Premature babies support group

hi jas n david,
the journey will be tough, but eventually these little fighter will make it thru' n u will b so proud if them...

I had PE too, n my gal had to b delivered at 28 wk. SHe has PDA, she has 2 dose of medication to close up the hole but it didnt close up completely, she came home wif PDA, after 2 mth, had a scan, the PDA is no longer there...

morning daddy and mummies!!!

hope today is another acheivement for xavier and danya!

Btw, i have some books to let go free to anyone interested in this thread?

1. preventing miscarriage
2. preventing premature birth
3. your premature baby and child
4. days in waiting (bedrest)

i think will be useful for some of u here, so will like to pass to you. can send by postage, no problem.
i got these mostly fr amazon i think.

jas, violet is also premature, but she is 34 weekers of 2.778kg, which is pretty good for me.

yah, i just have a strange body, cannot hold babies to full term...sigh.

anyway, may all our premature babies grow up to be really healthy and strong.

oh yah, promoting myself again, i am a premature baby borned 27 weeks plus as well!!
Hi Jas,

Welcome to this thread!

I am sorry to hear about Issac, but I am sure he is now safe in God's arms.
I just weigh Jerlynn again ytd, and she was almost 3.8kg (+-0.1kg) now...she gained weight tremendously after she was discharged, the nurses also told me that this will happen, and that's why they can't wait to discharge her. They felt that the care we give at home will help them grow much much faster.
She has out-grown her Huggies Ultra Newborn Diapers so fast we still have stocks remaining, forced-wear them on her and managed to finish using them this morning. I kept away all the clothes I bought for her before she was borned, as I felt they were too big and it makes me sad that she is so small when she was back and could not fit the nice clothes. Until ytd, i took them out and realised that if I still keep them away, she will outgrow them soon.
I hope Xavier will be well and can be back with you soon, you will see him grow so fast that you will feel so unprepared for that .

Jerlynn's PDA when she was discharged was not closed yet, but the doctor say they want to wait for it to close by itself instead of giving any treatments. Her next Cardiac appt is in May 09, and then we will see if there is any progress.
I hope everything goes well by then...

As for the Blue Egg bags, it is good to buy for transporting milk to the hospital, as long as you don't keep milk frozen for more than 2 weeks in it, there will be no "plastic" smell. I realised that recently.

Xavier has got huge eyes, can see from the lines of the closed eye...


Do all babies like to stick out their tongues? My MIL says Jerlynn is just like her dad when he was a baby, never keep their tongues in...HAHA


Yes, she likes to stretch alot even til now..which is good too, ppl say babies who stretches alot will grow very fast...


Thanks, yah she has obvious dbl eyelids, the other time I was so afriad she is losing the dbl eyelids when her eyes were swollen...luckily they came back...
I think every of our baby looks the same in the incubator with the tubes and wires..but aren't we glad they are off them now? I placed these pics up hoping these will be some encouragements.
Yilin is soooo sweet..she got innocent look and watery eyes..I love her fair skin Jerlynn's skin looks terribly dry after using the cream for her Eczema, and she is "Hitamanist", abit dark skin when borned like me when I was a baby.
Is Yilin wearing RL Romper? I think Jerlynn has the same romper too! Haha


Danya sure is gonna be a strong fighter! Watch her grow with the pics, soon we will be seeing Danya off her tubes and wires smiling at the camera...


Haha So it's true ah, most babies love sticking out tongues, even Siang! Hahaha
Oh Yah, she loves to smile...melt my heart everytime she smiles when we talk to her or hold her in our arms. which is why both her Grandmas always like to carry her and talk to her, disturbing her when she is sleeping, cos they want to see her smile...Hahaha
Siang looked so cute with the stickers on the cheeks, Jerlynn had them also when in NICU, up till now I dunno what they are for...


