Premature babies support group

<font color="119911">Cindy</font>,
ppls say washed feet, hand and face with ebm will smooth one skin. that yr ebm is growing...why not give yr elder son to drink (mixed with fm?) what's abt donating bck to hospital?

hi Cindy
my gal is only 20 mths old and she is taking it.
I checked with the Medical hall they say 20mths can drink. Must brew with water and the herbs are already pre-packed. Quite simple to prepare.
Just add water and the packet add some rock sugar (not too much), for slight sweet taste only. So far its effective for her.
hi all mummies

I am still giving my gal the multi vit prescribed by KKH (RX vitamins). Giving them 1ML twice a day. Tried to give them DHA for 1 month but one PD say start only from 1 year old .So reverted back to RX. I have a few boxes of RX if anyone is interested. Still giving them iron cos the gals are still slightly anaemic.

I also giving them probiotics every morning.

Re- freezing of EBM. I borrowed fridge space from inlaw, sisters/mum. But after I start working, supply dropped. So not much to freeze now. Using up past months' supply.

Anyone want NAN2? FOC. But expiring in Oct10.
mrs yap, what is the name/pic of the herb? i also wan to get....

xbliss, david, my gal's wgt also stagnant.. 3.5 yo 12kg 93cm.. she is like a 2 yo..hahahahah
afcai, cindy:
How to use EBM to soak hand and feet? After that still need to rinse with water right? EBM feels oily leh. My feet very dry so I feel like trying but lazy also. Haha...

I've been dumping excess EBM in the sink daily so I'm immune already. Coz even if I freeze, I'm not sure if my boy will drink FBM. The smell is really terrible! So now I pump out the first 5-10 minutes and dump that so my boy drinks only the creamier hindmilk. His weight gain is also really slow now.

Solids: Just now I tried to feed him sweet potato puree, think he gagged and puked out so much milk. Like very poor thing. Is it because he dunno how to swallow yet and I should wait a while before giving solids? So far I've tried cereal, banana, sweet potato, papaya and he reject all except cereal which is more watery and texture is just like milk.
rhyea, i understand what you mean about gagging and stuff cos my boy gags too when I tried feeding him solids. initally when it was just thicker liquid and he gagged. so i stopped but later realized that i shouldn't because we need to let them get used to using their jaw muscle. i started my boy on semi-solids at CA6mths. I can't remember the number of time he gagged and threw up his feeds liao. when we went to see the dietician, she kept insisiting that we feed nate more lumpy-er food and it is alright for them to gag. i was like 'yah, right. do u have a premmie who puked up his milk feeds and refuse to eat anymore because of the throwing up episode?'. anyways, eventually, my boy got used to it. started by feeding him really tiny scoop of cereal and slowly coax him to eat. not that feeding is a breeze now.... sometimes he will gag a little but definitely better than before. alot of patience needed here.

regarding freezer, i think can rent from this shop called 'rent-a-freezer' or something like that.

as for ebm, i have been throwing all the old stock. now still throwing and i dun keep for more than a month cos' fridge no space liao. plus from experience, my boy never drank from any of the frozen ones so no point keeping. actually, i am seriously considering stopping soon... to give him FM so that he can gain more weight.
lilac, i see. I'm also worried that frequent throwing up will give him unpleasant association with food. But I guess it's a stage they have to go through. Just have to comfort myself that gag and throw up is still better than choking. Maybe I'll try to keep it more watery and let him get used to it slowly. Thanks!
<font color="119911">rhyea</font>,
not really use EBM to soak hand and feet. I just poured the ebm over the hand and feet then massage it. after that, of cos, need to rinse with water. my ebm depends.....I knew that the smell is not that nice. gd and worth trying to use it for dry feet. esp when nipple crack or sore, ebm is a good solution to heal it. that's what I did my nipple soar. wasted and heartpain draining ebm down the sink after so much effort and time to pump. bb dun really know, we just gave loh..think when they 're hungry, they will drink. yup, hindmilk gd but fatty...but still need foremilk also mah....

