Premature babies support group

Btw, we are all here to give each other support! do drop by often and update us with your gal. I think she is a real fighter! oh btw, maybe soon, you will see my gal joining yours in scn. i am in week 32, going 33. think my gal will come out early as my cervix already dilated too, and thin to 2.1cm or less.

hi mummies here btw, do you still give your children formula milk?

anyone gives your child packet milk?

strangely, dash's childcare said for N2 children, they dun prepare formula milk, ask us to give packet milk, any suggestion wat brand is good for children??
I gave A packet milk if we go for shopping. I gave her Magnolia SMOO milk for kids.

Welcome to the thread. Like what kkf have mentioned, your baby is doing very well.

Ezann is super! Perhaps having surrounded by siblings at home help her to settle in school easier. No stranger fright! Well Done!

Newly wed brides and preggy ladies tend to have wealth luck. On my wedding day, both HB and I strike lottery including my in-laws and relatives cos they bet on my house no. and the 4D I picked for them happened to be the same four digits as my house unit. no. As for A, we were worried sick to even think of winning 4D so didn't bet. I think her birth time and something else strike before and my hb win a couple of hundreds at a later stage. Being pantang at that time, I did not reveal her birth time, size (wt and lenth details) to in laws/relatives cos there'also an old saying that taking wealth luck from new born will take away some goodness from the baby.... I can only say that at that time, being a protective and worried mummy, I will do everything to ensure that nothing hinders the progress of my baby. haha!

Thanks for the advice. U mean SCN timing flexi as in it's not stick to 12-2pm and 6-8pm visiting hours? But, won't it be too small for my baby to be there??? As I was told the babies in SCN are bigger. Somehow dun feel comfy about the idea..dunno why...hmmmm

Oh, so ur boy is ok after the operation??? He is doing well now?

You are also in the Mar MTB thread??? U are already dilated 2.1cm??? i think maybe can still hold another 2 weeks like me??? By the time u will be in your 35 weeks, it will be so safe already...
Hi gingal, yes, i rem its more flexible leh...dun think your baby too small to be there. trust the doctors and nurses, if your baby is not stable and ready they will not transfer her to scn. but if you really not comfy, you ask the nurses and docs again. but i tell u, there is a risk for infection in nicu. My boy garna that before at nicu.
If the bb next door got infection, then die, will spread one. SCN babies are more or less stable and big, and so wun have that high risk, i think. better let her go scn if she is ready. But you ask the nurses and docs again whether your gal is ready for scn.

yes, my boy went thru heart surgery to patch up hole. he is 3 years old now and just needs yearly review at kkh, he is just like normal children, running, playing, drinking and eating well.

no i am fr feb thread but edd is 27th feb. I am resting at home now, so bor liao will go other threads to see. :p cervix thinner to 2.1cm (according to kkh anything below 2.5cm means going to give birth anytime), baby's head already pressing cervix causing it to shorten. My gyane told me may be this i m still waiting. Going to kkh tomorrow to see gynae, scarely he will tell me cannot go home, going to give birth anytime, muz admit.

Anyway, you stayed c class ward at kkh too right when you delivered? the nurses will tell us to do so. wat ward were u in? i was at ward 34 when i was warded twice.
Ya, when we on our honeymoon and we visited a casino, I sort chin chai slot in 1 $0.50 coin into one of the jackpot machine for fun, and won $500.00 plus so I got extra $ for my shopping
congrats on the birth of ur gal and that she is growing on strong!

norm they transfer to SCN only when baby is 1.5kg & baby health ok. however my baby was transfered earlier than 1.5kg coz she is doing ok. SCN is lesser nurses and attention so we were concerned at first. also noisier coz more babies. wasnt comfy at first but we got used to it. Remember that its also a gd sign that ur baby doesnt need as much attention. The dr will transfer as soon he thinks ur baby is ok.

milk - just do the best u can. dun worry abt the amt. just go on pumping regularly. it will hurt less as the days past, its like dat one since its new function for ur body

take care
hi kkf,

Glad ur boy is ok now ...

Yes, I opted for C-Class as advised to be entitled to the 80% govt subsidy as at 31st Dec 08, heard that wef 1st Jan 09, C-Class ward subsidies has to go through THE MEAN TEST. Thus not all will be eligible for the 80% subsidies...

I stayed in Ward 32, as C-Class wards are all full, they upgraded me free to B2 Ward. I'm glad as I was feeling very warm after delivery, and was still perspiring even with the air-con. Til now, I still perspire in my air-con room...

Have u prepared yourself for delivery yet?

