Premature babies support group

hi gals,

Ask u all a quest.. When ur baby know how to flip, will they flip during sleep? Cos Craydon flipped when he was asleep and sometimes he will cry when he flip in the middle of the nite.. Now he wake up almost every 2 - 3hrly in the nite!! Sighzz..
thk its nice when our kids resemble us leh. like chop like dat - Made by so & so heheh. Pass down our beauty and traits hehe;) I so sien il keep talking nada like hubby. I think she is her own person with her own looks.
No harvest ytd, hmm the hot hot weather dissuade me from gg town
so I went Parkway with hb, we went to eat steamboat while the boys were taking a nap
fast one but good enough
so long since we last ate there
just now went to the Metro sale at Expo nothing interesting, just bot pjs for D&D.

don't like that leh
I notice that usually boys resembles their mommies, and dotters so far resemble their dads
of cse, not all
my Darryl looks a mixture of me and hb, and whereas Dylan takes more of me
Good morning!

Powergal, yeah, when babies learn to flip, they will flip in their sleep and if they dunno how to flip back,it will disturb their sleep and they will wake up. It's very common. In future when craydon learn to stand up in his cot, you will probably find him standing up in the middle of the night with eyes closed and crying. My gal used to sleep on the mattress until we move her into the play pan. Because when she started to learn to crawl, she was crawling in her sleep and always end up on the floor crying in her sleep!! Sleep crawling!!

What you can do is to put a wedge beside her to prevent her from flipping, or rolled up towels or blankets beside her. Or in the day time, teach her to flip back from her tummy. Just roll her from left to right a few times..
All these I learnt from books and babycenter website.
Mummies, coco has around 4 teeth at the moment. But hor, the top teeth are not the two front teeth. Rather it is the 'Dracula' teeth.. Anyone of your children sprouted teeth in this manner too?
hi Lili,

I hav tried putting lot of pillows and bolsters to try to minimize the space he flip but he stil flip! sighzz.. Worse than a newborn, he cried every 2 - 3hrly.. :p

Anyway tok about resemble, many says my boy look like his grandpa (hubby's dad) or my hubby's brother.. hahahaa.. how strange! I thought normally 1st baby will resemble daddy lorr.. My niece is really a photocpy of my bro in law and my nephew who is the 2nd son resemble my sis and even walk in the same pattern.. hahhaaa..
went to login yahoo mail today, found this on login screen. interesting, gd if its true :;_ylt=AjUlFJAy8syF7fVP6XfJKTTVJRIF
dunno if the link will work for look as yahoo news changes everyday.

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Indulging in chocolate during pregnancy could help ward off a serious complication known as preeclampsia, new research suggests.

Chocolate, especially dark chocolate, is rich in a chemical called theobromine, which stimulates the heart, relaxes smooth muscle and dilates blood vessels, and has been used to treat chest pain, high blood pressure, and hardening of the arteries, Dr. Elizabeth W. Triche of Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut and colleagues write

Women who ate five or more servings of chocolate each week in their third trimester of pregnancy were 40 percent less likely to develop preeclampsia than those who ate chocolate less than once a week.

Theobromine could improve circulation within the placenta while blocking oxidative stress, or it could also be a stand-in for other beneficial chemicals found in chocolate, Triche and her team note in the May issue of Epidemiology.

"Our results raise the possibility that chocolate consumption by pregnant women may reduce the occurrence of preeclampsia," they write. "Because of the importance of preeclampsia as a major complication of pregnancy, replication of these results in other large prospective studies with a detailed assessment of chocolate consumption is warranted."
Morning mummies....never post for few days cause busy busy busy, kids exams coming, busy marking and returning worksheets n workbooks, then friday, got lesson observation, and also I was sick with flu.

Yesterday never went for marriage course, cause was sooo tired, and a bit not well. So really sorry, couldn't share with you all on how to handle in laws.

daec, then I must eat more of chocolates, but you know last week, I ate too much chocolates, and I got sick. My brother in law brought some chocolates from holland, and I ate and ate, then next day I fall sick with sore throat and slight fever. You lost your wallet? Can ask your hubby to buy you an expensive wallet now like coach or burberry...haha.

