Premature babies support group

sure, Paige will love it... y har, their hair is like tt? have stranger kid come to her n tryin to make her hair go down.. hahaha

J is so cute, can i pinch her cheek? hehe

*waving at all mummies and oh yes the dad - david*

kkf - really long while since i post here but i am here :p i do read the thread but move so fast so i did not reply. but yes, i am still in this thread and caring and praying for all the miracle bbs.

i read your posting u gg to teach AM class (next year?). don't worry, things will be fine, just have to find alternate care for dash.

sam - i have tag your blog
- aka the 3 Kings

shelllow - U shld send paige this pic for competition. i love it

gingal - Jerlynn looks like who more? her eye also very big hor - somemore double eyelid wor

jas - congrats on xavier home
haha.. i resorted to putting hairband to press her hair down.. it works.. are you a full time mum? maybe we can bring the girls to the zoo, botanic garden or fidgets to play? after school reopen.. not so crowded..

yah Yah, come to think of it Paige and Maddy really share the same hairstyles...So cute...Stylo Mylo!


Don't pinch Jerlynn's cheeks la, her ezcema just recovered...hahahahaha

aneo(Jane right?),

Most ppl say look like her dad, but she has my eyes...but I personally feel look like me...hahahahaha....
Hi Gingal,

I had a glance of ur pic and find that your girl look more like you leh... she so cute now.. i like chubby chubby n looks active to me..
Hi Grace,
My gynae is A/Prof Mary Rauff at NUH.I used to c Dr.Shamini Nair at KKH,but she said something that really put me off.she told me she will put me on asprin and 'hope for the best' for the next preg.when i heard that,i said i'll not go back for the next me,u can hope for the best,at the same time,i am going to do all i can to have a live birth,and i want my gynae to do her best least *touch wood*, if it happens again,we can all said we tried our best.and not wonder if there is more we could have done.

ur girl is very cute.Can u tell me how pre-eclampsia was discovered? how bad was ur baby's condition when u gave birth? was she hooked up to machines?

Hey babymaking,
My heart goes out to u.must be nerve wrecking.can i ask how ur baby's erratic heartbeat was discovered? routine doppler flow? I totally agree with u.i'll rather have a preterm baby then a stillbirth.esp when u know the baby's chances of survival is good.but docs are always concerned with morbidity of preterm me,if it's correctable,then it's no big issue.going thru' a stillbirth is so painful.i was in labour for 28 hrs.induced labour.i was so down,i was crying,but i had to give birth to the baby.while i know my baby is not going to be alive,i hear suctions going off in other rooms,babies crying's so painful.ican feel how much u treasure this baby,considering how hard this baby came by.for me,this baby didn't come by easy as well.the 1st baby was after 2 mths of trying,newly married at that time.this time,after the stillbirth,it took 9 mths.i went thru' 2 failed IUIs,heaps of depressing news abt y it's so difficult for us to conceive was a difficult journey to get to this point.Ccan i also ask u how often u monitor ur baby's heartbeat? i'm thinking of lugging ard the gadget beginning fr 20 wks,but it's really difficult,coz who is going to monitor at night? and with the nature of my work,it's not possible for me to listen to my baby's heartbeat all the time.unless it's like a ctg which has a,aren't u glad u monitored the baby's heartbeat?i didn't expect such a thing to happen to fact,my baby was kicking so much.she was an extremely active girl.and i had a growth scan 1 wk prior to the stillbirth,so i was resuured the preg was going well.are u wanting to sell ur dopplerflow machine? i dont' mind buying if it's going to be cheaper than getting a brand new one.but let me discuss with my gynae next tues's still early days of the preg.but i tot i should get all these going coz it takes some time to get a doppler flow machine.i shall contact u in due the meantime,pls take care,darling.
yes,i know Mary rauff is super experienced,that's y i went to her for a 2nd opinion after the stillbirth,and she gave me a more satisfactory explanation.i really like her,and i feel so comfortable with her.i'm glad i found her.a few doc friends have recommended her to me.for the 1st preg,she was one of my choice as well.but i tot since KKH is closer to work,i tot i'll go to KKH
i m p/t mom, only spend time wif my gal at night n on wkends...

