Premature babies support group

Hi Chong Ai Shing,

Fret not, ondce your baby is with SGH, she is definitely in good hands..I think after discharge she should be follwing up with Dr Yeo Cheo Lian, the head for Neonates, the other good doctors are Dr Selina Ho, Dr Daisy Chan...Yes and also the staff nurse also very good..

Opps.. yes mummies..i have been silent reading..lazy to post.. but always ard!!! haha..

Hi hi,

I'm back in our thread... keke... so paiseh, so long never post trying hard to keep myself updated on the archives...

See some new mummies here, welcome welcome...

Jerlynn is now CA 1 year old... very very naughty girl now.. climbing up and down everywhere, can't walk stabily but still wanna walk everywhere... she's been discharged from her Dietitian for physio - will be a half/yearly thing liao... so we are only left with the Neonat's follow-ups...
As for me, I found a Job!!! Will resign from my SAHM career liao... back to FTWM career... It came too soon... I started looking only last week and expected to wanna start maybe sometime in late April/May... but opportunity came knocking, so after 2 interviews and 2 job offers, I will be starting on 29th March... Hope the coy dun block SMH forum so I can still come in and talk talk...

<font color="0077aa">David</font>

Aiyoh, Danya is sooo cute... so fast actual age 1 year old liao ah? 6 teeth wor... Jerlynn only has 4 x full teeth and 2 x 1/4 teeth... keke and she is actual age 15 mths liao...keke I knew Danya will be talkative, cos she has nice sharp upper lips, must be babbling alot now ah?

Were u and Diana night party-goers too? If u are, Danya might follow-suit wor...
Me and my hb never slept early de, and we always go out at night, now Jerlynn is like us, actually though not very good for kids to sleep so late, but we are happy at times, cos we don't have to rush back like other parents do when we are having gatherings or shopping outside...cos she sleeps at 11plus 12 midnight...heehee, i think as long as they sleep long hours, late also nvm bah.. she can sleep from 12midnight -12noon. She only take one nap in the afternoon abt 4pm - 6pm...

Don't worry, next time Jerlynn can go party with Danya...and we can go sip a wine or 2 while waiting for them... I'm sure the Daddies will go fetch their precious back home no matter how late...

<font color="0077aa">afcai</font>

It doesn't work for Jerlynn, pat pat and she sleeps early say 9+pm, she will end up waking up at 11pm and can't sleep til realli, I rather she sleeps at 11plus....hahahahaha

<font color="0077aa">bannyeng</font>

Not sure if this is too late, but I still must say that KKH indeed has the best Neonat/baby care team...

<font color="0077aa">xiaowanzi,kkf</font>

I also wan see see Xiavier leh... why I dun have his blog ah? when u see me online, u link me can???

<font color="0077aa">Sam</font>

Saw ur story u posted on FB... keke, u indeed is brave wor..
BTW, u did the cervical cleclarge (spell err?) at 23 weeks ah? after doing it, must total bedrest too? My gynae say my next pregnancy he will stitch me up, wonders why last pregnancy he did not... is 26 weeks too late to stitch? He say after stitch, no need bedrest leh, can walk ard and go to work etc...pls enlighten me if u can...

I'm so damn terribly scared leh, scared of my next pregnancy now... cos my hubby suddenly say we can plan for next liao, after a year or so as I have got a job now... save some $$$ and then chiong again... I'm scared of the stitch, scared of jobless days in case need to resign again (no-$$$ days), scared of BEDREST!!!!
hmmm.. do i hear about some party going on for our premies? hehehe.. dun worry, my bryan can join in the gang. my hb and i dun drink, but we can sleep very late too, so bryan has caught on! hehe..

understand about your fears. me too, supposed to ttc but got no courage cos i fear economic loss and those dreaded days. good luck to ur work first. prob good if u clear probationery period first before ttc-ing? some co. also have policy on maternity which are not helpful. but then again, if you are financially still ok w/o the job, then prioritise on having another quickly since age is woman's biggest enemy!
David, kkf, kaylas_mom, aixin, sam, and gingal sorry for the delay in replying but thanks heaps for your feedbacks.

kkf, I was diagnosed with cancer at week 18. if i were in my 1st trimester, i would have aborted the bb coz the risk would have been much higher. it's still risky now, but the chances are higher. This round is my 2nd baby. my local gynae recommended i f/u with a gynae subspecialising in fetal medicine for my sort of added complication, and i googled and found dr ann tan as well and have already booked an appt with her next week to coincide with my chemo session. my oncologist is at mt e, so i thought it would be convenient for me since she's at paragon as well. but wow... i didn't know she is so super expensive!

