Premature babies support group

medela - impt which model of pump u use. I use one medela pump forget which one wasnt so gd. the other models for medela was better. Thk coz that model meant for 2-3x a day but I was using > 5x a day. so it got spoilt and motor not strong. double pump meant for regular use, no limit per day is better. havent tried ameda. tried 3 models for medela. swing is gd, PIS also. I have Swing but its single pump.

for premmie esp, need pump ard 6-8x a day for dunno how long. so gd pump which can pump regularly is impt. double pump saves time, and heard better stimulation than single


Ya, my boy goes home with a cannula. it is vey easy to manage but just tat always restrict in the room due to the machine. cannot go anyway, unless using a portable oxygen cylinder.
really ah?? Breastpump does make a difference...then i need to invest on good one too. waste $ leh, I bought 2 electric medala, 1 manual one, so I got three in total!! now if not good, got to invest in another! wow!!!gg11 if you have good deal on breastpump let me dunno medala has so many types!

i see...daec, hope ur baby grows well, and can absorb all the nutrients!!

i think for both of us, we really need to see what god's plan has for us...

Sorry to intrude. I have an almost new Medela PIS Advanced 2008 Metro Bag version for sale.

The PIS Advanced is a very good pump and suitable for daily use. The motor is also very durable.

This is a US import set so there is no warranty. I will be providing an ORIGINAL medela adapter for SG use. I got the original adapter as I feel its safer that way. Furthermore, if you accidentally use the wrong adapter, you'll fry your pump.

This set has been used occasionally for the past 7 weeks. I usually latch on directly and only express now and then to store so the pump is in good condition. In fact, the storage bottles have never been used as I express directly into glass bottles to stock. Nonetheless, I will be providing the replacements for the softfit shields and the valves and membranes. This means the set you are getting is really as good as new.

Metro Bag is more expensive than the shoulder bag and the backpack as the pump comes in its own carrying case. If next time you don't want to use the pump, the bag also looks nice enough to be used as a working bag.

2008 version is better than 2007 version as the 2 phase technology is improved. You can toggle between 1st phase and 2nd phase with a button. This is not available in the 2007 version.

As the set is really almost new and I am providing replacement parts, I would like to sell for $420 negotiable. Pump available immediately upon confirmation.
I have been wanting to get sweater for D&D, but I quite fussy
I prefer no hoodie kind lor
hi kkh
so your edd is 3 week of Feb since mine is 31 Jan 08?

The Medela PISA cost S$599 (at FIrst Years) cos it is a double pump, so can pump both sides at the same time. I saw from the Robinson catalogue that the Ameda package cost $350 for cardmembers during their 25 - 26 Dec sale. It consist of the Lactaline (breast pumps), Ardo Breastfeeding CD, The First Years Lanoline Mist (anyone knows what is this?) and nursing pads. Original price was $454.70.

Xiaowanzi, is this a good deal?

During my bedrest times at home, I search the internet for breast pumps. The pumps from US are much cheaper, but there is no warranty from the Singapore distributors. Meaning if anything goes wrong, have to send back to US.

Think I may get this Ameda set cos from the internet, they say this is the lightest and the quietest among the 3 well-known brand. Actually, Avent is supposed to be good cos the suction is not fixed...meaning the pump will learn from you how you want to be pumped and then automate that. Also, it comes with manual pump as well...if no power, can pump manually. But then can't be operated with batteries. Another negative point is that the parts of the pump and the bottles that come with it are not BPA free.

Hi DayC
Are you on bedrest or MC now? I have a friend whose baby's growth was not good as well. Gynae put her on MC till she gave birth. Then baby came out 3.6kg!! She said gynae said cannnot be stress so must keep calm and rest well.

For me, gynae said my baby's growth is good becos I am lying in bed, so the nutrients will get to the baby. If you are not resting in bed, maybe you should try to do so...
Thinks is a good deal. Cos without sales time, it cost $380 (without any free gift). Moreover, robinson card has another 5% discount.

Better go down early, Last time i went down during sales time, it all sold out.

Me also tends to go Robinson to see any good deal.
so many good news.. sale lah, violet gaining weight, bbies in nicu putting on weight! wat a good yr end! let's hope for more good news!

u watch too much little nonya.. hahah.. somemore zhi fu wei hun. and i secretly think little violet loves durian! look at her weight gain! yippee!!!

jane and kkf
try the sweaters from fox? simple cool and nice! got no hoodies one lah. like didi said, now got sale.
morning mommies..

think 1st time i'm earlier 2 post than kkf heehee..woke up at 5.30am 2 prepare cheese sandwiches 4 ws' sch xmas party later. but it's raining now troublesome 2 bring stuff out on raining days..

well done! 1.9kg is very good weight. it's close 2 wat u were aiming 4 rt? jia you.

