Premature babies support group

<font color="119911">berrybaby</font>,
oh...that's must be very worrying on u...hope Ryan ok liao.

yup, my boy when infant time esp during 0-3mth, he breath very hard type,making a lot of noise and also stretch a lot with noise (like peh chek noise).my boy also have reflux till when he is 4mth cos he is a 'great' merlion.

<font color="119911">nikki_baby</font>,
my boy also had hernia operation. acc to neo-doc saying that most premie boy dunno what have not close if dun operate, doc scared that when bb urine, the instine etc will pass out too.

<font color="119911">(lilac_lavender</font>,
thks for sharing the letter. so touching and it brought tears to my eyes too.

Happy birthday to Nate! 3 cheers for Nate and mummy.

Hi afcai

How old is your boy now?

What do you mean by the Dr saying that most premie boy dunno what have not closed yet...can the Dr not do some tests or x-rays to determine that? It worries me that if Dr does not wld the parents know.
So far my baby seems OK overall (Thank God) and can come home soon. I constantly pray he will continue to do well, with no complications.

You mention this the same as occasionally burping out milk right after feeding? How did you prevent reflux from happening with your boy? Any tips...
<font size="+1">hi mummies,</font>
long time never visit this thread. my boy is finally starting to put on weight (and size) and so i have less time to worry and more time to pursue my own interests, which explains why i am quiet here.
My boy is coming 3yo in Oct and only recently do we have courage to apply for insurance for him. Not sure if will pass, but if do, will recommend to all of you. For those who dunno me, my boy was born at 27+5 and stayed at KKH for 2 months. For those of you who know, you will see me ranting about his weight all the time here.. tks for putting up with me, finally we can all celebrate his growth!

All these happened when we decided to let go and follow his wishes and appetite. Despite objections from relatives to feed him solids (even though he is 2 already!!!), I'm glad i persevered and kept trying to come up with new dishes. He only gets to eat my creations every weekend, it started with miserable 1-2 teaspoons, and now he is absolutely in love with my pathetic omelettes and has gone on to love commercial food.

For new mummies, dun give up! one day you will see a breakthrough like my boy. and importantly learn to follow their wants, and trust in nature to work its wonders.

<font size="+1">Miss my dear friends here - kkf, Jane, Dae-c, shellow, Lin29, gingal, preciousone, etc etc.. hope you and babies all doing fine! got outing must call me!!!</font>

<font size="+1">hi lilac and nate,</font>
happy belated b'day nate!!! Like all our premies here, Nate will enjoy everyone's blessings to grow up to be a healthy happy child

<font size="+1">hi nikki, keann, and berryfarmer,</font>
enjoy every moment bonding with your little one
the love you shower will help them to grow. if you do feel stressed, do come up here to chat (like me.. hee).
Hi Nikki,

Stomach reflux usually happen right after the feed. Babies will really merlion. Due to the muscle at the opening of the stomach is still not that strong, it is unable to hold the milk back into the stomach. This will resolve when the babies grow bigger and older. If baby consistently having reflux and do not gain weight well, a visit to the PD is a must. The usual treatment is motilium, smaller feeding amount at shorter feeding duration.

Hi Xblis,

Congratulation this is really a big relief. My Danya is still having the weight gain issue. She is now CA 13mths and her weight is on 6.4kg. Here teething is really causing her to lose appetite and also vomit sometime due to her excess saliva causing her tummy to turn.
Hi Lilac,
Your letter is very touching. Very beautiful letter and i hope all our babies will appreciate papa and mama's love for them when they grow up! Been keeping a diary of their happenings so hope to show them the book when they grow up.

My girl is going to have a PDA surgery tomorrow. It's quite scary when the cardiologist spoke to us yest on the complications and risks..but she is coming 1 month old and doc recommend that they close the duct soon. Please keep baby Emma in all your prayers. THANKS!!!
Good to hear that you and your son are well. Will make effort to attend next gathering if there is.

To all new mummies here

I am still reading this thread silently. Have faith and preservere, your current rocky journey will soon be over. Jia You Everyone! GOD Bless You and HIS little warriors!
Afcai, thank God, after adding the thickener to his milk, his reflux is so much better now. I also raise his bed which helps too. Ryan makes lots of noise when he sleeps to, especially when it's all quiet at night, but I'm sometimes Im so tired that it doesn't bothers me.