Is Violet losing weight? maybe you can call the neonat for Violet and tell him/her what happened? I don't really trust the PDs outside, unless they have in their portfolio experiences in following up with preemies.
Jerlynn also getting cranky these days, crying more and her feeding times all haywire. I read in the book, it said that Preemies will come to their peak of crying from 3 months old onwards...this is when they learn what crying can get them (attention!) and will cont'd to do so.
I read Your Premature Baby and Child too, it is good isn't it? If I am trying for a 2nd one soon, I might wanna get "Preventing Premature Birth", cos you did so well in keeping Violet with you til 34 weeks. I hope this book will help the next mummy trying to conceive..Anyone??? Kekeke


Upon knowing that we are having a girl when we did our scan in week 20, my HB already preparing himself to shoo the houseflies away for Jerlynn...Hahaha
He says he is gonna have a big headache next time, and will be worrying alot just like my dad. I was dating my HB when I was 17, and my dad was so worried he make sure he fetch me home when I go out... now my HB understood why my Dad did what he did.
Hi David and Jas,
you are in the right place. There are many encouraging and nice mummies here.
Hang on there, Xavier and Danya will be strong like the other warriors here too.

sorry to inform you that I'm not able to make it for this Sunday's gathering. I'm moving house this weekend. Was expecting to move next week but the HDB letter came earlier.
Hope you gals and babies enjoy yourselves. Will look forward to seeing the pictures here.
BTW, I have a couple of the below hat to giveaway. It is preemie size and Jerlynn has outgrown them. Had a hard time trying to find a hat that fits her and found this and bought a couple of them of the same design. PPL say that it is good for babies to wear something that is worn before, it helps them grow well, my FAT Jerlynn hope to help other babies who wanna become FAT like her...(keke) Just PM me with your mailing address, I will mail out for u, postage absorbed...
(All washed with Tollyjoy Baby Detergent)

FAT Jerlynn - Mommy, Stop taking my pictures, I wanna sleep!


the romper and hat is pass down clothes from my hubby cousin. dun think is RL..

she look like she got watery eyes is becos she is tired, wanna sleep liao.. ha.....

picture is deceiving.. look sweet .. but in acture fact.. she is very fierce... haa...
Harlo, David,
i dunoe wat to say to you but i just pray tt you wld hv courage and hang in there for the sake of yr bb....

i lost a twin myself at 21wk and had the second one at he is about 2 plus....stay strong..yr bb can feel it and better days would be in for you..
Hi Mums,

Just visit Danya. Doc stop her feed as her tummy is swelling again. Doc order for 2 x-ray. 1st in the morning and the 2nd during lunch time.

Her oxygen requirement has gone up to 47%. Is this norm? I thought max 30% would be the norm. I thought the blood transfusion will help to reduce the oxygen requirement?
Will pray for Danya. She is in a battle right now. Will pray to GOD to give the medical team the wisdom to adminster right medication/procedures to Danya, do not worry about the norm oxygen level or the purpose of the blood transfusion etc. Leave it to the hands of the neo nat.

At the end of the day, Danya will emerge the winner. Your daughter is in good hands as KKH neo nat team is very reputable in the region. Parental love and support will give Danya the strength to overcome all obstacles. LOVE is powerful!

Let me share with you, my girl was an extreme premie at 24 weeks + 4, she failed all extubation and eventually tracheostomy surgery was performed on her when she was week 38. After staying in NICU for 6 mths, she was discharged with oxygen support equipment. During those times when she was in NICU, the medical team adjusted up and down her needs for oxygen, yet telling us the pros and cons on getting too much oxygen, it might lead to eye sight problem, or whatever. It was explained to me that what was good for the baby then might affect her growth later. I was so fearful yet I couldn't do anything. At that time, I worried more on her survial than the possible damage. She was on oxygen support for one year in total and trachy tube on her for 2 years (though I was told might be one year only).

Thankfully, with GOD's grace, she is a healthy four years old now. However, her lungs are still chronic and she tends to get more bouts of flu and cough. She has sensitive airway pipe so we frequent the doc. very often until today.

