Premature babies support group


wat i know is, dang sheng is good to pu qi. it is good the lungs.

yes, she drank the dang sheng water. not very difficult to make la.. just when u cook rice. just put 1/2 bowl of water with the dang sheng in a smal bowl in the rice cooker. u no need to check on it liao. when the rice is ready, so is the dang sheng. but i believe u can add it in the porridge too. dang sheng can be used to just make dang sheng water, cook soup. red dates tea also can add dang sheng. it is a wen(1) xin(4) herb, so it is ok to consume regularly.

i forgot to say that some bbies i know are given the "hou ning" from eu yan sang for their cough and their parents all say good leh.. maybe can try lah..

read your blog. nigel will be an adorable little one! keep going strong!
hmm.. anyone can give advise..

my maid going back on this end of may.. now we looking for new maid.. i m in the dilenma.. experience maid or non expereince maid..

for experience maid, they might be able to adapt faster, english might be better. but maybe they will talk back or try to be funny... they know singapore well.. likely to go out buy something, take very long to come back.. or they can be good in hiding things from us.

for non experience maid, they might take more time to adapt some might even home sick, english not good or dunno english at all.. but they might be more timid, dare not talk back..

but non experience maid dun have passport now.. they might only be able to come end of may... we want them to come earlier so tat my current maid can train her and my elder gal can have more time to adapt to the new kaka..

how... headache...

How about getting transfer maids? They are already in Singapore with a little experience. They can start work within a few days.

I gotten a transfer maid. She has 2 yrs experience in Jakrata. 9 mths in Singapore. Her previous employeer wanted to change maid as he blame her for the lost of his dog but then again, he has 9 dogs ! I'm happy with her. My friend also gotten a transfer maid too. Same agency. She's very happy with her too.

can consider too.. but dunno the reason they gave is true anot.. i mean.. the reason y the ex employer dismissed her.. cos i heard of stories agency tell lies. but of cos not all like tat la..

can i know which agency did u go? so far, we went to Swift Arrow at ang mo kio and we called Nation at Woodlands to check.
Hi mummies,

Im a triplets mummy and currently at 21 weeks. I just want to check how does early contractions feel like.. i have on and off cramps was wondering are they early contractions or what and sometimes it gets really painful. But my scanning always show im alright, my cervix at previous scan shortenned and after progesterone insert it increase to 3.1 from 2.7.

How do you ladies on bed rest determine the level of pain before i should try to go A&E if pain arises again?
Hi babymaking,

for my 2nd boy, i was on bed rest since 5th mth, but gave birth ard 7 mths.

for my youngest gal, i was on bed rest since start of pregancy till week 34! very very boring!! so now i can walk about, i am very happy...!!!

Sam, contractions are that painful until you are not able to zzz or can't help but notice them. thats when u shd go. also contractions are on and off pain that comes in regular timings. Sometimes, contractions will start from the back, if you have back pain that is untolerable and is on and off, go A and E.
<font size="+2">REMINDER: gathering at downtown east chalet this sunday, for those who haven't given me your mobile, pls do so. thanks! you can pm/email me.</font>
Hi All Mums,

I thought of sharing my story as a dad of a premmie. Baby Danya was born at Feb 26 2009. She was only 26 weeks &amp; 5 days when she was delivered. My beautiful wife Diana was suffering from SPE. On that very day, I thought that I was going to lost both Diana &amp; Danya. The last few hours in the ward was like a ride into the face of death. Vital status of Diana was free falling. Her blood platelet, kidney and liver function was failing at such a fast speed due to SPE. Decision by the DOC was to deliver Danya through C-section before Diana goes into a stage of seizure. Danya was only 590 gram at birth. 3 hour after birth, I received a call from NICU that baby Danya's right thigh bone was fracture during the delivery. I could not blame DOC. I am very appreciative that she has save both Diana &amp; Danya life. Baby Danya wasn't doing that well as her tummy was swelling as the days go by. Numerous X-ray and washing of her rectal but no stool was coming out. On day 12, we were call in by the DOC that they must perform an ops on Danya. The 3 hours of ops was the darkest hours of my life. DOC make a right decision. Part of Danya's intestine was twisted. When DOC try to untwisted, they burst. DOC has to remove 27cm of Danya's intestine. It is a blessing that they did not burst inside her body. Baby Danya has a new STOMA opening on her belly. Today is another roller coaster. Baby Danya is beginning to feed via a tube since the day she was born and her STOMA is starting to function. But on the down side, part of her left feet has turn black. DOC is worried and we will know what to expect when we see Danya later. This is a very challenging journey. I must be strong as I am the only emotional pillar for my family right now. I cannot cry, I cannot show my sadness and worries. I have to speak the word of life and to cheer baby Danya and my family on this journey. It is a journey into the valley of unknowns and we shall walk with bravery, might and give our best without any regrets. The only time that I can drop a tear of joy is only when baby Danya is back home with us.
hi David,

