Premature babies support group

Hi Bloom,

I'm not sure how they feed in SCN, maybe I will drop by this eveing or Tmr Noon. But in NICU, they feed my girl every 2 hours...

dear mommies,
thanks 4 ur concern. the virus ws kenna prob (& hopefully) is q mild. she only got a few dots on her palms & arms. but not the feet. doc say saw 2 ulcers in her mouth, but she can still eat & play & drink. my mom made her drink lots of water. until she kept passing urine, which is a good thing anyway. but this morning, hubby said heard her cough & got block nose. i think the cough is kenna frm me la

this weekend hav 2 b grounded at home la
thanks for info.I m actually lying in my bed using the i think should nt be problem.I dun reali know how many cm cervi ope or dulited onli noe it open up when i have contraction.But after some bed rest and medi think somehow did help lessen contraction.
Oh btw do u all know does it mean m quite safe when I dun get ontraction means cervix dun open?
thanks all kind soul for answering.
kkf, jia you... even if violet decided to come out early for cny, not to worry too much too, 33wk is consider quite safe liao
Hi Mummies

so long no post liao as i am very busy taking care of my twins princess.

Really very stress and tired. My hubby say i look like a walking zombie now. Sob sob. Really buay tahan already. Got no choice but to leave the babies with my mum and mother in law to take care of 1 each now already. Haiz, i miss them so much. But at least i can find some time to do some of my stuff.

Quick check with the mummies here, does all of you enage maid to look after the twins? How much need to pay for the levy and their salary? I am thinking of getting one if i can manage to get a new job then at least my twins can be taken care of by either my mum or mother in law together with the maid but ideally will be with my mum la. hahaha.

Really want to vent here on my MIL, told her not to bring baby out as she is still small, somemore is premature born, she still turn a deaf ear and went ahead to buy a stroller to bring her out. Really piss me off. wanted to tell her off but my hubby stop me. Feeling so mad now. haiz.

Some updates of my gers photo here

Hihi girl80,

Your girls are so cute...They look so comfortable on the bed...

I wonder if my girl comes back, how long then I can bring her out? How big are your girls now?
Hi gingal

Haha, not on the bed la, its a playgym that i lay on the floor. So hard to get them to pose loh. Haha.

They are born premature at 33 weeks, my bigger twin is born at 2.02kg and the smaller twin at 1.225kg. Now they are 2months+ old but correct age should be 2 weeks i think.

I would also like to bring them go out but the doctor did advise to try keep them indoors till they finish their 5 in 1 jabs as premature babies are quite prone to infections. Just dun understand why my MIL cannot understand this simple fact. Haiz
hi girl80,

Yah, i noticed one twin much bigger than the other, must be snatched her sis food when they were inside u... I'm sure the smaller twin will catch up with her bigger sis soon.

Come to think of it, maybe your MIL is so proud of them that she can't wait to show off to neighbours??? When will the 5 in 1 jabs finished???

My MIL is the opposite, she is going to keep me, hubby and baby in her house till she is at least 4-5 months old, I am not allowed to bring her back to my house to overnight
...I am only here for 10 days confinement and I miss my own house already...
hi gingal
Think i saw some premmies 
clothes at seng kang metro just few days ago
hello mummies!! back again!!

caca same here leh! I am in week 33, and also got tightenings, and cervix is thin to 2.1cm, but as for dilation, just did a check by doctor yesterday, tink shd be still at 1cm dilated cause doctors never mention much.

Dun worry, we sama sama, eat pills to stop contractions, and rest and rest and rest.

Actually I had contractions in week 29, and cervix was getting thinner and thinner, but still manage to dong another month, so dun worry.

once past 34 weeks, can relax a bit.

Oh updating myself, yah, was admitted on thursday to kkh cause the doctor heard me saying that the gynae at mount E had detected that my cervix had became thinner fr 2.7cm to 2.1cm, so the gynae at kkh asked whether i wanted to admit so that she can scheduled me to check the cervix in afternoon, else I got to wait till next appointment which is one week time! I was rather worried about my cervix to eventually I got myself admitted. This is wat really sucks as being kkh subsidised patient! And another 3 days 2 nights stay for me.
But one thing good, cervix still same 2.1cm, and baby's weight 2.17kg. I heard the senior doctors said i am approaching week 34, not so worry, they may stop my pills at week 34.

Hope can dong another week to week 34...Now week 33! an acheivement!

Btw, during my stay, saw a couple of preggy women also there like me. One of them in week 27 plus, got a lot of bleeding, and was pushed to delivery suite, dunno how is she anyway.