Then, I not only pray for GOD's intervention, I also pray for the medical team so that medication/procedure they suggested was best for her, would be GOD's way of healing. When she was in an operation, I pray that GOD's hands were placed on the surgeon so that everything was done according to GOD's plan for my girl. Praying is powerful and that kept me going. Continue to keep your faith and believe that Danya will be a living testimony for GOD in every ways. Even knowing that GOD is with you, the route will not turn easy suddenly, what's more important is Danya will emerge the WINNER!
Hi precious_one,

Ya, my babies were born at exactly 24 weeks (emergency c-sec as my twin 2 heatbeat was dropping)

Hi Jas,
they are about 2 weeks corrected. Both went through PDA op
I bet you received the steroids jabs x 2 for babies' lungs... I didn't.... I'm glad that your babies are home with you and they are 2 weeks corrected now.... my brother and sister have a pair of twins each....I always hope I have twins but now after being mummy of one premie, I'm happy that I only have one to handle...too much to cope already...
I salute to twins parents! Thumbs UP!
still hv to gather two more sets before I can reach stage 6....may be when you are doing confinement, no time to play game, I'll try to overtake you then...hahaha now, I dun hv pc at home so must wait for hb's lap top, if he returns home too late, I don't have a chance to play...sianz

BTW, your girl getting prettier and prettier.
Hi Precious & Fairylander

Thanks a million for the encouragement booster. I am going to have a quick shower now and prepare myself for another round of cheerleader role.

Me and Diana is going to fight it out every moment in the NICU. We will pray and continue to fight fearlessly.

Although 47% is abit high, but dun worry too much. Leave the problem to the doctor. They will find their ways to solve. Just focus and give yr support and love to Danya. Tell her to be brave and strong. This is what i always told my boy during his 11 mths stayed at the hospital.

Due to RSV , my boy oxygen requirement even went up to 100%. But under the hand of the doctor and praying, within the few days, his oxygen back to 24%. So dun worry too much, as long the doctor find the cause, Danya will be alright.

Will pray for her. She is a fighter.
Hi Mums,

We just finish our cheer leading task. Danya is back on feed. The X-ray turn out to be fine. Her oxygen level is back to 31%. She blood clot left feet is getting better. She is more awake as her morphine level is reduced.

On behalf of Danya, she like to say a big "THANK YOU" to all the aunties for being so supportive.


We will continue to pray & fight bravely. My sincere appreciation to all mums.
Thanks for all your encouragement

Just got back from visiting Xavier. I was a bit shocked to see his resemblance to Issac, which is not good ...because Issac's face was all swollen due to hydrocephalus (water in the brain). Yet doctor said Xavier got bloated due to post-operative reaction -- not passing urine. They gave him diurectics and he has been responding, hope he pees more soon! He needs to get rid of at least over 100g of water since he gained that after operation..

I am so stressed and worried. After Issac's death, everything worried me. I am very concerned when they plugged in lines into Xavier, because that was how Issac got infected. My mood is highly dependent on what doctors tell me everyday... I hope tomorrow is a good day. I will continue to uphold Xavier in the Lord!

Yes, there is laser surgery in USA..But when I got diagnosed with TTTS, it was too late, I gave birth about 2 weeks later...

I am in NUH. Seems like most of you went to KKH? Thanks for the thought though
I will continue pray for Danya too! By the way, Danya puts on weight really fast! Xavier was born one month earlier than Danya yet only put on the same amount weight as Danya. Doc said it was due to fluid restriction as a result of PDA. NOw that his PDA is closed with surgery, I hope he gains weight fast...

The way Xavier covered his ears seems to tell us not to make noise further! To deliver BM, sometimes my brother drives me to NUH, so not so bad lah..Btw, looking at Siang, it does give me hopes!!!! Cant wait to see my Xavier grow...

Xavier was given 2 doses also, it was closed and opened again. Doc said must do operation immediately, if not cant wean off the ventilator due to big PDA. I wonder why it was not so urgent for your case? strange...I actually really didnt want any operation ...

I salute you! 3 preterm pregnancies sound too much roller coaster for me....

Like Shelllow, I wonder why Jerlynn's PDA is not that urgent problem too....Did doc explain? I hope Jerlynn's PDA will close soon

As for the milk bag, I am hoping to buy a good one that can last for 6 months leh....My BM is too much, I took over NUH's biggest freezer, they warned me not to bring anymore..I calculated, I have about over 40L there now. So, I guess what I pump now will only be used much later. I jus bought a chest feezer today and I need good bags! i dunno whether I should buy blue egg leh....Is it only Blue egg that has smell? or it is the same as long as it is plastic?
Oh ya, you are right. Xavier does have very big eyes!!!

Will continue to pray for everyone's Preemies.....
My prayer to god has been answered! Thank god for his healing Power. Hospital jus called to say Xavier is finally pee-ing a lot and his lung has got better!!!!! I am so happppppy

I am glad to know that Danya has got better too...Lets continue to pray for Xavier and Danya.