i have a friend.... her girl is not a premimie but she has about the same problem like your girl. her intestine was damaged. if the baby did not come out in time, she will not be here now.

luckily it was the day my friend went for the monthly check up. the gynae noticed that the heart beat of the baby is not right and want her to c-sec immediately. she was almost full term tat time. after the baby was borned, the doc immediately checked on her and found tat her intestine was damaged. when she was just 4 days old, she gotta undergo a major op, think just like your girl, to remove the damaged part. i can't remember .. dunno is 40% or 60% of the intestine was removed. the doctors were worried tat she might have pass motion problem in the future.. and she will need to visit the toilet more often. she cannot cry for too long.. she cannot eat too much..

now she is ok!!
she is now 7-8yrs old.. we tot she can't eat much so should be thin, but she is quite ba ba type.. ha..

have faith in Danya.. she will be ok.. try not to cry when u all visit her.. she can sense it.. sing to her, tall to her.. touch her when u are allow to touch her.. but i think not now..

during my Yilin's stay in nicu., there was a baby 26 weeker but weigh 425g only.. much lighter than Danya. doc told the family tat she won't be able to make it.. but when yilin discharged, she was weighing 1.7kg already..

for the 1st few weeks.. it is tough.. the doctors can't paint u a bed of roses.. nothing good will come out from them.. cos they have to let u know wat problems a premmie might have..

go to the web, find out more about premmie.. at least prepared yourself. so when the doc tell u something, u can understand better.

hope Diana will recover get well soon too..

be strong..
Hi Yan,

Thanks for the encouragement. I guess I am the only dad in NICU that talk so loud. I was cheering so loud to Danya that a Sister came and tell me off.

Although deep in my heart I am crying everyday. Once into NICU, I am a positive fighter. I have told Diana and my folk that baby Danya can sense the emotion in our words and speeches. Speak the word of life and baby Danya will have more strength to fight on.

We shall pray and fight everyday positively. I look forward to everyday, looking forward to fight it out bravely.
haa.. david.. no need too loud la.. i read from somewhere.. they can sense our present even though we keep quiet.

did diana visit danya? take pics of danya for diana.. she will miss her baby very badly.

if u need a place to release your stress, can always come to this thread. there are a lot of "listening ear" around..
Hi Yan,

Although Diana is going through her confinement, we make our commitment to visit Danya twice a day. She wanted very much to be part of Danya's journey in this challenging moment. We take pic of Danya since the days she was born. We wanted very much to show Danya when she grow up, the journey which she has been through was not a easy one.
hi david,

tats very good.
hmm.. remember the days in kk... i visited yilin every afternoon ever since i discharged. my hubby will visit in the evening, so both visiting hours also got people with her. we took lots of pictures of her too.
Hi David,
Welcome to this thread, and think maybe you are the 1st daddy that posted in this thread
thanks for writing here, your journey with Diana and Danya is definitely inspiring for the mommies here and future new preemies mother, dun worry, you will have Danya back home with you and Diana very soon, I am mommy to a pair of preemies too, you have to be patient and positive and all things will turn out well
to come here often, the mommies here are all very helpful, from them I feel encouraged and not isolated
oh ya, get Diana to join us here too

we settled with a transfer maid. her english is not very good, but at least she can understand wat we said if we say it slowly. hope she can cope with the work in my house.
hi david,
ur story is touching.. parents' love is beyond comprehension. We will be pillars for you, Diana and Danya here. Probably none of us went through proper confinement, who cares anyway? as long as our child can come back safely.

