Premature babies support group

xiaowanzi, good to be SAHM if financially you and ur hb are comfy with it!
i am fine.thank you
abit more busy with work though hahaha

shelllow, wow... must be siong for u since she is only willing to drink when she is asleep...

mummylian..oh ezann having hfmd? how is she now?

afcai..its not the diff between premmie or fullterm.. was just talking to another mommy who has fullterm newborn..she is complaining too :p its the personality of the bb...

kkf, check with u..have u went for the chalet liao? how big is it? really 4 bedder? cos i am booking the safra one inside downtown east for the june hols.. wan to have a gauge on how big it is... are the walking space big enuf for another sleeping bag? :p their hot water safe (no rustry smell) enuf and always got enuf supply (cos need to prep fm)?

jas..good that the cabbage stop ur blockage... maybe nowadays the cabbage just aint what it used to be :p

maykel, pls stay strong and try to work things out... not to pour cold water..but when it comes to MIL... sometiems have to take it with a pinch of salt..i have heard of too many cases of MIL cannot take care of nb (fullterm/premmie)..maybe cos not their own daughter's bbs so no 'incentive' to learn... since u r on maternity leave so can juggle..but if she is not showing 'improvement' u might need to start planning for alternatives when u go back to work and she is still unable to cope... re PD, tehre is a very popular PD clinic at woodlands called baby bear..alot of mommies rave abt him though i dont like him... and waiting time is quite long too...

sam, eat more from now on! lots of carbo, ice cream, and many meals a day! jia you! which hospital are u staying in?

Hi Gingal and Bloom,
thanks so much for the clinic info. Tried calling baby bear but was closed. Think later we bring gal to Kidslink cos nearer our hse. My gal seems like got diarrhoea...

Thanks everyone, gotta rush off now.
<font color="119911">Jas</font>,
yup, no lah clot only can clear by consistant massaging till blue black n red red man. duct only clear when massage lady came on 6 days.

sian, now also think not enu slp, so bm also not so much. now can pump 530-655ml per with one latch on.

<font color="119911">Maykel</font>,
re: cramping.
oic. the kkh gynae also told me it is common for tbf mummy to have lochia n cramp so tat it shows tat womb is contracting.

re:vomiting fr nose.
my boy had been vomiting fr nose and mouth since the day when he came hm on 28/2. already ask the neonatal doc and she said it is common, ok just monitor the reaction of the face. if blue not gd etc...even after 20 mins of sit up, he also like that. so feeding and burping bb is the biggest project man....

<font color="119911">cale</font>,
think the sweat and fiction against the pad and v area is the cause of the pimple loh.

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
agreed that FT bb and premmies are really different. it took a lot of attention, care and more impt PATIENT man to care the premmies. I wishes my boy faster grow up man...ppls said first yr much 'xin ku' then ok liao.....

same same, I kept on telling my mum that this boy is a premmies unlike her sister so tell her cannot powder my no#2 loh.

true, even sneaking out gg downstairs to walk walk also help me to relax if not I really 'siao' facing the bb man.... for me, drink essence of chicken no use liao....think too immune....dunno got anything stronger than that to 'pu' 'jing shen' man....

<font color="119911">bloom</font>,
guess for my no#2, it is kind of a difficult bb to take care (my mum did complain, this boy hor, like on g de.... unlike tx sweat like mad also slp but this boy will wriggle, making lot of noise, cranky have to on the fans even slp inside yao lan etc..., my mum said no wonder he wanted to come out in his wk 31 cos during preggie time, i also heaty too...)

<font color="119911">sam</font>,
better to bed rest loh.....dun move so much....what is CRIB?
Hi Sam,

Don't count the days. You can do it. Your babies are strong &amp; smart and they will make you proud. Remember, you and your babies are strong, brave and mighty. The mighty God hears your prayer.

Don't listen to Doc. They don't give positive words at all!!!!!!!!!

glad things are looking great for danya. I remember the days i feel so enlivened to give support to the new parents here after having received wonderful support from the oldies here.. hehehe..

4 more wks only.. keep thinking that. keep occupying urself with lots of other things. i was on CRIB for 2.5 months.. what seemed like hell felt like a moment after the whole ordeal was over. focus on the goal.. not the process in this case...

how ezann?? hope she better.

