Premature babies support group

u steady lei, still will bring stool sample to hospital, think i will forgot to do all this lor....

when i was warded, my bed was next to the nursery. was feeling very sad when i saw babies wheeled out to their parents, hearing babies crying in the middle of the night, whereas i cant even hear my own daugther's cry... and leaving the hospital empty handed....
this is Paige

jia you.better dun move too much.i remember the last time wen my water bag leak at 32 weeks i stay at gelneagles and my gynae not allow me to move so much also.go anywhere also sit wheel chair.

jia you!!and take good care of urself.

im gg to see gynae tis sat.hope bb grow well tis time.gynae confirm its a boy on last visit.
hi mummies

kkf just text me. she has been arranged to go into labor ward now. she was getting ready to be discharged for home when she realised there is discharge (blood).

will keep everyone posted if she text me on her updates.
Tks for updating us on kkf. Let's all pray together that both kkf and violet will be alright.

Hello Shelllow and Paige ---- yeah, i was so sad i didn't get to hear my own baby cry for the 1st 18mths cos trachy baby has her vocal cord block by the tracy tube. Her cries and joy is from her facial expression.
Thanks God she is so chatty now.

Talking about wheelchair, I'm also wheelchair bound throughout my whole pregnancy. I have my own wheelchair at home - borrowed from grandmum in law then. Everywhere I go, I'm on wheel chair even at home.

The thought of going through another pregnancy is a nightmare!

I salute kkf's courageous in trying for no. 3.
Tks for updating us on kkf. Let's all pray together that both kkf and violet will be alright.

Hello Shelllow and Paige ---- yeah, i was so sad i didn't get to hear my own baby cry for the 1st 18mths cos trachy baby has her vocal cord block by the tracy tube. Her cries and joy is from her facial expression.
Thanks God she is so chatty now.

Talking about wheelchair, I'm also wheelchair bound throughout my whole pregnancy. I have my own wheelchair at home - borrowed from grandmum in law then. Everywhere I go, I'm on wheel chair even at home.

The thought of going through another pregnancy is a nightmare!

I salute kkf's courageous in going for no. 3.
ya.. agreed with precious_one.. i 1x only also scare liao, yet she tried 3x. now even no boy only 2 girls, i also contented already. i think my mil want boy, she only got 1 grandson and 3 granddaughters, including both my girls, but dun think i will wanna try again. bo bao 100% the next 1 will be boy boy wor... and prem labour chances are high too since got 1x prem..
jane, just pm u my hp no.. cos i wont login at home...

ji ren zi you tian xian..kkf and violet will go thru this smoothly...
that's gd that ur baby's weight is normal. coz besides the week that baby is born, baby weight is impt too. dr tell me best is to aim wk 34 at least and 2kg if can. 2kg is the weight marker at kkh so tt babies can go home. my baby last time wk 32 but only 1kg. hope all goes well for u.

I going KKH on monday morning for Nada appt. thinking to drop by see kkf if she's there. let's c if that will be ok

so poor thing u gals. hope they're better.
I'm malay but I also didnt feel comfy at kkh c-class ward as its so crowded, no privacy. worse on weekends, when so many visitors. cant bear it. I get my family to bring me out on wheelchair to escape hehe.

all the best for ur dr visit! wat week are u at ?
thanks daec,
the elder girl more or less ok.. baby still flu..

any mommies drop by pumpkin patch at novena? got any sale going on? there is a spree going on now but not sure the clothes can arrive before cny anot. after discount very worth it leh...
Actually hor, my pregnancy experience frightened everyone around me including my MIL. She saw me go through the pain and agony...soon after I have my girl, despite she hoping for boy, she told me, I can close shop liao. Luckily, the other younger SIL had a boy 2 mths after me to 传宗接代。

since you've my mobile no. can you forward me any news on kkf if there is. thanks!
luckily u have a understanding mil.
as for me, now maybe my mil won´t bring up this subject but years later... maybe she will. she likes more boys... i know.. my sil aready got 1 boy and 1 girl, aged 10 and 12. she is about 38-40 yrs old.. not very sure. when she saw a baby and say so cute, my mil ask her to have 1 more! my sil said they let nature takes its course. my mil was so happy. but i thnk my sil said tat to make her happy only la or to stop mil bugging at her... ha... cos she told me before she dun wanna go through those seepless nights wake up to make milk.. haa... moreover she going to be 40 already and the other 2 kids so big liao, y still wanna have baby now rite...
hi mummies

didnt log in for a long while...

kkf, gg11,
jia you & hang in there...