PE was discovered thru routine check up, 1st sign is elevation in BP, n protein in urine, then blood test to check uric acid in blood. When my gal was borned, doc told me tt my placenta has started to detach, tt y she is in distress... when she was born, she cant really breath from her lungs tt well, so she was on CPAP to help her breath better, she has hole in her heart (PDA)which close up later, like all premies, she go thru eye check n head scan, all ok.. later i was told she has hernia, tt when she has hernia surgery...
<font color="119911">monster</font>,
really sad to hear yr lost. I can imagine yr feeling at that time. try not to be so stress in yr work...
did doc give any jab or medicine to u?

hmm..I also heard abt Prof Mary Rauff. she quite famous.

<font color="119911">Shellow</font>,
hmm I simply luv Paige's hairstyle. so stylish wor....did u 'purposely' cut her hair until like this?

Thanks Thanks...Keke I'm sure ur 3 warriors will be chubby soon too..J was also on MCT Oil even after discharge for about a month...It helps her put on weight very fast...
<font color="ff0000">monster</font>, hi you remember me? I posted in stillbirth thread before saying about the loss of my boy jared borned 23 weeks plus, not stillbirth but premature though.congrats in ur pregnancy! boy or gal?

I could understand ur fears totally! I had 3 premature labors, so can u imagine my fear for my last baby? I was paranoid throughout, scaring for contractions, every slightest pain, I would alert my hubby, hey is it contractions, must we go hospital blar blar. I was afraid of stillbirth too, as I could not afford to lose anymore child. Everyday was in fear n a bit of depression, and now, my gal when borned was like very not happy like that too...haha. she cried a lot, and still not giggle at 5 months. So dun let ur mood affect ur baby in u.

My boy was borned 27 weeks. Dun worry, once pass 27 or 28 weeks, I believe the baby will do well, at most stay in hospital for 2 months. I was a 27 weekers too, yes intially all premature babies will have to hook up on machines and went thru some pains, but xian ku hou tian (suffer first and lead blissful life thereafter), thats what I always believe! I know ur fear. I was like that too, telling my gal to come out when she was about 29 weeks and I was admitted in hospital, cause I feel safer to see her alive...anyway, a lot of our babies born 24 weeks onwards.

But I seriously dun think ur gynae will agree to let u give birth 28 weeks or wat, at most 34 weeks cause kkh doctors think 34 weeks onwards are ok to deliver, like me last time. was admitted in and out, and they tried to prolong my pregnancy till 34 weeks, then they said ok no problem can give birth liao.

Btw, I believe ur gynae will help u, dun worry. like my gynae last time (dr ann tan from mount E), she saw me like more often during my pregnancy, gave me steriod injection to mature baby lungs (yes, do request for that), and gave anitcontractions pills blar blar...

gingal, wow, jerlynn looks soo chubby.

Jane! finally see u here!

afcai, wow, haoxuan can giggle liao violet still can't. I a bit worry, cause I ask my colleague whose babies born around same time, all can giggle at about 4 months, except violet. I think i was really too unhappy during pregnancy, and it affected her to become less smiley...

amdrina, i can't remember what batch i am in...haha. too long liao...I am in year 2004 batch I think...
hi KKF,

For fund raising for Charmaine, where to find the items? I only see orders from the link but cannot see the items. Will like to contribute some.
her hair just grow tt way after we shave off her hair... all d sidehair grow n disappear cos she keep rubbing her head against her pillow
hi monster

hang in there, just email me [email protected] if you need a fetal doppler scanner, i'm getting for another mummy i met at the hospital, so if you can decide within the next 2 days, i will place an order with the manufcturer.

i'm still keeping mine as i will need it for the next bb. (yes, still planning for no#2)

I finally got an answer from my attending gynae - i was contemplating having a c sect now at 31 weeks 3 days as was having regular contractions at 7 mins apart last night.