Re: vomit from nose...
hai.. i think my bryan is the vomit king.. til today after taking meds.. still can merlion one.
I remember us having to burp him almost 3-4 times through a feed.. sometimes sitting through with him for such a long time to get a burp. He was so sensitive.. position not correct or overstimulate/overfeed only everything comes out! GRRRRRRR.. so in the end, when this kept happening, we deduced that he might not be able to take in so much feeds (chinese call it wei4 qian3 - shallow stomach due to prematurity), we reduced by 10-20ml and all problem solved. U see.. he in fact retains all the milk and grows better. Even the advice offered by dietician din help.. in the end, she agreed that reduce milk was good. Just that we added more calorie powder. Bryan was on 3 hrly feeding all the way til 15 months. From 15 months on.. due to teething.. he doesnt want his bottle anymore... feed milk with SPOON... *faint*
Hi Sam,
I delivered at 31wks.

Hi gingal,
Thanks so much for the info, i brought my gal to Kidslink clinic at semb yest pm. Happens that I was acquainted to the doc many yrs ago. She's very nice and reassuring. Also ask us details of our gal's medical history etc. We felt more reassured after talking to her. Your gal did vaccination in Kidslink? We also thinking of it. As for development assessment etc, she thinks that we shld cntinue at KKH until we can be discharged from kkh clinic. However, we were told that our babies must be follow-up in kkh til they are abt 7years old right?

Its good to take care of ur baby by urself, so difficult to depend on other pple. My hubby oso thinks that i shld either resign or take NPL at least for this yr. But i love my job and my bosses had been very understanding already during my preg, cos i was on HL most of the time, in fact, i didn't work since dec last yr. So now its Career Vs Babies for me. But guess you are right, nothing beats taking care of babies urself. By the time you wana go bk to work, ur gal would be older and easier for mil/mum to take care.

Channah is still passing out motion frequently in small amt. Every feed we have to change diapers twice, once b4 she drink and once after, as she would usually poo while drinking milk, is this normal?

Usually babies can see more clearly by 3mths, so guess ur Jerlynn is in that stage and is observing her house in detail nw hehe....No lah, you are not obsessed, me oso will try to let her finish the milk, cos the nurse told us if she nvr drink, she'll not get enough sugar and would be labile and sleeps most of the time. It makes us worried so we are quite panicky oso if she dun finishes her milk.

Oh yes, even when i'm not preg, i will oso make sure i have some 'me' time. Cos i'm the type that values my own freedom and privacy alot. So now its kinda gone, maybe thats why i'm feeling so depressed. But i knew that since i've decided to have babies, i must take good care of them and give them the best care i can.
I do understand wat you are trying to say, and i do agree. Any recommendation for home massage? Would those ladies that do post-natal massage do a 1-time thing for me?
Hi disneymickey,
Thanks for your encouraging words. Guess after we know our babies 'style' then things would be better bah. Okie, i'll try my best to relax and be less edgy.

Hi Bloom,
Thank you...i do agree with you. Cos its different when it comes to my mum. She really want to help me, but cos she is tied up to taking care of my sis's 3 kids, so i dun wana stress her already. But she still comes whenever she could and help me, i really appreciate her being around.
I can still cope since i'm on ML, but we are already thinking of alternative plans already, in case she really can't cope if i go bk to work.

Hi Sam,
I agree with David, dun countdown, it'll makes the day seems longer. Just crry on the daily routine and the time passes by b4 you knew it, jia you jia you!

Hi afcai,
I thot its my menses last week, but the bleeding had not stopped til now and its getting heavier, dun know why like tat....

Oh, ur boy oso ar....after burping still like tat....does he usually turns red when he vomit? My gal's face turns very red. Now i paranoid, burp her for 10-15mins, after that still carry her for another 15mins b4 i put her bk to bed and sleep. I still do it even thou she poo poo during feeds, bo bian, abit dirty is better then letting her vomit.

Hi xbliss,
oh, ur boy's vomiting sounds bad. I will oso try to burp Channah in btween feed, oni problem is, its diff to get her to drink again after tat. Is this 'wei4 qian3' permanent? Won't he get less nutrients if you reduced the feeds?
<font color="119911">xbliss</font>,
same goes to my boy. also vomit king.....feeding and burping him are the major task. patient and patient is needed for whoever feed him. that's why we fed him small amt but every 2hrly. last time when he just discharged from SCN, we fed him 30ml hrly so that he won't get indigested.

err....feed yr bryan milk with SPOON...taxing wor....did u introduce slip cup to him?

<font color="119911">costa del sol</font>,
thks for the explanation on CRIB. another short term to learn wor.

