Premature babies support group

Hi Everyone,
Haven't been logging in - Isaac is back since 2nd Feb (after 104days in the SCN), and I had been sooo busy. I have been lurking off and on though, but had no time to write.

My boy just had his ROP laser done for his right eye few days back (bcos of unresolved stage2) - hope the doctor covered everything. Won't know till his follow up check next week. Before that, I was extremely worried about sedation and anesthesia for him. It was performed at the PICU ward, just in case. Thank God, he was brave and didn't fuss - the doctor managed to do it without any sedation.

Am now just thinking how I love him to bits and how (unnecessarily?) worried I can get about these minor procedures. Am I paranoid?!

I read that someone is looking for good storage bags for their EBM? I use Playtex 8 o.z. sterilised storage bags. They are the most economical I could find (at RM$ 52.90 for 125 pieces 8 oz bags). I tie them up with a rubber band, label them with a sticker and pop them into the freezer upright

David, Jas - hang in there. Our babies are little warriors.

I have not mentioned it before, but I'm also grateful that I've stumbled upon this forum when my boy was in the SCN. You are all great support and knowing you've been through similar experiences, I was able to vent freely without having to explain myself (or to explain the As and Bs , hehe).

Anyway, he is now 3.8kg at 9-weeks adjusted...yayy for us! Do you know where we can get the growth charts? I haven't visited a regular paeds yet.

well done, both u & issac

growth chart can b found behind the health book, which shld b given to u when issac was discharged frm hospital.
Hi ladies and gentleman,
Just a quick update. My elder gal (CHannah) is 1.73kg to day and she is able to suck from the bottle already. She is on 26mls every 2hrs now and she is able to suck 21mls. My younger gal (Charlot) is 1.33kg today and on 19mls of feeds. We managed to carry her for the 1st time today

By the way, can i know how we calculate the corrected date if I delivered at 31 wks?

Hi Cale,
Glad to see you here

Hi xbliss,
You mentioned premmies socks. Are they specially for smaller babies like ours? Can i know where to get them? Cos i tried letting my elder gal wear a pair of small socks today but its still too loose for her...

Hi Yan,
We were oso told that Dr Quek BH is going to be in charge of our gals when they are discharge next time. Cos our younger gal is oni 1kg on delivery and Dr Quek is in charge of smaller babies. Hope we are talking abt the same dr. I've yet to see her, but felt relieve to read from ur posting that she's nice.
hi maykel,

i think is the same doc. if i not wrong she is Dr Quek BH/HB.. i always mix up.. ha...

Mothercare and The 1St few years should have premmies socks, you can check it out. i din buy premmies socks lah, i bought the premmies rompers from the 1st few years.

our EDD(full term) is 40wks. so now if still haven't exceed the EDD, then should still calculate as 32weeks old, 33weeks old... and etc...

and if for example now she exceeded her edd by 1 week, she will be considered as 1 week old corrected age(CA) and not 41weeks old.. 41weeks will be the gestation age(GA)

u will use her corrected age to check for the minestone till she reaches 2 yrs old
the mothercare shop has quite alot of stuff for premie size.. but honestly dun need to buy SO many cos they grow out very fast lah
David, Jas, Maykel n Cale
Haven extend my welcome to u guys

It's good to hear that all the little ones are fighting n growing well
Have faith n stay strong

I am a proud mummy of a 27 weeker. While i am posting, she is using the speaker microphone to sing song
Really happy to see all our little premies growing. It is indeed not an easy journey. My little premie has taught me many things in life which I did not see last time... Especially not to take ur loved ones for granted n to spend all quality time with all our loved ones
She has taught me to be stronger, more optimistic n have faith! Was going thru some of her pics when she was in the incubator... Small yet strong are all our little Premies! Cheers for them and all the mummies and daddies who are with them in their growing journey
Hi xbliss,
That's so kind of you. I will let you know if i need the premiees sock. Thanks a lot
I am invited to attend their april classes. There are total of 4 sessions to attend. How do you find the sessions?

Hi mummylian,
Thanks for the welcome. Really glad to know that your daughter is doing fine. How old is she now? So cute, so young can sing song using microphone like adult

Hi Maykel,
So fast you know the neonate doc for your gals already, may I know who updated you this? I still have no idea who will be my boy's neonate doc, no one update me on this.

Hi Ladies,
My baby still having this prolong jaundice. Doc said it's due to breastmilk jaundice. Anyone's baby had this too? Can share? How long it takes to back to norm?

I rem gtg some of the preemies clothing from The First Few Years, iirc they are not as ex as Mothercare : )
My gal's name is Ezann. She is 2 1/2 years old now
She is my no. 3. All the rest of the other 3 are born in 37 weeks gestation.

How is everyone?
The thread moving so fast now, I can hardly catch up...

Jerlynn is whooping 4.14kg at 1 week corrected age yesterday! SHe is near the 90th percentile for her weight..keke
as for her height, same as previous time, she did not catch up faster than her weight growing, she is still between 10th - 50th percentile rate...keke
Dietitian says I'm feeding her well ... so glad to hear that cos I'm always paranoid on whether I'm feeding her correctly anot... Is she having too much or too little etc...
My milk supply really dropped and while trying to increase back, i mixed FM to my BM...sad..
Jerlynn hates FM, she will gag and will reject the FM and even spits out and not feeding her FM mixed with BM takes alot patience as compared to feeding full BM...
Feels so sad for her have lesser of her fav food last 2 weeks...luckily these 2 days i ate lots Snow Cod Fish and drank lots cereal and milo, my milk is back...but the costs of maintenance real high...imagine 2 pieces of snow cod fish a day = $15...faintzzzz

Jerlynn Red Blood cells dropped again, Neonat now prescribed her with Folic Acid for a week, hope will help her multiple her week appt again, hope she will be ok by then and no need go through blood transfusion again...