This morning he came by and gave a good talking to - he insisted that we hang in there till week 34 at least to minimize premature bb mortality.seems that his main concern is that too many premature babies are getting infections in KKH NICU.

i know how you feel abt wanting to deliver as soon as possible - i so totally felt that way yesterday and was almost in tears thinking that for the next 6 weeks, i will be strapped in facing increasingly painful contractions and yet unable to give birth.

however have to be assured that constant monitoring either with ctg in hospital or with yr own doppler - u can do it anytime and quickly. hopefully that will give you some confidence that you have done yr best.

you're right - KKh gynaes refuse to deliver even though i'm at week 31 + 3, still insist that we hang in there till week 34 at least.

in some ways it works as encouragement, that the longer bb stays in there, the lesser he will have to suffer in NICU - and we all want the best for bb.
babymaking, so u are now in kkh? i was in and out of kkh for 4 times during my last pregnancy since 29 weeks...went in, stopped the contractions, came out went in came out...really going crazy that time, but manage to hang in till 34 weeks when waterbag burst, and bor bian, gynae said ok 34 weeks liao, just deliver...

hang in there, you are not far from 34 weeks leh, just 2-3 weeks more! way to go!

i know how contractions, i have been feeling that throughout pregnancy since 29 weeks. tightening feeling so unbearable! but lucky not pain. urs pain?

yes yes we all want the best for our babies. hope ur baby will be guai and stay till 34 weeks, and monster jia you too!
hi mummies n daddy,
alot of posts to catch up.

gks mummy,
i had talked to the PD, had just jab my boy BCG ytd, going to take his advise to go for the 5-in-1. tks.

hi..kkf is right, your emotions will affect the bb. what u r doing now is right n understandable, as u r trying to find out every possible things u could do for your upcoming bb, but u have to have faith n stay cheerful n positive. i think u will be 'well-equipped' n the rest, just talk and leave it to your gynae. I really hope to see your happy face when u carry your baby in your arms after delivering full term.

hope u can hang in there till baby 34 weeks. i can understand how it feels to be CRIB. though the nurses n my gynae has did what they could, giving me drip to delay contractions n jab to mature bb's lungs, my bb still come out after the 1st jab went through. BUT u r in hospital, so rest assured u r in good hands... best wishes to you!
Hi ladies and gentleman,
Sorry, have not posted for so long cos super busy at home. Yest just brought the gals for Pneumococcal jab and rotavirus vaccine. So far only Channah had low grade fever last nite, now ok already. But i'm very worried for her, cos she just regurgitate from her nose again....

For ladies going back to work or had gone back to work, how do you weaned off BF? Thou Channah only latch 1-2times a day now, it is still difficult to wean her off. She would cry in distress when not latched and initially refused bottle feed too. Now her appetite reduce and she only drinking abt 70mls instead of her usual 90mls. I feel very heartpain when i hear her cry like tat. But my mum and mil refused to let me latch, cos they worry they can't cope with her cries when i go bk to work. I was thinking of latching her only at nite, any advise pls? Am i a bad mum if i dun let her latch?

Hi Gingal,
Jerlynn is sooo cute! She's CA how many mths already? By the way, how many mths CA is she when she is able to hold her neck independently?

Hi David,
Poor Danya, hope she will get better soon. I can understand if you are angry or frustrated with the healthcare staffs. Cos I was equally upset with them when Charlot kena MRSA infection while she was in nicu. Doc also admitted that it was a cross-infection caused by the healthcare staffs. She had to be isolated throughout until her discharge. Tat time was alot of hassle for us, cos each time after we visited her, we are so afraid that we might passed it to Channah.
Is Diana working? Jiayou and be positive ok? Take good care of urself and Diana.

