Premature babies support group

Hi naddy,

Thank u for ur support.WOW! i have a huge cheerleading team behind me! certainly makes me feel like i'm not alone.

naddy,i'm glad u mentioned abt ur placenta.coz my gynae used the same term.'resistance'.she said some resistance in blood flow to the me,that translates to poor blood flow to the placenta.YEAH!!!! she finally found a reason for my previous loss! may or may not be,but very likely coz it's occurring at almost the same gestational period.can i ask u,is this ur 1st preg or 2nd or 3rd? if it's not ur 1st preg,have u had previous similar experience? wat made ur gynae check blood flow to the placenta? it's not usually checked unless there are indications.& fr wat gestational age was IUGR discovered & for how long were u asked to hold on?

hi monster,

my 4yo is my first child. all throughout the pregnancy she was smaller than my friend's daughter. both my friend and i got pregnant at the same time so we always compared notes. but my gynae told me not to worry because i am rather small myself.

at the 32nd week full scan, my daughter was found to be unusually small. i was asked to do another scan the following week. that 33rd week scan, my daughter was still the same size as the previous week. i was admitted and put in the labour ward. i was monitored all the time and they planned to deliver me at week34 because that was considered as an acceptable prematurity. but the night before i was supposed to go to the OT, i was suddenly woken up by doctors and nurses all around me, staring at the printout of the CTG machine and telling me that i had to deliver at that moment because the heartbeat was dropping.

that was in 06. in early 08, i was pregnant again but it ended in a miscarriage. in mid 08, i tried again and was pregnant again. this time, i had a new gynae (dr k t tan from kkh as my previous gynae had gone into private practice). she monitored my pregnancy closely. there was a similar problem with the blood flow but i think the 'resistance' wasnt as high as my first one. from week 28 to week 30-something, i had weekly scans to monitor baby's growth. thankfully, everything was okay. baby was a bit small when she came out at 2.3kg in week 37 but since i had a 1-kg 34-weeker, a 2.3kg baby is not a cause for complaint for me. :D
<font color="119911">naddy</font>,
yeah, u recall me. I already forgotten's are u now?? no updates at kkh thread liao?? pai seh....wave wave....

oh, reading yr post to monster is really filled with mixed emotion esp the part on heartbeat dropping. it must be scary for u that pt of time?

<font color="119911">Monster</font>,
for my case,during the early wk of preggie and during the scan, the gynae (third option gynae from TMC) scan that my placenta a bit detach fr the womb. thks gd, after 3 wk of MC, tough continue bleeding but the foetus still also frightened me at that time.

hence, try not to move so much. cheers.
Hi naddy,

thanks for sharing.ur experience will certain help me be more alert.everything hinges on this thur's scan.


at least for u,there are signs of placenta abruption,like bleeding.for me,there's nothing.i'm so afraid of waking up one day to find my bb not kicking anymore.these days,i don't even want to fall asleep coz i'm afraid that's going to happen.if i'm going to go to full term 36 wks,that's 8 more wks.8 wks of no sleeping? sometimes i ask myself if that's possible.but i do fall aslp out of exhaustion.i'm only imagining after a long period of no slp or lack of quality slp,i still have to nurse my bb,so that's few more mths of no slp.i just tell myself maybe that's a a gd way to lose wt.haha.i'm thinking: maybe i shall ban visitors fr coming to visit me in hospital coz the only thing i wish for after delivering is a good night's slp.
hi monster,
please think postively ... if not u will not only affecting yrself but oso yr baby le. Take good care of yrself 1st . b4 the bb born. If not the bb come out,u will hv endless sleepless nites ahead.
monster, I know it is difficult to not worry... but if you could, please try to think positively. Negative thoughts are not good for the baby. Will yourself to think that baby will stay in there till term; baby will be healthy; i will not lose the baby. Press on and waiting to hear good news after your scan this thurs.
hi, naddy,hp alls well wif you and family...

monster, mbe after this thursday's scan, can ask yr gynae for closer monitoring?can bring the appointments closer?

yup must think more positively and perhaps everythg will just turn out right...and yr baby will receive yr positive vibes

there's a device that you can attach to your tummy and hear your baby's heartbeat (just like the ctg monitor at the hospital). that way, you will be assured that your baby is still there. and you can get some sleep too.

you absolutely MUST sleep because if you dont have enough rest, it may affect the baby.

and when the baby's out, there's no way you can produce good quality milk if you dont have enough rest. so, please, get some sleep.

another alternative is to get yourself admitted so that you can get yourself hooked to the ctg machine and the doctors and nurses can monitor the heartbeat. you can sleep as much as you want then.

