Premature babies support group

so means 6mths is actual age then eat la ? ;) this corrected and actual age make me headache sometimes heheh
hi gals,

Its been some time since I last posted.. Craydon has been down with cough and flu lately and headache is he vomited almost every feed.. Since yest he sounded better.. Really very tiring when I hav to clean out the mess after each feed..

Little Craydon is coming to 8mth (non corrected age)in another 4days time and guess what, he has learn how to crawl.. actually not really crawl, he actually move fwd like a caterpilla..

But he still dun know how to sit without support yet.. Whenever we wana put him in sitting position, he will stretch both his legs out wanting to stand!! Very naughty.. keke..

Anyway he started solid too when he 1st turn 6mth++ (non corrected age), my mum always cook pork muscle porridge for him, once we cook pumpkin porridge for him for a few days and m auntie said pumpkin will make baby skin yellow hence we stop.. Is it true?
oh ok.. NAN HA 3 not out.

yeah troublesome, the Ergo cant face out. I sort shift the thingy so that she is at my hip. so one strap hanging free or loose not so used.hehhe I dunno how old this Ergo is, color faded liao but never mind ah - my main objective was to c how. then buy newer one later if alrite. I heartpain to fork out $182 for carrier, must try first.more ex than my stroller heheh.

nice to hear from u. gd to hear he is better and learning to craw. An early happy birthday to Craydon!
dm... cute ws' pics!
anchorpt pp so rude...

jane...ahaha.but at least he will tell u bb will still pee all over the floor if she is not wearing diaper, and she canot indicate that she wanted to pee... aaah.taht one is bodyless duck! how did siang manage to get it out?

costa, the arts fest got foc outdoor events mah..then can bring bb ther if she is too noisy just walk away... so less stress compared to those enclosed performance...

didi, costa, kkf, hehehe... was kapoing cos i know someone from there wondering if kkf is also working there...

kkf...wahhh..another holiday!!!! ehehee... just joking lah... next time just throw all this holiday plans to ur hb then u can relax ...:p i tui na kate she also kena cough over the weekend... canot remember anything abt those pts..must go back and dig thru my pig sty table to look for the notes (scanned copy no color more difficult to see! haah) also no action yet :p bb starting to fall sick again and then hb ask again 'u still wan no 2?' ..sighhh... ehehe... last time when i wana buy i also saw a old old $50 on auctions (i think) wanted to buy but someone bidded for it... so had to buy a brand new one cos kate was climing out of the sarong using my hips as stepping stone.. was that person u? :p i find that hip carry is more tiring for my neck/shoulder cos only 1 strap to support...

fushigi, good to be active!

mimeole, welcome!

mimeole , strawberry, my bbsitter also started my bb on solids at 4 months actual (2.5 months corrected!)... but i had actually prefer to start her later.... but she said she was ready and greedyy..but her apetite didn't really catch up... every case differs though...

powergal, i tink u monitor the yellowness loh...
like i've said, i dun use corrected age since my pd oso nev used tat. when i brought ws 4 her monthly jabs last time, he told me wait till 6mths then give, so i gave her in aug (she's born in feb)
in fact, all orangy food may cause yellow. so i dun give pumpkin, carrot v often. it's always gd 2 mix. n frm my experience & many other mommies here, kids will reject veg after a certain age, so give while craydon doesn't know how to reject yet haha. now, my ger c green green stuff will say 菜 no. so i give cauliflower, brinjal, etc
Hi daec,

No wonder I thought how come my baby 8mth only & so early u wish him liao.. hahahaa..

Hi bloom and disneymickey,

Craydon never turn yellow.. In fact he turn fairer compared to his birth time.. anyway I really dun know what to add inside his porridge lorr.. only pork or potato..

Anyway just receive an sms from my fren, her 6mth old baby caught HFMD.. hopefully everything is alrite.. So scaary..
u can add pumpkin, broccoli, peas (yucks, i hated tat haha), carrot, spinach, potato, sweet potato, corn, etc. but slowly. chkn can oso rt?
well gals,
i shall most prob strt him out on his solids end june.. tt wld be 6mths actual age.. n 4 mths corrected. coz dun think neither him nor my mum's gonna strt be patient till then..

arvin keeps looking whenever we eat. has till v longing face.. cannot tk it.. heheh..
hi mimeole welcome to this thread.

arvin is cute!

daec, my hubby did not really scold me for the mistake, as he knew I didn't want it to be, my heart very pain also.

didi, went bintan before banyan tree. nice place.

jane, so good? the school organises tui na?

powergal hope craydon is better now. Dash when got cough, will vomit also. We always on standby at night. My mum mentioned eating too much carrots will make baby turn yellow. Dunno whether true. Anyway, dm is right, at one stage, children will start rejecting vegetables, like my boy now.