Nikki, has Luke discharged yet? I raised the bed by placing some old bedsheets under the baby cot (head side), so there's a slight slope.
Hi all,

I'm back! I can surf SMH Forums now with my newly installed windows at work! Yeah Yeah Yeah!

but I'm lost!!! So many new babies around now, gotta take some time to browse through and read the stories behind our new warriors! Jiayou Babies and Mummies.


So glad to hear Danya learning to walk now!!! kekeke Fun ya???

Im here again to Broadcast our Facebook Group to our new members! Search for "Singapore Premmies" and get yourselves linked up with our older Premmies and also on new Group Gatherings (if any soon)!!!

Im also super busy lately so never come in to chit chat...


Danya did a good too.. you are so much better than my hubby .. sometimes i just wanna scream at my hubby ...if next time we have a premmie outing, please share some tips with him k..

Nikki baby,

Were youa sking about the memory foam pillow for support for reflux.. you gotta wait till baby is much bigger as at this point of time from 0-6mths, their spine is growing and developing so need to sleep totally flat..Reflux will go away with age.. even my no. 2 which is CA 11 mths still has reflux, as long as baby is gaining weight and growing you need not worry so much.

Just went for the pneumococcal booster jab yesterday and today went for the PD review...All PD commented that we have come a long way and indeed... a very strenous long walk with leaps and falls...

Thank this forum too, as mummies can look for support &amp; help here..
Hi Nikki Baby and Keann

My baby is in SGH. Out of ICU, now in HD. In there for 67 days already. Oh gosh, I have been travelling to and fro SGH for that long too! He is 3+ months earlier than expected. Well, in the beginning I was very very sad and kept blaming myself. Now much better but to see him still on the oxygen machine, and the doctor mentioned possible chronic lung diesease, I am now very very upset again.

Glad to know that Nikki Baby your baby is going home soon. I am waiting for my turn to welcome mine home. Not sure when cos he is not able to maintain oxy level at 21%.
Hello to all!

Din realise that though on leave, my days are still very very busy! Some updates abt myself and my baby:

My appeal for maternity leave: Successful and not so successful. Well, my HQ failed to respond for 4 weeks even after my MP sent in his appeal for me. Anyway cut long story short, I am still on ML but is given extra 4 weeks. But can't go back to work and push back the ML further. Nevertheless, I am the first in my company to be given such "privilege", so no complains.

My baby is now 10 weeks old and is in HD ward. I can now carry him. Kangaroo care is the name I think and David did mention before. My baby is able to suck from the bottle and is highly depending on the oxygen machine. Had a few blood transfusion already.

My freezer is full! To my surprise. Gosh, what to do with those 2-month-old ebm?
Hi Lilac, thanks for sharing your story with us. You have been a strong warrior , just like your little one. He makes all things beautiful in His time!
Hi Berrybaby,

I felt so terrified upon hearing Ryan not breathing. I was told that I have to learn CPR. Must pray that I do not have to use it on my child. Till now I still can't tell whether my baby is getting enough oxygen without peeping at the machine.

Hope Ryan is doing well now.
<font color="119911">nikki_baby</font>,
my 'noti' active boy is 17.5mth now (CA=15.5mth). I forgotten what the doc mentioned. he said it is usual for premiee boy that there is a weakness in the abdominal wall which evolves into a localized hole,hence herniae develop in the abdomen.

yes, yes....that's why my boy can only feed very small amt each feed and he is feed hrly. siong...but no choice if not, he will merlion out as his stomach can't take so much ebm. most time, he is difficult to burp. if burp, he might throw out ebm.worst is that the milk even come out of his nose scary.... so most time, he 'rain' milk on our clothes. even when he slp, sometimes, he also 'er ni'.

doc told me that to prevent reflux, try positioning your baby in an upright position while feeding her, then keeping her upright for about 30 minutes after each meal. this method helps to keep the milk down in the stomach. Also during and after the feeding, minmize movement. second tip is to feed more freq meal and burp her regularly thruout feeding to get rid of gas bubbles that can cause food to move into the esophagus. he also mentioned correct usuage of the nipple with correct size teats is impt for bottle feeding. if the hole is too large, this will cause bb to swallow excess air, aggravating reflux.

doc mentioned that reflux is common and ask us not to worry and will go away sometimes after bb reach 5-6mth if not up to 1-2yr old. if it is severe, bb may need to prescrive medication.

