Premature babies support group

Hi afcai,
Ur elder gal's experience must have scare you, think i'll be very scared too. But doc only say 'maybe' got fit, so eventually still not sure wat happen is it?
I understand how you feel, cos everytime either of my gals shows any signs of unwell, i will get very fearful too, my heart would pump very fast and i suddenly can't think well. But i know shld try to be steady then can think clearly...

aiyo, so stress already still encountered problem with taxi, really, wat a day...

I oso wanted to latch Channah at nite, but nowadays she would drink milk in the evening at 7plus or 8plus, then she will sleep till around midnite then wake up for feeds, by then i'm too tired to latch liao, so these few days nvr latch her. Now after bottlefeed, she will still auto turn her head to the side and tried to suck whoever's arm thats feeding her. i see liao quite heatpain leh...

Hi nana-kuchi,
Can update me in the list?
Nick: Maykel
Gender: Twin gals
Names: Channah (1.46kg) and Charlot (1kg)
DOB: 03/03/09
Weeks: 31+1
Total Stay in NICU and SCN: Channah 35days Charlot 48days

thank you

Hi kkf and bloom,
Ya, i'd rather be safe too, the spread of h1n1 is so fast, scary...
My office oso got few colleagues sitting around me who are sick and coughing away. i find them very selfish and no social responsibility. If last time, i'm not scared,but now with 2 precious babies at home, i'm so worried abt catching virus and passing to them.

Hi lilac,
Glad to hear that Nate is doing well, jia you

Hi Jas,
Xavier is really tiny last time. But he looks so cute now

Bloom, agree with you. In a sense, I can really rest and just wake up to express milk. The tiring part is the travelling to KKH which I find it still manageable. I will be seeing my gynea next week. They send my placenta for testing to see why I had premature rupture of membrance. Will know the results then.... a mixture of feelings.

Just came back from visiting Nate. His jaundice level is down to 90!! 5 more to go before they take the phototherapy off. Yay! He has put on a little weight which I think will flutuate in the first two weeks. My husband got a scare when he visited Nate just now cos' he stopped breathing. I read that it is common? So next time when he is discharged, we must be extra vigilant hor?

In a way, I am thankful that Nate is my secondborn. At least got experience. But the parenting will be totally different. For our firstborn, we were very relaxed. We brought him to China for an overseas posting when he was 2.5 months for a year. He was an easy baby. Now with Nate, I seems to have lost my confidence.... somehow I don't know if I will be able to handle two at the same time. At the back of my mind, I want to treat Nate as another other child. But yet, reality tells me that he is a premmie and that I need to take extra precautions; read more; be more vigilant and attentive. I only hope that I will be able to balance my love and care for my two sons.
Hi David,
Thank you for enlightening me.i like it when u call me monster mum.technically,i'm not a mum yet.i'm preg with no.2.but i lost my 1st baby thru' stillbirth.think i'm still considered a mum,coz i started caring for my baby the day she developed in my uterus,and now,i'm also caring for baby no.2.

Hi Jas,
Thank you for sharing. *HUGS* ur hubby and u have my utmost respect for making it so far.i'm part of an identical twin,and i have lost a baby b4 too,so i can feel ur's worse when they are twins.while u're grieving for one,u still have to shower ur attention on the other,otherwise it's not fair.though u still have one,but the lost one will never be forgotten.twins share a special bond.i was very depressed when i lost my baby,but i had to constantly remind myself that i cannot fall into depression.I'm glad u have made it out of the dark.and i'm glad ur baby has made so much progress! did u watch Okto last mon? on 'the human spirit',they showed twin preg and something was mentioned on TTTS.interesting.
Hi Monster Mum,

Sorry to hear that. I always believe thing happen for a reason in life. We must believe in ourselves and also believe in the mighty one up there. Irregardless of the outcome, we must enjoy every moment of the journey in life, may it be happy or sad occasion. Always remember to treasure your love one & family as life can be gone in a blink of the eyes. Always give our best in every moment and live our life to the fullest without regrets.

