Premature babies support group

Hi gals,

Its been a long time since I last dropby here.. Alot of things has been happening to me..

I lost my 2nd bb at 5 - 6wker yest.. I was found pregnancy in mid dec and yest went to see my previous gynae cos I starting to hav heavy bleeding and cramps and gynae said my womb was full of blood.. he is not optimisstic about the whole situation and advise an immediate D & C.. I cried and cried and cried.. I dun know y everything happen to me like this.. My 1st child is a premature and now my 2nd one is miscarriage.. Is my womb really so unhealthy??

I can tell that my hubby is very sad but he is trying to act strong for me.. when I 1st realise I was pregnant I was so so happy.. But I didnt know things will turn out this way..

hi powergal,
i was looking for u. posted in your shoutbox when i din see you here. i am sorry about what happened. i deeply understand how it is like to lose a child. i lost my first at 19wks, and my second at 28wks. It's tough but over time, those sad memories will go into a safe place in our heart and then we will feel better.

I am on leave these 2 wks and thought we could meet up since we are near. pm me when u feel better k? take care
hi mummies, finally discharged today again!

Doctors actually said my cervix became thinner liao, 2.7cm, so a bit worried now, hope baby can hang in there for at least 32 weeks, then 33 and finally 34 weeks. Not very optimisstic now. Just counting each day as an extra gift.

gg11, yup, I already signed up with cordlife, cause my 2nd boy with cordlife as well. Yes, he was premature and the collection was very little (pathetic), but then hubby said still stored as in future might have ways to multiply the cord blood? We just store. If you store the first, 2nd one will be cheaper, so I just carry on to store for 2nd, so now whenever I go to kkh, will carry the cordlife thing with me.

Powergal, sorry to hear that, maybe you try to strengthen your womb first? Dun think too much. I lost my first at week 23, that was very terrible, can understand how u feel, but just remember, what you need now is to rest and rest, and to strengthen your body.

mimeole, happy birthday to ur boy. Yah lor, c class ward a lot a lot of malays. so envy, giving birth to them like so easy. envy lor.
hi powergal

sorry to hear that. Don't be sad. as xbliss has said those sad memories will go into a safe place in our heart and then we will feel better

PM me if u need somone to chat. But yes, do rest well and have a good rest. its important to recuperate.
didi, oh no..i must be thinking too much abt adoption..whe u say fox got sales..i think of fox adoption services... :p i never get 2 full bottles with hospital medela leh

gg11..ehehe.nothign much for boys..thats why we gal mommies all broke :p re bb bills..thats why for some of us when we realise we are giving birth prematurely we go KKH instead..its cheaper.... i usually use just hot water in cup to warm up milk..but there was one time when my gal takes 1 hr to fini 1 bottle and the bottle warmer was a godsend cos i dont have to keep getting fresh hot water (i was feeding middle of the night with the bb in my arms)... re ameda, if u r using battery instead of DC, suction will be pretty bad... (i've tried that before)...

xiaowanzi... could it be eczema?

xbliss, so what did ur hb say when u say no NO2?

munyi, sayang... just for ur stats.. i was in ward B (4 bedder) in govt hospital and my gal's bill was $10K for 22 days in SCN (no NICU)... so m'sia govt H bills actually very good... but i duno the quality of the doc there lah (some pp dont like msia govt H)...

mimeole, happy bd to arvin!

mummylian, i thot i watch from the news that day that they say stem cell/marrow will not work for chew chor meng?

powergal.. *sayang* pls take care of ur health ok....

kkf, welcome back! so did doc say if the bleeding is due to the infection? did they weigh violet again?
hi bloom when kkh did the scan they said violet only 1.7kg, sad...
but ann tan said 1.9kg, dunno who to believe.

Anyway, really hope next time i go hospital will be to give birth, and sharing good news with you all!!

The doctor did say bleeding may be due to infection, but anyway, they said my cervix has thinned to 2.7cm, and last time they told me cervix dilated to 1cm (now dunno wat cm), i believe those bloody discharge i had is mucus plug or rather "show".

So I really think i will give birth anytime, just depending when!

I just hope to have a smooth and safe delivery and baby violet can be born healthy and strong.

Anyway, I think it is just destined that i cannot carry baby to full term.
But violet is really doing better than her two brothers liao. Hope she will continue to do well.