<font color="119911">xbliss</font>,
times grow fast wor....apply apply cos finally, my boy insurance get approve few mths bck took him quite sometimes to reapply again.

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
HX teething issue will cause him to poo more man...he is also of smaller size, everytime, take him out, ppls will ask if he is past one yr old or not....

<font color="119911">sam</font>,
same same...sometimes, scream at hubby so pek chek.

any after effect after pneumococcal booster jab? cos am thinking whether to give my boy pneumococcal and 18mth booster dose together...scare he can't take it....cos his 2nd dose cause him to have high scary...
Hi Gingal,

Ha Ha. Indeed very fun but also backaches. Danya also love to play hide &amp; seek. I will carry her and hide while mummy looks for her. Once mummy finds her, Danya will laugh and giggle. We will then run for another cover, and I will ask her “Where is mummy?” I bet Jerlynn is also giving you &amp; hubby a lot of fun? How Jerlynn doing lately?

Hi Sam,

Don’t scold your hubby lah. You &amp; your hubby have triple level for fun. I bet it is also very tiring for both of you. I sometime also feel tired and frustrate but I always remember the pain which Diana &amp; Danya had gone through, the fear of losing them during that moment still drive me to tears. Through this experience, I wanted to give, to love and to share even more beautiful moment with my queen &amp; princess. Life is fragile; treasure every single moment may it be a good or bad one, always live our life to the fullest without any regret.

Hi Cindy,

You are doing great. Continue to encourage your prince to fight on. The machine is very sensitive. As long as the SP02 is between 86 to 96%, it is ok. I know of 2 warriors Mattis (German boy 27 weekers, on O2 for 8mths), Kathleen (Singapore 24 weekers, discharge with O2 machine), both are doing great. Give your prince sometime and I bet he will be amazed your everyday with his steady achievement.

Hi Afcai mum,

Ha Ha. So HX also poo poo lot lot like Danya. Yah lor, when we bring Danya out, some nice aunty and granny will ask, “Waaa, cute baby, is “HE” 3 mths old”? Wa lau, please lah, dress in pink still look like boy.
Hi mummies,

Yesterday was a really kan cheong day for us! Emma has emerged well with her PDA surgery success. The wait outside NICU was quite unbearable...but we did it. Now just have to watch out for any complications from the surgery.

Just wondering if any mummies celebrate Full month for babies? Cos today is kinda my babies full month, but they are in count as celebration??
Hi Keaan,

God bless &amp; congratulation, Emma will make you proud. Continue to encourage Ethan &amp; Emma and they will be amazed you everyday with their little achivement. My Danya did not have celebrate her 1 month. Make it up with birthday celebration loh.
Hi mummies and daddy David

I am really glad to be part of this thread...getting the advice and encouragement.
My baby Luke is now home...since this Weds. Thank God! I was nervous at first...filled with mixed emotions (part excitement, part worried,etc). So far he is doing Ok and manages to finish his milk feeds.He would occassionally choke while feeding (either cos he is drinking too fast or maybe cos he needed to catch his breathe) but he is fine after. I am amazed to see that he can stop to take his breathe on his won while the bottle is still in his mouth. He never did that while I fed him in NICU. I feed him 3 hourly as instructed by NICU...but when he screams for his feed earlier, I will just feed him.

He is approaching his 1st mth in a day's time. We will also not be celebrating and intend to make up for it on his 1st birthday. We decided to still send out 1st mth cakes and cake vouchers to close relatives and friends.

Do mummies feed their babies water too (esp after formula milk)?

Berry farmer, hope ryan is doing OK these days.
I also prop his bed slight with a towel.
My nanny says not to raise it too high...
Did you go for eye test and to see Dr Tan a few days after Ryan's discharge? I hv too nxst week. Our virgin trip to the clinics with a baby...GOSH!!!

