Premature babies support group

Hi Bloom, WH & Afcai Mummies,

Doc initially target for Danya weight to reach 2.5kg. Depending again on Danya STOMA. If Danya STOMA is healthy and well kept, they are pushing for 3 or 4 kg. Personally, the more weight Danya gain, the easy will be her recovery after the ops.

has been a while since i logged in cos' laptop was utilized by husband. His laptop crashed. Sigh. Anyways, Nate is finally off phototherapy!!! Yay.... but he look very burnt. So tanned that there's an Indian mum who thought my Nate is her baby. So you can tell how tanned he is lor.... Still on CPAP. They probably will attemp cycling next week cos' he desat a few times. Alot of thick mucus which the nurses need to suck out every 4 hourly. How come babies will have so much secretion one? His weight still hovers around 1.114 kg leh. Like never passed the mark into 1.2kg.... Sigh... at the rate he is going, it will take a while before he reaches 2 kg.

Afcai, actually, also dun know why he has a pre-natal tooth liao. Dentist says just leave it cos' if they extract it now may cause distress to him. So wait till he is discharged.
I have been trying out different teats for mattias cause when he uses Avent, he takes a long time to finish his milk, when use NUK, he can finish in 10 mins and sometimes there are milk coming out from the sides of the mouth, and today i got follow up at eye centre at KK, so went to pharmacy to get the pigeon teats, and milk also come out from the sides of the mouth.. oh thts during drinking.. and can soak the tissue, thus dunno whether enough feeds or not.. So i really dunno whats best for him...Please help..
Hi Lilac Mum,

Great. Nate is off photo therapy. Don't worry, tanned look are the in trends. He will be fair in more time. As for weight, just be patience. Danya weight from 1.1 to 1.2, 1.4 to 1.5 & 1.9 to 2kg, her weight was yoyo for 3 weeks on all the 3 stages.

Hi Sam Mum,

Here the trick. When the milk is covering the full expose surface of the teats by tilting the bottle more upright, the hydrostatic height is the highest which the flow will very fast. To slow down the flow, the teats surface should be 3/4 or 2/3 cover by lowering the bottle, than the flow will be slow. Try that on Danya, works for me.
Hi David,

i tried holding more upright and less milk flows out, but it depends.. not all the time.. or dunno issit he spitting out the milk??
<font face="Comic Sans Ms">Thank you mummy for your replies. I've checked with the NICU nurses and they said it's much better for preemie to take fresh EBM so I will just keep the Frozen BM in e deep freezer till he's discharged.

Baby Jed is doing great &amp; is gaining weight steady. He now weighs 1655g, gaining bout 20g per day. We are hoping to have him home in 2 wks time

<font color="0000ff">Lilac</font>

Great that Nate is off phototherapy.. Don't worry bout him being tanned. Boy Boy mus look tanned mah. I'm sure his weight will pick up soon.

<font color="aa00aa">Grace</font>

Sure Sure.. Let's try to catch up in church
By the way who was Maddy's PD during her stay in TMC?

<font color="0000ff">Bloom</font>

I'm under Dr. Joycelyn Wong. Thanks for explaining to me bout SCN. I tink for TMC, NICU &amp; SCN are combined.</font>
hi WH,

Guess cos of your eyesight thus u didnt get to update us on the Mar thread on the birth of ur baby.. if not, i could have seen and asked u in here...
Anyway, we are also on Facebook, u can join our group at Singapore Premmies Group there too..

Hope ur eyes get better now u r SAHM?

Jerlynn is CA 4 mth exactly tomorrow..she is about 6.6-6.7kg now, drinking est 110ml per 3 hourly except the 5 hours stretch when she is sleeping. She will wake up and drink about 130ml after the 5 hour stretch. I don't think Jerlynn is good weight leh, cos I see alot ppl say she petite leh, and when I compare to alot of 4 mth old, they already way past my cousin's babies (Feb and Mar baby)....they makes me feel Jerlynn is small size...
Each baby is individual, so as long as ur girl is putting on weight fine and growing well, i'm sure it should be ok to be a light eater bah. U go to Dietitian appt too? What do they say?

