Premature babies support group


well you have done it. i really think u are very very great.

hi mommies,

sooo tired! ws got cough (frm me & my dad) on fri. didn't bring her 2 doc, as there's leftover med. but whole of sat nite, she was coughing & i only managed 2 zzz for abt 2hrs. so ytd mornng, brought her to doc. n thank god, last nite, she slept thru. juz now asked my mom, say she's not coughing alrdy. but voice still hoarse.

u got lobang for partime helpers?? i'm desparate. ytd so stoned cos not enuff sleep, but still got to clean the hse. dump ws @ my mom's place while we cleaned house. but ended up quarrellng with hubby over curtains. sigh.

well done! 2more weeks then u'll b having a little ox
if u ask me, i'm not particular w whatever zodiac my kid is. as long as they are healthy. maybe all the while, i'm not so religious or watever-u-called tat, i dun believe in zodiac signs. esp now, i think health is the most impt!
Jane, kkf
I dunno why got high bld. it does run in the family. but while preggy - only me that I kno of.
my gran did have high bld while preggy but only with her 5th kid and it was still fullterm.

talk abt stress. confirm I am moving hse to JB. :S
keep crying abt it coz I grow up in the current hse & coz cant get own hse now but coming to terms. we CANNOT apply for hse coz huby retrenched.I am not optimistic abt him getting a job very soon. biz must do 1yr in order get hse. wrking something out to 'cheat' the system..hope my preggy is ok despite the stress/uncertainties. thnk by next month, I may likely to change to KKH.

on a gd note : Today, Nada is discharged from Clinic K by Dr A & therapists. Will be moved to the Child Development Unit (CDU)

work cause high bld! tru tru! heheh ;)

my fren bld pressure is also 130 when she only 1mth preg. hubby's also 130. they say its normal. guess depends on individual.

so u going KKH soon ha.. hmm me shld thk abt it v soon.likely go there ard wk 28 or so
hi jane
I almost wanted to give up at times...but hubby, family, friends and colleagues gave a lot of support...including my gynae who scolded me till i cried cos i sent my hubby to him and told him i didn't want to stay in hospital anymore :p

that's why i'm sure kkf and all in similar situation can do it as well...somehow, everyday just became a routine and you find some points to look forward to.

being in the holiday season helps as well...look forward to xmas, then new year then cny...

of course, reading this thread in the forum and getting support from all of you as well
yan, bloom,shellow
agree with bloom and shellow,thk it IS a factor that women now more stressed, expected carry more 'portfolio'/roles even when preg.of coz it takes a toll. think before women also do lots but not so mental stress. think oldern days, tend to have other women help out each other when cant cope. nowadays everything DIY or endure endure both at work and at home. dun think age is factor for prem labour, high bld coz some young ladies also get it. think that factor more for conceive

I dun think I can handle both work and children. I think something will lose out. even now I not work, I am still stressed abt finances. It seems I cannt 'hands off' coz of people expectations of me/women today

that's gd lah so ur kid more attention from ur mum. I'd prefer to have part time helper than maid too. yesterday my girl cry coz my sis maid went home. when she is here, she tends to take over from me. I thot never mind but even that has an impact even if she sees that maid only 2x a wk
heheh I not particular abt month or zodiac but after seeing IL reaction - I happy if NOT same as them heheheh.. my ger similar to MIL, then she want take credit. hmmpph, little thing also wan credit & blow big2. somemore my ger is premmie so why proud she born that time.
You are magnificent! Jia you! I was in KKH for x'mas and new year in 2005, then gave birth pre-maturely 2 days before CNY. The good thing about staying in KKH during festive seasons is the whole ward is empty except yourself....machan super A class ward where u hv nurses all to yourself.....haha joking here.
wow, gg11, do update us when you give birth. really great that your baby is consider full term now!

DM, you want to employ somebody to spring clean your house is it? I have employed people to spring clean my house, $280, 3 cleaners, 4 hours, for 125sq feet house.

mimeole, glad your boy is doing well!

day C, as i have said, dun worry about house issue lar, your main concentrations now are on baby and nada. so much to worry will stress you up.

btw gg11, i was on 7 mths bed rest leh and 13 days of hospital stay (in out)! really, once my pregnancy start, i started no pay leave, and was confined at home throughout. Whats the world outside, I really have no idea liao...sob.