I want you to know it is ok to cry. A lot of this whole process is heart and nerve wrecking. I couldnt bring myself to visit my boy in the NICU for 3 days after delivery out of guilt and prob cried like a baby in the ward silently. Nobody knew, but i am glad i let it all out. then on the day i sent my boy for hernia op, i hid in the toilet to cry. As a parent, it is hard to stand by and not be able to help at all..

Do come here often, and talk to us more. Meanwhile, if you need more support, feel free to contact anyone of us or go to the medical social workers for support. take care there.
Hi David,

I'm sure with you being so positive will give Danya the strength to fight. Don't worry, she will come through it, no matter how tough it is, your baby just like ours, are strong fighters and will with your loves, grow up being lovely...

The ride at NICU will be like roller coaster, everyday you will see new challenges, prepare yourself to fight it with Diana and Danya...I agree with Yan that the docs really will not paint a bed of roses and will always want to prepare us just in case...Do not let what the docs says put you down...

You can read up some books which I find very good:

1. Your Premature Baby and Child;s=books&amp;qid=1237306331&amp;sr=1-9

2. Preemies: The Essential Guide for Parents of Premature Babies;s=books&amp;qid=1237306331&amp;sr=1-3

Meanwhile, take care of yourself and Diana...May God Bless and Protect...
Just wanna share:

Today is 18th March 2009.

This is supposedly be Jerlynn's birthdate. Suddenly I feel like crying, these tears will be for Joy and Relieve...I looked at the pics taken for the past 11 weeks, and thank god that he has kept Jerlynn safe for us. Last week's Neonat Checkup showed her in great progress. She was 3.5kg last Friday...though she still has some little bleeding in the brain, her PDA might not have closed by itself yet, she is still having a little anemia (which means I have to cont'd with the Iron drops and Multi-Vits), but I'm already thankful for all the progress. I have faith in God and her that she will turn out well in no time. I also wish to share, for mummies who will be giving birth soon, or for David and Diana who are fighting with Danya, the below pics...:

Taken on 1st Jan 09 (The day Jerlynn is borned at KKH weighing 1.355kg at 29 weeks)

Taken Yesterday

LAST BUT NOT LEAST, I really wanna say a big THANK U to kkf who invited me over from the March 09 MTB thread to this thread after she knows about my premature birth, from here I received from so many mummies, the encouragements and also sharing baby care tips etc... Thank You all mummies!!! Hope we can stay together see our children grow from here!
hi there,

I am so glad to have found this support group!!

I am a mum for a pair of twin preemies (identical boys). I was diagnosed with twins-to-twins transfusion syndrome at 2nd trimester and had no choice but to deliver at 26wk when my smaller twin had reversal flow in his umbelical cord..(which means he would be suffering from heart failure soon, and might affect his brother if it happened). Both of them weighed 938g (Issac) and 650g (Xavier).

Before birth, many doctors told me that even though the bigger twin was bigger, he would be sicker since he was bloated with water and high blood thickness...And they were right. Issac had a tough journey, they did an op on his stomach at 2nd week when they suspected intestines proferations. The strange thing was although all evidences showed that there were proferations, they couldn't find it at the end. Maybe it was the best news out of this "unnecessary" op, yet the worst had jus started...

Issac was infected with fungus...They gave him antibiotics, yet it was so hard to find his veins that they had to do incisions on him many times...They even shaved his head to find veins on the head. Multiple attempts failed and eventually they decided to place a long line on the neck. Things jus got worse and worse...He got bacteria infections from the line after the fungus was cured. And days later, his upper body was all swollen..And few days later, the docs told me that the fungus, even though cured, had already infected his brain and they spotted abscesses and holes in different areas. They recommended us to let him go since there would be a high chance he will be severely impaired mentally and physically.