At one stage Jerlynn can't sleep well also, should I say she sleeps very little throughout the night most of the times, and only sleeps "thruout" during mornings and afternoons! I was really shack loh...luckily these 2 weeks she miraculously glad now...but really really hope it stays this way.
Don't really think it's the 6 in 1 jab leh, cos afer the 1st 2 doses, there is no change in her schedule.


Aiyoh CA = Corrected age...

So lucky leh u, HX can sleep after smelling his "smelly aka chou chou"


Yah loh, we should have been neighbours, afcai's boy is confirmed Jerlynn's neighbour at SCN...Jerlynn's stay was 1st Jan to 13th Feb 09...


So glad for u that Nate is off photo, now his birubin level should be on the safe side liao...

Aiyoh, ur hubby lappie crashed, mine also crashed the day before yesterday! Now i;m using Hubby' sad leh, ytd without my lappie I felt so my hubby gave in, and let me use his, he won't bring to work until I get one...
So sianzzzz, though I have my files backup in hard disk, but i have so many favourite links in my IE, now I dunno how to find them back especially my shopping and baby info sites!


Jerlynn also initially using Pigeon will leak milk, then after about few days of usage, she got used to the teat and did fine liao...

More upright holding of bottle will increase milk flow, u must tilt down to decrease milk flow wor...
Hi Sam,
Just sharing with you on my girl experience.

Not sure if you are know, NUK got two kind of bottles...
When my girl dischrg we gave her NUK classic bottle. coz realise that was given to her at times when she was at KKH and she was doing well.
now we used this to feed her water in between meals as she has dry lips..

Then 2mths ago we introduced to her NUK first choice bottle, and she also liked it...

and there diff teats for diff liquid given..

enclosed pic of NUK bottle:

Hi gingal,
ya loh. that time cant see well &amp; was frustrating. coz suddenly everything you see got dark patches... but of coz everyone become more pretty... coz cant see pimples and wrinkles.. ha haaa

oh. got facebook. great...

no.. i worked from home. My work/boss allowed me to do so... been working from home since June.

Hi all,
I've some premmies clothes to give away... some are bght from USA, some 2nd hand bght on-line...
good for those gg to be dischrg soon. dont be shy just let me know. :p

Think if u concern about your girl's weight, then maybe dun feed her water? this way she can drink more milk and absorb more calories. We were told not to give J water as we used to give 20-30ml a day with Gripe Water, but cos her weight gain slowed down after that, thus we were told against it by the dietitian. Now we barely give 10ml on alt days and she is gaining better...The advice is to give water only after she starts solids.

BTW afcai,

I was told not to start solids yet until 6 mths CA, cos the dietitian wants J to take in as much nutrients from BM and FM now...

Yes J will swallow saliva and look very very interested in our food since like a month ago liao, dat's why i asked abt starting her on solids last appt with the dietitian...but cannot yet loh...

we also realise that if we feeding her while someone is having dinner and she can smell or see, she won't want her we will bring her to the room and hide her so that she will finish her milk.

PPL say that kids like this will not be fussy eaters next time, *cross fingers* hope it's true!
Hi Gingal,

my boy is at SCN blue from 30 Jan to 9 Feb and at prep room from 10 Feb to 2 March.

My gal is at MRSA SCN...
Hi gingal,

we didnt feed her much water... she doesnt liked water. we used it to moist her lips.

beside she is not drinking much milk even before water was introduced to her... my mom said she had a small tummy... ke keee

Intro of Solids
advice from my TCM doc (who is also trained in western medication) for my girl is not to introduce the solids yet. reason being premmie tummy may not be fully develop and may hv indigestion problem and tummy may get stress up.

ideal period liked what u mentioned shld be CA 6/7mth.

she also advice not to buy those ready made brown rice powder. as they are oven bake to make it dry for grinding. best is to buy raw and sun-tan then grind. oven bake will be heaty for babies.