How much is your boy feeding now?
If he is feeding on 90mls then 30ml take one hour to feed means will take 3 hours to finish the milk? "Huh"?

Jerlynn is feeding on 90mls per 3 hourly now, but about once a day she will ask for milk at 2 hourly interval.
She will take between 10-20 mins to finish her milk. 10 mins if she is real hungry and crying before feeding...20 mins if she is calm and not so hungry. Burping takes about 15mins...

Me also went back to Gynae for my checkup, everything is fine but except for my next pregnancy, he will stitch me up to prevent premature birth again when I am about 3-4 months pregnant. Most likely will premature again cos I think he mentioned my cervic short. I told him, not so soon la, now already "Buay Chuan Kui aka suffocated"

My Lochia stopped at last!!! Right after I was checked and dug by him...haha, that was last friday 20th March 09...took me 2 months and 20 days for the Lochia to stop..damn terribly long leh.
He also mentioned that I am unlikely to get prenant now til 4th month. So 4th month onwards need to take precaution liao, even if my menses did not come due to TBF. But actually no diff to me la, cos I also have not do it yet since gave birth, and also no urge to do it...haha (Poor Hubby)

Your fresh blood now still alot? hope will not sudden bleed well and eat well wor...


Violet also take 1 hour to finish her milk? Is drinking too fast no good? Maybe Jerlynn drinking too fast??? If i gotta feed for 1 hour I sure doze off everytime de, sure Buay tahan...

Noticed that Jerlynn will want to place her hands on her bottle now when feeding her, but no strength to hold it herself yet, can't wait til they can feed themselves so tired with 8 feedings a day...
8 feeds/6 pumps/8 diaper changing/5-6 washing and sterilising bottles and pumps/ 1 bath time/4-5 hours playtime etc etc
....Really Strained me up liao. Fri-Sat luckily my MIL take over from there and I leave Jerlynn with her so I can rest and Sundays my Mum will come over and help me...If not I will Die liao...


Glad to hear your Babies' feeds increased...It is a wonderful thing right? knowing they are feeding more and gaining weight. All we wanna learn everyday we visit them is knowing their feeds and weight..we became obsessed in monitoring feeds and weight in the NICU/SCN days.
Now me also will weigh and monitor her feeds even at Home...if her weight never increase, my HB thinks I'm paranoid cos I keep saying my Gal must be sick...hahah..haha

HI Cale,

Welcome welcome
My Jerlynn is also a 29 weeker...
Transferred to SCN means waiting to grow to go HOme soon...

It's normal to feel paranoid la, it's Mother's Instincts...
Ur boy so brave wor, no need sedation can do the procedure, how strong he is...


I agree they really out-grow very fast esp after u bring them home.


I can't wait to hear my gal sing too!!! Can understand the feeling when we looked back on how our little fighters moulded us as strong as them to...
And we really start realising how lOve and Support is impt and found them again all around us...
Hi Mums,

Danya's Update. Continuous feed increased to 4.5ml/hr. Weight now is 1030 gram. Doc put her on CPAP at 1030hrs, Doc put back ventilator at 1630hrs.

Well done, she breath on her own for 6 hrs. Well, her lungs is still immature. Doc will give more medication and will try CPAP again on the following week.
Hi ladies,
My elder gal is 1.74kg today and she had her feeding tube taken out and is on full bottle-feed now. They may convert her feeds to 3hrly 2mr if everything goes well. She had been moved from SCN to the growing prem room, together with Cale's boy

My younger gal oso doing well, thou she's still in incubator and on total tube feeding as she's too small to learn sucking. Her weight is 1.35today.

Hi Yan,
haha...glad we are talking abt the same doc

Thank you, didn't know there are clothes etc for premmies, i'll check it out.

Oh ok, thanks alot, now i know about the corrected age already

Hi xbliss,
Thank you, i'll go and see. Ya, you are right, maybe just buy a few bah.

Hi mummylian,
Thank you

haha...ur gal so cute. Wanted to ask you how old is she when i saw ur reply to Cale heehee...I guess it wasn't easy for you when you delivered her at 27 wks?
Thanks for the touching words, and yes, i agree that we must be strong for our little ones and be positive.

Hi didi,
Thanks for the info

Hi Gingal,
Yup, its great to see them getting better and gaining weight each day

Oh yes, i agree that initially we were really kan cheong at the slightest change in their vital signs, feeds and weight. But most of all, whether they are medically well.

haha...wat did you use to weigh ur gal? You bought weighing machine for babies?

Hi David,
Good to hear that Danya's feeds has increase again
Great, hope she is able to tolerate longer with CPAP on the next round.
Hi Hi, thanks thanks. dash went for his review today, he is cleared, and fully recovered. he had his flu injection today too, hope that helps.

Violet also had her rotavirus and punemoccocal injections today.

Anyway, Violet is back with us after a week at my in laws place. Busy busy busy again, and stress stress stress. I am going crazy i tink. i just can't stand stress. She always wants us to carry now, and is taking sooo long to finish her milk, worse, she can drink like 20-30 ml in half an hour and cries for dunno wat...and refuses to drink liao!! oh my god! really worry!

