Premature babies support group

Hi Mums,

Some road block. Danya is on drip for 2 days. Her output is more than input. Danya lose 89 gram in a day. Tonight, nurse will weight her again, if she continue to lose more weight, Doc will put her on TPN. Just feeling so frustrated.

wow, thread running so fast and i can hardy catch up. so busy bec kid fell sick loh...was at kkh A&E 2 days ago....hai..

<font color="0077aa">kkf</font>, wonder, violet looks fierce in the photos...oops...for my no#2, he also not happy the first
4mth cos during preggie time, I never happy mah. now, HX can giggle liao but to a certain limited
during happy hours least, yr violet know how to flip wor..Hx tried to flip and got suck
then scream for helps. my mum said he too chubby (got los of fats in his hands and legs) that why
difficult to flip. dun worry, even my sil's gar only started walking at 17mth, she skipped crawling
and flipping.

haaa..KKH also tried to prolonged my delivery (wk 31+3 day) tough my waterbag burst. but HX just too eager to slip out and medicine not fast to react.

<font color="119911">shellow</font>,
indeed a cute hairstyle she has man...

<font color="0077aa">maybel</font>,
I have gone bck to work last mon but hor took child care leave since fri loh cos my gar (no#1 ) is
sick. gar has been having fever since fri. fever up and down fr 37.8 to 38.5degree. y'day, we
all got a scared man cos in the morning when she woke u at 7am, she was active singing and still can
wandering ard tough she still got fever. but then half an hr later, she just lie there, face pale,
lips become black. I was at toilet while my mum just quickly carried her to my hubby who is still
sleeping. my gar just clinched tightly onto my mum without any response. so my mum quickly applied
medical oil to her forehead and nose. then rub rub. she still no response but her lip at least turn
pale red liao. so hubby and I just took her to A&amp;E kkh. doc said that she might be having slight fit.
so got to monitor these few days. this morning, her fever just lower down but she is back to her own
self. even last time, she got lao sai, fever (for 3 days) and vomit (3 days), but she never
encountered this type of scary experience b4. dunno is it bec she lack of slp man....cos last wk, she
got to wake up at 6am+ cos I started work liao and got to send her to ccc by 0710am. so scary man....

also that day when we were waiting for cab at taxi stand, there were no one there except a missy. so
hubby asked that missy if we can take the cab first bec we were gg to hospital. of cos, that missy
said ok. when the cab came, out of sudden came an old man. that old man opened the cab door and then
reckon his hand to ask the maid and his wheelchair wife to get in. at that time, there was one old
couple (carrying lots of things after doing their marketing) behind us waiting at the queue. that )&amp;
(*&amp; old man agrue with my hubby saying that he waited cab for long time liao and it was him who queue
first. wow piang, no one at that pt, saw him even queuing in the taxi stand, dunno where he came fr
out of sudden. even the old couple mumble saying that they also did not see him and say still want to
fight with a sick child. then the wheelchair wife just called his hubby (that old man) to let us ride
onto the cab first. what a day man....)(*).

back to wean off, why u want to wean off?? my bm is getting lesser but still got frozen ebm to standby
so each day, I will take down 1 frozen ebm. think will only partial bf when Hx reached 6mth next mth
cos my bm will not be able to meet his demand liao.

if I were u, I will latch on at night. dun say u are bad mum loh..i also did not latch on mah since may.

<font color="119911">babymaking</font>,
like maybel, I also deliver at 31+3 days.KKH also tried to prolonged my delivery (wk 31+3 day) tough my waterbag burst. but HX just too eager to slip out and medicine not fast to react. if can prolonged, it will be gd.

<font color="0077aa">gingal</font>,
glad that J is progressing well. can see her chubby chubby look esp the cheeks...

<font color="119911">bloom</font>,
oh...think most ah lao with expectional case are the same wor...oh, so kate still got night feeding...must be siong then for u....

<font color="119911">sam</font>,
u got blog. can share share with me...