I can feel that pain of your 1st lost. We did lost a boy. Our boy boy didn't make it after the 4th month. Our gynea couldn't explain. We just spiral into darkness for quite sometime as we still couldn't believe the truth as there were totally no scientific explanations on what happen.

Hi Mums,

Danya update. Danya diahoerra has reduced. This evening, Danya arm was swelling twice the normal size and the nurse realize that the drip is not going through her vein. The drip was taken out. Later this evening, the Doc is going to set another drip. Well, this is only a small bump for Danya. We shall fight another day together as a family.
Hi David,
Yes,i believe everything happens for a reason.i always tell my hubby that too.we went thru' a lot of heartache to conceive baby no.2.i always tell hubby it's to make him treasure this baby more.his fam has been very unsupportive in the 1st preg.his sister even sprouted nonsense,saying we should have a boy 1st.i am happy as long as i'm blessed with a healthy baby.i think anyone who had experienced a lost will truely understand that statement.i am very thankful of having experienced my 1st preg with our daughter was a wonderful journey.although we lost her,i truely felt blessed to have been with her for 7 mths.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Hi Mummies,

I just delivered my baby Jedidiah via c-sect on Fri. He's only 30 wk, weighing 1510kg, currently in NICU. His brain scan show that everything is fine. He's doing well so far, today they have up his feeding to 20ml/3hrly. I'm still very much at a loss now on what to expect blah blah... so hope to pick up some help here.</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Lilac,

You are also here!!! Dr. Wong told me bout yr situation. She had wanted to help me get transfer like you but there wasn't any vacancy in all e other hospital NCIU. Plus mine was not leakage like yrs, so by 2nd day night, she had to bring him out as there were totally no fluid &amp; his heartbeat appeared "sleepy" on the CTG.</font></font>
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">By the way, anyone's bb stayed in TMC NICU? I wld appreciate if you could give me an estimate bill size... We r trying to trust the lord w this but somehow it does worries me. Do you think I shld ask to transfer Jedidiah to KKH NICU, if it can be done in such way?</font></font>
Hi Jenifur,

Congrats. Jedidiah will be doing fine. No worries. Continue to encourage &amp; believe in him. Our warrior will always surprise us with their fighting spirit.

Mummy Grace delivered Maddy in TMC. She will be your best financial adviser. Ha Ha.
<font color="119911">David</font>,
oic. do she still need to go surgery to correct her anus? ai-yo....u really positive still can 'laugh'.

oh, poor Danya, sayang sayang.

ai-yo, David not Special Car nursery lah

<font color="119911">Jas</font>,
wow, indeed a great different. guess with yr milk milk, Xaview will be more and more chubby....cheers, keep it up.

my frozen bm is getting lesser liao cos HX feed more 150ml per 3hrly. now, frozen bm fr 30+ bottles become 5 bottles also dropped due to next wk, got to stitutute with fm liao.

wow, 1litre per day, that's a lot envy...

wow, better use fan to blow if not overheated.

<font color="119911">lilac</font>,
the first 3mth, my boy also regurgitate his milk feeds. feeding and burping him are the major he got to feed small amt more meal. 30ml every hrly...

re:express milk.
it is like that, same as me..with consistent pump (remember suppy = demand), then will slowly increase bm. of cos, need to eat lot of fishes, red dates with longgan, payayas and slp(motherhood dun have slp one).

my boy only clear off Jaundice for 2mth. his highest leave is 200+.

agree with u that David our dearest daddy is well informative even come to tbf. unlike my hubby....

do any financial assistance staff visit u when u are in hospital??maybe u can check with them?

<font color="0077aa">xbliss</font>,
gd to recharge our energy without, even I took leave also no use, kids will be at hm....

<font color="0077aa">gingal</font>,
my boy slp a lot but at night still zzz...these 2 days tired me out, woke up at 4am for feed.last 2 wks, he only woke up 6am+. hope, he dun woke up wee hr if not I got to wake up tiring at work....

<font color="0077aa">bloom</font>,
yeah loh, 'banned' fr gg out except walking along the corridor...