Think premature babies are getting more and more...

I am starting to think maybe i am not that weird afterall.

Also, one more week to week 34, beginning to see some light, maybe my baby can stay in normal nursery and being push to me like others i seen during my ward stay afterall!

gingal, congrats ur gal in scn! hope she goes home soon!

dm, hope ws recovers soon, rather worry about dash too...his childcare doesn't seem to be very on with temperature taking. Anyway, he is still coughing and coughing.

chloegal, ur gal born at kkh?
Alas, I feel and hear your optimism. Violet is going to be delivered to your bed as soon as she's born. So happy for you!

If Violet is born in the year of the rat, she will get ang pows when she is just days old. Like A, born on the last 2 days of the monkey year, she collected more ang pows than her cousins born in the same Y2005 (those born in the rooster).

Whatever, Violet having taken the steriod jabs for the lungs and achieve the minimum wt of 2 kgs will arrive very healthy! You can truly relax now.
Thanks for support.I am actually at my 30 week nw coming 31week next tue my girl is still quite small at the weight of 1.5kg so I hope this 2 weeks can quickly eat more to gain help little girl gain weight reali hope she can tong to at least 37weeks however I hope if can stops the pills after my next visit cos feeling quite bad taking the medi hope all this medi will nt cos harm to baby.Its good your baby is already 2kg .Dun worry ur baby will sure be by ur side after u deliver her.Jiayu ba lets jiayu together.
hi chloegal,

Thanks, i will check it out during CNY, when I can't go visiting...

hi kkf,

glad that you are ok and doing fine. i was just speaking to my hubby that i think i might have a phobia of having #2 liao.
i had a miscarriage before and my pregnancy for this round was full of complications, i really doubt i have the courage.
Read some of the archived posts, seeing that you have been so positive, it does inspire me again. i am a the more the
merrier type before this pregnancy...losing my 1st in a miscarriage did not discourage me until this. I will definitely
wanna GO FOR it again and really perserver like you...But I must say, I am really scared of natural delivery liao, maybe next
round will go for C-sect or at least Epidural if allowed to...

U are doing so good this time @ 33 weeks and really praying for U that you can at least hit 36 weeks bah...

hi precious_one,

True about the Ang Bao thingy leh, I already received quite a few early angbaos and gifts for my girl...And these aunts and uncles
hasn't even have the chance to see her yet.

hi caca,

The pills making u breathless and heart beats fast? bear with it bah, u are only coming 31 week.
My MIL brewed alot Bird Nest with PaoSheng for me and I don't feel breathless & my heart rate was normal when taking the pills (at one stage 10mg of it 4 times in an hour)or even the ventolin drip up to 50/60mls dosage but I did shiver real badly at 90mls dosage, which is a MAD high dosage. Doc and nurse said that most people will start feeling uncomfy and shivering at 30mls dosage or just one pill. So U might wanna try taking some PaoSheng (Good for "Pu Qi" and Supply of blood--heart pumping and energy).My MIL mixed it with Bird Nest (good for clearing lungs and fairness of baby's skin)...
Hi KKf,
Glade that you are doing well, all my 3 kids are born in kkh. But both my gers are delivered by my own gynae and only downgrade to b2 after they were born
CACA,wat pills u taking? i am taking atalet (orange color pills) too like gingal. 6 hourly and even got to wake up at 2am to take. But i do think the pills help a lot, cause if i dun take it on time, my tightenings will come. was telling my hubby once i stopped the pills, i think i will give birth.

Initially I dun feel that good eating those pills, like heartbeat will be faster as well, but then after eating a month, got used bear with it, you will get used, and soon u wun feel anything.

Chloegal, your gals need to stay scn? how much you fork out? I want to find a personal gynae, but when i transferred to kkh, already 30 weeks, and the gynae doesn't accept patients after 30 weeks.

gingal honestly, I am very terrify of natural birth as well, but during my in out stay at kkh, natural birth is really the best, and fastest to recover. C-section is the worst. I will try natural again this time though I fear a lot of the pains too. But xian ku hou tian.

Its my drean to have lots of children like u too. But think I am just no destined to have so many.
Anyway, I have 2 boys 1 girl contended liao, though one is in heaven.
precious one, i hope violet can be an ox, cause horse and rat clashes, but the probability is very low...
btw, caca eat more durians, and also beef? can help weight gain, thats wat i heard.