talk to your gynae and ask what you can do. but please, going without sleep for 8 weeks will not be good for your body.


nowadays i hardly come here except to the spree and bulk purchase section. hehee..


thanks. all is well for me. my girls are okay.
<font color="119911">monster</font>,
bleeding also dangerous cos gynae say if bleed seriously (I bleed is like gust of blood coming out one) then placenta might detach out of the womb.hmm...if you dun rest, later bb also exhausted, so better to have more rest. agree with what lilac mentioned. dun over stress yrself. relax. try to think of the happy moment when bb arrive.

agreed, no visitor to come during my hospital stay except my friend who work in novena so she took the free shuttle bus here to visit me.

<font color="119911">naddy</font>,
yoyo....still 'hook' to how's yr kids?
that's mean yr no 2 is born in 09??

i understnad your worry. my ger was born @34wks 4yrs ago. all's well during my 7mths preg, until the regular checkup @Wk30 when my gynae diagnosed me as having pre-eclampsia. all went downhill frm then on. i was given MC, week after week, until wk33, when gynae decided that bb is still not growing, so decided to take out bb @34wks.

during my 1mth mc, i was ordered to hav rest, monitor bb's heartbeat every hour. i still rem one sun morning, when i din feel any movement, i was so scared, hubby asked if i wan to b admitted to hospital. but in the end, we decided to wait, cos maybe bb is sleeping?? i know the anxiety..the dunno-what's-happening feeling.

At that time, we initially tot if we can keep bb inside as long as possible is good. then we got a good scolding frm gynae. she said, inside, u dunno what's happening, how to react? if bring her out, can do a lot more good 4 her.

anyway, that was 4 years ago! now, she's a healthy (but super skinny) little girl.

trust yourself, trust your gynae, trust your bb. do what u want. nobody will blame u, cos whatever decision you have made, i'm sure you have wanted the best 4 your bb.

take care.
Hi disneymickey,

haha,u've got such a cute nick.i think ur gynae is correct,but u have already passed 30wks,approaching 34 wks.the rule of thumb is: if labour occurs at 34 wks,gynae will not stop labour fr my case,it's only 28 wks.but i think the same as ur gynae.inside,don't know wat's least outside,can monitor &amp; can save.but if u ask ard,very few gynaes will induce at 28 wks coz it's still too early,unless there's a medical reason to.may i know how did the gynae ask u to monitor heartbeat?


the no visitor rule is mainly for me to get a decent rest.but...i think for my fam,they can all understand.but hubby's fam is different.they are very petty ppl,so i'm not sure if we this will work most,i juz fall aslp when ppl are here to visit me.they won't be so mean to shake me &amp; wake me up,right?'s a bit rude,but i'm not going to entertain them (unless it's ppl who i like) coz at this moment,i'm no.1 priority.if i don't get enough rest,also won't have enough milk.

Sgal,lilac,costa del sol,

thank u for ur unwavering support.I will press on.


did u use that ctg like monitoring machine? actually,after i lost my gal,i've already come up with a plan (my own plan) as to wat to do during the next preg.i've discussed with hubby &amp; he agrees,but gynae doesn't agree! haha.i wanted to go every morn to the gynae clinic for ctg monitoring,then check myself in every night to labour ward for ctg monitoring.i think this takes a huge load off my mind as i know i'm always being monitored.u're right,in the way,i get some sleep too.but gynae says ctg monitoring at 28 wks may not show anything compared to 30+ she won't do it.alamak! i'm trying to find out exactly when the stillbith occurred,so during a similar period this preg (which is coming up soon,i believe),i'll check in to labour ward &amp; juz tell them a lie so that i can be monitored that gives me a peace of mind.but 1st,i have to find out when it happened.i can be very sure the day b4 it happened,i still felt baby must go dig out the file &amp; check coz exactly 1 wk b4 that,i had a the scan will be able to tell me how many wks &amp; how many days.i also bought a doppler &amp; have been using it since 13 wks to monitor baby's heartbeat.but the difficulty with the doppler is that it gives me a reading at the moment,it doesn't show a pattern like the it will only tell me if there's a heartbeat &amp; how fast the heartbeat is.
naddy, gr8 tt you n family are doing well...

monster, hw about check yrself everyday for foetal movements and go to gynae like three times a week just for scan?dunoe if my idea is crazy or not.....did you take yr case notes and discuss wif yr current gynae?