<font color="119911">monster</font>,
jiayou....try to relax.

err..regards to the discharge, I understand yr feeling of anxiety and fearful cos I also got discharged. whenever I felt there is warm discharge, my face turn pale cos scared of blood dripping again cos I got bleeding sicne day 1 till wk 14. then got in and out hospital loh.
tigger/precious one

thks for sharing yr experience in KKH, it seems that they only monitor bb hb once past 28 weeks? cos my neghbour in the ward whose 27 weeks now also dun get any ctg monitoring..where else another neighbour whose 29 weeks have ctg monitoring.

anyways, i manage to get some hours of homeleave and got a second opinion elsewhere, the results are more optimistic than the prognosis by the KKH doctors.

perhaps KKH is acting on a more conservative protocol but it sure adds on the anxiety when extensive monitoring is required yet no one was able to explain why it's really needed.

i was showing my hubby Danya recent pictures compared to the ones when she was just born, and we both have seen how far she have progressed since, so hang in there.

it's not expensive at all compared to paying for a A&amp;E gynae to do the same doppler scan at 3am in the morning. i remember having paid more than $150 each time, not to mention the stress of travelling there, the anxiety of waiting in the hospital waiting area esp before 22 weeks when you just can't feel bb movement and have to wait minimum of 1 hr just to see the gynae at KKH 24 hr clinic.
Hi mummies and daddy,

have been a while seem my last post.. wah.. so many post to catch up.

update a little about yilin. she was hospitalised for 8days 3 weeks ago due to broncholistic. cough so badly and a little flu. we even gotta postphone her ear sleeping test. when she was discharged, she was quite well already, suay suay 1 week ago cough and flu again.. sigh.. the nose like leaking tap water. then we gotta reschedule the sleeping test again.. sigh.. so till now still not sure about her hearing condition. sigh.. hope this time no need to postphone liao.. if too late then wear the hearing aid, scare will affect her speech.. sigh..

jia you all little fighters and preggi mommies..
hello all...

been ages since i last post here...i m totally lost... pai seh...

just a quick one to post up our table...
for the newcomers, you may PM me or post ur data here for me to update...

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Baby's Name</TD><TD>Baby's DOB</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Birth Weight</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Length of Stay </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf's mom</TD><TD>KKF</TD><TD>15-Nov-78</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1000g+</TD><TD>27</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>Edric</TD><TD>2-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>775g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU-3mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>mich</TD><TD>Dylan &amp; Evans</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>600g&amp;720g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU&amp;SCN-3.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_one</TD><TD>Angel</TD><TD>6-Feb-05</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>710g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-5mths 28 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>yvonne (voncm)</TD><TD></TD><TD>24-Aug-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1480g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>NICU-8wks, SCN-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf</TD><TD>Dash</TD><TD>15-Oct-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU+SCN-2mths 3 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>disneymickey</TD><TD>Wen Shin</TD><TD>25-Feb-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1450g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2.5wks, SCN-0.5wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>naddy (telly)</TD><TD></TD><TD>16-Mar-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1136g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2wks, SCN-4wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>stressed</TD><TD></TD><TD>31-May-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1890g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>NICU-13days </TD></TR><TR><TD>costa</TD><TD>Bernard</TD><TD>22-Jun-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>750g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-14wks, SCN-8wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>luana</TD><TD></TD><TD>18-Jul-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1164g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-27days, SCN-53days </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheaky</TD><TD></TD><TD>5-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1900g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>2wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>jane (neoah)</TD><TD>Toon Siang</TD><TD>12-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>985g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>NICU-2mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>jacelyn tey</TD><TD>Terry &amp; Bryan</TD><TD>14-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1510g&amp;1190g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>57 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummylian</TD><TD>Ezanne</TD><TD>7-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1034g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-38days SCN-20days </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>Chloe</TD><TD>21-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2000g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN- 5 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>puppyduppy</TD><TD></TD><TD>16-Oct-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bloom</TD><TD>Kathleen</TD><TD>15-Nov-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1810g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-22days </TD></TR><TR><TD>nana</TD><TD>Ryan</TD><TD>13-Dec-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2185g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>myfab</TD><TD></TD><TD>14-Dec-06</TD><TD>Girl&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1118g &amp; 780g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>3mths&amp;4mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>lindah</TD><TD>Hami</TD><TD>4-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>680g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>5mths 18 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD>D&amp;D</TD><TD>18-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1520g &amp; 1610g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4.5wks&amp;9wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>RR (irin)</TD><TD>Reyden &amp; Reyes</TD><TD>2-Mar-07</TD><TD>Boy&amp; Girl</TD><TD>2420g &amp; 1950g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-5days, 9days </TD></TR><TR><TD>amy</TD><TD></TD><TD>15-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>641g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>80 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>lili</TD><TD></TD><TD>30-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1400g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>6 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>flora</TD><TD></TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2334g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-2 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>daec</TD><TD>Nada</TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1015g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>48days </TD></TR><TR><TD>picky</TD><TD></TD><TD>1-Aug-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>850g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>tree ice</TD><TD>Craydon</TD><TD>3-Oct-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1500g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-21 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>jewel</TD><TD></TD><TD>9-Oct-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>45 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>xbliss</TD><TD>Bryan</TD><TD>12-Oct-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>925g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-1mth SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>xiaowanzi</TD><TD></TD><TD>31-Oct-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>635g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cookiemz</TD><TD></TD><TD>14-Nov-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2260g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-8 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>fairylander</TD><TD>Catharina</TD><TD>15-Nov-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1628g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>strawberry</TD><TD>Jayvier Lim</TD><TD>16-Dec-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1239g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-52days </TD></TR><TR><TD>mimeole</TD><TD>Arvin</TD><TD>28-Dec-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1520g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweet_rose</TD><TD></TD><TD>8-Jan-08</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>2100g &amp; 2100g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>SCN-1 day </TD></TR><TR><TD>smiggleprincess</TD><TD>Kayden Liu</TD><TD>8-Apr-08</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>810g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-4mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>shelllow</TD><TD>Paige</TD><TD>2-Jul-08</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1180g</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>NICU-34days SCN-30days </TD></TR><TR><TD>yan(bless)</TD><TD>Yi Lin</TD><TD>12-Aug-08</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>812g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>NICU-40days SCN-46days </TD></TR><TR><TD>bbgal</TD><TD>Zyon &amp; Kegan</TD><TD>21-Dec-08</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1055g &amp;1010g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>NICU-48days SCN-17days </TD></TR><TR><TD>gingal</TD><TD>Jerlynn</TD><TD>1-Jan-09</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1355g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>NICU-6days SCN-5wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf</TD><TD>Violet</TD><TD>19-Jan-09</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2778g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-5days </TD></TR><TR><TD>afcai</TD><TD>Hao Xuan</TD><TD>28-Jan-09</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1720g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>irenelovej</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1600g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>geraldine</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1500g &amp; 1700g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>NICU-6wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>adeline lee</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>815g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>pinety</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1300g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Hope all Mummies &amp; Babies are doing well!!
dear all, I posted about 3 weeks ago mentioning that I am a PROM (premature rupture of membrane) mum. After staying in hospital for 3 weeks+, my baby decided that he wants to see the world. He came out at 28 weeks weighing 1.035kg. Currently in NICU. The doctors and nurses have been really assuring. Nate seems to be doing quite well at the moment. His lungs are quite developed but still need CPAP. Brain scan shows that there is no bleeding too. I reckon just have to monitor closely daily. I am really thankful for God's daily grace to us. Hoping to learn more from the parents in this this thread.
Hi Lilac,