Powergal, tell you even now, dash will flip and fall from bed. haha. He is 2.5 years old liao, still will fall off from bed. The only thing is, now he fall off, he doesn't cry cause our bed is on the floor.

Mich where is BG you mentioned? you are very creative leh, brought your boys to play balls...hmm...I want to also. Think my next event will be playing ball at punggol park...hee

I will be bringing dash to kooky art to make cookies for me! haha. it is an event known as "Cookie for Mummy and me". Will be going coming Sunday.

During the weekends, brought dash to jacob ballas garden, but erm...I find that there is nothing much there leh, or did I miss out any fun from there? Hi any mummy went before, let me know wats fun there leh. Updated in dash website (promoting again, haha)

Jane, You are too humble lar. Siang is handsome, think he looks like you leh.

Lili, coco is one years old liao! happy birthday to her!!! Received a lot of presents, and had lots of fun?

disneymickey, you got a pair of shoes for ws already?
Sometimes bulk purchase did sell some nice and interesting things, you can go take a look. I am planning to get a pair of mcqueen crocs shoes for dash as well...but expensive leh, $50 plus. still considering.

Costa and mummylian, talking about HFM, nowadays I also very scare, will wash dash's hands wherever he goes.

Bloom, thanks for the information, will start sourcing for private childcare or playgroups for dash when I am free...still considering childcare or playgroups.

Talking about shopping with our little ones, aiya, dash is one big monster. He will run here and run there, and will just ignore where you are going, and goes anywhere he wants. sianz...

I went to see dr ann tan on saturday again for 2nd time scanning. She scanned some small polyps and removed them on the spot for me. But she couldn't find the reason for my premature labor. Sigh... Actually my previous gynae also had no explainations. Think it was just my luck!

Dash is getting more and more interactive. He can say stuff like "wo qu gai gai, yi ge ren, ok? (i go out myself, 1 person only)" and many more chinese words (not english). I really think having a kid is fun. Children are so cute. However, was thinking with hubby, if we have a 2nd one, think we wun be enjoying that much fun, one person will be entertaining the bigger one, and the other entertaining the smaller one... where got fun. haha. But still, need to have 2nd one lar. But maybe will push off the plan now since it is not the right time yet.

Oh no, no time liao, must mark and mark. Kids exams starting tomorrow...sianz...

Monday again, when is saturday coming leh.
good morning mummies

hehe...yeah siang does look like me. plain plain looking la :p

anyway, here is him on our One Wheel Drive (don't blink your eyes)


morning mommies,

not a v gd weekend, w a terrible 2 at home. scolded her many many many times this weekend. she's really v stubborn! eg. daddy told her not to throw the cushion on the floor, she purposely take the cushion & 'pretend' to throw, then daddy say no, she purposely threw it! then kenna. then she drop the bk on the floor. i picked it up, say u dun throw bk har, rem juz now daddy scolded u 4 throwing cushion..she threw the bk!! kenna again!

the list goes on & on & on

evil 4 me 2 say, but i'm glad i'm coming back to work on mon (hee opp frm kkf)
i second you....i love cmg back to work...its vy stressful over the wkends trying to coach my son to study for his exams or shld i say begging him to study haha.....

its a vy stressful wkend and i rather work to save my sanity....

re teeth growing sequence.. i know some baby does not grow teeth in the sequence mention in the health book.

there is a myth. i just heard from someone (not sure if there is any truth in it). on coco birthday or special day, can see if your husband (does he have sister) sister to buy coco a pair of shoes.... its just one of those old folk tales..

maybe if you wish to clear your doubts, can check with the doctor in charge of coco??

maybe u give your boy a bolster to hug hug?? otherwise try use those heavier (bigger) bean sprouts pillow to put on his tummy when he sleep?
dm and costa

i raise my hand up and agree totally with 2 of you ;) and its so warm at is stressful but then at least here is all fully aircon... :p
u noe how i feel right...its so stressful over the hot and at work, i can chat wif you all and my frens, plus lunch can go walk to me is not stressful..staying at home lagi more sian..

