Premature babies support group

Hi mummy yan,

yeah, what u are experiencing is normal. Keep your girls upright after each feed. My girl also had that problem before. And after her feed, especially at night, i let her lie on my chest for at least 15min or more while she dozed off. In the morning, I just lean her against my shoulder. Talk to ur pd if u think their reflux/regurgitation is bothering u. In some cases, pd might suggest thickening the formula (but only for serious cases and they used special thickening formula)
And yes, it will definitely get better as they grow up.

Hi all,

Thanks for the advise. I tried the sit upright method after the feed and it seems the flow of milk out of nose/mouth disappear, at least for now. I will continue this method for all feeds. Thanks alot! Hopefully the vomitting and flowing of milk will get lesser soon..
mummy yan,

thankfully the problem gets better! sit upright is useful, so does stand or burp at shoulder. Bryan auto burps after some time even though i dun pat pat him on back. but very time consuming......

i also did wat lili said.. he sleeps on my chest after feeds, in an almost upright position. after 15 min, he will auto wake up and burp one.. then i can put him down.

very tough, i hope u can manage. he is very active and still vomits a lot nowadays. i even contemplate buying a small tub to catch the merlion cos cleaning up is really

hubby and i have so many quarrels when this happens.. sigh affect marriage life.
daec, haha.thank goodness my hb is not close to his family... but nowadays we are going back more regularly cos his mother is sick... i think alot of men don't understand the meaning of family time...

kkf, congrats on being SAHM! hehehe.. did i see a big hint abt the 'valid reason' to leave immediately??? :p :p :p how did ur neighbours manage to save millons? its alot leh! fyi, another mommy who also got premature labour just gave birth... she was on bed rest on last few weeks.. bb born around34-35 weeks, and she manage to eat so much that bb is > 2kg! so jia you! i thot ur hb was vegetarian long ago??? u canot go vegetrian lah..cos need the protein for next bb!

dm, so what happen in the end ? did ur sis and mom go? ur MIL...err..really har... be sarcastic hor..very hard to raise awareness. unless some politician/celebrities got premmie then everyone will be 'aware'...

jane, not going speech therapy for the time being..going to send kate to playgrp in sept... u make me itchy-hearted abt going on short trip...hb wanted to go taiwan w/o bb... so i dunwana go.. :p

didi, wahh.not bad tat ur hb wana go for a trip with u and the kids! better go quick before he changes his mind! :p

xbliss, hahaa..yes go japan for us... take pics then we paste our face over urs:p :p :p really agree tat having a premmie does affect marriage life.. this is something those lucky mommies with full term bb can never understand....

fairylander..glad tat ur mom is ok now.. so she stay back in msia?

daec, kkf, maybe u all can take turns to orgniase own playgrp... ahhaha.... then teach the kids together.. :p

mummy yes must burp in between..last time my feeding can last 1 hr, cos burp, feed, burp, feed..have to use food warmer to prevent milk from turning cold... last time 1 burp session can be 600 strokes (i count! :p) before a burp can be heard... another mommy last time suggest to use pillow/nappy cloth to make a 'slope' upward so that u can put bb on it so that they can sleep like 45 deg after milk feed...
Yup, think hb will not change his mind so soon
it has always been his 'dream' of bringing his kids to holidays
previously b4 I gave birth, whenever we go to any holiday destination, he will say 'next time I will bring my kids here' standard line ..... but who knows with the rising fuel charges, he might change his mind, so expensive to travel nowsaday, esp if they turn 2 yo.
saw the CD abt baby/toddler being able to read. just show words over over again. and show the thing. eg. arm. show it. then do some action to show what is arm. the dr who made the cd started v young with his gal. can recognise words at 8mths. like see the word 'mouth', she will point to mouth. I only have the starter CD. There r abt 5cds. think can find at Kiddy Palace. I'm notso focus on that tho. I'm already happy she love books
just likely read more books. when i young, I used to read lots. nevermind if I didnt understand all e words

so true.its hard to raise awareness. people auto-tuneout sometimes coz they think it will never happen to them. still impt tho so that people know where get support. and that prem birth is not uncommon actually and really can happen to anyone for no apparent reason.i have 2 cousins gave birth ard sometime as me. I hate to think that I am 'abnormal', or if people thk that

re family:somehow woman tends to be the one to bring family together one. tho it impt to most men, things like dis tend to slip compared to otherstuff. read bk: men tend to sleep lot too,spaceout watch tv/hobby, sleep lot. normal for their re-charge. women diff. gain more 'energy' from being sociable with other ladies, which likely include own lady relatives. ermm just dont expect them to click with IL heheh. as long as no argue gd already lor. to get closer, think hubbies shld let such things develop naturally. and dun force/pressure it. dun kan cheong le
bloom, mayb you are right...will tell the committee that to raise awareness, maybe a celebrity wld be the one who can do the most...