Glad to hear good updates from issac, danya, channah, charlot and xavier! jiayou all!

welcome cale! glad ur boy is in scn now, soon will be home!!

congrats fairylander for giving birth to a good weight boy!

precious one! same here, when i was in c ward, saw some police around, think a teenager (under age) gave birth, and they were taking her statements. I hate c ward too! hate the people, hate the noise, hate the ennvironment, and hate the bor chap nurses.Imagine i was there 4 times of different durations...thinking back, yucks!

gingal, wow your gal good weight leh! my gal 2 months plus only 5.7kg now...she is drinking less and getting more and more worried...sigh.

more and more stressful now. think i have this panic symptoms...sigh...i will get panic when i hear violet cries...
So glad to hear Danya progressing well... if she can breathe on her own for straight 6 hours, I guess she will have no problems doing so offthe ventilator permanently soon.


So glad to hear about your twins' progress too...
Elder gal at Growing Prem room means she will graduate from there very soon liao, with bottle-feeding, she will increase weight fast soon too, but must tell u first hor, the 1st 2 days she starts bottle-feeding, she might lose or not put on weight, cos she will burn alot calories sucking, so don't panick ok? As for your younger gal, I'm sure she will catch up soon too...

Mothercare at kkh having sale for premmies sleepsuits. I think a pack of 3 for $28, very good quality and very worth the price, I think the original price is $50+. Go check it out! They placed them at the main entrance throw-out area.

I just weighed her on Friday at the Dietician's appointment.
When at home, I weigh my gal by carrying her weighing myself in my digital weighing scale, then weigh myself without her, and minus off to get her weight. It is very close to her weight measured when we go for appts. Usually I will test the accuracy by weighing this way first before I head off to kkh's appts...hahaha, Me very Obssessed hor?


So glad to hear Dash is ok now, Chey, means it's not HFMD la, the doctor really scare u loh...Thank God wor...

Jerlynn also feeding and playtimes pattern changing...keke, gues we have to be really versatile to keep up with their changes bah. BTW, I heard from the nurses and doctors that Preemies are mostly hyper-active, is it true from your experience?

Re: C-ward

I requested for C-ward cos of premature birth, gynae already pre-empt me to do so when I admit to 24hr Women Clinic...BUT lucky for me, C-ward is fully booked on 1st Jan 09 and I was upgraded FREE to B2-Ward. I also encountered some problematic birth, one young girl about 18-19 year old already had a toddler girl is giving up her baby for adoption, as the baby's father (not the toddler's father also not the girl's husband yet) is going to jail and she has no means to support the baby...
When the Social Worker heard this, she also dunno how to comfort that young girl...and I heard the young girl sobbing at night eventhough she looked nonchalant when we are awake. She was not allow even to have a glimpse of her baby girl after she gave birth, the baby has to be taken away immediately from her after birth...dunno the reason why also...but it was very sad loh...

Violet is corrected age 2 months + liao? So fast hor..hee hee, 5.7kg is also good weight leh...I still rembr I like her chubby, smiley face so much when u posted her pic...
drinking less ah? then u gotta tell Dietician leh, u got any appointment with dietician? is she losing weight, if not then dun worry..if she is then u better bring her to Neonat or dietician bah...(Sorry if i'm making u even more paranoid, cos i will get so worried and do the above if she drinking lesser and lesser)

i also stress wor, esp when milk supply not stable, and seeing her face turned angry when feeding her FM mixed with BM...she will look like she is resenting me for not enough milk for her *sobsob* Guess we really need to keep reminding ourselves to stay calm and not get too stressed are not alone and we are feeling the same and trying ways to fight this with our kids...
I need to let off abit here, please let me rant abit ok?

Re; not enuff BM for my girl:

My hubby also stressing me when he sees me pump and volume is lesser, he will comment "Like that only ah, not enough for Jerlynn liao"

Then I will say "Mix with FM loh", then he will reply "She don't like the taste of FM"...

&%*( loh, as if I don't know, but what can I do????
<font color="119911">aneo</font>,
same same, mummies are forever busy loh. ai-yo, dun say my kids cute, yrs also mine. but do upload more siang 's handsome photos loh. ok, got yr pm.

hmm..what is the channel 8 adv abt?? when is it?

<font color="119911">kkf</font>.
oh, so that's common for most preemies to take longer time for theri feeding.
when bb is hungry, they will scream but when one give them milk, initially, they suck fast but then after that take their own sweet time....

yup, got yr pm and added yr blog into my blog.

re:c ward.
for me, it 's still ok (nurses quite friendly at ward 34) leh....admitted 3 times at KKH and 1 time at NUH fr first trimster to confinement period.

<font color="119911">precious_one</font>,
thks for sharing. ee..bill must be high as bb directly discharged from NICU. C class ward for NICU already $105 (after susbsized not including of other expenses if not it is $470). true, C ward is noisy esp got large grp of visitors. but hor, one can close the curtain mah.... even B2 also got large grp of visitor. some toilet in B2+ not clean too.

yup, sometimes, really want to strangle my hubby.....we woman fr preggie till now (after birth) 'suffer' man... we are auto entering into the panda member grp liao.

<font color="119911">day_c</font>,
me opps. even now, having no#2, he is more jialat. think it might bec of no#2 is a preemies causing all adults to be impatient etc....same same, men dun auto, need to push, nag angry.u are right, men tot woman auto know everything fr preggie till birth. ai-yo...we also learn along the way, why men can' unfair......thks for my gar last time, she only want me and my mum. then hubby 'complain' not fair why ah gar only want us not him. of cos, I told him serve him right, who ask him dun spend time with bb.

<font color="119911">Maykel</font>,
glad that yr twins are progress well. keep it up. as for the weight, it is normal. my boy when at scn last time also increase 30-50g per day (so average 100g per wk). then when come to almost 1 mth, his weight increase 50-100g per day which i kept on asking the SCN nurse if they weigh wrongly....

