Premature babies support group

golf ? good idea
that day I was asking hb whether he wants D&D to learn golfing ? he just smiled, maybe not yet
cause he don't want the D&D to be too tanned like him, but I tell him that they can go for nite-golfing mah, hey, tell me more if Dash go, ok ?

have you been to Perth on your own ? as I want to have the contact of farmstay ? want to have the details for our trip (should we go lah).....

hi. dd means dear daughter issit? if so.. arvin's my ds.. heheh.. hwz ur daughter doing?

diif to jus ask u not to worry.. coz it's a mummy's thing to constantly worry abt her children.. wanting e best for them.. well all will be well... hang in thr.. hv fun golfing tmr..

did do a farmstay in perth. but dun hv e cntct coz arranged by my dad.. but v fun.. gr8 for recharging.
yup, the farmstay that I stayed previously is also arranged by the travel agency
not soo fantastic, as I want to stay in a working farm instead
fairylander, kkf, disneymickey

thanks keke. me lazy mum really...

saw your post with regard to the PD and GP hearing the sound. don't worry so much first. perhaps wait for the news from KKH. most likely is not of concern. have a good time with dash for all the program you have plans

yeah i too hope that all our children will grow up to be forever strong and healthy
Jane Jane,
don't worry too much, Siang will do the test well
Jia You !!!! how old are they supposed to take the tests ? thanks
all the best for Siang test! dun worry too much, just do it

i c. like dat can't help worrying at times. but sounds like dr say its likely to be ok - so dun worry too much. worry affects fertility too ;)

u sound like u really need a break leh. try take bit longer lah. if near also never mind.

me - if can, I like to go on hols min 3 days, average 10days hehhe. I feel bit too short if one day coz u just adapt to the idea - out of SG, not the typical daily routine. bit longer gd, to forget SG heheh. that's how it is for me lah.

wish I can go hols soon. like so long never go. at most go JB, sienz lah.

so gd ! I FTWM seldom go holiday, if be SAHM - wah lagi rare lah. hubby dun take hol as priority - must save first, he bz doing biz and dunno wat. sat tend to be busy. he spare time for me lah, but seem like always running here and there. then I stone dunno wat to do. end up just visit granny if he not free
oh you see
my hb also wants to relax mah
he always thinking of going for holidays (most of the times) then I got to remind him the expenses involved, esp he wants to pay for my parents too ! and I told him not to bring maid but he bring her along, so can help to watch out the boys
ha... wait till he knows how much he got to pay
Hi all mummies..
Din log in for very long liao.. Enjoyed and exhausted my maternity leave liao...
U gals remember my sis in law's colleague has a premie.. She was recuperating from intestine infection in KKH. She never make it home
Pass on yesterday morning.. Heart was very heavy when I heard the news... She jus pass her 1 yr old birthday.....Sigh

Welcome to all the new mummies on the board

Tat little Ezann of mine.. getting more and more cheeky.. Just brought her brothers to buy school shoes and guess wat?? She wanna try all the shoes that she could reach!! Wow piang! Very touchy..

ezann into terrible 2s alrdy?? welcome heehee.. the other day when i brought ws to marina sq, she wanted to go into crocs shop & try all the shoes there!! luckily the shop is crowded, so nobody cares/minds abt her mischief.. heehee

btw, these 2 days when we dropped her in sch, she started crying again when we were leaving..sigh. tot she was ok alrdy.. the teacher say, normally juz come back frm tour (cos spent 2 many days w parents) will b like tat.. sigh

went perth few yrs back, w/o ws though. didn't really enjoy leh. found the driving q siong, cos the place is 2 big & the places of interest like v far apart, so must travel v far, so spent a lot of time on the road instead..didnt' go 4 farmstay, so can't advise.
Hi mummies, morning...
MIL went home already. Now i'm really a full time SAHM!! Any tips from SAHM here what to do with a 13mths kid? All she wants to do all day is to touch forbidden things and sweep everything she can reach on the floor!!! Then when i bring her for walks, she wants to climb out of the stroller and I end up carrying her and pushing the pram.. aiyo.. my back ache..

mummylian, going back to work? so good

kkf, enjoy ur hols.. take this time to relax ok? don't stress too much... school is stressful enough.