who noes maybe amgst celebs, there are preemies born to them..i noe of a DJ in spore who has a prem, maybe shld get kkh to rope her in or maybe she is not considered a big celeb

Too bad, albert einstein is not around..if not, he will be a gd example, same for mark twain and sir winston churchill whom may not be celebrities but who are more famous than celebs at least i noe their legacies live on worldwide even now...

anyway, as wat one mummy had said to me, its not a charity show for taking autographs or photos wif the celebs, its knowledge sharing

thanks for your idea.
in the end, my sis not gg. but bringing my parents, MIL & her sis.. my dad v happy & excited. alrdy sent to lib & borrowed books on bali & asked me which part of bali we gg..erm..told him no time 2 plan yet.. juz book air tix & villa haha

dun worry la, let them develop at their own pace. but juz a word of caution, some pple say, boys tend to develop later than girls.. tat's y some pple say, it's unfair 2 gauge a kid's standard @ P6, cos boys tend to mature/develop later.. ???
I also heard something like boys will walk faster but speak slower whereas for girls they will speak first then walk ?
hello mummies

daec, the vcds you mention is "baby you can read" is it? I am a great fan! haha. I got all the vcds and books. but sadly, dash prefers barney to that vcds.

bloom, think my neighbours are working big companies? haha. Anyway, I really dun have confidence actually, I was on bed rest for my last pregnancy as well starting 5th mth, but still...gave birth at 27 weeks.

I agree. Everyone around us seems to give birth so easily, full term babies to them are like nothing. For us...sigh. I do feel myself being abnormal. I remembered a friend said something about she would not be like me that kind, and that hurt me. I dunno, I do really hope to be normal once, please just let me give birth to a full term baby for my next pregnancy. Else, 3 times premature labour? I think I can be considered as a monster.

dm, yah, must let our children develop at their own pace. But then must give them a good start first, thats what I believe.

Got a question here.. My fren may got a risk of giving to a premature baby. She was admit to KKH on sun but due to no incubator just in case she pop, KKH refer her to NUH.. Anyone of u hav any frens gave birth in NUH?? She is very worried and would like to know if (touch wood) her bb will be under good care if taken care by NUH?
NUH shld be oso q gd wif neo natal issues..same for SGH...hw many wks is she now?tink govt hospitals shld be q gd collick sister gave birth there many yrs ago..the kid now in poly liao loh....
Hi costa,

Thanks!! She is now 29wks+ and having regular contraction and cervic is half cm dilated.. She was with her gynae in Mt A but decided to change cos it will be not cost effective shd the bb really born premature and stay there for weeks..

I hope her bb can guai guai stay in her for at least another 2mth time.. Sighz.. and for what I know NUH is not really specialise in neo natal rite?
yup its that one.

I also feel tad abnormal at times.esp when I see my 2 cousins who gave birth ard same time. I also hope for fullterm baby.. scary lah.

monster too much ah kkf. look at Dash now. he is healthy, learning well. not deformed, handicapped etc. some are not that lucky. focus on that.

I do have frens who can't have children at all. go for health check - all is ok. but still no news. think they rather have prem baby than no baby. I hav fren who has 1 set of twins and 2 kids. all premmie babies. now age 8 above. woulda never guessed prem. all was born week 20+.

think need to sort these feelings out somehow kkf. its hard to get pregnant, be pregnant with those thoughts. hard to move on and let of the past too..

my colleague his 2 boys is born at NUH. i think not bad there ler... thou NUH does not seem 'popular'.

NUH does have the facilities. SGH also ....

ask your fren to rest more, stay strong and relax...
Hi Jane,

Thanks!! She is now warded in NUH waiting for scan result.. Abit worried for her but I know she is gotta b alrite..

Yap and she is pretty anxious about it.. Guess every 1st time mummies r the same.. I rem when I hav slightly discomfort I will wonder is my little one doing alrite inside me?