I almost received my cancer treatment at SGH after a 2nd opinion there. After the doctor's consultation, was scheduled on the same day to be admitted for 9 days to run some more tests and then proceed with chemo. i waited for 2 hours for admission, then went up to the ward, only to find out that there was no bed reserved for me although the nurse at the cancer centre already reserved for me on the phone. So we waited for another 2 hours for them to locate another room for me. finally they found a room in the urology dept to accommodate me, and when i was finally admitted and warded, it was already end of the day and nurses came to me to tell me they couldn't keep me because they were not equipped for chemo sessions. They wanted to keep me there to be transferred to another dept the next day, but i requested to go home. I was so so so exhausted by the end of the day just playing the waiting game and walking all around the hospital from one dept to another, hubby requested i go back to mt e to another referred doctor for treatment. He was worried because of the crowd and queue, it would take ages to run all the necessary tests before i started the treatments. So we headed back to mt e the next day, and i got all tests and consultations done within a day and was placed on chemo the day after that. 3 days later, after a 2nd f/u, i headed home to Malaysia. And overall, my costs for the initial treatment and scans were about 1/3 of what we estimated we would have incurred in SGH. I was also told that different doctors will attend to me and they will report back to my specialist. In Mt E, my oncologist will attend to me personally.

Because of my condition, my immunity is very low and it will get worse as i get more chemo sessions. So, i get tired very easily and i have to avoid crowds. hubby thinks it is best if i can cut short waiting time, wherever i choose to go. I am seriously considering f/u with a private gynae first, then consult him/her on transferring to KKH or SGH should the need arises if it really turns out to be pre-term. I am given Neupogen jabs which can cause preterm and abnormalities in animals although insufficient data on humans have been collected. I called KKH to request if I can see Professor George Yeo as a private patient, and was told that i will need a referral letter from my gynae, and that he'll be really busy during april, so i'll probably go to dr ann first.

Ai Shing/Sam, i agree with you that nurses provide invaluable information. In general, i find most nurses in SG are very nice and helpful. The nurses at my oncologist's clinic are very assuring and always provide me with lot of info during the course of my chemo. The same goes for the other nurses at the OT and surgeon's clinic.
<font color="aa00aa">gingal</font>,
yeah, HX turned CA 1 yr today. same same, very super super noti, climb here and there tough unable to walk stable. Fall on and off is his daily 'task' till face blue black. this evening, he only knocked his nose when he fell flat on the floor after crawling head down. so is J gg to take MMR soon?? HX will be taking in early May at polyclinic (FOC). his next neo-natal appt will be sept. what's abt J?

congrats for finding a job. so happy to end yr SAHM career?? who will be looking after J?

even HX slp at 10pm cos we came bck late on sat (usually, he slp at 8pm now since 1 yr old) but he still woke up at 0530am or 6am+. he never slp past 7am regardless he slp early or late one....unlike last time, my gar, when she slp late, she will wake up late. will sure slp past 7am. if she woke up at 6am, she will still doze off after milk but not HX. wkend and wkday is no different to me, still have to wake up early....sigh... wow, J nap so late?? so envy, J can slp till 12 noon?? then gd for u wor... to train her slp early cos next time, go sch also no gd. no offence, like my sil's gar, she slp at 1-2am then woke up noon liao. aiyo....

hmm...maybe plan yr no 2 later loh, since u just gain yr 'freedom' as sahm, bf etc and come out to work.....
Yes Lilac, it's me. I have been struggling for a long time whether or not to share the pics. When i signed up for their volunteering photography service (, i actually opted for confidential for all pics and info. But as time went by, I thought it might help some parents in SG as this organization is based in US and not known in SG.

It may be morbid to some ppl, but really, it helped, in my grieving process.