<font color="119911">Cale</font>,
welcome. same go to me, my preggie also not stable bleeding for first trimster, rashes for 2nd trimster and then bb come out third trismter....

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
hmm drink milo can increase bm?? mine also not increase further cos due to lack of slp.
my boy initally, gave him 80ml but he took so long to feed. so we re-adjusted his feeding. feed him 30ml every hr or every 2 hrs feed him 60ml. like that, he will not take so long to feed bec he is hungry (he scream for milk).now, it took him up to half an hr to finish the small amt.

wow, 90ml per 3 hrly and gd to hear that one feed Jerlynn very fast. unlike my boy.....

oic, me heard one of the mummy that she also got preemier the 2nd bb too. did u walk or do something stress/overexerted, that's why cause pre-term?

haa..yup, motherhood is lack of slp....think need to wait for 1-3 yr b4 trying for another one least, one can born woith no#1.

my lochia not really stopped. I still place panty liner in case cos still got tiny drop of pinkish and yellowish stain. same same, the gynae (the one who dug dug me so rough b4 I went to DnC) also dug dug me to make sure everything is ok.

haa..think most hubby become 'monks' more jialat then u...since beginning of preggie till now, have not do it liao....cos bleeding mah...

thks, no more fresh blood, ok liao. just lack of slp then cranky.

yup, my boy also will place his little hand on the bottle too.grab very tight initally but then let go after sometimes cos doze off liao mah....

for me, i only pump 5 times only. did u latch Jerlynn and then after latching on did u pump out?

Jerlynn has a gd weight wor. my boy weight 3kg as of friday (1 day before he hit 2mth).
hmm do yr hubby help u to feed Jerlynn? my hubby alsway said not enu give fm loh. I told him that he will pay for the fm (usually, I paid for my gar one and i kept telling him that I already save him a yr of fm supply during my gar time....)
Hi All,

Wow, I am having a hard time catching up the thread, it moves so fast....I didnt log on for a few days as I was really tired from travelling to NUH by: Bus - MRT - shuttle...It took me 3 hours to go back and forth, really tiring...Yet, as long as I see my Xavier, it is all worthwhile

Xavier is doing great! TOday he is 932g, now on 12ml feeds/ 2 hours, progressing slowly but steadily. The last long line on him was finally taken off few days ago, what a relief! Now he only needs to groww grow and groww...and hopefully he can breathe on his own without CPAP soon! As for the prominent ventricles I mentioned earlier on, doc did a headscan on him few days ago, and it was normal, so if it doesnt progress, he will be fine!

Welcome to this thread! Glad to know that your baby is now in SCN, I am sure soon he will be able to come home with you! My little Xavier was given 2 courses of medication to close his PDA, however it was closed and reopened again, so it seemed the medication wouldnt work on him and thats why operation was recommended. It was hard to see him go thru that (we had bad experience with operation since this was how we lost our elder twin Issac after he got infections after operation). However, everything went well for Xavier after operation, we are very blessed!

Your boy is brave to go thru laser without sedation! By the way, does stage 2 ROP need laser? I thought stage 2 is still okay?

I am the one who asked about the storage bags. Actually I had come across Playtex liners but jus a bit concerned if rubber band can stand very long storage time and low temp (i used deep freezer with minus 30-40 degrees). I am now settled with glass bottles, already bought some caps. Problems solved for the time being

Your story has really motivated me to keep faith! Most ppl may take childbirth/babies for granted, but we of all people know that it is not an easy journey, and we need to be thankful and stay strong for our babies!

Glad to know that Dash has recovered!!!

David, Maykel,
Keep the good news coming! Our babies are really fighting warriors :D

Re: breastmilk
hmmm....I m having headache here. Well, as opposed to not having enough BM, i m having too much. I produce approximately 1.2L a day nowww. Well, it would be just perfect for my twins, too bad Issac had left us. Not saying too much is not good since I can still give all to Xavier, but it is creating some sort of "happy" problem here. As I mentioned, hospital had asked me not to deliver milk since i filled up their freezer and now they are only using Early Feb BM (stil got about 40L of BM to go). I bought a chest freezer, but seems like it wont last more than 2 weeks before it is all filled up again. I am thinking of reducing the supply, but I am scared it will just decrease and never come back again...The nurses had suggested that i throw away the foremilk and keep the hindmilk, since the hindmilk contains more fats and nutrients...If not, I should start throwing my early Feb BM..But i feel that it is really a sin to throw away...

I had asked the nurses to ask if any mummies want my milk but they said they wouldnt recommend this sort of giving away in hospital.Yet, they said I could ask around myself....

so, i m wondering, anyone interested?
good morning mummies, indeed the thread moves very fast

hehe oh yes, i am loading siang pic haha. oh you never seen that ad? i normally on the TV (after siang sleep) around 11pm. quick must catch this ad by Channel 8. because it will end this march :p.

costa - thanks for texting me that fairylander has delivered
so happy for her. now she is another idol after kkf.

how is things? wow bb due next month right?
erhmmm.. i had the same issue as you. what i did was i ask the nurse to discard (or return to me) those older version milk and i bring in new ones for their fridge. i wonder if NUS is ok with this arrangement.

then i bring home the old milk and i just have to discard it. thou i know its a waste because at KKH, i think they don't encourage giving another mummies milk to other bb...
relax! was juz telling my colleagues who were going to give birth soon.. the worst months are frm mth 2-4!! cos bb r sleeping at all the weird hrs &amp; it tires us parents out...

glad tat dash is clear. any special med?

all mommies, juz wan 2 share a good piece of news, i think ws is ready to go 100% diaperless!! she has been diaper-less in the daytime, except when we r going out &amp; the public transport may take >half hr, i'll put on pull-up 4 her, in case she wans 2 pee. but those pull-ups will b dry anyway. since fri morning, noticed her diapers r dry when she woke up frm her sleep. keeping my fingers crossed that it'll carry on like this for another few wks then she's 100% toilet trained.

sorry, hope i'm not bragging..
Hi Maykel,

Your gals are going to promote very soon. Well done. I bet when both of them are back home, U and Kelvin are going to be ultra busy.

