pain in my stomach. Actually, i was worried about her movements too! I was worried about everything!

glad u have a good gynae! jiayou! you will get your wonderful baby in ur arms very soon!
<font color="119911">Giant is having the promotion for:
- Pamper active bb selling for $29.50 (usual:$37.50-$40).
- 5 tier stocker with wheel(L46,W32.5, H101)cm is also having a promotion of $18.99 (usual price $29.99).
- Grow growing up fm 1.8kg @$35.99.

SnS is having promotion on:
- Engrow A 3+ 1.8kg @$57.25 (original price $59.70)

NTUC is having promotion on:
- Mamil gold step 2 follow up fm with immunofortis twin pack(700g) @$59.45
- Enfapro A+ stage 2 triple protection guard plain 900g @$71.75 for 2
- Gain IQ growing up advance eye Q plus fm (900g) with pull out book $30.90</font>
Hi Daddy &amp; Mummies,
Just happened to see the discussion on night feeding. Just to share: My gal (at 1 mth CA now) seems to be able to sleep through night. She doesnt seems to be hungry and doesnt wake up at night for milk. I did checked with the doctor and nurses whether it is okay for her to sleep through night and they advised that it is not advisable to do so at this stage. So, I'm now back to waking up once at night to feed her. Fyi, my gal is taking very little milk since she came home from hosp., much lesser than what she took in the hosp.

Any idea when I can start to let her sleep thru night again?

hahaha yes.. actually all 3 are in the pics liao..


SnS issit Sheng Shiong?


You are blessed ....hahaha..actually what amount is she drinking?

think all depending on her weight growth. if putting on weight well,then no need night feeds. but at such young age, usually not adviseable to skip night feeds. try to feed at least once. maybe u can try to let her sleep through when she reaches CA 4-5months. but of cos, still gotta depend on her weight growth..
Hi Sam,

Nice pic. Your Trio has grown up fast. BTW, why only twin pic leh.

Hi Mummies,

Last Thursday evening, another episode. Danya sudden cry in pain and vomit. Blood traces can be seen in her vomit.

As per the surgeon advice, send Danya back immediately when she vomit. We are so worried sick and pray hard than it is not a case of intestine binding. X-ray taken at almost midnight, the result came back at 2am which is negative. God blessed, her intestine are fine.

She was warded for another day for further observation, finally, we are so happy to be home late this morning.

I am constantly worry despite Danya is a small and happy baby. Intestine are very sensitive and if they were operated before, there is a chance of self binding/adhesion due to intestine tissue growth and scaring. Even at this very moment, writing this thread, my subconscious mind wouldn't let me be complacence. Any single episode, no matter how minor/small it may be, it can be dangerous for Danya. I pray hard everyday to God to keep Danya safe and away from any form of harm.
She was drinking abt 20 - 30 ml each time. So I was stressed and was determined to feed her in the middle of the night so as to increase the total milk intake.

Past 2 days, got some improvement to the daytime feeds, but she still doesnt like to drink in the middle of the night. Eg last night abt 3.30am, she was awake but didn't cry for milk, but I still go ahead to prepare milk for her. She refused to drink any at all! Seems like she is not hungry.

Tks for your advise.

Will pray for Danya. You're a strong daddy.

Hi Daddy &amp; Mummies,
My gal will be going for her 1st follow-up next week. Need advice on how to bring/handle the ebm for her feeds while in hosp. Fyi, my gal cant latch on well and is taking ebm via bottle-feeding. I was thinking:
1. Put ebm in cooler bag w/o ice pack. By the time bb wants to drink, it should be cooled down to room temp. already so can give to bb direct w/o warming up? or
2. Put ebm in cooler bag with ice pack and bring hot water and also a cup. When bb wants to drink, warm up the ebm in the cup of hot water?

Are these 2 ways feasible? Or is there any better ways?

Thanks for advice in advance.
Hi Maple,

Yr Gal appetite is small and will gradually increase. Always prepare a little more milk and let her decide how much she like to take. Personally, sticking to a schedule is still better for a start.