will b flying 2 bangkok with hubby on fri
yeh yeh... hope can enjoy & not miss ws 2 much

lastly, merry xmas & happy new year to everyone & ur family..

kkf, i know u dun celebrate xmas, but try 2 think of the good things, esp w violet now
gg11, you are in week 35 now? wow good leh. My edd is 27th feb so a month away. But dun think baby will come out that on should be around january too (very happy liao).

daec, you reminded me, during my stay at kkh, there was a lady who gave birth thru c-section, heard her say baby in scn, cause very small...I was wondering why full term very small? I think she may have similar case like urs?

dm, enjoy your trip!

yes, yes, happy violet is gaining weight. Hopefully she will be 2kg by week 31. Then not much to worry.

Dm, sure will like to think of good things. I dun celebrate christmas cause I feel that if I celebrate, it is like letting down my elder boy as it is supposed to be his death anniversary.

He will always be in our heart.

xbliss, haha, thats my favorite show! was so unhappy cannot watch that in c class ward cause most of the patients are malays!
still counting each Day as a blessing and gift.

really dunno when painful contractions will come and will give birth...everyday thinking when will it be?? Only god knows.

But each day that passes is truely an extra gift to me.
hi kkf's a nice morning to sleep but can't sleep...

me not yet 35 34weeks + 4 days. u know, we always very precise right? counting day by day

managed to convince my hubby to let me go back office for a while later for my dept's christmas happy cos can see my colleagues after soooooooooooo long. but of course i promise to sit and not stand, and only for an hour. he'll come back and fetch me aft an hour - but better than nothing.

sometimes i watch the little nonya too...but skip some episodes cos watch until so angry...the good pp are unbelievably good, and the bad ridiculously bad.
me happen to quit just before preggy. last time, I was on MC but baby still small. tho at home, stil have some stresses coz may be moving hse and well..hubby got retrenched. relying on my savings for everything. move hse - decision maker is my parents as staying with them.

yea prob tt lady similar reason as me. tho I have medela swing ( spent $300 on that). I likely buy another double pump if baby premmie. if not premmie, no need ah. sigh another $400+ ?? I bought swing single pump coz I was planing to quit job so thot no need so gd one. but quitting was delayed one yr+ due to the hse issues.
yah think if baby premature then buy a good pump, else will use back the old ones, not to waste money, not having any more liao.

Anyway, dun think i will breastfeed for long as I will be going back to work after 4 months of maternity, by then should have stopped breastfeeding...bor bian.

gg11, me exactly about 4 weeks away. haha. 30 + 5 days.

Dun worry lar, you already very stable liao. I asked the gynae liao, she said 34 weeks baby doesn't need to be hook up with tubes or wat. can go home with mummy, at most just stay a day for observation, then next day can go home liao (your baby should be above 2kg liao right?). you can walk about liao liao, just let natural takes its course from now. who noes? you walk walk walk, baby may not even want to come out now.
if i am in 34 weeks, no more bed rest for me. I will start going anywhere i like...(i just fear contraction pains...sob sob, scary!)

If baby wants to come out will just let her comes out...
oh gynae says she delivers twins also around 34 weeks one, and both can go home very fast. so u really can relax now. dun need to stay in bed? you can start moving around in your house liao, i guess...

when i am finally in week 34, think u already will have given birth or preparing too, by then you will be in week 37 liao lor.

looking forward!!
have one fren- she use Medela PIS, pump milk at work for almost 2 yrs! saw her pump once, wah within 10min - 2 full bottles. damn shiok.

gd for u ! happpy for u that u are crossing to wk 31 soon ;)
<font color="119911">w</font><font color="ff0000">i</font><font color="119911">s</font><font color="ff0000">h</font><font color="119911">i</font><font color="ff0000">n</font><font color="119911">g</font> <font color="ff0000">u</font> <font color="119911">a</font> <font color="ff0000">m</font><font color="119911">e</font><font color="ff0000">r</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="ff0000">y</font> <font color="119911">c</font><font color="ff0000">h</font><font color="119911">r</font><font color="ff0000">i</font><font color="119911">s</font><font color="ff0000">t</font><font color="119911">m</font><font color="ff0000">a</font><font color="119911">s</font> <font color="ff0000">t</font><font color="119911">o</font> <font color="ff0000">a</font><font color="119911">l</font><font color="ff0000">l</font>

tk care and good health to all mummies n babies.
Yup, PIS is good, I am using that and yes, within 10mins, I can get 2 full bottles (those kkh provide for), and the hospital grade one at NICu is THE Best !!!
hi kkf
my gynae very kiasu one. he still didn't allow me to walk around now, my hubby also. am seeing gynae on Sat and see what he says. but actually, i can't walk alot as well cos when I walk for too long, i can feel the pressure from the baby at the cervix pushing down. then i have to find a place to sit immediately cos i scared the stitch will tear.

