Premature babies support group

just ignore wat yr mil says..just give him lotsa encouragement....

yr gal sooo adorable......glad u enjoy yr wk

is the bear thingy in suntec?i tot it looks cute and my fren wanted to organise a make yrself bear party but i think maybe our kids are too young and do not noe how to do it..did dash stuff the bear himself or u helped him do it?

welcome son is like 9.5kg..vy thin also and super active..guess as long as healthy shld be okay....

great that your MIL very good to must try to treat her good ok...old people like us sayang them too...
great,,darryl very clever ha...ya, we must sayang them, sure uour boys know, for me, my boys always hug hug at me one, they will ran until me ang hug me tight tight...some time i sad mummy tired ,pain pain, come and hug me and sayang me...and they will kiss my face will know what i trying to say.i think you can feel my happinest too as we are same ma....powerful factory, twins mummy ...he...he..
jac, sorry leh i cant help u much., i need advice from the mummies here too! dun stress dun stress.. parenting is like science experiment.. gotta try and try!

powergal, this is the way our parents used to parent lor.. cant blame them.. their old habits die hard. I usually correct my mother in law by telling her babies do not know anything so if they are stupid or useless, then she must teach instead of just calling them names. She used to tell my son that he pick up from rubbish bin and i am very angry. lucky i din have to do anything much cos my father in law corrected her when he heard it! hehe.

hope u are feeling better. it is such a journey but he will be back with u all soon.

I'm sure I will get upset if I hear that from my MIL too. Lucky for me, my MIL knows that my tongue is filled with acid. So she dare not say in front of me at least. But if I ever hear that I would tell her intelligence is in the DNA. So if her grandchild is useless, it is also her son's fault. I won't say it's directly her fault but if she smart enough, she knows how to link the two together.

Hi Bloom, dd is in Character Montesorri, AMK branch.
Yup, must 'buy' old folks hearts sometimes lor
I won't say she is the best mil but one thing, she is very tactful she think before she say anything
she is also careful with all her grandchildren that no one will feel that she don't love them that much or love them more, think this is important as the kids will be closer, I must learn from such actions, hey we are going to be someone's mils one day too. Oh ya, those things that the our bums bums do really touches our hearts
sort of like, make all our efforts worth it
when I say 'kiss kiss' to Darryl and Dylan they will turn their cheeks to me and let me kiss
hi xbliss / Costa / Janclyn / Jane,

Thanks for yr encouragement. Now feeling better.

During lunch hr, my hb just checked with the doctor, they said his blood test show no infection.( relief....). They said some premiees sometimes will have this set back.

hope it will not occur again. (Really heart attack)
Really hope you are feeling better....its gd tat he has no infection...its we always say..the nicu/scn is a roller coaster of emotions and its smtms a step forward, two steps back...i noe wat you mean by the heart attack...i can faint when i see any number faintly resembling kk number on my hp....

do take care and pm me if you need any help...
I went to Dash's blog, yup the bear is so cute
rem seeing something like this in Esplanade
thot of making also
thk HongKong got something like this too in Hung Hom, iirc b4 singapore have this, I ever thot of making it if I happen to go hk again
that's was b4 preggie, too free
i hvnt gone to see dash;s blog yet.....i oso like bears but dare not put in my office..becuz bear mkt means no good mah...scared i kena "scolding" by my colleague if i put a bear in office hahah...

tink for bigger kids and perhaps adults, we will like it..too small kids, maybe not...

i din noe hk msia, KL's denbenhams (like marks and spencers of UK) has but that time when i went was like many yrs ago....
after read what Jane and didi say - true leh, not all babies like apples. I norm keep quiet when my IL say something I dun like.then I steam inside. these day - I think I must try to say something. must train myself say somthing nicely so I feel better and they know not to talk anyhow to me. else they continue then I cont get angry. u see what works for u. u feel better keep quiet or say something ?