As for ebm, please bring a cooler bag with ice pack. Make sure yr EBM is freeze. If your appointment is at KKH, you do not need to bring hot water. There is a hot water dispenser in level 1, clinic K, level B1, children A &amp; E. Once the ebm is defrost, use it and discard the excess ebm.
halo maple - another new week ahead. so tired....

hi all, i popped by previously for a couple of times only last time. hope i'm not interrupting any of yoru discussions.

david, you are really knowledgeable!

maple - i used to do option 2 for my elder gal. but since you're bring your gal to kk, david's proposal is perfect. else for other outings, i believe u can use milk warmer.

my bb has been in icu since 29 dec. i waited till my neck long long for her to be off her cpap. at corrected age, 1week+ and 3.8kg, she's still on cpap. last week she "Desat" very badly till never recover and turned blue. nurses/doc had to resucitate her using the balloon. it was very worrying. now doctors are suddenly taking the cautious steps twds her again and ordered all the test eg. kidney, lungs, brain, heart scans. did any of yr bbs have such episode when they were still hospitalised and were of older age?
David...aiyo all 2 by 2 but shots of all my trio.. hahaha issit can't differentiate?


Oh dear.. 20-30ml quite little.. hmmm depends a lot on parents decision also.. you want to try to let her sleep through and give her full feed in the morning or sleep feed her ...
<font color="119911">Maple</font>,
if I were u, I will bring the ebm (no freeze) to hospital in cooler bag with ice block and a cup. I will use the hot water dispenser fr hospital to warm up the milk.
Hi Mricky,

Does yr bb desat during feeding or during crying? One of the treatment to reduce the episode of desat is caffine treatment. For what ever reason, caffine seems like a miracle drug to keep every heart and lungs function in syncronize mode.

Hi Tigger,

Thanks again for yr encourgament. Danya is indeed a fighter and I am very proud of her.

Hi Sam,

Really hard to differentiate. Yr trio look so identical.
Hi all,
Tks all for your advise.

Halo Mricky,
How's your bb now? Are all those tests (eg kidney, lungs, brain, heart scans) ok?
when my boy is an infant, his milk intake is also super low fr 20-30ml every 2 hrly. he cannot be feed more if not will merlion. when he is 4mth, his milk intake is only 40ml every 2 then slowly increase loh..he also dun have any night feeding too since 2mth onwards.
sorry.. i just wanted to ask if any of you or your fren works in harbour front centre, harbour front tower 1 or 2 or keppel bay tower? please PM me :p

Siang is doing great
david - she stretched, pang sai, feeding oso desat. doctor said she used to be able to recover fairly fast but despite now that she's term, it appears to have worsen slightly. not sure if she's still on caffeine (she was last time to keep the heart pumping).

maple - her eyes have improved, frm stage 2-3 last few weeks, it has down to stage 1, as what is stated on the doctor's drawing. I spoke to 1 of the consultant, she just mentioned she's improved on that area and the eye specialist is not so worried now. thank God! her lungs have not improved a bit. the right bottom chamber of her heart is slighly dilated. doctor suspect its due to the weak lungs and ecg shows some slight abnormal movement, though not serious but its something that they will start keeping a lookout for. sigh.... so now, the main concerns are her lungs and heart. they have taken away the vit E and MCT oil from her feeds cos she's already reach 50th percentile in terms of weight. fyi, she's 3.94kg today!
Hi afcai,
Thanks for sharing. At least my bb is not the odd one out.

Wow, 3.94kg!
Glad to hear that there's improvement to her eyes.
<font color="119911">maple</font>,
u r welcome. he stays put at 120-150ml milk fr 6mth - 13mth. so from 14mth, he drank 180ml. now at 15mth (CA13mth), he drank 180ml on other feeding but 210ml for the first feed in the morning. so no worries, bb will ask for milk if they are hungry...their milk appetite will slowly increase. like me, last time, very worried, why ppls bb drank so much but mine.....
Hello Mums &amp; Dads,

I need some advise to get me mentally prepared.I think some of you would know my history.lost gal at 29 wks for 1st preg,had a m/c after i'm onto my 3rd preg.fingers crossed.

sometimes i wonder why god give children to ppl who dont appreciate them fully enough.I'm fortunately to fall preg again naturally.However,this time,there are problems again.scan at 20 wks show bb's head diameter a little small,but still within normal range.26 wks scan shows bb's head diameter out of range.i got so worried.gynae said head circumference more impt,&amp; fortunately,that is within range.however,my bb's growth has dropped fr 40th percentile to 20th percentile.gynae said given my history,may deliever at 28 wks if further growth restriction is obsevered.