Nate is a warrior. He fight strong &amp; hard. Continue to cheer him on. Remember to praise him for his daily achievement.

Hi Nana,

My Princess name is Danya, born 26 Feb 09, 590gram, 26 weeks. Currently still in KKH.
sigh.. i need a place to let go my steam...please endure my grumps..

brought maddy for her eye check up today. waited for 2 hours to see the doc. he said she's most likely to wear glasses next year. her left eye is good (no degree), right eye mother in law went with me.. everyone of us waiting impatiently,esp maddy.. she was so uncomfortable with her eyes appetite for lunch.. i didn't bring her milk out cos didn't expect the wait to be so long. anyway, there's not the climax yet.. maddy was throwing her stickers on the floor and my mil picked up from the floor..after picking up from the floor, she peel bits of cake and fed maddy with her dirty hands that touched the floor.. i almost fainted on the's not house floor but hospital's floor!!what was she thinking? really 'dirty eat, dirty big'?? people's shoes prints, wheelchairs rolling around.. and i don't know what else were there... ARGAHH!!!
Just wanna check with some mummies here. Jerlynn is 6 mths old Actual Age now, 3 mths and 2 weeks old Corrected Age. I wonder if I should start follow on FM for 6 mths and above for her already or should I still continue with her Infant Stage FM? I forgot ask the dietitian last round...
Hi babymaking, i was having contractions starting 29 weeks for my last pregnancy. I did not encounter baby's heartbeat dropping during contractions, only occassionally. Anyway, manage to hold till 34 weeks, though went in and out of hospital. I know the staying in hospital is fustrating. Hang on there.

Maykel, to me, I rather be safe than sorry. So I really banned those people coming back from infected countries. More and more people are getting H1N1, and I dun want to risk my kids.

gingal and xbliss, thanks! Yes, will treat it as a challenge to teach p5/p6 weak students. Anyway, the only thing to do is to try my best and cross my fingers.

gingal, I think you can call KKH ask a nurse to ask if u are not sure? I also forgot when I changed formula for my boy...but for my girl, I simply just follow her actual age, as she is not too premature.