I have been eating durians and now ba guai. an excuse to eat ba guai...haha

33 on 34 wks ? 2.1kg ? CONGRATS! may even skip stay at hosp like dat. so happy for u.

KK gynaes there dont accept after wk 30 ?
I also wonder when I shld think abt transfer to KK . my mum and hubby thk I shld just transfer now just in case. well still hoping all ok.

tt lady at hosp who has contractions at wk27 cld be a fren of my fren. zit a malay lady ? my frens were telling me abt her and asking me talk to her.
if its her, baby is 1.5kg and wk 27. quite ok, but of coz panic as its first child.

yup I dun think premature child is that uncommon. just whether know or not.

my checkup went ok last Friday. baby weight is ok at wk24.bld pressure was 140 but dr didnt say anything leh. last time 140 - my gynae gave me high bld medicine already. however it was 120 when I checked myself at home in the morn. hope all ok. now cheong to wk 28.last time wk 24 visit ok, but wk28 visit saw high bld pressure.

my parents also didnt understand baby cannt go out. then I tell true story then can see they scared but ie. social worker say baby was in contact with someone with flu then later infected and admitted to hospital. seem like fact not enough, must scare with real story :p

natural birth is scary. C-section seems straight-forward but the recovery is long & hard and can interfere with ur taking care of baby coz hard to get up, walk, move ard. its also painful when breastfeed coz uterus contract against stitches. natural birth faster recovery and more mobile..

jia yuo! all the best!
seem odd question - but how many times u eat a day, roughly wat? water abt how much ? I dun eat that much. I eat abt 2-3 times and dun like to snack. get bad headaches like last time which now I will down 1liter milk. scared its a bad indicator.honestly no appetite and dunno wat to eat. v picky when preggy. I need to cheong baby to 1.5kg by wk 28..
daec, that lady is a chinese, and is 33 years old only, very young, having her 4th child.

I ate a lot a lot. I have put on 25kg liao horrbile right???

I ate 3 meals definietly, breakfast, lunch and dinner. I snacked in between too. Even if you have no appetite think u shd have at least 3 proper meals. As for water, well, I dun drink that much cause i go toilet very often.

Sure can, hope your baby will be 1.5kg by week 28.
I just went to see my girl in NICU Step Down Unit...Keke Only realised she was not in SCN yet is NICU Step Down Unit.

Her feeds has further increased to 14.5mls per 2 hourly...Soon I think I cannot meet her demand liao...

Tomorrow going down kkh again, suddenly feeling like going alternate days are not enough anymore, i wish my confinement ends soon so I don't have to rely on Hubby or my parents to send me there, i can go anytime I want...Tmr will be registering her Birth...


U put on 25kg? WOOTZZZ...
I never put on weight, the last time I weigh myself about a day before I deliver, I was still at my Pre-Preg weight. But I have also not lose any weight at all after giving birth..imagine my abbay, placenta and lots of water and blood all out liao, but I have not lost any weight...Funny right? Must be the confinement Food...haizzzz

I have Gestational Diabetics at later stage of my Pregnancy...detected when I was in week 27. Thus, I was on strict diet of no sugar and less carbo. This happened because I ate alot durains (almost daily 2-3 seeds) in my first trimester, then also daily ice-cream and chocolates for desserts after dinner throughout 1st and 2nd trimester, not forgetting mangosteens too...

I ate only 2 main meals a day, as I was a SAHMTB, I usually wake up near lunch hours, thus I only take Lunch and Dinner.

High Sugar content foods aid in baby's weight, but only eat when you know your sugar level is not high...cos if it is, it might cause you to have increased levels of amniotic fluid and this might trigger contractions and early birth...

My girl was 1.355kg at 29 weeks...not too bad for a baby girl...

I also wish my Jerlynn can be an Ox...Dunno why she chose come out 26 days early not waiting for CNY and to be a Rat...Maybe cos I have lost a Rat and thus she is telling me, she is back to my arms now.

My hubby is a Snake and I am a Rooster, thus an Ox makes up the Best Matched Trio...
But nevertheless, alot people says that Rat enjoys good life...
i ate a lot of cakes recently, and my sugar level was tested a bit high too.

Now dun dare to eat cakes, or very sweet stuff.

wow you eat durians daily in first trimester?

Your gal is jerlynn, nice name. if really has to be rat, then bor bian, i also prepare my gal to be rat liao.
but then horse and rat clashes, maybe goto find a good name for her or wat...

Yes, I ate durians from week 6 onwards til week 12 I think...That was because my hubby has the cravings and not me...But since the fruit is always in my refrigerator, never out of stock, I itchy mouth will take few pieces a day.