we will give you our support, dun worry
Hi costa del sol,

since 24 wks,i've been taking down his every move &amp; the intensity of the 27wks,gyane gave me an 'official' foetal movement chart,where i have to count the no. of kicks daily.after the stillbirth in 2008,i decided on my current gynae &amp; i gave her all my notes fr the previous preg.ur ideal is certainly not crazy.any mother will be concerned abt her baby.sometimes if she doesn't see me weekly,i'll book myself an appt to see her.haha
<font color="119911">monster</font>,
try to talk to yr hubby abt no visit rule fr his family. err..dunno shd I envy u or not? my in-law family, dun even visit me one. sad sad.....even my boy is the first grandson also like that......

agreed...ask the nurse to tell them u are tired and need a lot of rest.

my bb always like to slp, and also not active type except during the evening times. most of the time, I think he was zzz....when he was not moving, I just tapped my tummy when I detected not much movement.then he just respond. maybe u can try this.

anyway, try not to think so much.... no offence, just wonder do yr gyane like said u are very 'kuang zhang", need to monitor so many times etc....
hi monster! me again dropping by to cheer u up.

I glad we have a team of cheerleaders here for u! haha. last time during my 3rd pregnancy, i had a team of cheerleaders for me here today! all mummies here are great mummies supporting me all the way!!!

We will support u all the way too!

Monster, u dun have to fear and not sleep. Honestly, I was like u, fearing every single second, single min, single hour. But I eventually told myself this (I even sms me to myself): 是你的就是你的,不是你的就不是你的(命里有时终需有,命里无时,莫强求.)
When I was about 20 plus weeks pregnant, I keep telling myself to stop fearing for contractions and early labor. If you are destined to have, you will have, if you are destined not to have, whatever you do, you will still lose it. Yes, it's unbearable to think of it, but really, we have to relax, else we will gooo crazzzzzy.

Also, because I was stressing sooo much, and was so unhappy and fearful, my little girl right now seems to be like that too, timid, always crying, and feels insecure.

Sorry, I am not sure if I have made you more fearful or wat, but dun u agree that sometimes, some things, whatever we do, whatever we try, we still can't keep it, or get the things we want.

I keep telling myself at that time, forget it, if it is destined to be, I can't do anything.

Just like life and death, we can't control, we can do anything. It all depends on the one up there.

<font color="0000ff">Your baby will be yours. Do ur best, and do whatever you can, but still, do relax, and remember to talk more to ur unborn, and ask him to be destined to be yours.</font>
hi afcai,

aiyoh,why are ur in laws like that? i don't get along with my in laws,so i call them 'out laws'.my father out law &amp; sis out law are really difficult ppl.the rest of the extended family are actually very nice hubby gets a lot of his support fr his aunts,more than his dad &amp; sis.u only tap ur tummy? i vibrate my whole tummy vigorously! is protected by amniotic fluid,so won't be hurt.i coined a term for it.i call it 'drumming'.haha.sometimes immediately after drumming,he moves.sometimes,he doesn't move even after repeated worrying.i think gynae is also worried abt my situation,that's why she is monitoring so closely.


thank you for ur support.haha! u sms to urself! hmmm....i wonder hwo u do it possible to sms fr ur phone to ur own phone? i agree with u,whatever is urs will be urs.whatever is not urs will not be may be urs initially,but it'll be taken away fr u eventually.when i was bleeding in 1st trimester,i was a bit panicky &amp; i ended up at A&amp;E twice.but every occassion when i was waiting for the scan,i was quietly confident that i will see a heartbeat.i have a feeling this is meant to be.hopefully.i even have a gut feeling that i will be able to hold on till 40 wks if i really want to.but scared,36 wks is the max i will go.coz by then,i'm already so so so close to having a viable baby.not worth taking the risk.yes! i talk to my boy all the time.he's very cute.sometimes when he doesn't move,i tell him i will tell daddy &amp; he will start moving.he seems to be scared of daddy.haha...
hi monster ,
when i ard week 20 i hd bad dream. i dreamt of myself in OT with many ppl ard trying to save my life n my LO. i woke up perispring n was so frighten .i dare not tell anyone n True enuff, it really happened. At week 30, my waterbag rutpured i was admitted hosp &amp; later Emergency C-Sec.
Come to thinking if it, mayb tat was a '前兆'(signal) of how she want the world to recieve her lo. haha

u dun worry too much. Do more 胎教 n rest more. i bli he will 'signal' u when the time ripe.
Hi all, new here, joining this thread as I have just delivered a boy at 26+ week end of last month. If only I have known this support group earlier. Had my post natal blues after discharge, kept blaming myself for the situation. My baby is in SGH ICU. Any parents' little one there too?
Hi all! My gals are borned at 34 weeks. The elder one is 2.5kg and the younger at 2kg. They are coming to 10 mths (adjusted) now. Had unknown bleeding and stayed in hospital for a month. Water bag burst and had to deliver. till now, when I see the pictures of them when they were borned, still feel sad. Esp the younger gal who stayed in ICU/SCN for nearly 1 month.