<font color="0077aa">Maykel</font>,
yeah my mum wanted me to withraw her fr ccc. so am negoitating with the supervivor can return the deposit as she has not been attending ccc since 25/6.

aiyo...Channah anyhow suck whoever's arm feed her - aiyo...
Monster and David,
My first was still born, and during my 2nd preg, i lost one of my twins. So whatever you have gone through, i have twice. It is very traumatic. I can cry any moment i think of it. But i gotta believe it's for their best. Live continues, pls be hopeful for the best always.

Pls send my love to Danya and pat pat her sore arm. I would really make some noise if i were you. Danya has really been through a lot and they should really be more careful with such a procedure.

1.5kg is a great weight and is almost as good as full-term babies apart for the fact that they still need a little help. No major issues so i would say ok to remain at TMC. If cost is the main concern, then check on transfer procedures. Most 1.5kg babies i know here stayed in hospital for 3-4 weeks.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">David,

Thanks..Our babies are all great fighters.

Aiyo I hope yr Danya is feeling much better. It mus hv really pain yr heart. Send her my hugs ya.

You are really 1 positive &amp; hands on daddy. </font>

<font color="aa00aa">xbliss,

I'm so sorry to hear bout yr loss. But hv faith that it will be repaid to you in other ways.

I will stick to TMC for now since he's in gd care. Other den being a premature, he also hv bilateral cleft lip which will need to be corrected soon too. Will turn to KKH after he's out from NICU.

By the way what's SCN? I saw from e table that most of e BB had to stay in SCN after NICU? Any reason for tt? Dun tink my PD ever mention anything bout SCN leh. In fact alot of terms tt u guys quoted sounds so unfamiliar to me.

My PD only updates us on Jedidiah's daily milk in take &amp; he's having Jaundice. Other den e brain scan, nothing else was mentioned or being done leh. </font></font>
Afcai Mum,

Aiyo, don't need to correct her anus lah. Once her intestine(STOMA) outside her body is closed and put back into her body, her anus will function.

You and mummy Jas are so sharp. Can spot my typo error. I always have this problem, type faster than I think. Ha Ha.

Hi Xbliss,

Thanks for your encouragement. Nowadays, we look forward to every new day and we enjoy every moment of our life to the fullest. Well, I kind of having a very good tolerance for nonsense. It is pointless to flare up with the medical staff. I just encourage them to be more attentive in everything they do. Danya hand is back to normal size already. Aiya, still thin, not enough fats leh.

To All Mummies,

Thanks for all your blessing and encouragement. Picture of Danya taken yesterday evening.
Jenifur!!! Yes, I am here too. Thanks for your PM about wanting to pass me some materials. I was in the hospital at that time liao so din manage to reply you. When I saw in the Sept thread, I read that you have given birth too. And we used to have the same gynea. Your boy is a good weight at 1.5kg!!

afcai, one of my churchmates was also telling me that the first few months, she basically was bringing a bottle everywhere she goes because her daughter just could not take big feed at one go. So it was every 15-20 mins that she has to feed her.

Milk supply is slowly going up. Hoping will continue to go up. As for the bill, only one social worker came to talk us. She simply asked how we will be paying the medical bills and I told her through medisave. And if the hospital staff sees that our medisave is depleting, then they will notify us. Till now, nobody has told us anything. So I reckon, no news is good news.

Nate is off phototherapy since yesterday! Yay. And he is now slowly on milk feeds. And he has gained some weight too. Prayerfully, the milk feeds stay inside and that he will be off CPAP soon.

David, Danya looks so sweet. She has very pretty eyes =) She is a strong fighter!!
Hi David,

Danya is so beautiful with big bright eyes .... looking forward to more of her pictures at home soon.
Am wondering if there are any books or weblink which I can read up on taking care of premmie. You know like the 'What to Expect When You are Expecting'. Is there a good book which I can read up on? Am thinking since I am at home and Nate is in the hospital, might as well start reading up to prep myself. Thanks mommies and daddy =)
Just visited Nate at the hospital today and he is off CPAP!!! Yay!! And they have increased his milk feeds from 2ml to 4ml per 2 hourly. That's really a great achievement for him. But his eyes has some yellowish discharge. Sending it for tests to ensure it is not infections. Praying that its just because he is too heaty... and nothing major
Hi Lilac Mum,

Great news. Continue to encourage Nate. He will be home sooner than you expected. Jia Yu.