And thank god for bringing us to this thread, I am very grateful for all your kind words and blessings!
Hi Jas,

When Danya finish her ops, she cannot pee also. The medicine which Doc give works well. Have faith & be strong. Remember, speak the words of life, fight fearlessly together with Xavier. The MIGHTY ONE up there is a HEALING GOD. Remember, Xavier is STRONG, Xavier FIGHT POSITIVELY, Xavier will walk the unknown valley with BRAVERY & MIGHT. You MUST BELIEVE IN XAVIER.

I will continue to pray for Xavier.
Paige was given diuretic for her lungs issue too.... after tt she was weaned of CPAP.... with regards to her PDA, after the 2 doses of med, it becomes smaller, n were told it will close up by itself.... PDA close up when she was full term
i am so touched by the two of you, jas and david. i believe we will be seeing the two of you with danya and xavier at next year's gathering for premies.

i dunno if this works but i told bryan everyday when i visited him at nicu. i would touch his nose and chest gently and tell him those are the organs he would need to use to breathe if he wants to come home with us faster.. i remind him to use his eyes to charm the docs who did his eye test, open big big so they can check properly and clear him.

And i taught him to start breathing if his own oxygen alarm sounds! heheheh.. i tell him.. u hear the machine beeping, faster use your own nose to breathe!!!! and i think he did leh.. cos after that he never desat anymore.

Bryan today at chronological age 17 months (corrected 14 months), (lost count of weight.. prob about 7.5kg, only 10th percentile, but wat the heck.. he can still wrestle, pinch and poke us hard!)

it's been a wk since i last logon man (a/c got some problem after I edit my profile by changing my email a/c and old a/c is locked and now pending for moderator to reply since last thur) left since mon.

think bb get used to her smell etc...that's y the past few night, he needed to carry to slp(cl luv to carry him)if not his eyes big big staring at u. have been having sleepless night (fr 1245am - 0730AM then can slp(really work like a cow man....pump for 50mins and then by the time, it is bb feeding time, then feed this boy for 1hr(the earliest he can finish his milk is 25mins) then if he dunn slp, still need to spend time pat or carrying to slp.).

hai, dunno mummies with 2 kids, how u cope man? me no rest, head big big and appetite not gd, tummy still bloated like 4mth preggie mon, still need to go kkh for my checkup. lochia still fresh blood one...

<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
so far, i did latch on my boy to slp or once a day. he can suck well latching on and also bottle feed(tough slow).now, i'm pumping every 4hr or 4.5hr (abt 100-120ml) liao.
I will schedule my pumping ime like her when I returned top work(pump every 6-7hr via 4 times per day).

my mum has applied ru yi oil and place a 'bidder' type of small cloth onto his tummy.sian,my boy still got jaundice and he needed to go down to polyclinic next fri to check again. he will be gg for his Hep B(2nd dose) too.

have yr lochia stop? what is PDA? did doc ned to do xray to detect the situation? hmmm see yr posting that u are trying for 2nd one soon. so fast?

my boy hor, very impatient, now can scream when he is waiitng for his ebm to warm up. last time, only eh eh eh only.

can avents teat use in pigeon wide neck bottle? cos I had this pigeon persi....(dunn how to spell) wide neck bottle but teat already moudly (due to storge since I had my gar).

saw yr gar photos posted dd 18/3. we did not take any photos in NICU. when I went over NICU during the visiting hr, doc said my boy already had the oxygen mask taken out. but felt very sad to see him with so many tub too. before that, the social worker (did she visit u??) did visit me when I am resting in my bed in the morning. she evne told my hubby (secretly) not to let me go down to NICU cos lot of mummies broke down when they saw bb in so many tubing. but I told her that now bb is preemies, i still need to

accept the fact and let the professions nurse and doc to look after our preemies. she did tell me not to worry etc...

saw yr gar's photos again dd 19/3, wow, Jerlynn so chubby wor...keep it boy still dun have much 'ba'.

I'm also glad to find this support grp and thks u and bloom for leading me here.

my boy also cannot wear any of the new born cloth, all too big for him. he still can wear the NB diaper.

