Premature babies support group

Good to 'see' you again, good to hear that your 2 darlings are ok now
I also isolate both of my boys when 1 fall sick, but very funny somehow when 1 is sick the other will fall sick few days later, that's for my case

hi jac,
good 2 c u again.. whew, lucky ur boys r ok now..must b tough?? 4 me, 1 kid sick only, hubby & me oso peng, u got 2 some more.. take care..
Jacelyn great to hear from you!

Your two boys must be very handsome now. do post some pictures.

Dm, Wow india? cool. I believe you and you hubby really invest in having couple time, cause I saw you went par toh with him quite often.

wow, kinderland standard also not good? But I dun mind if teachers' standard not good, what I feel shd be of priority is safety. I dun think dash is safe there after twice bitten.

Dash really wants my life, yesterday night, he woke up two times to drink milk!

Sending dash for holiday program again, anyone interested to join me?
hav u tried to wean dash off night feed? wat i did was, same amt of water, reduce 1 scoop of milk every wk. then she's off..

thanks 4 the invites, but dun think can join u, cos we r lazy parents haha

yes, i agree safety is priority in childcare. that's y we rejected 1 childcare downstairs, but we felt the environment is not safe. it's ok, jun hols coming. maybe u can take this opportunity 2 look ard 4 new sch 4 dash.

hav 2 la, else relationship w hubby no gd, oso means no gd 4 ws rt? but we oso hav quarrels now & then la.but after so many yrs, hav gotten used 2 it alrdy. this yr is our ROM 10yr tot of gg somewhere w him alone. but i think untimately, sure end up bringing ws heehee
harlo, mummies,
good afternoon, every one...

fairylander texted me to say tt cathrina is at general ward and wld be discharged by tis wkend.....she thanks all of you all for the concern and support....

its gd tt yr hb and you can take breaks to have sm er4 ren2 shi4 jie4...
hi jac
take care there. u sound stressed. hope u get enough rest.

great to hear the good news.

wow.. 10 yr anni?! wow wow! hope u 2 have a special time as u deserve it after a long stint! hubby and i only celebrating 2 yr anni but 10yr anni in terms of pator lah..also hoping to go for a one-day break to feast!

dash wake up drink milk no good? actually at that age i think they dun do it so much right? when i read this, i was thinking if only bryan would wake up to drink milk more at night! he is such a pig and can go without milk for like 6-7hrs at night. sigh sigh.. still not putting on much weight and we still go to war when he drinks milk.
Nada wakes up for a cuddle. then sleep back again. any idea how to wean off ? I thot its coz she's hot. Installed a fan for her at her cot. It don seem to help. She still wake up, come over to my bed for a cuddle. I put her back but she will wake up later. Same thing happen 2-3x a nite.
so few posts yesterday ah?

Talking about relationship, yesterday quarrelled with hubby, forgot about all the stuff learnt haha. Fustrating! Our car bidded 4 times for COE still not successful. The car dealer has promised us before that maximum 4 times, but now the 4th time also never get the COE! So angry, so I scolded hubby for not being fierce and rough with them! Scolded him for stupidly go see car forum and believe that the car dealer is good. You know we always have problem with transport because my hubby's brother is using his father car, and we can only use when he is away, so really wait long long for our new car liao.

Irritating, stupid car dealer!


xbliss, think not good, supposedly can sleep throughout the night one, but dash dunno why, will want to drink milk in the middle of night.