But really we admire our spirit and endurance hor? How can we tarhan and pull thru???

You are better, you really have a full term baby as a reward! great job.

I really am soooooo eager to step out to see the world again!! but i still have to wait...

Dm, very good leh, ws recovers so fast fr cough? dash been coughing about 2 weeks liao leh.
kkf, i know what you mean. i was so happy to be out shopping the whole weekend :p don't worry, you will be able to come into civilisation soon as well

btw, don't you have hospitalisation leave that you can take and still get pay?
woah...7 months of not going are great!!! i don't think i can take it.
at least now can talk to hubby about having kid no. 2 and hubby's phobia also lessening now...

you could also be having an almost full term baby...which i think you would long as we listen to gynae and be good, should be able to...

hi precious one, your baby must have wanted you not to be lonely duriing CNY, so came out just 2 days before CNY so that you can enjoy your new year. very thoughtful child of yours.
yes, yes, i am on hospitalisation leave now, and get my pay! yeah! spend a lot on bulk purchase, buy this and that, cause staying at home is really boring and thats the only way to cheer me up.

gg11, I am quite bad, once i reach 34 weeks, i intend to start moving about liao, have planned to go back my own house to prepare for chinese new year, and to go my mum house to eat.

Wow! you are already planning for 2nd??? I can't imagine going thru all these again!!!!!!!
I close shop liao...just contended with my 27 weekkers boy and erm 30 plus weekers gal (really hope she can be born safe and healthy).

I want to go out!!! sianz.

Btw, gg11, make sure you throw full mth celebration big big, cause to reward your boy and yourself! any plans liao?
sorry i slow reader..

BUT i caught the important "gathering" word. Sure will attend! will reserve some healthy stuff from my upcoming BP to contribute! hee.
dm, i just went to dash website and saw your question. so par seh...

so sorry for the very late reply. actually we are not selling the booster seat cause hubby decides to put in my in laws car.

so par seh for the late reply. anyway, it is rather flimsy and uncomfortable, thats why we change to maxi cosi in the end.
Day C,
ya, don't get stressed for time being, you stay at JB 1st, take it as a retreat, then when you can get your own place, move back to Spore
btw on another note, JB got quite yummy food and good kueh kuehs too
so it's time to feast
Hi Ladies,

I am really worried about my girl today. The nurses have re-assured me that for preemies, there are always Ups and Downs...but this is one day that I'm starting to get worried..I have felt optimistic...but...maybe I tell ya all the story.

Today is the longest day that I stayed at KKH with Jerlynn.

She was breathing real hard when I saw her at about 1pm... The nurse asked us not to leave yet as the doctor wants to speak to us. I looked at the monitor on her Heart Rate and Respiratory Rate. Her pulse was extremely fast going up to 180 and averaging 170, and her Respiratory was also high... She did not look relaxed as she always did. My heart sank..I hope nothing is wrong with her... She also looked hungry, her mouth keep looking for food and she kept sucking her thumb...

The doctor came, and he explained to us that her lung collapsed and thus explained the high heart rate. She has to breathe harder for the oxygen needed. Lung collapsed meant that part of her lung has shrunk a little...They have arranged for a Physio Therapist to help her massage her lungs and aid expansion...

She also had indigestion that casued her to vomit some greenish liquid after her feed, they did an X-ray on her, and her abdomen looks fine. They further took some of her blood for tests and they are hoping that she has not any infection that might caused the indigestion. The results will be out in 2 hours' time. They have stopped feeding her for one feed time and will resume at 2pm...They are feeding her 17mls per 2 hourly now. As long as she does not vomit again, her indigestion should be ok.

Me and her daddy decided that we will stay on longer to wait for the results and all...Meanwhile we pacify her a little and went to register her birth and have lunch. Her birth cert last 4 no. was coincidently her Lunar Birth Date..which is 6th Dec, 0612...
Next time I'm sure i won't forget her Lunar Birth Day...