Keann, I amm praying that yoyr twins are doing fine. Glad to hear emma is doing Ok after her surgery. Trust in God that he will protect them and keep them safe.

After hearing abt Berryfarmer's incident, I took asked to be taught some basic CPR for babies. NICU did help to arrange a sister to teach us the basics on the day he was discharged. I only hope I will remember what to do, when required. Pray it will never happen again for baby Ryan and for the rest of us mummies and daddies.
Lilac, that was a beautiful n touching letter, it brought me to tears again. Btw, is yr monitor still available for sale?

Keanne, congrats on the successful surgery, I can understand how u feel.

Nikki, glad that bb Luke is doing fine. Ryan is ok too, but sometime the reflux comes n it's stucked at the back of his thoat, sounds like having difficulty breathing, but Dr Tan says there's nothing we can do, jus monitor to avoid another epsiode of apnea again, so Im looking to buy the respirator monitor. Yes, Ryan went for hisveye test 3 days aft first discharge, it was a scary thing n I dare not bring myself to b in the room to watch it done. Even so, I was tearing sway when I heard him screaming in the room. My hubby was there n he was also heartaching to watch the procedure. Thank God it was all fine, review only half yr later.

Mummies n daddies, how n when do u increase bb milk intake? Ryan is now 2 months old, but 38wk by gestation age, how often n how much I should increase (forgot to ask dr yesterday)?
Hi Nikki,

Congratulation to Luke home sweet home. Please do not feed Luke with water at this stage. He needs to built his mass fast. Water will also fill up his stomach which will reduce his intake of milk for the next feed.

Hi Berrybaby,

Here is the calculation for milk intake in a day. 150ml x weight before 1 year old. Example weight 3kg. So the total intake for the day is 3 x 150ml = 450ml.

As long as Ryan cry for feed, give him milk. No water at this moment.
Berry farmer, why was the eye test scary?
Do tell me more so that I can be better prepared. I heard that they will need to put some liquid to dilate the eyes. I am pretty sure Luke will scream and cry too during the test. What does the Dr do that so uncomfortable for the baby?

David, noted on your advice on the water. Even though we feed him some water (more to wash his mouth), he will still finish his milk in next feeds...does not seem to drink any less milk even though he had water, so think its Ok for now. Other then the reason of reducing milk intake in nxt feed, water shld not be harmful to baby right? Hope not.
Hi Nikki,

Water is not harmful just that it take up space if more is consumed. As for eye check, we gone through 2 rounds. Doc will put a special fixture to spread the eye lids wide apart so that they can see the retina through the pupil. The whole eye ball is almost exposed. Well, it is really scary and I do agree with Berrybaby. Out girl cry with so much fear, really make our heartache.
Hi David,
Poor babies already been through so much while in NICU..and now have to go through such a test

I hope it will be a short examination and mininal discomfort for baby. From how both of you have described, baby must be in a state of shock and fear. Not good to have our babies cry so vigourously &amp; loudly.
Hi I'm new here. Just gave birth to my baby girl on may 16. She is a 34 weeker, c section due to my pre eclampsia condition. Though a 34 weeker, she weighs only 1.7kg. Now coming to 2 month in a week she is coming to 4.6kg,she is on similac formula as I have super low milk supply. She just taken her BCG last month, I'm wondering when can I start to give her the rest of jabs. Am worry that the fever will affect her appetite.
Hi Nikki,

Most baby has short memory of pain &amp; fear. Before Doc put in the fixture, nurse will dilate the pupil with 3 drop of solution with 10 minutes apart. Doc also put chair in the consultation room just in case some parents may faith seeing the whole procedure.

Hi Rain,

Usually MMR and pneumococcal will cause fever. MMR will take 7 to 10 days before the fever start. I usually give my girl Panadol before the jab and keep her on Panadol for 3 days just to suppress the fever from coming into effect.
Hi David...thanks for sharing.
Do you mean parents may faint? Gosh! I am now thinking twice...about being around when the procecure happens. How long does this procedure typically take?