i think it is because of the bedrest that i have no strength now. can't walk for long cos legs would be so tired. last sun when i was out for lunch, i felt faint...think becos have not been walking for very long. hope to be able to gain my strength back.

day c, must rest well ok?
gg11 &amp; kkf,
my ger born @34wks. no need tube. though stayed in NICU for 2wks+, cos she's low birth weight. no breathing prob, but can't suck well, cos no strength. so stayed in NICU 2 gain weight. u r rt, 34wks, most of the internal organs alrdy matured.

dun think will b logging in for the next few days, cos tmrw will b out whole day &amp; flying off on sat, anyhow, u 2 take care ok..

'see' all next wk
gg11, same same, i also leh...very weak now due to not much walking...i dun have much stamina now as well. ;( i always wonder if i have the energy to give birth... now sitting too long, i also feel a bit weak or rather breathless?

but think we really got to try walking at later stage, else not energy or stamina to push? dunno leh...
just came in and read about you. Jia You!!
My twins came out at 34 weeks too and both stayed for less than 2 weeks in SCN.
Don't worry too much and try to talk to Violet as much as possible.
hi kkf
i don't even know how to give birth leh :p
now when i walk, i got not much strength...also, when i stand for too long, i feel the stress on cervix...can feel baby pushing. when i feel that, i immediately sit down cos i scared the stitch will come off and baby will come out.

i'm seeing my gynae this sat..will let you know what he says. when is your next appt with your gynae? this time is at kk or mt e?
morning. gg11, my appointment with kkh is tomorrow, and with mount E is next friday.

i thought of maybe giving birth in kkh and stay c class ward. Cause want to save medisave for future use...dun want to spend so much medisave. kids tend to fall sick very easily during early years (my boy in out hospital dunno how many times during his early years), so thought should save medisave.

no lar, dun think baby comes out so easily, no painful contractions, baby cannot be out one.

Merry Christmas!

kkf and gg11
As I was on bed rest since day 1, after I gave birth prematurely at 6mths....I thought I could walk but I actually fell when I got off the bed myself for the 1st time. I felt that I couldn't control my leg and for the next one month, I walked like floating....I remembered KKH prescribed me one pair of socks that would help with blood circulation and we're supposed to wear it and do some leg exercise daily when on bed rest...wonder if you ladies are wearing the socks?

gg11, my personal experience is giving birth is like "passing motion" but with intense pain. When the contraction come, you are suppose to push with the mouth shut...not screaming....push at the right time and baby will come out fast as according to the midwife, anyhow push result in wastage of energy....but in theory, it sounds easy, most mothers get so confused with the intense pain.

Angel Jared is in our prayers.

Wow, holidays nice!!
merry xmas to all mummies!!!

jia you!!and rest well.hope everything gg smoothly.

dun worry too much liao each day pass very fast de.violet will stay inside guai guai.

jia you n take care u r almost there
happy holidays to all mummies and babies!

now u have crossed a huge milestone and moving towards "fuller" term (hee,cant find a better word), y not treat urself and violet to pte hospital? it's not every pregnancy that we get to do so, esp for us. money can always earn back one. it's a nice way of celebrating yours and violet's extraordinary feat! my 2 cents worth! well, or at least take A class in kkh??? break history there and let the gyneas "die po yan jing"! heheh..
thanks precious one for sharing...i shall remember that

kkf, i went robinson today. the centrepoint one was ridiculous...the queue to carpark was sooooooooo long. in the end, went to the raffles city one. bought the ameda dual breast pump as per Xiaowanzi's recommendation. anyway, that's the cheapest. Medela PISA cost $754 before 20% discount and Philips Avent duo pump cost $799 before 20%.'ll be 31 weeks tomorrow!!! Another 1 week will be 32 weeks and you can reward yourself!!!!
btw, anyone signed up for cordlife or stemlife? or intending to sign up? wondering if i should sign up. i thought it was good but my hubby thinks it's a gimmick...
we sign up stemcord for our no.1, no.2 came out too sudden, have not alias with them at tat time. so far if i not wrong there are only 1-2 cases they used the cord blood to save life. to me, i think it is good to have la.. of cos hope tat we no need to use it la
good morning mummies

busy with clearing work during eve of xmas hence did not log in. hope all mummies had a great holiday

kkf just text me. she was admitted to KKH yesterday as she has got some bleeding. doctors diagnosed and metnion that she seem to have a bit of vaginal infection but dunno if that is the cause so today she is still there for observations.

She did not have lap top with her but she will text to let us know her updates.