Now counting each day as an extra gift. but really, think will give birth very soon.
sad to hear ur news. think its just fate, this things do happen. even to those who have carried fullterm babes, it can happen to anyone for no clear reason. happen to quite few mums I kno. dun blame urself ok.. rest well, take care

1.7kg or 1.9kg - both gd ;) its okla if not fullterm - most impt is healthy and hope for minimal time in hospital. violet and u are the inspiration for rest of us. take care
hi kkf
please stay in bed and be good gal like what my gynae always ask me to do. That should buy us some time...

Went to see gynae yesterday...supposed to do another detailed scan next week to check if the baby is ok. Think if the detailed scan shows that baby is ok, then gynae would take the stitch out cos he said usually after a few days the stitich is taken out, the baby will come out. I'm supposed to monitor fetal movements now and plot onto a chart.

i remember reading in a book that the weight of the baby through scan not very accurate. Can defer by 250g from actual. I think that's why the measurements by dr ann tan and kkh are different.

Actually, you never know...Violet might just stay inside you till 35 weeks like me. My cervix was opening up when I was in my week 25 / 26. Let's just do what we can to the best and ask baby to cooperate with us.

Be good

infection?! if infection gotta deliver immediately right. i delivered yilin early was because of infection. or maybe my water bag burst already so afraid tat the infection will goes to her.
Hi YAN, my infection is in urine, so just need antibiotics. Hope all will be fine though.

gg11, never pin much hope, actually i still have sticky discharge with blood now. Think i am really losing my mucus plug.

But have decided if water bag never bursts and no painful contractions and no active bleeding, shall not go panic, as afterall, going hospital is just hooked up on monitor observe observe and observe.
u and violet have braved all that you can and are in the last lap! even if it's few more days or weeks, u 2 must cheng xia qu.. hmmm.. i was thinking, if really have to, then be the first bb on 1 jan 09! get lotsa hampers from sponsors!!
jia you. violet you have been a good gal, listen to mommy....
me too had urinary infection, panic when i see blood in my urine...

u 2 jia you
The one at NICU is GOOD !!! over there is 2 and 1/2 bottles for me, the pump very powerful
never mind, so long as you got milk for your bb
kayden is soo cute. it saddened my heart to see him with tubes...reminded me of my boy. hope my little princess doesn't have to go thru these...
You are so pretty and so is your family.

Jia are almost there! Violet is a strong girl.

Anyway I was told previously by the NICU nurse that baby girl has stronger will power than boy?? True?? Don't know....

Tonight I am going to KL by car....this is the first time leaving Singapore with just hb and me. A will be at in law house. I'm looking forward to shopping. Happy New Year !
Hi kkf,

Hope you are resting well at home. I was looking for a good gynae to seek for 2nd opinion on performing the cerclage (stitch procedure). May I know what is her consultation and scan charges?

Jia You! Hope you can hold as long as possible


Be strong. Hope you can try and have good news soon.


Have you give your boy ikan bilis, rice and spaghetti now? I now giving to my boy yogurt leh. my boy seems boring with the porridge now.
kai, ann tan charges is very ex. think 80 for consultaion, around 200 plus for scan. I always spend ard 300.
jia you! saw jane's post & was worried. but i lost ur hp no. so wanted to sms jane, but saw ur post. glad tat u r discharged frm hospital alrdy. take care..

had a fantastic time w hubby in bkk. we juz eat & shop & eat & shop...think put on weight these 3 days liao la haha. didn't buy a lot of stuff 4 ws this trip cos i bought a lot 4 her when i went in aug. but hubby bought a lot. lots of gifts 4 pple 2.

okie..juz drop in 2 say hi...
hi hi! wow so many posts i very overwhelmed.. hehe.. i reply watever i remember k?

hi hi! me and bryan are good.. esp cos his mum and dad on leave so busy training him to walk and exposing him to many new things! how are you getting along in ur pregnancy? we all rooting for u preggy mamas here k?

hi hi. my boy still not good with lumpy stuff like rice, but i intro him new stuff nonetheless so he wont get bored or fussy. i have been giving a lot of biscuits which he likes, cake, bread, fruits, macaroni, cheese, egg custards. and cos he is small eater, we even expose him to some adult foods which are suitable, hopefully he can like the taste and eat more.. no choice cos he still so small size, if fight in childcare next time sure lose.. hahaha

enjoy the trip!!! honestly i still cannot bring myself to go tour without bryan. simply cannont bear the separation so i guess i will slowly have to wean myself away! might be easier after he starts childcare in april. so fast hor, 18 months in apr (chronological).
Precious One,
I still sort of missed the food and a a wee bit of nite life there
where are you staying ? near bukit bintang ?
Hey thanks mummies for all ur comforting words.. I m feeling better but still cramp and bleed after the D & C on boxing day (a day I will never forget.. sighzz..)

kkf, jia you jia you!! U r almost there and I m sure Violet will be a healthy bb..

xbliss, I stay in Blk 270A :p my hubby is also not working cos of the holidays this whole week.. Is Bryan starting to walk a few step yet? I pm u my hp no so that we can sms each other..