<font color="119911">Yan</font>,
mentioning abt feeding. my boy super slow in sucking till my mum impatient saying waste time feeding him for 1hr man.... for me, I did feed him. intially, he sucked fast but later doze off then slow in sucking. so when his mouth move, I will press the side of the teat so that milk can pump into his mouth. like that, feeding more easier and faster.

I will make sure whoever give the ebm finish it. I am not happy with my mum cos she say I still got lot of frozen ebm, waste ebm never mind. wow piang, me spend time and effort (jing shen) to pump out every single drop (very precious, $$ can't buy), ppls dun seems to understand, they said, bm free mah....

re:er ni
I did ask the surgeon (when visit to CSC at KKH) and the polyclinic doc (for his jaundice, he still need to test again next wk), all reply ok., it is common. only advice given is to burp well, dun place bb back to bed, leave them upright for 15-20mins.

<font color="119911">kkf</font>,
wow, saw yr posting on marhc 17 (long time leh) that u bed rest since start of preggie till wk 34 for yr gal. how u cope with meal etc? dun u put on weight if one dun walk abt? me so sad, during the CL mth, my weight increase. hope, next week, go for my post patrum haemorrage follow up again, weight will decrease. I still got a bloated big wobby tummy wor...

did violet fart a lot? my boy will fart very loud with some poo poo coming out. he also got lot of wind.

try to apply ru yi oil on her feet or stomach.

<font color="119911">David</font>,
sorrie to hear yr case. be strong, god will bless u.
hope Diana will recover get well soon.

yup, bb can sense our present by our smell.

<font color="119911">Jas</font>,
sorrie to hear abt yr boy. reading yr story make my eyes tear. do take care since xavier still need a lot of care.

why dun u collect the glass bottle fr hosptial to store ebm? I'm been using glass bottle to store my ebm.

<font color="119911">Jane</font>,
oh, I finally saw Siang 's photos wor....(me no time to update my blog man...).

<font color="119911">precious_one</font>,
same as me, I didn't receive the steroids jabs x 2 for babies' lungs. after the first jab for 3hrs, then my boy came to this world.
Wow Jas,

You have got so much milk!!! Not sure if it is good to keep milk for 6 months, heard from nurses that at most 3 months in deep freezer.
I don't think you want to use Blue Eggs Bags for storage for so long...I think the plastic walls are thinner as compared to other expensive brands.
I did not store for ltoo long when I used Medela and The First Years' bags, I transport the milk to the hospital and they used up within a few days.
But when I feel the quality, the plastic are thicker, I think if you really wanna try to store for so long, then better store in bottles or better quality bags.

So happy to hear that Xavier is PEE-ing liao!!! Now upon reading this, i feel like peeing too...keke

Hi afcai,

So long nvr see you, how are u coping with your boy? My Lochia has not stopped, I just went to visit my GYnae today, he said it is normal as I am Breastfeeding now. It will be on/off stopped few days and then come abit again for few days and stopped... Some ppl totally will have cleared for a couple of months whilst Breastfeeding...For me, my situation will be like this until I stop Breastfeeding.
I also realised Jerlynn will scream now, she used to eh eh eh when she first came back too... now she eh eh eh for 5-10 mins, and if the milk not arrived yet, she screams...luckily not the long dragging cries (cross fingers)...

Uhmmmm... I dun have Pigeon Bottles, but I guess they can fit since the Pigeon Wide neck teats fit the Avent bottles very well...

Social worker did visit me when I was in the hospital, but before she came, I already went down and see Jerlynn... Were you feeling very down when she visited you, that's why she discouraged you in going down? Yah I saw some mummies broke down and was the first times they went down and see baby...

Jerlynn has chubby face...but her legs and arms still trying to keep up with the speed ofher growing face...they are not so chubby yet...

No need to thank me la, I also spreading the goodness that kkf has shared with me also...

Re: Clothes.
Don't keep thinking your boy can't fit the clothes yet, must always take out and measure on him, in case he outgrow them before you knew it wor... Very soon you will see that he can fit them lor...

BTW, you made a mistake la, I'm not trying for 2nd one yet, I said I might find KKF's book handy if I'm trying for No.2, as she did very well with Violet...