the exams are gg to end least can heave a sign of relief...
jane, wah..siang is so strong can do pullups..saw ur blog.. alot of things leh..still dare to say tat its quite empty... hahah..1 wheel... COE cheaper than 4 wheels :p

daec..ayoh... cham liao..alot of things lost? tats why i usually pack bb's thing separately.end up 3 bags (1 for hb, 1 for me, 1 for bb) but at least easy to just reach for her things ... wah... dark choco 3 times a week? later kena GD :p :p :p (i dont mind if it works (ex the GD)..though dark choco is expensive!)

powergal, this will remain only for a few weeks..after that once they learn how to flip back it will be ok...

kkf, u dont have pre eclampsia what... what is polyps , why can remove on the spot? dr tan cannot find reason means she canot help? then can stop seeing her and spend money on dark choco instead ? :p

i also sian with this weekend..went to ILs place for half of saturday then FIL keep saying why kate is so skinny then hb join in, in the end fedup scream at them to shut up. My hb also skinny what, so how can my bb be fat?

oh exam is till tomorrow...horray! holiday for you too ;) hehe..

bloom :p

yeah, yeah i dare to say, who ever see One Wheel Drive?? haha (no wonder siang so cheeky, he have a cheeky mummy haha)hehe...that day mich was sharing abt a newly released car..then it make me think on 'one wheel' when siang crawl and sit on that (it is a toy really...haha). so i quote one wheel drive and it make my lao gong laff and laff when he saw the picture.

siang insist my helper push him in that when he totally refuse to sit in his expensive mclaren techno XT when we go out. he wants to be in his 'one wheel car'...haiz...???

Kate is ok in height and weight ah (from her picture). to me. healthy is most important
wish I can ask hubby buy me branded stuff but most time I buy my own. he the sort will not approve if I buy expensive stuf. but if i pay myself, he not say anything.

how abt TCM ? have tried that ? I thinking next time see TCM regularly during pregnancy.maybe cannot find exact reason why esp since past. so e condition(s) that cause it mite not be there anymore eg. stress buildup, placenta/womb/baby position or condition. So maybe just have to take extra steps to take care before and during preg. and pray for e best.

but it still gd to have the check just in case

yeah work is more straightforward, better than bring up kids in that need beg, coax.

it'd be great if chocolate sure the cure. heheh delicious!

just bankcards, $10, any other cards. I norm pack one knapsack bag which has 3 compartments. This time,I put my wallet in my baby carier. the pocket is not secure as it was hanging upside down while I was struggling with Nada. forgot to take care of it coz so flustered.

wah I so sien when IL talk like dat. wish cld get them stop or I can run away at such times.
Hello Mummies

It was a very hot weekend! Cannot take it.
Brought the boys to airport for a few hours. Watch aeroplanes, ride on the skytrain, had dinner.
Parking fees was almost S$8.00!!
Borrow kkf’s quote “want my life!”

Kkf/ DM
BG is Botanic Gardens lor....

Not creative lah. Need more ideas from you. Hahaha....
My sister passed me some brushes. The boys painted a bit over the weekend.
I still cannot find the S$1 puzzles leh. If you see, text me ok? Thanks!
Did you bring Dash to the museum? The Children seasons is on now.

Siang looks so cute on the wheelbarrow.

What is your blog again? Can share?
hello mich

keke...not that cute when u hear the wheelbarrow going to break..the crack crack sound. my helper kept on telling siang 'get up' 'get up' and he cheeky laugh...and he try to paddle in it....gosh - i see **** haha

then 2 of us decide to leave him alone..and he shout and indicate he want use to push him in it... my helper cannot tahan..really try to push him (she cannot tahan him trying to paddle la)...then more cracking sound...


the airport sounds like a cool idea for a warm warm day. but yeah, the parking fees is really sky rocket high
ur blog is up?? share leh..

ya lor,at home so hot,at least in office, got constant air con hot, ws irritating me constantly, so easier to lose temper.. in the end, everybody unhappy..urrgghh
hmm... you must have spend a lot of time @ Airport
we usually paid around S$3.00 plus and it is enough to make hb grumble

Jane Jane,
Confirmed lah, Siang really resembles you, handsome boy liao
he has really grown big
what you feed him huh ?
hello mummies,
tiring start of the wk for me. bryan still has quite some mucus stuck inside his lungs (i think, can hear the stuck sound when he breathes, but cannot suck out). It affects him drinking milk. Hubby gets super upset when he doesnt want to drink milk and i am the overall victim.. have to sandwich in between the 2 men. i have a lingering backache after i sprained my back over wkend trying to vacuum those darn deep spots under the bed and it's killing me!! hai.. complain complain.