<font color="119911">Maykel</font>,
same same, I also delieved at wk 31.

when my boy is 1mth, he also poo regularly esp after feed. it is taxing if one use diaper.since yr gar only poos a bit by biy, why not u place nappy liner onto the diaper. then remove the nappy liner only, dun need to keep on changing the diaper. that's what we did during his night time.

but now, he is coming to 3mth (actual age is 1mth), he only poos 2-3 days. but within these 2-3days, he did BIG business man...poos a lot man...poos till can soil all over. we are using nappy cloth.

these 2 days, some pinkish or yellowish spotting liao. so me bck to wearing panty liner....sian..dunno why. maybe squat or carry my gar these 2 days.

s yr bleeding fresh blood?is there blood cot or ....maybe it 's menses leh? Information on lochia;

ppls feedback that bb boy are much harder to take care esp feeding and burping. they can easily get indigestion and heart burn.

my boy only vomit (merlion or er ni) when he gek till his face like lobster. yup, the least time to feed my boy is 10mins if not 30mins. then burping 10-20mins. then still need to carry him upright for another 20mins if not he will merlion or er ni thru nose. so the feeding and burping part already take 1hr-1.5hr. if there is no helper for me, I will faint man...cos I needed to pump, eat, only get to rest 20-30 mins the most. sian....

do yr gar burp veryloud and sound disgusting? my boy burp as if wanted to vomit type. soemtimes burp him also merlion esp my hubby burping him, sure will merlion. men lah u know....

I can't imagine how I can ta han the tiredness when i go bck to work 2 mth later.

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
guess my boy also like to KPO when one carry him ard, he will look ard. he like to stare at the lighting.
Hi afcai,
My gal is only gestational age of 37wks oni. Thanks for ur suggestion, i'll put the nappy liner then.
Mine is fresh blood, like menses but been so long clots.
ya loh, i oso has similar routine as you, that everything i do nowadays is a rush. Oso still need to pump BM etc. I did not try latching my gal again cos she very fierce when angry and would bite me i share the BM between her and meimei.
My gal burp is ok leh, gentle, oni occasionally its loud heehee...
Ya, me oso...but think i would try to tahan the tiredness if i go bk work. Oni worry is who can take care of my gals during the day, hiaz...
<font color="119911">Maykel</font>, yr milk flow fast, that's why yr gar is like tat. for me, my milk flow very slow so sometimes nipples too big nd soft (still got milk), this boy just pek chek cannot suck then will scream till face red red.

oic...twins wor....need at least 2 helpers if not can't cope.

think my boy seem got reflux cos when he lie horizontal the stomach contents/gas go back up. tat's explain the noises when he slept cos of the discomfort of liquid going back up and irritating the throat. heard tat feeding at the breast is also worse cos of position bb is in when feeding.

see this:

14 steps to reducing your infant's Reflux
u r welcome. yes, do look 4 alternatives while u r still on ML. in case u need to send to nanny, give some time 4 all to get used 2. but ur MIL may not b happy lor, since she's 'supposed' to help take care. but u can always say she can't cope anyway. it'll b much better if ur hubby is on your side. he can see with his own eyes, it's his mom who 's not helping now.

i'm like u lor. my mom will come occassionally 2 help. but MIL, NEVER offered help at all. even till now, when my ger is sick &amp; we did not go back &amp; visit, she oso nev come n visit her grandaughter. whereas my mom, will b v concerned abt my ger, kept calling 2 check on her.. c the diff? sigh.. but the good thing is, since MIL nev interfer right from the beginning, till now, she has no right to interfer in how we handle my ger. like when she was still a bb, she can't feed her anything, hav to get my approval. i've oso taught my ger, if grandma give u anything 2 eat, ask mommy 1st b4 u eat. heehee

good luck.
hi mummies,
i remember there is a way to calculate the milk intake based on bb weight rite?can let me know coz my cousin scared she over or under feed her bb.tks in advance.
Bloom 75,

On monday, did the scan, my triplets are weighing 650G+ each. and im eating more now.. hope they can grow more...seems my sppetite also growing cause whole pregnancy only gained 4KG.


CRIB = Complete Rest in Bed

Ya the doc keep telling me delivering now means losing the bb and got me so worried sick..


3 more weeks to my 28th week which they say is the safe mark.. really counting down to it..
Hi Sam,

Whatever the Doc tell U. In from the left, out from the right. Don't count at all, Don't set a date at all. Why 28th week? Why not 40th week? Everything is possible when you believe is possible. YOU BELIEVE &amp; YOU WILL BE.