Dm, did try to give him water, but the problem is he will scream and shout and say he wants "nei nei".sigh.
dm, my 4th year wedding annivesary is coming also in May. I have booked swisshotel, intend to just go with hubby.
Wow, 10 years! what will we be in 10 years time.
relax. it's ok 2 do w/o car. maybe initially u r not used 2 it, but ultimately, it's ok. we bought a car for like 2yrs, then decided to sell away. till now, we have been car-less for like 5yrs?

yes, there r times when we wish we had a car - bring ws botanic gardens, shopping, etc. but we hav came to a conclusion - having a car is more of a headache than convenience. we're happier w/o a car - no need to worry abt traffic jam, parking, (fights) over washing car, etc. when we really need to go somewhere where public transport is inconvenient, take cab. it make more sense financially 2.

prob u r frustrated with work, etc so u took it out on ur hubby. relax. it's not entirely his fault tat the (stupid) agent didn't manage to get the COE. y dun u discuss w him, so wat r the options now? continue to wait or change dealer?? if u feel there's a need, y dun u pick up the phone & s**** the dealer instead?? heehee

hmm.. m i qualified to teach in your marriage course??

to wean off milk at nite, try reducing the number of scoops gradually. eg. used to make 4scoops of powder + 120ml of milk 4 my ger for her nite feed. then reduce to 3scoops + 120ml water. do this for 1 wk, then reduce to 2scoops + 120ml water for 1 wk, then 1scoop+120ml water. then she's off.

kkf,dun juz give water,but give dilute u r technically still giving dash milk (since he's asking 4 it heehee)

xbliss, u r sooo lucky tat bryan can sleep thru the nite..dun complain anymore else lots of mommies here will wan to strangle u haha.. but it's true tat bb will wake up when they r hungry. so if bryan can sleep thru the nite, let him b.

though i hav successfully wean ws off milk, but she stills wake up in the middle of the nite to call 4 me, i will then pick her up frm her cot, let her sleep with us. but since she normally wake me up ard 5am, i'll juz let her sleep with us till 6+, which is normal time we wake up to work/sch. so do teach me how to wean ws off her nightly 'cuddle' when u hav done so w nada
kkf, but out of curiousity, how will we know if its act of love instead of (say) materialistic (for gifts) or lazy (for service), does it mean if a pax's act of love is buying gift, that pax will like to buy AND receive too? or can be different (eg, love to buy gift to show affection but prefer pp to do service to indicate affection)..eheheh..sorry for asking so many Qs... i think cc got tui na course too..u wana check it out? yes i think the teacher is strange... i thot coe dropped this week? why still canot bid?

daec, sighh..cham hor... i heard some of my colleagues saying that hb pay for most of their (and kids') things also sian...

jane.sighh... wana go learn some massage or wahtever to 'boost' his immunity? :p

dm, last time brought kate to gymboree, not really impressed..but see from other mommies mygym got more activities (moving around, climbing etc)...

didi, wah ur hb is good! stay at home i think u 2 will end up doing ur own things (eg, watch tv, clean the kitchen) right? :p

yest's news said monday alone got > 500cases of HFMD.... some centers ordered to close... really scary...

daec, kkf, seems that we cannot gather 10 pax leh... if that is the case i might join the safra yishun one in june...

hi jacelyn! *wave* wahh... u really have a tough time with 2 kids falling sick...

costa, thanks for update on cathrina
happy.gif gal 1.5 yo liao..still waking up for milk... sometimes even twice a night..ehehehe
I think quarrels are normal and inevitable. The issue is more how resolve the quarrel and if can get see/understand each other point, no bad feelings kept afterwards. mine also getting worse recently in that aspect.haii..also wondering if shld see c counsellor. but then root issue is hse being unsettled.

hehe sometime hubby buy for me stuff. but not my taste leh. dunno how to tell him.I want him to choose for me, know my taste. in the end, I get upset coz dunno me well enuf to know wat I like