dun worry, as long as yr boy is happily drinking, slp well 's ok. my boy weight also increase very slow.maybe those food u tried, mash it very mashy and added in motr fluid loh. I agreed with what lilac mentioned, bb not adapt to sloid yet but we still need to give them in a very small amt first. yeah, patient patient is the word which need to care for our premiees. now, my boy at CA14mth(16mth), will take half an hr - 1 hr to feed him the porridge. he will not sit still. sometimes, just throw temper if he ate till pek chek as he is hot. sometimes, he just spilt out....I really lost my temper over a few occassions.
Sigh, these few days my boy is super fussy and don't really want to nap. Can see he's sleepy but just refuse to nap then don't really want to play either since he's tired. Even when I carry him, he'll cry if he's in the cradle position because he knows I'm trying to put him to sleep. After 4 hours of fussing, I totally give up from frustration. I dunno what he wants. I feel like such a crappy mummy coz I really have limited patience. Guess I'll have to put my solids plan on hold for a while...I'm running out of patience and he's in such a bad mood that he's not keen to try new food. =[
Hi kkf,

Thank you for being so concerned.As of Sun,i'll be 33 wks! HOORAY! since 26-31 wks,i've been super cranky.At that time,the weather was so hot,i was on bedrest,it was really taking a toll on me,esp with all the worry.Juz had my 32 wk scan this little prince is still on 20th percentile growth.At this moment,he's 1.66kg.I'm not as worried anymore,coz he really is growing,juz that he's not a big baby.&amp; i have passed my 'danger' stage.I know i shouldn't be complacent.I'm still counting kicks.but i no longer set my alarm clock for 3am.I no longer force myself to wake up to check in the middle of the night.somehow,i feel more relaxed.It was difficult to 'wean' myself off the 3am wake up call,but mentally,i was already a goner.i figured out if i continued like that,i will go mad.i was so worried abt pre-natal depression at that time.I still do not slp thru' the night coz of toilet breaks.

I ended up at the labour ward twice since wk 26.1st was coz my BP shot up,so i was worried abt pre-eclampsia.2nd time was ard 31 wks,when i didn't feel the baby move much.i was so worried.I asked for a scan at the labour ward juz to see if they can find a reason for the baby not of the docs came in with a trial machine &amp; asked if he could scan me.that machine was fantastic.he said it cost 30K! it was so clear,he even showed me all the structures of the then,i was also more reassured that is nothing wrong with the baby's heart.strangely,he estimated the baby's wt to be 1.7kg(@31 wks).i nearly fell off the bed in shock! haha.coz we have constantly been told our baby is small.he even said everything was along the 50th right now,i'm very confused.i put it down to errors in measurement &amp; the different chart used for comparison.i tell myself as long as everytime i get checked,baby's wt increased,i'm putting on wt,that should be fine.

i've been bugging my gynae to tell me when i can deliver.I don't think i want to go to 40 wks.coz i abruptly stopped work,i need to arrange when i'll get back to work,my sis wants to fly back fr overseas to attend my baby's 1st mth party,&amp; i'm thinking of doing the baby's 1st mth party b4 7th mth (better not to clash if possible).so all these needs planning.didn't have a chance to speak to her on that the last time,so will ask her abt it when i next see her.i'm still seeing my gynae wkly &amp; i think this will continue until birth.

u know,i logged onto the desktop once (usually i use my laptop)&amp; hubby came in nervously to tell me there are things i cannot see on the desktop.i saw a few new icons,but i thought it was for his the end,he told me i could see it.guess he's so excited he couldn't keep a secret! he designed a banner for our little boy! my tears welled up when i saw's to welcome our little boy home.&amp; the next thing i knew,the banner was printed out already.he was over the moon when he told me how beautiful the banner is.well,u can see how much he's looking fwd to having this little tiger as well.