Just relax, talk to yr babies, praise them for their bravery &amp; strength, tell them that they are smart &amp; calm. BELIEVE IN THEM, BE PROUD OF THEM.
Hi ladies and gentleman,
My Charlot had her oro-tube taken off today and she is able to take her feeds pretty well. She is abt 1.79kg now

I am better able to cope with Channah at home now as we get to know her 'pattern'. Hope things would be just as good when Chrlot comes bk.

Hi afcai,
ya, now you mentioned, my flow was so-so oni during the time that i latch her, but i oso got exactly the same problem as you, tats why my gal got angry, too soft and short for her to suck. Same loh, scream til face so red hehe...

ya loh, tats why so stress, have to plan the caregiving issues. My mil now then tell my hubby she wants to be the 'helper' and the maid to be the main caregiver. I mean, how can right? How to trust maid to take care of my 2 sweeties?? If bo bian then i gotta take NPL or resign loh...

ya, the problem is sometimes we tend to lie them too flat, thats why got reflux. But we can't lie them on high pillow oso mah right?

Hi disneymickey,
ya loh....when i mentioned nanny, my fil not happy leh. Tats the problem with them, want 'face'. Cannot cope dun wana admit, everytime like that then last min we gotta find alternatives frantically. Like i was telling afcai, mil say she want to be 'helper' oni and the maid as main carer, how can?? I dun even trust the maid to make milk, much less carry my babies.
My hubby is like torn between us, but at least we have a common goal to want the best care for the gals.
Ya loh, i totally agree with you, my mum calls me daily and visits to relieve me despite her having to care for my sis's 3 kids. My mil is fulltime hsewife, watching korean drama at home daily adn comes oni on Sun when my fil can send her. She cited distance for not coming, i mean, how big is Singapore?? I oso like you, i tell myself if she dun help now, next time dun talk to my kids haha....i so bad hor

Frankly, i also hope i can do it and really am trying my best to control myself and protect myself and the babies. but seriously i really dunno how long this cerclage can last me and as what the docs say.. they bbs are all getting heavire and bigger and may give way anytime.. This is really terrifying as like when i came to hospital that day, i got no contractions whatsoever and by my dog's funny behaviour and a sudden cramp thats all whiich i almost wanna ignore..I can say actually i got pretty good pain threshold thts why i cannot feel BH contractions and can tahan cramps etc.. so im scared i cannot realise the signs..
Im praying hard that hopefully by next Monday my 3 babies can hit the 1kg mark which the nurse told me will be the safer weight for pre term babies if really deliver early...

I really dunno how much weight they gaining now, so on an average i avearge the weight from week to week is ard 18g per baby per day like that.. well.. heard if give birth liao babies weight will drop.. means i must target 1.1-1.2kg at least and not 1kg right?

I cannot find any comparisons for triplets anywhere and cannot study the case also..

Think maybe i worry too much also..
Hi Sam, jia you jia you... i know how you feel, i also have an emergency cerclage done on my first pregnancy and was also on crib.

Try not to count down as you will feel more dificult to pass the time. Focus on others thing and try not to worry too much.
sam, hang in there. u can do it. i know how it feels to want to be long sighted and to look at full term delivery, but when we are presented with such a situation, we can't help but feel short sighted. But u know.. a lot of mummies have done it here. I hope just by knowing this gives u more hope and strength. I for one endured 2.5 months and delivered near wk28. Don't give up. Like wat David says, wk 40 is indeed the best. U never know, so have courage to aim a bit further
didnt log on for a few days and the post moved too fast for me...will catch up later.

Just want to tell Sam, hang in there!

Like David said, dont count the weeks!!! WHy get urself stressed over this? Ultimately it will not be important when they decide to come out....Please be relaxed, ur babies could feel your u got to stay positive!

For me, I started counting too...but unlike u...I was trying to confirm how many gestational weeks i was at, I didnt know when i got pregnant !!!!(periods never regular, pregnancy not planned, changed a few doctors) My ultrasound results varied from each other because of my complications TTTS (twins to twins transfusion). When i got admitted, the doc actually came in, sat down with me, and asked me to recall all the times i ML with my husband...becos i was at an awkward stage --- my babies couldnt wait to come out, but my gestational week didnt seem good enough for them to come out.....Very stressssed.....

it was kind of useless, because they still decided to come out after 4 days....It is fated, god's arrangement....

So pls dun think too much!!! I know it is hard, but you got to stay positive.

ya, my placenta was shared by my babies, the main reason why i got the complications (TTTS)...But for your case, not to worry, ur babies are equal weight
Hi Sam,

My wife Diana say that I am very naggy. Indeed I am. Why count the weight again? Although I am a free thinker, there is a Parable in the New Testament about "DON"T WORRY" - "Luke 12.22-31" which I strongly agree with Lord Jesus. Ask your family member to read you this parable and you will know what I meant.