The younger one has low immunity (prone to illnesses). She has to undergo a heart surgery to close PDA and another one for tongue tie. Any mummies know of any good cardiologist and surgeon?

Elder gal so far ok. Except doesnt like to drink (in 25-50 percentile). Still waks her up at night to feed her (cant only dream feed her).

Great to find this support group as I find premmies do have more issues than full term babies and parents are subjected to more stress. But I know we will always be here to fight the battle with our little ones!
Hi newbride,

For cardiologist, u can look for Dr Shankar from NUH. Last time he was from KKH, heard that he is a very experience doctor.
Hi Cindy,

Mummy Sam has 3 warriors from SGH. If you see their picture in the same thread, the Trio have grown up strong and charming. No mummies in this thread wish to have their warriors born early. If our warriors wish to see the world early, we as their parents must be strong and encourage them to fight strong. BTW, my princess is also a 26 weeker and have stay in KKH for 135 days,

Hi Newbride,

I believe you have a pretty twins. Their weight is quite good for a 34 weeker. In KKH, Dr. Tan is pretty good. I am surprise that her PDA is not close. Was she given any drugs to close her PDA which is the normal SOP? When was your princess born? As for your elder, 25 to 50% is quite good. My princess is way way below 3% for her physical growth.
Thanks David for your encouragement. What is the hospital bill like for your princess? 135 days is long. I wonder how am I going to tahan for that long. Yearning to carry mine in my arms. The hospital just called and is asking for cash already.

Looks like I have to read up on premature babies. What are the complications when they grow older?
Hi Cindy,

The total bill B4 medisave was 142K. After deduction, it was abt 30+K which wipe off all my medisave. Normally in Govt hospital, they will downgrade our warrior to C class billing if they are going to stay long in the hospital.

As for complication, have faith. We can't think so far. What is important now is to fight this battle with bravery &amp; might. We have to be strong and speak the words of life. Every time when you visit your warrior, remember, cast away all the -ve thoughts once your enter the room, don't even tears when you are with your boy. Remember, praise him for his success, encourage him to fight hard and brave and always tell him that mummy and daddy are proud of him. Remember, our warrior will feel our emotions. Fight hard, fight brave and please have faith in the mighty one.
<font color="119911">monster</font>,
yeah, out law...including sil. so interesting description. aiyo...then bb like that scare scare when tummy vibrate, bb tot he is in the rocking boat??

oic...just kept on talking or singing or playing music to bb loh.

<font color="119911">newbride\cindy</font>,
welcome to the thread. hope our support team will cheer u up.

my boy also stayed in hospital for 31 days.

cindy - yr elder consider 25 to 50% grow good, my boy now only grew fr 35(since dec 09) to 10% (this mth).
hey All,

Been MIA for a long time! din manage to read thru all the posts.. How are you mummies and daddy? I have been very busy ever since i got back to Shanghai, esp with my work and Xavier..

Xavier is doing great so far, despite the weird weather that changed from minus 2 to 30 degrees within 2 months. He finally started to love milk again, we are so relieved. Last week brought him to see doctor here as referred by NUH, the doctor was impressed by his development, as the smallest baby they saw was 680g, as compared to Xavier's 650g (wonder what is the diff..haha). He is 8.3kg now, with 72cm at CA 1 year old. Petite but healthy
He can stand with support, but still cant crawl. He can regconise "light", and will call out 灯灯 when we on the light but he cannot call mama when he sees me despite loving to say mama all the time.. funny guy..

Family reunion is great, all of us are finally together now, including our beloved Issac. I kept him in my closet (not the best place, I know...), and talked to him everyday. Oh missed him so much. Always wondered how nice it would be if I had Xavier and Issac together with us ? Must be really eye-catching with my handsome boys...hahaha...not a humble mummy here :p

Hi Monster,

Jiayou!! I know how hard it is to monitor baby development. 28 weeks are really good..For me, when i was 24/25 week , the blood flow to Xavier's umbelical cord was on and off (not just high resistance, sometimes absent), and he was basically dying..yet doctors werent confident to take them out so early, so they put me to monitor. I went through 4 days of heartbeat monitoring (CTG?) twice a day, 1 hour every time. It was hell...becuase most of the time we couldnt find Xavier's heartbeat because he was really small inside me...Imagine the fear of losing him...Well, at the end of 4 days (i was praying so hard to drag 10 days at least), the blood flow stopped completely and there was sign of reversing flow..So time's up. I didnt mean to scare you with my story, just sharing... I always envied those with 28 weeks...Even twins at 28 weeks have good chance..well, destined.
So you are at NUH? They have quite a few good neonatologists, so be rest assured. Most said KKH is the best in the region, but I think NUH has a very good team too, most importantly not as busy as KKH...