&amp; I was chatting with him one day.told him i can't wait to have the baby out coz i'm in a lot of discomfot (well,which expentant mum isn't?).i'm haivng rash on my belly,i had a whole day of cramps (but i was sure it wasn't real contraction,so didn't go hospital) etc....he said we have waited so long for this child,what is 4 more wks....then it dawned on true! we have waited 2.5 yrs for this child.gone thru' life's most painful experiences,gone thru' painful surgery. here i am.waiting patiently.i'm really counting down.i'm planning 1 activity per wk,be it having a pedicure/meeting friends,cousins etc so that i can look fwd to those events &amp; it will help me pass time.
monster!! well done for being able to hold baby in till 33 weeks!!! Once baby reaches 34 weeks, the prognisis is very good liao!! good job mummy!!! pray that baby will continue to stay in till His perfect timing =)
Hi lilac,

Thank you....yes,i'm hoping the baby will be 2kg by 34 wks.he's still a bit 32 wks,he's only 1.66kg.i read in the other threads that some mothers have huge envious.don't have to worry.i always get nagged at that i don't eat etc,but that's not true.i eat a nutritious meal all the time.just that i try to stay away fr fried food,empty calories like ice cream etc.i don't think that is 'torturing' my baby.haha.&amp; besides good job mummy,it's GOOD JOB BABY! he has been good so far,kicking,tumbling,growing (abeit a little slow).he's such a champion.We have given him a name that means 'warrior',&amp; he is truely our little warrior for having battled thru' 32 wks so far.
Monster, glad to hear that you are well! You definitely sound more relaxed now
Enjoy the last few weeks of your pregnancy.

Baby size doesn't really matter as long as they are healthy. 1.66 kg at 32 weeks sounds pretty good. Anyway those weights are also estimates, so not very accurate. Like in my case, my gynae estimated 1.35 kg at 31 weeks but he was 1.65kg when I delivered him a few days later.
agree with rhyea about birth weight. i have a friend whos daughter was only 2 kg at birth. dun know what she fed her but now at 6 months, she is on the 95 percentile. So i believe with good post-natal nourishment, should be fine. plus weight is just one indicator of health. there are others. i think as long as baby is heathly, weight is secondary.
hi all preemies mummies,
glad to find this thread. I delivered my twins last week and they are really tiny....this is a very long archive thread and hope to find some good support here.
Twins are 720g each and they are in NICU...
Hi Keann, welcome to the thread.
I gave birth to my twins at 25 weeks, 1 and half year ago, and they were really tiny as well , 938g and 650g.

It's a long journey, but we are all here to support you. Please do drop by often!

By the way, what is the cause of your prematurity and at what gestational week did you deliver them?
I gave birth 25.5weeks. I has some bleeding and i thought it may be the show...and when at hospital, doc said i was already dilated 4cm. So have to admit me in. They gave me drip and some medicine to stop the contractions, but didn't manage to. By about 12hrs later, i was FULLY dilated and baby boy legs/hands were already coming out! Almost fainted when i heard the baby boy wanted to come out but my baby girl was all the way up my tummy right under my breastline. They also gave me the jab to mature the baby lungs, suppose to have 2 but i cannot get the 2nd one in time.... ALAMAK! Doc said no reason to explain why this prematurity happen, but my elder boy was born premature as well, about 32 weeks but he was 2kg then.

It is indeed very overwhelming for us now. I gave birth on the 10 June and yesterday the baby girl had some bleeding in the tummy, almost gave me the scare of my life. Today the bleeding has stopped and doc said she is stable now. Baby boy is doing ok, off the ventilator and now on CPAP. So many different Neonatal terms....

Glad to see this support group, good to know that they are many mummies out there who feel our fears and tears...
Hi keann welcome!
Hope ur two premature babies will grow well and fast and be home soon. there are a lot of support here. do drop by and update us.

Btw, i have 3 premature kids too. one at 23 weeks (passed away on day 2), 2nd at 27 weeks and 3rd at 34 weeks.

So we are quite similar, we can't hold our babies to very full term. but never mind, our kids will grow up well!

Hi monster! glad you are doing well and in your 33 weeks! wowowowwo! hang on there. jus a few more weeks to go, very fast one! keep on talking to the little one in u. and do update us when your beautiful boy arrives!
Just came back from NICU. Baby boy was on CPAP yesterday but today they have to put back ventilator cos Doc said boy was accumulating too much Carbon Dioxide. But the PDA treatment has closed the heart valve, so tat's good news. Baby girl's condition is better today, at least no more tummy bleeding.