Hi babymaking,
My gals were born at 31+1, but their birth weight were 1.46 and 1kg only. The younger twin was not growing, furthermore, I had PE, cholistasis and contractions, super short cervix length, lotsa problem for me.
Do hang in there and minimise movement ok? Jiayou
Hi Mummies,

Just bought Jerlynn back from her appts, today is hectic schedule. Went for her U/T Scan for her Brain, ENT appt for Hearing Test, Blood test for her Anemia, Neonat's appt and then Dietitian appt...Our morning at KKH starts at 8.50am and only just reached home. Thank God, all tests showed she is doing well...

Her Brain Bleeding is no longer there, no more anemia, hearing test passed at this stage, Neonat is happy with her progress and her weight and height gain is good. She is now at 90-97% for her Height (WOW, great improvement as last round she was only at 10%, i keep joking she is "Katek Ayam"), weight is at 75-90%...Felt so relief now...


Jerlynn was able to hold her head up when she was about CA 2 months old, but can't for long and will "fall sideways or front" after brief periods. Now she can hold them up steadily, but we still need to support her lower back abit as she will arch towards the direction she wants to go nowadays and it's quite dangerous as she does it quite suddenly. She is now CA 3 months and 1 week old.


I watched alot of funny shows and variety shows when I was pregnant, so Jerlynn started giggling and laughing and smiling since she was very little, i think it started when she was about CA 1-2 months old. Now if I am carrying her and laughing or chuckling, she will mimick my laughters...Maybe u can let Violet watch funny shows with u, and u laugh or giggle loud, see if she will mimick? Hope it helps!
Dear daddy and mummies, can u all advise me what i shd do? i am overly concern with H1N1? My mum in laws's relatives come from indonesia and they are here in singapore! my in laws are keeping in physical contact with them everyday! how?????
Shd i still place violet under their care?
i dunno...
indonesia is among the list of infected countries...

children are not immune to these kind of disease.. i rather be safe than sorry.. please take care of the child personally.. You will have an ease of your mind too.
Hi Mums,

Has been a while since my last post. To all new mummy &amp; daddy friends on this thread, welcome.

To all Pocket Hercules like our brave Mattias, Josiah &amp; Jeriel, fight hard, fight strong. JIA YU, JIA YU.

Recently, busy with spring cleaning for my current home, busy with renovation for my new home, busy outstation for work but will never feel tried seeing my princess Danya.

Doc may give green light for Danya home coming by next week. Danya diarrhoea condition has improved slightly. Danya's weight is gaining very slowly and today, Danya's weight 2045gram.

Pic taken earlier.

Don't worry too much bah...we also in the list of the infected countries, maybe they also scared of us...BTW how many day has ur relatives reached singapore? If it has been couple of days and they are alright, means they are virus-free, so should be safe...


Long time no see, Danya looks good now!!! Sure excited bringing her home soon ah...keke
Hi Monster, want to share with you my 2nd pregnancy in details but you dun accept PM, can u PM me?

I had a stillborn at 27 weeks in 2005 but delivered in March 2009.

God bless
david, danya is soooo cute!
glad she is better now. she will be back to her home sweet home very soon!

sam, yes, thats wat i am thinking, my elder went thru operation before, younger still 5 months only, can't afford to expose them to H1N1.

gingal, they were here only last thursday, now is only the 3rd day.
btw, gingal, wat i meant by indonesia is among the list of infected country means that they are among the listed countries whereby if people travelled there, they shd by right quarantine themselves at home for 7 days.

for my colleague and students who travelled to the list of infected countries, they are issued 7 days leave of absence to stay at home and cannot come to school, indonesia is one of them.

Singapore and malaysia are not up in the list yet.

thats why i am worried.
Wow... david.. Yes finally danya had won the battle again hor... Good good.. She's lovely..