Btw, dash has flu now also.

Going for meetings starting today till next tuesday. Tomorrow going sungei buloh for raki cause going to bring kids there soon. sianz.

Bloom, kath is sick? Dash also. haha is it because of tui na?
actually I think if can delay somemore for #2 better. but ah age lah. next year 33 liao..see how. I may still delay. think with Nada I was too stressed. mite contribute to the pre-enclampsia.quarrelin with hubby parents over hse issue (which is still unresolved but now not so quarrel) really felt like very very alone, unsupported. dun want a repeat if the issue still not resolved.

ergo..I bought it thru b*ybsupplies forum. not an auction. but maybe the seller did try that. its faded cranberry color.I find the hip belt cannot be too lose or too tight. too tight, it on the waist.too lose drop lower than the hips. must hug the hips then ok. heheh maybe my big hips helps also. I either XL or bigger
gd lah ur hubby didn scold. i mean some hubby mite say say save money, dun have any more treat/trip to cover the unforseen extra money money. so gd still can
Good thing that your hb is ok with it
yah lor, who wants it to happen, rite ? you are so tired and stressed mah
Have got a question, for application of Singapore Passports for my boys, can I just bring them for the 1st time to take photos, application then the collection I collect on their behalf ? and their photos can I just take at any photo labs ?
yes, you just nd to bring them one time or else u can apply for them online and bring them to collect....

there is a booth there for you to take a person there to help you...
if u take outside, make sure the requirements meet their standards..if you not happy wif d pic, can take away as all they nd is to delete nia...a few bucks only

my mum just made a couple of wks ago and some pple there complained tt those tt they took outside cant...
powergal, slowly intro more veg to craydon loh.. u can intro green veg like brocoli, spinach too! or things like toufu, maize, etc

btw, i rem some of u mentioned long ago abt pearl peas or someting like that..those peas with reddish pod? how to cook and what is so good abt them?

kkf.ahahah....our 2 kids more weak after tui na,.. likethat time i went for tui na then it was raining the end fell very sick for 4 days..(cannot even get up tat kind) :p but for kate, i find that after she turned 1 yo, she fell sick very twice a month...

daec, i am 33 this yr so lagi worse... :p quarreling with hb does not help with my pre eclampsia either (he is very stingy, so stingy bb born already still dunwana buy bb mattress)... yeah... hip hugging is just nice..else if its too low canot walk too fast cos feels constricted.
Ya, that also happens to me, I took the pics outside then they say can't be used so I got to re-take, ok, will bring them to take over there, and I will collect on their behalf
hehe we got lot things in common ;) hubby also tight with $. seem that hav first kid more stress coz new to it. perhaps after have first kid, more accustomed to the extra finances ? I think must talk to them in advance abt all this : pre-preg talk heheh. I hope to have 3 babies before 35/36, that also why target next year. but must c how it goes..if 2nd one same story, I dunno lah..
dun noe if now is it crowded as holidays hv started...if u noe the requirements for the pics, mayb u take and apply on line...if not u hv to bring two bbs down and jostle wif pple to make passport

when collecting, i read in the papers can make if can, it saves u time esp u are bringing two bbs down..

in short....minimise time in crowded places wif two bbs...

minimum i guess face must be front facing, show the ears...and also heard tt for bbs, they are lenient..
maybe its just coincidence that get sick ard time start do tuina? *scratch head*

if u got digital pics, u can apply online. if reject, then retake and resend heheh. when ready, have to go collect with ur boys. I applied online for Nada.
pic must be white background also. yea they lenient with babies. can find the specifications for the pics online. I did Nada's online - I didnt follow exactly one - as long as white background, her face clear. ok didnt get rejected
thks...tink they are lenient wif kids...

hope u okay..maybe we can chat online thru msn to catch up one day..
think costa & daec hav ans your qns on passport pics. try taking at home. i did tat 4 ws. sorry har, 4got how big ur boys r. if the can stand,take in front of a white wall. if cannot stand yet, put a piece of mahjong paper on the bed/floor 4 them to lie down then got white background alrdy :p

but hor, as they change soo fast, now ws' passport photo doesn't look like her at all!! last yr when we went HK (when she's 18mths, passport pic is when she's 8mths) the customs officer commented on the diff look & ask us to go update her photo. but when we called up, they say cannot update photo, got to make a new passport! wapiang, 1 passport so expensive & only used 1 time, so i heck care. no prob when gg penang this mth
so i think i wait until buay tahan alrdy, then go make new 1 haha
Costa, daec, dm,
Thanks for all the useful info

yup, will bring them during July, don't want to join in the school holidays crowd, headache if the 2 boys cranky

you so good, got a 'photographer' at home

my boys are 15mths actual
think will let those photos lab take their pics, easier for me
thanks.. he follows daddy.. heheh.

daec, tks for e link.. gotta get arvin his passport soon. cm to think of it mine's expiring soon too.. haiz.

arvin's 5mths today! yippee!
hi kkf and bloom,

Thanks, I will intro "green" to him soon.. Today cook pumpkin porridge, will try to cook diff flavor for him cos he very poor thing leh.. always eat pork porridge only..