Hope tomorrow will bring more progress and good's a waiting game...
Baby boy's heart vessel has closed. Thank GOD!
However, baby girl's heart vessel still open. Due to her tummy bleeding episode on Monday (Doc said most likely is due to the medicine from the PDA treatment), they cannot administer further medicine to close the heart valve for now. Got to monitor the next few days. Girl girl's weight has dropped also to 645g....haiz, any mummies has experience to share on PDA?
Hi Keann,

Both my boys didnt close PDA with medicine, and my elder boy also had tummy problem after the medicine. My younger boy used the medicine twice (it's called indomethacin if not wrong, known to cause gastro probs), and still couldnt close, after about 50 days, he only increased about 100g -150g from 650g, so they decided to do a PDA ligation surgery, which turned out to be a great decision..because he weaned off the ventilator after a week.

After such a long time,I think back and i wonder if the medicine was a good idea.. It didnt work on both my boys, and it caused more troubles. Because of the long wait for 2 rounds of medicine, my younger boy developed chronic lung disease from prolonged ventilation. However, I guess we were just unlucky, since not every babies react the same to the medicine...

I hope your girl's vessel will close soon. Keep us updated. Keep faith! Btw, do you breastfeed? Breastmilk is good for prematured babies...
Today is a depressing day for me...

Just found out my 3rd sister in law gave birth prematurely, at week 35, baby weight 1.7kg. She had pre-eclampsia and developed into HELPP in the her situation is stable, but really scared my brother !!

sigh....3 prematured babies, and 1 overdue baby(almost 2-3 weeks) in my family, very bizarre... The thing is they are my sister in laws, we have no blood connection, a coincidence?
Hi Jas,
Thanks for your advice. We really hope that girl's vessel will close. Will monitor this week. It's very tough to make any decisions as i think the NICU docs should know the best right.... My girl had exactly the same problem with the medicine..causing her tummy problems. Does chronic lung disease means that he will have it long-term? Does he needs long-term medicine?

I am expressing my BM diligently every 3-4hrs. Supply been quite good so i just focus on milking. Just very very worried for my twins in NICU.

Don't worry about week35 babies. I had my boy 32 weeks, he weight about 1.95kg. Today he is 3.5yrs old and very active, no major problems and he is of good weight now (14-15kg). Just have to give them extra attention after bringing them home, make sure they drink milk and eat healthy.

I see many people have normal delivery, normal labour term, i always question myself why my kids always are prematured too. I think maybe our tummy not strong enuff to keep them in...
Hi Keann,

Yes the doctors should know the best...
Kids' lung will continue to grow until 8 years old, so, after 8 years old, he should be okay. Right now he doesnt need medicine, just that we need to be extra careful with his lungs, anything could send him back to oxygen support again. We had an episode last year, when he fell sicked and had to be on O2 for a month. But after that he was fine...

I am not so worried about my newphew as 1.7kg is a good weight. However, my Sister in law had HELLP, it's a life threatening situation, luckily she is stable now..
Is there any special care needed when preemies can go home....although i know the discharge date for my twins are still quite far away, just wanted to prepare....
I am glad to find this thread...and know that there are mummies going through this with me.

I delivered my baby at 32.5 weeks on 10th June and he was delivered by csect.
His twin bro did not survive and was still-born. It was a sad day for us to find out that the twin did not survive but we are glad the other baby boy is born.

My baby is now in NICU at Mount A. He was born 1590g but have since lost some weight (which I believe is normal). He is now just 1490g.
He is now on TPN (not sure if I got the name right) which was worrying at first cos a line had to be inserted through his arm to his large vessel.Dr says its necessary to feed him better nutrients rather then just glucose. He did not digest well BM at first but now he can digest more...better.

Milking is tough..and volume seems so little. Any tips? I worry i do not have enough and they have to resort to formula like in the first few days.
Hi Nikki,
My twins (boy and girl) born on 10 June too. I delivered them at 25.5 weeks and their weight is 720g and 730g. I am sorry to hear of your lost. I know that it must be very difficult for you and your family.