Anyway Craydon went for his routine 9mth accessment in KKH last Mon.. His wt still in low precentile at 7.3kg and ht 66.8cm.. sighz.. very very very very worried that he is not putting on much wt.. And as a 8mth corrected age, he is still very short for his age..

yes as first time mum, we sure will be very anxious. luckily she got a fren like you to share and off load a bit of the anxitety.

wt low is as in 25 percentile? craydon height is about = to his weight percentile? siang was on the lower percentile for height at the initial stage too. but after his one year (corrected) he start to catch up on his height.

now at 1 year 11 months. siang is about 83CM in height and weight around 12 kg.

don't worry, craydon will cath up. i think boys is slower on catching up in height.

Neonat say anything? if not, i guess so long the child continue to grow (even if the weight and height gain is slow) is ok. Craydon is a happy baby, he will grow up well. don't worry...

some of my colleage their baby (ger thou) is in low percentile of 25 too for weight. so long the baby is healthy, its ok.

Craydon is only 10 percentile for his corrected age.. Sighz.. Dun know where all the milk, cereal and porridge go to..

10 percentile hmm but the neonat did not raise any concerns right. i see his size ok ah.

craydon is on porridge now? you got tried to grain red brown rice and cook for him? its good for bone... siang eat it (but i mix with white rice) everyday.

i guess weight and height take time to gain. hopefully for his next growth sprout he put on more
daec, yah you are right, one of my colleague also tried for a baby for quite some time...

WOW, your friends have 4 children that means? and all premature borned 20 plus weeks and they all surive? What a miracle family!

I actually dun expect much, I dun mind next one to be premature but just hope can be over 30 weeks with higher chance of survival.
I already expect myself to be abnormal liao. I mean I know there is something wrong with me to have twice premature labor.

Powergal, hope your friend's baby can stay in two more months, but if he/she is borned now, also not a problem. 29 weeks plus quite good liao (to me).

Btw, from photos craydon looks perfectly ok to me, not underweight lar. Think as long as a child is healthy and strong, weight isn't that important.

The neonat said its ok, as long as he is eating well and look happy mean he is doing well.. She said he did grow so no worry.. He is on 2 solid now, porridges on the weekdays and brown rice and cereal on the weekends.. I really hope he will get taller cos he is boy, boy logically shd be taller than gal..

Hi kkf,

She is into the 30wk now.. I also told her no worry cos touch wood even if she pop now, all her bb organs r well developed for a 30weekers except for the weight only.. Also good news is her bb is of good wt of 1.37kg for a 29weeker..

I also thought he is not underweight and was truely surprise by the wt measured in KKH.. 7.3kg is really very low.. I know someone from the blog, bb only 5mth is already 8kg++.. wow.. sighzz.. But then again, agree with what u say, as long as he is healthy I m contented..

oh i see. true but boy will catch up ah... 5mth is already 8kg hmmm.....

as kkf also mention, so long baby is healthy and strong, weight i think can slowly gain (thru more nutrious food as he grow)

hi kkf

i saw your blog
looks like dash having great home school. you are doing a great job
. don't think so much ah...
Hi powergal,
ya, ask your friend not to worry, my 2 twins are delivered at 30 weeks and their birth weight are both 1.5kg and 1.6kg, the weight ok
hi chloegal

oh i see. so your number 3 has arrived
congrats. wow jie jie and gor gor must be really happy to have one more play mates
Thanks. The jie jie is abit jealous but gor gor has accepted meimei and like to sayang her. He still say he wanted another meimei...faintzz...
Powergal, cannot compare one. Fat babies do not mean healthier right?

Wow no. 3 chloegal. Full of envy. Not easy for some to have even one or two, like me.
So I always red eyes when I see people with many kids. haha.

Jane, I already wanted to give up. haha. But now even if I want to enrol him back to school, think there will be no more vacancies anywhere.
hi chloegal

wow hehe gor gor wanted another mei mei ;) probably jie jie take a while more to settle down. now both of them go to child care? its must be quite tough to handle 3 kids.

i agree with kkf, fat babies does not mean healthier...

you are doing very well (home teaching) ah...can also consider half day cc for dash??? sure have vacancies but probably have to ask pah...
powergal :p

hehe...chloegal ger birth weight is around 2000g (hope my data is correct)

chloegal, hope you don't mind i reply on your behalf :p
i surprise met my fren. The babe abt corrected age same as Nada which is near 1yr. Nada is 9.7kg. this baby is 6kg! underweight.hmm She is fullterm baby. think not all prem babies face. polyclinic nurses worry c. she had to see private PD as baby was sick.but ah the PD not worry as other developments ok.