sure let u know if I manage to wean her the end I let her sleep with us too. hubby complain as she take up lot of space tossing ard but I say dunno what to do leh. I worry how later if got new baby. though at this rate that we not that stable yet, maybe postphone to 2010.
hi mummies.
thanks all the concern....i am ok....just a bit street lor as xbliss ya..need to restart again...why? cos after they sick ,,,they lose a lot of weight and seen like very i feel i need to built their good health again..very work and worry nonstop......sorry ha...grumble here.....
but, i still ok la...what to do,,,if i never worry them and take care thme , who will be replace me...i think nobody your think>>?be mommuy very tired and super power ha...
maybe next few than i post some they very skinny lei..later you kena shock and pengsan...
you ok la...10years ha..only three years already quarrel nonstop...he...he... a day very quiet here ha...where was all the mummy???
need some advice,
any mummy here have the air purifier at home...thinking to buy for my boys, they say good for them....i try two to have some advice....thanks..
hee...hee, no lah if we were get the chance to stay in, no cleaning of course
think we will order food and feast at home, then hb will sleep most of the time, me will do my own things, like 'chasing' dvds

me got a air-cleaner that hb bought, seldom use, hmm... that reminds me to take it out and use. Heard that dusty environment is no good for babies, nowsadays, I have to make sure the maid throughly cleaned up the bedrooms wo the babies in the rooms, very dusty
so boring today...lunch in cos was raining..but now dun feel like starting work yet.. not many posts here 2 read either.. FB oso nothing interesting.. heehee.. feel like gg home 2 my little angel

btw, she has started saying "i love mommy", i've been waiting 4 this day for 2yrs, 2mths!! she can oso say "i love daddy" & "i love xxx). so far, the xxx represents ah ma, ah gong, ah yi, & her frens in sch.
ya.better use, i heard they say very maid need to clean my bedroom every morning....and bedsheet everthing change every four day...cos i want my bedroom in very clean for a day...
you, very on leh, my own bedsheets I only change once a week, but their cot bedsheet I only get it changed every 5 days, think like I must get them changed more often
wah...your girl so clever sweet, know how to say i love mummy....
my boys dont know so long word yet, but they know use their mouth to kiss us...the only know say ball,car, more,bear,mama,papa,mammam,banana they say nana,bye,barney they call ba.bread they say pao,pilow they say paopao./..that the word they know to say know...i think need to wait long long they say love me...
now my boys know to shake hand,hifive,bye,pengkiss with people.they know how to show clap hand,comb hair,brush teeth,clean nose,clean ear,leg,hand,eyes,nose,mouth,tongue,dancing,ecercise and etc...sometime very funny and cute....very happy to see them when they show me all this,,but very sad when they sick...
me ,,very on one,,cos i no need do ma..he..he..i ask my maid time o need to do myself,,my maid end this coming september......
how old was your boys???miss them lei,,,how was them now..

well done! i think ur boys r doing v well.. i hav a colleague who has a 21mth old boy (normal birth), who can't talk yet. so who dare to say preemies r slower in development???

sorry har,me a bit siao today..cos bored
ya, i very quiet here...
i feel my boys still ok,,,i teach them when i free...and they now very understand what we say,,,i all speck english wth them,,,they know know how to listen in english...maybe they got buddy,so they can speak and act more...
ya, my boys know can run liao,,they no more walk, they run run now,,,climb here climb there...know to drive can and push their small cat too,,that why i am so busy now,,,i can do now cos they play their toys now...i bring out their box out, they can play at least 2 hour
my boys ok lor, they are learning to walk, the older boy seems able to say 'gor gor' and the younger boy say 'di di' think I am too sensitive that I am trying to imagine what they are saying
didi u not sensitive lah.. sometimes bryan goes "ahh maaaa" when he cries and we so happy to think he calling mama... haiz :p wishful thinking.. he only 6 mths old worrrr. all parents like to be comforted by the fact that their children are learning new things, so that we feel good about ourselves, our premies and our effort, i guess.

i know we are lucky that bryan dun wake up. honestly, when i hit the bed everry night, i really pray for a peaceful sleep. been so sick recently and i cannot recover if keep having to wake up. but i also feel guilty if i dun need to wake up cos i know bryan weight is really not good. even though he is healthy, we just hope he can be bai bai pang pang like other kids and that drinking more milk will make him smart smart on top of fat fat too. just hope we dun kena refer to some feeding clinic after seeing dietician next wed.