Jerlynn also in SCN Blue during the period u mentioned leh..we were neighbours! keke


I think alot PDs now also don't recommend to intro solids too early...

I think Brown rice cereals I will leave it to my MIL to buy, she say she will buy from Eu Yan Sang, she heard it's good... I dunno what she is gonna buy, she called it "Bee Gor"...hmmmm Any idea if the Heinz Purees be suitable? I see those in supermarkets, like so interesting loh, so many flavours so many colours! Heehee
gingal, I think Bee Gor is good but got to be careful cos it can be quite heaty. One of my friend's son took that and he started having constipations. They stopped giving him the Bee Gor and he stopped having constipations. So got to monitor closely.

Went to visit Nate yesterday and he seems ok. They were planning to take off the long line and let him try full milk feeds. Not too sure if that was done already. Will know today. He is still on CPAP... still need to monitor cos' he has secretions from his mouth that sometimes hinders his breathing.

I finally found out the billing for me and Nate. For my three weeks stay and almost 10 visits to the labour ward, I was charged $4000. And for Nate, thus far, the almost 3 weeks stay has incurred a bill of $7k. The officer says that all these are fully claimable from medisave and we are not subjected to mean testing because we are already in the lowest C class. Mean testing is only for those who wants to downgrade from B1 to lower class. So that helps to know. Not too sure how much the total bill is going to come up to but we are trusting in God to provide for all our needs.
Just delivery my baby girl Joya in 15.07.2009 weight 1.4kg at TMC, now bb at NICU. Hope that everything will get better soon...Baby Joya PD is Dr. SS Keoy. God Bless. Feel so lost...
Hi zola,

Care to share what happen?

Understand what you are gg thru... Be strong ok, yr BB needs you.
With 1.4Kg she shld be dischrg soon. My girl was only 904g when born. then after 3days drop to 700++ took a super long while to 1.5kg. She home since Mar.

Hi lilac,
not sure if you know... KKH BB ICU are wardless (as advice by the social worker there) Meaning treatment will be the same. I downgrade my gal to C class. So total bill for us was abt $55K then aft sub fm govt abt $25K for 73days of stay and hernia operation.
Hi zola and wh, saw that both of u are new here!


I am kkf. I had my babies all premature, 23 weeks, 27 weeks, and 34 weeks, and me myself is a 27 weekers.
Ha Ha KKF,

I like you intro. Always so positive.

Hi Gingal,

Same question as Grace. What is Bee Gor?????

Hi Zola,

Joya is a princess warrior. Have faith and keep fighting strong. My princess was born 590 gram and Princess Joya is born 1.4kg and based on the weight difference, Joya will be home in no time. Jia Yu.
Hi David, Xbliss, Grace, Gingal, Tigger,Afcai

Thanks for your advice! It really rest my mind..hehe...I actually brought Xavier to ENT check up on Tuesday and dropped by NICU, the doctors reassured me that Xavier is fine

The funny thing is when Xavier came home after the hospital, he became a CHANGED BABY. He became a very hungry and angry baby that requires every 3 hourly feeding. His intake increased, even more than before. Now he is taking 160ml, every 3-4 hourly. And when he wants it, he must have it immediately, his crying is so angry ....I got to pacify him first by latching on, then give him bottle (cant give full latch on, he will get frustrated after a while, it takes too much effort on his side). Besides, he becomes an efficient eater also, can finish 160ml in 15-20 mins compared to last time 100ml in 45 mins. No leaking also, no bib required...Really wonder what made him changed suddenly..haha...Maybe he realised that his mother was under a lot of stress and decided to give me a break, HAHA.

Xavier was on 55ml/ 3hourly before his discharge. He was 1 month corrected by then, and weighed 2.2kg. He is now 3.6kg and 2 &amp; half months corrected.

welcome new WH, Jenifur and Zola
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Zola</font>,

We actually "met" today leh @ NICU. My boy, Jedidiah is also in TMC NICU &amp; under Dr. Keoy. I came 5 mins to 12pm today &amp; had to neg. my way in to see baby Jed.