Had lunch and went up to accompany Jerlynn again, just nice the Physio Therapist was there and started to do some Patting motion and massaging motion on her. She also use suction and cleared her mucus. This process took more than 15 mins and I think they will only doing it maybe tmr too. After that, Jerlynn had her feed...It was 4 pm liao. She did not vomit her 2pm feed...

The blood test results were out, Thank God everything is normal. Doctor says that now they will monitor her for tonight. As long as her lungs are ok and she will not vomit her feeds tonight, they will take out the standby "Drip" on her hand, as Jerlynn looks really uncomfy with the huge tube on her hand to standby for use of glucose or vitamins. Since her milk intake has increased, doctor says there is no need for the drip liao.Today she weighs 1505g.

As we see that she has fall back asleep comfortably, we left the place...

PS; Sorry for the long post..I copied from my blog...
gingal, hugs hugs. dun worry...your gal is a real fighter remember, tomorrow you see her, she will be like her usual self again! can share your blog?

powergal why you change nick?

gathering sure sure, will have one either feb or march! let me source for a great place first. must give face ah...i m going to source somewhere central so that all of us will be convenient.
oh dear gingal, i am sure you had a shock. But dun worry ok? our little ones have some special strength that we often don't see. they will bounce back even stronger.

kkf, yup i'm trying to get some healthy foodstuffs for babies and kids. bryan very sian with the limited food choices so i decided to source from overseas and get in bulk since cheaper! will let u all know when finalised.
hi kkf
you better than me...34 weeks then start moving around. for me, i after 28 weeks, already gradually moving around :p
started shopping when i was in my 32 weeks. you have more self discipline than me.
Hi kkf
Have you bought cordlife for violet yet? Just to share with you this CNY promo which I would be taking up cos it seems to be the best promo so far - better than their last Xmas promo. Below is from my Cordlife rep:

However, it only applies to the 10-yr & 21-yr plan and all other promotions including referral are not applicable.

Here's the breakdown:

1) 10-Yr Plan : S$2888+GST (with 2yrs waiver- on the 9th & 10th yr)
Price include
- S$600+GST
(non-refundable if contaiminated or maternal blood found positive of HEP C, HIV or HTLV I/II, or cell count below 100 million stem cells if storage not continued)
- S$288 +GST
(processing fee, maternal blood testing, cordblood testing)
- S$2000+GST
(8yrs annual storage fees)

2) 21-Yr Plan: $S5138+GST (with 4yrs waiver- on the 18th, 19th, 20th & 21st yr)
Price include
- S$600+GST
(non-refundable if contaiminated or maternal blood found positive of HEP C, HIV or HTLV I/II, or cell count below 100 million stem cells if storage not continued)
- S$288 +GST
(processing fee, maternal blood testing, cordblood testing)
- S$4250+GST
(17yrs annual storage fees)

For both plans above, would be S$0 upfront if you opt for CDA account as a mode of payment.
i delivered in KKH & my twins now in NICU.

both my twin boys r in NICU. have been really busy & tired in & out of KKH & expressing BM besides looking after my gal & doing confinement. dun worry too much & stressed yourself out. couple of days back i was told one of my boys got stage 1 bleeding in the brain & after i stepped out of NICU, couldnt contain my tears any longer & cried out. but doc said all these symptoms r pretty normal & typical of preterm babies. they will get better each time as they mature. so i m staying postively for the sake of my babies. as a mother, we r supposedly to be closest to our babies, so u hv to be strong & hang on there for your child. pls eat & rest well so that u hv the energy to produce good BM for your baby. i go to visit my twins almost everyday. perhaps we can meet up to support each other if u dun mind. u can reach me at [email protected].
Hi all,

My PIL went to visit my girl in the late evening just now. They went in time to see her being fed...after that they told me that she slept really comfortably again. The nurses has told them that she is doing fine already. I felt really relieved now....