Hi Rain, I had pre eclampsia as well when pregnant and had to do a csect too.
Till today, I still wonder if the pre eclampsia condition was the reason for one of my baby twin's death. Anyways....that's in the past and I focus all my love and attention now on our baby.
WOW! 2 months+ and your baby is already 4kg+. Super! I hope for my baby to put on as much weight. He is one mth only and just over 2kg only. Do you feed yr baby Similac Neosure?
Hello Everyone,

The thread is running too fast and i cant catch up!!! I fast read thru some of the posts..welcome all the new mummies and babies!


Glad to see you here again! You are a tough mummy!! Hope you will recover well , take good care!

Nikki and Keann,

Congrats on Luke's discharge and Emma's successful PDA ligation!

Back to your questions earlier on, I only have my little Xavier now, as his brother Issac passed away 46 days after he was borned. Issac went thru a lot, stomach operation, multiple infections, PDA, brain damage, and we were advised to give up treatment, which we did after a week of consideration. It was really painful as our hopes were so high after he survived such a long time, but life is just unpredictable.

Xavier is doing well now. He eats well, he acts normal (we were scared that he wouldnt be since he was scanned to some abnormalities in his brain). He spent 139 days in NICU, and had a PDA ligation surgery. He used to have ROP stage 2 for one eye, and talking about those eye tests, I watched it before. It was really painful, my boy would have swollen eyes for one whole week, and before they recovered, there came the eye test again (it was done weekly). It went on for almost 2 months! I hate it big time, but fortunately it regressed fully after he discharged and we could stop going to these terrible tests again...

The only problems now are his constipation..and not gaining weight. At near to 18 months actual, 14 months corrected, he only weighed at 8.3kg, which is similar to half a year ago. Oh, and he also has Chronic lung disease, but it seems to be still stable so far, though he had an episode one year ago which he ended up with o2 support at home for a month.

We are very blessed with this little warrior, he was borned at 650g, but he really has strong wills. very cute little boy, bring lots of joy and courage to us every day in our life


NO, poking needles didnt help to clear the ducts. I was out of my mind to let the LC did that, and i guess she was too! It bled, and still blocked


Such a beautiful letter you wrote, bring back all my memories in NICU. Time flies, Nate is ONE! I still remember last year when we shared experiences in this thread, one year had cheers to our warriors


Wow you are still active here, getting more and more like a permenant COnsultant in our thread, hehe..Good job David. Like what Sam said, you must share your tips with our hubbies...They just dun get it? :p Well, send my regards to Diana, and little Danya. Hope they are healthy always!


hi there. If your freezer is the normal type freezer, you could keep up to 3 months. If you are going to breastfeed for a while, and your supply is always over demand, maybe you should consider getting a chest freezer, it could keep EMB up to 6-12 months. I did that, and I breastfed my boy for 14 months, mixing old EBM with fresh when my supply startd to drop after half a year.

Hi Sam, Gingal, Shellow, Precious One, xbliss..
Long time no seee, hehe...Hope you and your little ones are all doing welll!!!
There comes my little boy Xavier, isnt he adorable? Actually he just learned how to crawl recently as he was wrapped with layer of clothes in the past few months due to cold winter, and couldnt move at all. But just when i was really worried that he couldnt crawl at all, he started crawling.. Now he could stand with support, but walking still seems to be quite difficult for him. Well hopefully when we come back to SG next time in Oct, he could walk already!!
Nikki, the procedure is not only scary to watch, it's also heartaching when yr bb cries in pain n shock, I'm the emotional type so they told me not to see.. Even so when I was waiting in the other room, I couldn't stop tearing when Ryan cries so lousy... So do stay outside if u think u may not take it .
Hi nikki, my bp was ard 120/90 during my 22nd week,and my gynae refuse to let me sign package furthermore I was asked to do blood test every week, I was quite pissed off then.on my 26 week,I decided to change gynae for 2nd opinion.By then my bp was ard 130/100 liao,but my gynae knows I hated the blood test,so she ask me to keep track my blood pressure 3times a day,and do urine test stick at home for protein.any headache,blur vision,gastric or bleeding must go straight to doctor.until my 32 week,dunno why bp shot to 160-170/110.I was told to do blood test 2 times a week. Until the 3rd blood test ,my blood palate falls below normal range and liver function and others were deteriorating compared to previous test face and feet soo swollen with my gynae asked to do deliver asap cos she scared I might go into fits and baby placenta detached.and my blood don't clot due to low blood I stay in hospital to monitor bb heartbeat and bp for 3days b4 my csection,think it's a good thing cos looking at the weight I think bb was not receiving my nutrients Liao so want to come out..I experienced contractions in hospital I take it that bb really wanna come out..I was quite heart pain to hear she is 1.7kg coz gynae told me is abt 2kg.she stayed in nicu for a week, she can sucks well,but when she discharge only 1.8kg. So I think they fed better at home than in hospital.
Upon discharge,I was given abt 36 small bottles of similar formula for hospital use,its in liquid form,then after follow by similar neosure,I used 3 small tins of neosure thereafter when she reached 3kg we swopped to the 0-6 mtgs similar cos doc say it's bat the same only that neosure calories a bit higher only. I realized there a lot of foam when I prepare neosure but not in the latter.