So what you need to do now is rest well, relaxed...and relaxed. jiayoujiayou!

Hi Cindy,

Like David said, dont think too much about complication now. Take it one day at a time... Come here more often and share with us, it helps!

Hi Newbride,

Xavier's PDA was done when he was only 800g in NUH. Done by the HOD of cardiology...a old chinese doctor, with surname of Wong or ong, cant remember.. heard he is the best.

Hey, if anyone do drop by Shanghai to visit Expo, or for whatever reasons, do let me know ya!!!! I will be a good host
Hi Jas,

Really long time no hear. Xavier is doing great. He is looking more and more like you. He look so charming.

My Danya is only 6kg, 65 cm @ CA 11 mths. All lot to catch up with our handsome Xavier.

May be planning a trip to QingPu in June. See how it goes with the schedule. Will let you know.
Hi Sgal,

wow,after hearing abt ur dream,it makes me feel 'normal'.i'm having scary dreams too! in act,the day b4 i lost my gal,i had a dream of some evil being saying he's going to take my gal away.&amp; it happened the very next,i get bad dreams too,dont' know if it's out of fear or wat.&amp; like u,i dare not to tell anyone,including my hubby.but hubby said must tell him to 'break' the dream so that it will not happen.this time,i dreamt i was in hospital &amp; heard a 'tiiiiiii' sound.u know,the heartbeat machine when there's no more heartbeat.but i vaguely rem that baby was born alive,so must be mine! haha.i always tell my hubby if there's an emergency,save the baby.if he saves the baby,i will survive coz i want to see the baby so badly.if he saves me,the baby will have no chance at all.afterall,as an adult,our organs are all fully developed &amp; working,compared to that of the baby's.

Hi newbride,

I juz wanna tell u....don't worry abt the tongue tie.that's the least of ur worry.i'm saying this in the capacity of a dentist.i think since the docs are going to close ur child's PDA under GA,they might as well juz correct the tongue's a very very simple procedure &amp; usually the baby's speech developement will not be will usually snip off the fibrous band of tissue that holds the base of the tonuge to the floor of the mouth.recovery is relatively fast too,as the area is very vascular.when i had my growth scan at 26 wks,they were very detailed &amp; the sonographer kept chasing my baby around coz he was moving so much.she said she was looking out for cleft lip.alamak! having gone thru' losing my gal due to no hearbeat,the cleft lip is the last of my worry.i told my hubby later that cleft lips are so repairable these days,nothing to worry abt.i'm more worried abt the baby's heart.


haha.u're so funny.but my baby's sometimes unco-operative.tell him nicely to move,he won't listen,so must resort to more vigorous action.


ur son is so cute! i love his u,i think NUH has an excellent team.having experienced KKH &amp; NUH's service,i think NUH beats KKH hands down.i was looking for my growth scan &amp; foteal anomaly scan for the 1st preg,i realised KKH didn't even give me a copy! KKH is very too bz sometimes,i think.u know,the day i discovered no heartbeat &amp; i went in,i was treated like was a china nurse.well,don't know whether that's the reason or not.haha.i told her to hurry do the registration coz it's an emergency,she told me have to take time.alamak! i'm sure only someone who has lost a child at such a late gestational stage can understand the fear we go thru'.it must be really scary for u,considering ur baby was so small.but hey,our babies are real's all good for u now.

Just an update for all of u.the 'resistance' of blood flow to my baby has decreased! yeah! he has put on wt,though not 50th percentile,but it didn't fact,he has gone fr 20th percentile to 25th percentile.I was a little concerned that as a boy,he's going to be small,but this scan shows his femur length to be 50th percentile! &amp; the puts a smile on my face.oh,&amp; his foot! i asked the doc if it's magnified on the screen,she said no,that's how big his foot's big! for now,he's staying inside me for 1 more scan will be next wk
Hi all,

Thank you for the so many encouragements! Feel so much better knowing that I am not the only one out there living in fear. You people are great, having to go through the fear yet remain so strong. Yes, we have to brace ourselves up for the sake of the baby. Each time I visit the baby, I would cry. It was so natural as I get emo seeing my boy getting more tubes/injections/blood tests etc. I will control myself later when I visit him. But I realise that I am stronger emotionally now as I come to accept the fact.
Hi Cindy,

When your boy is ready to be carry out from the incubator, do request for "Kangaroo Care". A mummy touch will trigger your boy to fight even braver &amp; harder.
Haven't popped in here for awhile.

