Premature babies support group

hi, kkf,
hows yr wkend?hows dash?u bringing him anywhere for holidays?...din see him for so long since last november....?hes growing up to be a handsome and charming boy

daec... my collageue complain abt the same thing..she said that that time when she was w/o job, her parents just expect her to be 'most free' so she end up running alot of family errands (driving pp around, buying things) ...

dm..dont regret lah... might be fun (or might be disaster! :p) keep us informed!

purebliss, the mommies are right..dont worry so much... for my case, my tmc gynae called her fren at kkh and i visited that gynae as pte patient and viola.. gave birth within the day... i am NOT SURE if using this method will mean I am guaranteed a NICU/SCN vacancy..i mean, what happen to those mommies that are KKH patients and that day there is no vacancy for NICU/SCN?

kkf, need some time to rest lah..after a while u will wonder by everyday did nothing..then slowly u will start on the things that u always want to...

precious_one..wah..probation then work all sat? like bully pp leh..

fairylander, good that ur mom is recovering well!

mich, thre is another one at today newspaper... but sound like similar case leh.. since that one was talking more abt expenses from the operation, i wrote in and highlighted the financial issues we premmie mommies face too..but today might not publish lah..cos my tone not very good (hint hint govt for finacial sppt :p) (i dunwana write about how cham the bbs are cos some pp will definitely write in and suggest those play-god things)....

xbliss..*sayang*.... *sayang*...sighhh....
once a wife, never ur own life ? I just find it worse after marriage as the list of pp telling me wat to do add on. patience is not 2gd when come to IL as already stretched thin with others. I feel better after not work tho coz more time with Nada, more own time (tho must with Nada, still oklah)

its like now I can breathe , think straight. before too stressed hehe. kkf same for u ?
what to do? is the co's policy for all staff during probation to work on all Sat (half day) there after...alternate. The good thing is the office is just 5 mins or less from where I am living so I really don't mind especially when I work matter how late...I'm home in 5 mins. Always wanted to work near home and this is the first time I experience the advantage of working near home. I have enough of central life...hehe
precious one good to see u here! hopefully u have settled in nicely into new job and enjoying it!

din get the pm. can u email me at [email protected]? tks! u will get error msg cos i dunno wat is wrong with singnet server lah.. but the mail will come thru. tks!

love ur many "descriptions"! once a wife, no own life! hahaha.. how true!! even no child also will end up mothering the man. my IL and hubby know i very ego, dun like pple telling me wat to do so they keep to minimum. of cos sometimes will overstretch boundary! haha. .i just nod my head and ok ok ok to everything!!!
costa, thanks for asking about me. Never bring dash anywhere nowadays. Dash is rotting at home with me...haha. me aims to teach him a lot, in the end...too lazy.

Daec, me lucky one, my family is small, only has my sister, and she is working all the time, no time to ask me do anything. My hubby's side will never bother me cause they know how to drive and me doesn't.

Sad thing is, though I am free, but I am not able to go anywhere.

Precious one, wow, you so lucky to find a workplace so near your place. even nearer than my school to my house.
never mind lah, a good and nurturing environment is good for a child too..maybe he can learn more at home thru play etc and other type of activities..

its lidat one..if i stay at home, hor, i think i will be even worse, everyday just nua at home haha
Now then I have the time to read the free book on premature babies story given by kkh.

I guess I was the very lucky one to survive in the olden days, and to only stay about 1.5 months in hospital, though I was borned 27 weeks plus.
Hopefully...costa, hopes dash will really benefit from staying home with me. Sometimes, I was wondering am I wrong to pull him out of preschool education. sigh.
how r u and dash?miss u all alot.u stop working liao ar?preggie liao?

how r u?and ur 2 charming prince?

hmmmm u muz be bz wif ur new job jia you!!

happy belated birthday!!

how r u?hows bryan miss him alot too
I also dun like it. my parents know no use talking if I dun want to listen. IL dunno.IL - I quiet even if I dun like. scared ah once open mouth - argue. I also the sort dun like argue, rather keep quiet,ignore and hope they run out of steam and stop talking. it still get on my nerves tho.

ahuh one thing abt driving, sometime pp take advantage. family still can negotiate.

actually at home better. go out sometime too distracting
Hi fairylander, thanks for asking about me and dash. Yah me stop working liao. Well, make a guess!
Actually me batang (superstitious). I have two experiences of premature labor, so dun dare to say too much to anyone cause really afraid what will turn out in the end. But I think can let you all know here cause we all share same experiences.

