Premature babies support group

<font color="119911">jas</font>,
yr confinement over??

for me, nuh is nearer to my hse than kkh. tat time, no choice, took cab to visit my boy cos need to rush bck to pump etc...

dun throw. use them as facial(a mummy does tat) or wash feet/hand(that's wat i did last time). pouring down the drain so sayang and heart pain. think my bm is racing against my boy feeding liao.

<font color="119911">aneo</font>,
at night, only time watch tv is when i latch on fr 8pm-10pm.

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
went for neonatal checkup on 31/3. my boy was given iron drop n pro-vitamin, do yr gar still need to go bck for checkup? for my boy, he was asked to come bck in 6 wk time. during the blood test, wow piang, see the nurse squeeze my boy tiny hand till red cos she wanted to collect blood. my boy was screaming man.....

yup, now siuation better. feeding him take 10min-half an hr. he fed 60ml every 2hrs. think now, my ebm is racing against his feed. luckily, i got store frozen ebm in case not enu.

re:pump. wor. me only 120ml-140ml for 4hrly. but somtimes lesser only 90ml.but won't yr gar zzz after latching on? mine will zzz so will give him ebm when he woke up.

did u burp her even latch on? my boy still er a bit milk out even latch still need to burp.

for me, this time, i hope i can ta han bf till 1 yr same as what i did for my gar 1 yr 1 wk.hope my bm will increase.

my edd is 28/3, what's yrs?

<font color="aa00aa">bloom</font>,
yeah, i'm dying but still need to hold on for sake of kids....sigh.

<font color="119911">maykel</font>,
boy is 2mth 4 day (actual is only wk 40 4 days).

<font color="119911">xbliss</font>,
got like tat meh, we did our hep b at polyclinic. will be gg for the 6 in 1 at polyclinic end of the mth liao.

We understand what you meant by dying....I believe most of us been through that stage....To me, the toughest job on earth is to be a Mummy....job demands no matter how can never meet the 24 hrs demands of a child. 加油!

Hope your boy gets better every minute! 加油!

Yes, I live in CCK since married. Now I am at two months time thereabout, I will move to Yew Tee - where my little girl is made....Gosh, I've been moving around CCK for 5 times already....very tiring also.......Yes, let's meet up, will be glad to see your darling....btw, I asked your friend to send me the CV, but have not receive, you mind asking her if she is still keen?
u moving again? where to this time?
me oso staying in cck since married.. wan 2 move out but lazy to get started (ie. look 4 hse) .. but my mom is oso staying in cck, so can help look after ws after sch, so oso kind of an excuse 4 not looking 4 hse heehee
I'm moving back to my own condo just opp Yew Tee MRT, it was rented out for the last 4 yrs. I rented a unit in Northvale in Sept last year as I sold my HDB.... The coming move will be my 6th time after 8 yrs of marriage....worst moving around CCK all the time.... ytd, I went to view mi casa but hor the price is very steep ranging from S$590 - S$625 per sq ft. Too ex and the surrounding so so cos it is directly opp. my previous HDB kind of sick of the same area.. haha

Anyway, hb is getting a fengshui 先生 to make sure that our own condo suits our 八字 after the tenant moved out in April, then we will do reno before we move in if everything is fine.

i can understand your frustration over people asking about your ebm. me too.. i forever low supply. think i am 1 malnutrition cow.. if can achieve 20ml per pump, this a great achievement already. i feel so stress and pai seh when i hand my ebm to the nurse. if there are other parents around, i will try to hide it.. ha... put somewhere they can't see..

during my time, the lactation nurse only told me to take fengukree but din tell me i can take 3 pills 3 times a day leh. so i only took 2 per day.. sigh... so now even how much i eat, i think won't be very useful already.

now i get over it already. u dun be stress too. little is better than nothing.. should be proud of yourself.. u din give up. u still trying to do your best, tat's enough
your baby will be happy enough to know tat mama is trying her very best..
yilin failed her ear screening again yesterday..
gotta wait till 20may for the sleeping test..
so long.. dun have good feeling about it.. though the doc said tat it is good tat she got passed the test once before.. but she failed so many times, sure got something wrong..
Did the ENT doc. clear Yilin's ear wax or not? Most of the time it is the ear wax that block the hearing....don't despair...hope for the best on 20 May....Believe in does happen before you know it. Cheers!
Hi xbliss,
Oh is it? Then i better ask properly before my gals are discharged. I oso prefer to do in KKH as they know the gals' condition better. Yup, my concern is oso some of the vaccinations are not done in polyclinic.

Must take care of urself then can take better care of ur boy.

Hi mummylian,
I oso think it'll be more convenient to do in kkh since they are going for regular follow-ups.
Ya loh, i oso feel more secure if do in kkh.

