Premature babies support group

Honestly i have never been so bored in my life, and looking so forward to going back to work, and going out to breath in the fresh air! haha.

Really hope i can see the sunlight soon.

ok. cheer everyone up with a newly pic taken of siang.

i am gg off work cheers.

Indeed life is not easy but then we are all here for each other.

sad (is the past) and happy moments (which i hope rolls on), Year 2009 is coming. i hope this smiling/more of laughing picture of siang will brighten everyone days.

stay happy and stay in faith. heaven is kind. Jia You all mummies
kkf, hehe..stupid Q, but cervix is how many cm when abt to give birth??? 0 cm? what is the original? btw, read today's newspapers..the new means testing billing will kick in 1st jan... so ur subsidy will be based on ur income (i think its ur income, not household income..)

smiggleprincess, can i add durian's blog to my gal's? then i can refer to regularly (its my bookmk eheh)...

didi, the one at NICU should the same as the one at SCN lah (medela)... me no milk means no milk.cos i kena blocked ducts very one pt i have to see the nurse weekly cos she cannot unblock my ducts within 1 session....

precious_one, yes, there was a survey done in US/UK that says premature gals survive better.... have a great shopping trip!

powergal, same thing.. just brought kate to see a sinesh on monday and he also said she is small... then have to explain that she is premature again....

happy new year to all mommies and babies here!
i also not sure bloom but i noe 10cm baby will be out. saw the newspaper too. think i really need to seriously consider giving birth in kkh c class.

me too, regardless of breastpump, no supply means no supply even if i go buy 1000 dollars breastpump, i think wun have amy effect. haha.

yes jane, lets put the past behind us, and welcome a wonderful year 2009!!
u take good care gal also small size.she only 1.6kg wen born but now she growing well and she is 8.2kg now.

siang looks so big now.

may be wen u go ann tan there u can ask her to intro the neonate at mt.e for u then they can advice u whether bb can discharge wif u aft birth.coz last time my case hor wen my water bag leak at 32 weeks my gynea get me a neonate and he told me abt the duration cathrina have stay in hospital tats y i change cat to kkh.oh ya i start packing the baby cloths for violet liao so excited for u.will pass to u wen u gave birth.
fairylander thanks!!
we can exchange clothings! haha.

yes, will ask ann tan on this on friday when i get to see her. i am getting excited also! hee. going to week 32. quite an acheivement for me liao with my previous two histories. but actually hor, i am really very phobia of labor pains, how? I think i need epidural. Last two times everything happened too fast, and babies too small, gynaes didn't allow me to use. This time, i think i can't resist using cause i already have the fear in me.

i bought some sureclean products from bulk purchase, can use to disinfect toys, floor, hand etc. think good for us mummies with new babies, esp the disinfect of toys! dash got so many baby toys i need to disinfect before letting violet play.
hello hello mummies

Advanced HAPPY 2009!
Do you know that we are supposed to add 1 additional second before we reach 2009?
So interesting, but it will be gone in a blink!
I wonder what happens to babies born during that leap second? belong to 08 or 09?!

i am regular with the miscarriage thread about 1 yr ago. haha. i ttc 4 months after my DNC and conceived on first try (end up with a twin pregnancy somemore). U dun worry too much. all will be ok.

I going to rebond fringe in the afternoon at azel hairsalon (the one at my downstairs). hehe..
we meet up on msn to chat more and discuss meet up date! so excited..
hi mummies,

i wld like to share with u all tat i hv recently delivered a pair of pre-matured twin boys on 21 dec at 25 weeks & now both of them r in kkh nicu & not doing well. i m feeling very sad & heartpain tat i got to see them with so many tubes & needles poking all over their bodies. everything happened so sudden on a sun morning when i experience excruciating pain in the stomach & when i thought was just stomachache, i tried to exert all strength & all of a sudden, i heard a loud pop & next i realised i was bleeding badly. that morning i was alone with my maid & my 2yo gal & i got to call the ambulance all by myself as my maid is new. my gal was crying non-stop & when the ambulance came, i got to bring her with my maid to the hospital. on the way, i was experiencing contractions every 5mins & screaming loudly. i will never forget the scene on that fateful morning.