Sigh.. i also wish to go for holiday... but i think with coco around, it will be more stressful than relaxing... Wait till she can walk first, think it will be better. But then again, pp tell me, when they can walk, it will be worse... really? the worse is yet to come??
u wun be teaching any more?

guess different stages got different thgs to look out son wld crawl onto the chair and then climb on the table etc...

wanted to text u the other day..hows ezanns runny nose..bernard has been hving runny nose so long and saw a paedi who is supposedly good for such issues and yet still lidat after so long...

how did u manage for ezanne's runny nose?
thanks, we thot of driving the next time we go (thk early next year), I am quite worried that the driving gonna be siong, but can see more things, like Lavender Garden, vineyards etc.... more relaxing for me and the boys, we will be gg with my parents and my sis's family. I will be looking for rental cars Co, accommodations, etc ....
wow.. so much planning stuff 2 do hor.. n so much to pack.. i've got a checklist 4 packing. if u need, i can send to u

like wat costa say, every stage got every stage prob. now, though i'm happy ws is talking, but she's ardly into the arguing/talking back stage.. *shake head*
Many thanks, please forward to me, will pm you my email adress
my gf has just went there early this year, will get all the necessary info from her, otherwise I siao liao
how old was ws when she first travelled via plane ? I am more worried for Darryl, he is learning to walk so will be difficult to handle
gd idea! keep them busy so they wont find forbidden things to do. the ergo baby carrier is useful even if u use stroller for those times when need to carry her. heard beco carrier not bad too. I use ergo for my girl. I used sling, backache. no carrier - i cant last for too long.

ya hor, I also get comments - wait till she walk. be chasing her here there. wonder how then

i c. he quite considerate wan pay for ur parents & maid. hope he thk abt it costs before commit then.

sad to hear abt that premmie. wish e mum condolences. any idea how got the infection in the first place ?
brought her to 1st trip to taipei when she was 8mths (non-corrected) old.. when taking off, give water/food. as long as they swallow, it's ok.
Mummylian,sorry to hear about the premiee, was she discharged already and went home, then garna infection? Or all along she stayed at SCN? Sorry forgot about the post liao. She was one year old liao?

Me very bad one, dash is watching sesame street alone, and I am using computer here.

Anyway, didi, I did bring dash to kindergolf for trial. Dash enjoyed it very much, esp holding the club and hitting the ball. But then won't be signing him up, cause too expensive. $200 plus per month for 4 lessons only! If for one term of 3 months still not bad, but for 4 lessons only, wow, quite costly. For rich guys only.

No pictures taken as the class only got dash and the teacher, and the teacher said cannot take photo.

Anyway, today littleskoolhouse called me up and offered me a place for dash. Made me think and think again whether to change school for dash. But the fees quite high, $567 for half day program. I am thinking, I am planning for 2nd one now, and will be going no pay once pregnant, now save and save is very important, and hubby also cannot afford the high school fees once I go no pay, so in the end decided better save the money for my next pregnancy. I still remember every hormone injection I took last time costed around $100? Thats super expensive. Think will stick to tots house. Anyway, if I do really go no pay, then will get the time to teach dash myself, dun really have to go good school. Just let him mix around with kids can liao. Hahaha trying to physco myself.

Wow see you mummies talking about going holidays. Yes, its good to go overseas once a while. The marriage instructor advised that too. haha. My mum and sis going europe soon for 21 days. Good hor? I dream of going europe but then, I tell you, I am really somebody who hates the idea of waking up very early and rushing here and there, adn taking long journey buses. Think I am really super lazy!!! So premature babies are not always hyper. haha. me a very good example!