do let me know if any updates abt kkf too...
pm u my no..

got ur sms the other day.... wld go in to report attendance later...
thanks for remembering me... hehehe.. bag got stolen early this mth... lost wallet, ic, cards, hp etc... heng i still got ur no. in my old phone..
disneymickey, bloom and nana_ryan's mum (will keep you posted via hp) and all mummies

Thinking very much of kkf but i did not want to text her. thought let her rest and relax and take her time. afterall, infra-red from hp is not good for baby.

but once there is any news. shall let everyone know.

kkf..calling kkf. are you there?
hi shelllow
no news yet. i did log in and check my FB, yahoo messenger too, nothing. i am keeping all my windows open.
all, daec sms me yesterday around 8pm saying "hi kkf back to normal ward. she stress over e uncertainity boreddom there tho"

So I guess its good news ?
kkf, jia you jia you. u and violet can do it.

I was very stressed and felt very lonely everytime i was warded at kkh when i had bryan. i was warded for 4 times in total, one at wk 21, 24, 26 and 28. it is hard to calm myself down cos it is afterall not my home and everything is so unfamiliar. the only assurance i had was that the medical system was ready if i needed any help. I found it useful to write (esp when u got limited movement and things to do).. i wrote a lot when i was there.. like a diary. it was helpful to get things out of my mind. I also started writing positive stuff like things i will do with baby after discharge. it sure felt better.

i do hope you can regulate your emotions so baby violet can feel safe and calm.
I was warded a total of 7 times for a 6mths pregnancy....I was so anti-social, I drew my curtain closed around me...cos I hate noises, i relied on my hb visits also the radio and the tv. I was an unhappy preggy woman...real bad! Everywhere I go for checkup, I'm wheeled around in the hospital bed and then the onlookers staring .... so upsetting.

Nice to hear that you are back at the ward. Do not think of going home until the doc. said so. Resting in the hospital is boring but safe cos medical attention is fastest. Which ward are u in by the way? may be can visit you??
its sounds odd to me when pp tell me 'enjoy ur preggy' 'they miss being preggy'. uermm I wasnt happy being preggy either. only nice thing is feeling the movements. else pretty stressful, worrying. well being preggy - get more gd points/blessing for sure coz its a challenge only us strong women can do
Know what you mean
but actually I did sort of enjoyed my pregnancy with D&D
I enjoyed all the 'privileges' and enjoyed wearing the maternity clothes and eat what I like
but after my 'eventful' delivery, I will definitely be stressed if ever get preggie again
morning mommies,

normally seldom login on weekends..but juz try this morning c got kkf ard or not..but glad tat she's in normal ward alrdy & no news means violet still happily in mommy's tummy

actually i oso q enjoyed my pregnancy, till the last month, when i kenna the pre-eclampsia. during the pregnancy, everything was q smooth, no morning sickness at all. i even went brisbane when i was 4mths
got all the attention & privileges on plane & in AU..the thing tat scared us is the pre-eclampsia, WHAT IF the next pregnancy oso like tat? the physical & mental stress put us off for having 2nd child. kind of selfish of us, cos ws will b lonely, but dun think we wan 2 put ourselves thru the unnecessary stress, if possible.

btw, yestereday was my company's annual luncheon. 8th time going & 1st time i won a prize! but no use 2 me leh. it's a canon pixma iP3680 colour printer. anybody interested? i wan 2 sell cheap. hubby say list price is $139. i can go as low as $70. let me know if anyone is interested
afternoon mummies,
i do enjoy both my pregancies too.for my no.1.. i only have minor morning sickness for 1st 3mths, after tat my appetite is quite good and i m happy. can still go shopping ever near edd already. delivered 3days before edd

maybe 1st pregancy was too easy.. so no.2 i din take much precaution. work late at night, work night shift.. everything seem find. i still go shopping.. i m happy. enjoy previlages. but suddenly a few days before i admitted, i feel so tired, tummy feel heavier, and suddenly got brown discharge.
Hi all, I am at my in laws place! finally back! got discharged today, but wun be going home, cause need in laws to take care of me and dash, and also, nearer to kkh (very fearful).

Stayed in kkh 7 days! want my life. yesterday night, I slept all alone in the room (c class, 6 bedded), feeling terrible. all discharge except me!

Kinda envy those who given birth, everytime see their excitements and joys, really envy. How I wish violet can stay till at least 34 weeks, and I can enjoy that as well!

Now at my in laws place, also fearful, cause dunno when will it happen! But I tink really all fated, only god knows.