The 3 have been good.. Mattias is coming home this week... will be busy baby proofing the house now.. excited..
Sam and David,
yay!!! great job there!

no need babyproof yet lah.. hehehe. should still be quite safe til they learn to flip and crawl! but then again, it will be better to learn safe good habits earlier!
kkf..ehhehe.paiseh..never realis that charmaine's news is already everywhere... :p re H1N1, better err on the side of caution if possible.... hb also ask me sometimes if kate is still waking up at night cos he never hear anything...thugh she does wake up most nights for milk..sometimes we even have conversations..but he sleep thru all that :p

gingal... ur eye color is blue be very pretty
jerlynn's progress is very good!!!!

andrina_gina..actually full time tuition can be quite lucrative too... but very tiring... i rem a fren was working full time then teaching full time group tuition during weekends...

monster... *sayang*...

david..scary! danya is boxing the cameraman/woman! :p

sam,congrats on the kids coming home soon
u will be having lots of fun soon
Hi Gingal,
sorry haven't checked this post for a while, thank you very much for your input, from what u said, I think he might also have delay in focussing.
I can see a little progress, but could just be wishing on our part. Will have next jab and check up with PD at 6 wks, will see what he thinks then.
Sam, ur blog got some javascript or wahtever error this morning. When when I go there, not sure if I click on somethign wrong, but then it keep popping up many many pages of itself.... now don't dare to go there again liao...
Hi Shellow,
Thx for sharing ur situation.

no,no jabs.i've been given hormones coz i have check up tom.fingers crossed.

Yes,of course i rem the moment,i don't know if it's a boy or gal.actually,to inject some excitement into this preg,hubby and i have decided we will not find out the gender of the child.this preg is also so difficult on us mentally,i need to be fair to this baby and treat him/her like the 1st i still want to feel excited abt this preg.yes,like u,i worry fr the day i found out i'm preg.i knew wat to expect to see on the u/ BP was so high when i went to the gynae coz i was so nervous.when i saw mary rauff's face after she looked at the u/s,and i myself saw no sac,i braced myself for the bad news.fortunately,it was my fully bladder causing the prob.haha.a bit the end,i emptied my bladder,and everything was check up tom.i am on hormones,coz i have cramps.the day i left gynae,had a scare.2nd scare actually.1st scare was a wk prior,during very early preg,when i was buying lunch,i felt a gush until i stained my pants.i panicked,immediately went to toilet.again,i braced myself,my legs were so wobbly,i nearly stepped into the toilet bowl (the squatting kind).it was juz discharge.and it stopped for i didn't use panty liner.the day i left gynae,while walking,i felt a gush again.this time,there was so much,it leaked down my legs went soft again.but thank god,it was juz discharge.actually,i favour a end of yr child,i think end of yr kids have advantage.juz like me.though i'll be turning 29 this yr,i am 28 when i conceived this baby,though it was conceived this yr.i have calculated.end of yr should be abt 34 wks,safe for delivery.i'm going to discuss with mary rauff tom.and yes,towards 28 wks,i think i will ask for steriod jabs in preparation for emergency birth,if baby is in distress.i have to mentally prepare myself for birth at 29 wks.financially,and mentally.already told hubby not to choose A1 ward,coz the bill for NICU will be quite i'll choose a ward with more subsidy.

How are u now? hang in there.i can understand ur distress with the painful contractions.think the end of this,u'll have something joyful to look fwd to.i was in labour for 28 hrs.coz mine was a stillbirth,gynae ruled out C section,wanting to 'save' it for future epidural too,coz waste of money (that option wasn't even given to me) in gynae's need to worry abt baby's health,so i took lots of pethidine.and gynae didn't know how long it'll take me to the end,pethidine wasn't such a bad idea,coz it also made me slightly drowsy,so i managed to get some u have a pic of how ur doppler flow machine looks like? i'm going to discuss with gynae tom how to monitor baby's heartbeat,then i'll get back to did u manage to source for it in the 1st much does it cost?