sayang. i know what u mean. everyday worry about their health issues. and being super tired even though stay at home mum. it's really a job that men cannot really understand. sometimes, i know my husband wonder why i so tired and dump bryan to him when he come home (that time when i on maternity). it's the emotional strain throughout the day that makes us so war torn. i used to say precious one so vigilant .. u know like eyes on the child all the time.. after bryan came home, i myself also ended up like that. there's really no rest cos any situation can crop up and it's not like work whereby we can sit and think of decision rationally. ai ai.. i just told hubby just now, if we manage to have no.2 and no.2 is also like bryan, i will close factory at no. 2!!!!

sorry everyone, today is complain day for me. very stressed at work and at home. next wk on 3 days leave, but i dun feel happy at all... thinking about the milk drinking wars with bryan alreDy makes me very "fan gan" already.
Hello mummies

bloom, language of love can be seen by how the other person normally shows his way of love, that will be his language of love. If say your hubby always buy you presents, that means that is his language of love, so you will have to do the same thing to him. If he is those who always do this and that for you, that is his language of love, so he expects you to do the same as well.

Sometimes, you can have more than 1 language of love. You may want people to buy things for you and to spend quality time for you.

If hubby and wife, I dun think it is materialistic. Unless, you always ask hubby to buy those prada, LV, then its too much lar.

I dunno, I really think different people interprets love differently. Cause some people feel that working hard for the family is love, but some people will think spending time at home is love, so that will cause conflicts. If a hubby works works works, and the wife thinks the hubby is neglecting her, then problem will arise. If the wife understands that is the way the hubby shows love to family, then maybe she will be more understanding, and if the hubby knows his wife wants him to spend more time at home, he will try to compromise.

Aiyo, talking so much about language of love...haha.

Btw, if anybody interested in marriage course, I recommend
Very serious instructor. Now our lessons extend from 5 to 6 lessons liao because he thinks that not enough time...haha. It's good to go, actually I saw a few unhappy couples there, one of them even gave up the course after 1 session cause the guy doesn't want to go anymore. They were quarreling and the lady was crying during the 1st session...sigh.

Jac, I do understand, happy to see the cute little things our little ones do for us, but sad to see them sick. When dash is sick, I will always say "not again!" and start to worry, fear, fustrated etc.

dm, thanks for the tips. An ironical thing is, I actually hopes that dash will drink more and gains weight! haha.

Me also soooo lazy nowadays. My house is in a great mess. Clothes not wash, everywhere sooo messy. My clothes are piling up like dunno what.
dm, you sooo good. your gal so sweet! My boy, I will have to force him to say "I love you mummy" then he will say.

recently thinks he loves his daddy more. haha

Btw, dm, I thought you have car? Cause last time when you came to take the bags from me, you were driving.

I am a over reliant person on car. In the past, wow, I can travel from pasir ris to boon lay without any compliants. Now...want my life. haha.
I also feel that with a child, having a car is less stressful, dun have to worry about how to go home.
the marriage course sounds very gd indeed. Quite interesting. where is the lentor estate ?
They recommend the book 'His Needs Her Needs' written by Dr. Willard F. Harley. I read already. VERY good book.
good morning mummies

hello jace
)) love to see you here. miss ya ler. wow your 2 boys so smart ler. well done

siang know a few of the things you mention. but i gotten say, your time spend on both boys has really paid off. jia you

hope to see the pictures soon ;)

re air purifier. i have one at my own house (my mama house don't have). i find it ok...haha cannot really 'yet' see the difference between before and after effect. but i guess its good to use..

kkf - me here. busy last week at work as budget has just end (FY closing la). but funny is buget is over but not out yet hahaha... what a funny world.