Hi Jas,
Yes, hope that Xavier can hit 1kg real soon
Great to hear he's doing well. Oh yes, i know wat you mean abt sweating breasts! I think its oso due to the bra pad that we put, but dun put oso cannot leh...
My gals are born at 31 wks and now they are still in SCN at 35 wks.

Thanks, I oso hope that Charlot will gain good weight daily
But everytime after I visits her, i feel heartache. Cos everytime she open her eyes big big and look at us, even when we say bye and go, she is still looking. Think I'll feel better if i sees her sleeps before i go back...Its not so bad with Channah, cos she's sleeping most of the time haha...

Sorry, i dun have time to go Mothercare yet. No problem, will let you know when i go during the weekend. My mum told me she saw very tiny clothes at Metro oso, she bought a few for the gals from there. But i thot other Mothercare would also have clothes for premmies, or no? I'll ask for you, if have then you dun have to go all the way to kkh.
Hi Gingal and Cale,
I oso still having lochia, today day 31 liao. Its funny, cos usually it'll be more when i wake up in the morning. I oso keep having tummy cramp and pain almost daily but its bearable. Do you gals think its cos my internal wound had not heal after c-sect?

Hi David,
Its really great to hear that Danya is off long-line already
She will gain weight faster with the fortifer. My gals just started theirs last week. The steriod would help with her lungs. She's still on CPAP right? How is Diane doing, hope her eyes are better already. Pls send my warmest regards to her.

Dun worry, ur gal would be able to go step-down icu when she is off CPAP. Even thou the nurses told us baby needs to be 1.5kg and off CPAP before they go step-down,, my Charlot was only about 1.2kg and still having long-line and in incubator when she went step-down. After being in step-down for few days then they can go SCN already. Jia you!

Hi precious_one,
haha...thank you. Yes, i agree that our babes are small but strong

Hi Yan,
haha...tat makes me malnutrition cow no.2, i really feels like 1 now...ya, sometimes the nurses very insenitive, even ask me, " that oni ar?" so pai seh.
But frankly speaking, i took so much fenugreek still like tat leh....
But you are right, even i get stress up oso it won't increase hor...
Sorry, i forgot how big is ur gal now? At which mth did you stop pumping, or are you still pumping now?
Hi ladies and gentleman,
Wana update that Channah is 1.86kg today, quite a big jump as she's only 1.79 yest. Wonder if its their machine faulty again. But it'll be great if its correct cos means she can come home soon. She is taking 39mls thru bottle-feed now.
Charlot is abt 1.46kg, still in incubator and on total tube-feeding. Nurse say the incubator can take off when she's at least 1.5kg

the ent doc got use the torch to check inside, said look ok. then we went for the screening. sigh..

the nurse keep asking different lactation nurse to see me... they press till my breast blue black liao still not much milk. the lactation nurse still can ask me pain or not.. of cos pain la.. blue black liao leh,, but i lun lor.. whoever collect my emb will ask me whether i see lactation nurse already anot. sigh,, i see until i pai seh ah..

yilin was borned a 26weeker, weighed 825g. now she is about 4 1/2mths old corrected, weighing about 6.2kg.
she got ROP stage 1 and 2, now should be ok already but stil need to go for check up. but she still fail her ear screening.. i am still pumping now. though not much.. but i try to do wat i can lor.. especially now her ear failed.. sigh.. dunno wat can i eat to make my bm more ¨powerful¨ to help her ear develop better.
hey all,

Xavier is 998g, it really takes some time to cross the 1kg line....hmmm...but guess tomorrow will be the day

I bought one chest freezer too, but it wont last more than 2 weeks. So got to think of another solution now. The problem is I am putting up at my brother's place now, I actually settled down in Shanghai, only came over due to complications...Very awkward situation since if I m staying at my own house, I will definitely buy a big big freezer...yet, a bit paiseh to occupy so much space at his hse, i already took over his children's room...hmmm...

I got lots of glass bottles from hospital, but the caps from them are usually rusty....i throwed away so many of them, hardly found any usable i bought plastic caps to standby

Hopes bryan will get well soon!

my confinement over long ago, i delivered on 23rd Jan. FOr me, i always pump b4 i go to NUH, and i will bring my manual pump with me to pump at NUH, so i dun need to rush home...Cant afford to take cab, it cost 20SGD per trip from NUH to home

Sorry to hear about Yilin's screening test, please keep faith! I will pray for her! By the way, during her NICU stay, did she have any complications? Did doc say what could have caused her failed the test?

Glad to know that Channah and charlot are gaining good weight! I know what u mean when u said u cant bear to leave Charlot..For my case, Xavier doesnt open eye big big..but he cried until very 'kelian" like that. So, i will make sure he stops crying before i go off..sometimes need to use pacifier to calm him down, but i always hold until my arm sore.....No choice also, really heartache to see him cry lehhh...