I hope it can help others.
you were so brave. I have yet to come to terms with the loss of my 2 boys, and guess i never will. Share with me the article if you have.
Hi Sgal, Kayla is coming 11 months already :)

David, a few PDs have told me that if BB is underweight, can switch her to Newborn formula even if she is supposed to be at Stage 2. It has more nutrients and a higher fat content so will help underweight babies put on weight.

I dunno about Enfalac cos Kayla gets constipated when she takes that, but for Similac, i got Neosure off the shelves. When i used to go back to Thomson for kayla's check-up and to visit the NICU nurses, they would give me some of the Newborn formula as well. Dunno if you wanna try that @ KK?
Hi Jas,
I saw the article on your FB. Reading it brings to life the struggles that you have shared with me previously. You did the right thing to keep Isaac's memories alive with you and have been very brave throughout... can just imagine what a emotional roller-coaster ride it must have been!

I don't think any mother will totally be able to come to terms as you put it...not after carrying her baby in her womb for so long and feeling the sense of attaching and emotional bonding. But take heart, you still have your darling little Bryan rite? :)
i still say good night to my jared every night, and celebrates his every year birthday, and remembers his death anniversary. I am looking forward to the day when I am old and leave the world to be with him, and to see him honestly.

As mummies, we will never ever forget our children in heaven, never ever...

I always miss my darling boy even though I just saw him once in the nicu...I will never forget his small tiny body lying in the incubator...never forget. I guess for my hubby, the pain is even worse, as he was the one who held him till his last breath...


You reminded me again...but Jas, do you still have the article with you? can share?

Bannyeng, I can't imagine what you are going thru now, I think you are very brave, really. Dr ann tan is good, and professional.

gingal, dun worry lar, just go ahead. when I am expecting violet, gyane told me the same thing, and I am lugi worse, went thru twice extreme premature labors before, so gynae told me must this and that, in the end, she didn't leh. She said want to stitch me but in the end also didn't cause she said to me will be no use. Anyway, bed rest is killing but honestly, soon and very fast, it will be over. I was on bed rest from the month i was preggy till 34 weeks leh...about to go crazy, but all worthwhile. haha.
wow, so fast, jerlynn, haoxuan, violet, and danya all one year old plus liao, time flies! may they grow up healthy and strong!
just read the article on facebook jas, it reminded me of my boy jared. the same thing too like u, brain damage, asked to let him go, we chose that, and he was gone...sigh.

my eldest went thru the same thing as issac, just that he was gone by day 2, as we let him go. we wanted to end his suffering, as doctors told us his brain was bleeding badly, and even if he survived he would be with permanent disability. Finally, we chose not to let him suffer, and we did the same thing like u. But I never went to send him off, sigh, I regretted till now for never holding him.
I hope he doesn't blame me. sigh...
Hi Jas,

I have yet to read the article, but just reading the comments here brings tears down my face. I think not many people can understand the emotional pain as a mummy of having a premature baby. Let alone the fact that you and KKF have gone through even more. You are a strong and brave mummy.

Thanks for sharing the article.
came back from KKH review and Nate is currently 6.6kg CA 6 mths. Dietician says he is slightly underweight. Sigh.... the therapist also mentioned that he has muscular torticollis. Need to do therapy at home. Hope the therapy at home will help in correcting it so that he does not need to go for intensive therapy session. Sigh....was quite discouraged after the review. Thought that he will be given a clean bill of health. Anyways, have learnt to give thanks because there are kids who need more medical attention when i was at the hospital.
<font color="aa00aa">kkf</font>,
reading yr post making my eyes watery. not mentioning reading yr blog. it's so touching....u are the brave and strong mummy gg thru the emotional and somemore, preterm not only once...

haa...HX is among the roses wor....

<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>,
tough, I have not read the news (will go library to see if there is or not) but browsing thru yr blog also bring tears down my face. u and kkf are indeed a strong mummy.

<font color="119911">Bannyeng</font>,
take care....hope everything will be better.
Jas, kkf,

Being a mom is not easy, being a premature mom even more difficult. For u two to cope with this situation even harder. You two really a strong, brave mummy.