My baby Natanya developed umbilical hernia,any of your warriors has that too? My pd says it's quite common in premature babies.
Hi Nikki,

Pardon my spelling. I think faster than I type. Lot of typo error.

Hi Jas,

Hmmmm. Good idea about being a consultant. I definitely need more cash to buy milk for Danya, Ha Ha. I will pass your regards to D2. BTW, I like the walking gadget Xavier is using. Why to buy?
hi nikki,
congrats on Luke's discharge! What I did last time to increase milk intake, was to slowly increase by 5-10ml per feed for two to three days. If he takes it well, then I increase again. If he pukes up milk often, could be overfeed so I'll cutback to the old amount and try again in a few more days time.

The eye test was indeed quite traumatizing. At that time, my boy was the type that doesn't even cry for milk and he cried so loudly during the examination. I couldn't help tearing myself coz very heartpain.

Jas, your little Xavier is so cute! He'll be walking and running before you know it =)
Hi Nikki,
Congrats to baby luke "graduation"! I think no feeding of water to baby now, i really dunno why, but for my elder boy, i didn't feed him water at all..just milk.

I like the walking thingy you have for Xavier, where did you get it?

Ethan is going for an eye test on Tuesday, not sure why they never mention eye test for Emma...i am not sure if the eye test is the scaring eye test that you guys are mentioning.....

Everytime when i walked the aisles of KK towards NICU, i am always filled with mixed feelings, like what news/updates they will be giving us....i think very worried everytime....
Hello there.

Waiting for the match to start...

Thanks for your encouragement. It has been a long 72 days already. My boy is gaining weight. Is mentally prepared if he comes home with some oxygen machine. Hai. He is not able to coordinate sucking and breathing yet. Guess he will have to stay in the hospital for a longer time. Anyway, his name is also David, has not been using his name here, in case confusion. Haha.

Hi Nikki Baby
Glad to know that Luke is home. I am getting tired of travelling to and back from hospital. Really really wish that my boy will come home soon.

Hi Jas
Thanks for your suggestion. So you mean it is safe to mix the older batch with the fresh bm? I bought the chest freezer. Was using the milk bags to store, now switch to bottles as I can fill a bottle full now. You are great to sustain for 14 months! Hopefully I can tahan so long too.

About the eye test.
My boy did it not long ago. I was there but the nurse told me to leave the room. I waited outside and heard a very loud cry. I thought it was another baby as my boy had never cry loudly. It was only when I returned to his cot and saw the nurse trying to comfort him then I knew it was him. Well, though the test is not a pleasant one, knowing that all is well makes my heart less painful. Well at least crying helps with the lungs of the baby.

First Month celebration
Looks like most preemies miss their first month celebration. I was still thinking how to make up for it. Guess have to push to first year celebration.

Need advice:
I am thinking of stopping people from visiting my boy when he returns home, esp eager relatives. I am worried that the little one will be exposed to too much germs and viruses and gets infections etc. Not going to allow him to go back to hospital again. I am also buying those disinfectant handrub and masks. Am I too KS?
Hi Cindy,
me not watching football, not a big fan, but i cannot sleep!
How old is your boy now? I can imagine gg back and forth cos i do that everyday to KK. When did you deliver? How many weeks gestation?