His weight at 1.59kg is good, so dun worry. I am sure that your baby is very well taken care by the docs and nurses at Mt A NICU. My babies are in KKH and we just have to believe that the docs and nurses are doing their work to make sure our babies grow big.

My boy's condition is that he is on BM feed, but today doc told us he has Grade 2 bleeding, hope that it won't deteriorate further. HAIZ...but he is gaining weight slowly. Girl is not doing well cos her PDA is not closed yet, low blood pressure and she doesn't pass much stools yet cos there's no food given to her. So docs has to assess her situation and advise us again.

My elder boy is born 32 weeks at 1.95kg. He is now 3.5yrs old and a very healthy and active boy. Was in NICU for 1 day and he could go to normal nursery.

I had problems with expressing milk for my elder boy. But this time round, i am not sure if the massage makes a difference. KKH Lactation nurse taught me how to massage my breasts and the milk flow has been so far good. At least about 200-250ml per pump. DO NOT GIVE UP pumping. The 3rd day after delivery, my good friend encouraged me to pump pump pump. When it was just a few drops, i manually expressed by pressing the nipples/aerola area. Slowly day by day, the milk flow improves...You can speak to a lactation nurse and she can help.
Hi keann

Our kids have the same birth special.

It has been tough losing a child but my focus is now on my baby boy.

I hope your babies'condition will get better. Hang in there...
Like you say - our babies are in good hands with the Dr and nurses taking care of them. I trust in them.

Do you visit your twins daily? I have been visiting my baby daily even though I am supposed in confinement and recovering from csec.

The lactation nurse did teach me to massage and even manually pump for me - flow that day was not bad; but ever since it still isn't too much. Just a mere 20ml max. its has been 10 days since I started to pump (wondering if its the norm or there is something wrong with me).

I will nvr give up pumping even though its just so little - for my baby's sake.
Hi Nikki,
Do you have confinement food? Drink more soup. I ordered my meals from Natal Essentials and they have a big bowl of soup with every meal. And i made Green Papaya with Fish bone Soup with the advice of the lactation nurse, that seems to help me quite a bit. Just lots of fluids fluids and fluids. I pumped about 5-10mins and i stopped. Then i drink milo or Longan Red Dates drink, eat some biscuits and carry on. So i will pump for about 45mins-1hr in total.
Lots of patience and just thinking of my twins! Don't give up. Pump more often and drink drink drink!

Yes i visit my twins daily. Cos i want to give them the power touch. We cannot carry the babies yet becos they have tubes all over. So we just talk to the babies and ask the to jia you!

I am sure your baby boy is a fighter and we will keep him in mind in our prayers!
Hi Keann

I did not cater confinement food - have our helper cook the food and prepare soups. I do drink that Green papaya with fish bone soup...not helping very much.

I will try drinking more more more fluids...
I tried the 5 mins each side pumping method but not so effective. Now trying 15mins each side as advised by a nurse. Trying all sorts of ways to find what works best.
Do u use a manual or electric pump?

We are asked not to touch baby too much cos they want the environment he is in as sterile as possible so we also talk to him instead.Love it when he opens his eyes to greet us.

Was reading the thread of msgs, what condition do yr twins have now? Something to do with the vessel closing???

I keep yr twins in my prayers as well.
Btw what are their names? My boy is named Luke
<font color="119911">Nikki baby</font>,
Congrats for yr NB. sorry to hear yr lost. do keep up yr effort in moo moo. initially, I also pump very little. it took me a mth+ to stimulate and increase milk flow. jiayou...

<font color="119911">keanncyber11</font>,
congrats and I'm great that premieers are the great fighter. cheers...
Nikki baby, don't give up on the pumping. Apart from drinking lots of water and getting rest, it's very important to pump very often to stimulate milk production. The duration you pump is not as important.