We couldnt believe it!! It was really hard to accept. We requested neurologist to come over for 2nd opinion, and head of neonatalogy dept from KKH to give a 3rd opinion. Yet, the prognosis didnt get better...The head from KKH actually stated an above 90% chance that Issac would be fully dependent (meaning lying on bed, cant talk, cant eat by himself, cant hear, cant see....) Even if he survived, he still had a big PDA which wasnt closed, and need to go for constant lumbar puncture because he had lots of water in his brain....

We were really heartbroken, it took us very long to decide to let him go....He left us on 10th March. It was so sad...we spent 9 hours alone with him before he left. I was finally able to hold him in my hands and kissed him...Our tears couldnt stop...but we know he fought hard, the 6 weeks plus in NICU, he did a good job. But it was time to let go, we coulnt bear to see him go thru more invasive intraventions....

Now my only hope lies in my younger boy Xavier. He just did his PDA ligation surgery yesterday morning and all went well. Hopefully he recovers soon and weans off the ventilator ASAP! Really hope to see some weight gain on him soon...

This is really an emotional roller coaster experience. I hope it really gets better....
Hi Gingal,

Jerlynn looks really cute and pretty!! Weight gain from 1.355 kg to 3.5kg is impressive...My little Xavier only got to 861g from 650g after almost 8 weeks, doc said mainly due to his PDA (fluid restrictions).. Btw, Jerlynn's PDA is not closed? Did doc give treatments to close it? Xavier was given 2 courses of treatment yet still couldnt close, thats why the surgery was given..

Anyway, been reading thru all the thread here and wanted to ask you about your opinion on the "blue egg breastmilk storage bag". Can it endure low temp in deep freezer which is minus 20 degrees? I used to buy Pigeon bags, but they are just toooo expensive...
morning mommies,

so long nev come in so many new posts..

well done! jerlynn is so cute.. i love her double eyelids. i hav a pic of ws with her tongue sticking out 2..

welcome. i think u r the 1st daddy here. reading ur story make my eyes teared..i can't imagine my husband's fear &amp; worry when my gal was borned 3 yrs ago (hey, she's borned on 25feb 2006, 1day diff frm ur danya).. yes, u r right, u r the support which diana needs now. u hav 2 b extra sensitive &amp; supportive. i rem visiting my daughter in the hospital every day , even during confinement. i must bring milk 4 her.

like wat some of the mommies here say, the journey is definitely not easy. but when u see little danya grow &amp; become a sweet little girl, all ur efforts will b paid 4. look at gingal's pics...

it may b better 4 issac 2 go then to suffer. u still hav xavier to care 4...u must take care.
yan...thing is..sometimes i never cook rice ..tats why was asking abt putting it in porridge :p

david... be strong!!! let us know of danya's progress ok!

gingal...that first pic of jerlynn is so cute! she was sleeping like a bigger kid does (arms and legs all stretch out..) ehehhee and taht pic which u 2 look at each other is so sweet...!

Jas... *sayang*
ha.. ok ok... can la.. can put in porridge la..
but the effect dunno just as good anot. u try la..ha.. or maybe u boil it over the stove.. boil a bit more.. anyway u can drink too..

aiyo.. so cute leh.. her double eye lid must be very deep. even her eyes are closed, still can see the line.. she look as if she is smiling, must be having a good dream.. ha..

the pic taken in nicu, reminds me of yilin' stay in nicu.. tubes and wires all over her..

it was tough.. when i was reading your story,, i imagine if this is happened to me,, i will break now.. i m crying silently (in office now..) when i read.. but no matter wat. to let go is a relieve for him.. u released him from all the pain and agony he is facing..

do take care.. be strong..
Hi Mums,

Thanks a million for all your support. Below are some pics of our little fighter Danya.


Hi Jas,

I am very sad for your lost. But remember, be strong for Xavier. Believe in him, believe in God, believe in the Doc. Speak the words of life to Xavier, fight it out everyday. Walk the valley of the unknowns and fight everyday with bravey and might. Look forward to every new day and fight hard without any regrets. The mighty one up there is a healing god.
Hi mummies. Been a while since i log in. The thread move very fast.

kkf, u got my hp. me confirm coming this sunday
. i will try to be early. provided that siang co-operate. he is very INTO the 3 year old terror! horrible man... and no, he still can only sing the 2 words of our nation song :p haha.