Siang looks perfectly good size for his age! u see bryan at 6 mths.. we tell pple he 3 mths they really believe lor. haha. Important thing is health though!! siang looks happy and healthy! and the one wheel drive.. looks dangerous though.. esp for boy...

i ate dark choc like crazy as i was craving for it during my last preg. I din have preeclampsia, but i dunno if it's related?! hahaha.

u know if you dine at least $30 at T3 at any of the restaurants, u get 1st hour parking off? We have brought bryan there twice and absolutely love T3. It's full of shopping even NTUC but it's kind of silly to shop there cos they dun sell perishables. There's a kopitiam, earl swensons, crystal jade shanghai (not v nice), the HK wang cafe, etc. can check out their webby. Last but not least, very nice nursing rooms complete with changing facilities, nursing compartment with door, hot water for milk, tissue paper even. hehhe. Of cos, i know D&E a bit too old for nursing rooms lah!!
har, costa, dm, and jane, how I wish to take MC TODAY....haha...really thinking. I have no mood to go work. hee. lazy teacher. Kids exams now...rather free liao, until the markings come.

Costa, understand fully your fustrations. You know, I face 40 students who have no motivation to study, want my life. haha. Everyday, I have to go in to scold scold scold, force force force, and guess wat, they can still play play play and laugh laugh laugh.

Jane jane, share your blog with me too leh...

Oh mich you went to botanic gardens, we too leh, never see you there.
Yes will be joining the musesum activity on 25th May. Joining their painting class.

disneymickey, ws is just like dash...haha, dash will purposely do such things as well, like telling him not to throw, he will purposely throw to spike you.TERRIBLE TWOS.

Mich, sorry, here is the correct website:

daec, went to see ma kuang liao...but not sure if useful. The chinese medicine will cause me to fall sick leh, like sore throat, maybe too heaty. Each visit costs me $100! want my life. Sometimes, I skip never go and see the doctor.

bloom you are right, I am not going to see dr ann tan liao leh, but I must admit she is really knowlegable, but then hor, it costs really a bomb to see her. Blood test: $100 plus scanning: $300 plus, I spend nearly $500 plus! I can buy lots and lots of chocolates!

xbliss, think my next visit will be to T3...hee
Disneymickey and kkf
Have PM both


i can only thank my mum for her good care on siang. siang really eats nothing special except porridge (3 times a day). now for dinner he will have 2 spoons of rice + half a bowl of porridge.

his porrige, i only put pork, fish. i have drop scallop (since got fish).

but siang is one fortunate boy. he never eat cereal. he start porridge as 'solid food'.

i tried to give him cod liver oil but he seem to be having digestive problem after that. so i have stop it...

i think my mum really is the one who deserve the pat on her shoulder for the good care given to siang. and for it, i really don't mind all that travelling to and fro my house...

but other than size, health is most important lor

yeah that one wheel drive really dangerous...try so hard to make him get out of it.. he really have all kinds of ideas up his mind.

with the recent acquired knowledge of power of saying 'No'...he is a no no boy :p
wah really ? heheh can try dark chocolate next time. no harm to try ;)

so ex ? hmm maybe not all TCM dr is gd. then must see if e medicine suited for u or if take enuff water to combat heatiness I guess.

I only saw TCM lady for few times for my foot. it cost $30-$50 per visit. Its at Pasir Ris. noticed she also do gynaecology. former nurse. can give u contact if u want try.
I mean tcm specialise in lady stuff incl pregnancy. maybe gynaecology not rite word to use.

actually my fren said that price $30-$50 expensive. but ah, never mind coz I wanted lady and its near my workpl. Think my fren have other contacts but maybe those only those is for backache, shoulderache that kind of physical ailments
another medicine my sis recommend for immune system. elderberry. can buy at Vitakids in Paragon Shopping Center at Orchard.