Hi Jas,

Well done. Xavier has challenged another milestone. He is definitely a very strong &amp; brave warrior like all our early bird fighters.

Hi Mums,

As of yesterday, Danya's continuos feed increase to 5ml/hr. Her weight increased to 1050grams. Doc is going to take another chest X-ray today and will determine the next step to improve her lungs. I strongly believe Danya will take the next challenge bravely and positively.
for siang. for a while, i thought he is ready... but recently, he will not tell me when he wants to pee. also, he like dislike to use the potty when he needs to poo... haiz

toilet training can pose a challenge :p. but hehe shall persist. One day, sure will succeed :p.
So happy now, got back my milk, stablised again..and also tried mixing NAN HA with BM on Jerlynn and she likes it, she finishes it just like it's BM...Previously gave her Similac Neosure mixed with BM, and she hates it...Similac Neosuee is so much thicker and powdery as compared to NAN HA I realised, NAN HA is smooth...That's why she does not reject
But right now can still feed her Full BM, keeping the FM for "just in case" again... "just in case" always happened.


Aiyoh u all have FACEBOOK?
I also wanna keep in touch but my blog like ages ages never update liao. If you girls have FB add me? PM me ok???

Or maybe we can create a Group in FB to keep in touch? Or do we already have one?

Debate is going on rather fiercely now on whether my little girl looks like myself or her dad, I got the Poll up on my FB to let ppl vote, haha, mad right? Anyway, I place the pics at bottom of page, maybe just for fun, u all canhelp me see who she looks like, or maybe she just looked like neither of us...Wahahaha


I think split more intervals will be good for your boy...
Mine case is not walk or over-exert, it's becos my cervix short...

Grab bottle:

Maybe they scare we takeway their food, that's why grab so hard...

I latched and will definitely pump after that. Now i can pump about 160mls per 3-4 hourly (after eating so much fish/milo/cheese/cereals), after i latch her on for about 15 mins each side, I can still pump about 120-140mls, then I will still bottle-feed her straight after latching, she can finish at least 60mls. Sometimes I wonder how much she drinks when she latched on. She swallows alot and sucks alot when latched on but still I can have so much milk remaining and she still can want to drink so much after that..Hmmm "Puzzled"

Wow, u BF for a year with your girl? Good leh! I give myself another 5 months bah, and maybe will stop...
FM and BM like same same expensive get enuff BM we have to eat alot nutritious food also, thus calculate liao I find no difference...But for the antibodies and immunity sake, no matter how expensive BM is, we must stil give wor...
Ur son is actual age 2 months? When I mentioned 1 week is actually Jerlynn's corrected age, actual age she is 3 months old today.
What is your boy's corrected age now, should be almost same as Jerlynn right? Cos I think our EDD is quite near as we both from the March MTBs Thread...


I think the Nurse suggestion is good: Keep the hindmilk, throw the foremilk. That is also the reason why I make sure I pump no matter how tired I am after latching my girl, don't want to waste the best of the milk.
This way, u willhave lesser to store and only give Xavier the best

I have a friend who also gives away milk to mums who don't have enough. It's a nice gesture of yours... For myself, I rather try to feed her my own milk, maybe it's a sense of bonding bah...guess I will get jealous if she drinks other's milk. Keke

Jane = Aneo??? Abit cannot identify now, very funny, cannot link Aneo to Jane and Siang...must get used to it now...


Congrats leh, now can save alot $$$ on diapers liao!

(Please help me see who Jerlynn looks like ok? HAHA)

aneo, disneymickey,
when Weng, my no.1 gal, was toilet train, she very on. will tell us she wanna pee but occassionally will still missed. but after she "mastered the skill", she became lazy, lost interest in going potty. she dun tell us and she will play and play till she cannot tahan and pee on the floor, even on the sofa sometime.. now she is 3yrs old, she more or less can understand better tat when pee or poo, gotta go potty. so no more accident liao. but at night still need diaper lah..

at 1st weng dislike potty too, then we bought a mini toilet seat for her to put on top of our adult toilet seat. she enjoys it. now weng have those potty tat look like a arm chair in her room. we dun let her use the toilet liao cos she just went in to do her business w/o telling us.. she can put the toilet seat and take the stool as a ladder for her to excess the toilet bowl by herself .. dangerous..

so aneo, be patient.. soon he will pass this phase and go potty again.. which type of potty u bought? maybe u can try the mini toilet seat.
yan &amp; jane,
i didn't buy potty 4 ws. juz got her a toilet seat, &amp; put ontop of our toilet bowl. save $ haha
ws likes to pee &amp; pass motion in toilet bowl leh. sometimes i lazy, when she's arly wearing diapers, told her 2 pee into diaper, she say dun wan, she wan 2 pass urine in toilet..

i PM u
hope it get better with time.guys more useful as baby grows older heheh. but must keep asking for helps sometimes else some of them take it granted no need help one.

yup due end this month. bit stress coz all happening same time. ie. get new hse (wdlands) key end april, baby due end april, move out of current hse (east) first wk may. hoping baby come 'on time' heheh then easier.

so siong not enuff BM when babe want BM. gd luck with it! sis told me she pump 10min every hr just to get supply up. tough ah.