Look at Jerlynn's double eye lid. wow it must be very deep. even her eyes are closed, still can see the line.. she is smiling so sweet. pretty pretty pretty. Ah yo so sweet until i could not help but stare at it :p. see liao heart also melt. she reminds me of siang (i also got one pic of siang sticking out his tongue - let me go and dig from my blog haha)

hi jas
i read your post with sadness and heavy heart. but please be brave and fight on for Xavier. i know a few mummies here who losses their bb due to complications unpon birth. Issac had been brave and i am sure, he is above somewhere with all the angels and he will bless his little bro, Xavier. You must take good care of yourself and chat here anytime.

I think right now must be a tiring time for you and your hubby. he delivers the BM for Xavier? btw, things will get better. really it will

Hi David
My boy is a 26 weekers (born in Aug 06 at 985g). you are one very strong daddy. Do ask Diana to join us in this thread. beliving in miracle is what i belive and thru this 2.5 years I still belive in it. belive in being strong, belive in belief and faith. Danya is so keep us posted of her progress. We will all cheer her UP!
yilin is pretty pretty absolutely
look at her double eyelids and pinkish cheek. ah yo! sweet sweet sweet. my heart flutter looking at her pic
David and Jas, welcome to our thread!

David, you are one very loving hubby and daddy.
Your gal will sense it and fight all the way. She will be home soon before you know it. Keep posting. soon, you will be sharing your joy with us, telling us your gal is going home!
Send my regards to your wife too, ask her to take care of her body, even though she is visiting ur gal everyday, also must try to do confinement well, build up her health to have another baby in future.

Jas, i had the same lost as u.
Issac reminded me of my eldest boy Jared again...My boy jared, borned 23 weeks plus had severe bleeding in his brain when he was 2 days old, doctors told us he couldn't really survive, or even if he did, he would not be normal, and to prevent him from suffering, we let him go... I didn't get a chance to hold him or carry him or tell him how much i love him because i was doing confinement, and my mum didn't want me to go as she was afraid i would be heartbroken seeing my boy go...I regretted that very much! very very much. as i was typing, tears flowed out of my eyes now...i am a bad mummy... I share your sadness in losing your issac. I had been thru too.

Now concentrate on giving ur Xavier your support.
Btw, my 2nd boy dash was borned premature at 27 weeks, he had blood infection before too, and it actually went to his brain as well leaving a scar there. but amitable, it has not much effect on him. He has moderate hole in heart too and went thru surgery to patch up at 1 year old.

Your xavier will be a great fighther, Issac will watch over him too.

Bloom and amy, I got ur mobile number. Bloom, do let me know if you can come...and glad that everything is alright.

Jane, sure sure, looking fw to meeting u and siang. But i haven't call up the going crazy these few days!

Was just about to complain that violet is getting soooo irritating, but after seeing david and jas's posts, i suddenly feel quite bad. I must treasure her and dash, my two darlings. I am blessed to have them.

Violet is getting more and more hard to please. Night time her eyes open big big, want to be carry, dun want to sleep. When I feed her at times, she will cry while drinking milk, cry and cry though she is hungry, i really dunno wats wrong. her appetite also not so good now, very worrying!!! drinking only 70ml like that 3 hourly leh. Sigh...we change teats (avent, pigeon, tollyjoy, nuk watever), also no use, then finally yesterday, we change similac to NAN, i think not much difference. Oh yah, she vomited a lot too!! how??? like almost every feed, she will merlion.
i am really worry about her. brought her see padetrician before, she said got wind...wind wind wind?where got so much wind???

sigh...thats why me getting crazy these few days!!!

gingal, aiyo, no need to thank me. I am very kpo, hope u dun mind...
gingal, congrats on the acheivements of ur gal!!! she is one great fighter!

yan, yilin has pretty eyes!
i think wind happens to all bb &amp; even toddler as siang now still has winds (at times) in his stomach. violet vomit a lot after almost every feed?? too full? maybe can try spaced out the feeding time to 4 hourly? some bb just do not drink so much (as what PD would say :p) but they prefer small feeds in between. thou feeding 3 hourly is the perfect schedule :p.