I had quite low supply in the first week also. So for the first month, I pumped every 2 hours/ 10 times a day to build up supply. That time I was using manual pump so it took almost 1 hour to pump both sides. A good electric pump really saved my life or rather my hand
I'm up now moo mooing lor.
Hi Nikko baby &amp; keanncyber11,

Welcome to our support group. My princess was born 26week @ 590gram. She has fought a long way and has stay in the hospital for 135 days with 2 ops. Have faith and be positive. Continue to visit them everyday, speak the words of life and our little warrior will fighting fearlessly with our encouragement. Try to touch them even with our little finger. They will feel the strong bonds with their parents.

Hi Nkki baby,

Sorry for your lost. Please be strong from Luke. His weight is good and he will be home sooner than you thought. TPN will make him grow fast but prolong usage will have side effect. The milk flow will gradually increase when you are least stress and please eat healthy and rest well. Please don't discard the first few drops of EBD, they are knowns as the "Golden Milk" which will boost our warrior immunity. If you need to increase more milk flow, you can try "Milk Mate Tea" which can be purchased from "Mums Essential" at KKH. This is 100% natural herbs.

Hi Keanncyber11,

Congrats for your twin. You are a strong and positive mama, continue to do your magic and your twin will be home soon. Chronic Lungs Disease (CLD) means than if our baby in on mechanical ventilator for more than 30 days. Prolong period on mechanical ventilator may scarred their lungs. My princess has CLD which her rib cage are depressed inward Your boy is having grade 2 bleeding. Which parts of his body? Usually they will administer plasma as a choice of treament.
MUST drink lots lots lots of fluids. I really gulp down more water cos i think of milk milk milk...using Medala Pump-in-style. But for my elder boy, i really didn't have milk, didn't know why also. But this time round, the milk flow is much better. You must massage massage and massage and pump manually using your hands can help to clear up some ducts too. Just keep on pumping and you will see more flow....

My boy's name is Ethan and Girl's name is Emma.
Ethan initially had some problems with the heart valve closing (PDA). This is a common problem with preemies. The valve should close within few days of birth. Ethan's heart valve has since closed, but he had some problems with breathing still...he was off the ventilator and was on CPAP. But CPAP didn't work for him, and it's more stress on his lungs, so they put back the ventilator again. Yesterday the doc told us that Ethan has a grade 2 bleeding in the head/brain. Read about it and seems like Grade 1-2 is ok, but once it goes up to Grade 3-4, it can cause long-term problems. So we are praying that he will recover naturally from this. BUT good news is, he is feeding well on my BM and the feeds are increasing daily. So we can see that he is putting a slight bit of weight. I know what you mean when you said they open their's such an amazing hurdle for my tiny ones to open their eyes. But i think they cannot see much except some light as they are still very young.

Emma's PDA not closed, PDA medicine caused her tummy to bleed (which was quite traumatic for me when we knew her tummy was bleeding). But they have stopped the med and tummy bleeding has been stopped for a few days now. Hope it won't come back again. This means that PDA med cannot be administered to her, so her valve is still open. Due to this, it is causing her low blood pressure and sometimes quite irregular. Cos she hasn't been on any milk feeds yet just the drips, so yesterday doc told us that she hasn't poo poo for 2 days, which is no good. HAIZ.....

Hi David,
We are trying our best to be as positive as possible. But sometimes, emotionally cannot control. Feel very helpless and cannot do anything to help them. How old is your girl now? She is a micro-preemie as well. Can you share more of your experiences since you have been thru in NICU too. So does your girl need special treatment for her CLD now?
Hi Keann,

I know how U feel. Many times, I cried in silent. I must not let my wife worries as she has already suffered so much. Once you step into NICU, please cast away all the sadness. Our warriors will feel us. If we are strong and positive, they will gain more strength &amp; will to fight hard and brave. Remember to praise them for every little milestone that they have achieved &amp; triumph.

My princess is very blessed with all the blessing from mums in this forum, although she has CLD, she was discharge without medication. She is already CA16 months. Even till today, our guard are still very high in term of hygiene. If any of the family members are having a block and stuffy nose, they have to wear a mask. Hands sanitizer is a must if we carry or play with Danya.