Hi Tigger Mum

Thanks for the compliment. I have a big &amp; dull eyes, Diana has a small, single eyelid &amp; bright eye. I guess Danya's eye is combination of both big(From Me), single eyelid and bright(From Diana).
<font color="119911">xbliss</font>,
sorry to hear yr loss. u are brave to go we have to cherish whatever god give us right....

<font color="119911">David</font>,
haa u are our idol daddy in this forum. so yr posting is a must to read with extra 'care'. haa.....

oic...glad that Danya dun need to go thru another surgery to correct her anus.but if her anus expose, will there be a risk of infection? hope, she will be home soon. then Daddy David will be busy liao, still got time to go online??

<font color="119911">lilac</font>,
yup, usually first 3mth challenging loh. once pass the pharse then is ok....jiayou....

did u asked the social worker what if medisave run out and can pay by instalment(shd be)?
Just caem back from visiting Nate. A little disappointed because he is back onto the CPAP and phototherapy. Husband was more disappointed cos' he has not seen Nate without the CPAP and the lights. Well, I guess its one step forward and two steps backwards but will press on.

afcai, have not asked the social worker what if medisave run out... I think should be able to pay by instalment... hopefully.
Hi Lilac Mum,

These are only small challengew for Nate. Don't worry, Danya was extubated twice. She was on ventilator for almost 50days before CPAP. She was on CPAP for quite sometime which I also lost count on the days. Be strong and continue to praise Nate. Jia Yu.

You dun want to transfer to TMC NICU, the bill is very high... close to $3k per night as i almost gave birth in tmc.. maybe you can chk with grace.
Hi all,

so sorry been so busy lately to post. Mattias is back home yesterday. So far he is doing well..

Thank you all here for the support especially when my babies are so small in the beggining and i felt so lost.. but with all your encouragements and explanation, i manage to hang on...Thks!!!!
Hi David, thanks for the encouragement. Will continue to be strong for Nate!

Sam, glad to know that Mattias is back home yesterday. How many weeks is he now? Jia you also!!
gals thanks for hearing my complaints.. hahhaa... glad so many people understand how i felt.

my bill at TMC is slightly more than $150k.
Hi Sam,

WOW. So So So Happy for you and Mattias. What a exciting journey. How is Team J&amp;J?? Continue to fight strong. Jia Yu.

Hi Afcai Mum,

WOW. Such a big compliment (Big Head Already). Any Singapore Idol Daddy competition or not?? According to Doc, whatever stuff coming out from our intestine are all bacteria. These bacteria are the one that break down our food. So already very toxic, so no special care need. Sound cheem right. I also don't understand what the Doc say. Ha Ha.
<font color="119911">David</font>.
Dear Daddy david,
dun fly until knocked yr head at the ceiling.haaa...if got Singapore Idol Daddy competition sure wil post BIG BIG infor here...maybe last mth, miss the father day contest by writing howgreat daddy can be liao...

haa...but at least doc got explain better than nothing....overall summary is that those are baterica, toxic and better to trash it out.

<font color="119911">Sam</font>,
glad that Mattias is back. cheers.
Congrats on Matthias' discharge. I'm sure your hands are full now.... you have to learn to handle Matthias with one hand so that you have another hand for your two boys home coming soon.
Jia You!

If move forward 3 steps, then move back one step is fine as one is still moving ahead! My girl then was moved forward one step, moved back 3 steps....she took a longer time but still she conquered all. Premies has very very strong will, even adult can't beat them all. Jia You!

David and Diana
Danya has inherited all the good genes from her parents. She has a very very sweet and loving face. Will attract a lot of bees later....
Hi Lilac,

He is 37 weeks today.


Yes.. its a long wait..


