Premature babies support group

Hi All,

Today is a good day

Xavier's swellings had come down as he pee a lot last night and today! I am so relieved. Besides, his lungs look better since yesterday his right lung was a bit collapsed. His ROP check turned out reasonably okay, stage 1 and stage 2 for both eyes in zone 2. I guess it is still acceptable now, doc said got to further observe. I am contented with his progress!!!

Judging from my "storage" now, what i pump now will only be used 3 months later...So i need to buy a looooot of caps since their reused rate will be slow...Anyway, which pharmacy can i get the cheapest caps? Roughly how much is it? (I heard from nurse that it is 80 cents)

I am so sorry to hear that....I feel frustrated reading your story! What they said:" even if steroid jabs were adminstered, it would not guarantee that my baby would not undergo trachestomy surgery" seems very lame excuse!!!!Unbelievable....
Actually, my steroids jab were given by my private doctor, I got admitted to NUH last minute and downgraded to the lowest ward. NUH was recommended by my private doctor as he seems to have serious concerns about KKH... dunno why....
But anyway, the most important thing is your girl is now 4 and healthy.....

Happy for you! Jiayou!!!

hope Dash get well sooon!

Both your twins graduated from NICU upon full term? Thats quite an achievement given that your jab was given so late....

Hi Jaz,

Well done and cheers to Xavier. Remember, Xavier will take a firm step each day. He is strong & brave, building a strong foundation as the days go by. He will definitely challenge every moment positively and Triumphs shall be his.

I will continue to pray for him.
Hi David,

Now that Danya is recieving more of the milk, she will be growing well soon... Must give her the magical touch of yours every visit wor...

Hi Jas,

It's good to know Xavier is progressing well too! All the best and keep up the good work in pumping...


Hope Dash not having HFMD...

Hope everything goes well for all mummies...!!! May God Bless...
hi all
Having to work on Saturday is so sianz BUT to read good news on a Saturday morning is a good mood lifter.....Xavier and Danya are blessed!

The 1st touch is so precious...then the 1st time you carry your child, wow, your heart felt like overwhelming! I waited for that precious moment for almost 3mths before we can carry our own baby. My hb's eyes were so watery....

How's Dash....give him lots of fluid.

Actually at week 24, there's high risk for many issues and yours twins some more ..So happy to know that your twins are so marvellous and strong. You must have sacrifice a lot too! Thumbs up for your family.
BTW, yours boys or girls?
yes, that touch is precious. Treasure it! very soon, u will be so busy diaper changing, cuddling, kangarooing her as well!!!

i happen to be one of those with lots of plastic bottle caps. If you don't mind, i can let you have them at a lower price. Most are used once only cos of the long term storage as u put it.. hehe. u can pm me.

I am so glad to hear all the good news.. MORE TO COME. KEEP IT COMING!!

don't worry abt the chalet. I was more worried if you alredy ordered from old chang kee.. if cannot cancel, i can share the food with u.. pass to my relatives. Next wk i be at rasa sentosa with my family, so may give the gathering a sad..
Since you're able to produce so much milk, may I suggest that you give Xavier fresh EBM everyday and store the balance. You can make arrangement with the nurse. Or let Xavier drink the milk you express for that day. That's what most mummies do previously. Fresh ebm is always better than old milk.

Mine, all 3 boys haha.. cause i embbie split into 2, therefore end up triplets.


Im interested to borrow the preventing premature birth from you.. Issit possible? You can PM me if can..
david, ahha..that first pic of danya is so cute..its like she is trying to peep at u...

gingal, u did a great job with jerlynn, glad that she is putting on so much wgt after she is discharged!

