Premature babies support group

good morning mummies

noted your posting on night toilet training...haha todate even thou siang is diaper free during day time. when he nap i still let him wear diaper.

night time... well, he will 'sometime' wake up for wee wee but then i am just too lazy to start his night training :p

i heard my colleagues say, the way to do it is to wake up at 2am and 5am to let the toodler wee... :p ie about 3 hours interval. i find it tiring but it seem this is the way ...

now when i bring siang out, i also let him wear pull up diaper :p. during our last KL trip, i will let him go diaperless in the hotel. but once we hit the street, i let him wear diaper (lazy mummy keke)

you back in action liao
huh, must wake up 2 x in the morning ? aiyoh can't imagine
my sis actually just make my niece pee before she sleeps, that's all leh, thot that's the norm ?
hello didi

hahaha... that's was how my colleague train her boy and ger.. yeah i also cannot imagine (not to mention do it :p). i am making siang pee before he sleep but then middle of the night he will still wake up (sometime is because his diaper is almost full) and i have to bring him to pee (otherwise i will put the pottty near me and just let him pee).
ya, I see, me jialat liao with 2 bums

Can I know what kind of walking shoes is good ? I want to get something not too expensive kind cause they outgrown their shoes very fast, already bot shoo shoes, and think by the next month or so, they sure can't wear anymore
thanks 4 the advice. i oso can't stand the idea of waking up in the middle of the nite 2 force them to pee..sigh. ytd went botanics gardens, let her wear pull up. during dinner in the restaurant, she told me she wans to pee.. erm.. i juz told her since u r wearing pull-up, pee lor. but like contracdicting myself hor? on 1 hand, i kept reminding her to tell mommy if she wans to pee, on the other hand,i say pee lor..urgh..

can ask kkf 4 lobangs on nike/adidas spree heehee.. or u can go shop ard, sometimes they hav clearance stock for these type of sports shoes.. tot they r q comfortable 4 kids. bought a pair of nike, ws loves it!!
re toilet training (night), i am not sure if there is any other method but some say, when they are ready,they will be ready...

about shoes. i bought a pair of addidas sandles for siang recently. before that bought a pair of charlottee shoes (which i find is getting tight). i ever bought the shoo shoes before too (siang cannot wear liao) :p. i always look out for flexible soles (not too hard ones) as siang is like 'just started to walk'... but indeed, they outgrow their shoes quite fast hor.

i do not know of any specify brand of shoes that is good but i know some of my colleague they go bata and buy :p

haha me too. when siang indicate he want to pee (when we are outside), i just ask him to go ahead lor :p... but truly, when we are outside, it can be quite a task to bring them to toilet hor :p.

i love the new photos u uploaded for dash, the series of from birth til now. Have a shoutbox in ur blog leh.. then we can comment there!!

dash is born in oct? same as bryan!! i'm checking out a local seller on ebay who sells items from birthday direct. :D excited excited.
didi, as a start, maybe you can get those soft leather shoes for your boys like bobux or shoo shoo. My boy starts wearing that, and he likes them. After that he wears crocs.


xbliss, thanks! shoutbox ah? hmm...i see if my hubby knows how to put one. My boy is 15th oct. Same as bryan? I remember somebody has same birthday with me or dash...oh it's fairylander's gal!

been missing for 3 days cause went to stay at my mum's place as hubby went reservist and stayed in camp.

disneymickey, wow, you so fast thinking of night training. I am one lazy mum as well. Sometimes, I will let dash wears diapers too although he will tell me when he needs to pee or poo. But sometimes, me just lazy. Night training, never even thought of although he is coming to 3 years old....
oh sorry didi, haha, just realised you have shoo shoo liao. Maybe you can try crocs liao? Easier to wear and take out, and can wear very long.
ya, 4got abt crocs.. comfortable & can wear 4 long. now my ger loves her crocs & wan to wear them everyday.

no la, haven't started night training la. juz wondering how to do it. me oso lazy :p
kkf, dm,
I also thought of crocs, they are so cute and nice

Was at Fox babies, Tamp Mall, they are having 50% off storewide
I see, ytd I bot 4 tee-shirts for d n d, those little cute dresses for newborn girls are so nice
hi kkf, like to check, how much did you pay for the pair of bobux shoe? is it around 60plus? checking out if there is any major price difference here.
didi, yes nowaday fuel surcharge so exp..i think for the next few yrs i will just been hanging around SEA..ahahaha.//re fox shoes..taht time i got 2 for was ok..the other (a pair of mary janes), very funi..when she wear, her foot wil turn inwward (bent at ankle) i think depends on the design too... ayah..too bad GSS over liao..i need to get more shoes for her!

daec, we are not normal lah.. we just suffer from stress thats all ....

dm, so when r u going bali?

kkf, 3 times premature is not abnormal, it just shows that ur body react the same all the time (like IT system testing.. its a feature, not a bug!)/// r u still having prob sleeping?

jane, i guess NUH less 'popular' cos less gynae to choose from?

powergal... some bbs have to be at low percentile lah.... my gal was at low percentile too.. but so long as they are healthy and meet their devt milestones its ok...