I'm due for a scan next wk at 28+4.but coz i'm so scared,i brought it fwd to 28+2.i told hubby more margin for safety.then i scheduled in a check up tom at 27+4.really paranoid.

then i saw another preemie's mum who is giving away glass bottles coz she has too many.she told me her story,making me even more worried.not to mention the medical bills!!!!

i'm ordered to stop work,bedrest.

will kind souls share their experience in caring for a 28wk preemie? i'm juz getting mentally prepared.that will be 1/2 the battle won should i really have to deliver so prematurely.i know the survival rate is 90+%,but i'll still be worried.&amp; wat are the possible complications all of u have experienced wtih a preemie?

&amp; wat have ur bills come up to? how long was ur bb's stay in NICU? i'm mentally prepared.i'll be giving birth at Nuh

Pleasr dun stress yourself over this.. Must still stay cheerful and happy.. take it as it is.. As all of us here are prem babies parent, we will definitely give you the support and answers you need. When the baby wants to come, you cannot stop it but accept it with a willing and loving heart. I will not deny prem babies are fighters, so do not over worry..28 weeks is a of a comfortable gestatation..

As for bills, do not worry so much also.. it may be hefty, but you can take time to settle k.. Most important is the baby.. There is nothing more important than this precious little life..
Agreed with Sam. If you keep thinking that will pop by 28th week and worry abt this and that, it will make the baby worry also. I have 2 miscarriages before i had my 1st born who came out early at 32 weeks. Then 1 had 2 ectopic pregnancies before I conceived my twin boys who also decided to come out early at 30 weeks.At both times, i just tell babies (who were still in tummy) to be strong and hang on there as mommy loves them. For cost wise, yes, it was hefty but i was in Class c type so there were subsidies. Would love to be in Class A but then our discomfort is just for a while, we must think for the babies. They are charged Class C rates yet received Class A treatment as they were preemies. My twins stayed in NICU for more than 1 month. Be strong. I don't know much abt NUH but if you like to know other info which i can be of help, free feel to ask.
Hi Monster,

Be strong, brave &amp; positive.

Your BB will feel your emotion. Talk to your BB. You &amp; BB shall fight this battle with bavery and might.

Don't even count the days. Why 28 weeks.? Why not 40 weeks?

Cast away all the negative thought. The mighty one is with you and your BB and he shall fight the battle with you.

My gal was borned 26 weeks. Frankly speaking, nothing can prepare anyone of us. You are the master of your own destiny. You shall and will fight all the challenges together with your family and the mighty one.

Have faith. Fight Strong, Fight brave.
Hello mums &amp; dad,

A BIG thank you to all of u for ur unwavering support.I wanna say thank u to those mummies who have PM me as well.


i wish to hold on for as long as possible as well.this preg has been so difficult emotionally.not so much physically.but u know,if u have every exprienced ur bb kicking 1 day,then gone the next,sometimes u think getting him/her out earlier may be better.the reason for the stillbirth was never's not like a lot of mums here who had waterbags bursting,doctors can easily close up the cervix &amp; order bedrest during the next,doc doesn't even know wat happend the 1st time.she's juz being extra cautious &amp; ordering a whole series of tests she thinks it's necessary.i agree wtih u,u r the master or ur own destiny.

this preg has been a mind game fr the's mind over body.i've been visualising positive stuff right fr the start.i imagine he's astroboy (i dunno y i have that image in mind).haha.turns out to be a time,i'll try powerpuff far,this bb has been nothing short of fantastic.he's such a fighter,that's y his name means 'warrior'.


