Premature babies support group

nada really have very nice feature.

oh i see. wow so fast hor, Darryl gg for his 15th month MMR liao... time flies. yeah GSS coming keke, hope i have chance to hit town too (but i think fairly difficult keke)

Jane Jane,
Ya lor, very fast b4 we know it
see Siang already 21mths ? lagi fast .... actually GSS it depends whether you have got anything in mind to buy ? for me nothing particular, just see, KS mah
Hello all!

Today is my wedding anniversary, but will be celebrating on weekends at swisshotel. Ha, talking at great singapore sales, must make use of my hotel stay to go. haha.

Got to wake up early because today got to meet parents...sianzzzz zzz

Woke up in the middle of night, and couldn't sleep again yesterday, want my life. sigh.

Daec, nada sooo pretty. wow so fast 1 year old, soon she will be a very pretty little lady liao.

Jane, I have closed the pelangi spree liao. This time just got 2 other mummies to join purchase with me.


Next week holiday but seems like for the next two weeks, still have to go back school almost everyday. sigh. why can't the school just let we poor teachers rest?
good morning mummies

yeah...he is coming to 2 years old. stress man keke. me? haha i like to see see too only haha

wow! happy wedding anniversary. mine is in July
can i ask you a question? does dash wear diaper to sleep? i tell u something ler, i been having horrible nights. siang in the middle of the nights alwasy refuse to wear diaper. he will pull and scream (not sure is it these few days too warm). then i take off...and that's it. he will refuse to wear it back (even if he is fast asleep he will fight and kick when i try to wear it for him).

last night from around 3am onwards (till this morning before i go to work). he was naked from below :p... i wait and wait and wait through the night and try and try. but he just kick and kick. i don't want to disturb my mum hence ... in the end i fall asleep around 6am and he still not wearing diaper...
thanks! wah anniversary! so nice celebrate at swissotel : ) have fun!

how abt trying those cloth pullups? I guess must get him to try before she sleep tho

Nada diarrhoea again. is that common ? she already 3x this yr.
my colleague boy just got diagnose with rotavix virus... sometime the weather could be a cause of stool to be loose too. has nada seen a doctor?
happy wedding anniversary to you..hope u enjoy yr stay at the hotel....

hows yr parent teacher's meeting ?..i just had mine yterday and rushed to work after that..heng ar....lucky my son passed his chinese despite his hating it haha...and guess wat...his english is worse than his chinese hahaha....maybe becuz his schools chinese exams not vy difficult ahhaha...i told his teacher that also but told him not to feel insulted (my own opinion nia mah).....lucky not so much complaints fm his teacher..i told both his teachers i dun care if he doesnt do well in school...just dun misbehave can liao...vy simple minded of me right....his results deteriorated tis year as i simply no energy to supervise his studies...only during the exam "fever" period then i m more onz.. i really dun aim for him to be scholar seriously...i also too lazy to arrange all kinds of tuition for him..just let him be...
thanks...dun noe why i slackened so much tis cant be bothered liao anymore or resigned to my fate....i try to train him to be more independent but still cant.....after exam, i also bo chup, i asked him got ting1 xie3 or not, he says dun hv, i also never check his book...maybe 2mr is the last day of sch tts why i heck care haha..
happy anniversary! hope u enjoy ur stay this weekend.

me so tired. ytd woke up late. this morning, woke up 1hr 2 early!! saw the clock wrongly. sigh. woke up at 5.20am (tot it was 6.20am), finished washing up, go into rm wan to wake hubby up, then saw the clock, how come only 5.30??? sigh. so went back 2 sleep again haha
Nada c doctor, he just say viral infection. We considering to get Rotavirus immunisation if possible.

