Premature babies support group

i oso not sure which school bloom is mentiong...
i will check out some swimsuits...becuz the one tt bern is wearing is just the pants...maybe he overplay everytm at the pool and wld get a bad chill and takes long time to recover, so for a long time, i din brg him to swim

being blur as i m, i let him play too much everytime till hes sick...

thanks mommies 4 the compliments. actually hubby & me didn't really enjoy ourselves, cos our last hol (to phuket) was 2 gd :p

no la, ws cant sit still oso la. when taking off, feed her food lor. when gg, give her her favourite honey stars. then on the way back, give her pocky. she kept playing w the remote control, the tray table, refuse to put on seat belt. we asked 4 an extension seat belt 4 her to play, so tat she'll sit in her seat & b belted up!! brought her to walk ard the plane a bit. but lucky thing, it's only 1hr flight. the furthest we brought her to was taipei 5.5hrs, in jet star some more, no place 2 walk haha. but we got the front row seat, so more space 4 her to move ard, but she can't walk at tat time.

my advice: dun b 2 adventurous for the 1st trip, esp u got 2 boys!! try somewhere nearer, max 2-3hrs, i think. good luck
her hair not black 1 haha.. brownish.. n cos she goes into the sun so often, now macam got 2 diff colours haha. where's siang's naked pic ?? heehee

she's full of expression cos eating another of her favourite - french fries.. trying to b cheaky. but i kind of like tat pic. who knows KFC boss? ask them wan her 2 b their poster girl?? haha
wow.. u all hav started shopping @GSS?? me haven't yet leh.. sigh. this wed feel like taking leave, wanna go cut hair & pick ws up frm sch. my sis ask me take leave go shopping, but felt bit wasted..

brought ws to botanics gardens ytd, feed fish. she was having a great time running up & down the slope with my sis,while hubby & me juz lie on the grass & nuah haha..then went anchorpoint. u all know abt the disney restaurant? so pathetically small. but the food court there is even worse! pple there r soo rude. i asked 4 a bb chair, the uncle (cleaner, i think) rudely told me "i dunno, go find yourself!!" @@(#!D excuse me of my language but i'm pissed

when i bought niang tou fu 4 ws, i asked 4 a small bowl, the lady oso rudely shouted at me to get it myself. sigh

but there's a G2000 (factory) outlet there, bought a pants @$19 only & hubby got 2 s/s shirts, oso $19 each. saw charles & Keith outlet there, but no time 2 go in. maybe next time.
oh...i wanted to buy those one piece thermal full suit type. 20% can buy ah...i think i dun need a swim diaper. or is it compulosry for kid to wear that if they want to go into the pool?

upgrade the high chair??? to what? hahahha... but u are right to point out. indeed the IKEA high a bit squeezy for him :p. but ok la, his buttock can still 'go in' haha. though yeah a bit hard for him to get out keke...

sigh..weekend go out and go out..then no chance to capture his naked picture ler..then i do not take picture when he sleep :p. hehe find a chance i capture and show u ah ;)
Think maybe Bern Bern needs those therma suits ? usually we only let them 'soak' about 10-15mins max in the pool

I see, ya, that's why I hestitate about venturing out of Singapore
Yes, I should try somewhere nearby
oh didi
you know..many pple comment say me and siang one mould. but i go and participate in those (send in picture) contest....never got short listed ler keke
wow, so many posts. Dash sleeping now so I got time to post.

I confessed to my hubby liao. wat to do? we tried calling up shangri la, but no refund, nothing. Just our luck! A lesson to learnt. $400 plus of costly lesson. heart pain, still dripping with blood.

Anyway, I think I will rebook another. Maybe amara spa resort, or shangri la again. See how. So you see, in total, the amount I spend is enough for me to go for an overseas tour. Stupid right? SIGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

dm, wow, ws so pretty leh, esp the one eating biscuit. nice trip right?

I bought dash to swissotel for 2 days 1 night stay. He enjoyed himself also, but because the hotel room was cold, and he kept kicking off his blanket at night, today he got flu. Just brought him see doctor. My hubby was saying "take wat flu injection, you see lar, still got flu!"

When I was at city hall, wow, saw so many sales going around...GSS. wow.