Sad to say.. just a fortnight ago PD tot Jeriel got NEC.. now NIL BY MOUTH still and have not off CPAP yet as they just stop antibiotics, Josiah still need rather high SPO2 due to his chronic lung. So i guess its another 3-4 weeks or so for them.


Still waiting for the other 2 though..


Its been a hectic few days for me.. i only sleep less than 8 hrs for 2 DAYS!!!! He is more grouchy than at the hospital, now know how to throw tantrums to me and furthermore his feeding dunno why at home become 2-2.5 hrly hungry one.. but i try to stretch to 2.5-3 hrly. Really busy feeding, washing, sterilising, time is like zoom past one.
Hi Sam Mum,

Have faith. Team J&amp;J are strong and mighty. Give them time and they will make you proud.

Hi Precious_One Mum,

Wah. Thanks for the compliment. Must buy more bee repellent when she is older. Ha Ha.

Hi Mummies,

Tonight is going to be a sleepless night because Danya is already home with us. Thanks for all the encouragement from all the mummies here. Cheers.
Hi Sam,
Maybe its time to increase feed. But do it slowly... so that the little tummy can take it.

Hi David,
Hi Mums,

Help Help. Can pigeon Peristaltic Nipple (Silicon or Rubber material) fit advent wide neck bottle. Danya is having some challenge with the advent silicone nipple, seem very tough to get the milk out. The advent silicone material seems harder then those disposal nipple use in KKH. I have brought 2 different size of nipple from advent but still find them to hard.
Hi david,

Jerlynn also has the same problem with Advent nipples too. As from my previous posts when I first brought her Home, I also had the same concerns. I trial and error with so many teats and Pigeons Peristaltic Nipple works best. I hate Advent's teats, so hard and unnatural. Size 1 and 2's flow are too slow for Jerlynn and Size 3's flow too fast, and when I see her suck on the nipple, it's like so unnatural...

Pigeon Wide Neck teats fit Advent bottles perfectly well. There are 2 types of Pigeon teats for Newborns, one Size S and one Size Y. Size Y are those teats can will not flow out unless being sucked on, this kinda teats will encourage Breastfeeding (latching) as it mimicks the works of our nipples. Jerlynn does not feel comfortable with Size Y teats as she is lazy to suck to get the milk, which also explains why she gave up latching on after 2 months back home. She loves her Size S teats...

Hope it helps! Enjoy your time with ur baby Danya now she is back home.
Wow...princess Danya is back at her palace! Congrats! alamak, can't give advice on girl was tube fed....

hahaha....there's the price to pay for motherhood, i suppose... the most painful sacrifice is not $$ but SLEEP....that's why the most valuable gift to a mother is UNDISTURBED SLEEP. Your joy come when you see your babies grow day by day....btw this lack of sleep thingy is going to be with Mummies for a long long time. Meantime, master the art of being a competent mummy to be ready for your two more heros. 加油!
3 cheers for you!
Congrats.. maybe you can try latex material kinds if it's too hard. I didn't use it though cos they change colour after sterilizing.. look quite gross. You got to standby a few brands of teats for Danya o try out.. I tried atleast 15 teats before figuring out Maddy likes Nuk teats. Still can't work, let me know. I have the disposal teats. can prob tide you over for a week. while training Danya with the new teats.

Congrats to you too!! anybody helping you now? when Mattias sleep, you nap too. that's the best way to recharge..2 boys are on the way home soon too.. better rest well..

talking about undisturbed sleep, i have the luxury of doing so last night or i should say almost every weekend night...BUT...dunno why, will still fall asleep at about 3am and automatically wake up at 7am! and til now can't get back to sleep...after so many months of being tortured by Jerlynn, i think i'm getting used to these timings liao...Cannot imagibe myself sleeping for 3-4 hours only since I had her!
David, congrats on Danya being at home!! Yay!! What wonderful news that is!! You can try using NUK latex teats. I have heard that it is one of those that shapes and feel like the real nipple. Don't know how true that it but my first one uses that after I weaned him off the breast. He seems to take well to it.