Ya, bra pad is the culprit! At one point i even thought i developed yeast infections due to all the stuffiness and sweat. Luckily the nurse checked and it was okay.

Not all mothercare outlets carry preemies clothing. Last time when i bought for Issac to wear for his cremation (cant believe he already left us for 3 weeks already, missed him so much...), I called mothercare and they said only KKH has. I went down to KKH, but only one 3pc set (33SGD, bloody ex) was offered, so got no choice but to buy lorrr...I am hoping they come out with more selections. Please let me know ya? BUt no hurry, dun worry!
Even though I am not sure how exactly i maintain my good supply of BM, i think i will share some experiences here, hope it helps!

1) Before my BM started, i ate this medicine called "Mexalon" (not sure if i spelled correctly), and the flow came non stop after that...

2) I eat 3 meals a day regularly. Breakfast will definitely have one boiled egg, one milo, one slice of bread + cheese, one apple. Night time before sleep i will drink a glass of HL milk. Other than that, i eat normal meals. I actually eat everyting i feel like eating, occasionally I will crave for macdonald and coke...and i will satisfy myself every now and then :p

3) I have one electric pump and one manual pump (used to have one manual pump only, but really pump until handache...). I will start with the electric pump first, till it seems finish, i will use manual pump. The reason why is becos electric pump tends to be less efficient in emptying the BM, so got to use manual pump to make sure everything is out.

4) I try to sleep and rest once i got chance....

5) I drink lots of water, before and after pumping.

6) I pump every 4-5 hours, make sure at least 5 times per day.

I think thats about it.....

Actually my pumping wasnt always very smooth...My right breast tends to get clots very easily, especially during the first month. It was so painful and i couldnt empty them out...At the end i went to hospital, and the lactation consultant actually used needles to poke my nipples
It didnt work as well!!!! And the consultant was out of ideas...I was so stressed and scared of getting mastitis which will stop BM. But i told myself i got to do it, i cant let these clots stopped my BM. So, with faith, i used cold cabbage to apply hours b4 pumping, and i prayed.... It cleared at the end! I was so glad and relieved, really felt like striking lottery, hehe.

These clots still come back every now and then, esp. sometimes when i overslept and the interval between pumping gets too long. But i managed it with determination and faith.

Everyone has a different stories when it comes to BF, but lets jiayou together, to provide the best for our babies
Hi Cale,

My first visit to dietician was one month after we bring Jerlynn home, then 2nd visit was 2 weeks later. Now next appt is 1-2 month later, she asked us to book the date ourselves to be between 1-2 months.
Yah she drinks very fast, abit indigestion sometimes cos she finish too fast...sometimes can finish within 10 mins...20 mins is the longest she will take.
If u TBF. lochia might take very long to clear. Mine was all the way very very little, like few drops a day and ending stage will be brownish discharge. But it depends on individual as mentioned by my gynae. Mine cleared after 2 months and 20 days. So don't worry too much. If you worry, then mayeb check with your gynae.


how is bryan now? hope his cough better liao...


Yes I need to go back again to see neonat today, as Jerlynn still has anemia and her blood test showed that her red blood cells rate dropping. Apart from the iron drops and multi-vits, she has to be on Folic Acid for one week, and will see hows the result later. Hope she will be fine, if not maybe needs blood transfusion again, she sure cannot tahan now, cos she so active already and unlike when she was still in hospital...

glad that your boy feeding improved...

Yes, i latch her at least once a day, and she don't Zzzzzz when latched, she sucked very fiercely and gets frustrated de... haha cos maybe my milk flow not as strong as the bottle-teats, dats why she frustrated. I still burp her after BF though everytime she also never burped...haha

So good wor, u BF-ed 1 year before... I think I give myself another 5 months bah...

My EDD was 18/03/09.


Don't worry , shall pray for yilin to pass the sleeping test on 20th May...


Don't worry too if u are TBF, mine lasts much longer totally cleared liao for 2 weeks...

Channah and Charlot are doing great! Yan is a model mother in BF-ing, no matter how little milk she has, she makes it a point to give learning from there, cos everytime my milk supply went down, i will tell myself don't give up... Yan also can give liao, i also will do it for my girl. you also jiayou!

err.. dun call me a model mum la.. pai seh.. i just trying to encourage others and myself

everyone here is model mom and dad, trying to do the best for their little ones
lets all jia you together.. cheers~~
bloom,kkf,yan jane
thx! seem that recently the preggy mums in our support group have near to full term/fullterm babies. Hope it spur, motivate the other mums in our group on the next pregnancy !

yup move east to north is big project. I really wish I didnt have to do it rite now but wat to do - no choice.
I really prefer east since I east all my life. but hubby's side north, my parents move jb - so I mostly agree coz
its cheaper there and it keep hubby happy. I have lot quarrels with my hubby abt visiting his side. so this may make my life easier hehe. I hope I wont regret it. well most woodlanders love staying there.
weekends I still see myself coming down to east to visit my granny etc.