Thanks for all the encouragements!
u must b soo worried. i read ur post my heart oso go roller-coaster. i understand cos when my ger was in NICU, while i was at home, also non-stop worrying. initial plan was 2 visit her on alternate days, since i'm in confinement, but i cannot tahan. so bo chap those old wives' tale, & took a cab & visit her everyday.

dun worry. ur ger will do u proud

i want a long-term cleaner, not juz 4 CNY. anyway, no need the booster seat alrdy. in fact, i've 4gotten i left a message 4 u haha. my cousin passed 1 to me alrdy.
gg11, yup signed up cordlife for violet liao, cause my boy also with cordlife, so got discount...hee. but i paid yearly one thru CDA for my boy and violet too.

glad your gal is ok now gingal!!

bbgal hope your twins will do well and go home soon!!

dm, oh long term cleaner, can $10 per hour one very easy to find. Really sorry, long time never update dash website liao...
if ur baby weight ok and not premature, still going KKH ?

thx! trying to keep calm. i been trying to get my own hse for abt 3yrs but still nothing. have enf $, but various policy HDB policy block me. moving JB will not be gd for hubby biz/look job so my family may be separated from time to time.I still need my mum's help since 2kids soon. trying to work something out still, if not guess be in JB for long time.

must have been so worrying & scaryy. *hugs* ur little fighter did great!
Your girl is a fighter. Life being a premie for the initial months is like a roller coaster, they go backwards but also bounce back very quickly. My girl had a number episodes of lung collapse too. I guess as the neo nat in charge, she/he had to give feedback on both good and sometimes the medical term use could be scary. As the parent of premie, we go on a emotional roller coaster rides too. Nevertheless all these will be over soon and I believe all of us here will value life more than before, and also understand the meaning of real happiness. Stay focus on getting nutritional food for your body so that your milk will be very nutrious for your baby. Jia You.

Don't know what to say as house issue is also very important to a family. But at this stage, it should be secondary as you have a little baby in you. You never know, by the time you deliver your baby, all your teething issues might has a solution. So just stay in JB for the time being and lock into Singapore Motherhood Forum to chit chat with us. Leave $$ matter to the MAN of the house. Everyone can only bear to a certain limit at each point of time. You have your priority.
be strong, have fate in ur little figther, she will b fine....

dash is wif cordlife. Dr Kenneth kwek told me tt paige is premature so she cant store her cordblood as it wont be enuff....
thks for the regards, ya looking forward to bringing "Zyon" & "Kegan" home soon
btw, how r u getting along now? it's been almost a yr since we last met at ur plc. u staying at ur plc currently or elsewhere huh? in fact i saw ur hubby couple of times in the neighbourhood with dash but u nt around. i was wondering where u r but paiseh to ask him lei...

i hv replied ur email, pls chk
New update:

My hubby is there with my girl now...She is sleeping comfortably and her heart rate averages 160+ now. She is feeding on 18mls per 2 hourly and her indigestion problem is ok liao. Thank God.

As for her lungs, will only know in another 2 days time, when they do another X-Ray on her. Hope she will be ok...I miss her sooo much...
daec, so u are in JB now?

shelllow, yah dash with cordlife leh, his cordblood also very pathetic, but my gynae still stored for me leh. Hubby wanted to store, cause he said in future might have ways to multiply the cells or wat.

bbgal, we saw each other before?? pardon me ah, my memory is failing, but no wonder i found your nick so familiar leh! yes, yes, hubby always bring dash out, but I got to be confined at home. Have been confined for 7 months plus liao due to this pregnancy.

Gingal glad your gal ok now!
Then how about staying with your in-laws 1st
or maybe rent a room somewhere near your in-laws so you dun have to be separated with hb ? I didn't know HDB is so stringent now
today bryan down with high fever. started yest afternoon.. so tired with carin for him cos he so cranky and sticky. keep saying pa4 pa4.. hai..
dun wori abt the lungs issue, it is common for preterm babies to have that & they will eventually be better as their system matures. my younger boy was diagnosed with left liver got air & couldnt get off his body during the 1st few days of his stay at NICU. me & hubby was so worried, it din get better but instead after another x-ray, the right liver also got affected. luckily both lungs recovered after the 2nd week. so be patient & most impt be positive

i m ur neighbour who stays in the same block as u & went to ur plc once with my gal & my dog remember? btw, think i saw dash at faith educare when i sent my gal 1st day to the centre. how long dash been attending nursery there? my gal no longer there liao cos' his daddy feels tat the school teacher nt very caring & attentive towards the children. wat is ur opinion?
chloegal,nice to hear from you?hp yr bb is better ...