aiyoh,u've been thru' so much as heart goes out to u.sometimes i wonder whether it's better to hold on or hope there's an indication of trouble so gynae will deliver me earlier.if i hold on,i'll have to make it thru' the maddness of 28 &amp; 29wks.wat i fear most is suddenly 1 morn i wake up,bb is not kicking anymore.i'll be devastated.though i'm only at 27+4,last night,i refused to slp coz at abt 12+ midnight,my bb didn't seem to be moving a lot,not like usual.i know babies don't move all the time,but he usually moves once per hr,at least.i got so paranoid i started using my doppler.HB is there.then i started agitating him,he still refused to move.i was so scared of sleeping,i told hubby i'll wake up every 2 hrs to the end,he moved,so i was a bit rellieved,but i hardly slept a wink coz i refused to let myself drift into deep slp.when i'm in deep slp,sometimes i dunno if he i juz had my eyes shut,but my mind was still active,monitoring his movements.i even cried coz it's putting so much strain on me.the fear,the's different fr sleepless nights when u nurse babies.u already have a bb in ur arms.i cannot bear to lose this baby.

juz to update supportive mums &amp; a dad...went for gynae check up today.i wasn't scheduled for a check up,but i tot better be cautious,so i fixed myself an appt.haha.scan supposed to be next tues.gynae was kind enough to scan me.amniotic fluid level is good,but blood flow to the placenta seems to be having some 'resistance'.well,should i be relieved that there's a problem &amp; i ican negotiate delivering earlier? or should i be worried? i really don't scan is scheduled for next thurs.we'll c wat hapens then.i've also been briefed abt ward charges etc.yes,i'll definitely downgrade if i have to deliver prematurely.the charges for B1 &amp; B2 are so drastically different! $200 difference.multiply that by mths,it's a huge amt.but i wonder if my gynae will deliver me in B2.she doesn't do subsidised patients.i would really love for her to deliver my boy.she has done a great job in helping me get by my preg so having her deliver my boy will be a tribute to her.

well,for now,i juz have to be good &amp; fully listen to her advice.she says slp,i will slp,she says eat,i will eat.i know worrying decreases blood flow to the baby,but a part of me will always be worried.i'll be trying to relax as much as possible &amp; juz keep counting foetal kicks.coz there's nothing more i can do.this is really beyong my control already.
hi monster, it must be a really stressful pregnancy. My heart goes out to you. I pray that you will continue to stay positive. Think of the good things and pray that the baby will stay in there for as long as possible.

My baby was born at 28weeks. My waterbag burst at 25 weeks. Managed to tahan for 3 weeks and the warrior decided that he wants to see the world. He came out at 1.035kg, stayed in the hospital for 78 days. Had hernia operation which was minor. Had issues with his eyes but is now resolved as well. Had poor post natal growth but is doing alright now. Having a premature baby is a long and ardous journey.... regular checkups and monitoring to ensure healthy growth. It is not easy but press on. And plus your baby is still in your womb so don't think about prematurity, ok?

As for wanting your gynea to deliver, if you are a C class, it is probably not possible unless you have connections. But as long as you do not have any health issue, any other gynea will do as well. The focus is actually the baby.... very professional neonatalists will be there once your baby is out to ensure optimal care. I am really impressed with KK NICU doctors and nurses. I am sure those at NUH will do equally well. My hospital bill was high but it was fully covered by medisave.

You take care, ya? Press on. If *touchwood* your baby is really born premature, you can be sure of the support here.
Hhi lilac,

yes,it certainly is a stressful pregnancy.but wat to do? we want this baby so badly.yes,positive imagery certain helps.i've even started planning my baby's 1st mth's a bit early,but it certainly keeps me positive.

Good thing someone mentioned abt not having my gynae deliver me if i downgrade.never thought abt it! imagine my shock if i'm pushed into the OT,only to see another gynae delivering my baby! haha.i'll try using my connections.

I'm hoping to downgrade to B2.B2 &amp; C class charges for NICU are the same.
Hi Monster,

I know how you feel. Our first boy left us with any symptom. If was devastating to me and Diana. It took us sometime to get over it.

I am very happy that you have a strong fighting spirit. Your BB will fight brave and strong with such a fantastic &amp; wonderful mummy.

Usually the hospital will offer to downgrade our warriors to C class charges if they are too eager to see the world.
Hi Monster,

I think 28 weeks is quite safe.

My babies are born at 24 weeks. My story is also very dramatic, I was spotting throughout my pregnacy, I even had to be admitted a few times due to heavy bleeding. At 19 weeks, I had early contractions and had to be admitted. Was put on drips to stop the contractions. Even till 2day, I can still see the scars on my hands. But that is nothing compared to those I see on my babies limbs.