Yan, guys like gals that look sweet but are fierce..look at those taiwanese/korean pop drama! :p

Jas, try not to worry so much (yes i know, its difficult)...cos xavier can sense it if u r worried... good that u have alot of bm... premmies need bm more than full term bbs do... glad that xaiver is peeing!
can u use the glass bottles to store the bm? i think i have mentioned before..i got the small glass bottles..let me know if u want them.... perhaps u can try use those gladwrap and those plastic string (u know, those colorful usually pink ones that auntie used that come in a ball?) instead of those plastic caps?

afcai, and i was wondering where u r..then go and see ur blog and see u r still updating... (very funi, the blogger's last update not working for some of ur blogs..).. better change the moudly teat (should be changed once every few months)...

shelllow, gal last time is also like that..luckily i got a sofa bed in her room last its more comfy to sit there and there half-doze off while waiting for her to fini her milk...

precious_one, thats very bad of kkh.. no wonder u dont see eye-to-eye to KKH....

daec, congrats!!!!
how is the housing thingy btw?

kkf, how is dash now???
Hi Mum,

Danya's feed has been increased by Doc. She is now on 24 hr continuous feed, 1.8ml/hr. She gain some weight, she weight 937 gram today.

Hi Jas,

How is our Brave Warrior Xavier doing?


How is Dash now?
Hi All,

Past 2 days have been good. Yesterday I didnt go down but talked to doc over the phone. They actually extubated Xavier and put him on CPAP after I left on Sat...I was a bit shocked to find out since I thought it would be a few days more before they do so. A little pissed too since I wasnt informed earlier, but anyway, he is rather stable now, thats what is important! Besides, his feedings had gone up to 7ml/every 2 hours, soon he can go full BM and stop his TPN...Cant wait for them to take out his long line!!! (i have "lines" phobia because they cause infections easily...) Anyway, will go down and see my warrior Xavier tomorrow!

I know how you felt for the first touch! It took me some time to touch my babies too, I could never forget....
Lets continue to pray hard for both Danya and Xavier, hopefully we will be able to hold them in our hands soon

ALready PM you.

yes, thats what i am doing too! Yet the nurse said soon, the storage will be expired if i give fresh everyday.....aiya whatever lah, will give fresh one first then see how...If not, maybe i will give away some milk...

I am going to use a mixture of glass bottles and plastic bags. No worries about the glass bottles, hospital has unlimited supply..As for the gladwrap and plastic strings, i scare not very secured lehh since they will be kept in deep freezer..better play safe...I will buy some caps soon!

How is Dash? Hope he is well! WIll pray for him..
glad to hear tat danya is growing well each day... it's amazing isn't it? i still rem, each day 1st thing i do when i woke up is to call the pd (cos he visited my ger every morning b4 he went 2 his clinic). good to hear an update frm him. then will call NICU, find out wat's bb's weight now. even a 0.1kg increase i'd oso b very delighted. rem i cried badly the 1st few days when i heard there's weight drop..though i've alrdy been warned of drop in the 1st few days.

i can't rem how much were the caps..but i bought them frm the pharmacy in mt a.
Had been reading the posts that u posted..... U MUST stay positive cos GOD's with us thru the journey

Glad that Xavier has achieve another milestone in his fight

Like all the mummies here, My gal is a 27 weeker n she was 1035g. Now she is 16kg n yesterday i jus took her height at 95cm. Really thank God for that He us watching over her every moment
All the little preemies here are fighter! They are small, but yet their fighting spirit is BIG! Many has emerged winners
Keep on with the journey!

How's Dash?

Can't agree more with u that a smile from them is worth million!Everytime, little ezann says mummy mummy with a great hug esp when I'm back from work, I really thank God for her
thanks for all your concern. dash is confirmed to have contracted a milder hand foot mouth, with ulcers in his mouth but no spots on his hands and feet.

though his mouth has ulcers, he still can play, and eat leh...haha. strange boy. me looking after him for whole of this week, until doctor says he is fit liao... violet is with my in laws...miss her. but also, this is a rare opportunity for me to bond with dash. really spending time with him alone now.

david, wow, i believe soon you will be able to hold danya in your arms liao...
danya will grow well everyday!

jas, xavier is on cpap now and increases feed, thats good news! soon he will be in oxygen tank, and then slowly breaths on his own!

afcai, can i have the link to ur blog?

sorry mummies once again for the last min change in gathering...will sure have another one if has the opportunity. now really afraid of sudden last min such thing (choy!) again...sianz.

sam, sorry leh, the books are all taken up by two mummies.

wow aiyo, even ezann is heavier than dash. sob. dash is real skinny man, weighing 15kg plus i think and 98cm. see lar, how skinny he is...he has not grown much heavier due to his prolong cough, he will vomit out after coughing. sianz...luckily (keeping fingers cross) this milder hand foot mouth is not making him lose his appetite.
xbliss u going rasa sentosa coming weekends? wow, i actually planned to go next weekends (got promotion rate right? cheaper now due to STB promotion), but i also cancelled that stay liao.