They can take cheese now? You give 1 pc cheese for breakfast with bread? I think i have to change different type leh since my boy now eat then vomit out the porridge. How do you cook for the macaroni? Can we add salt to dishes for our baby to eat ?
Morning Mummies...still hanging there.

Glad u are ok now powergal, dun worry, strengthen ur body now, and prepare for next pregnancy.

Actually to me, over 30 weeks is good enough liao...i mean most of us have our babies under 30 now to me over 30 weeks is an acheivement. Just hope violet can be over 32 weeks, and yah, next time i go hospital, hope is to give birth, and not to go in then observe observe observe, very tired of that.

hey gg11, never log in yesterday? you given birth liao?
i am thinking scarely you all see me on newspaper on 01/01/2009, haha, first baby born in new year? hahahaha. daydream.
kkf, to further encourage u, my sis 1st child is a 32 weeker and she is borned 2.02kg only but she discharged together with her mummy.. So I m very very sure Violet can go home with u the same day u discharge..

As for strengthening my body, I didnt take any tonic except once my mum cook one for me last Sat.. I m planning to go see TCM but rite now I m still bleeding so gotta wait for it to clear before I can do anything to bu my body..
nope, am still at home but walking around more now
the cervic stitch still there, so can't have given birth yet. gynae said the workmanship of the stitch very good, so stitch still keeping baby in and cervix not opening up. went pedicure yesterday
can't walk long...will get giddy and need to sit down. am still reading all the postings here. was also looking at the overseas spree to see if got things to buy.

looking forward to my detailed scan on fri. if everything's ok, hope gynae will remove the cervix stitch so that baby can come out anytime he wants. i'm hanging on to my 36 weeks this coming Sat. You should be 32 weeks this Fri right? Let's jia you together!!!

hi powergal
take care. one of my colleagues had to remove her baby when she was about 8 weeks as the gynae could not detect any heartbeat. that was early this year. now, she is a happy pregnant woman of 23 weeks. don't stress yourself and keep yourself relax. for all of us here, babies are a blessing.

ever since i was discharged from the hospital in late oct, everytime i go to the toilet, I will pray to God and ask that I will not have any blood or abnormal discharge, tightenings or contractions, and that baby can stay inside me till he is safe to be born. so everyday i just pray a lot of times...and now, more than 2 months have passed. i also never expect myself to last so long. when i was watching tv after discharge, sometimes, there will be trailers showing new shows starting in end Nov, in Dec, mid Dec....etc. i always ask myself, when these shows are being shown, what would i be doing? baby born yet or i would still be preganant and watching tv?
haha same here gg11, i go toilet also fear the same things! I hope everyday, no contractions, no bleeding, no waterbag burst etc. Hope to drag till at least 32 weeks, then 33, then 34, dun dare think so far.

Powergal! your sis baby born 32 weeks, can go home together? i thought babies less than 34 weeks, no matter how heavy must stay in hospital to observe one leh. your sis baby must be very strong!

wow, do inform us when you give birth gg11! i also go to bulk purchase to see if any things to buy. haha. you noe nowadays, if i buy things, will quickly transfer the $, cause really dunno when will give birth. I just hope next time i go hospital will be to give birth, more straight foward, dun put me on observation again, very sianz...
gg11, I read under miscarriage thread and I did read up a few successful pregnancies after a MC and I m feeling alittle hopeful.. But still, the fear is there.. 1st child premature, 2nd one MC, what r my chances of having another healthy one, I really dun know..

kkf, yahh.. My niece discharged together with her and she is a 32weeker (even earlier than my 34weeker).. Mayb becos hers was a private hospital, East Shore and bb is healthy and drink well ba? I think 35 gestation and above 2kg is set by KKH..
no lar, powergal, 34 weeks not that premature, just preterm a bit. dun worry. it is best to wait 2 years before trying another based on some medical reports. So maybe your body is just not ready?