I think I am also bit something be nice not to thk self abnormal isnt it ? heheh nice if can forget. then if it happen - fate lah. then after go thru that period, forget again and focus on baby growing ;)

maybe u wanna c TCM or somthing ? Just get a health tuneup. no harm done. cost a bit tho.
hello mummies...

long long time no post...

u received my email abt the tigger bag?? still available boh?? i dunno when wld be going pasir ris leh.. but hor i thinking now u sahm, maybe i can go ur place one of the wkdays?? hehehe... wanna meet u & dash... i wld go my parents place first then go to visit u...
can or not??
dun think too much leh.... stay positive ok.... we have a chat when we meet up...

our updated table:
newcomers do post ur details here & i wld update...

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Baby's DOB</TD><TD>Gender</TD><TD>Birth Weight</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Length of Stay </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf's mom</TD><TD>15-Nov-78</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1000g+</TD><TD>27</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>2-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>775g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU-3mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>mich</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>600g&amp;720g</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>NICU&amp;SCN-3.5mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>precious_one</TD><TD>6-Feb-05</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>710g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-5mths 28 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>yvonne (voncm)</TD><TD>24-Aug-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1480g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>NICU-8wks, SCN-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>kkf</TD><TD>15-Oct-05</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU+SCN-2mths 3 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>disneymickey</TD><TD>25-Feb-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1450g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2.5wks, SCN-0.5wk </TD></TR><TR><TD>naddy (telly)</TD><TD>16-Mar-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1136g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-2wks, SCN-4wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>stressed</TD><TD>31-May-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1890g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>NICU-13days </TD></TR><TR><TD>costa</TD><TD>22-Jun-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>750g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>NICU-14wks, SCN-8wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>luana</TD><TD>18-Jul-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1164g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-27days, SCN-53days </TD></TR><TR><TD>cheaky</TD><TD>5-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1900g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>2wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>jane (neoah)</TD><TD>12-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>985g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>NICU-2mths, SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>jacelyn tey</TD><TD>14-Aug-06</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1510g&amp;1190g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>57 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>mummylian</TD><TD>7-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1034g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-38days SCN-20days </TD></TR><TR><TD>chloegal</TD><TD>21-Sep-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2000g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN- 5 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>puppyduppy</TD><TD>16-Oct-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1140g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>bloom</TD><TD>15-Nov-06</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1810g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-22days </TD></TR><TR><TD>nana</TD><TD>13-Dec-06</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2185g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>myfab</TD><TD>14-Dec-06</TD><TD>Girl&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1118g &amp; 780g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>3mths&amp;4mths </TD></TR><TR><TD>lindah</TD><TD>4-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>680g</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>5mths 18 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>didi</TD><TD>18-Feb-07</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>1520g &amp; 1610g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>4.5wks&amp;9wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>amy</TD><TD>15-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>641g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>80 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>lili</TD><TD>30-Apr-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1400g</TD><TD>30</TD><TD>6 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>flora</TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>2334g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-2 weeks </TD></TR><TR><TD>daec</TD><TD>18-May-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1015g</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>48days </TD></TR><TR><TD>picky</TD><TD>1-Aug-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>850g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>alicia</TD><TD>3-Oct-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1500g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>SCN-21 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>jewel</TD><TD>9-Oct-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD></TD><TD>30</TD><TD>45 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>xiaowanzi</TD><TD>31-Oct-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>635g</TD><TD>26</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>cookiemz</TD><TD>14-Nov-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>2260g</TD><TD>33</TD><TD>SCN-8 days </TD></TR><TR><TD>fairylander</TD><TD>15-Nov-07</TD><TD>Girl</TD><TD>1628g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>strawberry</TD><TD>16-Dec-07</TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1239g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-52days </TD></TR><TR><TD>mimeole</TD><TD>28-Dec-07</TD><TD></TD><TD>1520g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>sweet_rose</TD><TD>8-Jan-08</TD><TD>Boy&amp;Boy</TD><TD>2100g &amp; 2100g</TD><TD>36</TD><TD>SCN-1 day </TD></TR><TR><TD>xbliss</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>925g</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>NICU-1mth SCN-1mth </TD></TR><TR><TD>irenelovej</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>1600g</TD><TD>34</TD><TD>NICU-3wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>geraldine</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy&amp;Girl</TD><TD>1500g &amp; 1700g</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>NICU-6wks </TD></TR><TR><TD>adeline lee</TD><TD></TD><TD>Boy</TD><TD>815g</TD><TD>29</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>

Thanks!! That is a very gd wt for a 34weeker..