gd for u can relac! that is hard to do.

well if baby really resemble both parents - its gd. but if only resemble one side or that side keep think only resemble one side, side keep on &amp; on highlight it.its feel hurtful coz as tho baby only belong to one party. tt way I rather say baby is unique. I really felt hurt coz mine got compared to the whole clan, IL went on on on, EVERYthing like their side even things like how hold bottle, how she walk which is really ridiculous. but the person who take care of her is me and my parents. they hardly do anything at all. sometimes give me issues coz insist to meet on time not suitable for her make her cry more only

re: BF
jia yuo with the breastfeeding! no matter what amt, its great for baby. just do wat u can and that is enuff. take care
<font color="119911">precious_one</font>,
yup, that's why mummy is the greatest of all. have to play dad and mum role.

hmm....moving hse not fun wor...still got lot of barang barang to pack and unload.

<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
did u ask nurse or LC if there another 'cure' to build up supply again?? u very gd liao...pump 20ml still presistance. how frequent u pump? did u let yilin latch on, maybe this will help to increase milk supply?

what is ROP?

<font color="119911">Maykel</font>,
for me, I still got lochia, already 2mth 6days liao. sian.....

gynae did mentioned that tummy cramp is common cos womb contracting mah...for me, i dun have this feeling man....only got this cramp for the first 2 days then no more. unlike my first preggie, got tummy cramp when i expressed milk.

wow, yr gar intake quite lot liao at wk 35. for my boy, last time when he is in SCN, his weight after wk 35 also a big jump - can increase 90g per day, leaving me pondering if the machine spoilt.

<font color="119911">Jas</font>,
oic. that's mean yr boy older than my boy for 8 days only. for me, cost $12-15 per trip to go kkh. so to and fr will be abt $30. oic, same, I also go KKH after pump. maybe u can ask yr hubby to help to deliver ebm then before he go to work.

thks for sharing on how to maintain gd supply of BM. Mexalon = to fengukee(dunno how to spell)?
wow, consuming Mexalon(where did u get mexalon from?) so super huh, flow non-stop....maybe u shd stop consuming it.

hmm..did not realise manual pump is more powerful than electric one. hmm can empty learn soemthing new...

err..mentioning using needle to poke yr nipples? does it hurt and bleed?

yup, yup, payaya very gd in increasing milk wor...but I dun eat it daily.

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
for my boy, her blood cells is just ok only. so he is given iron drop. he only consume 2 days (3 drops once per day) and he seems lose his voice like that. so now, reducing only to 2 drops.

the neonatal doc (Dr chua wei xxx, she quite a nice lady) told us to come bck 6 wk time and so was given a date at 19/5.

now and then, when my boy is super hungry then he will drink very fast (within 10 minS) and then cough. after that, will merlion during the, the longest his feeding timing is 30 mins only. thks god. hope he will improve.

yup, since yr lochia only stopped 2mth 20 days so mine shd be like that. mine now and then got pinkish watery lochia.

I only latch on my boy after 7pm. latch till he knocked out. then can place him bck his bed to slp.if not, ai-yo...very hard to get him to slp. my boy also get frustrated easily when sometimes, my nipples got very 'pui pui' type then he can't grab it and then will throw his temper. I wanted to help him but he kept on struggling till his face red red.

hmm if yr gar dun burp, will she 'er ni'? these few days dunno why very hard to burp him. I did increase his milk intake to 80ml y'day and then he can ta han till 2.5-3hr if not, he needed to be fed 60ml every 2hrs. but drinking 80ml will tend to cause him a bit discomfortable, the whole night, he kept on stretching (gek type) and then making lot of noise (did not cry). when my mum or I carried him upright (lying on our shoulder or chest), sometimes, he will burp (a few times loh).

when u gg bck to work.....I will be extending my ML (ML ended 19/5) and taking 1 mth paid leave(clearing last yr leave + this yr child sick leave cos will be taking bb to polyclinic for 6 in 1 jab).

oic...yr edd is 10 days before my edd (28/3) but Jerlynn is older than my boy by 27 days.

do Jerlynn still wake up in the night to take milk? some jan bb, have wean of night feeding. mine still have not....the longest my boy can ta han is 4hrs. if not, 2.5-3hr. but day time, his feeding timing like alarm clock very actual man...2hrly.

sometimes, my milk supply will be up and down. one day, a lot and the next days little only. dunno why.

I have checked with my friend, she has considered and decided not to take up the job. She wants a 5 days work job as she wants to spend time with her family during the weekend.

Really sorry for the trouble.