The eye test is making me so nervous now.....test will cause any complications a not? i dun tik i can tahan to be around for the test, dun tik i can take it....

I have exact same feeling on visitation. As for me, i spoke with my hubby and ask him to fan off his side of his relatives, probably only immediate family members, those aunties/uncles can wait...not KS, but i tik we are just being careful. But dunno when when when they will be discharged...cos my girl is 982g and boy is 840g. Boy is losing weight, not sure if the extubation cause him to lose almost about 100g. haiz.....
Hi to all the new mummies here.

Been busy lately but still everyday read yr posts. Hee...

David and Keann,

You can buy the moon walker (which Xaiver using) from the Gmarket. I just bought 1 for my boy. i got it less than $12.

You're not KS. I think most of the parents here got the disinfectant hand rub and mask before our baby discharge.I insist everyone in the house to clean their hands before touching the baby. This is for safe, not KS.
Hi mummies
With regards to the eye boy went for the test this morning, I took the advice of the mummies and daddy here and from the nurse to not be present during the test. At first, i stood right outside the examination room but when I heard the loud cry and heard rest of pple in clinic saying "why is the baby crying?"; I walked out of the clinic so that I cld not heear anything. Tried very hard not to cry...tears will welled up in my eyes. Good thing was quick.Before you know it, it was done.

One side of my baby's eye is fine; the other has a faint line so we will need to go back and do a review 2 weeks later. Dr says its safe but wishes to monitor. Gosh! My poor boy has to repeat this again. Did any of your babies need to go back for reviews?

I hear there is a need to do a blood test soon. In fact, I have a PD appointment tmw and the clinic lady says a blood test is required. Did your babies do such a blood test? My poor boy has to ensure one test after another.

Cindy, I have the same thoughts as you about having visitors. So far I will tell most people that I do not wish to have visitors for the time being. those that know the situation baby is in will understand. My own mum annoys me at times when she keeps wanted her friends and neighbour to come visit - to her, baby is fine but she does not realize we need to keep him away from any possible germs,etc. The only persons allows are immediate family. In fact, when we have to make all these Dr visits, I so fear exposing him to gerns, bateria outside. But I guess we still need to bring him out to see Dr.
Keann and David,

Got to thank Xiaowanzi for answering the question for me... because i bought it in Shanghai. It's very common and cheap here, i bought it for RMB30 (SGD6). Yet, i am only going back to SG in Oct...if u can wait...then i can help u buy

Anyway, a website for ur reference.;commend=all&amp;ssid=s5-e-p1&amp;search_type=item&amp;atype=&amp;filterFineness=

The one i bought is


Not KS, it's a must to do that...I was very protective when Xavier was back home, whenever i went out of the house, i would make sure i showered b4 i touched him when i got home...super paranoid..But our babies are special, it's better to be safe than sorry. I also avoided all visitors (except grandparents and my brothers) for about half a year..after that, only 2-3 could come and visit at a time, and disinfectant is a must to use b4 anyone touched my baby...That lasted for almost a year...i guess i am KS queen too..

Btw, a very resourceful website for ur reference for BM storage: hope it helps


As i mentioned earlier on, Xavier had his eye test for 2 months, that was like 8 times? He also went back for review after discharge, but it turned out to be fine. 4 months later, he went back again, this time round the test was not as scary as before, jus drops into eyes, and doctor will use torch light and check...very simple, and not painful.
MIA for a few day,
sian...have sleepless night for the past wkend cos little HX feverish and refuse to drink medicine. so we forced him and he struggle. pin him down, force him to open mouth by squeezing his face so that he can swallow the medicine. sigh...

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>, my gar last time, all dress up in pink, those aunt (eyes pasted with stamps) still say ah boy loh...faintz...

re:milk intake
but sometimes, it also depends on bb. like HX cannot drink so much at one go. till now, he is still struck at 6oz. how much is Danya milk intake per feed?

re:MMR and pneumococcal
for my gar time, those are the only jabs that my gar till when she did not develop any fever. but for HX, he took MMR when he was 15mth+ (CA 13mth+) and he developed fever few hrs later. that night, he developed high fever (super hot man till we needed to use ice water to sponge him). dunno why tot MMR suppose to take 7to 10 days before fever started

<font color="119911">nikki_baby</font>,
welcome Luke hm.
by right, after fm, bb shd drink water. first to clear away the milk stain in their mouth and secondly fm is heaty, so got to give a bit of water (can give few hrs later also).also ppls scare next time, bb will not like water. kids only touch water when they are 6mth old when they consume cereal.