ok so next time she say something like dat. maybe can respond - 'other baby also dun like apple leh. dun like apple don mean useless lah. some my fren's fullterm baby also dun like apple and spit out.' then u can add some praise for ur baby. eg. ' baby v strong, go thru lot things unlike other baby'. honestly I feel better saying stuff like dis even if they dun agree with me.

ur TONE very impt. must be v casual. if say wrong tone, more problem.

happy to hear he is better
pray that ur baby get better. take care
ur attitude not problem lah. just realistic.

hubby want me treat his parents like I treat my parents. but I just can't. afterall my parents brought me up and are the ones to help out with my girl. il dun leh. I also disappointed they not come when Nada operation. I know la too bz with work etc. well they dun treat me v bad either. just we v diff and I get easily irritated even if they dun mean anythg. hehe dunno how when I myself is mil.
hello jace

i switch from Gain (cos siang like don't like) to Enfa for quite a while. so far..siang ok with enfa.

Take care. yup, like costa say, 2 step backwards but don't worry, your boy will bounce back with many steps forward soon. keep us posted and meanwhile, send our hugs to your boy. I really don't know how i can help u .. but wish to tell you, be strong and don't feel upset. anytime you wish to talk, just type here...a lot of mummies here is reading. hope it make you feel better.

tell your boy...bounce forward, bounce forward. a lot of mummy fren in the forum would like to see you
. be brave. things be ok.
powergal, daec, didi ;)

re apple thingy. keke..can always eat vegetable (that is what i give a lot to my boy) to gain the fiber :p. re vit C, kiwi is very high in Vit la, so long baby know what is apple is ok haha. need not really must eat apple. you all know what is this jane trying to say hahahaha..
I only know about the bear place in hong kong in some travelogue show, haven't been there, think won't go even in Hong Kong liao

Sama leh
how can we treat our ils exactly like how we treat our parents
I alway tell my hb that it is only our parents that will love us unconditionally so we must love them back

I also let my boys eat more veggies, their daily porridge will have more veggies
glad to 'hear' that my 2 bums are not the only ones don't like apples
hi mummies,
cathrina surgery is very successful.juz discharged on sunday.tks for all the support and well wishes.

how much is ann tan consultation?might consider to see her.
wow, quite a lot of posts...taking some time to read. Quite busy now cause the kids just finished their compo examination, and I have to mark.

Fairylander, congrats that cathrina surgery is successful and is discharged. Must let her bu hui after losing so much blood.

Dr ann tan consultation is ex man. Think 100 for 1st time consultation only.

Costa, I made the bear in esplanade, dash did not really stuff the cotton. He sat down about to stuff, when he heard the machine noise, he got scared.

xiaowanzi, dun worry, hope your boy will get out of kkh soon and be back home. I understand how you feel. There were times I got fustrated with dash's progress as well when he was in NICU and SCN.

bloom, no choice lar, been married goto have faith in own marriage, and have to try to make it lasts forever.

Dm, yah feeling much better now. I realise my hubby is really not bad. haha.

Jane got your pm, give me some time to reply, k...busy marking compo...sianz.

I am going to see ann tan for blood test later, and saturday got to go for 2nd time scanning. wow liao, sianz...cause mount elizabeth too far for me. I think next time I got pregnant, better find nearby place.

didi, wow, that must be a precious moment for you! so sweet!

Introducing dash junior here (name him dash junior, the bear dash "made")

talking about in laws, I have great in laws as well. they are very nice to me, and to my boy, my boy is like a king to them.

This coming week, will be learning about "power struggle" (DEALING with in laws) in my marriage course, will share more about wat I learnt. hee...
fairylander, great

okie dokie. no hurry, just thought share with you hehe

*high 5* hehe. my boy love apple (but not eating them is like playing with it) haha...
i din noe got one at esplanade..i really outdated..i think there is one at suntec..near guardian pharmacy....if irrc....

the bear is cute but its an expensive bear...
but its a learning experience for kids....

hk got a bear museum which i went..near tsim sha tsui..but i find not fantastic...just alot of bears tts all..i love hk also but tink no time to go...
i like ur attitude!!

frankly, ws likes & eat fruits since young.. apple, cherry, papaya, banana, grapes, peach, etc. but juz after she turn 2 (& transform into terrible 2), she refused all fruits. except 4 梨, cos my father told her eat 梨 then got 力. haha

she oso has been eating veg, but since gg 2 sch, when she spot green green colour in her food, she will tell me 菜 no!! so i got to 'hide' the veg beneath porridge/noodle/other food.

hi, mummies, i'm back in Shanghai.