David, hope danya gains weight quickly and be home soon. Understand the fustrations...

lilac, we remember u. hope ur warrior fights well, and be home with u very soon!

grace, older generation are like that one...sometimes, quite fustrated with my in laws and parents too.

Yan, dash is sick as well! sigh...may all our kids be well and don't fall sick!

afcai, haha, I went to ask the padetrician u noe, why violet still can't giggle (she said chuckle). She told me can smile very good liao, as for chuckling, depends on individual baby. I think babies just need their own sweet time to master the skills like chuckling or flipping etc.

Anyway, hope ur elder gets well soon! really lots of kids sick...sigh. I also took childcare leave yesterday.

Monster, keep going!

Hello nana, long time didn't see u posting. actually quite a number of our members didn't post for quite some time too...

oh, i am not the only one afraid of H1N1...actually our kids here are too precious to us, it is better to take more precaution.
Hi Babymaking,

didn't know that heartbeat was erratic meant heartbeat dropping.

I had emergency c-sec cause my gal's heartbeat was dropping.
kkf...5am everyday!!! no joke!!!! u r not the only one tat is scared of too.. and imagine.. yest i read and they say from now on, the GP can determine if u need to go for H1N1 test..which means if the GP guess wrongly, someone with H1N1 will be walking around spreading the virus..and some many pp in my co are having fever and cough and STILL coming to work! When I voice my concern to one of them, she laugh at me at being so scared !!!!

xbliss, sorry to be so paranoial, but seems that the hospital still got alot of bug... yest brought kate to kkh for her therapy... and she got very warm there... so afraid that she will have fever again....

babymaking..ahahaha..nurse complain cos u din share the durians with them :p

david, jia you danya!

afcai, is tx ok now?

yan, *sayang* yilin...

lilac, wow...seems that nate (nathan?)is going to be very discharged very soon, once he reach 2kg!

grace, next time go hospital must pack extra EVERYTHING (milk ,diaper, hankie, etc) cos the Q can be execptiaonlly long sometimes... re ur MIL, tell her off! its ur child!

gingal, i switch to next stage in between ur actual age and corrected age, but thats just me...

mommies, yest went kate's speech therapy, i think she is begining to reject therapy... throwing tantrum, not listening to instructions etc... very tired liao....
kkf, thanks for the encouragement. Will continue to press on. Now trying to express as much milk as possible for Nate.

Bloom, not too sure when he will be discharged. Am praying that he will grow really well. Nate as in Nathaniel.

This is the 4th day after Nate has been born. Am feeling a little dejected because he is not home with me. Feels weird that I am doing confinement but Nate is not with me. At times, I wonder if I was the one who caused the waterbag to leak i.e. not taking good care of myself by still carrying my firstborn; doing housework as usual... Anyways, just ranting. I know that I need to focus on taking good care of myself so that I can strong and healthy for Nate.
<font color="119911">Grace</font>,
ai-yo...old folk are like that. my mum always claims her hand are clean. did u tell yr mil this is not hygenic esp now got the h1n1 and yr maddy is also a premature bb too.

wow, even with appt still need to wait for 2hrs?

<font color="0077aa">gingal</font>,
when is yr next follow up with dietitian? normally, what the dietitian do wor?

haa..think for me , I also will start my boy cereal in between his actual age and corrected age tough he is coming to 6mth.

<font color="0077aa">kkf</font>,
oic...anyway, it is up to individual bb loh...when came to flipping, my boy will be very pek chek one time, I will upload the videoclip on his blog...seeing him screaming away...

me sian...just go bck to work, already took csl (with mc) liao. just now, I just had a heavy head and shivering so slp for a while b4 moo moo task. now better. arrraaa I can't afford to fall sick either...

haa..I also hate morning cos i'm not a morning person. u do slp early loh...

<font color="0077aa">Bloom</font>,
hmm...ppls really take thing for inconsiderate.
since mon noon, fever gone but still got slight cough with phlegm. so she has not been attending sch for since last fri. these 3 days, my super mum is coping with 2 kids at hm. luckily, i already top up all the food supply. she can cook whatever she want. haa ask me to take care of a bb and toddler...errr...think half of my life gone...:p. kate dun like the therapist??

<font color="119911">lilac</font>,
now, take care of yrself, rest as much as possible. once bb hm, that's mean no slp liao...cos our premiees needed highly attention. cheers...