Rememeber in life, make the best out of the worst case scenario. POSITIVE THOUGHTS WILL BRING YOU &amp; YOUR BABIES A LONG LONG WAY.
dun worry. even when charlot comes back, u'll b able to handle. maybe a bit 乱initially, but once u pick up the girls' pattern, i'm sure u can handle well. else train them to get used to your pattern haha

sad 2 say, if u hav a good &amp; caring maid, it's better than a help-less MIL.

dun worry, ur girls will eventually know who r the one(s) who really care abt them. u know, when my ger started talking, she can say things like "i love mommy cos mommy loves me.." but when u asked if she loves grandma (my MIL), she shake head &amp; say "cos grandma doesn't love me".. see?
Hi Maykel,

Cheers to Charlot. Hitting 2kg soon. Going to be real busy for you and Kevin when both pretties are back home. I can imagine the nice symphony your pretties are going to sing to you and Kevin. Hee Hee.

Hi Mums,

Danya is tolerating CPAP well. Her CPAP pressure is already down from 10mbar to 8 mbar. She is on hourly feed. Yesteraday, Doc cycle her feed from a constant 7.5ml/hr to 6ml/hr &amp; 9ml/hr cycling. If she can tolerate well, Doc will push for 2 hourly. As for Danya weight, still maintaining between 1.01 to 1.05 kg.

Danya is already 33 weeks/5 days. She still look smaller that her neigbours. According to a nurse in NICU, my girl girl is "Lao Er" in term of length of stay. We are very proud of her achievement and we continue to push and challenge her and we believe she can achieve all the goals.
sam, jia you!... have more tea breaks :p

maykel.. tends to be easier after u know their pattern.. so i would suggest that even next time after u go back to work.. try not only be just a weekend mom.. my SIL is a weekend mom..she is having probs understanding her bb and FIL even say 1 weekend the bb cry non stop after she brought bb home cos the faces and envt are all unfamiliar... will be siong for u but persevere! let ur hb knows how difficult it will be if u all start on arrangement 1 (ILs take care) then it din work out and suddenly u all have to look for alternatives (not easy to suddenly find maid/bbsitter/vacancy in infant care)...

afcai, will be much better after the 1 yr... even for premmies...

sam, wow.. ur dog senses something?

dm..wah.... she actually said that???

david... size does not matter ... ur gal will most prob be smaller than her peers unless she shoot up during puberty... yest an auntie at the mrt actually ask if my gal is 1+ (she is actually 2+ liao :p)
Hi Bloom,

Agree with you. Probably my girl girl like my wife. Small size. Unlike me, oversize. At least Danya feets and hands like me, BIG (HA HA).
the thread movez so fast :p

i got the forumula always in my hp haha. its Weight x 150ml divide by 8. its given to me abt 1.5 years ago by the dietrician (KKH)
Hi jas,

Yes i too have 1 set identical twins sharing placenta but individual water bag and the other one individual water bag and placenta..
thread moves so fast!! lost track liao

hope all premmies doing well.. all preg ladies doing well.. jia you jia you jia you!! cheers~~
Hi Jas

Me believe in all religion. 6 year of Buddhism study, 4 year of Bible study, been to Hindu temple and mosque several time with friends of different religion.

Our Danya really frighten me yesterday. The nurse was taking her BP many too as they are too high. Finally, Danya boycott. She stop breathing, SPO2 and HR free falling for a few second. HA HA, she can really display her displeasure with the nurse.
Hi Sam,

first time posting here.. Me on bedrest now and have been on CRIB in hospital for 3 weeks before returning to home almost 2 weeks ago. Although i'm not carrying triplets, i can understand what you are going through. i was really very anxious and nervous when I was admitted at week 26.

Now 31 weeks ler..My doctor told me she thinks i wont hold till 32 weeks when i was admitted, but i just tell my bb everyday and try to have positive thoughts. I believe my baby more than the doctor and i think i will definitely make it. ;)

You will too! Let's jia you together!! Yes we can!

to all other premmies, jia you too!
<font color="119911">disneymickey</font>,
mentioning abt far, mil came to visit my boy twice (only carry him once.) during my confinement. for my no#1, she dun even carry her (except once during full mth). hai....