Really ah? then think i go mount E give birth...haha, maybe baby can go home with me!! hmm...if baby can wait till friday week 32, then I go mount E?
kkf, yah I shd hav wait for 2yrs later then try.. My gynae said after this D & C, 2 cycles later I can TTC again.. I was quite surprised cos I thought at least must wait for 6mths.. Anyway wont be TTC so soon.. My menses always haywire one, gotta tiao yan for awhile and make sure it goes accurately before I TTC again.. dun wana risk things ba..

My boy is still very small size now, everytimes ppl will comment he small size for a coming 15mth, I will just reply oh, he premature ma.. cos I too lazy to explain liao.. hahaha.. bad mummy.. :p Anyway he still weigh 8.2kg at 14mth++ now, faint leh.. I wonder when can he reach 9kg leh..

As for Mount E, I dun know they do the same as East Shore but I m sure as long as bb can breathe and suck well, every hospital will discharge the bb with his/her mummy..
hi kkf
then you might have seen me in the bulk purchase cos bought a no of things liao
now considering whether to join the amazon spree or to order on my own cos the toys from US are much much cheaper compared to Singapore. Just don't know how much are the shipping charges.

Will inform all of you when I give birth

also, i think you can last till week 32 if you kuai kuai stay in bed. think if under bedrest, at least there is no pressure pushing the baby. that's what my gynae always tell a good gal and continue staying in bed and we will take 1 step at a time (my hubby sometimes imitates him) though in every visit, i always ask him if i can be off bedrest yet...i think it pays off
so you must too!!!!

thought you wanted to go kkh give birth if premature cos cheaper?? now change your mind to go mt e liao?
yeah I read in medical book abt premmies baby girls tend to do better than boys. if look ard in ICU/SCN, tend to be more baby boys or longer time for baby boys than girls. thk its genetic rather than willpower. I did read elsewhere the female gender is more hardy/endure than the men hehe ;) something to do with coz they are the ones to bear the next generation.

a fren's fullterm baby is also underweight. thk less than 10kg though abt 18mths. pediatrician didnt complain much tho.
Hi day-C, actually I m not worried about his weight now.. I sort of get to the fact that my boy is never those chubby chubby type.. Now that he walk and whenever he walk next to his daddy, I will always said to my hubby, Big House See Small House.. hahahhaa.. cos my hubby super big size when my boy super small size..
Good day to all mummies

kkf jia you
and rest and rest

we always say, weight is not a problem as long as baby is healthy
. craydon is doing great and i belive heaven will bless u with another healthy sibiling (s?) for craydon. Its important at this stage to take good care of yourself.

Signing in to wish all mummies here a Happy 2009. I am off tomorrow and only be back at work in the New Year. TO Year 2009, may all kids be healthy and happy. May all mummies be free from all worries
happy always
gg11, wat you bought? you got see the sales of kidzcottage? they have a few toys selling cheaply. can buy for your baby, somemore got free diaper bag if above $10. haha.

btw, mind if i ask u your age? you are in your 20s or 30s? I am 30 this year.

Yah, will try to guai guai stay in bed, unless go toilet and to makan (go dinning area).

Dunno leh, if baby can go home with me, giving birth at mount E will be ok, if baby cannot go home...then will be very ex!

But thinking of saving medisave too...medisave almost zero after my boy's stay in hospital at nicu for 2 months last time...

Yah, think gals do better than boys. I m 27 weekers, stay only 1.5 months in hospital only leh.

as long as healthy, dun think weight of the child plays any long as not very underweight.

gg11, you can start planning full month celebration, find confinement lady etc. then you will have things to do liao.
hi jane, happy new year too! may siang grows healthy and strong everyday! and may 2009 be a wonderful year for you!
hi kkf
very much looking forward to 2009. May Year 2009 be a very wonderful year for you, dash, violet and your hubby

happy shopping and rest well
that's gd u not worried abt the weight. hehe cant say leh - when later grow up more, become more big like ur hubby eg.when teenage, adulthood ;)
I hope not leh cos my hubby really big size already.. If Craydon gotta be bigger size then him, I will faint.. hahahaa..
actually when i was still a baby borned 27 weeks plus and discharged from hospital, i was very small and tiny. The neighbour told my mum "this child will never grow up", but then look at me now, 172cm, and well weight very a lot. haha.

haha...powergal, me feeling the same way! and imagine, i have been staying at home since start of pregnancy, full 7 months!!! sianz....

right now, still sooooooooo sianz.

sometimes really hope to give birth soon...