Hi Monster, your story is familiar to all mums of prem babies. i tried almost 8 years to get my 2nd gal. I bled thruout, so had to bedrest since day 1. my gal was delivered at week 24+5 days. in my 6 months of pregnancy, i was hospitalised 5 times. some of which was 5 days at gleneagles, so you can imagine the medical bills. bb is around 3.5months from birth now. still in kkh nicu. at week 28, they have good chance of survival. i tried to keep mine for another 4 weeks but only managed to store another 5 days. my gynae said at week 28-29, they are quite safe.

don't be too stressed out. i used to touch my tummy to feel baby's movement (cos she kicked quite a lot).

to the rest, my bb is still on cpap even though she's already term. oxygen level is aroudn 23-25%. dunno when she can be cycled. her lungs are weak and have inevitably affected her heart, which had to work extra hard. heart echo/scan shows that her lower right chamber is slightly dilated. thank God that her ROP has regressed to stage 1 though....
Hi jas sorry to kpo. To add it is doc KY wong head of pd cardologist. Yes he is the best pd cardologist in spore his echo skills is the best. My son though not premmie but w heart cond is w him.

Dr Shankar is a v gd surgeon. He works v closely w dr wong when the former was in kkh. They r v v good. My son did his PDA band by dr Shankar when he is 7 days old plus other heart op.
Hi newbride- dr Shankar has private clinic at glene. Dr wong has one at mt e. If u want both of them to work tog it will b in private practice. Current surgeon in kkh that took over dr Shankar is dr kk ong.

Jia you everyone. My son though not premie was in nicu for some time. His neigbhour then was a 26 wks bb. Those days n mites in nicu was scary but it really makes me appreciate how vulnerable life is.

Your case is similar as mine. I had a bleeding pregnancy and was confined in bed since day of knowing the pregnancy, in and out hospital 7 times, 2 times at Gleneagles and the rest at KKH as I managed to get myself handled by KKH at beginning of Trimester 2. My girl was borned on week 24+4 and had tracheostomy surgery done at week 38. Today, she is a healthy 5 years old although her 1st 3 years was tough. Praise the Lord! Pray and stay positive, your baby will be discharged soon.

Think positive at all times will be of great benefits to both mummy and baby. You are in safe zone .... Jia You!!
wow, it's gr8 to know ppl with prior expr..
i was totally flabbergasted when dod told me to be prepared for premmie..though i've read up lots of articles about it, it's more real to see ppl's story and how they are coping...

my offical due date is 21/7/10..c-sect to be booked btw 5-9 july...
but doc wants me to be prepared for premmie..
coz baby not getting bigger as expected, low amniotic fluid, cervic gettin shorter..i;m still on hormone pills..doc feels since placenta fully matures at week 32, i should take it till then..

juz lying down all day..hoping next week scan will show improvements..
<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>,
nice to hear fr u.... wow, Xavier grew very well. HX is only 0.2kg and 2cm more than Xavier. great job....

hmm..Xavier 's cheeks so pinkish wor....

<font color="119911">monster</font>, gentle to bb loh...

hmm...for me, initially, went NUH but give up bec of treatment like 'guina pig' (sorry if any offence) as student everywhere asking the same survey qns when I was in and out of hospital during the first trimster. then when I went for my antental appt, the treatment I got is like bo chap attitute. I gave up. I went for the sec option TMC. wow, first consultation with jab and scan already $200+ and then 2nd appt also abt $200+. in the end, ended back to KKH.

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
that time, I dun dare to carry my boy wor cos he is so small and soft. then with the encouragement and aid fr nurse, I still tumble when carry him.

<font color="119911">mricky/precious_one</font>,
any reason the cause of yr bleeding? the gynae also did not give any specific reason for my bleeding since day 1. I was in and out of hospital 3 times.even 3 wks after delivery, still admitted to hospital due to massive bleeding (like water drip non-stop).

<font color="119911">vanilla pod 2</font>,

Dr Shankar sound familar to me. what surgeon is he in?? is he 's a young indian and very friendly guy ?