Visited Nate yesterday. It seems like there is an infection so that's why he keeps regurgitating his milk feeds. They are keeping it to 1ml per 1hourly to see if it goes well with him. One of the nurses found out that he already has a tooth!!! They dentist is going to remove it on MOnday. In the meantime, hope it stays there cos' Nate has been using his tongue to push it and it seems to wobble dangerously loose...

It has been 2 weeks since Nate is in the hosptial. Feels like the journey is still so long ahead.... but I know I must press on for his sake. I miss him alot and it pains me to see him butt naked under the phototherapy with the CPAP on him. The other day, he opened his eyes and kept looking at me as if telling me like 'Mummy, I am so exhausted and uncomfortable inside here'. I just feel like crying there and then but held back my tears...

WOW, Nate has a tooth already...U must have taken alot of milk yourself when pregnant with him, good calcium! Hope his gums will grow stronger within these 2 days so the tooth stays and need not to take out...

Don't cry and feel sad, let him feel ur optimisism and i'm sure he will get strong sooner...

BTW Mummies,
Not sure if u encounter this with ur babies. Jerlynn likes to rub her two feet together very often, as though like very itchy, and sometimes so aggressively that she gets very pek chek and the feet gets abit mum say she saw one baby also like this, so she says it's normal, but I feel like not very normal leh...pls advice...
jerlynn is fair that why rub abit turned red.. she prob just discovered her feet and find it fun.. atleast she rub her feet.. maddy used to hit her head..

i know it's very painful to see nate under the light. tell your yourself ot's for a couple of days only and it's for his god. maddy had 4 lights shone at her when her jaundice level was too high. she was made to sleep on the light bed and left, right and top had lights on her. she turned tanned and dried after that.. pd prescribed mositurizer for her to apply..

Oh dear, did Maddy hit her head with her hands? Jerlynn does dat too! My hb calls her stupid everytime she does dat, I say to my hb, the more he say the more she will become stupid loh...
hahaha.. tell your hb stupid is a mean word.. don't say that to the child.. ya.. maddy hit herself with her hands. 1 period of time, she banged head against the she bites..and shakes head.hmm.. swing head.. these are discoveries to them..
Wow, tooth so early!! Hope he doesn't have to pull it out ....

I can't really help on the teats, I have been using Dr Brown since day 1 at home. Recently, I bought some Bfree bottles. The lady told me that the teats are really soft (I agree), but cause they are so used to standard bottles, they are not used to wide neck bottles now. Hiaz ... wasted my $$

Yes, mattias also like that, cant use size 1 teats and avent teats so hard he got so tired the first day, second day i went back to get the disposable teats from hospital to compare n its softer n if wanna use avent teats, its size 2.
just wanna chk.. y mattias only sleeps 1 hr after feeds n wake up.. is this normal? cause at hospital he sleep n sleep.. depriving me of my rest ...
Hi Mums,

Me too Kiasu and can't wait for Gingal Mum advice. This morning reached Kiddy Palace waiting for them to open. Ask the sales rep in Kiddy Palace, they say Pigeon Peristaltic Nipple can't work on Advent wide neck. So brought 2 Pigeon BPA free bottle that come with S size Peristaltic Nipple and 2 extra M size Peristaltic Nipple. Once home, immediately try Pigeon Nipple on Advent wide neck. Wah, they work perfect.

Once sterilized, let Danya try M size, work perfect.

Hi Sam,

Can get Mattias to try Pigeon Silicon Peristaltic Nipple. Guarantee, much softer than Advent.

Now me really tried. I can see my black ring appearing soon. Trying to understand Danya behavior. Yesterday after 2AM feed, Danya refused to sleep until this 7AM. This morning again, from 11AM till 1PM.

Hi Lilac,

Don't show any sign of sadness when you are with Nate. Not even in your emotion. Nate will feel your sadness. This is a journey of many unknowns but only with might and bravery, the final triumph shall be Nate &amp; your to keep. Remember to praise Nate everyday for his achievement. Have faith, fight strong, fight hard. Jia Yu.

A picture of Danya at day 2 of birth and few days back. Danya spend 135 days in KKH. Trust me, preemies are warriors.