oh dun worry, i haven't order food fr old chang kee.
spot u and xbliss chatting abt the rasa sentosa hotel promotions. i spotted it but then was thinking if should go cruise (also got promotions) or go bintan lagoon ler... ah yo, don't know where to go.

is dash ok? ulcer must be quite uncomfortable for him.
Sam (mummywannabe),
sorry, i am moutain tortise. can you tell me what is "embbie split into 2"? wow! 3 boys. brother brother

Jas (jazzzy)
xavier may have arrive of smaller size but he will grow up very fast (in a flash of time). see all the other bbs here. now all toodlers.
Hi ladies,
I'm new to this thread. I delivered my twin gals at 31 wks of gestation on 3rd March via emergency c-sect. I had PE and Cholestasis during my pregnancy and had to stayed in hospital til delivery. My elder gal was born at 1.46kg and younger gal was 1kg. They were both send to NICU and had their fair share of medical problems due to their immaturity. It was and still is very heartbreaking to see them so small and still fighting strongly.

My elder gal had since been transferred to step-down icu. My younger gal was oso in step-down when she got MRSA infection which is a hospital acquired infection that she got from NICU. She was in isolation with about >10 babies in step-down and we were told that all the babies there had MRSA too. On top of that she also had low Hb and high heartrate and had to underwent a blood transfusion.
We are praying hard that the gals would be able to gain weight faster and be medically well.

Hi David,
Its good to see you sharing your experience here. It is such a coincidence to see you here, my hubby and myself had met and spoken with you and Diane during our visits in NICU. Not sure if you have any idea of who we are?
Please be positive and I'm sure our babies would be better as the days goes by. Send my regards to Diane.
Hi Maykel,

We do remember you. Good to heard that your girls are doing strong. Be patience and our baby are not as fragile as what we think. Believe in them, speak the words of life and they will fight very positively everyday.

Our girl Danya is fighting strong. Her STOMA is working well and her continuous feed has increase to 2.2ml/hr. Well, Danya weight has progress from 590 gram to 937 gram over the last 25 days. Today DOC did an X-ray on her chest and she is still not ready for CPAP.

Diana is getting better. We went to Singapore National Eye Center for her review today. There are still some water retention from SPE but the retina is not damages. She need some more time to recover and should be getting back her clear vision soon.

There is a support group meeting coming up on 2nd Apr, are you and hubby coming?

haa... hope it is going to be like those in the japan/ korea series..haa..

yesterday yilin went for her monthly check up.. everything is fine..
now just waiting for the ear check on 1st april..

thanks for your efford to come out with a list of qn we can ask the doc and take note of..
really appreciate tat.. we always went in and dunno wat to expect.. ya.. the test is done my a nurse.. they wont tell u anything..

yesterday saw a malay couple brought their 25weekers for check up too. the baby look so small.. she is a very lucky baby. though born in 25 weeks but no complication at all. she was discharged before her EDD. stay in kkh for 82 days. kkh discharged her before she reaches 2kg.. yesterday she is just her corrected 1 week old. her cry was so loud and strong.. she can finish her milk by bottle feeding, no need tude.. feel so happy for that couple..
thanks for your sms

no la. its nothing much really. just some question that i happen to think for myself (over time :p), i think sometime is just that they (nurses) felt it would be better for the doctors to brief the parents. great for yilin
which neonat is she seeing now?

just a suggestion

since you got so much milk.. maybe you can approach those mum who are not able to produce enough milk for their premmie whether they want it anot.. else end up in the dustbin if expired.. very wasted leh.. and also by the time xavier discharged.. you will have a lorry of ebm to bring home leh.. you also hope tat he can have fresh milk than milk tat are being kept for so long rite. and your supply is so good, dun think u need to keep so much stock.
Hi David,
Yes, I think that our gals are strong and will continue to grow as the days goes by. Its good to hear that Danya is having good weight gain. My gals are 22days old today, my elder gal has gone from 1.46kg to 1.67kg but my younger gal has gone from 1kg to 1.15kg only. She had been losing weight lately and doc is very worried about her weight lost.