Danya did not poo for the first 10 days of her life. Her tummy swell so big and shiny. She had a emergency ops at day 11 which 27 cm of her intestine was burst and had to be removed. DOC create a STOMA on her belly so that her poo can be collected in a STOMA bag which was attached on her belly. It was mal-rotation which cause her meconium to be stuck and mal-rotation happen in 1 out of 700 babies. She was discharge with a STOMA and her STOMA closure ops was done in Nov 09. My girl had a lung collaspe at day 40+ in NICU when she was put on CPAP trial. The nurse managed to bring her back. She turned purple so fast as she was really very small at that time. A 5 days steriod treatment was given and her lungs improved tremendous after the treatment. She was given caffeine to regular her breathing and also to prevent A&amp;B(Apnea &amp; Bradycardia) She had ROP(Retinopathy of Prematurity)but regress after stage 2. If ROP reach stage 3, a laser tretment will be performed, if ROP progress into stage 4(Very unlikely), the retina will start to detach from the eye, stage 5 will be blindness.

Below website give alot of information :

Do come here often and we are most willing to help. I will keep Ethan and Emmna in my prayer. Fight strong and fight brave and have faith in the mighty one. Speaker the words of life to Ethan &amp; Emma and triumph shall be theirs.
Good morning to all

Hi afcai,this moo moo cow will continue to pump...not matter how little.

Hi rhyea, I will try to drink drink drink....massage massage massage and pump pump pump. I already feel every 3 hrs is quite frequent (doing it every 2hrs leaves us no time for rest or anything else). I have tried to pump 5mins on each side for 15mins in total for each side and also tried 15mins on each side (30mins for both sides). Not a lot of difference. There is an initial good flow of drops but mins later, there's not much dripping. Wonder which way works better.

A girlfriend recommended manual pump vs electric pump (am using the a medela electric pump now) as she says she gets better flow using the manual pump. What do you thinK?

Hi David, What are the side effects of TPN? I was not aware...Dr did not mention. How long is considered long?

I was prescribed Motilium by my PD to help to induce milk supply. I only just started. Any one took this before? Any help? I had initially not wanted to take any pills for milk production, but am at my wits end trying to increase supply to meet baby's needs. PD increase his intake daily and at this rate, my milk is just not enough.

Hi keann, your twins have such lovely names.
I can understand the helpless feeling you describe...its a tough time for all of us with premies still in hospital. I get comforted knowing that baby is in good hands with the PD and nurses' care. And of cos, seeing him makes my day.

I also wonder if he can see me (doubt this stage), but I sense he knows we are there. When he opens his eyes wide and looks at our direction, my heart melts (even tho he may not actually have sight of us)
Hi Nikki,

Prolong usage of TPN will cause stress on our warrior liver. Doc will always try to balance. Once Luke is able to take more EBM, the quantity of the TPN will be reduced. Motilium(Domperidone) is also use for treatment of nausea and vomiting which Doc in some countries are against the usuage of this drug. My wife was on motilium and also Milk Mate Tea which help in producing more supply. Try this, when you are expressing, think of Luke, this does help. If the EBM is really not enough, the hospital will usually mix EBD will special formula and additive like MCT &amp; Carborie.

Nikki, don't worry to much. Only with a positive mind and healthy body, you will than be able to encourage and support Luke in many way. Cheers.
Hi David

Thanks for yr reply. Am so glad to have found this support that I can learn from your experiences and seek advice.

As for TPN...I believe Dr will know best and he did say the more milk Luke takes in, the less of TPN is given.
Did yr gal also take TPN?

So taking Motilium is Ok then? The nurse says take this in moderation and she says it does help with production.
My PD is pro-BM as such he encourages BM rather then formula as BM is more easily digestable. Thus the pressure on me to pump...

I will focus and think of Luke when expressing...
Maintaining a +ve mind is key, i agree with you but its tough at times. I will try my best for his sake.
Hi Nikki,

Welcome to the thread!
A short message ..
Domperidone is fine, i have been taking it for a while (my production dropped after half year, so i took it to increase), it did work and i stopped after a while..