now my 2 boys r fighting for their survival in NICU & seems like i m so helpless seeing them suffer
altho my boys' weight r abt 1kg each, their condition is still not stable after more than a week. many complications like lung got air, blood pressure up n down, not enough red blood cells & need blood transfusions, jaundice. haiz...
pat pat. i can't help but tell you that the journey in nicu is really a roller coaster, like wat many mummies here have already mentioned time and time again. sometimes they get better, many times we hear not so pleasant news, esp for those born even earlier.

it is really common to have complications due to their prematurity. ROP, chronic lung, PDA, jaundice, low blood count, are just amongst the common ones. You have to have faith that they will get better over time and just keep giving love by visiting them to bond with them..

it is a painful journey, and taking care of thema after they get home proves to be even more challenging, but you will soon get the hang of it. For now, u will have to express your bm diligently and Must Always make sure you and your visitors keep their hands VERY clean. Some of our bbies here got infections (not sure of cause) so this goes a long way to ensuring that they only get better faster.

take care there and do spend some time talking it out here with us.
bbgal, it is common that in the first few weeks, the premature babies may not do that well, but after they stabilised, they will be fine.

Dun worry too much, just pray, and give them your support.

Jia you! we are all here for u, as all of us have been thru wat you are going thru now.
thx for ur concern n advice. i will definitely hang on there for the sake of my babies. it is really difficult to fully understand the pain unless u experience it yourself. never hv i expect such a thing to happen to me.

did read some of the postings by other mummies regarding those common problems faced by premiees & very encouraged that many of their kids made it with their strong fighting spirit. will pray for the best outcome & update u all on the condition. thks for ur support
sad to hear tat. it is really a roller coaster ride. be prepared to hear unpleasant stuff from doc, it is very common cos babies are born so prematured. my yilin was borned a 26 weekers. for the 1st 2 weeks, nothing pleasant coming out from the doc mouth cos they can´t paint u a bed of roses rite... but do be strong, they are little fighters, have faith in them. you must stay positive, they can feel it...
during yilin´ stay in nicu, there was a baby, though 26weekers but weighed 425g only.. imagine... 425g, how tiny. by the time i saw her, she was borned for a month already weighing about 600g. the doc told them their baby can only survive at most 2 days and for the 1st 1-2mths, the docs were very negative about her ssurvival. but she made it!!
she dun have any lungs or heart prob, rop or hearring prob.. when yilin discharged after almost 3mths in kkh, tat baby was 1.7kg already
very pretty and sweet.

they can be very strong though they look tiny. keep talking to them, sing to them, they will be very happy and this wll help them get well faster too
Hi mommies, happy new year! May 2009 bring happiness and the best stuff to you and your families.

BBGAL > my boy use to be 885grams, he is 1.85kg today, so don't give up hope on your babies. It can be a rough ride in the NICU, but it's also worthwhile journey to be able to spend each day with your babies.

All preemie mommies, I am so excited to report this. Quick update on my baby Isaac. He is now 10 weeks old. That is 37 weeks gestational age corrected.
He was taken off the ventilator on Xmas eve! And was even graduated to just nasal cannula at room air on Monday.

And guess what?! I finally got to carry and cuddle my baby, on Monday!!! SO HAPPY, after waiting for almost 10 weeks! He settled so very comfortably into my arms and didn't even cry or kick up a fuss, it was amazing! I am really surprise that he was not frightened at all, eventhough being carried is a 'new' experience for him. *full of wonder* He DOES know he is being loved.