<font color="0000ff">nana-kuchi</font>,
thks for the update of the table. do update mine under Length of Stay : NICU - 1 day, SCN-30days
hope you are able to get more info here. it was very helpful for me when my boy was born at nearly 28wks too. for now, just focus on expressing your milk. The nurses will take care of Nate.

i also paranoid leh.. i brought bryan for his eye review at KKH on monday. immediately after we left hospital, he vomitted. Ok that one nevermind cos doc explain that he might be dizzy with so much light going into his pupils that were dilated for the review. Then, he developed fever. By the time we brought him to GP, he already had some running nose and cough. so u say the bug strong or not leh? And best is, i took 2 days childcare on mon and tues to take care of him. From wed to today, is my turn to be on MC. also same symptons but 10X worse lor. hai....................
Hi xbliss, how is your child now? How are you coping? Visited Nate at KK yesterday and doctors are happy with his progress. They say clinically, he is doing well. Just that his blood count is a little low so need to do blood tranfusion. Prayerfully it will go up. He is also on phototherapy even though the level went down because my blood group and his is different. When I asked the doctor if his survival is 100%, the doctor just says to monitor him closely, daily. So am just trusting in God. By the way, how much did you spend in total (CPF and cash) for Bryan's medical bills?
Hi Grace,

AIYOH! how come ur MIL is like that? U must have been shocked.MIL some more,difficult to tell her.if it's ur own mum,a lot easier to educate her on personal hygiene.I would be paranoid too,if i were u,esp with all the H1N1 going ard now.get ur hubby to tell her.that's the best.
Went to see Nate again today and the hole in his heart has closed after medication. Yay!! His jaundice is going down too even tho' he is still on phototherapy as precaution. Yay! And his red blood count has gone up so no need blood transfusion anymore. Yay!!!
Hi Lilac,

Nate is a brave warrior. Praise him and remember to give him a small little challenge everyday. Jia Yu.

Hi Mums,

Danya is off the drip. Her weight is like yo yo. Today, Danya weight has drop and now she is 2130gram. Pic taken earlier. The yellow bag is her STOMA Bag with watery stool. Hope I am not affecting your appetite. Ha Ha.

<font color="119911">xbliss</font>,
how's byan now? my gar has been sick for few days liao. y'day, also my turn. I felt heavy head, shivering with cold, pop 2 Paracetamol and then went to slp at 8pm leaving my hubby and mum to attend to my no#1 (of cos, no#2, zzz like pig pig...). at least, zzz for 3 hrs later then get up to moo moo again. now, gg to sore throat liao...

yup, think we mummies (esp sahm) cannot fall sick wor....

<font color="119911">lilac</font>,
jia you, our premiees are all fighters....pray haRD....

<font color="119911">David</font>,
hmm Danya is smiling wor...

pai seh, no offence, just curious, why need stoma Bag?? I even snapped the poos (like curry saUCE) and post onto the blog mah...more "er xin'. haa...cos I want to let my kids know how their poos look like when they are young.
Mummy Afcai,

Still remember, on day 12 of Danya birth, her tummy was swelling so bad. Doc ops on her and found part of her intestine twisted. When Doc try to untwisted, boom, it burst. Doc cut away 27cm of her intestine. Doc did not want to join back her intestine as they do not want to complicate her condition. So technically speaking, her anus is now on her tummy where the 2 section of her intestine is sticking out. Her actual anus is not functioning. So no nappy rash for the time being. HA HA.
long time never post...
Ever since Xavier is back, very busy. And my modem is installed at the hottest corner in the house, really cannot tahan... also have been trying to install wireless but due to some technical probs, still cannot, very sian...

First of all, thanks for all the support given to me during my hardest time. Without the mummies (and of course daddy David!!!) here, it would be much harder to pass thru the dark period..THANKS A LOT!! You guys are great!!

Secondly, welcome to all new mummies here...Please stay positive, your warriors will come home sooner than you think....And to boost some confidence here, I will post 2 pics of Xavier, one taken in feb (one month after born) and one taken recently. Hopes it gives all the mummies some hope here...


Xavier is growing well since he came home. We believed he was underfed while in NICU (based on their so-called weight calculation for feedings). He was on 55ml/3 hours before discharge, now he is on 150ml/4 hours! Big difference ya? The doctors even prescribed fortier for us to bring home because they said he gained weight too slowly...Fortier is very EX!!! 100 dollars for 50 sachets, each feedings require 2 sachets.....Luckily we realised that the reason why he didnt grow much was because he didnt drink enough..So we dun need to buy fortier, jus give him more of mummy milk...hehehe...
But i stressed since he came back, so my BM dropped a bit ...Luckily still enough for him and also can save a bit in freezer. Prepared for future use!
He was 2240g when discharge, now he is about 3.2kg after 3 weeks at home

Also, Xavier is clear of ROP, no more upsetting eye check for at least half a year! So happy!!!