Babies decided to see the world at 24 weeks. That was the darkest period of our lives. But that is all in the past. Believe me ... you will see rainbow if you can brave the storm.

So please, for the sake of the babies, don't stress yourself too much. The more you rest, the more likely that baby will be happy in your tummy.
hello mummies and daddies,
it's been crazy at work.. hope everyone is fine. HFMD outbreak in childcares is quite scary. was supposed to enrol my boy but my in laws freaked out at the news of HFMD so we have postponed it. sigh.. after waiting so long.

stay positive. it's good to plan though but i think at this point, u will need to rest and not move around. it's normal for the mind to be thinking, we are human beigns after all. take care.

i pm you but dunoe if you received it...

I was the founder of this thread 4 yrs ago when i was at the darkest period of my was oni from others (the more active board members then) tht i learnt so much abt prem babies and i hope tht this board can carry on the frenship we had and also fm the newbies, i too hv learnt alot..

i agree wif pregnancy was no less traumatic ..i lost my first twin at 21wks..doc managed to save my other twin for another three wks before he also decided that he wanted to come out earlier to see the world...

there is sunshine after the son is now coming four next month and when i read tigger's words, i can empathise wif wat she said..i hv the same scars on my hands where the drips were for 40 days for me....

it was really the gloomiest period for me and i really thot that it was the end of the world but for all of us..that dark period is over and hang on there..we will help you in wat we can..

although i m no longer active on this board but just hp that my post wld serve as an encouragement for you...u can pm if you want ....and if anyway i can help u,do let me noe..

hi costa de sol,

yes,if i think u are who u r,i recevied ur PM.i received a few of the other mummies PM.&amp; i want to thank all of you.

Actually,after knowing more fr this thread,i'm no longer afraid.I juz hope that my gynae can deliver me earlier if she finds that the placenta is not working as well.I juz want to know that my baby is going to survive if he's born at 28wks.I believe there are complications with a preemie,but i also believe these complications are easily managable.

I've been thru' so much,i'm not afraid of the tough rd ahead of taking care of my baby.i had a meetup with some sec sch gfs &amp; they were warning me of how tough it is to take care of a baby.i told them i'm not worried.they all look at me puzzled.most of them don't know my history.after 1 stillbirth,1 m/c,2 failed IUI,1 surgery,i finally got preg.i'm prepared to do everything for my baby.i don't even call it a is juz a change in lifestyle.

at the moment,it's getting very tiring having to count foetal movements.gynae only started me this wk,but since wk 24,i've been counting that time,i was still working,so i brough tmy file to work.i keep telling myself if i work hard,i'll get it.if i'm lazy,i'll that's my motivation at the moment.

every little step is a positive step,be it big or small.i used to see soon to be mums holding an NUH goodie bag.thought they will give it to me at 20 wks,when i signed up for the package.but they didn't.i finally got it on thurs!!! seems so trivial,but it's a big step of progress for me.they prepared me for admission.YEAH!!! another positive step.

i'll be going for mothers' day din tom.after that,it'll be sun.then the begininng of a new wk.yeah! beginning of wk 28 for me.nervous,yet happy coz there's progress.28 wks is the 'danger wk' for me.but i'll be looking to my gynae appt on thurs.

once again,thank u for all ur continued support! it certainly gives me extra strength to go on
Hi to all my fellow mates here!!!

It's really been a long while since I last came in and chat chat...Arghhhzzzzz my coy blocks particularly every website...

Surfing thru the phone suks... i'm not good at that except for FB...

Being back at work really is very tiring..a different kind of tire-ness as compared to Staying at home...
Jerlynn does not seem to miss my presence when i'm at work at all, only the first few days, she did show some anticipation when I reached home, but not anymore...sad...kekekeke

Re: night feeds

Something very strange is happening to Jerlynn for her night feeds now, she has skipped night feeds since very young, i can't rembr when...think abt CA 6 mths, she can sleep from 12midnight til 12 noon without a feed...then very weird now. It started since they day I start working...
She is now waking for regular night feeds for abt a month liao!!!! Her last feed will be ard 10pm and she goes to sleep (only consolation is-she sleeps earlier now), then at 2am she will want her milk, then the next will be 7 am, then at 10am and she wakes up after the 10am feed....weird weird weird!!!!
I decided to go back to work as I feel I won't be tired etc cos she no longer needs night feeds...but...haizzzz dunno why this is happening....
luckily it's not me who wakes for her feed, my poor hubby is doing it now....hahahaha but still they always nvr fail to wake me too, with all the cooing and talking while feeding....