I delivered Baby Jed on 03-Jul &amp; he weighed 1.51kg. Today he already hit 1.7kg despite losing alot of weight in e 1st wk. Our babies are all fighters &amp; much stronger den we imagined.

Dun feel lost.. I'm sure all e Mummies/Daddy here will encourage &amp; guide us along e way.

By the way, u look kinda exhausted today. Do take care ya</font>
WH, want to clarify with you. So, after the government subsidy, you still have to pay $25k? Is it by medisave or by cash?

Jenifur, baby Jed is doing so well! Already 1.7 kg. He will be dicharge before you know it. So happy for you.

Nate is off the long line today (the drip that supply nutrients to him via a goodie bag) and on full milk feeds. I am praying that he will put on weight soon. He does not seems to be putting on alot of weight leh. Always hovers around 1.1 kg. And it has been 3 weeks since birth. A little worried.

Yes mattias also.. he has become such a mischief now.. im really turning into a mad woman and also singapore's one and only "Guo Bao - Panda".

He is 2.4kg now.. have to take 70mls now every 2.5hrly. Okie.. i finally figured out the leak.. he was spitting out the milk cause i need to give partial bm cause not enough, so when i give fm he will do that.. and when give bm he will not spit out... sighs really cannot tahan ...

He is so fascinated by Baby Einstein Books ..
hi! jenifur
Yes we met today. Thanks. I'm ready exhausted. cos I'll go and see Joya twice a day...Miss and worry about her. I believe that Baby Jed will be home soon too.God bless all our fighter...

Hi! David Wong
thank you I'll Jia Yu.


just wonder when they will put on weight?
Hi everyone,

I brought my boy for his routine eye checkup last fri, and suddenly they off the aircon...was wondering why until we saw a mummy shivering

She has a tiny baby, think also premature. One nurse has to help carry the baby and another has to help her to a room. Think she was suffering from mastitis .... poor mummy, alone somemore

Re: Bee Gor

Hmmmm, I don't know what is really Bee Gor leh...hee hee...seems maybe like something do to with Brown rice powder plus dunno what to be mixed with milk to become a paste for babies to eat...can be bought in chinese medical shops..
Maybe lilac knows better, lilac can help to tell us? Keke..i forgot ask my MIL ytd night...

Hi Zola,

welcome to the thread! How many weeks is Joya borned in? 1.4kg is a good weight and I'm sure baby will do fine. Do not worry too much, we have lots of fighter babies here who are doing extremely well now...
Stay Positive and stay with us in this thread, we hope to give u the encouragment u need...
Saw your blog, and Joya looks good...I'm sure she will be fine. Ur elder son is so cute too, must be really active...


Xavier is drinking so much..hahahaha I'm sure he will grow big big soon...Hope to see his new pics up soon too...


Think Mattias is not used to the FM taste, what FM u giving him? When I supplemnt the FM for J, she doesn't like Similac Neosure's taste and I changed the FM to NAN...
Then she loves it and can drink liao. But nowadays she started rejected NAN also unless she is very very hungry, she still prefers BM, I also dunno wanna change the FM anot, tasted NAN personally myself, and finds that it has a bitter taste, not so sweet...Hmmmm

Re: Mad woman and Panda...
We are all like this...hahahahaha and PLus we look more and more aunty nowadays...Agree?


Oh dear, the mummy so kelian,maybe it's her 1st appt and she thought bring baby alone also can, no need ppl accompany...actually it's good to have someone along for our appts cos really mafan with the baby and all when alone. The eye clinic ppl so nice, will still off air-con, th eother time me also shivering cos really cold at the Eye Clinic is KKH, and the nurse gave me a blanket to cover myself, I thought that was really nice gesture, until now I read this...I think the ppl there not bad leh...or simply, the EYE CLINIC is tooo damn COLD......
Hi Grace,
we seeing Dr Audrey.