I am seeing dr ann tan now. Currently still in 1st stage only (batang, just say stage)and not stable yet. Still a long way to go.

But hope by stopping teaching, I will be able to prevent the premature labor from happening again, but honestly I have no confidence at all.

Only my school (of course colleague) knows about my current situation. (bor bian, have to tell them to take no pay leave). My friends guess all dunno, and I dun intend to tell anyone.

Daec, yes, understand, if you know how to drive, people will tend to ask you to drive them around. Lucky, my hubby is the one driving, then his family has a car as well, so his family doesn't ask him to drive them around.

My family is one who hates to bother people esp my dad. He rather takes a bus than sits my hubby's car...haha.

So we are quite safe.

recently forum so quiet...

anywhere talk to me more leh, but sometimes, me just feel too tired to log in computer.

but I do feel very bored, sigh...and even fearful.

I think I will be most fearful between 20-24 weeks. Lost my first boy before in week 23...

But anyway, dr ann tan, though high charges but she was quite detailed in doing all the tests for me. So far, blood tests, cuture (Dunno how to spell) test etc. And strangely, their test for down syndrome is week 12! The medicine (vitamine and hormone) are not the usual I took last time too. strange strange strange. hope all will help. me not sure too...

dunno what I am talking so sorry...I really hope and hope very much that next year feb I will be able to happily invite all of you to 1st month, really hope can succeed this time round. Pray hard for my 60 plus percent chance.
Good morning mummies

hi kkf
i understand about not talking about it too much (pantang). Just wanted to let you know, you have us here all to cheer u all the way to full term. i will log in here often. chat with u ah
or you can email me anytime. if not text me hehe

you will do wonderfully well. have faith
hi, hru?thanks for asking after me..m okay..busy wif dunoe dg wat in the office....just living day by a zombie..haha..

can understand yr anxieties....dun forget there are mummies who hv full term bbs too least i noe there are two on this dun think too much, just go wif the flow and rest rest rest...
zip my mouth, wun say anymore.. sad right? when we are gfs, we are the queen,.. after signing that paper we become maid...

precious_one, 5 min from ur home! WOW!!!! so good!

kkf, now cut down on going out with dash for the time being lah... just relax at home... ! i am also thnking if i EVER get preggie again, how to abstain from junk food, titibits, fried food etc for a few months ahahah.. but i guess i have to (i just hate taking meds and vits though)! :p sound like dr tan is good!

costa, why duno doing what in office?
thanks for alll the encouragements.

bloom, thats what I am having difficulty with! I miss my coke and all the icy drinks!!! sob. I miss my buffet, miss my crabs...

and yah! Same here, I hate vitamins and those pills!!! want my life every morning, what a struggle. and to go toilet every few minutes.

Costa, one is mummylian, the other is? hope to be the 3rd (ha!).
yah, i dun noe wat im doing at the office everyday......becuz got no work to do, no work means less income as i m sort of self employed...

one of them is mummylian, the other is luana (both hv given birth liao).....
Thank you for the wishes.

Remember chloegal? Her boy is a 25 weeker like my D&E. She has 2 more gals after that... manage to carry them until 30 plus weeks!
<font color="0077aa">SMILE</font>

Think positively.

congrats!! actually went to dash's blog ytd &amp; saw ur hints there.. wanted to write &amp; ask u, but didn't know how.. tot of pm u, but scared u pantang, dun wan to announce yet. scared u dun wan me to ask u here, cos oso not ready to announce yet.

dun worry 2 much. rest well. like wat mich says, there r successful mommies here.. jia you!!