Hope that Diana would get better soon. Is she pumping BM for Danya or is the hospital using formula milk?

What time is the Support group? Cos my hubby, Kelvin is working in the afternoon and we are able to go if its in the morning. Is this the first time you are attending the Support group? I remembered the first time i attended was 2 days after my delivery and I was not really ready then, but the Social Worker was very encouraging.

Hi Maykel,

Good to hear that both gals are gaining weight. Don"t worry about your younger gal. A human body are very resilient & strong. She will definitely catch up with her sis.

Diana is expressing her BM everyday. Doc says that when Danya feed increase up to 100% based on her weight, they will add in fortifier into the BM.

This is the first time that we will be attending. During the last session, Diana is still on POA thus Doc order her to bed rest due to her high BP.The meet will start at 2.30PM. I will be take leave to attend this session.
Hi all,

Xavier is doing better and better! His feedings has been increased to 11ml/2 hours. HIs breathing is good with CPAP..Now that he is extubated, i can see that he is trying hard to cryy...yet only very little noise came out, since his vocal cord is affected by the tube before....Cant wait to hear his loud cry!

Other than that, what needs to be further observed is his ventricles...Doc said he has prominent ventricles. They do not know why he has that since he didnt have IVH (brain bleeding), but they said it is rather mild abnormality and he is not classified under the worrisome category....Yet, I am still concerned after checking related info online. ANyone has heard about this?

Yes, I have been thinking about it also...jus worried no one will take my milk because this is rather "personal"..anyway, I will try to ask around! Thanks for the suggestion!

Dont worry too much about your girls! Judging from their gestational age when they were born and their weight, they are on the safe side. Things will get better

Hope Dash is recovering well.
Hi david, jas and maykel, hope today is another acheivement for your little ones!

jane, no leh, dash can still run about and eat leh...haha. the ulcers are not affecting him. anyway, we think they are not really ulcers... we feel that the doctor might misdiagnose leh, cause he can still eat and talk, and doesn't look uncomfortable at all!!!

Yan, who is dr quek? so good yilin has a good doctor. violet is seeing dunno wat doctor, i feel that she doesn't know anything like that, asks her questions she seems like also not sure not sure...sianz...dash is better, he used to see dr argwal who is very good and knowledgeable i feel, anyway, of course lar, she the head of scn.

fairylander and jas, thanks, as i mentioned, dash is like perfectly unaffected.

jane, par seh, i will try to take measurements soon and let u noe.
the other time when ws was dignosed w HFMD, the stupid doc prescribed some med 4 her dots on her hands.. then after 1wk, the dots still there...went back 2 doc, he say "it's not HFMD!!" feel like slapping the doc! i was so angry, i told him, "YOU were the one who told me she has HFMD" then he guai guai go look at her records & say, oh ya, tat time yes, cos got ulcers in the mouth..but not it's not, it's sensitive skin, blah blah!! i ban the doc alrdy!
<font color="119911">Bloom</font>,
I'm felt like 'dying' man.....panda eyes, no appetite, tummy felt bloated, temper so hot angry with hubby during wkend. he can shiok shiok wake up watch tv (have not even brush teeth). I 'worked' like *&amp;*(&amp;* man.....after I pumped milk, by then it is bb feeding time (my boy hor, very slow in drinking milk. even 1 oz can drink up to 1hr, he 's hungry but yet sleepy. dun give him milk, he screamed but give him liao, he slp. ()(*())

wkend wee hr, hubby helped out in feeding bb while I was pumping. u knew men hor, so piang...saw him (after my pump) holding the bb dangling with head in the air and then this men just doze off. even burping bb, he can doze off. I'm so fed up and told him what if bb just slip onto the floor. then this man just said u feed him loh....*&amp;*((^(*&amp;

my blog only updated few days ago. so busy and tired due to lack of slp.

<font color="119911">kkf</font>,
have pm u my blog. do let me have yr blog too.