The doctor say if no complications these 2 days, he will trsf my girl to SCN. 1.3+kg is really small and I wonder how would be the situation at SCN be like. But as what kkf has mentioned, the advantage is that my Girl won't get infections so easily...Maybe tmr I will know the progress and what the doctor has decided.

My baby's doctor-in-charge is Dr. Chong, a nice young guy...
hi gingal,
welcome to this glad tat ur girl doing well.

here some answer to ur question:

1.i agree wif wat kkf said furthermore the visiting time at scn is more flexible.u can go there anytime n spend time wif ur bb even after visiting hour. gal also has quite alot of tiny holes in the heart wen she was born but after abt 4 or 5 months the holes all sealed dun worry too much.

3.if u have more supply try to keep it as much as u can.if u dun try drink more soup like green papaya soup.

hope tis will helps.
so good, got free upgrade??

Yah, but think still will be cheaper to stay c class...

Yup, prepared mentally liao, but then strangely, when I am prepared to give birth, baby seems like doesn't want to come out liao, see how...maybe she will stay till week 33 which is coming friday. right now, trying to eat more so that she can grow bigger and heavier.
1) i think u shld listen to the advise of the docs. if doc say ur ger is ready to go SCN, go. else, stay in NICU if he's not comfortable.

2) sorry, can't help u

3) everybody's milk supply is different. i can only advise u, DON"T SLOW DOWN. no amt is 2 much. if u r producing more than ur ger can drink, u can always freeze them for later use. Frozen milk can b kept 2-3mths. i used to hav 1 mth of supply in my freezer. dun 4get, ur ger will increase her milk intake so if u slow down now, may not b able to catch up ltr.

jia you. i think dash is old enuff, it's ok if he take packet milk in sch. when at home, give formula milk lor. i know my SIL sometimes give soya bean milk (like when go market) 2 her boy oso.

btw, any more lobang on those nike/adidas BP shoes?

A so good ger. think my ws is very shy. sigh. like wat i wrote ytd, took 1mth 2 get used to being frm playgroup to pre-nursery. this morning i brought her to sch alone cos hubby went out early, i so scared she'll become clingy & start crying again.
yes yes gingal, no amount is enough for breastmilk, can keep quite long in freezer right? think a few mths? why not you keep pumping and store? so envy...last time me not enough supply leh. You store first lar, then dun have to worry.

DM, looking for the bulk too, but nowadays always crocs, no nike/addidas.

Have decided to buy the magnolia moo moo milk like wat precious one has gave angel.

Actually was even thinking of goat's milk but then its served cold. Dun think the childcare teachers will be so nice as to help to warm up the milk...
hehe, would like to imagine dash and his gf drinking magnolia moo moo milk together like the old ribena advertisement.... so cute!

don't know why A dislikes soya milk drink since she also doesn't like dao huay, bean curd and stuff...

your ws is 1 yr younger than A, more shy? that explains why, perhaps ....hehe
SCN is ok, just need get used to it. coz less attention. its more like real nursery hehe
I think mine was 1.4kg when transferred.

milk - just keep in pumping regularly. it hurts coz its new later shld be ok. dun pump regular scared milk gets lesser or clog which is more painful.

ha mean test for C-Class subsidies ? I guess I may kena dat. hehe I think I still qualify for the subsidy tho :p
not yet. still here reading all the postings here. have been doing a lot of spring cleaning though cos no place to put baby's stuff. heard from my friend this is called nesting instincts meaning baby will be here soon.

hang on!! am sure you can do it
Anyone knows the Criteria for the MEAN TEST?

Heard that if Combined Household Income > $3200 won't be entitled to full 80% subsidies.

I tried googling it, but can't find anything...

ws oso dun like dao huay, cos she dun like soft soft dao kua, she like fried 1 haha

i dun think it's cos of age, she's juz shy. teacher says she dun talk much in sch.. but at home super talkative
hi gingal,

The article was published in the strait times on 1st January.

The subsiby is based on the patient's yearly income (including bonus) /12 months and not combined household income.

Subsidy as follow:

$3200 n below C class : 80% B class : 65%
$3201 - $3350 C class : 79% B class : 64%
$3351 - $3500 C class : 78% B class : 63%


If u need further information, let me know.
GG11, I saw you buying fr the bulk...hee. I also bought some mittens so cheap, $0.5 per pair. hee. Wanted to buy the rompers, but will get those hand downs first, before seeing wat to top up later.