all is well for me. this sat (ie tomorrow) i am bringing siang for a gathering with some special group of people.... tell u more via PM.
tat's my parents' car. sometimes if we really need & they r not using, will borrow frm them. think prob u r 2 used 2 having a car alrdy. actually no need 2 worry 2 much la. how to go home? either take cab or leave earlier & take public transport lor. in fact, nowadays when we r gg out, ws will say take bus/take train..she's a cheapo kid haha

btw, this morning, she woke up @5am & refused to go back 2 zzz & asked me to change 4 her cos she wans to go 2 sch!!!

kkf & xbliss,
aiyo, drinking more milk wont' make ur kid smarter or fatter la. like i've said (& i've checked w my office nutritionists), all milk powder contains same amt of calories, except 4 pediasure. but pediasure is supposed 2 b used as supplements - when sick, no appetite 2 eat proper meals. cannot use pediasure as normal milk powder. oso i've checked w my pd during the last visit, if it's ok 4 ws 2 miss morning milk feed. he say ok, cos at this age, solid food is more impt than milk.

hope u 2 r less worried now?
dm, think i must engage ur office nutritionists! hhah.

today my boss told me not to switch to similac. she said she was told by a thomson paed that similac contains coconut (duno what of coconut lah) and is super fattening but not healthy. i hear already told my hb stick to friso!!! so scared he become unhealthy.
ai.. today bryan is down with flu and cough. finally kena spread from husband and i. brought him to paed this morning when we saw mucus drip a bit from his nose. he is actually still quite ok, responsive but not so alert. but surprisingly can drink more milk than usual! lol.. i guess the sickness make him hungrier. so sian have to reschedule his immunisation next wk already..
Hi everyone,

So long no come to SMH liao. Ever since I started work, wah lau. Can die. But I more happier working than being a SAHM. My backside itchy one.

We brought dd to see her 2 prof for her kidney thing and was given a clean bill of health but still need to monitor.

Dd now yak non stop. The only time she keeps quiet is when there is a bottle in her mouth or when she is sleeping. Otherwise the house is like disco. Sooo noisy. I think her cc is really good. She has improved leaps and bounds in every aspect. I totally stopped all enrichment classes on weekends because i feel cc is enough for her. I'm never crazy over academic materials. Plus we lazy lah. :p

Time really flies. She is almost 2 liao. Her fav activities are singing, dancing and yakking. Too bad she is follicle-ly challenged just like her daddy.

Congrats on yr dd clean bill of health. This is best news and it makes me happy.

Your dd is one pretty babe. A happy and healthy child indeed.

HUGs to Bryan. Get well soon!
hi gals,

I m feeling very sad now.. Just now my hubby and I were trying to feed Craydon apple.. It was his 1st try and he didn't like it and worse, he vomitted out his milk took an hr ago.. U know what my mil comment? She said my son is useless!! And she said her fren's baby is 8kg.. blah blah blah.. try although everything.. blah blah blah..

This is not the 1st time she like to compare my baby to others liao.. I really hope my hse will come soon.. Can't stand staying with her anymore..
powergal, marriage course teaches about power struggle as well. A lot of couples having problems with in laws as well. Think your in laws words were too much! How can she said your son is useless. But thats the problem with older people, they never really talk before they speak.

Daec, yah yah, the instructor also said the book is good. I have bought it from amazon, haven't read.

stressed, good news! congrats!

xbliss, think flu n cough quite common among children nowadays, cause think its the season. Hope bryan gets well soon!

dm, haha, dash doesn't like solid food leh, sianz...think must force him to eat more solid food.

jane, tell me more about your meeting.

today is monday again!!! soooooo sianz, thank god thursday is a holiday! yippee
btw, brought dash to make a bear, then he doesn't like it the bear is so poor thing. haha.
costs me $60 bucks leh.
ur girl look like happy bouncing ard hehe

sorry hear.I dunno if ur mil like my mum. something say such words like 'useless' but dun mean it. just the way express herself. like she says today nada 'torture' her means today Nada hard to handle, she tired taking care of her. well its my mum so I have to tahan but if my MIL say I think I cannot tahan even if she say the same thg! yeah I also hate this compare compare thing. Hope u can move hse soon. hang in there
yeah gd book. I have go and dig it out and reread. Another thing is we read is gd. but ah - hubby must read too leh. I think I have mark those relevant parts and show hubby.