Read the news sent from Jas, i needed to pause for few times inorder to finished the whole article. Tears just flow down. Really can feel the pain.

Jas, the photo was well taken. You did the right thing. Thanks for sharing.
jas, read facebook. nearly cried in office :_( *sayang*

kaylas, thanks for the article in young parents. Got a few ex colleagues mesg me after they read it (they never know i have a pre term bb)
just read Jas's article. salute to both Jas n kkf.

just an update on paige, she is ca 17mth, and has been discharged from clinic k. next hurdle is the 2yo IQ test.
Hey Gingal,

I'm not sure about your case, cause for me as im having triplets and they were already bulging out so must total bedrest although cerclage, cause my doc told me :"It could still tear" especially dangerous when going to toilet to "Kek" to pass never even know if they have dropped out..Scare the shit outta me..
<font color="aa00aa">Jas</font>,
Just read the Sun newspaper on yr article with emotional. it's so touching. hmm.actually, yr face not really expose fully first, I tot the photo eith Xavier is yr photos is not...cheers....
Hi Bloom,
Yes you're right, the April issue of Young Parents just came out; I got my copy just yesterday.

To all moms and dad who helped made the article possible-THANK YOU for sharing your struggles and advice. I tried to get a copy for you all but afraid that wasn't possible.

kkf, don't blame yourself. you did the best you could for jared already. you've been so cheerful and helpful in dishing out advice and comforting words to all mommies out here despite all that you've been through yourself and we all really appreciate you for that!
Hi Mommies,
Just want to ask for some advice cos i'm thinking of trying for Baby #2, but just terrified that the horrible night-mare of all those pregnancy complications would recur again!

1. If you had a high-risk pregnancy before (my baby had IUGR and i had pre-eclampsia), would that recur again for 2nd pregnancy?

2. Did anyone see a gynae or take any medication BEFORE conceiving again?

3. Can anyone recommend a good gynae that specialises in pregnancy complications (and who doesn't cost a bomb? $300/visit is quite steep lah!)
today, one of my pregnant friends texted me to say that she has delivered. she was only due in june. her baby is premature. my heart just broke hearing about that. her baby is actually the same gestational age as nate when he was born. like me, her water bag rupture. in a way, i am thankful to Him that i have been through a premature birth and is now able to be there for her. i really pray that her baby will be alright.
now more and more cases of premature labors, we are glad that we are there to help and give advises. I got a copy of young parents finally after searching high and low, and saw so many of our names appearing, thanks kaylas mum for bringing the awareness to people.

Sometimes I do think why are all these happening to us. My colleague premature herself still manage to give birth to two full terms babies, and she mentioned she was so happy that being a premature baby herself, she can hold her two babies to full terms, which indirectly is an insult to me. Seeing her so successful in her career and family, I can't help but envy her, and even slightly jealous, cause I am thinking I just want to be normal as well, but why can't I??? I am just like a failure in life, fail as a mother, and fail as a career woman (well, I was a bit upset cause I was not promoted this year, and was in my current grade in teaching for quite a couple of years...).

I dunno if I am right to feel this way, but I do find myself a failure, as I gave birth to all my 3 babies prematurely, and even caused the death of my first child. Why am I going thru all these???

Sorry to vent a bit here...

Kaylas mum, dun worry, just go ahead, not everybody will have weird body like me. You may just have a full term baby this time, like our daec, and fairylander, and mummylian, and many more...
kaylas_mom, i rem reading somewhere in this forum that a mommy's doc let her take aspirin (after 1st trimester) to thin the blood to help 'prevent' her pre-eclampsia. not guarantee though...

kkf, u r not a failure lah.. u r very brave to go thru ur 3rd preganncy to have violet.. and i heard from my colleague (his wife teaches) that every yr, each school will have to have some pp at the bottom who will not get bonus.. so its a either-u-or-me thingy and frankly speaking, no matter how much govt asks us to have birth.. the rest of the agencies and pte companies still penalises mothers...
Hi Jas,

I'm new to this thread.kkf,u may rem me.i lost my gal at 29wks in utero.i'm very happy i'm now preg again,after some surgery.Jas,u mentioned ur bb was at NUH NICU? I'm mentally preparing myself for a possible premature birth if it preg is considered high risk &amp; i'll like to find out fr u:

1) who was ur gynae?