<font color="119911">gingal</font>,
how are u coping with yr gar?

for me, so tired due to lack of slp. bb very alert after milk feed but when during milk feed, always doze off. my mum and my hubby who help in feeding also get impatient cos he can feed up to 1hr for 30ml of milk.

for me, on mon, I went for KKH checkup, finally, discharge fr the follow up of the postnal hamerroage.tough, still got stain now and then with fresh blood. I already forgo the antibiotic (tough, the medicine helped to clear the infection etc...I already consume the first dose for a wk so the 2nd dose, I forgo it) cos it will cause me to have LS more than 8times per day. think bb also get affected. doc said it is normal for tbf mummies. if anything amiss (like sudden heavy bleeding), of cos, will need to go 24hr woman clinic loh. anyway, gynae said that tbf mummies will tend to have longer lochia.

some ppls clear even within 2 week wor....

me got the pigeon wide neck bottles (last time used for storage of ebm). will try the avent teat on the pigeon bottles. if ok, then can buy the pigeon teat.

re:social worker visit.
that time, when social worker visit me, it was early morning ard 9am (delivery mid-night). I was lying on my bed and abt to doze off after breakfast. so the only time I get to see my bb is visiting time that day. that 's explain why the social worker came bec my visit to NICU. boy 'face still not so chubby.

oic...though u are trying for no#2 wor....pai seh....

not only far loud but burping also loud. haa..last time, my gar not so loud type. haa..u must tell Jerlynn that she cannot anyhow fart so loud. not gd impression for gar...:p.

<font color="119911">shellow</font>,
now, we are feeding my boy every hrly 1 oz (if he woke up). this is to reduce the milk for being left outside for so ling since feeding him took so long. but soemtimes, if he did not wake up hrly, then will give more. but feeding him also like u is a BIG project.

hmm...did u try tickish yr gar to insert the teat into her mouth?

<font color="119911">disneymickey</font>,
for me, now switch to 4-4.5hr pumping.....esp after dinner, sometimes will delay up to 5hrs cos no helper to attend the bb. so then latch him on a bit then he doze off much faster and dun drink a lot) by then when I pumped already 5hr or so. I also set alarm clock to wake up if not dun think I can wake up. in the beginning, I missed the alarm clock cos I set wrongly (am set to pm instead). so end up delaying for 2-3hr and engorge. sometimes, bb will wake me up. same as me, mum and CL also asked me the same qns - necc to wake up at night to pump. I only told her if dun pump at night, later kana block duct and then milk supply will reduce.

<font color="119911">precious_one</font>,
re: steriod jab.
did receive 1 steriod jab but dunno fast enu for bb to absorb. are u a subsidy patient at KKH or got specific gynae?

<font color="119911">Jas</font>,
agreed that they always gave bottles but forgot the cap. one of the time, they 'dumped' a package of cap for me. true, cap got rusty easily. now, I'm using the pigeon storage bottles cap (have 6 of them). the pigeon bottles cannot be used bec it 's kind of yellowish so using the cap.

last time, i also bought the medela disposable bottles fr hopsital too when they dun have any glass bottles to give me. my hubby threw away most of the rusty cap liao.

wow, yr milk supply super gd. mine highest production is 630ml.maybe u store the ebm loh, next time when yr bb older will sure drink a lot.

<font color="119911">Jane</font>,
did not receive yr pm leh. only see yr current blog updates is all abt yrself leh.
hi jane you change nick ah? why bec aneo?

afcai, same here, my gal takes 1 hour at least to finish her milk. night time very jialat, so sleepy yet she takes her own sweet time to finish. haha. we change teats and still the same. haha.

i got your blog, have email you mine too. btw, your gal and boy sooo cute. hee.
dm, if the padetrician diagnosed wrongly, wow, then we really dunno who to trust liao cause she is a padetrician from kid's clinic, and dash been seeing her since baby...we always thought she is good. ha.
i dunno is it a mars venus thing, my hubby and i have very different methods of playing, interacting, feeding, and even parenting. Came to the extent i dun consult him anymore cos i feel he is inconsistent.. no point asking him to do for the child. They can spend hours sleeping or doing their favorite thing, when it comes to the child, they will ask us to do it. Sometimes can help, sometimes won't help. So i rather do everything myself. Think of it this way, at least the child is closer to you? It is reassuring isn't it?

hai.. today is all about my ventilation. Another of those irritating men days.