Congrats congrats!!! I believe ur gynae will know what to do and give u the rite medication to bu yi bu.. Nowadays I kept reading other mummies 08 thread, my heart also itch itch wana hav a 2nd one.. hahahaaa..

Anyway mummies,

Yest me and my hubby just touch down the topic on having a 2nd bb too.. We plan to hav a 2nd one in 2010 which is another 1 and a half yrs time when my boy is about 2yo+ and can be a little independant.. like kkf, I hav abit of reserve cos u all shd know my boy's condition, I quite afraid that if I expecting another boy, will his condition be same as my 1st? Got alot of question mark on top of me.. :p

Anyway to be on a happier note, my boy can clap hands now.. he can also speak quite a professional baby language now.. last time only baba mama, now he ahmamalaaa eeeohhlaa piibooopaa.. hahaha.. To me, his words sound sweet even if its just anyhow blah out one.. hahhaaa..

As for his wt and ht, it is 7.5kg and 68cm 2weeks ago, next fri we going kkh again, hopefully to see some improvement..
congrats jia you!!!dun wori everything will be fine we all pray hard for u.tell u something me preggie also lol.but last sat went check up hor canot see anything wil go check up again on 16th aug.i hope tis time i have a smooth delivery too.

CONGRATS!!! Wow.. Baby dust everywhere here leh.. I wana catch some too leh.. hahahhaaa.. So happy for both u and kkf..
fairylander, much babydust here.....take care, yah

glad to hear craydon's progress.....he is meeting his milestones well...
hi costa,

On 1 part I m happy he is doing very well in most milestones but on another part, I worried about his "condition".. Hopefully everything can be done before he start nursery..
maybe u can thk that by taking all this action - it shld help increase ur chances and confidence. U sien - can sms/call me lah. I pm u my number.

do try not stress ok ??

wahh.. all the best! Hope everything goes smoothly

sad ah.. must wait some years - after our kids grown up and we maintain close ties with them, then we become queen again heheh. as the kids belanja,take care of us more. esp with daughters ;) heheh. sons also but seem like daughters more as daughters tend to need more advice/help from mums.

heheh so cute professional baby language. yup that stage is fun fun fun

yup hope his condition will be resolved before then.all the best
fairylander, yeah! now we can talk about this more...lets encourage each other. haven't see anyting yet? too early is it? by 6th week will see heartbeat liao, so you must be very early right now? haha, actually me checked very early too, and same see nothing, that time gynae told me all the negative things (not ann tan, another stupid gynae), she said wat false pregnancy, wat ectopic pregnancy, blar blar, scare the hell out of me. I still remember that gynae. Anyway, let us know again!

thanks for all your encouragements jane, costa, didi, dm, mich, daec, fairylander, powergal etc!! luv you all. haha. I know I am more at ease here, thats why I choose to tell you all. Know you all very good one, will give me support. hee.

Right now really need some encouragements and supports. keep having negative thoughts, like wat if my next baby this and that...sigh. think too much right? :p bor bian.

How I envy my good friend who just gave birth to her baby boy. so easy for her...and so not easy for me. sob.

powergal, sorry, me old woman...forgot wats wrong with craydon? tot he is growing well?? anyway, same here, dash has heart defect, me keeps fearing my next one will have too (choy choy choy!!!)

Mich, so touch to see your words of encouragements here. long time never see your posts. busy ah, pretty mum? Tell you you reminds me of the actress now acting in channel U. The show is sat and sun 7-9pm one, "two angels" or wat. hee. Yah, I know chloegal has three children. I admire her courage really.

Daec, received your email, thanks!!! so touch!