2) how was the NICU @ NUH? i chose NUH coz i believe NUH &amp; KKH has the best neonatal units in s' 1st delivery was at KKH for the same reason.but i have since changed gynae &amp; she's with NUH,that's y i'm with NUH now.

3) any good neonatologist to recommend? so that i can ask for him/her to be on stand by when i deliver

dun despair ok? I also felt very sad and cried when my son's neighbour pass away just before my boy was transferred out. His name was gerard, he stayed in NICU for almost 3 months.. its a struggling battle for both the parents and him..sighs...

Life is full of ups and downs.. i think all mother will cherish and prioritize their kids first before anything else..

I use to be a career minded person, everything is about getting a good position and salary till i have my babies..

I don't even mind to just be a part time worker with low rank but have more time with my babies though im not really working now anymore..I guess they are now the most important.

Are you looking at climbing up the corporate ladder? Well, life is never 100% fair.. Its also difficult to juggle family and work seriously and most important to juggle the kid's studies..right?
Hi Mummies/Daddy,

Yeah, I got my copy of the YP too...keke... reading it made me felt proud of all of u! And I'm so glad I can match almost every nick to every name appearing in the mag...Thank God for this Support Group we have here.

I've been so tired after starting work, and it's been sometime since I actively post here... have been reading up the posts silently though...


So glad Paige's been discharge from clinic K! WTG Paige!


Don't despair... Jiayou!
Hi Mummies and Daddies,

I am currently feeding MCT oil to my girl and i mixed it in the milk in the bottles. Recently the bottles have whitish stains that won't come off no matter how much cleanser i used. Anyone has this problem? I wander if i should discard these bottles as am not sure if they are still safe for my babies.
Hi Bloom, yes you're right... heard my gynae mention that last time too...just that i thought of considering switching to a specialist in pregnancy complications lah.

yes Gingal, you're right...everyone went thru so much for their precious babes. but i feel it makes the bond stronger. really, you can guess who's who? you're good! :)
you've been always so strong and positive, don't let your spirits be dampened cos of your career set-back, and don't mull over what's past.

after all we've been thru, i think we all agree that a career is nothing and our precious babies EVERYTHING.

i gave up my career to spend more time with Kayla and everytime i start to have doubts just like you, wondering about my life, my precious Kayla would smile at me and my heart and all my doubts would melt away. so whenever you start doubting yourself, hug your babies tight!
Hi VirgoAries,
i'm not sure cos the MCT was administered to Kayla via a tube. maybe you can try soaking the milk bottles with baby bottle cleanser solution immediately after use?

i always do that. i read somewhere mild discolouration is OK. my girl's NUK bottle teats changed colour after using cos of the rubber but the manufacturer states it is acceptable.
Hi Mummies,

Has been traveling alot. Sorry for not responding in time. Just wore a red shirt and protest with the folks up north. Just kidding.

Hi Gingal,

Me and Diana are sleepy head. Quit our party animal role more than 10 years. Dun no why Danya is a party animal leh. Good idea, next time Jerlynn &amp; Danya party, we party also.

Hi Bannyeng,

I have too admit that every Mummy love for their child are noble and selfless. Fight strong &amp; fight brave and triumph shall be your in time to come.

Hi Jas,

After reading your article on FB, it bring out alot of emotions and tears in me. Issac is already with our heavenly father. Issac will guide and protect his brother Xavier well. You have been a strong &amp; wonderful MaMa. You see, Xavier has grown strong and healthy with your TLC.


Don't be sad. Jared is already home safely with our heavenly father. He will protect his brother Dash and his little cute sister Violet. Your have been a very encouraging, brave and strong MAMA.

Hi Lilac,

Nate is 6.6kg at 6mths CA which is quite good. My princess Danya, CA 9.5mths, 5.3kg only, sigh...... As for CDA, you can used the ATM card to pay for bill at KKH clinic and also item purchase from KKH pharmacy.

Hi Kaylas MOM,

Danya has restarted on MCT since our last Dietitian visit in April. Growth still slow. I guess she burned out alot with her daily jumping, crawling activities. Danya was on Similac Neosure until few months back, she developed stomach reflux. Thus we have to switch to Enfalac AR to prevent her from having reflux.