Hi costa,

So far so good.. but sometimes I really got alot to complain about and I feel guilty about it.. My fren envy me for being a SAHM but she didn't know that taking care of a baby 24/7 is not easy.. although I can see the 1st moment on everything he does but can't help feeling tired and really lost touch to the outside world..

Inside me, I feel like going out taking a rest and shop like the early days but I know I can't.. Mil is not helping at all and my mum has to take care of my sis 2 kids.. No one can really help to take care of my baby if I work..
*hugz*its not easy to take care of a baby 24/7..i thk u are doing a good job....when the maid is off, i also vy tired..cant imagine if i do it 24/7...i think i cannot manage...

maybe when Craydon is bigger, u can tink of putting him in cc near yr mum place or smthg?
it must be difficult being a SAHM. yes looking aft e bb is much diff nw than it was during e 1st 3 mths.. nw they nd more attention n stimulation than before. n u need ur own time too. try to pack in sm individual time when u can. get a fren or smone u trust to babysit e bb awhile. hang in thr babez..

i am a wrking mother. my mum looks aft e baby.. but juggling wrk n baby is quite hectic too. coz my mum's been not well n everytme its me hving to tk leave n look aft bb. at wrk they r quite understanding but still wrk performance will lag. hving a gd family environment is v v impt. it really helps tt my hubby does help whenever he can.

may need to be SAHM soon as my mum's due for an opp soon. hope i can handle it n not loose my mind.
don't worry, you are doing well
I am also a sahm too
on days whereby you are really tired, how about going to your mother's place so your mom and you can take care of the baby so you can take a bit of rest, something similar to what Costa mentioned, when Craydon is older, you can get a maid and put at your mother' place
at least the maid can lessen your mom's load
heheh he spent lots on it :p his hobby but may turn pro or semi-pro if anything happen. backup job

all the best! yea not easy. first one esp hard as learning e ropes.

regarding feeling out of touch, wanna shop : I joined another group but those r malay group. SAHM mums seem to support and meet each once in a while on weekdays. the kids play together while mums chat or shop. can see if other forum groups, the mums have this sort thing.

I not clever manage my girl go out alone. but I think must learn how to do like some other mums. coz I so frustrated stuck alone at home at times.

radical suggestion. but personally if me - feel better if can have time away from home, talk to other mums, but baby still with me so no need worry get babysitter. ur baby 8mths. I notice my girl few months ago - clever to play by herself or other kids.

like playgroup like dat. but u also get time out to talk to other mums.
u are doing great, powergal! be gd if u can take time out to take care of urself. getting others to babysit once in a while would be gd. maybe ask mil/hubby/mum can help for few hrs? even short time can feel like heaven when real tired.
true !!! for sahm, even 1 hr of uninteruppted sleep is heavenly
hmm,.... seems like you are gearing up to be sahm
, yup, powergal, you can get your hb to take over on Sundays ? I always ask to get sundays/ weekdays nite off
I need to keep SANE !!!
hehe sahm and wahm (work at home mum) gila ha ? ;) got trial period tho.try c how finances go as now finances me foot mostly.
didi, my hubby helped my boy applied online, including photo, think my hubby scanned it or wat, or send over, then when the day for collection, we just went to collect.

Bloom, correct lor, tui na makes our babies weaker haha. Think have to be very consistent, once stop, baby will fall sick. Anyway, regarding getting weaker after 1 year old, same for dash leh! he fell sick almost every month. I brought him for flu injection because got so fed up, but still sick leh. Later going to bring him see doctor (yeah! excuse to skip going sungei buloh for raki) because he initially has flu, now got cough! Yesterday night was coughing. sigh... and the doctor did not give me any cough mixture.

daec and bloom, I spend a lot and a lot. My hubby made noise too, but then I always told him "my money leh, I never depend on you wat". :p bad wife.

Powergal, when you work you will want to SAH, when you SAH, you will want to work. I think thats life. haha. I am working now, and I wish everyday to stay at home. But I know I cannot lar, financially cannot, and also me very impatient one, dash will have hard time staying at home with mummy! hahaha.