Danya is so brave! After going thru the tummy operation with Issac, I know tummy problem can be very severe, Danya is a very strong girl, and i am sure she will come home with you soon

Take care ya!! U are right, we cant afford to get sicked, esp during this H1N1 period!!

You mean Nate's PDA is closed right? Shouldnt be hole in his heart lah.... That's a great news! Both my boys didnt close PDA even after medication, at the end Issac even got side effects in intestines, and Xavier went thru surgery to get it closed...very mafan!
So it is a big milestone for Nate, congrats!!! Btw, pls relax and get more rest, BM is very important for our preemie fighters!! Rest is important for good production
We all went thru confinement without our precious baby, but be strong, Nate will be home soon!!

ya man, i very scared to go hospital nowadays, so many bugs flying around...but no choice leh, got to do follow up appts....jus went twice in past 3 weeks, got to go again on 14 and 22nd july. scared.....

SOrry to hear about Yilin, you must be very worried! Will pray for fast recovery for her, please stay positive too!!

I was on CTG monitoring when i was 25 weeks, but it was hard to detect Xavier's heartbeat since he was too small as compared to his brother Issac in the womb, but still we did it for a few days until cannot wait...I dun think got to wait until 28 weeks?

Can understand your frustration...I think u got to tell ur MIL straightaway!! No joke man....

5am seems so early....Cannot imagine when i start work again...Anyway, hope Dash gets well soon!!!

How old is Kate? Why she needs to go for speech therapy?
David, thanks for the encouragement. Are your precious at KKH and do you visit them daily? I see this father who is very regular in visiting his daughter - always see him sitting near the incubator.

afcai, have been praying daily for Nate's growth and development. Am happy that he is progressing well. Just that he seems to regurgitate his milk feeds. Got to monitor closely.

Jas, erm... should be PDA bah. I rather new so all the terms are foreign to me. Hee. I know its something that closed after medication and the doctors are happy about it.

Regarding expressing milk - wondering if the mums here can help. Have been expressing 3 hourly and the yield always hover around 25-30 ml. This is my 6th day after delivering. Is the supply normal? How do I increase the supply cos I reckon baby needs more as he grows older?
Hi Jas,

Wah, warrior Xavier has grown so much. With TLC from Mum, what a extreme make over. Don't forget, we must meet some day. Both Xavier &amp; Danya fought hard around the same time.

Hi Lilac,

Danya is already in SCN of KKH. 25 to 30ml of EBM is consider good for day 6. The more discipline you are in expressing, the flow will be more. Remember to take more fluid &amp; eat well, think of Nate when expressing, rest well and don't overstress yourself. Try green papaya with fish head soup, it does help.

Continue to believe in Nate as you have already witness that our warrior Nate are capable of achieving even more in life. Fight strong. Jia Yu.
David, thanks for the reply. Wow, you are really good - even so informative about the supply of milk. Glad to know that Danya is already in SCN of KKH. Very soon, she will be home =)
a lot of good news here. so happy for all the premies and their parents.

Hubby and I are "off" today cos both of us really need sleep to recuperate. so we chucked bryan to mil. never really thought there would be a time like this where i would actually "enjoy" not having bryan around cos all along i am very attached to him. but its good respite.. going to zzzz...
Hi Mums,

Back from KKH. Danya is on drip again. Her stool is watery, her weight drop again. Doc just set her drip this afternoon. 1st poke on her left hand, drip couldn't get in. 2nd poke on her right hand, drip is in. Danya cry so loud, must be very painful. My heart is feeling the pain too. Sian la, should poke me instead of my princess.
Hi David, sorry to hear that Danya is on drip again. Hope she gains more weight soon. She is a fighter just like her daddy.

Visited Nate today. Jaundice level is still a little high so on phototherapy. Feels a little heartpain to see him under the lights and that his skin seems a little burnt. Hope the level goes down soon. Currently at 110. Must go below 86.
Hi Lilac,

Once Nate has frequent output and good EBM input, Jaundice level will drop. Don't forget, the human body are very resilient. Nate will emerge the champion in no time. Continue to fight hard and strong with Nate. Jia Yu.