Hi VirgoAries,

MCT will stain especially with latex teats. We use pigeon silicon teats. I wash them with pigeon bottle wash. So far so go.
Hi All,
i read the article on YP with emotion.It reminds me of the days in NICU !The feeling of despair &amp; helplessly seeing my little fighter struggling to stay alive. Now i know i am not alone, not the only 'Alien' who went thru such ordeal.
Sincerely thanks all of them for sharing their stories with us.. u all are juz like the 'lighthouse' for the lost ship like me!
anyone can share with me the article?

congrats to paige!! she's got this very "cool" attitude and i think she will clear all the tests in no time! bryan's just done his IQ test at CA 2yo. Well he wasn't the most compliant n got cranky after some time when the tasks revolved around pointing at a book which he didnt quite like! but no worries, no sweat, i'm sure all the stimulation paige gets in childcare will do her good!
i am quite blur. for the IQ test was it refer by the PD ?? does yr son also hv to followup any eyes check-up yearly ?
Hey Kaylas mom,

I got pregnant with my no.4 about in december, was conceive without knowledge... so i think its rather easy to conceive when you had just given birth not long ago. But for me, it happen that my baby was not growing but my water bag was growing by the day, thus have to go for washing..well.. i still dun think having pre-term babies affect chances of conceiving and having full term babies again.
hello,thanks for all ur encouragements. yah, our children are most important, i shdn't dwell on such things much, most important thing is my family...

life goes on.

Sam, take care of ur 3 lovely babies, not easy for u to lose ur 4th, hope u r coping well.

monster, yes, i remember u. congrats on ur pregnancy! when are u due? is ur gynae specialises in high risk? NUH or KKH are good with premature is good to be with NUH.

virgo, not sure whats MCT???
Hi kkf,

I'm due 1 Aug,but I think gynae will deliver me at 36 wks.I'm currently seeing A/Prof Mary Rauff at NUH.Unlike Prof Biswas,her title is not high risk preg specialist.but she's very experienced.she's quite old already,so she must have seen a lot of cases.After the 1st loss,I've been with her since.she sent me for lots of test &amp; she was with me thru'out this 24 wks of preg.She never puts me down for being overly concerned abt small fact,she was telling her intern how we r nervous coz we have a previous late loss.coz 1 day,my silly doppler wasn't giving me any reading &amp; i didn't feel the baby kick,so i went to c her though i had no appt.she was so kind,after checking with the doppler,she even offered to scan me &amp; didn't even charge me for the scan.when i was bleeding in 1st trimester,she was nervous for me &amp; she was so relieved she hugged me when she found the heartbeat on the hubby was surprised by her reaction.i'm going to go for a glucose tolerance test during my growth scan &amp; she's seeing me more frequently.

i think previously,u mentioned abt ur career,right? i'm a bit similar to u.i'm a high flyer,very driven.during my 1st preg,i intended to work up till the day i deliver.never once did i cut down my time at work time is quite flexible.but this time,i kept cutting down my work time &amp; when my boss wasn't happy i am taking 2 wks off during my 'crucial period',i told him straight in his face w/o giving him any chance to talk.haha...having a child is the most beautiful thing in the whole,wide world.&amp; i'm looking fwd to holding my little boy in my arms &amp; hear his cries.last night,i dreamt abt breastfeeding him &amp; it was the sweetest dream i ever had.
Hi Monster,

I am very much like you in the past. A workaholic who spend most of Sat &amp; Sun in office. I too was a high flyer which I jet set more than driving in Singapore. It took me almost 7 year to convince my wife that I am the right man/husband for her.

Every since the birth of our princess Danya, my prospective of life has change. When you have gone through the situation of being not in control and the fear of losing your love one, all the money, status and every achievement you have in this world meant nothing at all.

I support you for your courage. Being a mother is god send. You have all the right to protect you baby. Be strong and positive and we look forward to hear from you. Fight Strong &amp; Fight Brave.
Hi David,

yes,I saw photos of ur little princess u put up.Wat a beauty...