Manual pump is better for a start as you could adjust the speed while massaging. After your flow is established, you could change to electric pump. I have been using Avent Manual and Medela Electric as a combination, it worked very well for me and i breastfed for 14 months.

jiayou!! gtg..will write more later.
keann, i used to ask myself this question too: how come i couldn't carry my babies to full term too and ended in 3 premature labors. but think sometimes, it is just fated to be. glad ur eldest son is doing great! your two little ones will do great too! Btw, i was with natal essentials during my 3rd confinement, and felt that their food are not nourishing enough, do eat other things to supplement if possible, like drinking more chicken essence or wat.

welcome nikki baby, i lost my eldest boy before at 23 weeks plus after 2 days in nicu, so I understand ur lost of one of your twin. You still have another boy, and he will do great, cause his brother is watching over him.
I can't comment much on breastmilk, cause I am have very little supply. haha.
jas, dun think it runs in ur family. it is just pure luck that you gave birth prematurely, anyway, for twins, they are usually born prematurely. You sister in law has condition, that was why she gave birth prematurely and glad she is ok now. It must be very very scary for her n ur brother!
Hi Mummies,

I am garnering donation for Children Cancer Foundation. I am shaving my head to support those children who are suffering for both physical and emotional trauma during the course of cancer treatment. I sincerely looking forward to your support and generosity. Information on Hair For Hope 2010 can be found in this link,

I have set a donation target of S$1000 to CCF and you can follow the below link for donation if you can support this campaign.
I sincerely thanks every mummies for your support in the past. Cheers.
<font color="119911">nikki_baby</font>,
Jiayou.....just do it....mummy milk milk brand is precious....

for me, I can't ta han single electric pump not saying manual pump. luckily, one kind mummy donate her dual pump for me but after using a few mths, it spoilt(panic cos half way pumping....motor so loud but can't suck. luckily, Have a spare single pump with me in office) and I had to borrow fr my cil that night. emergency wor...ask hubby to 'fly' there to get the on and off, I bf for 13mth (took me 2-3mth to wean down for no 2 and 4mth+ to wean down fr no 1).

for me, it took me 1.5-2mth to have a medium range supply. initially, milk flow not gd. only can pump 20-40ml every 3hrs for the first 1mth. but luckily, my boy is a small takers cos it is sufficient enu for him. he also cannot intake so much milk at one go if not will merlion out. so we only can feed him 30ml every hr. siong....

do take gd care of yrself too.

I got 20 brand new tablets of Domperidone pills. expire in june 2012, giving foc...u want? it was given to me in dec 09 when I reported my tummy is bloated. but now then realise that it is gd for milk production if not, I would have taken it that time. boooo....
nikki_baby, personally dual pump seems to give me more supply. After I switch from single manual pump (Avent) to dual electric (medela freestyle), my supply went up. Pumping time also cut down by at least half so that frees up time for me to do other things.

Yeah, 2 hrly is actually very xiong but I only do it during the day. Night time I try to sleep more. How many times are you pumping each day? Even adding one extra session a day will help with supply. Even when there's no milk flow, if you continue to pump, it will signal to the body that you need more milk.

The other thing you can try is power pumping. Pump for 10 mins, rest 10 mins, then pump 10 mins, rest 10 mins and pump 10 mins again.

Can read more about improving supply on this site
Hi afcai and ryhea, thanks for the advice.
At the present moment, I can pump max 15ml. am using the medela pump in style advanced...can work as a dual pump but since I hv such low supply, I do not see the point of pumping on both sides at the same time until flow is established

Afcai, I already hv Motilium which the Dr prescribed. I only started taking yesterday...dun believe it will work wonders yet.

Rhyea, I may just try the power pumping method soon.i hv tried 5mins on each side and currently trying 15mins on each side. Its crazy...
I will do whatever it take to increase the flow
<font color="119911">nikki_baby</font>,
u still doing confinement?? if so, drink more red dates with longan, gd to boost up bm. it 's takes time to for bm to be establish. jiayou.

Hi afcai

I am still doing confinement and am drinking red dates with logan drink. I will take anything for the milk flow to increase...
its been ard 12 days since I have started to pump...progress is just so slow. Plus baby in NICU needs more as Dr increase ml per feed nearly everyday now.

Thanks for the encouragement. Jiayou Jiayou.