Thank you for all your concerns and encouragements, I am truely touch.

I also dunno where did I have the courage to try for 3rd. But I swear, no more. very frightening really, and I can understand precious one, dm etc fear of having another. I understand fully now.

I dun enjoy pregnancy at all!!! it is a torture!!!
cause I am on bed rest most of the time leh...

Anyway, hope I can chat with you and update you all that I am in week 31, 32, 33, 34 etc....hope violet be guai guai fromm now.

But honestly, I dun pin much hope, contractions plus bloody discharge, it is just a matter of when. hope can gets to hospital in time...and me and violet will be very safe, thats wat i hope for. least ur MIL is understanding....if its my MIL she might say thing like why-she-herself-got-no-probm kinda thing...

yan, 40 yo abit tough loh....

nana..oh yeah..forget abt ur bag (read from ur blog...)... no wonder u din reply for a few days :p

dm...same like me..i din have much MS... everything smooth (ok got abit of GD scare)... until the pre-eclampsia thingy..sighh..maybe u try to sell the printer at the WTS thread?

kkf...welcome back to HDB civilisation (compared to hospital civilisation)... so r u still having contractions and discharge? guess i wont be seeing u on monday. not good to impose on ur ILs... like what u say last time..just aim to complete 1 day by 1 30week day 1 liao... aim for day 2... .... then 31 week..then ... ...... then > 36 weeks!

to those mommy asking abt the adoption died down liao... (cos got some arguments inside).. but waht i get is... now gals (esp pure chinese) are harder to get..and the price is now $28K.....
Hi kkf
Good to have you discharged. I know it is better to be at home than in hospital. At least got more channels to watch on TV right?

Did the doctor give you ventolin 2mg? How many are you supposed to eat per day? How's your dilation?

Take it easy k? Don't get too excited. I tend to get excited over issues very easily and these causes contractions...that's why before 28 weeks, I didn't have visitors and didn't answer phone calls or smses.

Take care and sms when you are bored...cos someone also under bedrest is here reading your postings...
*wave at kkf*

do updated us often on this thread and stay relax and yeah as gg11 says try not to get too excited.

Counting down to January 09 then after CNY then into Feb 09, continue to jia you ok

My old time working pals has just given birth to a baby boy this afternoon. Its baby bloom at my work place right now. with 3 Preggie ladies.

Fairylander, daec, kkf and gg11. jia you and take care ah.
yay! out of hospital AND 30 wks hurray!

u are doing great!

I also thot of not having another one coz scared. somehow these thots not so strong later when I thot Nada needs a sibling. I rely quite a lot on my own sibilngs for company u see. but was putting on off #2 - then suddenly got preggy hehe! I did read for pre-eclampsia - for second one, the gap nearer may be benefit. dunno true or no.
Hi thanks mummies!

gg11, really had a good sleep yesterday! Those days in hospital, never slept well. Now finally can sleep well.

I m not on ventolin, but on atalyc, 2 pills (think yah 2mg?) every 6 hourly, even 2am in the morning also must eat.

The doctors checked my cervix before discharge, and did not mention anything about it.

I am taking one step at a time now. It all depends on god when he wants the baby to be out. I just pray that she will be healthy and fine.

Yes, 30 weeks finally! I never manage to reach "3" for my previous two pregnancies, now very happy to at least reach 30! yeah!

Actually people been saying babies born 7 months plus are very clever. Think positively if baby really wants to come out now, she will be very clever? haha.

But of course, I really hope can drag longer much better.
now am trying to eat more and durians so that if baby really born, wun be too small.

Really hope she can reach 2kg soon. last time at 28 plus, already 1.4kg, maybe now ard 1.8kg liao???haha
It is good to give nada a sibling
as sometimes I wish my parents gave me more siblings
now I only have 1 older sister
in another way it is good as we are very close, we can chat everyday (can you imagine
) so I really hope my D&D will be close too, hmm, share something with you, Darryl (the abang) sort of kan cheong for Dylan, whenever he is playing and Dylan happen to cry, he will dash to Dylan and pass him some toys to pacify him
jia you kkf,hope violet will guai guai staying inside.1.8kg at 29 weeks its very good weight bb abt 700g at 24 weeks wen i went to gynae yesterday.
kkf, yay!! 3 figure is great for all of us here! wat a breakthrough! dun eat too much durian in your excitement! hehe.. later too heaty. and congrats on being home! i self discharged against doc warning in week 26.. cos it was just monitoring and nothing else.. and i felt perfectly fine... so i guess our body knows best. plus i developed such a terrible itch at the delivery suite due to the dry air con that i felt so terrible. U be a good mummy now and endure for at least good 4 more weeks.