<font color="119911">ana</font>,
why not try for natural instead of c sect? my friend's gynae told her twice during er 2 preggie, she needed c sect bec her bb head big and another time, pelvis narrow. but she dun care and try....and have a smooth delivery loh.
Hi ana,

join the club of bedrest! i'm into my 3rd wk of bedrest.when i heard how small my baby is at 26wks scan,i cried on the way home fr the hospital.i immediately rang work &amp; said i'm not going to work starting fr the next day.

can i ask at what gestational age are u at right now? coz my due date is 1 aug &amp; i figured that if i deliver at term (36wks)that will be beginning of july.ur EDD is earlier than mine,so u can't be 32 wks at the beginning of july.or am i wrong?

can i also ask who ur gynae is? &amp; how small is ur baby? i always feel that compared to others,my baby is average,but on the graph,my baby is only 20th percentile at improve slightly to 25th percentile.for the past 2 wks,my gynae has been checking amniotic fluid levels &amp; it's good all the time.&amp; also blood flow to the placenta.initially,there was some resistance,but the last scan showed that it has improved.i'm on wkly scans now.gynae didn't check my cervix.

how long have u been on bedrest? bedrest does wonder,u know? gynae said i'm not gaining enough wt,though at 26wks,i've gained a total of i ate like 1 wk,i gained 1.9kkg (amazing,isn't it?) the next,i gained 0.8kg.initially,i wondered how i'll get thru' bedrest till i deliver.hopefully gynae will allow me to deliver at 36 the moment,that is not discussed yet,but it has been briefly mentioned.but coz i wake up every night to check foetal movements,by the morn,i'm so tired,i have to nap till that helps time pass a bit more quickly.some days,i'm so tired that after lunch,i nap again until nearly that's nearly 1 day gone.i juz live day by day,wk by wk.i look fwd to gynae check ups coz it gives me an idea of how my baby is growing &amp; it's my chance to get dressed &amp; get out of the house.
Hi all, glad to find this support group : )
Younger gal stayed in NICU/SCN. Not given any med to close the hole. Was asked to monitor. But at 11mths, hole is still opened. She was given only antibiotics (i think) during her stay. she is currently seeing A/P Wong (old chinese doc)..thinking whether to seek second opinion. tongue + heart tog?? worried if the gal can take the long process...The surgeon is Dr Yap (female).

I was at bedrest since 6mths..ate a lot but towards the 3rd trimster, all the weight gain is on me rather than the gals...sadly, it remained permanently with me
Hi newbride,

aiyah,being a mother is like that (though i'm not 1 yet,but soon.hehe).u sacrifice for the wellbeing of ur kids.u should think positively.Be happy that u have ur gals.i'll do anything for my the 1st wk of bedrest,i put on that point,i've already gained 7kgs,don't know why doc said not i literally force fed upself to the point of throwing up.even when i was not hungry,i'll juz eat &amp; eat.i even have 2 breakfasts.1st one at 9+,another one at was so miserable.but i see results,my boy is now 1+kg.yeah!i'm constantly putting on total wt gain is almost 10kg now.but for the sake of my boy,i'll do it.u have done it for the sake of ur gals,so don't feel sad.u took 9 mths to put on the wt,u don't expect it to come off in 1 or 2 takes hang in there,with a sensible diet,u'll lose some of the wt
Hi newbride, i was on bedrest since i know I am pregnant with my 3rd pregnancy and it lasted all the way up to 34 weeks. I ate and ate cause I had twice premature labor before and was on extremely high risk of having another. I tried to eat so that my baby could gain weight fast, and if premature again at least not too bad, and in fact, it was worth, cause my girl was borned 2.7kg at 34 weeks which is almost like full term. Some full terms not even as big size. haha.

But i gained 20kg! and it stayed with me lor....sob. but as what monster we need to sacrifice...

Btw, my son went thru heart surgery to patch up vsd before. The surgery was done by dr shankar, the only cardiologist surgeon at kkh that time, now he was no longer in kkh and is at nuh like wat xiaonwanzi said. My son is doing very fine now, like any other normal child.
hi all
afcai, i've already had 2 c-sects not much of a choice haan..