I know how it feels to see our lil' princess being poked for drips esp on her tiny hands...But I'm sure this is for her good, and very soon it will be over and she will be back in your arms at Home! She is looking so sweet and good now despite being borned so premature...take care and we await good news from u!


Hope Nate gets better soon...Do post up good news soon too!


Everytime I see Xavier's pics, it just warmth my heart. U have done well in keeping him safe and he has fought really strong!Look at his pic, and we know He must be enjoying his stay at home with u so much, esp being rocked by rocker...Keke Jerlynn has that rocker too...

Last 2 nights, I placed Jerlynn at my MIL house again for the weekends...YTD heard from my MIL that she doesn't wanna sleep from 2am til 9am!!! She suspected that Jerlynn is beginning to recognise Home or people and missing us!!! but actually she was also like that for the past week when she was at home too. Back at Home, she now either sleeps at 4am or wakes up at 4am wanting to play! Mornings and Afternoons, she will be sleeping throughout and like a log! I tried what I can in the afternoons to wake her up, play with her, switch on the TV, make the house noisy, chatting loudly with my mum beside her, carry her up walking round the house talking to her...but all she can do is simply heck care all this and still fall asleep. I really dunno what else I can do liao!!!
Hi gingal, thanks for the encouragement. Jerlynn is such an active kid - wanting to play all the time. Isn't it wonderful to see that your baby is so active now even tho' it can be tiring sometimes? That's the joy of parenting hor?

Visited Nate today and nurse was saying that he is stable. The doctors attempted to take off his CPAP today because they felt that he is quite and can breathe very well on his own. But the nurses were more kan cheong about it and mentioned that its better to wait for a few more days cos after taking the CPAP off, he struggled a little. His jaundice level is down to 96 - a huge improvement from the previous day of 110. We are praying that it will go down to 85 so that he can be off the phototherapy. There are still respite from his stomach so no milk feed yet but they are happy that the level of respite has gone down to almost nil. So that's good news too. Am just very glad that he is doing well at the moment. Sang to him while I was there. Felt very sad that he is not at home with me but yet thankful that he is under the care of good hands.
Have a question here. Does anyone know how much the hospital bills would amount to? Before I was admitted, the admission officer gave us an estimated bill of which the full amount is stated as 100% claimable by Medisave. That bill was based on my then 25 weeks. So, do I still need to pay any upfront cash? Is it possible to find out the cost of the stay from anyone at the hospital?
Hi David,

It must be painful to see little princess going thru all those procedures....I went thru that many many times, just like u, hoping that it was me who suffered. But ultimately, the only way we could console ourselves is to remember that Baby will not remember all these NICU memories, and that they are strong warriors!!
ANd yup, we got to meet, when both our babies are big enough to see the outside world!! Will continue to pray for you, Diana and Danya

Yup David is our super daddy here, even knows about BM stuff, hehe. Btw, on top of what david said, I have something else to add -- if you are not having engorgement, you can try to use hot towel to massage ur breast every time before you express, it helps to stimulate more milk. Besides, always take hot shower...But of course, if you are having engorgement and the milk is hard to come out, u got to be cautious about using the hot method because it may stimulate too fast and get blocked...Anyway, happy moo mooing!!
Nate is off CPAP so soon, really a strong fighter. I am happy for you! I am sure he will gain weight soon and come home with you!
Regarding the bill, how long does the doctor think Nate is going to stay? Did u opt for C ward when u got admitted and you are sure that you will be entitled for 80% (max subsidy)? For me, I got 70% subsidy, and my total bill for Xavier is about 38k after 139 days of stay in NUH. After medisave is used, the rest u got to use cash.

Ya, looking at him really made me realised how precious life is, and how strong he is! He is really a good boy, always try very hard to finish his milk despite his breathing problem..Ya, this rocker is great, he loves it, will fall asleep very soon after we rock him..
wow, Jerlynn has very special bio-clock lehh...has it been always like that? Or jus recently? It must be tiring for you guys to go thru the midnight playing sessions....
Jas, thanks for the reply. Rearding pumping, I do not feel much engorgement except for the first few days when the milk started to come it. Subsequently, have been expressing every 3 hrly but yield is only 30-40 ml. Not too sure how to up it. When I was admitted, I opted for C class. I understand there is a means testing, is it? At that point of time when I was admitted, they based it on if I deliver at that point of time at 24 weeks, Nate would have to stay for 120 days and the total bill would come up to about 29K. But Nate was born at 28th weeks, so maybe it will be lesser stay? Maybe I should check with the staff at KK. Am just wondering how the Medishield can come it.
Hi Jazz,

how many wks was ur baby born? he looked to tiny and fragile initially.but i'm glad he's all well and healthy now.were u not worried? how many days did he stay in NICU?

btw,can someone tell me wat SCN means?
Hi Monster Mum,

SCN - Special Car Nursery

Hi Lilac,

Glad to hear that Nate is going to breathe the fresh and nice air by himself. That's how all our warriors triumph. Once Nate start to feed on EBM, you will see how our warrior will grow from strength to strength. Continue to praise Nate for his achievement. Fight hard, fight strong. Jia Yu.