if its wind. think just have to ler violet take the anti-wind drops. also maybe try apply lu yi you to her tummy?

or is violet too cold or too hot at night? don't worry. night awaking should go by very fast.

oh re call the reporter. hehe its ok la. settle violet first.

oh yes, very looking forward to this sunday. thinking what to let siang wear for this sunday hehe.

yeah..i treasure siang a lot. despite he is very naughty! you will see it yourself on sunday... horrible
hi jas,david,
welcome to this thread.keep us update on the progress,im sure ur bb will be back home soon jia you!!will pray hard for u both.

ur girl is so sweet so happy to see her grow so well.

yilin also such a sweet girl.

may be u try dun let violet sleep too much in the day?have u tried mamil gold?u have my contacts rite?i will confirm wif u again tis sat coz tis few days feel abit discomfort as stomach area very tightening.actually very looking 4ward to the gathering.
Hi David / Jas,

I have been a silent reader of this thread, though I have posted a few times during the darkest moment of my life when my babies were born at 24 weeks. I was really grateful to receive many encouragement words from the mummies here.

When I read about what you have gone through, I couldn't help but to remember the days when my babies were in NICU. It was a time really hard to accept and like what one daddy told me(yes a daddy who shared his experience with me), you don't get to hear any good news during the first month at all.

Like the mummies here, theres nothing much we could do except to provide the babies with breastmilk and give them encouragement by visiting them everyday.

My babies have also gone through blood infection, hernia op, PDA, MRSA, .... but they are home with me now.

Please stay strong and positive for the babies. A simple smile from them will let you know that its all worth it.

Btw, thanks all the mummies here who have helped me through my darkest moments. Its very much appreciated.
kkf and all mummies
I'm sorry that I can't make it this Sunday as I have been very bz lately and worst, A came down with stomach flu since Sunday and having diarrhea (1st time after 4yrs), just went to see doc. again and doc. also said lots of wind still in the stomach....Sigh!!! She is very tired sleeping now.

I'm sorry for your loss of Issac. I'll pray that Xavier will be strong and well enough to go home soon. May GOD take away the pain in you and your family and give you the strength to be strong for Xavier. GOD bless you and your family.

I know that Danya is in good hands as her papa is so strong. Danya will feel your love and support and she knows she has nothing to fear. She will survive all odds and very soon she will be in the loving arms of Diana and you. Keep your faith and you are right, believe in our healing GOD, nothing is impossible in the hands of our Almighty GOD!

Gingal and Yan
Wow, Jerlynn's and Yilin are two beauties, next time you all will have a lot of free takeaways from their admirers..... 吃不完的夜宵 !

Wah biang! you beat me at the Scratch and Win liao..... I wish I can access facebook from office then I can knock you out again...hahaha

Your twins born at 24 weeks exactly? Mine at 24 weeks + 4. I agree, a smile from my girl even up to now, is worth a lot more (beyond description).

Thank you so much, i will monitor my contractions as sometimes it gets rather bad and am quite worried, but doc says i have done a great job and must hang on..


I hope Xavier will grow strong and well, you must have confidence in him.


Wow you are an amazing dad.. i really am in a loss of words, but im being encouraged by you, it gives me more strength to hang on for my triplets now. Thank you. Hope danya can be reunited home with you both soon.
Hi David and Jas,

Welcome to this thread.

Although this journey is long and tough but you must stay strong for yr baby. Hope both of yr baby can come home soon.

I will pray for u two.
Hi Mums,

Just came back from NICU with Diana. Diana love to join in but her eye sight is still bad. SPE has caused water retention on her eyes, It will take another few more weeks before she can regain her clear vision.

Baby Danya is having her energy booster(Blood transfusion)since 5 PM. Her oxygen requirement has gone high this morning. DOC did a blood test and order for a booster.

This evening, Danya has open her eyes for a very long time and enjoy making bubble out of her saliva.

We will continue to pray and fight positively on this challenging journey.

hi David,

Danya so cute. i like the pic.

Blood transfusion is common in NICU. I also cannot remember how many times my boy has gone thru this.