I saw the new Nestle NAN 3 can be for age 10mths to 3yrs. Confused . so can be either that or NESTLE NAN 2 ? its different benefits ? can help clarify? thx
i also think you are not slackened. u got 2 to handle ler

oh i see...opps rotavirus must be taken before the bb is 6 months old.
just to share - dunno if u have heard of the Ergo carrier. I had to switch from using sling coz Nada too heavy. its v gd ! expensive though. cost $182 for new. I bought mine secondhand.
useful even if use strollers coz there are times they wann be carried. can be used up to 20kg

yes. the nan 3 can b for 10mths onwards, more proteins & more calories. but not much diff. so u can either stick to nan 2 or change to nan 3. but nan 3 is cheaper, i think.
I ever consider the ergo carrier intially, but yes the price is ex and furthermore now think it will strain my back if I carry them in the carrier
thanks! yes Nan 3 cheaper, abt $28. Nan 2 HA is $32.

ex, so I buy second-hand at $50 to try heheh. my sis manage find $110, hers used for 1year. its gd! For my 9.5kg gal, the sling - my backache strain cannot take it already. ergo - didnt. can carry few hrs. sling - 1h also I cannot already.
anyways ur boys r big already now rite.
no prob.

i used infantino go-go-carrier for abt 10mths. it's v gd. cos ws can look in front & see things while i bring her out & my hands r free 2 do things! 1 thing to note: though it claims can b used up to 20kg, but we can't tahan slinging a 20kg kid 4 long rt? our back will break haha
daec,yeah... nada is very sweet and pretty... can pose at such a young age liao..

jane, yes child proof is basically to take care of those sharp corners (eg, tables), storage of chemicals prevent kid from accidnetally hitting the sharp corner when walking clumsily, or from going to kitchen and touching some chemicals..etc ..wah..siang dont wear diaper at night and wont pee? wow!

kkf, can u apply for transfer to another school? btw, kapo..r u teaching in a school with 2 words starting with M?

costa, hahaha.. the teachers must be happy tat u dont care abt grades cos those parents will stress the teachers more :p

daec, i am using ergo carrier too..last time always got BP so its cheaper... but now kate only 9kg and i already find it even painful for my back ..maybe cos back weak...

dm, i am still waiting for Nan 3 HA!!!!!!

btw, mommies, i had scanned the course notes..(very messy cos got my and hb's handwriting).. its in pdf so its too big to be uploaded here..anyone interested pls let me know...
thanks....can i have the course notes...i will pm you shortly....

yah,i guess the teachers must b vy surprised got such a parent like me....

got sch name starting wif 2 Ms....cant say kkf's school here but dun tink she teaches there
hi bloom
oh i see

hmmm that is after i change his diaper which is quite full(around 3am or so). then when i go out to work around 7am, i notice he has not pee ler (and he is not wearing diaper :p)

please PM me (my email) the notes too
welcome here....can give us yr details like dob, how many mths in the nicu, tt we can update our table.....

u are welcome to share any pblems, ideas, feelings...
thanks,will wait for one of the mummies here gd in computer skills to update..wats yr boy weight at birth..born at how many wks.....?any thg you want to share?
super small with birth weight of 1.239kg, born @ 27wks+. His weight is 6kg (take 1mths ago)...believe he has put on weight.

Any babies suffer from ROP?
actually I have a sling which my maid intially wil use when we go out, also got a carrier which my sil passed to me, tried it at home but maybe the material not good so I felt very warm so never use it anyway
Welcome Strawberry
My twins have ROP. Both did laser.

Bloom/ Jane/ Costa
What course notes? No time to read the posts.
Came in cos Jane told me we have a new friend onboard
how your boi condition now? Did he go for any laser operation?

My poor boi went for it one wk after discharge from nicu, still need to have bi-mthly heart pain hearing him cry so loudly.
Welcome Strawberry
My twins have ROP. Both did laser.