She is now CA 13mth+, will the night feeds continue til she is 2-3 year old? I'm really afriad cos my cousin's girl nvr skip night feeds even now she is 3. my hubby is giving up soon, and wants me to take over the feeds...hahahaha I DON"T WANT!!! I WANT TO SLEEP!!! (Selfish mummy now) :p

BTW more night feeds also nvr help in her weight's still stagnant for 2-3 mths @ 9kg...


Thank God Danya is ok...she is realli a happy gal... with all ur love and care...
BTW, think better dun stop her night feeds bah, if her weight drops when you do. jiayou jiayou...

U are a pro when comes to baby-care!!! (on the way u suggest to Maple on handling ebm!)


I also can't differentiate the boys!!! kekeke, show us one with all 3 of them and mummy and daddy leh...keke


I think I might be too late to reply ur post, but I did what afcai did. Non-frozen ebm warmed up faster ;)


Dun stress yourself ok? but if doctor say stay home, bedrest, plsssss listen and do it!!!
Jerlynn was borned at 29 weeks, i did complete bedrest for 2 weeks before giving birth. And I'm glad I did that...
Caring for premature babies, maybe u can try reading up our thread histories, i'm sure you can get some idea of what we were doing for our fighters back then...many of us here also experienced m/c before, we were not very good at holding our babies in our tummies ya? Hmmm but every fighter we are holding on to now really God's blessing...
Really dunno how to put the long process to words now... abit brain-dead already...keke (Jerlynn took part of my intelligence for herself...hahaha)

Jerlynn stayed 6 weeks and bill was 30k+, can be fully paid by medisave, as we opt of C-class when I was admitted, but it was at KKH.

Now all u gotta do is rest well and dun walk ard to much, if ur doc ordered complete bedrest, dun even get up from bed to get a cup of water... must really be very strict on it wor...

Jiayou Jiayou... stay happy ... watch more comedies etc...
anytime u feel uneasy etc, just go back for a checkup to reassure urself...i dun see it as a problem, everything is play safe than sorry...
Take care...

Boy, i'm trying to reply more posts, wanna be active here again, but my eyes are so tired, think gotta stop here...
hope I have the time to be back here soon to join all of u for the chats....
BTW would love to see new mummies joining our premature support group on FB. Search for "Singapore Premmies"....
Hi monster dropping by to encourage you!

I understand fully how u feel u know?

When I was pregnant with my 3rd, the fear and worries that i had everyday was a torture. I feared she would come out early like her two brothers, one at 23 weeks and one at 27 weeks. I feared everyday!!! I was in and out of KKH from 29 weeks for about 4 times due to contractions, bleeding etc. I was going dam crazy that time, and was giving up liao, cause was thinking "just let the baby come out lar, stop torturing me with all the fears and worries". But my stubborn or rather good girl stayed till 34 weeks.

I do understand ur fear. Even I had not went thru still birth, was so afraid of such thing when I was pregnant. It was really devasting. I heard my colleague told me her cousin, who was pregnant about 30 plus weeks and about to give birth, found out her baby was dead in her womb just recently, I can't imagine the pains.

Actually, if I were you, I will do the same thing, ask the doctor to induce me at 28 weeks plus. Once baby cross 28 weeks, chance of surviving is higher, of course the best is 32 weeks if possible. But I know the fear in u. Do wat you think is good, but I don't think ur gynae will induce you that early?

Talk to ur baby, ask him or her to be good, and come out to play with both of you and to live well. Thats what i told my unborn last time. To come out and see daddy mummy and to live with us. I will bring her to all the beautiful places and let her have all the fun...