Once you settle down, lets meet up at Yee Tee Square for a cup of coffee. Hahah. On me.......

now i din ask liao.. so long already.. yilin came out on 12aug08. but i still taking domperidone. i feel tat the milk though no increase but is thicker if i took it.

think your boy's tummy got wind. u can try Rid Wind. can get it from Guardian. just add a little in his milk on every feed.
no worry. 5 day work week is good...missed those days. I'm on alt. Sat off but like the work place so near home. Save lots of time on travelling as compared to working in town previously. Even if I work late, I can be home in less than 10 mins as I am driving. If I move later, it will be under 5 mins. Shiok right?

Yew Tee Square... I went there for lunch this week, I have been to the new Koufu food court, the Jalan Kayu Prata Shop, jalan at NTUC and bought 4D at the new 4D outlet....haha..
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
what's domperidone?

yup, sure got wind cos he fart a lot (loud one). dunno if the iron cos his crying via voice hoarse reduce his iron intake. my mum did apply the ru yi oil onto the tummy.

do Rid Wind need to add water when consume?

if i have chance, also wish to work there, really near my house. Too bad, now need to stay at home to take care of my son. Just quit my job yesterday.

The Prata nice? Never eat before, heard is not bad.

domperidone is a medicine to help boost the milk supply, but somehow not effective on me la.. ha..

no need to add water.. just add a little in his milk or directly in his mouth. sometime when we feel tat yilin tummy is floated, we gave her directly.. after awhile she will burp and fart..
Prata is good....I think this is a franchise biz cos there's also one at United Square...a bit ex as compared to the kopi tiam kind...Plain prata is at S$1.10 per pc. Teh tarik is S$1.30 per cup.

Going to interview my no. 1 candidate. Chiao!
Hi all,
Mr little Xavier is taking his own sweet time..I have been waiting for him to hit 1kg for a few days already. Yet after he hit 979g, his weight gain became so slow, to 991, 998...then 999g today. sianz..

I talked to doc today, doc said that since he was IUGR last time, it will take some time to grow. will give him some vitamin K today, and advised me to give only hindmilk in future..Hopefully, he will gain faster, i am really obsessed with these numbers nowadays!

Yan, Afcai
Mexalon was prescribed to me by my gynae after I delivered. Yet actually i only took 3 pills then stopped already. My breasts became very engorged and as a first-timer, i didnt know wht to do...really had a hard time then. But all went well, so i never took mexalon again. I m not sure whether it is the same as fengukee...

I dont need to deliver BM to hospital, because the supply there is enough. I go everyday jus for the sake of giving fresh milk...ANyway, my husband not with me now, he is back to work in Shanghai.
Yes, my nipples bleed when poked with needles!!! Very painfulll...

Btw, ROP occurs in premature babie when abnormal blood vessels and scar tissue grow over the retina....(which means baby will have eye problems) But since u dont know this term, i believe your baby is very safe, dun worry! Xavier has ROP, one eye is stage 1 the other stage 2, jus hope that it wont progress further, if not laser will be needed.
Hi Jas,
You mentioned plastic caps, do they fit with the glass bottles? Where can i get them? Cos i oso have same poblem as you, got many glass bottles at home but the caps are rusty.
Ya, very heartache to see them like that hor....
You are allow to carry him already? The nurse oso gave my elder gal pacifier when she cries.

What brand of bra pad you use? I've tried Pigeon, Avent and now using Medela (got 1 box free when i bought the steriliser). I find that medela is the worst, so unbreathable! So fae Avent seems more comfy and the size is more compact, not oversized like pigeon and medela. BTW, wat you mean by clots at the nipples? Is it those dried milk curds that are stuck?

Oic..okie, will let you know once i check out Mothercare. I'm sorry abt Issac, be positive for Xavier and look forward ok?

Hi Gingal,
Oic...thanks for telling me, i didn't know that TBF can causes lochia to last longer. Thank you, we will all jia you together

Hi afcai,
wow, ur lochia so long ar....the tummy cramp while expressing BF can last very long? Cos now already 32days and still cramp and sometimes pain, i really worry abt my internal wound.
ya ya, i know wat you mean abt the big weight jump. There's one time when Charlot sunddenly gain 130grams overnite, so funny, initially the nurses insists its correct but 2 days later a nurse told me that they 'weigh wrongly'.

Hi yan,
Domperidone can take for so long? The pharmacist told me that it actually helps us to relax, thus the milk glands may relax oso. Not much effect for me oso thou i combined with fenugreek...
hi Maykel,

Yr bb in kk? Last time, i have bought alot of plastic caps but never use. I can sell to you at a cheaper price. Do you want? I will be at KK next week, if you're interested, can pm me.

I know what u meant esp on the part where one side just wanna keep emphasizing which part of bb or bb's mannerisms looks like them.