Oh yah, regarding the heart mumur, the padetrician called me back yesterday. She has called up kkh dr to ask. The dr said not of a concern, is just functioning heart mumur (dunno wat is that). So at least not to worry now till dash's next checkup in october with the heart dr in kkh, and also with dr argawal. Now once a year checkup, me not used to it...cause seems like very long leh.
I see
for take-off and landing, my gfs was mentioning to let them drink fluids so their ears will be ok from the pressure

For golf, you can let Dash learn when he is older, think some country clubs have instructors giving lessons, in groups of 4-6, but I heard from my ex-boss, he is an avid golfer told me intially it is better to learn 1 to 1 (for kids), so they learn better ? hey, you have got a sister too ? thot all along you are the only child
I m new here..
I gave birth to my twins at 34 weeks last sat...
both of them r in NICU..
really xin tong to see them there..
I cried everyday...

hoping for them to come out fast...
Hi Jaslyn,
and Congrats
don't worry 34 weeks is consider good, believe they will be out of the hospital asap
what's their weight and their gender ?
Hi didi
I hope so too..
they r both gers..
jie jie's birth weight is 2.065kg but then she lost weight now only 1.91kg..
mei mei's birth weight is 1.585kg and she managed to gain abit weight to about 1.61kg..
harlo, jaslyn,
nice to noe u here....welcome...34wks vy gd liao loh......

let us noe more and do share yr pblems here..dun bottle bb was born at 24wks and oso vy small..yrs wld be okay..dun worry..hugz...

will catch up again on monday...still got wk to do before my wking day ends..take gd care of yrself now since u just gv birth..

take care.......
hello costa del sola
thanks! I will take care...
nice to noe u here also..

I need to go for c section cos mei mei's fluid is reducing..
I miss them alot..
see people carrying their bbs back..
but I have to go home myself..

how is ur bb now?
how long did he or she stay in NICU?
my bb stayed for 5 mths 1 wk.u can check out the table of our particulars on tis thread...

34wks shld be okay....will pbly stay for not too long....must take care yah...

my bb is coming 2yrs old (uncorrected age) and super norti and hyper...
hi jaslyn..
tk cr.. yes heart pain to leave ur bbs thr n not tk them hm. but i believe they shld b out soon... considering the wt n wks @ birth..

well hang in thr.. giv them all ur TLC.. u wil hv to tk gd cr of urself too if u want to do tt... *big hugz.. n welcm*
hi costa del sol
ok.. will go check out the table..
thanks! I will take care..

can I ask what is uncorrected age?

hi daec
thanks for the link!
I will.. thanks!
my milk supply still very low..

hi mimeole
ya.. I hope they will be out soon..
Hi jaslyn, dun worry. 34 weeks are good weeks, and they are of good weight. You can see all our children have lesser weights than yours, and even less gestation weeks too but all are fine now. Dun worry!

Didi, yah, me have an elder sis, preemie as well, 36 weekers. haha. she is one year older than me. No child yet, though married.

Yah, when dash becomes doctor dash tan, then maybe he will pick up golf with his colleague. haha (daydream)
Hi jaslyn, welcome. Yeah, ur girls are of good weight. Don't to worry too much. My girl was born at 30 weeks at 1.4kg. I brought her home when she reach 2kg. So u may be able to bring Jie Jie home soon... and Mei mei will soon catch up too
Don't cry okie.. confinement month cannot cry. But last time I also cry... :p take good care of urself cos u got two to take care of when they come home...