Wat u wrote is so true! it brought tears to my's rare that daddy will be so active in this forum.Since we lost our 1st child so unexpectedly,our perspective has changed hubby will say now,"anything for my boy".We have come up with an arragement.He will work a little harder,while i cut back on my work.i'm self employed.&amp; i don't intend to go back to full time work after I've had this child.coz i don't want to miss a moment in his life.i awlays tell my mum i want to smell his poop &amp; change his diapers! haha

Finally,thank you for ur encouragement!
Hi Mummies,

Need advice. Should we let Danya sleep thru the nite? We are still on 4 hr schedule. Her weight is only 5.6kg and not too sure if she will be dehydrated if she sleep thru.
hi david,
i tin should be okay.
i hv let my gal sleep thru the nite when she is 5mth (CA). B4 she goes sleep, i'll give her some sip of water.sometime, she will wake up n cry for water but not frequent.she is now 10mth (CA) oli 6.4kg.
My grandma always told me tt if baby is sleeping, just let them sleep n dun wake them up for milk, as she said tt sleeping can help them put on weight. My gal sleep thru the nite since ca 4mth, now at ca 18mth she is 9+kg only...
maybe u can check with Danya's attending docotr. Nate was sleeping thru at CA 4mths. Dr Aragawal asked me to wake him up for feeds cos' he needs to put on weight. He is starting to sleep through again at CA7mths @ 6.7kg and I have not been waking him up wor.... cos' i realized he willl just suckle suckle then fall back to sleep.
<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
of cos, if Danya can slp thru the nite(of cos, that's every parent dream) why not...

Just to share my case, during HX 's infant time, his last feed is at 0630pm and then he will slp thru and only woke up at 5-6am+. after 6mth, we delayed his slp time to 7pm and then after 1 yr old, we delayed his slp time to 0730pm. so all along his last feed will be very early. before I went bck to work after my 5mth leave, I did not want HX to develop night feeding tough his weight was also not idea (reported by his neo-natal last time). so when he woke up at wee hrs, we just pat him to slp if not gave him water. my col told me too, just gave water so that at timing when bb knew there was no milk so they would not wake up next time. of cos, sometimes, once in the blue moon, we will give to avoid his 'singing' and screaming.

I agreed with what shellow had mentioned if bb is slp, just let them slp. if they are hungry, they will cry to alert the adult. last time, my caregiver kept on asking me to wake up bb in wee hr to give him milk, but I told her no that bb will auto wake up if he needed milk and I dun want them to develop the habit of night feeding (like my gar loh till 2 yr old + then quit night feeding.). I even quote them example asking do adult wake up at wee hr to drink milo? no offence for this example.

others told me to give pacifier so that bb will slp soundly.

Hi Monster,
I m a mummy for a 26weeker. I gave birth to my elder one at nuh. I think the pd n nurses at NICU were great. They really did a great job for my litle girl. They r all really patient in taking care of my girl.

As a result of my first birth, i also chosen NUH for my 2nd baby which i gave birth 2mths bk at 39weeks+2days. Like u, i was also concerned abt when the 2nd one will come so i decided to stick bk to nuh as i was quite comfortable w them.

i m sure u r under the gd hands of Proff Mary becos i was really well taken care by her 4 my 2nd one. She understand the anxiety that we r gg thro n her words are always so comforting. She also ordered extra scans n tests to ensure the baby is growing well. i m really glad to b under her. will definitely choose her if i strike again. Gee....

My ger is on follow up w head of paediatric, dr lee juin. so far so gd! heard dr yvonne is also quite popular. Hope this helps

Hi David Daddy,
Jus wan to tell u i have been reading abt your family of 3Ds ever since Diana gave birth to Danya. U r really a source of inspiration for all the mummies here. Forever so encouraging w yr wisdom of words. Continue to jiayou for yr girl!

Not sure whether u remember me, i got a book on premature baby fr u. Do not ever b upset abt anything abt work. i think is not worthwhile at all. Rather concentrate the energy on the little ones. i was quite upset when my boss is not very happy when i kept taking leave for my little ger. i was also penalised w little increment n pathetic bonus but i really learnt not to b upset abt it becos my priority now is my 2babies so i hope u can too w yr Dash n Violet