Yesterday midnight, we managed to snap our FIRST family portrait ushering the new year together. Without the nurses knowledge la - haha.

happy new year to all mummies.may all the kids growing healthy n happily.

sorry to hear abt strong ok hope everything gg well.

happy new year!!glad tat ur boy doing well is indeed a better year ahead

sorry i missed your question.
For macaroni, i cook til very very soft, then i pass it through a medium hole sieve. I add minced chicken to it too. When my boy couldnt take course texture at all, i even had to blend the whole salt at all, but i do add marmite yeast extract for some flavor. most of the time, i will boil pork ribs or throw in ikan bilis powder for flavor.

To vary the porridge, you can try different vegetables.. they actually create different textures and taste. you can try pumpkin, sweet potatoes, carrots, broccoli, spinach, etc. You can also add eggs. i add some egg tofu to give it taste too and my boy likes it!

For cheese, i buy those kids' sticks from NTUC. quite ex.. about $6 for 6 sticks but its tasty! i will give him bit by bit. he has tendency to swallow without biting so can choke him.

Why your boy vomit the porridge? Eat too much? honestly bb food seems very very boring and limited. Have you tried giving bb biscuits? i got a lot from pigeon brand cos i want healthy stuff. I may start a BP on pigeon snacks soon, so let me know if you will be keen!
Happy new year all mummies

yeah, siang is one big boy liao

we have a few twins here. premature babies are strong fighters. how is your twins doing? do update and share with us.

hi munyi
Must be a very wonderful feeling to take the family pic
. is there any TBC date for Isaac to be discharged?

another brand of cereal/biscuit u can try is healthy times
. oh yes, if u do organise BP i sure will join haha
you rebond your fringe? hehe.. want to show me your new look? i still cannot understand how can i miss meeting u that time when we were all at the KKH admin office haha
munyi, think ur baby boy can go home very soon!

gg11, how r u? removing ur stitches tomorrow?
i bet you are walking more now, so never see you online. haha.

Week 32 now! wat an acheivement! got a scare on week 29, manage to dong till 1 month more. anyway, going to see ann tan later, scarely she says my cervix has dilated further? Anyway since last night felt a bit funny on the lower part of the body...
actually really looking fw to giving birth, being able to walk ard, go shop, go tour, go work etc...soon...
Happy 2009 to all mummies and babies!!
May all the young fighters be strong and happy in this new year.

I've got a pair of twins too but they aren't that premature so I can't give you much advice. However I know there are a few twins mummies here that had delivered quite early and their bbs are doing very well now. I believe they'll give you great advice. Meanwhile take good care of yourself and remain positive. Your bbs need you and can sense your mood.
wanted to say, i feel so touch by the story you share about the 26 weekers

you are doing very well indeed. keep us updated what dr ann tan said
hi all mummies,

Happy New year!

What a good start for me yesterday, my son was down with a flu and need to rush him to A & E due to he still need the oxygen support.


Glad to hear that yr boy has come out from the ventitaltor. He will goes home very soon.


My boy was born on 26week with a weight of 635gm. Although he has lung problem, but he is getting healthy day by day. So hang on and be strong.


Continue to jia you
hi xiaowanzi

oh hope your boy recover soon. i think the flu season is here. even i am down with flu and i have not talk to anybody in my house (i try to minimise my talking) since monday.
hello mommies,

happy new year!

all the new mommies who juz joined this forum,
sorry, but i can't rem all names..anyway, welcome! we may not b docs, but we share similar (or rather similar) experiences in 1 way or another, so we can continue to share our experiences..

i oso had a fright this morning. ytd went to my BIL's place, my niece was having fever. then this morning received SMS say they suspected it's HFMD..walao, i dun wan 2 start the new yr with this leh.. but luckily, it's juz some viral infection..

jia you, jia you.. but i disagree with precious leh, u r normal! no need 2 prove anything

think i got same experience as u. i was at marina foodcour with ws & my mom on tues, tot the table next 2 me was nana & ryan. but not v sure, so i kept looking there, hope to catch her eyes, c she can recognize me or not. but she nev looked leh. anyhow, i msg her in FB & confirm it's her. she said noticed this woman kept looking at their table, she tot ryan noisy, so i kept looking haha
happy new year

what a coincidence. my colleague he went for a gathering yesterday. then today his boy not well (ulcer). then this morning he also receive a sms from the host that their daughter is down with HFMD?? .. is it coming back? scary.