costa, yeah. Not teaching at the moment. Cannot leave my girl with the helper alone. Just don't feel safe, although I must say that I'm very blessed that she is quite experienced and good. But somehow I just don't feel safe to leave my girl to a stranger. What's more, i'm the foreigner here. U know, juz now I was giving tuition at home and she brought the girl down for a walk without telling me. I told her off. I dunno if i'm being too paranoid or wat. I know the ayis (helpers) all take their charge out for stroll so i think i seem very kaisu and paranoid to her and she probably couldn't understand why i'm so uptight about it. Keeps saying she will not sell my girl away.
uncorrected age is age according to date of birth
dr at kk tends to use corrected age which is according to EDD to assess progress

can ask dr for pills to help on breastmilk. but best is to pump frequently, eat healthy foods, more water,stress/worry as little as possible..
now I know already.. thanks!

the nurse at NICU also ask me to see an LC
but I intend to pump frequently 1st to try better than take pills..
now eating all confinement food ah..
stress and worry..
think all mothers r the same..
worry about my gers.. haiz..
Jaslyn, last time my milk supply not enough to meet demand as well. Sometimes, got to use half breastmilk.

I remember must drink lots of papaya fish soup (those green papaya), and other soups, lots and lots.

I can understand fully your worries. We have all been thru that. Soon will be over, not to worry! Your gals will be home very very soon with their gestation weeks and good weights.

lili, so good, wish I can stop teaching as well. Getting a bit tired.

Yesterday brought dash for duck tour! It was rather fun. Do check it out at his website. (promoting website again!) haha
ya lor..
me also using half breastmilk, half formnula..
cos got 2 to feed..
yep.. my mum started all the papaya soup liao..
hope will increase supply..

jie jie is 1.99kg yesterday..
but she still cant suck well..
been telling her to suck well so that I can bring her home...
lili, a full time sahm...i wld hv the same worries as you as u are in unfamiliar territory .....i do leave my maid alone at home wif my younger boy.........

tink maybe u can be sahm till coco goes to childcare or smthg...r childcare centres popular there...

must admit u are vy brave to be able to deal wif everythg alone there....

tink daec has explained to u the term of uncorrected age..


wow, u brot dash to the duck tour...muz go and pong chan yr blog later which is one of my favourites actually........

eh...2mr must go back to wk...lotsa wk to do care...
thanks. costa for visiting dash's blog.

jaslyn, congrats, hope jie jie can go home soon!!

So good,envy you with twins, at least dun have to worry about having "2nd one" cause you have two at one go! hee just like didi, jacelyn, mich...

Got staff learning later at 830am till evening. feel like a zombie now cause slept around 1pm yesterday, woke up very early today to get some work done...
came in office early cos got a meeting @9. juz wan to tell jaslyn, my ger oso born @34wk & 1.5kg (lighter than your twins) & she stayed in hospital for 3wks!! dun worry, ur gers will b gg home soon

catch up with all ltr!
hey, jaslyn

my boy was also born 34weeker and 1.5kg(same as disneymickey's) and now he is about 7kg++ at 7mth+.. Dun worry.. they will catch up very fast.. My boy now can stand with some support, goo goo gaa gaa and run when on walker.. hahaha..
daec, ahahha..more like after 1st kid..more tight fist cos afraid of spending more money! :p

powergal, yes, its super crazy being SAHM if its not tai tai style!

kkf..wah... so all those hotel stays sponsored by u ah.....but i also say the same thing to hb lah..SG men are so lucky! :p

daec, kkf, her cough not from tui na course lah.. cos she only develop it later... now become phelgm again.sighhh...

dm, last time u did share abt cuttign on fm for ws at night right? when u say decrease by 1 scoop, do u cut down on the water too? or same amt of water (ie, make it more diluted)... sad abt ur sil's colleague's bb..

welcome jaslyn... ur bbs wgt are dont worry... btw, its normal for newborn to lose wgt cos they are losing water... so dont worry...

lili, i am also one who is scared abt leaving bb with maid..thats why din hire maid to take care of bb though its cheaper...
Hi gals,

Thanks for the nice words.. I know myself.. I m a super lazy mum.. Sometimes when I m so tired I will just put him on his walker and let him zhi you fa hui.. hahahaa..