hv no time to read thru all the posts...hope everybody's okay....

kkf, u are doing well...cheers...

gingal, yr bb is at kkh..?
chloegal hope ur boy recovers soon!! dash also just recovered fr fever.

bbgal!!!!!! aaahh!! its you! i remember!
my hubby saw you too, n said you preggy. wowowow! you having twins!
good good you have 3 kids now, next time we meet up again!

regarding faith educare, dash started attending since december. i really can't say much abt the centre. I always buy things to poh those teachers and supervisor, haha, so they are rather caring towards my boy and my boy enjoys talking to them. He is quite happy there, so i just keep one eye close on certain things...

I have send him to tots house and little skoolhouse b4, all centres are erm...pros and cons, so eventually gave up, send him to the one nearest and as long as he is adapting well, i just close one eye...

so where is your attending school now?

har, your dog dog my boy loves him so much. haha.

costa, long time never see your post!
wow bbgal, so envy, you have 2 boys at one go leh!

i m still waiting for my little gal to come out.

so your boys are older than my gal liao. hee.

hope your boys do well in nicu, transfer to scn, and can go home soon!! how are they now?
Just to let u know that A's cousin (same age) kena pneumococoal even though he was vaccinated. Symtons are on and off cough for more than a month...cough badly when having cough but phlegm clear....then high fever up to 46 (highest), then come down but shoot up to 40+ again. Now he is on antibiotic drip at KKH.

Doc. said that pneumococal virus have up to 40 strains and the jab that our children get here is for 7 strains......

Luckily my nephew in law is responding well to the antibiotic.
wow scary leh...dun scare me, dash been coughing very long mean will cough n cough first, then fever?
40 deg, precious one?!?! my goodness.. nowadays must be vigilant man. these strains are so scary.

yesterday really tiring cos bryan fever go up and down. highest was 38.6 but still quite scary lah cos took long to go down.
actually u preggie 1st cos' ur edd is feb & mine is mar. actually both our hubby very gd at "zuo4 ren2" hehe....

gd to hear tat dash is adapting well in faith educare. during the 1st 3 days of half day i was with vera, i saw one of the teachers very rough towards a 2yo boy during bathtime. the boy was crying badly for his mommy & the teacher was so frustrated tat she shoved him away when he seeks her for comfort & he banged against the cabinet. i was so heartpain for the boy's parents & din hv gd impression already. nevertheless, i bobian need to work so die die also ren3 & left her with the teacher. then one week later, my hubby went to fetch her & saw she was left alone wandering around in the school premises & tat was then he decided to withdraw vera from the centre. in fact vera only attend less than 2 weeks there. really very shagged got to jungle bet taking care of my gal, daily hospital visits & work from home, haiz...

my boys r getting better each day. the elder one got eye infection & being sent to isolation room for observation. every day i will visit them & check out their health status and weight. so far both hv put on some weight & looking gd, hope they can go home soon.

looking forward to see u & dash soon tog with my gal & doggie

Thanks for the re-assurance..hope my girl gets better today...Am visiting later...


Both of your boys down with fever? Better take care of yourselves to take care of them wor...
Me also down with fever ytd afternoon...Dunno is it due to Breasts engorgement. Took Panadol and was much
better at night, then asked hubby to use all his bull strength to help me unblock my blocked ducts.
The engorgement was so bad, I couldn't even lift up my arm...does engorgement caused fever? Or is it due
to the extremely heaty food I took for confinement?

costa del sol,

Yes, My girl is still in NICU Step Down Unit. she is exactly 2 weeks old today.
Is yours also still in kkh?

My boy was in kkh nicu/scn for 5months plus abt two years odd ago.....he just went back for check up at Child Development Unit 5th floor kkh on monday......

step down unit..where is it?last time fm nicu, d bbs go to scn then go home...guess shes nt vy preemie?

dun thk engorgement due to heaty food...thk maybe you din express out everythg or maybe irregular pumping hours...u called the lactation nurses for help?or maybe the nicu lactation nurses can help?

My girl was 29 weeker when borned. Today she is 31 week + 2 days old liao..
She was transfered when she was only 30 weeks old, I also find too small to be transfered...