Regarding swimwear, thermal one is really good. I just bought one for dash, good leh, dry up very easily, and water can't get into the body (or not as much water). really good. But last time when I tried it on dash, I accidentally zip a bit of his skin and was quite painful till he cried. Till now, when I want him to wear that, got to force him, cause he still remembered the incident and would start screaming "pain pain" before I even wore it on him.

my heart still pain...sob, $400 plus can buy 4 fisherprice laptop for dash.

Btw, bloom, was that a compliment being classfied as famous sotong Mummy in this thread?
remember the plan to get ready for 2009 baby ? wah its near end may and I not yet do much. I plan at least lose weight. anyways I go c the TCM lady just now. told her last preggy I high bld pressure. I had seen her while pregnant with Nada - she told me last time I too much water retention so high bld but she couldnt do much that much as one week after c her - operation to birth Nada.

anywayz, I committed to 10x accupuncture session. rebalance whole body/slimming. i scared needdles actually but first time I saw her my leg so pain no choice just do and then it did better. western woulda just given me painkillers which I dun thk resolve it. I thot just try ah - must do something. even if not for high bld, my weight is an issue too. already may no progress, so must have other help guide me la
never mind lah, wat's done is done. no choice ah.

wah amara spa resort, or shangri sounds gd! I havent gone hols for ages. wish I can go ah. my hubby always say no money. I guess he sort like save save till lot else feel very insecure abt go hol.whereas if me, I wld just go. must destress..choice of destination is impt too. go same places no destress me coz too 'familiar'
Hi mummies, can i check if premature babies tend to be very active?

My girl is 2 years old and she can't sit still. Always running around.
hi didi
grin and wink
i say you are right hahahah! never mind, if i am shortlisted i will tell everyone to vote for me and siang ok hahahaha...

actually...sometime, if money can path happiness, a bit of yuan wang money is bo bian. so long you, dash and your hubby happy can liao. take the $400 buy toto but never strike lor (you know what i meant?). next time dr tan will give you lots of allowance...

hi fushigi,
welcome aboard. my boy is 21 months.. active also. but i felt that (i know of many baby around my boy age) as full term baby also very active... my personal opinion :p
welcome. my ger is oso 2yr + & v active haha.. but i dun think it's due to premature.. think it's their nature cos i c my nephew not preemie oso v active

gd tat u've confessed, at least 1 load off ur mind. take it as a lesson learnt.

aiya, u all talking abt thermal swimming wear, juz now went expo robinson sale 4got 2 c..urrgghh.. bought a thomas & friends spelling desk 4 ws. hope she likes it.

ya, normally oso let ws soak in pool max 30mins. hubby always say, she go swimming, but hair not wet haha. went 2 sign up for body sculpture (some sort of aerobics) @bt batok home team cos ws always go there & swim, so i decided to do some exercises. juz started last sat, but thighs alrdy aching last nite .. haha.. another excuse 4 not gg yoga tonite
haha daec, weight is an issue to me too. I have yet lost the 5kg I had gained. I think if I get pregnant, I will be very very very fat, cause I will surely need to rest at home, and maybe rest on bed. So no walking means going to be a pig.

Last time I pregnant with dash, started to rest at home from 5th month, already gained like nearly 20kgs. Now, my next pregnancy, I plan to rest at home right from the beginning of pregnancy, so think will gain dunno how many more kgs!!! arrggg

fushigi, hello. Your nickname very special, wat does it mean? active? no lar, toddlers are all active. Btw, I am the oldest premature baby here borned 27 weeks. I am a true life example. I am not active at all, in fact, I am very lazy. haha.

Thermal swimwear really good. do go buy.

sigh...still heart pain leh.