I didn't know the Iron drops will lose voice de, no wonder Jerlynn's voice very coarse...Hmmmm...she is on 3 drops a day since last week, was always on 2 drops a day since she was discharged.

my Neonat doc not very good, she always forget this and that, esp. her prescriptions. Very rush during the visits, and will not take it to heart when we tell her what we experienced with Jerlynn, like stomach wind/phlegm etc...she will say "Ok I will prescribe something for her, but end up always forget and I will have to remind her"...Very sad, my hubby wanted to change Neonat, but don't know if it is possible as we are subsidised patient...

Hahaha Nipples become pui pui" I know what u meant! easier for them to latch if our nipples are hardened, mine will also become "pui pui' and soft sometimes. when it happens, I will stimulate it abit and let it becomes harden abit...

My gal doesn't burp will not "Er Ni" unless she "gek" alot after drinking milk esp. when Pooing...then will "Er Ni" abit.
Slowly his stomach will get used to the increased feed bah, let him take his time slowly, don't rush in too much milk on him...usually i increase her feeds by not more than 5ml a day, cos scare her stomach cannot take the sudden increase in volume. U take it slow ok?

Me not working since Pregnant, I'm a's good to take extra leaves while u can, as Baby really needs alot of your care now. Lucky you have so many leaves...

Jerlynn is alarm clock also, guess cos they are used to the scheduled feeding times in hospital, thus their timings very "Zhun"...

Re: Stomach Wind

i bought Rid Wind too! But..haven used, cos gave Jerlynn Gripe Water and it works...

Hi Jas,

It's normal to feel obsessed with numbers, we all did...
Hi Mums,
My boy's weight is 1.76kg today, on 37ml 3 hourly feeding. They are feeding him with bottles now, but still keep the feeding tube, until he can suck well. Now waiting for his weight gain to reach 1.95 and suck well before can bring home. Really hope i can bring hime home very soon, miss him a lot even I go KK twice a day.

Hi Gingal,
Thanks! I will check with Gynae if the flow becomes a lot. So far, it has been getting lesser now.

Hi Jas,
I think by today, Xavier must be hitting the 1kg mark already? I am also obsessd with the number, haha, think it's normal la. We all hope so much they can gain more weight each time we see them mah.
You mentioned eat papaya everyday, wanted to ask if it's the raw one cook in soup or the ripe one that can eat directly?
Regarding the plastic cap, I also interested to know where did you buy it? How much it cost? Can sterile and use again? Previously, I never checked the cap, after Maykel and you mentioned, I quickly checked and found a few indeed got a bit rusty. Aiyo, i have been using them all along without checking.

Hi Maykel,
I checked the First Few Years @KKH a week ago, they have no more stock on the premmies cloth. Not sure if new stock is coming now, you may check with them again when you have time and keep us posted

Do you feel the cramp only during the pumping or after the pumping? Sometimes i can feel slight cramps during the pumping. I think this kind of cramp should be ok, as it's the womb contraction mah caused by the hormone. Got once, i feel the cramp when i am not pumping, that's when i get the fresh red bleeding, this type I more scare lor, luckily the flow is not alot.
I have no idea if yours is caused by internal wound le. When are you seeing doctor again? May be can check with doc just to be sure.

Mentioned abt the jump in the weight, my boy also same. He gained 48g the same day Channah have a big jump on the weight. I asked another mummy in the same room, her gal also gained like 50g on the same day. Haha, think may be they change to another weighting machine, so may have slight different.
hi mummies,
sori for MIA so long been bz milking my bb n he keep waking up at nite haizzz.hows every1?hope everything gg smoothly.


here my bb boy Cash at day1 weighing 3.25kg
hi fairylander,

Congrats!!! I rem u had a gal rite? Oct or Nov 07 bb one.. Wow.. Now I m full of hope that my bb can be a full term above 3kg bb too.. hahahhaa.. My boy is only 1.5kg borned 34weekers..

Did u visit any TCM? Anything to take note during the pregnancy?? :p
hi tree ice,
ya my #1 is a gal born 36 weeks only 1.6kg wif some complications.luckily now getting better.actually i didnt visit any TCM during 2nd pregnancy,i juz eat as per normal n stay positive lor.during the pregnancy i also worried tis time wil have to deliver early again but durong each gynae visit everything gg well so i guess i muz be lucky.juz try to rest more and eat well lor.
Hi all,

Xavier was 1028g yesterday and 1046g today. Good progress ya? I am so happy

The caps can fit all the glass bottles from hospital. I bought from mt alvernia retail pharmacy. The original price is 0.76, but 5% off if u buy 120, 10% if u buy 200. Can sterilize and reuse again. Yes, the rusty caps are very scary, i often see the yellow water from the caps in hospital...hmmm...thats why i go hospital everyday and give fresh milk, and make sure i choose the non rusty caps....very obsessed hor...THe nurses sometimes get very sianz with me being so picky....