Bloom/ Jane/ Costa
What course notes? No time to read the posts.
Came in cos Jane told me we have a new friend onboard
Hi mich,
twin...bill must be super exp

How your boi condition since they are 2yrs old now?

pai many questions cos i'm worry abt his condition
my boy got rop...quite severe but din go for d operation, i did ask the doctor why dun go for it and cure it all at once..but the answer she gave me was tt it wasnt necessary (at that time for his condition as before operation nd to sedate lah, nd intubation etc..(all those terms i almost forgotten already)....he din go for the operation finally but after discharge still must go for reviews quite often...but later nt so often

but take heart, thgs wld get better becuz slowly the appts wld become less and less...

his next appt wld be next year i think...he was born in june 2006

i think his condition is okay but i guess mayb nd to wear glasses.....which i think its vy okay...

yr boy has made vy good progress liao loh.....dun worry...

is yr bb fm kkh?wat did the doc say?
i c ur bb is now almost 18mths? can carry on with nan ha2 if u r alrdy doing so, can give till 3yr old. my ger is 26mths & still on ha2.. me oso waiting for ha3..
he born in tmc but the eye specalist is from Mt E. The specalist advise us to go for laser cos his condition is not good(might go blind if there delay) after discussion we went ahead with the operation.

will be going back for review 1st wk of june again, my nightmare coming cos my son sure cry & make noise at night all the way to 5am after the vist.
hi strawberry
My boy (26 weekers) now 21 months actual have ROP but have since regress (since last year). His next yearly review is this July.

There is a few 27 weekers baby here

yup, like costa say, kkf and bloom went for a tui na course and during the course (i took a peek at bloom blog) they were given course notes hehe. earlier kkf mention that they were taught on what food to give if the baby is not feeling well etc.
oh i see..yr boy was fm tmc....did you ask wat stage was his ROP and also did you get a second opinion?
Hi jane,
that least he dun have to go thru op.

seem like nowaday lot of premature bb.....what have gone wrong?

inital he in stage 2 but after a few weeks, he in stage 3+. No, we din seek 2nd opinion.
I saw NAN 3 at the ntuc supermarkets already leh ?

thx! is the strap tight at the waist and shoulders ? maybe can check that.
wah BP - next time I go check. I quite desperate so I just bought that $50 one. heheh thnk it may be quite old but still can use ah ;)

yeah can be quite warm. Ergo material bit warm but no choice ah. I can't use sling anymore and she dun like stroller.(something to work on) To be honest, I also like carrying her though sometimes tiring. Easy reach for hug & kiss & talking heheh. anyways, I try to take break and let her sit in babychair. she ok if sit for while while we eat. give her food, she quiet hehe ;)

my boy has hearing impairment. i think...individual baby is different pah. My boy was in ROP stage 2 then regress...same as costa boy, my boy is still under review of the Eye centre at KKH too.

think is the stress ah.
welcome! do come here & share. dun worry, our premmie babies are fighters!

maybe more prem babies coz nowadays have babies later age and the food we eat - all those modern stuff not so healthy, lifestyle.. ? cant say also. think older days like our granny time still have. just that not reported/known or hospital care lesser as techology not so advance as now. there is more pro-active care now.

think its just fated that some babies are premature. just like Winston Churchil, Isaac Newton ;) These famous people were premature at birth, still make it one
hi strawberry,
my boy was also 27wks. he was much smaller than ur boy at birth, now 7 months but only 5+ kg! so urs has done really well! dun worry too much about operations. our babies can recover very fast when young.

wah i din know so many talented premies! haha.. thats a real encouragement.
Hello mummies, wow, many posts yesterday!

thanks for all your wishes. Really hope to enjoy myself this weekends. Plan to dump dash with my in laws, and enjoy the stay ourselves.

First, welcome strawberry! so cute nickname. Wow, your boy's weight is good leh. My boy borned 27 weeks plus as well, weighed 1.14kg only when he was borned. He is now 2 and a half. He doesn't have ROP I think, but he also has medical condition. He has heart defect, a hole in the heart, and was patched up.

Bloom, change school? it is not that I am not happy with my school leh, it is that I am tired of my job I think, haha. Btw, yah, costa is right, my school doesn't start with two "M", no "M" in fact. wow, you so good scan your note. My note is like giam chia liao. did you faithfully massage for kath? I did for first few days, but now lazy...haha.