I have booked amara sanctuary liao, same dates, just double the amount. sigh....I just imagine that I spend total of $700 plus on amara sanctuary room 2 days 1 night lor. sob sob sob.
btw, bloom, no use leh, tui na tui na, dash still garna flu. He played too much yesterday haha or maybe my skills too lousy. btw, did the instructor mentioned anything about tui na for flu besides the two points besides the nose?
gd ah ur hubby didnt protest u book amara spa. some would say ok past is past so cannot say then ban any trips for a while. enjoy e spa ;)

think tuina not guarantee not sick but recovery shld be faster. then again, it will take some time for the tuina to take effect to strengthen the immune system.
think puttin on weight while pregnancy can be blessing. never mind lah. try to moniter but not worry abt it too much, during pregnancy - give chance ;)

read the fats during pregnancy is both for the baby and urself. for urself, to be used for breastmilk, energy( at nite not sleep well, walking ard when carry baby etc) when take care baby. my fren gave full BM, take care baby alone (her hubby no use one) - lost all her pregnancy and pre-pregnancy weight.weightloss so shiok.
was yr bb vy prem?
mine is super active..i m so tired running after him, cant sit still, even sitting down for meals wld shake and shake and shake, really buay tahan...

wah lau, u make me laff till pengsan leh when you say u are vy lazy..

maybe ws likes "dry swimming"hahha
my parents have 3 fullterm grandchildren. they do say my premmie girl more active/hyper than the other kids.
oh kkf and bloom

my elder sis her elder boy (he is in P1) also have this tui na course for parents held in his school. heard her mention last saturday when we met up... she say the course is very informative and good
hi gals... am new to this thread..
mummy to baby Arvin.
DOB: 28/12/07 -- > 31 wks at birth.
any othr mummies wif premmies born Dec '07?

ArVIn NaIR @ Birth

welcome here..tink we do hv bbs born in dec 07...
can tell us more details like how many wks in hospital etc..

got to run.....finishing wk again 2mr and welcome again...
hi mimeole
welcome aboard. opps eheh from our data list there seem no baby is born Dec 07. there is two Dec 06 though.

bay arvin is so cute. look at her smile
welcome on board, you will love the company of us here
is Arvin a bb boy or gal

DM, Costa,
I just brought D&D for 'soaking' for only 15mins, yes, their hair is not wet, until I sort of 'splashed' some water on them.

next time you can go Bintan, fun
he's doing well.. catching up wif wt.. he's strtd eating his hands nw.. yet to roll ovr.

me loggin off nw... off wrk.. catch up wif u guys tmr...
ur dietician will advise u, dun worry abt that. but mine - introduced at abt 5mths, so abt 1mth earlier than wat dietician would like heheh). My mum think she's ready then coz milk dun seem enuff.
my girl just turned 1yr(actual age). She was born at 32wks, 1015g. if corrected age, she abt 10mths now.
arvin's seems v v interestd in food.. but i'm not strting solids yet.. may do so end june but tt's still 4mths corrected age.. dunno wat dietician's gonna say.. my mum's been naggin abt strting cereals.. haiz..
my elders also like dat, tend to start ard 4mths. i explain to my mum abt the corrected age thingy. at the same time,she's taking care of my babe so she can observe baby if need solids (eg milk dun see enuff).how react to e foods so I gave her some leeway to decide when to give and didnt stress too much abt it. milk didnt seem enuff, and my babe keep waking up at nite. in the end, end up giving solids early, she wasnt 6mths corrected yet, think she was abt 4+ or 5mths corrected though dietician not give green light yet. anyway give bit bit only.

if I want wait for dietician, the appt was like 2mths away or so. can't wait if baby like dat. so we decide to give. meet dietician few months later she just told me 2x u gave too early. but ah my babe doing ok
so can't say much also hehe

depend ah person to person.
I started bringing my boys to the pool around 7-8mths (iirc)
they are not swimming yet, just having fun in the pool.

welcom! my ger born in feb06 @34wks. now is 2yr 2mths. she oso dun hav dietician, only pd. pd advised to give solid only @6mths. so i follow strictly lor. after 1 mth of rice cereals (i added carrot, pumpkin, broccoli, etc, 1 food at a time), i give her brown rice porridge. but my mom grind the brown rice 1st. then when she has teeth, i gave meat, oso grinded. only give fish after 1 yr. we were v strict w her diet b4 1yr old (i nev use corrected age, cos pd nev use oso). but now, open 2 all food, except nuts & seafood. wan to wait till she's 3.

started bringing my ger to pool when she's 7mths old (non correct). but she only soak water only la. till now, whenever she goes swimming, her hair is dry haha

dry swimming? maybe like mommy hor grin