<font color="119911">fairylander</font>,
when bb cry, my mum will sure say he hungry even before 2hr. ai-yo...I told her dun feed bb so much when it is less than 2hrs (scared waste my hard word ebm....will sure heart pain).

<font color="119911">sam</font>,
thks for the reply for the CRIB. costa has helped to 'crack' the short form liao.

Jiayou....can't imagine our womb can hold triplets. yr tummy must be quite big?? (no offence asking..if so, apologise...)

<font color="119911">Maykel</font>,
yup, my boy super impatient type (think during my preggie time, i'm also like that, pek chek cos hubby kept on irriated me. really 'quarrel' a lot) these fews days, dunno why bb so pek chek during latch on. suck a few mins then nipple and aerola become soft then he will 'pui' out and then I latched him on, he kept crying....all he needed to do is close his mouth cos aerola already postition for him liao. hai.... so I just gave him ebm loh...think he also scare of heat one...will sweat (saw him sweat during feeding time, his forehead all sweat).

huh...shd be reverse way...main being a helper only...hmm..yr mil long time never look after bb is it??bu if u get a gd maid, then u won't be worry. cos my cil 's maid super gd....very caring twds the kids. she even toilet train the kids.

usually, I will hold bb 45 degreee and then with a pillow supporting my hand if not arm very 'suan'. but my mum will lie him flat one. last time, when she fed my gar, she will not carry her, let her slp on the bed. Had told her not gd etc...but she dun listen.

<font color="119911">Bloom</font>,
true. first yr 'xin ku' loh....but now, looking at this 2.5mth cow prince (actual age will be full mth on 28/4) seems cute and all tiredness gone man....miracle cure...
Hi Maykel,

Glad that Kidslink is good for u to bring your girl time will be more convenient liao since its near your place.
Yupz, I brought Jerlynn to Kidslink for Vaccination, I did not compare the price and thus not know whether they are cheap anot, but there are so near my place too, that I chose to bring her there. Can use the CDA account to pay, I called up some clinics and they do not accept the card for payment for the vaccinations.
Development follow-ups of cos must follow strictly and bring our girls to kkh, only they know best about our girls. As for Kidslink, it will be good for common illness if we encountered any with our girls.

It really is gonna be a big sacrifice to quit job for baby, sometimes I misses working... and not forgetting the $$$ we missed out on earning...but $$$ can still earn next time la, I don't wanna missed out this crucial growing up stage with my girl too, sometimes I console myself...
When I was on Total Breastmilk, Jerlynn need a change of diaper with every feed...That counts to at least 8-10 diapers a day, now lesser liao...about 6 daipers a day. why do u need to change b4 u feed? Might as well finish feeding then change. I realised also the brand of the diapers used matters...I used to use Mamy Poko and Goo.N on her...The very soft types, and realise dthey are not very absorbent. Even Pampers Active not very absorbent. Then I cahnged to Huggies Ultra, very stiff and hard, but very very absorbent and leakage-proof, and plus Anti-Diaper-rash! Very good for Jerlynn...Jerlynn used to poo during every feed too when she first came back, then we warm the milk and she doesn't poo so frequently during feeds now. If you are giving Total Breastmilk, alot Pooing is very normal...

yah she can see very well now, I realised, and very very KPO...She likes to look at faces, our ceiling fans, ceiling lights and sometimes we wonder if she is watching TV as she gazed at it...But it also means she can see her milk bottle, and if she will push it away when she don't want her milk when we try to feed her.
Today, we went for our Neonat appt, and she was so KPO and keep looking around at the direction whichever baby is crying...
Though she is 3.5 mths old now, but corrected age is 4 weeks old only. Thus I was thinking, maybe her vision not so clear yet...

I have a lady whom I used for confinement massage, she does her job well, u can check with her, I will PM u her number. U can say recommend by Jean from Bedok, baby borned pre-mature. She can do 1-time massage, but will have to depends on her schedule as she gives priority to packages ones 1st, and her schedule always very full.


Glad to know that Danya is doing well...

having big feet and hands means she will grow tall next time..Good Good...

It is true that our babies know who they liek and dislike, soon you will observed more. Mine always cry when certain nurses touch her, but she will be very obedient to some others.


4.775kg x 150 / 8 = approx 90ml

I'm feedinG Jerlynn 100-110ml now, no wonder she so fat... 4.775kg and only 53cm (shortie)
I think I gotta go slow in feeding her liao, cos she like sometimes breathing hard, wonder if cos she is tooo full...I can't breathe very well if I'm too full...