re:who baby looks alike. hehe everytime this debate come -I always tell pp my girl look like herself hehe. sensitive issue for some like me. dunno leh, more pp talk abt it more I get irritated leh.

ws diaperless ? so gd
david, great that danya is prgressing well!

jas, congrats on xaiver being on cpap!
ok..cos at one time i rem i think kkf was saying that they no longer provide glass bottles..think i will throw away mine liao.. its been > 2 yrs and unused... btw, maybe u can use the older bm for facial/bath? like cleopatra...

kkf, jane, i nearly booked the sentosa hotel thingy too! but too lazy to call up and arrange :p so dash din have the milder version of HFMD? many teenage pregnancy case... really wish they can just transfer their smooth pregnancies to us..ahahaha... now its kate's turn to get HFMD...

jane, i think sam means 1 of her embryo split into 2, so 2 embryos become 3 kids. wait till u see both afcai and tx real person..even prettier than the pics... they have very good skin...

maykel, welcome! 31week is actually very good so dont worry...

yan, wah...25 weeks w/o complications? so lucky!!!!

afcai..ahah..dont 'die'...ur kids need u understand why many women w/o supportive spouse will just stick to 1 kid....

cale, welcome!

daec..ehehe.since now confirm full term bb then go for tmc and indulge abit lah :p

gingal, wow..jerlynn's wgt is VERY GOOD!
tell ur hb that men can lactate if they try hard enuf.and ask him to do it... talk so much... yeah..another fan for nan HA!!!!
pm u my fb name liao...

dm... i got some lucky frens..their bb sleep thruout the night around 1 envy!!! so the worse month might no be 2-4 month for them! congrats on ws being diaperless!!!!! save the earth!!!
my gal hates the potty and the toilet seat on top of adult toilet bowl..always cry... sighhh
yes.. very very lucky. happy for them too. yilin still got a hearring test this 1st april..

some spouse can really very selfish, not supportive or not carring.. remember once i went for a scan, i saw this couple. the wife sit there doing nothing but the husband busy with his hp game. wife said borring waiting want husband to chit chat with her, husband dun want, hand her a book and cont. with his game. wife said hungry and thirsty, request husband go buy food and drink for her, husband said.. dun want, i also hungry, go buy yourself and cont. with his game. then waited for quite some time, husband complain.. if know wait so long, he dun wanna come with her...

i feel like giving him a tight slap..

u going to be a woodlander too.. i m staying in woodlands.. welcome
re: sleeping throughout the night..
yilin sleep through the night since she is 2 mths old corrected. actually she will move and make some noise around 4am.. but i din give her milk.. she din cry, i give her pacifier and she will fall bakc to sleep but later on 5-6am she will move move again...

should i give her milk when she make noise at 4am or i just drag her till 6.45am (time for me to wake up) since she not crying? i hope she can be trained to sleep through w/o any noise leh.. hee.. so i din give her milk.
Hi kkf,
May I know where you brought Violet for her rotavirus and pneumococcal jab? Is it GP or is it better for premmies to has all immunisations in hospital?

Hi Gingal,
Thank you

Oh ic...okie, thanks for your information on the weight. Doc say elder gal Channah may be able to go home in 1-2wks time when her weight gain is acceptable. But Charlot gotta stay at least another 1-2mths...

Oh great, thanks for the info, i was wondering how to ask the salesgal if they have clothes for premmies i dun have to ask liao. 2mr then i'm going kkh and see.

haha...ya right, now i remember, that is how they weigh chilren in the clinics and hospitals. No lah, you not obsessed lah, guess most of us would be kan cheong abt our babies weight, feeding etc

By the way, I have same problem as you, my BM is not enough for my 2 gals. And i felt so guilty when my elder gal had constipation for 3 days while she was in step-down as she is having formula when BM not enough. Already taking domperidone as prescribed by doc and oso Fenugreek, but like not much progress so far...

By the way, ur gal definitely looks like you lah.

Hi afcai,
Thank you
i guess their weight gain and loss really varies alot...How big is ur boy now?

Hi Jas,
So happy to hear that Xavier is doing well now. I can oso remember how happy we were when the long-line was taken off from the gals. Felt relief for them.

Hi David,
My elder gal in Growing prem room now, waiting for her to gain weight. Hope we can bring her home soon. But Charlot may have to stay longer...
Good to hear that Danya is getting stronger everyday. We must all be positive

Hi Bloom,
Thank you
think ur gal is a combination of both u n ur hubby...

Paige will slept thru the whole night, but i itchy backside will wake up at 4+ or 5 to feed her eventhough she didnt ask for it...... think i should stop tt la, dun make life diff for myself....haha
wow! Me a bit lost with the posts...haha.

Maykel, i am staying sengkang, and here has this kids clinic, so i brought violet there, def more expensive than polyclinics and normal gps, but my elder boy has been seeing the padetrician there since young, and we quite like her, so we just let violet has her injections there. costs ard 300 plus.

btw, maykel, i also like that, took fenugreek, took papaya soup with fish tail, also not much increase in supply. dun stress urself out. Now I feel rather happy to be free of the routines of pumping milk...

bloom kate has hfmd?

my throat also rather painful now...sianz, dunno due to wat. I suspected it is due to some chicken small bones i swollowed (hope not of course!) few days ago, but now worried what if ulcers inside throat? then i am on so close contact with violet...

disneymickey, wow! good leh! can save diapers $. haha. dash is on diaperless except at night. But sometimes when he is napping in afternoon, accidents do happen. aiyo, anyway, i remember when i was young, i also wet my bed at times too. hee

gingal, think ur gal looks more like u. there are people saying violet looks like me, and also people saying violet looks like hubby and not me...haha. but never mind like who, healthy and strong can liao...regarding hyperactive of premiees. where got. i am not definietely (i was a premature baby of 27 weeks). so, not proven.

david congrats on danya progress. over 1kg liao, that will be very fast already for her to gain till 2kg.

dm, heard before too, after 4 months baby will be more or less recognise day and night. haha. aiyo, another 1 plus months to go.

daec, wow, do remember to sms us when you give birth!

think fairylander is going to be busy with her newborn and confinement...ha!
Hi jane/DM/Jazzy

Thanks and I have added u girls...