congrats chloegal!
u are rite, hmm stress affects us diff

me odd lah. supposed be at home with nada, do work. but I'm not there now. sis broke her leg some time back. going for some treatment. so I have to drive her to the place everyday. its like working hrs. but no $ of coz. bit heartpain ah. want to help sis at the same time miss Nada. at the same time wonder if the work thang goin work coz get interuppted by family issues. hard to cope..
I end up buy bubble with blue giraffe heheh. pink withothers seem to pricey. fox look bit too boy-boy leh
On probation, so must work all Sat, thereafter alt. Sat off. FYI, A went off diaper during nap on her own, the trick is let her wee before going to sleep. Night training, she is still not ready and I am not that hard working either....I'll ask her is she still want her diaper at night and she said YES. So let her be...hehe

public toilet - I choose a cleaner looking one and wipe the cover before letting A use bian...cos if kids want to wee, they quite kan chiong liao
saw ur pics in FB on the cupcakes.. i hav a fren who's oso making cupcakes at home cos i saw her blog. wondering if it's the same person? grin

angel must hav missed mommy a lot, on sat?
think i'll let ws go diaperless on day time 1st. when she's more ready, prob day nap..slowly then go to at nite. i'm q happy tat she has requested to b off diaper. 1 step at a time. guess i can't rush things.

maybe if the trip turns out a disaster, i can ask 4 another trip on our own haha..juz dreaming
Hi mummies,

Can I join you all here? Currently I am 27 weeks pregnant with twins ( both girls ) and monday, my gynae informed me that my cervix already soften and I may end up having preterm labour.

I had many concern in regards to the NICU cost in TMC and was wondering if it is too late for me to transfer over to KKH or any govt hospital?

Though my gynae says that i may be able to drag till 34 to 35 weeks... but still, cannot help to feel worry.
purebliss, dun worry.
tell your little girls to be good and stay inside.

not too late lar, I transferred my boy from raffles when he was borned too. But tell you, you must be prepared for kkh overcroweded situation, sometimes nicu got too many babies, and they could reject babies from other hospitals.

Dm, dun worry, think your trip will be fun! so many people helping you to look after ws.

lili, i bought bobux from overseas spree last time, not 60 plus, not so ex leh. but can't remember how much. now think bulk purchase has this bobux shoes leh.

daec, wow you are a great sister. is she married? her hubby can't drive her there?

me so sianz too. i had wanted to do so much things with dash at home, but no energy. haha, in the end, all that I dream of doing remain as dreams.

precious one, sat still got to work? siong leh. but you said you love working, you must be enjoying.
i know my parents can help to take care of ws. but my MIL will b gei kiang. with me & my mom ard, of cos ws wont' wan my expecting lots of grumbles...

since ur gynae say u can hold until wk34/35, then dun worry so much.. my ger was born @34wks & stayed in hospital (NICU+Nursery) 3wks. like wat kkf say, can try asking kk 1st.. but expect there 2 b crowded though..
I love working but I definitely don't like working on Sat, but boh bian...on probation...alt. Sat will be fine and this is probably the 1st time after so many years that I have to work on a Sat....I used to work on 5 days week but the nature of my other job also made me work on weekend sometimes......the difference now and then is...i'm a mummy now so will kind of miss my daugther dearly and really feel that time is never enough everyday now.....

A is enjoying all the attention after sch in my in-law house...she has children to play with so she hardly miss me, sometimes refused to come home with me.....sob sob hahaha
good tat u r enjoying urself. at least angel is enjoying herself 2, so u hav 1 less thing to worry

no mail frm u yet leh..actually i think maybe same person, cos i think my fren also working in same line as u..i think only, cos she's a long lost fren (pre-primary fren) whom i found recently on FB. if tmrw still nev receive ur mail, i'll pm u her name
kkf, when u transferred, are u given subsidize rates or non subsidize rate? We are worried abt the cost... cos in TMC it is real ex.

disneymickey, yah, that is what my gynae says but ultimately it depends on our body. Now pray hard... everything can pull thru

her hubby on overseas trip. c how later.

if at home, i dun do things rite - mum not happy. dun do enuff work - hubby not happy hehehh. guess must adjust schedule and expectations ;)

its nice not having monday blues and can arrange own time hehe
hi fairylander

me doing ok, still as usual, busy rush here and there keke

purebliss, take good care ah. don't worry, things be ok
just a short one...some of u might have ready today's article abt this mommy pregnant with a bb with potential problem.

i had written in reply to that, and highlighted abt premmies.. see if the newspaper will pick up on that.. and maybe then pp will be more aware abt premmies and the issues the parents face
hi mummies,

sorry been very busy lately.

bloom, wat was ur reply to the article? i terminated my first pregnancy due to medical reasons and feel very upset and guilty about it til today. But the prognosis was so bad, i rather my baby din suffer once out in the world. I really hope this lady finds hope and a chance for her baby to do well later on.

glad to hear u and boys are fine! i'm really excited about tokyo. Not my first time, but i love tokyo so much. doubt i can travel very much with bryan but i will try to be as adventurous as possible! where are u headed to?

DM, do send me your packing list too!

purebliss, my boy on subsidised rate. the social worker quite nice, help us fight for it.

mich you going japan? so long never post here.

felt so sad to read the article. As you all know dash has heart defect too (though not diagnosed at all during pregnancy). I am surely lucky and blessed to have him.

My aunt actually used to have a boy. he was borned with a open heart (my mum told me). he survived two months in hospital only to passed away after that, growing thinner each day.

hopefully now the medical advancements can solve all these problems.