With all your encouragements, it gives me the strenght and determination to be the 3rd success story! haha. If I am really successful this time, must publish, and encourage other mummies who experience twice premature labors or more like me.
come come, watever errands u need to run can call me cos i am in sengkang too. i congratulate u when time comes. u can do it.

wow! u are fast! hehe.. congrats and hang in there with kkf! at least got buddy on the journey!

same same, me plan 2010 too, so means gotta start next yr. i still get the jitters thinking about starting. haiz, but wat has to be done has to be done esp when i'm hitting the big 3 and feeling all the aches everywhere!! ARGH!

tks for the packing list! comprehensive! i give five popcorns for it!!! such a saver, no need to rack brains now! hee.
thats right xbliss, I really hate the process of pregnancy. Some people love it, dunno why! I simply hate it! haha. I miss my koppi, icy coke, crabs, going out etc. sob. I really hope this can be a sucessful one, and be my last ordeal.

Hope all the sacrficies will be fruitful eventually.

Best to wait till 2 years then have 2nd baby after 1st premature labor to allow your body to adjust back and rest well, so year 2010 is just nice I guess.

powergal, like kkf, i oso 4got is craydon having prob? seems like he's doing well..

dun worry. think of all the +ve things of being a little bb (hopefully, gal??) growing inside u.. u r not workign now, can rest as much.. try to 'outsource' dash to your in-laws or parents if possible. at least u can get more rest. or rather, let him dun get so used 2 having u ard. oso another joy of being pregnant is can eat as much as u like &amp; not scared of being called a fatty haha..

i think u really hav to stop all -ve thinkings. focus &amp; concentrate on all the good things abt not working &amp; being pregnant.. then u'll hav a healthy &amp; beautiful bb

Yahh.. I call them professional bb language cos it sound like toking but is not "understandable" only.. hahhaa..

kkf and DM,

I pm u liao *shhhhh* kekekee..


Ur bb is Oct 07, mine too leh.. Which day? Mine is on the 3rd Oct.. I m already hit the big 3 this yr.. hahhaa.. u trying next yr ah? I thinking of trying the beginning of 2010 and hope can strike straight away and due somewhere dec.. keke..


think u only 4wks but hence cannot see anything yet.. last time I also like that then 1 week later can see the sac liao.. keke..
tks all for the encouragement.actually kinda worry also sometimes.feels happy wen know tat im preggie but on the other hand have 2 worry at least 10 months haizz.

we jia you 2gether.

hope craydon is doing well.very fast hor soon craydon 1year old liao.

hows bryan?
hi fairylander,

He is doing well except for his weight.. Argghhhhhh!!! Dun know y he never follow his parents genes leh.. Me &amp; my hubby all big big size one, my mum once comment my nephew (25kg now at 3yo+++) look more like my son than Craydon..


u mentioned u stay in Aspelle rite? I m collecting my keys soon this mth or next.. once moved in, can go ur hse sit sit look look? wana see cute bryan cos never see his pix before leh..
powergal you staying in sengkang too?

yah fairylander, we must encourage each other...10 months of worries...sigh...

1st trimester worry about miscarriage, 2nd trimester worry about premature labor, 3 trimester worry whether baby is safe inside...haha...worry worry worry, neverending worries.

I m staying in Hougang inlaws hse now and next few mth, I will be moving to Tivela (near Buangkok MRT station there) YEAHHHH!!! U staying Rivervale there rite? :p

And yesss, he is super overweight.. hahaha.. anyway he is coming 4 this mth lorr but still 25kg (measured yest) for a nursery boy is indeed very scary.. Basically he still drink milk for at least 3times a day, eat big bowl of rice with alot of meat for lunch and dinner.. Snack is tuna sandwich and milo or tidbits... He can't stop eating one.. Even my boy's bb snack he also wana eat.. pengzz..
dun feel small next to those 'full term'. honestly think its takes lotsa courage and determination to decide to go thru with this. despite ur fear pessimism, ur courage and determination is stronger becoz u still decide to go thru with it.

dun thk of 10mth worries. think 10mths of 'cooking' i.e. the baby maturing inside. maybe can follow those chart of wat is developing inside. and imagine baby growing strong and well.
such visualisations is said to help. its gd for ur spirits too

1st semester - think abt the placenta forming well for the baby to eat/drink.