Hi hatemenot,

Welcome to the thread, and Jiayou to u too!
Hi gingal

to be honest. i think the formula is just an estimate. no hard and fast rule. some bb like small feed some is 3hourly, some 4 hourly. some drink fast, some slow it all depends (other factors are the teats and bottles :p).

For me. i did not follow the formula. by the time i want to follow, siang already at toddler stage haha.. but occassionally (when siang was younger) i do refer to this formula.

hurrmmm but if jerlynn is progressing well in weight gain (height have to wait for growth sprouts :p i think) then 10ml i personally think ok la :p. maybe just monitor and see how it goes. breathing hard..could it be the teats flow?? i just wonder...
Hi mummies

Ezann was discharged last friday.. Doing ok BUT she had persistent fever on Thurs again. Hit all the way up to 41C. Sent het to emergency again last nite... wow.. wat a 2 weeks for me as the whole family is sick.. Me?? Tired.. Hope all will be ok soon

Thanks mummy for all your well wishes and concern... gotta tend to them now.. cos the helper is oso sick...
Hi ladies,
Charlot is already 1.88kg already, so fast. Kiv may be able to discharge next wk, finally!
Thou I may be potentially stress, but i'm looking forward for her to be back with us

Hi disneymickey,
Yea, i really hope that i'm able to cope man...
haha...babies nowadays so smart, how to 'tune' them to our pattern? kekeke....

Maybe you are right abt the maid, but i still can't entrust babies to her due to hygeine and cleanlinss issue...imagine her hands can be wet and she still tries to change baby's pillow case and touch her, aiyo...My mil just came to stay 2 days, went bk last nite. She did help with feeding but bathing still not so confident. But she complains that can't sleep well at my hse etc etc...then just cos she came her to stay 2 nites, must ask my fil to bring his clothes here for the maid to wash, and its only abt 4pcs. i mean, i dun mind asking the maid to do, but its kinda funny cos he brought it last nite, left it here and they went home, isn't it better to wash at own hse??

Aiyo, ur gal so small can know all these ar? So cute....

Hi David,
thank you, yes, she's gaining weight quite fast everyday. The nurse says that she is a good gal
But i just felt guilty that i can't visit her everyday, cos i gotta take care of Channah at home, i missed her and hope she's not angry with me. Today very sad, cos hubby gotta work and i gotta stay home, so nobody visits Charlot, she must be wondering why we nvr visits

Oh yes, looking forward to the symphony, music to my ears haha....

So happy to hear that Danya is tolerating CPAP well. Good, slowly from hrly to 2hrly then to 3hrly feeds and she can go home already
Don't worry abt the size, she'll catch up real soon, her progress is the most impt now right?

Hi Bloom,
haha...i dun think i'll get a chance to be a wkend mum. If my mil really helping me while i'm at work, chances are my gals would sure be my responsibility once i'm at home, i can't expect much from her.

Yup, we are thinking of alternatives now. But my hubby thinks that there's no point in us thinking so much now as my mil had not commit nor 'uncommit' herself...has to see her decision then we can decide on the next step.
Hi afcai,
Same loh, Channah oso impatient when it comes to feeding time. My hubby oso keep telling me not to lose my temper during preg, else babies would be temperamental like me haha....but so far ok lah, only the impatient part inherit from me keke...

Dun be too stress over latching him, my gal oso like tat, tats why eventually i chose to give ebm via bottle. I think its a good method for me, esp if Charlot comes bk, else would be feeding and feeding whole day long, full time cow.

Precisely loh....dun understand why she prefers to be 'helper' to the maid, don't make sense to me. My mil NEVER look after baby b4, last time hubby was cared for by grandma and nanny. She never touch him when he was a baby. Think the maid is good for bigger babies or kids only, our babies too small, i 'bu fang xin' leh.

Ya, me too, would hold my gal 45 degree, as thot by the dietician. We were told nrver to feed on a bed, so risky, if regurgitate would be dangerous leh. Must tell ur mum.