When I'm still carrying Jerlynn, I have extreme sweet tooth, I think of nothing but sweet stuffs...I feel terrible if I can't get the sweet stuffs I want...Funny thing now is, after she is borned, I have no craves for sweet stuffs at all...
I taking 3 different kinds of medi 1is dark pink, 1 is like white very small wan and 1 is yellow.I am taking in the morning 8am,2pm,8pm and also 10pm feel like taking so many medi dunno good for baby ant.I am trying to eat lots of things now to gain baby weight lor.But now not durian season so hard to buy durian le.Thinking of asking hubby to go get the joo chiat durian puff to eat quite nice de.But abit far.Hope will fee better I will see gynae next tue will ask him if I can stop medi and total bed rest hope everything goes well reali hate all this medi.Just hope baby can tong till 35weeks and above.I cant go out to take beef also cos nw cant go out.Plus our house gt guan ying cannot buy beef home wan.So no choice.KKf at least u nw over 34weeks le and baby already over 2kg so quite safe le.mMy baby last check was 1.5kg hope she can gain more weight.


Thanks for encourging will jia yu de.Thanks
caca, no leh, coming friday then 34 weeks, now only 33 plus 2 days.

i think anti contraction pills will help. I dun think you shd stop the pills. Anyway, you can go emicakes to buy durian puffs or cakes. i ask hubby to go emicakes to buy as well.

if you can't eat beef then eat pig's livers, or more meat.

gingal, i noe why kkh wants to transfer ur gal to scn so soon, not only because she is stable liao, also because their nicu is very full! I saw fr another thread, a person gave birth at gleneagles at 7 mths, wanted to transfer to kkh (her baby) but was rejected cause nicu too full. Other hospitals also too full. So i think those babies who are stable at nicu will be transfer to scn very quickly.
kkf nice to see u back here! u my idol! i start my ttc mission in may... got to climb mountain to bai4 shi1 (kkf) before that! hehe..

On 31st Dec 08 the day before Jerlynn was borned, I was told by the Gynae in kkh that the NICU is already full...They might deliver me and transfer me to SGH or NUH immediately after BB is borned. Then I was relieved when they managed to get a space for my BB...

I'm not sure how many Babies at NICU is considered very full..I heard there are about total 30+ babies in NICU, is that consider full liao?

From what I know, chances are very low of kkh accepting babies borned in other hospitals (Esp. Private ones). Thus, this is also one of the reasons that my own Gynae said he will not deliver me and want me to admit kkh myself.
more and more prematured babies... hmm...we woman too stressful liao is it. my mum said during their time seldom hear people got pregnancy problem, prematured, cannot conceive la... now ah... we become weaker or wat...
yah lor, gingal, thats why i am following up with kkh gynae and mount E gynae both at same time, kkh mainly to secure a place if baby premature.

I was lucky when my boy was borned 3 years ago, I could transfer him fr raffles to kkh after 3 days, else my bill would amount to dunno how much!

Aiyo since nicu so full everywhere, they shd set up nicu at tan tock seng, or other public hospitals. we do not want to give birth prematurely wat, how can they reject us hor.
xbliss you guo jiang liao...haha. you very funie, wat bai shi...

hope ur mission is successful, and will be smooth!

I have decided to hold full mth for my little gal cause she is a real fighter. But I wun be inviting you all. Dun be angry leh, I will invite you all to a gathering instead cause I noe if I invite you all to full mth, with so many friends and relatives ard, i wun have time to chat with you all, so it will be good to hold a gathering for us instead, so that i can concentrate on talking to u all!! You all have been giving me so much support! Thank u sooo much! Must give face hor.
really looking forward, hope all will be smooth!

gg11, u are in week 37-38 liao, so stitches remove?
dm, wow..lucky ws still can eat and drink though she got hfmd...

girl80...ur gals are sweet..i think meimei is catching up liao..the diff in size not say very obvious lah... easier for u to differentiate next time :p ... dont worry abt bringing them out (since ur MIL have already done so)..last time i start bringin my gal out almost immediately after she came back from SCN..then at actual 2.5 months, i bring her out everyday to bbsitter's pl cos i went back to work... just avoid crowded and aircon pl i guess.

kkf...wah..this gynae.. u mean if u din mention that dr tan say ur cervix have thinned she will not check it? maybe aim to be CNY's first bb?
i think they should expand nicu in kkh.... cos afterall its the hospital with the expertise!

daec..wah..ur bp is only 140 with bb..that day i went for company health checkup bp is 130

yan, i think now we are weaker plus we got work and family to juggle.... and is expected to contribute 100% to both sides...
me too is a horse n Paige is a rat.... i also heard the horoscope clash, hope paige wont make me crazy when she is older.. ahaha....

my gynae start me on methyldopa when my BP hit 140, n when it hit 160, my dosage was increase to 4-6 pills every 4 hourly.... weird things is, when BP was high i dun get headache, once back to work, i start getting headache... haha...