No lah, not allowed to hold him, only allow to hold the pacifier..hehee...Anyway, wont dare to hold him so early, he is so tiny..
I am now using Pigeon breasts pad...still acceptable.. i used to use Tollyjoy ones, very unbreathable, i still have one and half box..The avent ones are washable and reusable?
The clot is at upper part of my right breast, but the nurse said it is blocked because the pores at my nipples are not opened, thats why used needles to poke

I went to the mothercare at Vivocity yesterday, they only had 1 3pc set for preemies at 33SGD...i didnt buy, not very nice...

I was thinking come sound so familiar...gosh, then i realise it is CASH!! hahaa...

How long did it take for Jerlynn to hit 2kg from 1.35kg?
hi all

long time nvr post here...been sick recently....
no time to read thru all the posts..
but i see alot of newcomers... welcome...
hope all the babies jia you &amp; can go home soon...

i wld post up our table another day as now using hubby's laptop (data is in the pc)
perhaps then i wld get data from the newcomers abt ur precious darling and add on to our table..

ok, gotta go zzzz early as still not fully recovered yet.. ciao..
haha my cousin told me if next time i have 2 more kids juz nmaed them "got" and "money" sure rich so happy for u knowing tat xavier progressing well
jia you

ya long time no hear from u liao,hope u get well soon take care ya.

welcome to this thread.
Hi Fairylander,
Big congrats to you! Your baby is so adorable
. Her weight is just perfect for a full term baby, not too big, not too small

Hi Yen,
Welcome! What is your baby's weight now? You are at the safe mark already, even born early also nothing to worry ar. Jia you, just another 2 more weeks.

Hi Jas,
So happy for you, Xavier has been doing very well. The next milestone will be 1.5kg, then he can out of his 'bungalow' liao
. Did doctor added any additional nutrient to the milk already? Like human milk fortifier, protein, polyvisor vitamin, etc? These nutrien will help them gain more weight and more rapid too.
Hi Mums,

Danya's update after a few days. She is tolerating CPAP well for the last 4 days with a FiO2 of 21%. Continous feed increased to 7.5ml/hr. Her weight has gone down to 1010gram. According to nurse, this time they weigh her bare naked (No CPAP, tube, sensor and diaper but with STOMA bags).

3 days ago while visiting her, Danya was bubbling saliva but suddenly I saw bloody saliva bubble. When nurse clear out the saliva, quite alot of blood. Nurse say it normal due to abrasion when they try to clear her mucus via suction through the nasal cavity.

2 days ago, Danya desat suddenly. Total 3 times in our evening visitng hours. I stimulated her hand and feet immediate and her SpO2 came back after a couple of seconds. This really scare the shit out of me.

did u speak to the doctor about the bloody saliva? sometime the nurse take things too easily. maybe because they are too used to it already.

desat is common but if too often is not good. even yilin after out of the incubator for so long already still can desat suddenly. very scary.. is it FiO2 21% is not enough for her? she gotta use more strength to breath?
Hi Jas and Cale,
I went Mothercare yest. They have some promo items for premmies rompers which they classified as 'Early babies' and the rompers are meant for babies around 2.4kg. But their promo items are limited, oni have some gals' sleeveless rompers at abt $23 for 5pcs, the rest are for bigger babies. I nvr buy cos dun intend to get sleeveless ones. The lady oso shows me a non-promo 3 pcs long-sleeve rompers with leggings, its very sweet, but is $49.90. I'm thinking its not worth it as its very tiny and can last the babies few wks oni.

hi xiaowanzi,
Yup, my babies in kkh. Sure, i had pm you

Hi Cale,
Initially i oso dun know the caps rusty, so i dun know how many rusty ones i had used b4 i found out...i had PM xiaowanzi as she has plastic caps, she mentioned alot, so i will share with you

Sometimes i got the cramp even when i'm not pumping leh....think my system something wrong hehe....i'm going to see doc 2mr, will ask him abt it, thanks

Hi Fairylander,
Ur baby very guai looking, oh yes, i must agree with the gals, wat a name haha... ;)

Hi Jas,
Wow, glad to know that Xavier had exceed the 1kg mark

Thanks for the caps info, think i will get from xiaowanzi since she has alot.
Oic....pai seh, thot you say hold baby hehe...
Yup, Pigeon pad is ok, except for the size. Then i think Tollyjoy and Medela ones are definitely out for me. Avent has disposable as well as washable ones. I bought another 2 boxes of disposable from taka yest at promo price of $17 each, there are 50pcs inside. I forgot the original price already.

Oic, you mean the lumpy feeling ar? I oso has it on and off, but the lactation nurse told me just need to massage the lump frequently can already, true enough, after some time it softens. I dun agree with needles to poke, i'm sorry but it sounds insensible to me cos poke with needles sure pain wat, if it causes so much pain, how can you continue to pump or BF?