As for the bill, Danya is already 129 days in KKH. About 3 to 4 weeks ago, Danya bill is already crossing 29K after subsidy on C class. Busted by medisave. Pai Seh, have to use my wife Diana's medisave. Some medication are not subsidized if I am not wrong, TPN is on of them. I will PM you the billing schedule from KKH.
How long is your each session? What kind of pump are you using? For me, when I first started, I pumped for 30 - 45 minutes, and i made sure both breasts are very soft and empty before I stopped. Pump matters too. I personally feel that manual pump is better becos u can squeeze/massage and control your pumping strength -- to make sure all milk is out. Right now I used a combination of electric &amp; manual pump, starting with electric (becos save energy and more efficient), and I finish up with manual pump, to make sure breasts are empty. A bit troublesome, but it is worth the trouble. I went up to 100-200ml every 4 hourly 4 days after delivery. It's been 5 months after delivery now, and i still maintain at 1000ml a day

Yes, there will be a mean testing. If Nate is already off CPAP and has no other complications, which means his only job is to gain weight, then I think he should be home even before he is term. So maybe 60-80 days, the bill shouldnt be that expensive.

He was born 650g at 26 weeks, together with his twin brother Issac, who was 938g. I had TTTS (twins-to-twins transfusion syndrome), which means one baby big , one baby small. Xavier was the smaller one, yet he was healthier than his brother. Issac passed away after 46 days in NICU. Worried was an understatement, I was depressed, upset, and felt like my whole world was falling apart, esp when my Issac passed away. It was the darkest period ever, I am glad we survived this, and I am sure Issac is in heaven with our Abba father, watching over us. Things are starting to get better now, with Xavier home. He has some chronic lung problem, which he should outgrow when he gains weight. Now this is our only concern, to put weight on him!! Btw, he was in NICU for 139 days.

And also, SCN means special CARE nursery, not CAR service, typo from David, haha..
Jas, thanks for the information on expressing breast milk. I am using Ameda Dual electric pump. I have one Avent manual pump bought long time ago. Since it seems like using manual pump is more efficient, I will try it. More washing to do but I think it is worth it if it can up my supply. I want to be prepared when Nate comes home. Nate is not off CPAP yet cos' when doctors off it yesterday, he seems to struggled a little. So they are going to try again in a couple of days time. So will see how. I am so sorry to read that Issac passed away but like what you mentioned, he is in heaven with our Lord where there are no tears. The hope that one can cling onto...
lilac, i tink most of us here did our confinement w/o our bbs.. in a way, also good in that we can rest... not good as most of us will still travel back to kkh ..more tiring... i think alot fo us wonder if we did anything wrong to cause premmie birth... but dont think so much... whats impt is to look forward and never make the same 'mistake' again if ever conceive again..

afcai... ahaha..ur mom is 'banned' from going out.... kate always have the same therapist.. maybe she just din like to be instructed..ahahhaha...

xbliss..wah...such a strong bug... better take fren told us now got a strong flu bug (not H1N1) passing around..alot of kids in her bb's cc affected..high fever, etc...

david, danya is so sweet in her latest pics!!!!

Jas... thats a happy pic of xavier!!!! ehhee..reminds me tht i used to worry if premmie are usually darker skin.. cos my gal is also very dark.... so poor thing! underfed for so long in nicu!!!!
kate is 2 yrs 8 months actual... her speech progress is slow... therapist suspect that she is not processing the language, just echo-ing, so she has problem learning the language...

gingal, maybe bring her out in the afternoon? new interesting surroundings might keep her awake ....
maybe u can buy those hand wet wipe for her. hint her a bit tat outside is dirty, clean her hand and your baby's hand where necessary..

danya so sweet, she looked kind of excited..

xavier is doing so well.. well done mummy. from your pic, reminds me of the time yilin was born, now she is a chubby little baby.. haa.. sometime very naughty.. err.. should say most of the time is naughty.. haa..