2nd semester - think abt all the organs forming well. the cute little face hand fingers taking shape etc

3rd semester - baby growing fat and chubby cheeks. wann pinch the cheeks and touch the soft skin ;)
Wow, I'm glad I log into this thread today after missing it for two days......I love good heartfelt congratulations to KKF and Fairylander. Stay positive and happy. Do not entertain any negative thoughts.....both babies will grow well and healthy.
wow, info overload here.. so tired working. trying to clear work so i can go japan in peace.

yea! sk rocks! we meet up with kkf too lah! house in terrible condition now cos really no time to clean properly!! haha. but welcome welcome anytime!

gimme some time, will update his pix.. very lazy to do it cos need to size it, and then i forgot how to insert pic already!!!

bryan so far so good. had a bout of fever when he was teething. other than that, nothing much,except his weight is really cannont make it at less than 6.5kg now still!! hahah.. to think he is hitting 1 soon! everyone see him will still ask me if he is 3 months! LOL.. but i have long heck care already. give how much milk also the SAME! he really small appetite so cannot force also.
hi powergal i am staying compassvale st not rivervale. hubby working in buangkok. haha. he is working in renci. the famous news nowadays.

anyawy, thanks precious one!

daec, thats very positive thinking, should think like that. but dunno why leh, maybe because its my 3rd pregnancy, i dun feel so happy and so excited now, just feel scary, worried, and tired...

i have joined the year 2009 mum to be forum...haha. too boring. but ironically, i am bored, but have no strenght to sit in front of the computer. i want to mark my leftover worksheets, but my body just feels soo tired...

fairylander, you have morning sickness? i have hunger sickness i think. keep feeling hungry, and once i feel hungry, my whole body will feel weird, and will want to vomit. haha so being eating n eating.
think will gain lots and lots of weight this time round.

must go mark mark liao...dash is with my in laws yesterday night, so got time now to mark. must pull myself up and mark!! tired...

you know i am so glad i am on no pay. else i really dunno how i am going to drag myself to work everyday. so tired. maybe old liao, last time pregnant 27 years old, now 30 years old liao, think once reach 30 years old, body starts failing.
yup cld be because 3rd pregnancy. maybe better u just focus on Dash ? dun thk abt pregnancy or the time. just let it pass without counting. its gd if the energy spent on worry, fear can be refocused on other things like energy for urself, time for Dash. yup easier said than done. true..if can, very gd hor ? can try try :p

heheh 30 body fail ? wah jialat as I bit older than u. maybe u need glucose water. my sis so tired, need glucose water to cope when pregnant. like what the dr tell me when I go c him when pregnant - more tired means baby doing well as energy going to babe. dunno if it true but I find it easier to bear thinkin like dat heheh
fushigi, i haven't sign her package, but right now every visit costs me almost 300 plus with all the tests.

think she only delivers there cause her clinic is there.

daec, very hard to just focus on dash, sometimes really dunno wat to do with him. haha.

forum so quiet today. is it because i have been talking too much? guess i better start talking other things.
heheh same here - sometime dunno what to do with Nada. focus - can just mean just enjoy his company, no need do anything in particular. gd to keep busy - so no funny thots come

on leave today. today's my 10th anniversay (ROM).. so on leave. but only went town jalan a bit, then came home &amp; watch dvd. at nite, went to coffeeshop &amp; eat crab 'romatic' hor??heehee

anyway, now, hubby is trying to put ws zzz.. cos i'm flying to bangkok this fri. so must let him try to put ws zzz &amp; let ws get used to zzz w/o me. kind of excited, cos hven't been on shopping trips since ws came along.. but oso worried, dunno whether hubby can cope or not. dunno whether my ILs will do funny things with ws when i'm not ard or not.

kkf, c, me not pregnant oso got worries haha

let me know the shopping in Bangkok when you return, k
.... the seafood and shopping is good