Oh so you saw cute ryan and nana. maybe u should have talk loudly and call ws ;) hehe maybe nana would have overheard haha.

really think we should have one big gathering
went to see my twin yest, the younger one more problematic with lots of complications & not ready yet to consume my BM but he looks much better compared to few days back. be visiting them again this evening.

thx for ur concern, will definitely remain positive & hope for the best outcome

when was ur boy born & which hospital? how long has he been staying in the hospital?

now is the crucial period so pls take good care of yourself & give birth to a healthy baby ya
Hi mummmies

Just got back from ann tan. bad news, dun think can dong till 34 weeks cervix thin fro 2.7 to 2.1 (anything below 2.5 means you are going to give birth anytime). baby's head pressing cervix and cause it to shorten liao.

Ann tan said might be next week to give birth, to me, i think might be within these few days...

Anyway, I ren ming liao, as i have said, my mum gave birth to my sis around 8 months plus, and me 27 weeks plus. think just genetic factor. Or it is just the way my body is structured.

Wun be giving birth at Mount E, will go KKH, thats what ann tan advises too.

So hope you all will receive good news fr me soon, saying i have given birth, baby above 2kg, and very healthy!! pray for me!

Anyway, ann tan measures, baby is 2.1kg at week 32, hope its zhun.

Btw, dash is sick too fever and cough, guess it is really the flu season. he coughs quite badly...
You are in your confinement now? must take care ah + you have an elder gal at home to take care right. don't worry. have faith in the boys. soon both will be taking in BM fast. continue to express ah.

sing and encourage the boys when you do visit them. they may be small now but like the other mummies here say, very soon they will grow up to be big boys.

My boy was born 26 weekers at 985grams. now he is a 2 years plus boy at around 1.4kg
stay strong, focus on produce BM and visit ur boys, - it helps them. take care of urself k ! dun worry, take it day by day..

wah wk 32 and near 2kg! gd for u! jia yuo!
kkf, it's not bad news considering our histories? I am already so proud of you and violet for being so patient to wait her birth out.
it is a great achievement already so please do not feel guilty anymore. looks like we can all attend a full month after all!

jane jane,
heee.. so shy to post my pics lah!!! eh, we meet up during cny lah.. i have to be on leave cos parents in law going overseas. hmmm.. maybe we can have a date somewhere like some ice cream shop?! anybody got ideas?!
hi mummies

happy new year to u all!! may 2009 be a great yr for all... all babies grow up healthy & strong... all mummies stay pretty forever...

ya lor... so pai seh...i cant recognise u... i thought ryan is too noisy liao...cos he kept asking for food....haha.. i think i only caught ur eyes once & gave u a sheepish smile leh... u nvr notice har?? heee... ws so guai leh... just sat there nicely, no noise at all...

jia you!! almost there... i m sure violet wld be a healthy sweet little gal... waiting to attend the full mth ahh... invite us all so we can have mini gathering as well...hehehe..

ryan born 33 wks can go home same day as me also... so i think if baby doing well, they wld allow her to go home with u... i delivered at sgh...

so sorry to hear that...cant give u much advice as ryan (very lucky indeed) dun have these problems... but i m sure ur boys r great fighters and wld do well.... do keep us posted...

hope u doing well now... no wonder so long nvr heard from u.... take good care... next time if u visit jac, do sms me also..
i havent seen her since the last time....
hi kkf
congrats!! 32 weeks liao! are you drinking the annum milk...maybe you should try to eat more and rest in bed so that the nutrients can get to the baby and baby will try to grow big these few days.

i went for my scan yesterday. the detailed scan shows that he is a shock cos seems quite heavy..didn't expect. i was told by friends that boys are usually heavier than gals. his lips were pouting when we saw him yesterday. my gynae still wanted to take one step at a time and told me to wait another week or 2 before the removal of the stitch...thought i could remove the stitch next week...he checked and said that i would most probably go into labour once he removes the stitch. another thing is also because my haemoglobin level is very low. he's very concerned cos he said that i may go into shock during delivery if haemoglobin level is too low. he told my hubby to make sure i take my 6 iron pills, 6 folic acid pills and 10 ventolin pills daily.