Re: Baby's Fart

Mine also fart alot and loud..hahaha, for boyboy to fart loud is ok leh, mine is girl...Duhzzzzzzzz Faintzzzzz
hey jane, just realised siang has same weight as dash!! you see lar, dash almost 4 years old liao, only 15kg.

jas, i also dunno where i got the courage to go thru 3 preterm labor...haha. but anyway, i guess, i am just one person who never says die. haha. thats the spirit all premature babies have including me (i was borned 27 weeks plus)! and so yah! ALL our children will share the same spirit too!

btw, i had exactly the same feeling as u. i was soooooo fearful of kkh, cause my boy garna blood infection before too during his stay in nicu. Then when my gal needed to stay in hospital for observation for about a week, everyday, i was soooo worried! could understand ur fear.

david, no need to thanks us. we are just giving support to one another. may danya grows well is indeed a frightening experience for our child to be nicu, cause sometimes doctors will tell us this and that, but dun worry, your gal will know that her daddy and mummy love her, and strive hard to grow well.

gingal, not sure whether violet is losing weight going kkh to see neonatal, luckily can asks her what happen, dunno whether it is dr argawal again. my boy is seeing her.
btw, i dun think the book really helps me with anything. the most important thing is you want to have a full term next time is to rest and rest and rest.

afcai, yah, my gal farts a lot, and strains a lot.
and i am crazy coping with 2 children! haha. really not easy, and we sama sama, violet will wake up in middle of night, and refuses to sleep. but par seh to say, my hubby is the one entertaining her.
i did put on lots of weight, really fats lor cause on bed rest for so long. thats why very hard to lose weight. still got about 10kg to lose before i go back work...sianz, dunno how possible.

RR, noted that can't make it to our gathering.
my gal is 8 mth old (actual) took more than 1h to finish her milk (120mL).... feeding her is like a big project, have to pat her to sleep then can feed, will suck 30sec then rest 5-10 min n the cycle goes on, till the last 20mL she will totally stop n 'bian zhui' (cant even insert the teat into her mouth)... when she awake, she will pretend to vomit when she sees the bottle....
i like wat u wrote abt bryan's weight..what the heck.. i oso lost count of ws' weight.. think is 10+, <11kg. may not be even on the chart!! (kkf, my ws can 'partner' ur dash in the underweight group haha )
but wat the heck? she's eating lots of food, growing taller (u got FB? can go chk out her pics there) &amp; learning lots of new things everyday. tat's a blessing &amp; i appreciate &amp; treasure it a lot..

Jas &amp; david,
u (&amp; ur spouse) r wonderful parents... i think most mommies here, having gone thru the pain &amp; agony of our little ones in NICU, with tubes poking thru their noses/arms, will appreciate our bb more..know tat we should nev take them for granted.. they &amp; us, hav gone thru a lot!

go get the glass bottles frm the nurses. label them (with the date the milk is pumped) &amp; freeze them. in case the milk expires, use them to bathe the bb or urself.. dun waste the milk..

i agree w u, EBM IS VERY PRECIOUS!! cos we wake up at weird hrs (ie. 11pm, 2am, 5am..etc) to pump! as i was staying with my mom 1st 2 wks of my confinement, my mom saw me setting alarm &amp; waking up at weird hrs to pump, she knows it's tough. she did ask me, is it necessary 2 wake up in the middle of the nite, y dun u get more sleep? i told her cos bb is pre-mature, i wan 2 give her as much nutrients as possible..think she sort of understand

aren't u glad u r gg back 2 work?? heehee.. at least no need 2 face 2 kids the whole day.. tat's my sentiments when i'm doing confinement.. cant wait to go back to work. but warn u 1st har.. once u started work, it's gg to be MORE TIRING!! cos u bz at work, come home, still got tons of housework to do &amp; need to spend time with the kid(s)..take care.. rem to eat more nutritious food &amp; take some vit c, can help u build up ur immunity
Good morning all

Jas and David
Both Xavier and Danya are obedient children, they fought fearlessly yesterday and won. Give praise to our LORD. Continue to pray and very soon all their ordeal will be over and your families will united at home sweet home.

haha, your are the best living example of a premie, your never say die spirit is impressive and commendable!!