Coco will be one yr old tomorrow!!! How time flies... anyway, u will see me here more often since now that i'm back and veri free :p

come back later.. got to bath coco now.
hi disneymickey

i always heard about kids refusing veggie. so i think ws is ok... some mother they do the veggie and camoflague the green monster inside the rice and etc..hahahah...

梨 is good in vits and is not cheap ler. ws got good taste ;)

haha tell u a joke. now that my boy is eating veggie so i let him eat a lot..hahahha.. in case he reject the green monster (which is normal) later stage keke :p
hallo zao an lili

cool! so you are back in shanghai. i have not been into coco blog for a while. any updates? later i shall pop in and see see ;)
me 2. i used 2 put A LOT of veg into ws' food cos i told my mother, ltr on, she'll reject veg. anyway, now i 'hide' the veg or give cauliflower, which is white colour, so she can't c haha..but she's q interested in bright colour veg, like carror & pumpkin, but can't eat these orange veg everyday oso wat.. so if eat outside, will give her the spring onion haha
congrats! yay! Cathrina home

tru ah. I told hb but still he dun understand. no matter how argue with my parents, gets scolded - still my parens ah

yes, pls do share abt Dr Ann and e course. thank u, thank u!

wah Coco one year old
Happy Birthday!
Haha, i thought i am the only one who has this thinking "now he give him more" haha. spring onion..interesting ler. spring onions is good. so if ws is ok with it..give it to her ;).

yeah. hands up. i also don't let siang eat too much orangy stuff. i don't like to put too much carrots in his porrige too :p
guessed Dash already kiss kiss you many many times already
it is one of my perks being a sahm

hey, maybe that's the bear place that I saw on tv (the bear museum in TST ?) can make your own bear bear ? btw did you drool over Moses Chan every nite huh ? (ie Healing Hands)

true, quarrel with own parents and ils very different
went 2 ur blog & saw dash's new shoes..i oso looking 4 new shoes 4 ws. she has a pair of crocs, my BIL bought 4 her last nov, till now still can't wear!! maybe i shld go adidas/nike shop 2 c? next time got gd lobang must jio
thanks for the birthday wishes

Jane, so paiseh, i haven't been updating my blog... my blog is sooooo backdated.

kkf, i read ur message left on my blog... hee hee, my blog really so outdated compared to yours... so malu...

DM, no party for her, just celebrate at home with a small cake and takes lots of pictures. Preparing to dress her in new clothes and her first pair of shoes. Too bad if she is born just one day later, then it will be a public hols and daddy need not work.

Jane/DM, u mentioned about 'orangey' stuff. Oh dear, I put pumpkin into coco's porridge everyday... what will happen? my mum says too much papaya will cause palms to be yellow. Pumpkin also? I also use carrots quite often.I'm running out of idea what to put in her porridge. Guess i'm not very creative!! Any suggestions?
pass my message to coco, my whole family member wish her happy 1 years pretty and guai guai,,,
i too give my boys pumpkin , but in week one time only, and carrot too..actually most of the time i put potato,,and i think potato should be ok right...and now my boys one person can take one large of whipped potato from kfc...powerful right...
I give them pediasure now...hi, can i know the air purifier you use now??
hi, post some my boys photo...after they sick..and naughty face...
so cool. I also want like dat. esp since I never got to see my girl e day she born. but think hubby and il may wan go his gran hse and celebrate there with all relatives on my girl bd next mth. c how, I try to push that to another day. they never take care Nada mah. just want her birthday day to our family
No worried, your 'boyfriends' still cute cute lah
the one in blue stripes gor-gor huh ? as the one in yellow more like di-di
yr boys so adorable...
i have an air purifier at brand......but i seldom on it..too lazy....