*kkf - waiting for u to write from home soon*

violet jia you
gg11, fairylander
thx! both of u take care too ya

wat i learn from doula is that birth is those uterus muscles, urmmm - no need 'exercise them'. exercise kegel will help. doula also say dun scream, keep mouth relaxed/loose as there is some relation from that area to down there hehe. if have to make noise, make low tone noises. like if wan to lao sai kinda noise as it focuse energy down there so 'down and out birth canal',push baby out. if scream - energy go 'up and out throat' so not used for push baby. hope u understand my explaination. dunno how to say also hehe

natural birth 1-2days at hosp only 1 or 2 days rite ? not too bad ah. csection is abt 5 days so sien
hi day-C

that time the team also told me not to scream :p. i was on gas mask. i know what u were saying abt the way to breath and push. its really like passing motions :p.
hi all mummies..

jus saying hello...

kkf.. hope all is fine... hope u r bck home soon wif violet still in u.. n ride out the nxt few wks till she cms out as a 2009 bb. tk cr.

gg11.. tk cr. jia you! u gals r doing so well. i wish i hav ur determination when my nxt time cms.

re: medela
i had bought n used the PIS advanced. v v v gd pump had no issues wif the leak into the pipes. e pumping time is v v short. v convenient when i went back to wrk too.

arvin's turning 1 this sunday. it has been a long yr. but its amazing having seen him grow frm a tiny bb to who he is now. i still remember last yr when i spent xmas in bed at kk. yes... the c class wards usually filled wif lotsa malay mummies wif lotsa family cooing ovr their bbs.
but the wait we had was all worth it.


thanks to all mummies for sharing on this thread. it has helped me gain a better insight to premmies n how u mummies had persevered thru all ur adversities. its was such a pity tt i had cm across this quite late. aniwaez.. happy holidays to all.
hi mummies,

day-c, ur explicit sharing of the pushing is so ... !! hahahah...

arvin such a handsome boy now eh?! must be busy right now with the preparations?

hope to see you post at home soon
hi xbliss,
thanks. well not planning to do any big bash. we'r jus doing a small road trip to JB and stay at a hotel for 2 days. jus btw us and our parents. its our first overseas trip.. heheh... hope all goes fine. dun hav courage to venture anywhr till nw.. closest we cld find.. JB. hahah.

looking forward to do a big one when he grows older.
Yo all mummies

Happy boxing day!

Had a tiring Christmas as my no.4 Edail was sick... Down with viral fever on Tuesday. Fever went all the way up to 39.6... Sponging her n din rest well... went for christmas countdown.. Little Ezann enjoyed the most

I signed up stemcord for my no.4. As for my premie, cos was too sudden n too premie, doc say the cord blood is too little n not suitable to collect. Anyway, it's a peace of mind lor... Heard from my sis that for actor chew, it was said that stem cells can help in his muscular astrophy.. Cord blood suitability for parents is 20%.. Guess it is gd if u can... In my opinion
can do referral to get discount for the new sign up. Let me know if u r keen. Mine is with stemcord


Enjoy ur trip n ur special ti,e with ur hb

Gd to hear that Siang is progresing well
oh happy belated birthday to Jayvier (strawberry boy) and happy birthdy to arvin (mimeole boy)

Season greetings. thanks thanks. siang came out premature hence i did not sign for the cord blood. Hope your ger recover fast.
jane.. thanks.

precious_one, thank u... i think he gets e gd genes frm hubby. hahah..

re: storing cord blood
i tooo had read sooo much abt it and had really wanted t sign up.. even had a mt up appt scheduled wif one of their 'sales' pple but as everything soo fast n unexpected we never got arnd to doing it. praying hard n fingers crossed tt i'll nv nv nv need it.
harlo...i wanted to sign up but bb came out too soon and oso cldnt make it as they need to be a certain number of weeks then can sign up....if too premature...cant...

yr boy is vy handsome and adorable..congrats, he has come a long way...
feel like so fast ha - ur boy already 1yr. big boy la. Happy Birthday to Arvin. cheers to Arvin,u and hubby for reaching thus far ;)

heheh ;)
hi costa... thanks.. ya i still remember how small he was... looking so vulnerable.. n during the months i used to worry worry tt he seemed to be not putting on wt n catching up wif his peers.. but when i look bck.. i realised hw much he has caught on... he has grown sooo much... i used to hav him on my chest.. so small n now smtimes i so back pain when carry him too long.. haha... at the end of the day our bb will grow up n reach their milestones or maybe not.. but they've come so far n they r progressing at their own pace.. it's a blessing itself.
hi mummies
thanks for all the sharing

take care! hope to see your posting soon. it's good that you seek help immediately after you discover problem. at least we know that you are in good hands in hospital. don't worry too much can call for the nurses anytime!!! like what my hubby says...we paid for the CRIB service leh...