Jazzy and Xiaowanzi, can't find u all leh, PMed u girls liao


moving ftom east to woodloands is big project leh, me never left east at all since birth, can't imagine living elsewhere from east...guess i won't get used to it

last week when my supply down i also pump every 2 hours, just to stimulate more...and eat and eat and eat til my stomach relac back liao, cos supply back...

me find quite fun leh to see what ppl say look like who...keke...and she is changing like everyday, sometimes looks liek me sometimes look like daddy...keke, but look like us, I feel belonging leh, so I rather she resemblances us...


Your girl having HFMD?

I agree afcai is very very fair...transculent skin

I read somewhere that man can lactate too...haha, but my HB got hairs around his nipples, then my girl gotta suck on hairs..YUCKS...if shaved will be pricky...cannot imagine seeing my HB Breastfeed her ...hahahahaha


Don't worry, I'm sure Yilin will pass her hearing test this round.


Maybe your girls are smart to let u handle them one at a time u know. Imagine bring 2 of them back together, u sure will have a hard time looking after them. So Channah go back 1st, let u have a taste of taking care, then one month later when Charlot is back, you will be very pro taking care of 2 will be no problems.
i also feel Jerlynn knows something that will cok up thus comes back after my confinement. True enuff, if i'm still having confinement and staying in my MIL's place then, she is looking after 2 of my SIL's kids who feel sick when Jerlynn came back. I get to bring Jerlynn home and take care of her myself cos my confinement ended, if she came back before my confinement ended means she will be exposed to very strong influenza virus by 2 kids! And what's more, I get to enjoy myself for the CNY days first...
They are smart kids u know!

Don't worry about asking salesgirl if they have clothes or stuffs for Low-birth weight or Preemies at KKH, they know their products de. Initially when I go shopping elsewhere for my Girl's clothes, I always ask them to show me the clothes that is smallest...i can't say the same for those Aunty kind Salesgirls who thinks they know very well at BHG/Isetan etc, very unsympathetic even when I tell them their smallest size can't fit my girl, they give puzzled look, and say sure can one...I don't even bother tell them my girl is premature...
As for salesgirls at The First Few Years or Mothercare at KKH, they are very good...

I almost wanted to try Fenugreek until I rembr my fren told me that a certain herb taken to increase milk supply is not godo for preemies. Then I counter-checked with her the other day, and she confirmed it is Fenugreek, thus I gave up the idea. She tried searching for the article for me, but can't find liao. She was told by the Mummy who has triplets and is taking her donated milk.
I'm not sure if you have heard that, dunno if u ask Lactating nurse at hospital what they will say...hope not true and safe for your girls..


Luckily not proven hyperactive wor...if not i really dunno how to handle, cos I am those kind super not active de (lazy to move butt)...hahaha

So my girl looks more like Mummy..kekekek
it's a blessing your gal can sleep thru the nite. no need 2 wake up her @4+ to feed. if she's wkaing at 5/6am, then feed, anyway u mentioned it's ur waking up time.
Hi everyone
So many postings, no time to catch up.

My company is looking for a Receptionist cum Admin Assistant. Office is at Sungei Kadut and transport pick up at CCK and Yew Tee MRT. If you have anyone to recommend, please let me know.
Hi precious_one,

Can you pm me yr company name and address? One of my ex-colleague gonna retrench today. She staying at Yew Tee. See whether she interest or not?
Hi kkf,
Oic...initially i planned to go to the clinic near my house oso, cos the doc has paeds experience. But SCN doc say premmies has to go bk hospital frequently for checkup, so was wondering if we shld do all vaccinations in KKH oso?

The SN from SCN just called me and invite me for CPR class. She oso ask abt my BM, say not much etc etc...i told her i'm taking med and fenugreek and papaya soup with fish already. She say that since i has been doing all these already, there's nothing else to do but wait for supply to go up.I always felt very stress when pple ask me abt BM.

Take some concentrated Manuka honey if you have, it helps with ur sore throat. Aiyo, you swallowed chicken bones?? Ya, maybe ur throat kena scratched by the bones, tats why its painful now. By right shld go away in a few days time.

Hi Gingal,
haha...ya loh. But i still hope Charlot dun have to stay there too long oso, very ke lian...

Wow, ur Jerlynn gal oso very smart hor....let mummy rest well 1st then come back. Ya, lucky she did not get a chance to be exposed to the flu virus, else would not be good for her as her immunity is low. Maybe if we think positively, they are giving us a chance to build up our health then can take good care of them when they are back

Oh ic...thanks for telling me ur experience, at least i know when i go shopping, which is quite soon, as my confinement will complete in few days time

Oh is it? i read alot of good reviews on Fenugreek, tats why i buy. The lactation nurse even recommend that i take 3 capsules 3x a day when the normal dose is oni 1-2 cap each time.
Think i better go adn find more info. Dun wana put my gals at risk, aiyo....thanks for telling me.
KKH insisted we do our jabs at polyclinic.. when we reach polyclinic, they refused to jab, saying that it should be under KKH since he is premature.. so we fought for it and got sent to head doc at polyclinic before he agreed. sigh.. all that taichi. Anyway, certain jabs are not offered by polyclinic or hospital i think..we had to go to pte paed to get them.
Wow.. 1.2l is great. EBM is precious leh.. Esp for our little premie. I used to have about 900ml a day.. Bought a deep freezer to store the EBM as recommended by one of the lactation nurse. Kept all the EBM n used it for the gal. Stopped expressing when she was 1 cos I was pregnant with my no. 4. N the storage supply could last for another 3 months
The lactation nurse oso say can use it to soak n rinse on areas with sores as it is a natural moisturiser..Haha..