Hi daec,

6kg is indeed very much underweight for a 1yr old fullterm leh.. I was surprised that u mentioned she is a fullterm bb.. I thought normally fullterm bb shd be at least be 2.2kg+++ when birth and by 1 yr shd be at least 10kg..
hi nana_ryan mummy

can you PM me the table (in soft copy)? please. thanks so much for updating the table.

i know of fullterm baby at nearly 1.5 years old. still at 10.5kg...
guess the weight not enuff not just issue for premmie.however the PD wasnt worried abt it since other dev is ok. even the baby's hair is not 'complete' though. the middle part of head still not grow. only sides.
hi chloegal

here is so quiet today... oh i see. good to have parents help. i see, once mei mei goes to playgroup then your mum can have more rest time too. then your number 3 really come at a good time. good planning ler
working on sat?? bz huh?

me was sick last wk..sorethroat &amp; bit coughing.. n unfortunately, passed the virus to ws on wed nite. she skipped sch ytd, brought her to the Premier clinic @cck central. not bad. got discount 4 kids 2 &amp; medicine is free.. i dunno if it's 1st time or not. but my dad who goes there say got discount 4 senior citizen 2..

i'm so tired.. w ws sick &amp; all the disturbed nite sleep.. mon got to go work again..sigh

u no need to worry lah.. the weight for bryan just as bad! hahaha. i dun even know if he got 10th percentile! for a baby who hates milk and like almost everything else, i can't be bothered too much about his weight. got grow, got happy, got eat and shit, got healthy i am a satisfied mum. only the dietician n my hubby and mum in law are the crazy ones.. keep force feeding. i guess thats y he hates his milk. i have stopped going to dietician.. only hubby goes in nowadays. find its pointless to do all those calculation of calories when so tough feeding him. dun think its of use at all. sometimes feel like asking her if she would like to try feeding him herself. will be starting bryan on porridge and baby biscuits tomorrow. hope he can find something he likes.
powergal, xliss,
my ger is almost 2.5yr old &amp; juz barely passed the 10kg mark!! she eats a lot.. but u no need 2 worry.

btw, got a piece of good news 2 is almost 90% toilet trained in the day time
she requested not 2 wear diapers, peer pressure heehee..cos some of her frens in sch r not wearing. so kept reminding her to tell us when she wans to pee &amp; shit. i only hav her telling me she wans to pee, but ytd &amp; today, she can actually tell me she wans to shit, then i bring her to the toilet then she shit. q happy. but when she's napping, still diaper. how to train her go without diaper at nite?

oso, i got a qn 4 mommies w girls. how u let ur ger go toilet in public? some toilets (in fact most public toilets) r q disgustingly dirty. i dun think i wan to let her sit on the toilet seat. then how?

ya, maybe bryan is sick of milk heehee.. try porridge. i saw my niece (7mth old) enjoying her porridge ytd, so cute.. u can add in more nutritious stuff into the porridge &amp; i'm sure bryan will grown strong &amp; healthy. add some naturally sweet stuff like potato, pumpkin, sweet potato, etc. makes the porridge v tasty
my sister usually wipe the toilet seat for my niece, then she will let my niece sit on it
sometimes, she also line the toilet seat with some kind of toilet seat liners, iirc
i think bryan is sick of milk. i want to let him try new foods but hubby din allow cos of dietician advice to hold til 6 months. from 6 months onwards, i started plain cereal to banana cereal, and today pumpkin porridge. for all the cereals, he only eats 20ml at most then dun wan already. hai. i see other bbies eat big bowls and he so "su seh" (lose to pple). but anyway, i m happy that he eats, keeps it inside instead of merlion, and he stays healthy and happy.

i saw our forum got bulk purchase area and pple selling those toilet seat disposable covers. for myself, i am also very hygiene conscious. i will wipe and wipe and sometimes even put toilet paper on the seats before i sit esp for those terrible toilets. otherwise, find her a squating one? at least no skin contact..
didi &amp; xbliss,
thanks 4 the advice. think though i'm afraid of the hygience of public toilets, i'll use the wet wipes &amp; clean b4 letting her sit. tink enuff? i'm afriad oso, if by the time i clean &amp; clean &amp; line it with some sort of disposable cover, she'd hav peed or shit out alrdy :p thanks 4 the advice anyway.
no prob, true, I remember my niece always tell my sis last min (ie when she is very urgent) then they will rush to toilet, so my sis will always bring 1-2 spare panties for her