Hi Gingal,
Actually I find the eye clinic too cold for comfort too. But I find the nurses @ KKH generally nice

Chor bee is it?? hahhaa.. brown rice powder with "si shen" powder..i have a new pack. not open yet.. can pass to you if you want..let her test if jerlynn likes it..maddy doesn't like it..some more got to cook it.. i find it ma fan.. same as teats.. i tried many brands of cereal before settling for it.she prefer the organic multi grain cereal.

where's this dr audrey's clinic? i'm thinking of changing maddy's eye doc. the one we went to, the service is quite bad. and each time cost $200 over....
gingal, actually hor, I am not too sure either. I only know that bee gor has some herbs in it. It is suppose to be quite good for babies' lung. Can get it from those medicinal shop. They actually grind the brown rice and herbs together.

Grace, organic multi grain cereal seems more healthy, right? Nate is not discharged yet but I am already thinking about the future - that all his food, cereal etc will be organic. Better without chemical processings etc. Btw, how old is maddy now? Is eye check-up a rountine check for all premature babies?
maddy is 17 months now. corrected age should be 13 monthe. delivered her at 24 weeks. i'm not sure if organic multi grain cereal is a healthier choice. she progressed from both organic rice and brown rice cereal. She's a picky eater. she even rejected the wrong brand of apple i bought.. so since she doesn't mind this particular brand.. i stick to it. same goes to the veggies and yogurt.. all organic..

Maddy had eye surgery that's why has half yearly check ups. if i don't remember wrongly Nate is quite big when he's borned, right? his pd prop will tell you if he needs to do eyes check.
Maddy's case cos she's very premature.her eyes was affected by the oxygen given to her..She was given oxygen for almost 2 months..


thought you still expressing milk? so fast supplementing with FM already?


don't worry. 1.4kg is not too small.. wait till you hear some of our babies weight. you prob faint.. my maddy was 610g when borned.. stayed in tmc for 122 days..jia you!!
Grace, Nate was born at 28 weeks at about 1.035kg. It has been around 3 weeks since his birth and he is still on CPAP. Also abit concern that it might affect his eyes but the doctors say that the pressure for him is the lowest already and it will not affect his eyes. Wow!! 2 months.... you must have been through alot. 17 months should be quite a cute age to play with now.
my boy is similar to Nate. He was off CPAP near to a month. Don't worry, once they start cycling, there is no looking back.

Re: Bee Gor/cereals
I read somewhere that cereals that are commercially made are usually oven baked, thus more heaty for babies. If we make it ourselves, it's usually dried in sun. So if we have the time, can try doing so. FYI, i never let my boy take brown rice.. for some funny reason i dun believe in it?! i believe more in vitamin drops. heheheh..
xbliss, thanks for the information. I read through the posts and I understand that your boy was in NICU for 1 month and then SCN for 1 month also. That's really amazing! He must be making very good progress then.
<font face="Comic Sans Ms"><font color="0000ff">Lilac</font>

Yupz.. Praise e Lord, he's doing quite well.. gained another 20g today &amp; I FINALLY get to hold him in my arms for e 1st time since I delivered him.

I was really looking forward to have him home with us but after today I'm not sure if I can handle him.

He gave me big scare by "forgetting" to breathe &amp; turn blue, not once but TWICE. I totally freak out esp e 2nd time when e reading dropped till 30+. Thank God the nurse came fast to my rescue. It just set me thinking.. how can I monitor him when he's home esp w/o e machine?? Even thinking about it, sent shivers to my spine