happy birthday to coco...u are back in shanghai....started work already?
ya, correct, the whole yelloy is didi,,,bryan... goh goh is ya, you know how hard i built their weight and health up after they sick.....kelian
miss them bo???so long never see them ha...this time they will know how to play wth you liao...see when i go singapore sure will let your know...
same lor when they fall sick they will lose weight, I really dread the mmr injections that they got to take next month.

do you know whether we have to let them take the mmr within a stipulated period ? thot they are supposed to take at 15mths but D&D is only 13mths corrected next month, thot of delaying till june/july
kum sia
did you see their behind...the staircase side was built in one board??that one to clese the staircase...cos they like to climb staircase...see how naughty they was...and they like to climb car too, not drive but climb...
yes of course,din see both for so let us noe when you are cmg down...u read in the papers, spore got outbreak of hfmd...many childcare centres take care if you do come down to spore...
wah mmr,i too scared,,,last time my boys after took, sick....first fever , after that phelgm and cough...but, depend of baby la...i think your boys should be ok...for my one they very sensitive one...but this time chicken pox jab they ok not to worry..
yup i saw the board in the photo..its a preventive measure right to prevent yr boys from gg up the staircase themselves..

u want to delay the jabs?
me also not sure..i only noe tt the jabs are to follow the actual date of son has finished all the jabs for 18mths
think not gg to delay but I will let Darryl take the jabs 1st then Dylan otherwise if 2 of them kena fever, I can't cope

you can get those removable gate thingy, my sis bot that for her place, is yours a permanent fixture ? Think I will let the boys take lots of fluid b4 the jabs
did you let B&T take any special cooling drinks/ soups ? pls share with me
wah, you so clever,,take turn to give,,but, i worry lei...some time they say twins always sick after that one recover...and fever can spread too...but, is the right way to take turn...for me no cos i never think of that good idea that you suggest...and they also complete their jabs liao..
for me...i give them pear powder before the day...and now i got cook juhua+jinyinhua+pingtang for them to drink lor...and after they back i give them fever medicine even they no fever ...take two day to three day...
that board fixed,,but can dismantle anytime,,my hubby do one,,very ugly hor..but safe money himself..
ya, now my boys take yuganyou too...original one,,they say very good for boys like it so much,,,i feel they very funny lei,,,anything they like lei...somemore now bread was their favourite,,,everyday i must buy new packet for them...everyday say pao pao ...
it's true.. cannot take 2 much orange food. same theory like wat ur mom say abt papaya. u can try food like potato, broccoli, cauliflower, brinjal, winter melon, old cucumber, tomato, mushroom, pearl beans, green pepper, etc...

your boys cute!! not skinny la.. my ger lagi skinny. 9.8kg @26mths!!!! nev mind la, as long as they got input (ie. eat) & output (ie. shit) & they r happy, it's gd sign tat they r growing. but hor, i c the pics u posted, i can imagine the chaos & noise they r creating at home.. i imagine only headache i really peifu u can stay at home haha
thanks for sharing
no lah, not ugly, so long can save $ and serve the purpose, good enough
true leh, for twins, after 1 sick usually the other also sick
now I only let my boys take plain water, don't want them to get addicted to sugary drinks 1st

most likely will go to polyclinic, already have a appt there
Hi jac, thanks for your birthday wishes
Your boys so big and cute now
so fun to see them playing with each other. Coco also always climbing up and down, although of course she can't climb properly and so got a few accidents!! She just fell from bed two days ago
today knocked against the wall, and got a ba lor gu!!!

Daec, nada birthday also coming right? i remember their birthdays quite close. Happy birthday to Nada in advance

DM, mushroom, green pepper, cucumber and brinjal all can take before 1 yr old? Coco corrected age is about 9mths plus only. Just add to porridge?

costa, no haven't gone back to work yet... now full time mum
enjoying while it lasts....