thanks for the reminder! thk me and hubby one main issue is the Language of Love thingy. we expect diff things from each other
daec..ahaha..same hb's taste is so NOT ME.. i wonder how those other women can take it (i know of 2 hbs who buy unsuitable things for their wives..guess their wives are more appreciative)...

jacelyn, i got one for my gal after one night i walk into her room and the whole room is filled with cigarette smoke cos some neighbour smoke near the window! not sure if its good or not lah..but 1 month after using (on at night only), i clean the metal plates and its covered with a thin layer of black dirt... but my gal is still falling sick
so u r not getting another maid when ur maid leaves in sept?

didi..aaha..yah end up also no together-time right? me too, when bb sleep and we are 'free' we just netsurf/catch up on lost sleep! :p

dm, ws love mommy!!!! wowww!!!!!
my noti gal did not even wave bye to me in the morning ...

xbliss, good to complain once in a while lah..else will explode if its all coped inside..

kkf..ahaha.. u really have alot of faith in marriage.. i have seen too many around (abt not being materialistic if its bet hb and wife)... if i go marriage counselling, i tink will be another couple when the hb refuse to go anymore :p

stressed , tahts a cute pic of ur gal! which cc is she in?

powergal, wah can ur MIL say such a thing!

Had wanted to join the Orchard Mile (1.6km walk/run) with kate..but organiser said bb canot join $)(#)$#_$#$ .... feel like asking SMH to organise a short one for all mommies to bring their kids... *fume*

think i will be signing up the massage held in june since we canot form a class of our own...
think your mil don't mean craydon is 'useless' maybe she means why craydon doesn't like apple, some mils are very direct kind, don't get upset by such comments. Fyi, my Darryl doesn't like apples too, think because the apples that I bot is tangy in taste
mommies, what kind of apples should I get ? Thanks

you know when we have kids, we seldom have our own time
but luckily last sat I managed to hit town and shop shop a bit, leave the boys with hb and maid
my hubby has been pestering me 2 join the orchard mile..but i give excuse as no kaki heehee..but it's true, all my frens not into running..

u wait la, dun b impatient. soon, your gal will b saying she loves u..

if it's my MIL, i'll oso b angry. but like wat daec say, if it's my mom who say tat, i'll feel it's alright, she's juz 'telling' me abt other pple's kids.. haha.. maybe tat's the prob with MIL & DIL

but lucky thing is, my MIL doesn't make this type of comments, at least not in front of me, either 1) she knows ws has been petie all the while, or 2) she's afraid me or hubby will scold her haha.

but the other nite, she made a comment on my 5mth old niece, in front of my SIL (who's oso her DIL). say the little girl's nose not as straight as her brother.. my SIL pretended nev hear her, but she still repeat!! then my BIL gave her a v stern look then she shut up. when at home, talked to hubby abt his mother's comment, he say stupid comment & evil to commend tat on her own grandaughter. no wonder all the grandchildren (inclu, my daughter & my BIL's son) prefer my FIL than her

gd tat u hav learnt something frm the course. hope u r feeling better now?

ur ger so happy & cute now, think u must change ur nick to "stressed-no-more"
but now they can talk, real cute hor.. ws oso enjoys sch, last nite, she told me she wans to go sch & c her frens..then name all her frens in class. can c tat she's happy in sch. i'm glad 4 her 2. as she's the only child at home, it's gd tat she mixes ard w kids her age.
hi gals,

Long time never post here.

Feeling moody....

My boy yesterday transferred back to NICU again (from SCN).