hi monster(kinda odd to call some1 monster..hehe)
i'm not yet into 32 week..i meant my gyn wants me to take hormone pills till then..
i'm about 30 wks+3 days..
from about 24 weeks, my amniotic level started dropping along with baby growth..
at 28 wks, doc's first estimation 850g..she was like it's too decided to re-measure and said maybe abt 940g..
at 29 wks, i went in coz i was scared my water bag was leaking..coz i've had that problem in pregnancy no.1...but thankgod, it was a false alarm..but better safe than sorry haan
now need to see her next wed, at 31 has gained weight, amniotic fluid better..
i'm seeing dr LNsim from TMC, my prev two was under a diff gynae but he;s really old wanna go under knife with him..hehe..
juz one more thing monster,
as i was reading the posts..i sorta noticed how panicky u are..
my 1st one, i was like that sleep, working full-time, always constantly worried coz i had a PROM at week 14, but thank god, after some healed..only thing was my amniotic fluid had too much protein after that..
so i kept on thinking, how it was going to affect my child..blah blah blah..
in the end she is alright, fine..but all my worrying must have affected her coz she had colic..cried all night..those months of sleepless nights...
For no.2, I just left it to god and tried not to worry..meditate and all...thankgod..had a boy who slept at night from night feeds...

even now, i tell myself..dont'll be fine..billions of women have given birth from start of's a part and parcel of life cycle..if giving birth was so hard, i dont think the human world population would be rising

so take a chill'll be fine!!
hi kkf,
i was also on bed rest for previous two pregnancies..both times i gained 26kgs.
BUT, i did manage to lose it. coz i thgt how can i run after my kids taking all this weight with just make put aside time for yourself everyday to do workouts..U r Impt tooo...ur health matters...
so how long have you been carrying this xtra 20kgs?? if it's still within 1 yr of giving birth you'll lose faster..
hi cindy,
before you know it, bb will be safely home with u. meanwhile concentrate on taking care of yourself well too cos bb is home, you will be the one exhausted (though happy!)

david and jas,
dun dun worry abt weight k?? my boy is 30months GA and only 9.6kg now. I have enrolled him in a weekend class. THis term, he started out shorter than most of the kids. By the 7th week, he is already on par or taller than the other kids. :D this period seems to be growth spurt for him, esp after he hit 2.5yo. Slow but steady!
Hi kkf,

hey,u're quite solid leh! i think the same as u,coz fr previous experience,i prepared myself for deliver at 28wks &amp; i told my husband bigger babies = better survival the 1st trimester,my appetite was reasonably good.when i was hungry,i could eat a lot &amp; i ate fast &amp; 2nd trimester,i totally lost my appetite! i couldn't eat moe than what i usually ate.i don't know why.even now,i force food down my mouth.&amp; it's the normal portion i eat.nothing extra.

teach me how to eat like u leh.i snack too.but till now,my baby's wt is only in the 25th percentile,though his femur length has increased to the 50th percentile.i'm most prob going to deliver at 36 wks.i would like a reasonably big baby,if possible.coz hubby's sis also delivery (b4 me) &amp; i know my son will constantly be compared to hers.but u can't compare a 36wk baby to a full term baby.but i know at 36wks,if i can get a 2.5kg baby,i should be very happy's all the comparisons that i cannot stand.then hubby will nag at me why didn't i eat more etc....coz his sis could eat like a pig &amp; she has put on a horrendous amt of even during preg,he's constantly comparing me with her &amp; i absolutely hate the point i asked him if her baby is his or the baby i'm carrying is his.
Hi mummies/ daddies
I am new here, a silent reader who benefited from this thread. I quite frequent this thread when I know I might have a premature delivery last year. Just want to share with mummies here not to give up. Me too had a dramatic pregnancy which is too lengthy to give detailed explanation. I can only say its a terrible experience with a 2 mths stay in hospital since wk 22. But it also became my most precious Life experience. My son was born 29 wker. Despite that he is a chubby 8.7kg at CA 4.5mths now. I am still clinging unto my faith in God to bring me through the challenges. Take care all u brave mummies + some daddies. Hope to keep in touch with u here. Rem me when theres gathering, wld love to join
The gynae couldn't tell me why I had a bleeding pregnancy throughout. However, I knew I had placenta previa.
Having said this, my friend who also had placenta previa did not have bleeding pregnancy.

Hi David, what is "kangaroo care"?

Hi Ana, I was asked to rest in bed for this pregnancy, but was not obedient enough. Cos thinking of work all the time. (Made to do so as people from workplace kept asking me work matters). If only I can go back in time, I will really just ignore everything else and just rest in bed. So envy that you can just call office and tell them that you are not going to work the next day. So you must be good and rest in bed.

Any mommies here can advise if I can take the maternity leave 4 weeks + 12 weeks instead of 8 weeks + 8 weeks? My baby will be staying in ICU for the next few weeks. Make no sense if I idle at home until he comes back and have to take No Pay Leave after the end of 16 weeks.