Actually gingal, think even if not 80% will still be very cheap, c class ward one day very cheap, think baby should be so too.

haha, one of these days we take photo of them drinking together, precious one.
I think i have decided to give birth at kkh instead of mount E liao, since have gynae both sides. Save $. Not going to see ann tan liao i think, since not much weeks left. I have spend think few thousands easily 10000 on gynae fees with ann tan, now is the time to save liao. haha.
But dunno where, I somehow still dun feel that safe with kkh gynaes esp withe no fixed gynae...sianz.
HAppy new years, wish all babies in this forum is healthy. disappear for awhile, there is so many thread to catch up....
Just a question, is there a period tt baby will refuse milk? i'm having problem feeding paige, she can go w/o milk for 5-7h... she rather chew her fingers n pillow but not drink her milk..... sigh....

kkf & gg11,
u guys still hanging there, well done.... KKH is cheaper, i paid 1300 for my c-section n hospital stay.... but was reimburse by my insurance.

ur gal is doing very well....29 wk n no need CPAP...dun worry ur gal will do well n b home gal a 28 wker was on CPAP for 4 weeks (she didnt get to have steriod jab).

Thanks... I think can calculate from there..


I guess the Jabs did help...And I drank alot "Pao sheng" and Bird Nests since 1st trimester...My MIL believed that is good for Blood supply, "Qi" and clear lungs...

Which insurance has payout for pregnancy-related hospital bills? I checked mine and I cannot claim for any Pregnancy issues...

BTW, How is your gal doing now???


I also have the same thinking as you about being a subsidised patient at kkh...but the gynaes though not fixed were still better than expected. Mostly quite young though...
gingal, the steriods injections will help? Good i took it at week 24 and week 32 (twice), think will help??

I can't drink bird nest sad cause i m allergy.

I am drinking hong zao cao and black chicken essence (cook fr black chicken, not those bottles), hope all help...

the gynaes are good ah? hope so. But at least they have senior gynaes always to guide those new ones...
shelllow, yes there will be a period when babies reject milk. got one period of time, my boy refused milk, we changed bottles, changed teats, brought him for tui na, fed him when sleeping etc...still remember those days...

The steroids injections did help...
I feel the gynaes are better than expected...there is one lady doctor who is quite pretty, looks like malay but she can speak mandarin..I didn't managed to get her name...she is very nice...
i started to drank those paosheng n bird nest when i was at 27wk... dun think it help much la... my gal is v phleghmy n my mom thinks tt is becos i drank too much cold drink during pregnancy....
I bought GE hospitalization insurance, it covers pregnancy complication...
my gal corrected 3mth old now, she is doing well, v playful, trying to turn n sit up now... think she has v high tolerance for pain, dun cry during her vaccination... mayb she is thick skin....

icic, i change her teat, her bottle, basically i change everything, also no use, the only time she drink milk is when is asleep.... i try tuina too.... now she is doin tt every wk.... hope all this sleep feeding thing will nt last too long... cos i m a sleepy mommy at work... haha
yup, will b pulling my cloth n hair to sit up...wif support she can sit longer, no support she just slide down.... oh, actaul age is 6mth (from the day she born), corrected is actual minus how many mth/wk she premature...

tt ur natural curl, wow is v curly.... tot mine was curly, u beat me la.... haha... no point rebonding... waste $$$....
jane, i never win anything when i got kate leh.... r now so super busy!

gingal, welcome! i agree with the rest..dont slow down re pumping..else when u kena blocked ducts it might be more painful!

kkf, my fren also gives her gal moo, for me, i gave her daisy low fat milk..tried magnolia full cream (before melamine scare) but she does not like it..maybe it taste too 'full'...

shelllow, could paige be teething? how curly is ur hair? can show a pic? *kapo*
Morning mummies

going to kkh later to see the gynae for the 1st time. bound to be a long wait, as under subsidised rate...
but at least must see him so that i can be consider a kkh patient.

Dunno what will he say? maybe he will ask me to admit cause cervix opens to dunno how much, and thinner to how much?

But violet is really doing well, week 33 tomorrow.

Just that her lousy mummy has no patience...

I will be at kkh today at lunch hours later...maybe we will get to bump into each other...

Hope U will be back to update us on your checkup today instead of being admitted immediately...
Ha...ha... dun worry dun think they will admit you. That time when my cervix dilated till 4cm but with no bleeding, my gynae still allow me to go home leh... but must go back to take the steroid jab and go back for check 2 days later.

I was so scare when i went back for check as i know i might delivered that day. After the check my cervix still 4cm dilated and my gynae was asking if we want to wait or delivered on that day. We decided to go home and wait for another 2 days before delivering my ger at 34+4days.