If I got pregnant, will go no pay, then will have taste of wat is it like to be SAHM, haha. When will it be???

daec, I always have a dream to be very young mum too. I wish when I go for my children's meet the parents session, I will look very young, and not like grandmas (I saw my students' parents some look very young, some look very old). :p, but then not very possible. Now already 30. Next one, dunno when coming? haha

Later bringing dash sees doctor. Sianz...he is going to cough again, and whole cycle going on, cough, vomit, cranky...sianz...

Anyway, later in the afternoon will go back for meeting after bringing him see doctor.
talking about garna cough, did kath and dash garna cough from somebody from the tui na course, hee
heheh I wil also say 'my money what'. He not happy also, he wont complain too much and say 'ur money what'

*re: mum in 30s*
fated lah, what to do. we know we try our best already.

anyway share with u what hubby say:
i still feel bad abt prem baby and lesser BM. but my hubby say (I think it applies to mums here too) 'look at our kid now. ok what ? some fullterm baby got perm disability eg. cant walk, retarded which interfere with their life forever so he say Thank God our baby is ok. Dun worry abt the starting. What matters is she is healthy rite now and growing strong

(those cough flu etc seem normal process as they strengthen their immune system. not terribly bad eitherway its workable to improve)

I think it applies to u and mummies here too. may have a different and tough start. but our babies warriors, after some time - end up same if not better as full term

*SAHM or working mum* - for me best is part time working mum whether at home out or outside heheh. then must have maid,car also - dream ah ;)

*tuina* - I find it weird leh if baby get more sick. wonder if like what u say, caught something from someone. or going thru purging episode, sometimes need to get worse( get all the bad stuff one like cleansing) before get better. if got their contact, try call them and ask how come le
morning mommies,

holiday mood? so few posts heehee.. juz confirmed a trip, gg bangkok in aug, but it's with colleagues haha. need a break myself. cos we r planning 2 bring ws somewhere end Oct, deepavali hol on 27oct mon & her sch is closed on 28oct. so might as well make use of these 4 days & go another short trip with her. maybe bintan??
ya lor. hubby asked "so many days,u ok w/o ws"?? heehee.. won't know till i try rt? but i'll surely miss her. like last yr, when went HCM with hubby w/o her, i oso miss her a lot & told myself won't go holiday w/o her. but now, i think must hav some time 4 myself

ya, bangkok good 4 shopping..alrdy got my shopping list ready liao haha
true, my friends also like that if they travel with hbs on biz trips (to faraway places) they also 'let go' and enjoy with their hbs
hi mummies

busy with work (lots of events coming up) hence did not chat here.

kkf/mich/costa - the CDU staff nurse just rang me. saying siang iQ test has been scheduled on 3 july. haha wish me luck manz keke

me gotten get back to work. catch up later :p
good luck im sure siang wil do well

jia you its not easy to be a sahm.

welcome,my girl was born in nov 2007 preterm 36 weeks.she was at scn for 15 days due to low birth weight.ur dd looks cute.
Jane, siang will surely do well in the iq test!

Daec, I like wat your hubby said.

You are right, look at me, I am a premature baby yet just the same as anybody.

But honestly, wat worries me is not that dash is premature, wat worries me is he has heart defect. Although the hole was patched up, but it was still a fact which could not ever be covered up. You know wat i mean?

I am at home now. Intend to go for meeting in the afternoon after bringing dash see doctor, but guess why I am still here? Because I brought him to see normal GP for his cough, the GP told me she heard heart mumur sound. She asked about his operation. That got me worried cause all along I thought after hole patched up, shouldn't have heart mumur anymore. So I brought dash to see a padetrician (wanted to go KKH but hubby said not possible as need appointment). Padetrician told us she had been hearing the mumur sound even after dash's operation and thought KKH dr knows about it. She told us she will help to call up KKH dr to double confirm that the dr knows, and it is of no concern.

Thats why in the end, I am at home, never goes for meeting cause I waited for quite long to see the padetrician in sengkang, quite famous. starting to worry liao. I dunno, my heart just suddenly feels uneasy.

I dunno what I am uneasy about? Dash's health? My job (because I am missing in action again), my everything. sigh...

Pessismistic me right?

dm so good, travelling overseas again. Me a lazy person who doesn't like to travel, so I always opt to stay at hotels or resorts in singapore.
I just want to find a place to relax.
Btw, tomorrow may be bringing dash to kindergolf at amk hub for trial lesson. golf, wants to train him to be future rich guy, playing golf...haha.

Trying to entertain myself, make myself feels better. sigh.

Really hope all our children will grow up to be forever strong and healthy!

dun worry 2 much la.. i'm sure dash will b fine. enjoy your hols & the many many programmes u hav planned 4 him. me bz planning hols while u bz planning programs 4 dash.. at least u more concerned abt dash's education while me only think abt playing & holidaying heehee

i'm sure siang will excel in the test. good luck