Btw, my boy was borned 27 weeks, and he is very well now. He has heart defect but that is a condition not due to premature birth. Other than that, he is perfectly well and fine, with no concerns of premature birth. Regarding medical fees, I dun remember paying much. I am somebody with not much savings (in fact very very little), I can even afford, I think you can surely. But make sure you live in class C ward. Just a few days for you, so just bear with it. I stayed in ward C during my 3rd pregnancy cause of my high risk or premature labor. Although the gynae is not your gynae, but honestly, I don't see any difference. hee, cause eventually the procedures are the same.

oh yah, before i forget, happy mother's day to all the wonderful and benovalent mummies here!!!
<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
wow, gd at FB...I opp fr logging into FB a/c got some problem....

my gar only stopped night feed at 3 yr old only.thks to my caregiver who 'dig up' during the wee hrs when she saw her sucking her fingers. but now, on n off, once in the blue moon, she will want milk at 1-2am.

HX since dec till now, only put up 1kg from 7.2kg to 8.4kg. at least, J 's weight is better than HX tough J is slightly lighter at birth. HX is only grew from 3% to 10%. but he grew taller.- 10% loh.

do J have the mmr jab?? HX went polyclinic to have his jab y'day. tot feverish suppose to come in after 4-7 yr of the jab. but that evening, he has slight fever and at night, his whole body super hot. so got to sponge him thru the night. today, he vomited what he ate and have no appetite and also have slight fever.

<font color="119911">hi mummies any one know is it a unusual to have fever after mmr jab??</font> I called polyclinic and whoever picked up the phone said that it depended on how bb 's body reaction. 4-7 days after jab got fever is only a guidelines....hmm....

<font color="119911">Monster</font>,
cheers....take care and relax. compare to others, my case consider 'lucky' cos I was in and out of hospital in my first trimster with detection of water bag but no foetus. also I kept on bleeding fr day 1 till wk 14. then 3 wks after delivery bleed again and admitted to hospital to do a wash up. even my waterbags burst and with so many jabs also bb come out early at wk 31. bb also has hernia operation but it was minor.

hence, so with the support of mummies here,just be a happy mum and enjoy yr preggie. just listen to yr advise fr gynae....and lastly, with the advance medicial technology here, there shd not be any worries abt our professional nurses and docs. if u do need hospital cousencisor, I'm sure they are willing to give support. that's what they did after few hrs I delivered, they came to talk to me.
Hi kkf,

Thank you for cheering me on.When i read ur post,i cried! coz it described exactly how i felt! ii read ur post when i woke up.i hardly slept last night,coz i was monitoring my baby's movement.I felt so shitty this morn,i cried when i woke up.worst still,my hubby is not by my side coz i've moved back to my mum's so that i can get more help.then he rang me coz i told him i didn't sleep all night.i'm entering 28 wk &amp; fr now on,it's going to be a nervous time for me.coz i know im so close to getting my baby.but after reading encouraging msg fr this thread,i feel a lot better now.I feel so good that someone thinks the same as me,hoping the baby will come at 28 wks.i would hate to describe this whole journey as a torture,but deep down inside,i think that's not an unappropriate word to use! aiyoh,i say like that,don't know if my baby will is indeed an ardous process.&amp; i agree with you that no gynae will induce me at 28wks,unless there's a medical need for now,i can only hang in there,diligently count baby's kicks,&amp; hopefully,when i'm too tired,i'll get some slp out of exhaustion to recharge myself.

Hi babeliciousFat,

yes! i've never listened to the doc so much! after the scary news that my baby wasn't growing well,i immediately rang up my workplace to tell them i'm not going to work the very next day.she didn't say full bedrest,sh only said rest more,don't walk.this is in a bid to get me to gain wt &amp; hopefully the wt will go t othe baby &amp; not to support my vital organs.coz if i go to work,stress myself,all the energy will be spent on me &amp; not go to the baby.i'm looking fwd to next wk's scan to c how my baby is progressing.

hi monster!

i'm a mom of a happy, healthy 4-year-old and she's a preemie. i used to be active here but nowadays, i just come back here to read a few pages and then move on. (hi costa, kkf &amp; afcai!)

my daughter was born at 34 weeks, weighing 1.1kg. i had a problematic placenta too - high resistance in the veins leading to the placenta. that was the cause of IUGR.

at 28 weeks, your baby will have a good chance of survival. you should get as much rest as possible and think good, happy thoughts. take care!