David, if you are reading this, take note too.. hAHHA... not that every man will be what i think they will be.. heheh..

how is dash? hope he is alrighty by now!

maykel, david, jas
don't lose energy.. keep the cheering going for your little ones!
we dun go to pd anymore. cos it's so expensive &amp; far (@TMC). the clinic we usually go has 2 docs. 1 of them is good. the other whom i'm fed up with is another doc. so whenever i wan 2 bring ws 2 the clinic, will call &amp; chk which doc is on duty.

hopefully the doc is correct with dash la, since u hav seen her since he's's he now?
I was seeing a private gynae at Gleneagles during my 1st trimester and got myself transferred to a HOD gynae at KKH from 2nd trimester with his blessing of course. I was from B1, down graded to B2, then to C, then ran back to B2 cos I couldn't tahan "c" ward. As my baby arrived pre-maturedly, my specified gynae was not on duty so I was delivered by on-duty senior lady gynae. Then I was treated at B2 class. Since baby was delivered so prematuredly and knowing that the stay will be long and me as KKH patient by then, KKH charged us one night rate at B2 at NICU then auto downgraded to C class after that. KKH was right, baby was there for 6mths and discharged from NICU directly. Yes, thankfully I was a subsidised patient thereafter, otherwise, I will have to sell everything I own...hahaha
ah niu the singer is cute and he sings well. No news on him anymore....

xblss, afcai
i agree that man and woman handle a child differently, until today, both hb and I can't see eye to eye... both of us so stubborn, worst!

David, Jas, Maykel
No post this morning? Anyway, jia you....we will cheer all the way until your babies are discharged.
afcai, xbliss
now every night i look forward to seeing the channel 8 adv on saluting the woman in the month of march
- it make me feel wonderful haha
haha i am ah niu too..pity my singing is better be kept for siang or only within my flat toilet 4 walls haha.
I find that for first baby, hubby was clueless. also he was impatient that is no-no when deal with baby, cant stay up to help me much. not much use one. as baby get older, he contribute in other ways and more more ways. like making FM and playing with her. now my girl nearly 2 - he is much more involved. of coz along the way I have to push him to help. and assure him I dunno wat to do also, just coz I am mum not mean I automatic know. so we must learn together. he seem feel like he dunno anything so no point help. his bochap/dun care seem to hide insecurity, better leave it to 'experts'. anyways baby dun wan him even if he help. seem to respond to me or mum only. wan womans' touch. hope it gets better for u as time pass, take care

thx ! me waiting for hse keys in april. just hope hubby find job v soon.. but I tell myself not think that rite now - focus on baby &amp; moving

I was also C class. yah cannot tahan the noise &amp; no of visitors can be like market during visiting time.
Hi Mums,

Danya's continueous feed has increased to 3.5ml/hr. Danya's weight is now 1021 gram. She is having alittle CLD symptom thus Doc plan of putting her on CPAP is on hold.

Our little brave fighter is fighting strong. We will continue to pray, enourage and fight along with our little Danya.
I was at C ward for one night only...and that night, i believed the teenager who abandoned her baby at can't remember where then....was admitted in the night at the bed just beside me. She was handcuffed and the police (2 of them) took turns to watch her...they seemed busy and with their shoes...cick clog click clog and all the investigation going on ..... I couldn't sleep at all, so the next morning, I checked myself out at my own risk...then die die tell hb don't ever admit me to c ward .... actually hor, talking about the visitors crowd...B2 isn't that much better, but somehow the higher partition helped, at c ward, I felt so open .... just not used to it.... perhaps all the surgery that I underwent before, I was at A2, got aircon and so not knowing what to expect from C ward was too challenging for that I know how c ward, I have to adjust my mind set liao...cos no more working to save some $$...
hopefully it will hit maximum again sooooonnnn
Hi ladies and
My elder gal had been transferred to SCN yest. She is taking 17mls of milk every 2 hrs. She is learning to suck from bottle now, but she suck too fast, sometimes forgets to breath, so we have to watch out for that. She is 1.7kg now.

My younger gal is oso taking 17mls every 2 hrs and still in incubator. She suddenly gain from 1.15kg to 1.28kg in 1 day after doc added supplemens to her feeds. Wonder if the sudden weight gain is ok or not....

Hi David,
Thank you, I hope our 3 gals would gain more weight and be strong.