i'm so glad u're willingly to share.only those who have gone thru' a stillbirth can truely understand our fears.coz a stillbirth is the most painful thing a couple can go thru.y don't u email me at [email protected] sorry for taking so long to reply.been so tired these days,all i do is sleep,wake up,go to work,come home,sleep.i juz woke up fr my afternoon nap.good thing my work is flexible,i only worked 1/2 day today.that's y i have some energy to be replying

huh.. really ar.. oh ... hmmm.. i try use my hubby pc to go in n chk if it happens to me...if it does i will do something abt it... thanks!!
morning. hi monster, understand ur fears. me was like u during last pregnancy too. dun worry, soon, it will be over before you know it, and you will have your baby safely in ur arms.

How are the rest doing? no posts?

Anyway, I have started school again...and is soo tired. Now is 5 plus am. I have shifted up to morning session, needs to be in school by 650am due to the H1N1. sianz...

It will be a challenging half year for me, as I m teaching those weak p5/p6s. wish me luck!

Morning..yah also noticed very little posts these days...

I think it's good that u have the chance to help the students in ways u can for the next half year, especially challenging for the P6s as they will be having their PSLEs, this means u have short time to help them too...
morning everyone

brought bryan for his eye review to kkh yesterday. on his way back, he vomitted and developed a fever, cough and flu! aiyar!!! now my back ache..cos he cranky want bao bao again.

it's a really meaningful job you have.. dun give up on them k? who knows, one of them will grow up to head the dept of neonatology in kkh next time. heheheh..
morning gals

still in hospital - 12 days and counting down. last night was a particular good night - had only 2 contractions, though lots of tightenings - the little fellow in there must be feeling squeezed.

i have emailed you instead.

we sneaked durians in the ward on sun, shared with the rest of the patients and gotten told off by the ward nurses :p

all worth it for bb.

need some advise here
- anyone here whose premature birth is caused by pre term contractions? i would like to know if your baby's heartbeat was erratic.
- also would like to know anyone who had to deliver early because the bb's heartbeat was erratic.

pls share yr experience.
Hi babymaking,

I was hospitalised from week 19 due to pre-term contractions.

But cause its early in the pregnancy, so the nurses told me that its difficult to detect the heatbeat using the CTG machine.... so they always use the doppler machine instead. So can't comment on the hearbeat.
hi babymaking

I was in and out of hospital since 1st day of pregnancy. My pre-term contraction started at week 21.....very bad one (threaten abortion case) and was on drip at labour suite for a row of 10 days then warded in normal ward, then back to labour suite again. My gynae then gave specific instruction as NOT to send me to labour suite until his approval is granted. Yeah, like tigger, they used the doppler instead.

I'm also as paranoid over the H1N1 so I forbid my girl to return to school this whole week and shall see what happen next week......
Hi kkf,
I'm oso paranoid over H1N1, my parents and bro just came bk from BKK on sat, then my bro got sore throat yest but nvr see doc, say today ok already. We are supposed to have family makan this sun cos my dad's birthday, but now i'm worried if he could be a carrier even thou he's ok now.....wats ur thot on this?

Then i'm going bk to work this thur, oso worried abt the virus outside, as i have to do a bit of travelling for my job. Hiaz....endless worries.

Hi David and Sam,
So happy to hear that ur princess and prince can go home soon.
David, Danya looks great

Hi gingal,
oh ya, i understand wat you mean, lately Channah oso kept lifting up her head when i carry her, or she would suddenly jerk her head back suddenly, got to be ever ready to catch her. Then now the 2 of them kept wanting to turn their heads over, but failed and get angry each time, esp Charlot.

Hi babymaking,
Good that everything is progressing that things have gotten better,u can relax a bit.yes,i've received ur email.will take a look at it and get back to's quite ex,huh?

thx for ur consolation.hopefully...i'm 7 wks now,and counting.