I give Nada few times. took myself too. yummy

now I am thinking abt all this stuff.coz hubby sinus, asthma getting worse. found out he has allergies to dustmite, dust. so just spent alot of antidustmite covers and supplements. I gave him try oregano capsules now. yes oregano the pizza herb ;) Oregano herb reputed to be gd for respiratory health
hi didi

he like to eat anything that come from ah ma hand :p. reliable souce hahaha... and ah ma really give him lots of small snacks and such keke. ah ma belief, small kids should eat snacks :p (not that me as mama support this theory) but ok la...

i always joke and tell my colleague, the 3 flowers legs everyday love to go downstairs. the small fellow love to go down and work, my maid love to go down see see look look (can get to buy her personal things), and ah ma...can go market and chit chat :p

my ws oso flower leg. every sat she'll wake up, tell me, mommy daddy work no,me sch no. me go gai gai.. last sun brought her to causeway point, 1+ alrdy, still dun wna to go home 4 nap, still wan gai gai. so no choice, bring her to lot 1 & walk in k.palace haha

but girls like gai gai gd la, next time can go shopping w mommy

haha, ws really good in speech (like dash). can indicate her wish. thats a good one

siang also, if never go out..very difficult to take afternoon nap. he happy also even if just walk along my house co-oridoor :p.

at my mum house, he will try to put his leg outside the grill or he will just hold onto the grill and look outside....haiz :p and he is only 20 months

you are right ger like gai gai, can accompany mummy shopping in future hehe maclaran no use liao... kate is lower percentile using corrected age..if use actual age, i think she fell off the chart liao.. to us premmie mommies, our bb all ok size lah..but in the eyes of fullterm bb mommies, they are just too small :p

daec..bankcards missing already mah fun liao..then next few days have to depend on hb to give pkt money ahhahaha

mich, my gal's URL is at

kkf, dm, jane's blog in under precious sian and family link in my bb's blog .. my bb too always throw things..tell her not to throw still throw..duno if she din undertand me (canot speak yet) or its just stubborness....

dm, ahahaha ..yes one good thing abt office.. aircon! but got alot of virus too ...

xbliss..better take care of ur back else with daily work it will get worse... men..only know how to's Today newspaper talk abt survey on marriage and kids..make it sound as if women is the one that want less kids..they never think that its the men that complain complain ! pp also guess taht kate is 3 months younger than her actual age..

kkf, does ma kuang said what are those herbs for?

my gal also flower leg... love to dance.. next time sure disco till wee hours...
yes he give me some. ya hor I shld delay making the bank cards heheheh.

dunno lah why men like to complain. women much more hard and pain in preggy/birth. yet they like to emphasis their own issue.

heheh yeah lor girl gd can go shoppin with mummy.
I told my hubby I want one girl and one boy at least. hubby tend busy or sick. so I say give me girl for gai gai, boy to bring me go dr/admin stuff heheh

I guess cod liver oil not suited for Siang. maybe can try other type fish oil or other supplement like the elderberry.
i find that...cannot compare too much, so long baby grow up happy and healthy things be just ok

yeah, i also think so. hehe saw your earlier post too. i ever ask the neonat to recommend. she recommend liver cod oil :p. but hehe you have a lot of lobangs on all these supplements hor, do share more
dm, same here, dash will always be all ready to go gai gai! haha. He will either say gai gai, or zuo art or read books. These three are his favorites.

Envy leh, you have a girl who will go gai gai with you...I want also. I even have thought of naming my gal in future "kami", nice name? hee...Maybe I name her "dora", another cartoon character like "DASH", haha. wat you all think.

You see lar, me crazy liao, really hope to have my dora. This morning was telling my hubby, I wanted to take MC to ask guanyin again, you see lar, me really bu si xing.

Whole day thinking about this, no mood to work.