Guess all I can do is to pray for God to take over &amp; handle the situation. Like DH said, HE know best!! God will not give me something I cannot handle</font>
jenifur, i totally understand what you are going through cos Nate did that as well. But he usually 'remembers' to breathe again. My friend was telling me that it is very common for premmie to 'forget' to breathe. Once they turn blue, need to either stroke them or squeeze their little toe to remind them. Ya lor, without machines, how? We can only trust God bah. So good that you can hold Jed in your arms liao.... it must be a very defining moment. Is Jed bottle-fed or tube-fed? He is not on CPAP at all, right? Have u gone to Joycelyn for your follow-up? I kinda miss going back to her. The one which I went to at KK just asked how I am doing etc. Din do ultrascan to see if there are any blood clots like the other time Joycelyn did. So I am thinking of going back to Joycelyn for my PAP smear test.
ok... finally receive hospital bill... as expected... its halfway to six digit.. haha.. as usual.. hospital is urging us to pay pay pay.. sighs.. y never let me strike toto, 4d ..keke..
hahahaha GINGAL.... yes yes.. im giving mattias Similac Neosure... he hates it.. but hope i can finish the can la.. wasteful ma.. think he will prefer nan and intend to change to nan also.. but my ah ma say cannot change fm one.. issit true??? Yes nan taste a bit bitter.. and my bm taste sweeter than similac neosure.. dunno issit thats y he likes bm more?? but actually bm tasteless only sweet water like dat..

Joya born at 30 week.


Saw U today, actually want to say hi to you but see u carry your bb don't want to disturb u. God will bless u. God will look after our fighter
Hi Grace,

Yupz I think that's the one..Chor Bee but they call it "Bee Gor" in Medicinal shops. Thanks for the offer to give me your pack, will let u know when the time comes for J to start solids...will let u know if i need it and collect from ya...

Aiyoh, me long time ago already supplement with FM liao, I think abt 2 mths after she is back home, cos BM not enough for her...*sigh*... about 2 feeds daily are FM loh...
I eat alot fish and take alot fluids and still never increase milk de, maybe cos I pump too infrequently? i only pump 4 times a day, sometimes 3 times only...Lazy...


How nice to hold baby for the first right? I bet u can't get your eyes off him while he is in your arms...
He sure gave mummy a fright...dun get too reliant on reading the monitor, must start training urself to see his colour and get him back breathing, instead of looking at the monitor liao.
I think all of us have your worries too when we are about to bring our babies home, but rest assure everything will be fine, once they are back, somehow or rather they will take care of it themselves...HAHAHA
They are strong wor...


Just go back to ur gynae for the follow-ups loh, I never go back kkh for my own follow-up too...I went back to my Gynae.


Why cannot change FM? Can la, just that I was told when changing formula, for the first few rimes, mixed with the old Formula 1st...And then when baby gets used to it, then give the new formula alone after that.
For me, I mixed the new formula to BM as I used to always mix FM with BM...without BM she last time dun want drink FM de...

Re: Sweet BM

yah my BM also sweet! I like it too! Hahahaha... I have a friend with Fishy Smell BM! Hahahaha, she told me she used to give away her BM to a Triplets' mummy... Aiyoh, she herself also admit her BM has fishy smell liao, must be she ate too much fishy fish soup...
Hi Grace,
She is at KKH. Think she only does consultation on Mon and fri.

Hi Sam,
I was there on Fri.

My babies were on neosure cause the dietitian wants to pump
up their wt. Recently, they recommended that my gal can take
normal milk powder. Then I itchy backside let my boy try. Can you imagine my boy actually reject. So I panick and search
through the website to get free sample for my boy. Also called
up my gynae and he offered my lots of different brands to try.
But mostly for 6mths and above. Think they encourage BM below
6 mths.

So mummies can consider getting free samples first before buying.

gingal, actually hor, before I was discharged, I asked if I can go back to my own gynea at TMC for follow-up but she says better to stay at KKH since all procedures were done at KKH and they have my records. So I went back but the gynea (she did visit me a few times when I was hospitalized) just asked how I am doing etc. Nothing much. She wanted to do a PAP smear but I requested to wait for a while more. Actually quite traumatized by the many speculum and VE done when I was hospitalized for 3 weeks. So may just go back to my gynea.

Sam, wow, that's a huge bill. Hope you can strike 4D soon, ke ke... Is there any instalment plan that you can work out with the hospital?