u will be my role model come 2009 when i ttc.. honestly after having bryan, i a bit scared.. and as he grow up, i even more scared.. cos so much responsibilities and i think my age is making me so tired.. sigh sigh.. plus hubby is not the best at taking care of kids...but i guess really no choice leh..i love kids and believe in having at least 2 so they can support each other.

i tot fox sales start long ago? the warehouse one u mean?
hi kkf
don't overeat cos durian got a lot of sugar...later can't pass the glucose test.

am on 2 ventolin (each 2mg) every 4 hourly but not taking any when i'm sleeping. so in total, i take 10 pills daily.

don't worry..and relax and stay in bed and take our medicine. think as long as we do so, baby should stay inside

today i begged my hubby bring me out cos was so bored at home. we went lunch at liang court and then supermarket. my gynae would definitely be angry with me if he knows this.

i think as i have not been walking much for months - my legs have no strength. now legs aching...also when i was out for less than 1.5hrs, my legs cannot take it anymore. very unlike me who used to be shopping for days...sigh...

btw, have you signed up for confinement service or you intend not to? i just signed up with agency cos i think it is safer...i won't know when i'll be giving birth...with agency, at least if earlier, they will still supply me with a confinement lady.

am still surfing the internet to decide which breast pump to buy. am interested in the dual electrical pumps. hi gals, any recommendation?
Nope, I meant the fox stores, oh I was in Marina Square and saw the sales
maybe they started earlier
hi gg11,
i guess medela is the most trusted brand. it's not too late to get one after the delivery. if you are delivering at kkh, u can ask to try the hospital grade ones to see if you like medela. thus far, the first years at kkh seems to be selling the cheapest too.
hi xbliss
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll be delivering at Gleneagles. Don't know if they have trial sets. I was thinking of getting it during the Robinson sale this week...should be cheaper.

My concern for medela is that it is not a closed system like Avent and Ameda, meaning that milk can go into the tubes. I read from the internet that there are instances where moulds grow inside the tubes!! If vapour or milk or anything can go into the tube, I wonder how uncontiminated the stored breast milk could be.

I'm also contemplating if I should order from US cos it is soooo much cheaper than in Singapore. They also got more things in their pack compared to the Singapore one...only concern is with warranty. Though the warranty for breast pumps are not long - usually 1 year, wonder if I'll be the unlucky one to have a lemon that break down in less than 1 year.

Anyone has any experience with the pumps and would like to share?

gg11, can sense your excitement now. actually you can walk about liao. even if baby born now at 34 weeks, no problem, most prob he/she doesn't need to stay hospital and can go home with you.

I am aiming 34 weeks only actually...very happy liao.

No not going to have confinement lady. my in laws and mum used to do my confinement, and i think this time round will be the same. save $.

really counting each day as a blessing. now 30 weeks plus 3 days!

fairylander same, when i was 24 weeks baby around 700grams too or lesser.

Btw, gg11, haven't ask u, you expecting boy or gal?
Hi kkf
You also wake up early? When I need to work...always want to can sleep long long, don't feel like sleeping...will wake up when hubby wakes up and then surf internet.

Am expecting a boy. When I surf the internet for the bulk purchase threads, realise there are soooooo many cute and sweet clothes and accessories for gals. You can go and look at the threads to spend some money for Violet. Spend time looking at the websites for Violet...time will pass very fast. Nothing much for boys...

I have to get a confinement lady though it is super super expensive cos mine's during the CNY period. But bo bian cos I totally know nothing at all about babies! Didn't go for any antenatal classes given my condition. If babies cry, I won't know what to do!! I also don't know how to give birth :p

My gynae not satisfied with 34 weeks though actually I'm ok cos as the baby grows, I get more and more stretch marks...sigh...sacrifices that we have to make...he's only removing the stitches early next year when I'm week 36, I think he wants me to hold on till then cos he said premature babies very expensive.

Actually I went out once on week 32 to reward hubby planned the route and only allowed me to go Sakea Sushi at Wheelock Place cos the carpark distance is the shortest and no need to walk too much. Chose Week 32 cos I remembered reading on babycentre website that baby's last organs - lungs are fully formed in Week 32. Didn't tell my gynae sure he'll faint..

You have SCV channels at your in laws place? Can watch, and also read all the baby magazines. It's Christmas this week and New Year next week..I'm looking forward to them in a different way - my hubby no need to work and can spend time with me

Find positive events and count down to them...time passes faster this way