Anyway I really super piss with my mil.. Sometimes behind my back, she will just anyhow feed things to my boy.. Like the thick porridge that adult took (can still see the rice grain) or ji zhong fun.. goodness!! my son is a premature bb and he is only 7mth++ leh..

There was once I voiced out when she trying to feed my son minced pork porridge (without grinding it, she complain to my hubby that I dun listen to her but only listen to my mum.. gggrrhhh!!!
wah siong ah if hubby become more tight-fisted when #2 come. esp when I planing to quit.

agree yeah some sg hubbies really lucky.. wife do more stuffs at home and help pay somemore.

maybe gd u emphasise its dr instructions and dr say that to avoid potential issues. u follow coz its dr instructions. so she gets more scared too heheh and think it not abt follow ur mum. be gd if - talk to ur hubby abt ur worries and ask him talk to her.

I rem once she wanted to feed my boy the eggs from Mac big breakfast, my hubby stopped her and she got angry.. She said its harmless if mashed it but u know no matter how u mashed the egg, it won't be puree enough.. Then she got really angry and said nonsense when my hubby told her that the doc and nurses from KKH said must be extra careful when feed him soild cos premature bb's airway is thinner but she won't listen.. As usual she said they (my hubby and his 2 brothers) all eat this way and nothing happen.. If bb this age hav to start tasting everything, blah blah blah.. My hubby very filial one and dun dare to voice out again..

My mil always like to interfere on our life.. Where we shd hold our wedding banquet, buy what type of funitures for our rooms, wat type of milk bottles and things for our bb etc etc.. If she give constructive advices I will listen but u know she always give funny funny ideas.. Craydon's 1st mth celebration was held in a RC karaoke room cos she refused to let us use her hse and she wana sing cos she luv singing.. She insisted to hold it there.. I was very upset then, Craydon was only a mth old and hav to stay outside cos Karaoke was too noisy for him..
hi costa del sol
yep.. saw her explaination liao..

I also hope so..
aiyo.. y dun have to worry..
my hubby want a boy..
then his grandma ask him y his is 2 gers..
cos she has got 7 great granddaughters liao..
+ mine is 9 liao..

didi, jacelyn, mich
u also have twins??

disneymickey, powergal and bloom
thanks for ur assurance!!

disneymickey, powergal
did ur bbs gain weight very quickly??
for mine..
mei mei only gain like 100g for the past 1 week..
then the PD say will only try to let her go on bottle feed when she is 1.8kg.. now she is only 1.685kg..

it must be tiring chasing him ard..
but I guess is a very happy sight...
hi jaslyn,

I didn't chase with him, I just let him run ard but make sure the place is clear for him to run ard.. But he got a pair of itchy hands, he will always reach out his hands to touch things and grab things if its within his reach..

Anyway during his stay in SCN, he was 1.5kg extacly when born, then next day he was 1.4kg++, doc told us its normal for bb to lose a few gs and then the next few days, u will notice its 30g - 60g per day.. My boy was discharge at the wt of 1.98kg on the 3rd week.. And when he was home, his wt was increase to 3.8kg+ within a mth time.. It will be very fast as long as bb start intaking milk..

no, juz reduce the scoop of milks, dun reduce the water. yah, make the milk dilute & tasteless.. i reduce 1 scoop a wk.. until 1 scoop of powder to 150ml of water then she stopped waking up alrdy. good luck

i can sympathize w u re ur MIL situation. i oso hav the same prob. my MIL oso like to feed my ger biscuits at the wrong time, eg. 1hr b4 her dinner! so i angrily told ws, if ltr u cannot finish ur dinner, i'll throw away all biscuit & u won't get to eat again.. then i c my MIL's face black, but i dun care haha

ya must be careful of the surroundings..

thats gd..
did ur boy have problem sucking his milk in the beginning?
my my ger has.. and she is 2kg but still cant go home..

as long as she is healthy its ok rite.. hehe..