Hi David,
Pls dun worry even if Danya does lost some weight, cos their weight would go up and down several times from nicu to step-down to scn. Anyway, all the more you need not worry now since you know that nthe reason is cos of her being taken off the machines while weighing.

Oh dear, think her nasal had been slightly traumatised during suction. Did the doc adjusted her FiO2 tats why she desat? Cos i was thinking they could be trying to till down her o2 level slowly is it?

agreed with maykel.. how can use needle.. our nipple is soft, not hard leh. how can she confirm tat she poking the right way.. if poke on other path.. will cos injuries anot... scary leh..
congrats! yay end to the pregnancy and start new journey with ur baby
gd birthweight and cute

they do take time to gain weight, dun stress too much abt it. ard that weight 1kg is slow - later will be bit faster one.
Hi Yan &amp; Maykel,

So far after the bloody episode 3 days ago, I don't see anymore blood in her saliva. Danya must have recovered.

As for the desat, at 21%FiO2, Danya is always getting a SpO2 between 93 to 100%. Only that episode 2 days ago really puzzle me.

So far, no Doc is talking to us for almost a week. Maybe they deem that Danya condition is stable thus don't need to brief us so much.

This morning, Danya had an eye check. Good news, no ROP and Doc will review again in 2 weeks. Doc also started her on Vitamin &amp; Oil.
<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
oic. hmmm me learn something new - domperidone. didn't know there are different medicine to boost up bm. maybe u want to try Mexalon as what jas try.

<font color="119911">Jas</font>, to divide hindmilk and foremilk out? come yr gynae prescrive u the Mexalon? do u consume on the first day after u deliver? will milk flow out then? my bm came only 4th day and kana block the third day. kept on massaging till blue black on my 6th, the massage lady then clear my block duct on my left b only. so relived.

so u latch on bb Xavier (think his name is same as my hubby who called himself).

thks for sharing what is ROP. yup, lots of terms, I also dunno leh. like what is IUGR, desat, and those term used by the mummies here etc...

now n then already throw lot of rusty cap liao. what cap u buy(plastic??)?

used to have it but will clean during bath if not milk will be flowing slowly.

my boy took 29 days to hit 2kg fr 1.7kg.

<font color="119911">Maykel</font>,
yeah loh...sian....i dun have tummy cramp only first 2 day. gynae suspected my womb not contracting that's why massive bleeding after 2 wk of delivery. then did a wash up of womb.

u c sect?? maybe u ask gynae when u go for postnal checkup.

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
I also dunno cos we suspected that it is the iron drop cause his voice to be coarse. think bb has not developed their taste yet. the iron drop so smelly. when I was on iron pill, really can't stand the smell liao.

y'day, my boy did not poo. today, he poo so much wor. we suspected again that if he consume frozen ebm (just nice, I took out one bottle y'day and give to him) then he poo today, sustaining his short, nappy cloth, and those cloth under his butt. his poos can fly out one...if he did not take any frozen ebm, then he will not poo. like last time, l latched on my gar one, my gar only poos after 7 yr gar poo daily?

my neonat doc Dr Chua Wei XX (she is only available on tues only) very friendly, nice and approachable. she will take time to check and let u ask qns etc... wow, who is the neonat doc? so forgetful??

maybe u call clinic K (are u gg to clinic K??) to check. cos that time when we wanted other date for the follow up but the clinic staff said Dr Chua wei XX(forgotten her name) is only available on tues.

re:er ni
my boy anyway posture also er ni. sometimes, burp also merlion, my boy 's face can see some freshly meat liao. hubby said he got no neck. think bb fats on the neck. now, my boy took 60-80ml (depended on the timing and his reaction) 2hrly.

wow, sahm....yup, will extend my ML (end next mid may) and take 1 mth paid leave (clear last yr leaves). sian..tot of gg bck to work...sian man...

yup, my mum also said bb is like alarm clock, very accurately and timely.

what's the differenet betw rid wind and gripe water?

<font color="119911">cale</font>,
gd that u felt cramp during pumping. unlike me.....even sometimes not pumping if one over-extert also can cause lochia to flow more.

<font color="119911">fairylander</font>,
yr boy got such an interesting name wor.

<font color="119911">YenT</font>,
thks for the infor.

Re: Lochia,
Today i had cramps again while pumping in the afternoon, then the flow got more and in fresh red and with some tiny clots came out. Is it norm to have clot after 1 months+?

Hi David,
My boy also desat once when he was in SCN. Doctor then increase his caffein intake. It's really scary to see this by yourself. Did you report this desating episode to the nurse/doctor? Did they do anything to help to improve this?
Great to know she clear the eye check

Hi Maykel,
Thanks for the cap. Let me know after you get it from XiaoWanZi

Hi afcai,
By now, your lochia is it clear already? Very sian right, after so long, still have to put the pad