My boy was also born at 26wk (DOB: 31/10/07) at a weight of 635gm. Now, his weight is 9.2kg. So, stay positive.
Hi Sam,

Hang in there. Be brave, strong &amp; positive. Fight and challenge each new day without any regrets. Your babies with grow stronger as your fight it out fearlessly.

Hi Xiaowanzi,

I was joking with the Sister in the NICU about baby Danya energy booster. She is definitely more active after getting her booster.
i feel so sad reading this thread today.. to see so many sad stories. I pray hard that there will be no more suffering for all our premies and that this thread can be closed someday becos there will be no more premies(we migrate to "graduated premie group").

i had ttts too. delivered via emergency c-section when they lost track of my smaller twin's heartbeat. He passed on in-utero. My older twin born at 925g at 27wk did pretty well.. sometimes we say his younger brother passed all his goodies to him to let him live on stronger. dun worry, issac is safe with my smaller twin, ryan. ryan will take care of him. and ryan has jarod too (kkf's).
Dear All,

Thanks a lot for your kind words and support. wow, didnt expect so many feedbacks! Really encouraged me a lot
I truly believe Xavier will get better soon and come home with us. And I believe God is with us!

Yilin is so pretty, like a little princess!

It is indeed tiring, as I live in the east, and NUH is in the west! My hubby used to deliver BM with me everyday, but now he is back to work in Shanghai after 2 months leave.. I am alone, but I will stay strong.

Seems like Danya is growing well! How heavy is she now? By the way, you mentioned that part of her left feet was turning black, how is it now? I hope she is fine! Will tontinue to pray for your Danya.

Dont blame yourself, you are not a bad mummy! I am sure your little angel Jared will understand. Btw, it must be hard for you to go thru 2 pre-term are so brave! Is Violet full term?

" A simple smile from them will let you know that its all worth it" -- so well said. It reminds me a lot of my Issac, he always had this pleasant look when I touched him as compared to Xavier, who always gave me "unhappy" face. I am still having this "twins dream" that will never come true .....sad. I am glad you have your twins home!! 24 weekers, they are strong fighters! How old are they now? Btw, their PDA were closed wth medicines or surgery?

I would like to share pic of my "fussy" looking Xavier below

Hi Xbliss,

I am sorry for your loss... Actually until today i still dont believe I had TTTS. It's like a joke played on us, isnt it? What are the chances? 15% of all monochronic twins?? Yet it happened to us...

They monitored my twins' heartbeat so closely that we got them out in time to save Xavier who is smaller..Yet, Issac was lost in the end even though he was the one with all the goodies.....

Anyway, I am glad Issac found he has Jared and Ryan. Lets pray for them together, hope we meet them in heaven one day.
I watched a documentary on Cable channel 70 about TTTS. There is a new procedure that can be performed on the placenta to cut off the veins connecting the twins. This curing or reducing TTTS. The sucess rate is pretty high. But only available in USA i think. The criteria is pretty strict also.
Hi Jas,

Xavier don't looked "fuzzy". He is just not contented, he is a fighter, he is brave. You must fight fearlessly together with him. Is Xavier in KKH? If yes and if you don't mind, I would like go over and pray for him.

As for baby Danya, the X-ray and ultra-sound do not show any adnormality. Doc will pay more attention.
good morning all

looking at danya and xavier pic, i could not help remember siang when he was small at NICU.

david(diana), jas - i can only tell you, stay strong (i know its very difficult) and I will continue to cheer both up. They may be little but they are warriors!

jas - look at xavier covering his ears
cute. wow travelling must be real tired for you. hey u really must take good care of yourself. then now how do you make delivery of the BM? I travel from jurong to my mum house in the east everyday (as my mum is the caregiver) so i really know how tiring it is must be for you.

Sam (mummywannabe),
wow triplets! boy or gal?

noted that you won't be joining us this sunday. never mind we will post pic for u to see. take care.
26weekers (985g) to 2.5 years old (1.5kg?)


this is miracle and a warrior

Jas, David(diana)- i do not know how to cheer u all up but.. look at siang

Hi Jas,

Danya is about 915 gram as of yesterday. Let us continue to pray for Danya &amp; Xavier. They are small but not fragile. They are fighters.