Good to hear that, but is her BM sufficient for Danya? I'm a bit stress initially cos my BM is not enough for the gals. I was told that oc can only add in supplement to the milk only when baby is able to tolerate milk feeds well. My younger gal just started having vit and weight gainer added to her milk 2 days ago and she gain a whopping 130 grams in 1 day. Not sure if the supplements can really have such effect. I had not seen the gals for many days already, later i will go in the evening and ask in detail.

The sharing session was good. Hmm...guess i will not be able to attend this coming session cos hubby is working.

Hi Jas,
Thanks for your encouraging words.
Glad to hear that Xavier is on CPAP and taking feeds well. Wat is his weight now? My elder gal oso had PDA in her 1st week, but they managed to close up with medication.

Sorry I do not know anything abt prominent ventricles. Did the doc say how they are going to resolve it?

Hi Fairylander and kkf,
Thank you, i really hope that we can keep hearing good news everyday.

Hi precious_one,
Thank you
will try to post more often. But sometimes very tired with all the pumping of BM, tats why did not logon.
Hi Ladies,
I'm new to this thread. I delivered my boy at 29 weeks of gestation on 17 Feb. My pregnancy has not been stable and had a few episodes of bleeding throughout. I was on hospitalisation leave most of the time.

On the day before the delivery, I was having the lower back contraction at night, which i am not aware that it was actually contraction as I did not experience pain in tummy. By the time I went hospital in the morning, I was already fully dilated and my baby was out in half an hours time. Only manage to be given one shot of steroid jabs.

At birth, he was 1.13kg. He is now 1.588kg and already transferred to SCN after 3 weeks in NICU. He is on 22ml feeding 2 hourly now.

Thanks KKF and Maykel for inviting me to this forum. Hope to find support here from now and in future

Hi David,
Your little one is a fighter. I am really touch by your fighting spirit. Keep it up and I believe you will able to hold Danya in your arms very soon. You mentioned that you are cheering up your baby's while in NICU loudly, think I know who you are and I heard you cheering for your baby too
, that time my boy was just opp your baby cubi in the next room.

Hi Jas,
Glad to know that your baby is progessing very well. My boy also having the big PDA and was given the medication in the 2nd week. Thankfully managed to close by the first dose of medication. Did the doctor given Xavier medication to treat his PDA already?
Cale,welcome. Hope you will find whatever info and support you need. Your boy has gone through quite abit and should be home soon, given his weight. You probably be going for classes at SCN to cope with bb's homecoming.
rest more cos going to get tiring when bb is back. need anything feel free to ask us. I have some premie socks if you need.
Dr Quek is a Neonat doc. i dunno her full name. she only has her clinic session on every monday at P clinic room 3.

her complexion is fair, big eyes, always smiling when she see us, long hair tied into a pony tail, quite slim.

to me la, i think she is quite good, she can answer my every questions. she is calm and cool and always smiling when examine yilin.

the ENT doc, Dr Othello Dave( think spelling not rite), i dun like. bad 1st impression. he just told us tat yilin passed the ear screening w/o looking at the report!! when we looked puzzeled, then he refer to the report and told us.. " oh.. sorry sorry, she failed the test.." wat is this man!! he gave us hope and crash our hpoe immediately.. and the most basic guideline ( which i belive is basic)wat is the youngest age the baby can undergo GA for the sleeping test, he also gotta ask the nurse. i tot this kinda basic information should be at his finger tips.

jane had recommended me a senior ENT doc (thank you jane once again
). will be seeing him on 1april. hope he wont dissapoint us..

I was at C-class for 5 days. got some drama also with teenage preggy cases. lucky my other neighbour is ok. I just kinda stoned, tune out stay there. lack of privacy is horrible. i wear scarf. at there, I didnt wear coz wasnt prepared. so i hated the situation coz so many men walking in and out. I kept closing the partitions - e nurses kept opening it.C-class also - my bill still wipe out 80% of my medisave. yeah lor told hubby dun want go there C class or even KK, phobia. tt why go thomson. 4bedded I thk oklah. thot if can go thru C-class,4 bedded ok.really depends on neighbours. worst case I upgrade later. Thomson - not many 4 bedded, so somtimes free upgrade to 2 bedded hehe