Dunno what happen to him yesterday morning, he needs 40% oxygen support (breathing in a oxygen box). The doctor put him back to CPAP and monitor. Cannot find anything wrong on his chest x-ray. Scare another infection attack.

hi mummies

kkf - keke me cope up with work... sian. later i PM you.

powergal - my boy (now coming to 20 months) never eat apple keke..he like dragon fruits, its ok that craydon don't like apple.

didi - me hands up, hehe siang also don't eat apple. he like to play with it thou. but ask him to eat, he vomit :p
hi xiaowanzi

*hug hug* cycling stage is always tedious (not easy). but don't worry. have faith, your boy be ok and be graduated to SCN soon.

sometime they go down..but bounce back fast too. its a stage... do keep us updated on your boy progess. meanwhile, stay bright and have faith.
Bloom and jane

hi,may i know which brand your use???i think i need to get one for my boys,,,actually i got try some....feel the amway one good boys can sleep more nice, cos they have nose sensitive problem...they say pititaoliu, so maybe i need to buy liao....hope can help la....
actually i want to renew if can , cos can save a lot of money lei...and if get new one also difficult...but, my maid very jing one, mean that clever,,,sometime i need to give him face too....cos she always give me her face ...hya..ha.and she very ya ya one....i really tak boleh tahan her liao...and my hubby also say she very ..see how 1st...actually got m one maid from my garden here, she very good, and her contract end next year feb...if she want to work for me...i will wait for her....maybe need to do my own when sep to feb ya,,,i also dont know how la...
as jane say...hug hug to you too,,,dont worry, everthing leave it to doctor , what we need to do is stay healty and relax....and ps dont feel sad,,,your boy will will find the best solution for him......
dont worry, maybe this moment only, sometime they like that one...after a while or few month they will accept last time my boys dont like porriage at all,but now one day they take four time of hard was me to find the diffirent way and taste for the porriage...four favourite next time your craydon want green and red apply, take it easy....
regarding MIL. ai ya...dont to sad abt that, take it easy , dont care abt them...i already mamu...they not our mum, sorry to say here...i not refer to all the MIL here..i know some MIL here also very good, only some of it very funny, their mouth say treat us as daughter..but their way and attitude not you what i say...they will ask from us more and expect we listen to her, but must give and take right...and must fair each ya. i also dont know how to say la...for my case, i can say i treat my MIL and FIL very good , but from my feel i dont think they treat me as half daughter example...during i bring my boys back from hospital...they very small and some more need to take care two...only me and my maid...and most of the time i am the one take care them, my maid only do the MIL never come and help me...she very free at hometown one, but she never come, so what can i do??and last few month when my hubby go chine...i got ask her come stay one week,but like not very wiiling ,,,so i forget it,,,and this time my boys in hospitalised, she also never come for , three time already , i can say i very dissapoited what she do , and for me, i wont ask from her help next time...even i am so tered, cos last time so hard i also pass liao,,,what more i cant do??so ,what i say , dont care what they say, as i say is our baby we care ourself,,,dont depend other people...i dont know my attitude got problem or not...but i really mamu laio...
wah, your girl very chubby also...two already...the size very good envy of time when i post my boys photo, you will feel my boys super boys already 20month..only 9.5kg...
hi,,,i confused i change my boys milk to pediasure,,,cos i think they too heaty when take gain....and a lot of phelgm too,,,now they taking pediasure. tapian also how ha...i need to change to other milk again??and they very small size...exspecially after they sick...pls advice.

Ya, agree, some mils are quite good, actually for me I have no complaints about my mil, she ever told me her mil didn't actually treat her well (you know those old times, those mils dont treat their dils well usually), so she tell herself that she will not treat her dil bad, for a mil I feel that she is good enough
but me not a very good dil lor
in fact it is better that you can manage the two boys on your own, hey tell you something ytd, Darryl my older boy surprised me, me and him were playing at the playmat then he crawled very slowly to me, guessed what he did, he pressed his cheek very closely to mine, I am so happy that I actually wept
really must sayang sayang them more and more !!!