Hi gingal,
Yup, we are really relief to know the clinic, thanks to you
at least we know where to turn to when the need arises.

oh okie, maybe i'll check with kkh, if the docs are ok, think i'll bring the gals to kidslink for vaccination too, cos nearer. I think the prices are abt the same bah...if can use CDA account then we can vaccinate them for pneumococcal and rotavirus as well right? Did you opt for these 2?
I agree regarding quitting of job. I would feel a lost of identity if i dun work, i mean, i can't imagine being a housewife (urgghh), but only for the babies...oh yes, talk abt lost of financial freedom as well. I like to shop, if i dun work, how to shop har....But ultimately, i agree that its our gals' well-being that matters the most

I thot we usually change b4 feeds so they would feel more comfortable drinking the milk. The nurses does that in hospital too. You know we counted that she uses abt 50+ diapers in abt 6days. I'm trying pampers and drypers now. I dun like drypers, it leaks and the material not so good, elastic is tight. Pampers is ok. I wanted to try Huggies ultra too. I read alot of god reviews abt Goo.N but yet to try.
haha...ur gal is so cute

Had received ur pm, thanks.
Hi Mums,

Today is another achievement for Danya. Her feed has increased to 14ml/2hr. Her CPAP pressure is down to minimum of 5mbar. Doc is going to cycle her on Monday. Today is also the first time me &amp; Diana get to hug Danya in our arm. It is also the first time we get to see Danya without CPAP when the Sister is changing her.

wat good news for danya.. and doesn't she look angelic? sooner or later, those tapes and tubes will not need to be there, and her pretty face can be seen even better!
Hi Maykel,

Why need to ask kkh's doctors about where to give the vaccination? They don't bother de, U can go anywhere u like. Most prob they will ask u go Polyclinic...But forget about going, it's a long wait there though there is so call "Priority" for babies less than 6 months old, but still gotta wait...

I opted for Rotavirus also, but it was given through mouth and Jerlynn did not like the taste and spits out almost half the feeds, so wasted right...The PD said she very stubborn, doesn't want to eat also difficult to force. She will keep the medicine inside her mouth and shut tight, we thought she swallowed, then when we not looking at her, she spits out! The Rotavirus vaccination costs $100. I will also give her the vaccination for Pnueumococcal - 2 doses instead of 3 doses, and to be given when she is about 6-7 months old, cos if we wanna give 3 doses meant that we gotta give it to her together with the 6 in 1 and rotavirus on that day, I was afriad that it will be too much for her to take on then...But the PD's advice is okay to take 2 doses. I forgot how much it will cost for the Pneumoxxxxx vaccination.
I was so afriad that with too many vaccinations, Jerlynn might feel uncomfy and run a fever...luckily she has had no fever, but she was cranky for a day and wanted to be carried and consoled for the whole day after the Jab...She also lost her appetite for her milk, and drank 30% lesser than usual for about 2 days.

Trust me, with your babies back home, U will realised you won't have the time to shop and u won't miss shopping, so your money in the bank actually depreciates slower (Spend hb's money instead, haha)...If you start to miss shopping, then maybe shop online esp. in the Motherhood BPs, more good buys and cheaper stuffs to shop online...

Pampers Active, Mamy Poko, Goo.N are real soft and comfy, but not absorbent and leaks if Poo Poo too much and too soft...
Mamy Poko and pampers give my gal Diaper Rash, Goo.N does not...
I used Huggies Ultra and I never looked back...Very stiff but Ultra Absorbent, leakage proof and Anti-Diaper rash...
Sometimes I pity my gal unable to close her thighs nearer to each other cos of Huggies stiffness, I will let her put on Goo.N once or twice a day...
With some Trail and Error, I'm sure u can find the right diapers for your gals soon...


Congrats, Danya is doing so well!
She is a pretty gal...

She does remind me of Jerlynn when she was off her CPAP, and I can't help but keep taking pictures of her.
Then when the nurse was changing her feeding tube, I took the chance to take her pics without the tubes on her, and the pics were so precious then...

Soon Danya will grow up and see how strong she was with all these precious pics you took for her...
re feeding:
i heard from Dr Quek tat the range is from 100 - 150ml.. but the dietitcian said 150ml

we using Dr Quek range cos i think not possible for yilin to take so much leh.. she only take 6-7 feeds per day leh.. so,

xx(kg) * 100~150ml = per day intake

fall within this range should be ok.

yilin drinks an average of 120ml/feed. 6-7 feeds per day.. her weight gain is good. she weighs abotu 6.4kg now

Hi Mummies,

My Little gal has not poo for almost 4 days liao...So worried...Not sure what's the problem...She is a daily person, now she can't poo, her appetite also dropped. Anyone also encountered the same thing, and any idea what I can do to help her?

I have tried massaging below her tummy and also tried apply gentle pressure below her navel, also applied pressure around her anus, applied Ru Yi Oil, gave a little bit water but also no use... She is passing alot wind but not Pooing at all... and she looks really unconfortable everytime she "gek" like wanna pass motion but end up only wind...

If by tomorrow still no Poo, will bring her see doctor...right now hope she can Poo soon...