<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>,
when Xavier is an infant, do he has jaundice?

HX problem now is super noti, he will merlion purposely out all his porridge on the floor if not 'gum' in his now, feeding him will make us boil. need to play clown and 'hong' him to eat. sweat man....

Xavier is doing well loh...HX weight also not gaining tough he ate a lot.still 8.4kg.

re:poke needles.

my sil 's gar skip crawling stage and just use backside to move along. HX skip flip too. then only know how to flip when he 8-9mth.

can he cruise ard? will Xavier throw temper now and then? HX is like a red bull, bite his jie jie 's hand, snatch things fr her, if he lose, he will fight bck, if not cry via screaming. few mth back, when he threw temper, he knocked his head on the floor wor. but now, he think his method not working liao cos no one bother. he is really gd pretender mah...sigh....can make us boiled and test our patients.
Nikki Baby
My gal will be havin her eye check up regularly till 8yo. on ther 1st eye check after discharge,she was actually discharged from eye clinic. But after tt we notice her left eye started to swell v badly, and can only see 1 line for the opening, so we went back to eye clinic. We were asked alot of qn abt her response, n we keep telling them it was becos of the eye check but later they told us tt is haemageoma in the eye area. it took abt 9 mth for the swellin to go down, eventhough her eyes vision r ok but to play safe, every few mth will go for check up.

Jas,david, Xbliss
Xavier looks so handsome n Danya so pretty...glad to hear tt bryan is starting to put on weight.

Paige just turned 2 tis mth, though the process of putting on weight is slow, at least she is putting on tt is more imp
will be meeting her teacher tis sat (PTC) to discuss her progress in childcare, actually i m quite excited.... Just a few days ago, she came home singin the baa baa black sheep song with her amended lyric,

Papa black sheep, what happenin to you,
Yes sir Yes sir, big bad wolf.... cant help but laugh when i heard tis.....

David, thanks for the milk intake formula. Is it only for premie? Ryan is now 3.2kg at 2 months but his only 38wk CA n drinks 80 to 85 every 3-4 hrly, is it too much? Sometimes when he's awake between feed, he'll call for milk even aft 2 hours. Since I can't give water , I give him another feed, is this ok? Btw, can you advise how do we calculate corrected age? Eg if bb is now 45wk gestational age but borned 29 wk, what his CA? Thanks

Nikki, Ryan also needs to review in 6 mths but dr says not so tramatic, jus use torchlight.

Nikki, Ryan is also going for his eye review in 6 mths, but dr say it'll not b so tramatic, jus use torchlight to shine. As for water, I read somewhere that bb kidney is not fully develop till abt 3 to 6 month sft birth so water should not be given as it will give extra load for kidney to filter them, hence no water is allowed
Hi Cindy,

U are most welcome. David is great king in the "Old Testament". Your David is also a brave king too. Try this for sucking coordination, 5 suck, stop, 5 suck, stop. Slowly increase to 10 suck, stop, 10 suck, stop and David will learn fast.

Hi Xiaowanzi,

Thanks for Gmarket. Cannot find "Moon Walker" Leh.

Hi Jas,

Danya is taking more than 5 to 7 step without support. Will give U a head up this coming Oct.

Hi Shelllow,

I like Paige version of "Papa Black Sheep". BTW, how's Paige hearing?

Hi Berrybaby,

The 150ml x weight is given by dietician. Continue to build Ryan's mass. Based on your eg. If bb borned 29 wks, bb is 11 wks too early(40 wks (Full term) - 29 wks). Currently BB is 45 wks GA so CA is 45 - 11 wks = 34 wks.

thanks David, but I still dun really get it. Bb Ryan was borned 29weeks prematured on 12 May so he is 2 months old yesterday. But according to gestation age he is now 38 wk if he's still in my tummy. So is his CA -2weeks n he's considered a newborn bb? Sorry but I'm quite confused.