Costa, my meeting with parents? sigh, met with that same nasty parent I had mentioned before. Now was his wife. Again told me the same thing, that her daughter doesn't have interest in chinese language, and asked me to think of my teaching method, must make it more interesting, so that her daughter will have interest. Then she complained about last year teachers, said that they told her if she found that her daughter was not doing well in chinese and other subjects, go and employ a tutor for her. She said she was very unhappy cause if every parent was to employ tutor then what are teachers there for? Stupid parent leh, think she is so smart. If she has so much ideas, and think we teachers are not good, why doesn't she come and teach herself? she will then know facing 40 kids, and with syllables to rush, how to make lessons interesting? if good class, i can still do that, cause there is no need for scolding of students for their discipline or work not handed in, but for average class, most of the time was spend chasing homework, scolding, and remaining time to rush syllables, how to make lessons interesting!!!

If every parent is like costa, what a peaceful world will be! Glad that zack is doing well in his studies. I know how tiring for working parent to supervise homework. I cannot imagine me doing that in future.

Jane, dash is still wearing pampers at night leh. During day, he may be free from pampers as nowadays he can express his wish to go toilet but night, no no no. I think siang is good, he is ready to do without pampers at night liao! good leh.

daec hope nada is better now?

Suai, headache now. I woke up today having headache. think goto take some panadols else I will have migrane again.
good morning mummies

oh...migrane must take care ler. re abt siang going diaperless. now he day time is diaperless. but night? i am not so sure. is he being naughty (don't want to wear diaper and pants??)?

i also don't know if it is he is ready to go without diaper during night time. but afternoon nap he ok to wear diaper ler. night is only when the diaper that he is wearing is full then i try to change, he will fight lor..

early this am (again) around 3am, he scream and indicidate he want his diaper to be remove. so me and my mama take it off lor. well...then he refuse to wear new diaper and refuse to let us put on his pants... so again he was bottom naked from 3am till this morning... "want my life"
every school sure got parents lidat one lah.....i also asked how come my sons school test papers seemed easier than other schools...but of cse, i never said that the teacher must teach in a more interesting way lah...

the parent dun noe the student gets promoted...the student ratio gets to have the attention like pri1/2...why dun you ask the parents to go to the MOE website (for chinese syllabus) and surf the net wif the child and supplement the child wif additional lessons if tink not enuff

i read fm another thread tt sm p2 students in top school will call each other and then compare their marks and the "better" one asked the "nt so gd"one how come get 44.5/45 dun want tuition...really want my life...

my son chinese teacher told me to improve mandarin must read more books, wor..i just nodded and told him even i myself dun read how to influence my son to read......i said my son watches alot of tcs shows though...counted or not, ahahah.....and he noes the stories vy well..hahah..

my son was in stage 3 i tink....but stage 3 also dpds on certain conditions.....maybe you can ask the doctor more or seek another opinion...?
morning mummies...

thank mummies for all your encouragement.

he had done the laser op in feb so now he on the way to recovery.
morning......then yr boi shld be okay...

i got yr notes thru email thanks..can i hv the course details?where was it held etc?i cldnt find d post where u were discussing abt tis...

u cute la.. wat's the teacher's reaction when u say ur son watches lots of tcs drama? did she ask ur son to go join the drama club as ECA?? haha

hope u r better. there'll bound 2 b KS parents ard, so dun b stressed k? i juz had my 1st meet-parents session in ws' sch this morning. haha, i'm the only parent, cos the rest r in full day class, so they get to meet & talk to the teacher on daily basis, so they didn't come.

as usual, teacher told me ws is v shy & doesn't initiate & play w other kids. only play by herself unless told 2. eat v slowly, v stubborn. all these i oso know alrdy haha. i can only tell the teacher 2 encourage her to join in & b more sociable. told the teacher my aim 2 send her 2 sch is to learn how to mix ard...

TGIF.. today got go home eat w family day, so can go off early