You received one steriod jab....I think it helps more or less cos there's another mummy also received one jab, and her 25 weeker son did not have problem with breathing unlike mine....failed extubation all the time... this was one area that I couldn't see eye to eye to KKH as I was already in the hospital for 3 weeks prior to delivery, they had gynaes coming to tell me the risk of delivery at week 23 and week 24 , yet no doc. from the high risk team managing my case even think of giving me the 2 doses knowing that I would go into pre-matured delivery. I pursued this matter for a long time, and all they could say records in my medical file on why the sterods jab was not administered. This issue caused me lots of misery and agony.
Good morning!

I guess the size of Paige's PDA is smaller than Xavier, and thats why..For Xavier case, doc said cant extubate if this PDA is opened so big..

I hope Xavier will be able to graduate soon and we can meet you guys at gathering the next time. Will try your method to talk to Xavier today, hope he can understand
The pic of Bryan encourages me a lot, I know it is long way to go on this journey, but I will be strong!

Afcai and DIsneymickey
I actually tried the bottles before, yet I always have to keep chasing the nurses to give me caps. The caps get rusty very easily, so they always dont have enough caps to give me...They asked me to buy plastic caps myself, yet looking at the quantity of my BM, i really wonder when I can reuse the caps again (I pump into 10-12 bottles a day but Xavier consumes 1 bottle a day).

Ya, dunno where the milk came from. I produce 1.1 - 1.3L daily, sometimes I can get over 300ml per pump if the interval is more than 5 hours..i didnt have a proper confinement, no CL, no confinement food, jus normal meals. At first I was so happy since I have twins to I dunno what to do with the milk...
Regarding the storage time, I check on the intl breastfeeding org website, it states that under -18 degrees, BM can be stored for 6-12 months, and sister in NUH told me the same thing. so, i guess no harm trying lah...Anyway, I will taste it before i give to Xavier when he comes home ...if really turns bad then throww choice..

First year bags are really expensive .....18SGD for 20pcs? The cheapest i can get for Pigeon is 13.5SGD for 20pcs, still ex! Never though plastics will be so ex lahh...

About pee-ing, jus cant imagine such tiny stuff can make me so happy..but i guess alll tiny things meant a lot for preemies!

never say die...good spirit!

hmmm...thats rather weird! I thought steroids jabs are standards! I got mine too when I was diagnosed with TTTS....cant believe hospital like KKH actually missed out this kind of thing....

I got to go to hospital nowww.....will update when i m back!
don't use the rusty caps. go pharmacy to buy the plastic caps. juz get the bottles frm the nurses. this way, u can use &amp; re-use &amp; re-use. duno worry, as xavier grows, his milk intake will definitely increase..pump &amp; store more when u can now.
kkf - i really agree with what xbliss &amp; disneymickey say. weight doesn't matter. matter is the kid health and they are happy. i was sharing with shelllow late one night. when siang was 9 months corrected, the dietrican ever suggest he go on a diet.... but very soon siang height caught up and i am just glad of that. i do not really weight siang too :p. the last weighing was when he went to A&amp;E (because of croup issue ler :p). i only estimate know he is in the range of 12-15kg keke :p.

oh very excited abt the coming sunday gathering.

i see haha, i do drop by your blog
later i PM you my blog address ;).
Sigh! Being a 1st time mummy then, no one ever told me about the two super duper steroid jabs until I delivered pre-maturely and one neo nat asked me why I was not given the jabs...she even encouraged me to pursue the matter as she said that they have constantly reinforced the message i.e. to give steriods jabs to mummies if gynae knew of any mummies who'll give birth prematurely. Unfortunately, in Singapore, our doctors are very protected, I pursued up to the CEO's level, she gathered groups of doc, director of nursing etc. to meet me but not the one who's in charge of my case. At the meeting, they gave me pats and hugs and told me that even if steroid jabs were adminstered, it would not guarantee that my baby would not undergo trachestomy surgery...but my argument was, they did not even offer me a choice to jab or not to jab, yet they knew that I would go into pre-matured delivery, as I was under the high risk committee management. My own gynae asked me to downgrade myself to the lowest grade as he said if delivered prematurely, NICU cost is very high. One sr. lady neo nat also came to my bedside at week 23 and week 24 to explain what could and would the hospital do if I deliver then. Sadly, I do not have the resources ($ and time) to sue them as most of my $$ went into the hospital bill cum home nursing care, besides I am also the main care-giver after my baby was discharged from NICU. Other than this, KKH should be the best children hospital in the region. I blamed myself for being unlucky as I understood from other mummies who's not even from KKH, but checked into KKH last minute for pre-matured delivery were given steriod jab/s instantly .... KKH didn't even have their medical file as they were from private gynae.