Tell yourself Must tahan longer so that the bb need not to go back for so many check-up after birth. My ger only go back for two check-up and was discharged from kkh. No more Appointment.
morning mommies,

wat a morning! sent ws 2 sch, teacher discovered few dots on her hands. actually we discovered some dots few days alrdy, but we tot were juz pimples. anyway, brought her c doc, found 2 ulcers in her mouth, so confirmed it's HFMD.. sigh. i'm sooo tired. hope not serious. my fren said takes 3days 2 flare up & 4days to cool down. if those dots we discovered few days back r symptons alrdy, means alrdy 3 days. pray hard not serious.
re:insurance. I tried to buy ntuc insurance for my pregnancy but since I got history, didnt allow leh.GE got such check ?

hang on. wah gd, wk 33

yeah I dun feel that safe with kkh. coz too many dr, keep changing. Its rare that I see the same face 2x. well maybe just think it many expertise given, not just by 1 person ?
hope ws get well soon...

dun think she is teething as her gum are quite soft....

i didnt have any medical checkup when i get GE, n tt was b4 i pregnant. i check wif agent 1st.. u also has PE rite?
have not got time to read thru the thread yet but saw ws diagnosed with HFMD

one of my colleague, her boy also just confirmed with HFMD today (the PD say he is into his 2nd day).
hi shellow
ya, i also want to know what insurance you buy that can claim for pregnancy. I understand singapore don't have such pregnancy policy.

kkf, hope to see your posting here soon cos this means you not warded. btw, my friend told me her daughter's paedi said pregnant women eating too much bird's nest will cause allergy and phlegm. her daughter kena and paedi said whenever he has patients suffering from that, it's usually becos of the mums taking too much bird's nest. that's why though i have quite a lot of bird's nest from colleagues, never touch them.

I'm back from visiting my darling just now. She was sleeping very comfortably and no matter how I touch or disturb her, she just don't want to get up. She sleeps like her dad. She was sleeping sideways on the left, and once I keep talking to ask her to wake up, she placed her right hand to cover her right exposed ear!!! EXACTLY like her dad, we were so amused!!!

She will be transferred to SCN Neonatal Step-down Unit today...The Nurse: Baby ratio is 1:3. I think I'm not worrying that much already as I can see her breathing and eating well and her Juandice level is pretty ok now... Her feeds have been increased to 7mls every 2 hours...I am happy to hear that...
Re: Bird's Nest...

I ate alot Birds' Nests also since early 1st Trimester... I think those that will caused Phlegm are the ones that the feathers are not cleaned properly..Therefore it is impt to buy those well-cleaned ones, or just pluck out slowly by yourself.
hi ladies
I m new here currently 30 weeks preggy had gynae check up on tue gynae said my cervic is open when having contraction think quite serious he keep saying no good which makes me quite wori.Now m on total bed rest and on medication hope bb will guai guai stay till at least 35weeks but of cos personally hope 37 week would be even better.
Just wondering is there anymummies here same like me gt contractio n cervic open bt after medication N bed rest manage to keep baby till at least 35 weeks.

nice seeing u here great ur girl is reali a fighter so cute dun wori too much she will follow u home soon. Btw can I ask u gt package with ur gynae?Since u go kkh than ur gynae side how just curious as I also make full payment but I think he will onli deliver at mtA and mtE.Just gt to pray hard my girl will stay in tumtum comfortably till 37 weeks.
hi caca,

Glad to see you here. I'm sure the mummies here can help answer ur doubts...

Don't worry too much, right now just rest properly and NONO to walking around even in the house too much. Total Bedrest is lie down horizontal except going to toilet wor...This way, I'm sure you can keep baby with u longer...Remember I went missing in our thread for 2 weeks when I was in Bedrest??? I didn't even sit up to use the PC...So I can still keep baby with me for 2 weeks, even when i was already dilated @ 2cm and cervix shorten...

Another thing is try to eat more fruits or even eat Fybrogel etc. to ease removing bowels. I was told by my Gynae not to strain while removing bowels...If can't get it out, just give up and wait, instead of forcing...

My gynae don't have package de, therefore no problem about delivering at kkh...

kkf, any newssss????

dm.. HFMD,..seems that its coming back fren whose gal is also in cc also kena...

daec, NTUC dont allow u to get the pregnancy insurance cos of PE? sighh.. ilke that basically its like selling PA to pp who will never get injured..cheyyy...

gingal, feeding is every 2 hrs? i think in SCN they will try to stretch it to 3 hrs? cos i rem last time when my gal is at SCN they will try to feed all together at 3 hrs..else very messy...

caca, welcome! maybe u will want to check with ur gynae re the package?