Bloom, I also dunno wat the herbs for. haha. the chinese doctor at ma kuang asked me this and that, then he typed and typed the prescription.

daec, which part of pasir ris you seeing the the chinese doctor? I used to live in pasir ris.
Low morale today, going to get something for dash again. I realised I will make myself happier if I spend something on dash. Maybe after feeling so lousy about myself, I feel much better if I invest on my son...sigh.
my sister tellme one hehe

I work in pasir tcm lady is at Elias Mall. me want boy next time ;) boys have their uses too heheh. my grannydepend on my uncle to take her to the dr, settle her medcine/hse issues. her daughters have diff purpose.

yea dunno why after have baby, I rather spend onher than myself to be happy.

cheer up, hope u feel better
siang is handsome n cute leh.

hope bryan recover soon.jia you!!

wah visit ann tan really cost alot hor.dun worry lar u r indeed a very good mummy.dash is very lucky to have u.stay positive and i hope everything will go smoothly during ur next pregnancy.
daec, kkf,
me hor, think opp leh, I very selfish one lah, if I got gal gal then she will pester me buy more things then I have to buy lesser things liao
but I heard that some boy boy also like to buy things, so we can't stereotype that only gals will go shopping moms
like my god-bros, they are in uni now and they loves to accompany their mommies to shopping locally and overseas too
hi mommies,
i have a question. My gal is born at 35 weeks at 2kg. She's currently 8 weeks, at 3.5kg. I'm still breastfeeding her, but if i want to introduce formula, which formula is good for her? can someone please advise? thanks..
hi bellybutton (cute nick!)

welcome here.

why wanna intro formula? bm not enough? for me, nutritionist suggested to add formula when he was about 2 months corrected as his weight gain was slow. add already got effect but he dislike the milk so very hard to feed. i heard from a colleague that a lot of docs will recommend similac excellence as it is closest to bm, but there is another version that says it has the highest content of coconut oil.. acc to nutritionist, it doesnt matter cos bb needs all the oil they can get at the early stage. however, i do not want to give my bb an unhealthy start so i prefer to give formulas with healthier oils like palm olein. I ended up with Friso Gold. Haven tried other brands so i really do not know which is best. hope it helps. meanwhile, good job on your girl's weight gain!press on with breastfeeding if u can!
didi, fairylander and daec, thanks for the encouraging words.

bellybutton, 35 weeks very good. if only I can...
but anyway, my boy is drinking gain iq, fan of zoe tay! haha.
good morning mummies

its important to stay positive (you have always been so strong..) i love to buy things for siang too ;). you are a great mummy really. see how well dash progress. you have done lots of things already. perhaps now is just really wait for the right time to plan for your 2nd kid.

hehe pai say, thanks for the compliment. hows your ger doing now?

do continue to provide more information with regards to vit/supplements. its very good knowledge sharing.

hi bellybutton, welcome
re FM. my boy was on BM, then neosure then similac then now on enfagrow A+ Tin. sometime is really trial and error. but important thing is the baby drink milk (which ever brand it is :p). one thing to consider is perhaps if your baby has any allergy (i hope not) if yes, perhaps NAN is the FM for her. if no..then...its really depend on which brand suits her

oh dash (ie kkf boy) really is high in IQ (tested and proven :p) hehe
my girl recovering well now.she started some rice cereal a week ago coz milk seem to be not enuf for coz she cry every 2 hr b4 i started cereal for her.imagine she can finish her milk 120ml and cereal in 10 minutes time lol,eat so fast make me scared.

welcome. if 4 any reason u wan to give FM, go ahead. but i'll highly recommend nan ha (for allergies) or nan (if ur family has no allergies history). *jane, it's nan ha, not nan heehee*

ytd, juz heard 1 colleague who has a 3mth old bb, tat she's DILUTING the milk (ie. add more water to same scoop of powder), cos she thinks her bb is fat.. poor girl.. then she told us, she has been feeding her orange & water melon juice since 2mths old.. OMG!! another colleague jokingly commented tat she's a ang-mor kind of mother haha

daec, now go tell ur hb bank delay in issuing u the cards :p

jane, its not comparing lah..but i find that article very one-sided, like blaming women for all the bb population issues. dash drink gain IQ gain IQ, my gal drink gain IQ only gain constipation :p

kkf, not bad that dash will still wana read books... i 'play cheat', hb ask me to go ask guan yin, i go and ask him to do it..afterall, he usually get the shang qian one... ahahhahaa but he had not gone yet lah..

bellybutton, can ask pd to give sample or call up those FM companies..for me, my gal that time take Nan HA cos she got eczema....

fairylander, good tht ur gal is taking in so much