Although my daughter is 4 yrs old now, I cannot help it but still feel sore over the whole incident. If I received the jabs, perhaps my daughter didn't have to suffer so much for 1st two to three years of her life....even until today, my girl can't suck at all as she was on tube feeding for as long as the trachy tube was on her.
david, jas
jia yuo! its a tough time, pray that ur babes, spouses &amp; urselves will get thru this challenging times. as u can gauge from other mums here, our fighter babies do us proud

so sien to hear abt ur exp with the steriod jabs. hope KKH will improve to be consistent with this practise.

just update u again. I am now wk 34, baby is now 2.3kg. yipeee! dr took me off aspirin already. so just waiting when deliver, hope still progress smoothly to a natural birth

congrats on reaching 2.5kg and wk 34! c-section is by choice zit ? I hope for natural but have to see how it goes.
tks.actually at the early stage my gynae said its possible to have normal delivery.but last visit he said my bb abit big size and for my own good better go for c-sect coz if normal birth my old c-sect scar may rupture.he may plan for me to c-sect on 1st week of will see how coz gg to see him next sat.congrats to u too lets jia you 2gether.
<font size="+2"> urgent!!! Mummies for the gathering, I am truely sorry, very sorry, cause last minute i got to change the date of the gathering. Dash has fever!!! I just realised it! sigh. I am quite worried about him as you know he has been coughing for 2 months plus liao, and running nose too, now fever!!! i fear fever the most! I am very sorry for this last minute change...The chalet person told me can change date, so I think I will just change to another date, maybe the following sunday if he recovers liao...will let you all know again. btw, will try to sms everybody to inform about this. par seh.</font>
really sorry to disappoint u all...

going to bring dash to kids clinic later. he is sleeping now, complaining he is hot...sigh...poor boy, i didn't realise he has got fever till not long ago, happily brought him to expo for popular bookfair (in the end queue was super duper long, and i didn't enter the bookfair)...he looked tired then already wanting me to carry...sigh.

i hope the fever will go away quickly.
Oh no...please take care of Dash. Please take his temperature now, if he is HOT, please bring him to the doc. immediately, don't let him sleep cos fever always shoot up during sleep. Anyway, fever is a sign of infection somewhere.....Don't panic. Got your sms. Take Care!
Hi Precious_one,

I too did not receive the jab. Or should I say, I only receive one. And like you the Gynae did not offer me the option. It was my own Gynae who told me about the jab (I was a transfer case so I didn't choose the Gynae at KKH).

But sadly, I was pushed into the OT in less than 1 hour after the jab.

Then my world came crashing down when the neonat wanted to give steriods to my children. I was crying very badly then, but there was no other choice.

hmm I guess all gynae think diff. my gynae have delivered natural birth 4.22kg baby before. the mum didnt have epiosiotomy or tear. its her 3rd baby, the rest was 3+ kg. generally he believe all women will have baby rite size for them. re rupture - I heard that is possible but its v rare. I read someone's birthstory - that she had c-section before, then gynae allow her to try natural first. then if c-section if cannt. I really hope can natural, then its easier for me take care of e 2 kids but see how la
Hi Mums,

Finally, me &amp; Diana got to touch Danya for the very first time since 26 Feb. I almost feels like dropping my tears. Danya is fighting bravely and strong. Doc has increased Danya's milk from 0.5ml/hr to 1ml/hr.

We will walk the journey positively with Danya. We continue to pray and look forward to fight another new day.


How's Dash? If the fever still don't come down, please bring him to KKH Children A&amp;E. My nephew was down with a fever of 39.8 C. The Doc in KKH is not comfortable to release him. He was kept there for 4 hours until his fever gone down. Don't take fever too lightly.

oh...hope dash not having hfmd.

i can understand the wonders of that first touch. Diana must be really happy. Hope she is resting well since now is her confinement period