Yan & Bloom,
in this modern society,the female has been expected to do well both in career n family... but our mind n body are nt function tt way...

wow kath was sent to nanny at actual 2.5mth old... Paige was sent to nanny at actual 4 mth old...

just checking wif u guys, did ur babies goes to polyclinic for asssessment? if bases on actual age, sure fail all the assessment...
Good morning mummies

quite a number of post. haha must read thru hehe. must glance thru and see who to reply :p

firstly *wave at kkf* - i see the word gathering (being very determine to get into the group pic haha) ok ok i am ON we shall see when is a good date for all of us to come together ;) yippy! violat into 33/34 weeks liao! so happy for you really.

must take care. but your high blood pressure is due to food or genes? sorry, maybe u have explain this before...

Siang goes to polyclinic for his 5-1 vaccination. i used his corrected age when doing assessment. At age of 2 years old. he is on par liao. Don't worry, paige will catch up very soon.

hi girl80
Your twins very sweet ler
. re domestic helper. if you are keen i can send u a link on it. you can find out more (different agency different price) but government levy is standard.
shelllow, i brought dash for assessment and injections at polyclinics too. dun worry, wun be lagging behind, i dun remember the nurses telling me my boy is not on par. Anyway, their assessments are rather simplified.

Jane yah yah, gathering really looking forward. So many mummies here i want to meet. The last time i met some of you was premiees awareness day.
Oh yes yes. A happy happy belated birthday to Edric (cholegal boy), and sweet_rose (twins boy),

And oh yes, happy 4th birthday to Mich (twins) boys

:p dunno if i missed out any of the kids birthday
bloom, yah shd suggest hor? kkh shd expand in all areas lar. last time when dash needed heart surgery, i remembered they told me children ICU no space too! everything no space, then if emergency how? slept at corridor.
*waving to kkf*
haha i missed the premiees awarness day (Year 07), i went for the Year 08 awarness day but alas still did not take group picture la :p

oh yes, definitely looking forward to meeting everyone. I been here since 2006.

you must continue to preservance. jia you okie. this friday is another week liao. cheers!
you know. last oct siang admiited to do day surgery (scope) for his throat. they also told me NICU no place hence if really need to do major surgery then may have to transfer siang to another hospital...luckily it was just a minor surgery (remove a cryst).

i really dare not think back now
hi all mummies...

how have everyone been..

kkf...gg11.. u babez r doing grt. hang in thr..

as for all e mummmies wif bbs still in hospital.. tk cr.. the path may be rough but u've gotta stay strong. our bbs nd our strength. all will be well in due time.

jane.. hi! u'r e one u gave me the link for the domestic help rite.. well fyi we decided not to hav a maid... my mum got tooo fearful aft all the horror stories she heard. so now we jus hav a partime helper who cms by to clean the hs every wk.

arvin's doing well. he's cruising. trying out sm words. altho to me everything sounds like "tha ta".
hi kkf
today is 37 weeks and 2 days.
i'll be removing the cervix stitch tmr. the stitch has done its job well by keeping baby inside me
gynae said my baby is big, so can deliver liao. i think he very accurate. when i saw him on sat, after the check up, he said can remove the stitch on tue. i actually wanted the stitch to be removed on thurs cos hubby had something very impt on wed but gynae said better not wait.
today, my limbs suddenly become swollen and water retention very bad. i could also feel the contractions already. previously, contractions no feelings. my experienced friend told me she experienced these few days before her delivery too. so i think mine should be soon.
i also want baby to come out soon cos tummy getting very big and uncomfortable. more and more stretch marks...scary :p
hi mimeole

yes yes i am the one. actually if can, those partime helpers would be better
. Glad that you manage to solve your problem.

seem like baby is due for arrival any moment. keep us posted and you have done a great job

Ya..after almost 5 months of bedrest hospitalisation leave and 5 weeks of hospital stay. Didn't believe I could last so long when I was first admitted in end Aug 08... :p