My gal did all her jab in KKH too.. Guess it's more convenient cos they need to go for review quite often during their first year. N the doc in charge will access them before administering the jab.. I feel more secure that this is so cos as u know, my premie is so tiny...

Congrats! Happy for u

Hmm.. Feeling a little challenged to toilet train little Ezann...
She knows how to tell me that she wants to poo poo... but when i bring her to sit on the toilet bowl or the potty, everything went back... she refused... She jus liked to wear the diaper n go to one corner n poo... headache..

Anyway, she is down with cough since last nite... Had slight fever now... Keeping a vigilant nite for her jus to make sure her fever don shoot up cos of her febrile fits the other time... Must be very careful...
Hi Everyone,

Xavier is 979g today, hopefully he will hit 1kg by tomorrow! Doc said he is doing well

aiya, but for me, I am very tired...Singapore is so small yet I got to stay so far from NUH, sianz! got to take bus, MRT then shuttle...really testing my patience! Besides, the weather so hot, my breast always start sweating like hell.....does this always happen to mummies that are on BF? Wish my husband is here to help me carry my bag lahhh...everyday i have to bring milk bottles back, very heavy lehhh...sianz..

ok enough of grumbling...

Btw, Mummies, what are the length of your baby's stay in NICU and their gestational age when born?

Added you! Maybe you could suggest other mummies' FB contact to me, so i can add them as well? We could create a group later!
Congrats on getting your milk back! I am sure if you have faith and the determination, it will keep coming ~~~~ jiayou!

Dont worry, I am sure Charlot will join you at home soon! But I agreed with Gingal, it is better to handle them one at a time. I was told by the nurse before also, normally one twin would go home first, then the other...Just be patient

After you visit mothercare at KKH, pls let me know if there is any good deals? i m thinkin of starting to buy some stuff for Xavier, but jus not sure if it is worth the trip to go allll the way to you can see above, i very lazy..hehee...

Hey David,
Hows Danya? Hope her lungs are progressing better!

take care yaa.....
Hi mummylian,
Wow Ezann is doing very well at 2.5 years old. Seeing what she can achieve today, I am really happy for you. I hope my boy can also pick up the microphone and sing song like Ezann when he reach 2 years+

Hi Gingal,
Can check with you how often do you need to bring Jerlynn to see dieticien? How do you know when to increase their feed har? Jerylenn is taking her feed very well le. 90ml finish in 20 mins is very fast!
My lochia still have not clear till now. It's like 1 month+ already. Yesterday, i was having some menstruas kind of cramp and had fresh blood bleeding, however the volume still ok, not a lot. Did you experience this while the lochia still not completely clear yet?

Hi David,
Danya manage to breath on her own for 6 hours, is already a great achievement. Very soon, she can off the ventilator and move to CPAP. Continue to cheer for her and keep up her fighting spirit.

Hi kkf,
Great to know Dash is recovering already
. Thanks, I hope I can bring my boy home very soon too, but his weight gain is quite slow these few days le like 13g per day on average only, esp after he tried on bottle feed few times per day, do your gals also like this when they started on the bottle feed?

Hi afcai,
You gave birth at how many gestation week? How old is your baby now?

Hi Jas,
Great to hear that Xavier has the long line removed. He has been doing very well, I am sure very soon he can off the CPAP and transfer to SCN soon.
Regarding the breast milk,may be can ask from the nursing ward to give you the glass bottles to keep your breastmilk? Usually they will give the bottles together with the cap, you don't have to buy the cap separately.
Hi Mums,

Danya's update. Long line remove yesterday. Bm added with fortifier and continuos feed up to 6ml/hr. Started steriod for her lung and continue for 2 day. Danya weigh in at 1061gram as of yesterday.

Hi Jaz,

Great news, Xavier is heading for 1kg mark. Soon heading for 2kg and more. Look like is time to strengthen your arm &amp; back. Cheers.

Hi Cale &amp; Maykel,

All your babes are in SCN, so happy. I also look forward to Danya's promotion to SCN. Hehe.
David, Jas, Cale, Maykel (and new mummies)
Glad to know that our little warriors are heading North every day, making good progresses, bringing us good reports every moment. Small but strong will, that's how GOD make premies... a tough beginning ... smooth sailing thereafter ...they are blessed children of GOD!

Not just Jaz, David and Diane have to strengthen their arms and back liao ....

Your friend called me just now, I'm waiting for her CV. She mentioned your name, I was like stuck...then she said xiaowanzi, yeah this rings a bell...haha

Hee Hee, my friend dunno i called xiaowanzi till i told her yesterday.

Anyway, Thanks for given her a chance.

You staying in CCK area too? i stayed in Yew tee. Have chance can meet up....hahaha

hi mummies,
sorry for the short posts cos bryan had been down with viral fever for the past 4 days already. his fever only went down yesterday but the cough is ongoing. So been tired with a cranky boy and an aching back from all that "bao bao" that he ask for when he is sick.

i am really glad to hear all the good news. For the little ones at NICU/SCN, do eat more goodies so u can come home to your parents soon!