so kkf and all, please make sure you increase your intake of iron.

kkf, hang on there as soon as you can. lie in bed k? let's 'tong' as long as possible and probably will give birth around the same time. hope you will be later than me...hold on. you held on till 32 weeks which you didn't maybe can hold on further. keep us informed of your status.

btw, a bit of auntie talk here. pampers having sale at ntuc and cold storage leh but it's only for size m and above. my friends ask me to buy and store. nepia also having sale at ntuc. fyi.
xbliss, u r right, considering my histories, 32 weeks very good to me liao. ha!

today went ann tan to take 2nd injection of steriod to mature baby's lungs, had one at week 24, now redo again at week 32.

gg11, wow, good weight! full term weight leh. wats haemoglobin?

trying to eat more now, durians (dun dare to eat too much, my sugar level a bit high yesterday), meat...but milk is one thing i m guilty of. I drink only HL milk and nothing else...

will try to lie in bed, but really if baby wants to come out, think will just let her be.

nana, dun think kkh will allow babies to go home at weeks 32-34.

regarding full month, dun think i will be holding eventually since baby going to be premature. But I will sure hold a gathering for us all here!
kkf dun worry about us for the full month. i'm sure you, dash and the family will have your own special way of celebrating. The gathering sounds fun though! let's hope we can all meet someday! i'm anxiously training bryan to walk.. at 14 months coming 15 months and still dunno how to walk.. :p haha. i need to put him into childcare at 18 months leh!!!
don't be mistaken lar, i hv never considered kkf adnormal but she always feel bad for not able to carry her babies to full term...all written in her personal if violet can stay till 36 weeks and I still believe she will, kkf will be very convinced that she is a healthy and normal mother. As a friend, I really hope that she can feel that she is normal on her own accord. No matter what people say, one always feel bad due to personal experience, it will be good if one can be convinced in her own way. Whatever, I already admire kkf and violet for their strength and will power.....far far better than me....don't even have the guts to be preggy again. Well done kkf and violet!
agree kkf is v hard on herself sometimes for not being able carry fullterm etc. kkf - hope this experience help u heal more from the past. hope u thnk urself a gd and strong mum - indeed that's wat we all think of u. its gd if u dun be hard on urself anymore. I admire what u have done this far. still jia yuo despite fears, worry. and hope I also can hehe - u really inspire me, u know ?!
take care

wow. gd baby weight! may I know wat is the folic acid for ? thot its only for first trimester. I only taking aspirin now to thin the bld so more gets to baby. wondering if I shld still take folic acid

worried for the baby weight. coz last time baby was only 1kg at wk32.

I think my boy vomit because everyday also eat porridge. I give my boy bit by bit biscuit - "Mama brand". Is it pigeon biscuit nice? never try before. Let me know, i will try.
precious one, no worries, i noe wat you trying to say.

Actually I already ren ming, if it is destined that i can't carry babies to full term, just let it be. at least now, baby is over 30 weeks, quite an acheivement.

as long as bb healthy n safe, contended liao...thats my main concern now.
hehe, actually to extreme premie mummy's I am in awe for you, from 23 weeks to 27 weeks and 32 weeks and beyond you're getting better to are a super heroine.

Violet understands cos girls are supposed to be more 贴心, she will arrive strong, healthy and pretty and she's gonna make you complete. I can imagine your family's portrait, sunshine smile and joy.

haemoglobin is our blood which determine the iron level in our so happy for u n violet its a very good achievement.

folic acid helps prevent defects during early can be taken if u r ttc or during gynae also provide me for 1st trimester only some gynae will give thru out the whole pregnancy.but dun worry i think its ok if u follow n take whatever those multivitamin given by ur gynae.
