Premature babies support group

Violet will be as guai guai as her mummy and she will be full term.
Come February, you will have a pretty princess to cuddle.

Hmmm, I can understand your fear, anxiety and sometimes the frustration to see your babies going through the needles, procedures... even a tiny prick onto their tiny toes hurts.

"Suffer" is what we see in our eyes...i.e. ...if you watch your babies very attentively, like I watch mine, you will see and can feel that their determination of survival are very very strong. You will see their sweetest smile even with all the tubes hanging onto them. It made me ashamed sometimes as my girl being so tiny, she really fought hard to breathe.

Life and Death lies in the hands of the Maker, our GOD. I would chose not to think that the machines are there to pro-long their lives, the machines ease them in their breathing so that their energy is focus on growth and be healthy.

Though my girl underwent trachestomy, she is a very happy baby/girl. Even when she is off oxygen support but with a tube tied onto her neck for 18 mths, she is always happy, cheerful and smiling. Now that she is turning 4, she has never show me a face of suffering, she learns how to deal with her health issues.

Do not worry about your babies lungs later as if GOD is willing, your babies' lungs might be stronger than full don't worry unduly now but focus on giving them your best care and love. Do not allow your babies to sense your worry, fear will not motivate them, instead sing and talk to them lovingly from your heart, you will see superb recovery! No mother on earth wants to see their children suffer, you can't do much now but YOU being there as their MOTHER, is the GREATEST support and mummy's UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is what your babies need the MOST! Keep your spirits up! Very soon, your babies will be going home with you in your loving arms. Cheers!

Oh, forgot about the steroids jabs, my girl had quite a handful at different times when she was a baby, be rest assured that the neo nat. will not give an overdoze....if steroid jab has to be administered at certain time for the benefit of the baby, receive it...what's more worst is there is nothing that could be given and one could only stand there doing nothing. This is going to be very frustrating!

hehe, I just cleared 3 days annual leave as MIL went to Seoul for holidays for a week. My daughter started telling me two days ago...mama goes to work, I go ah ma house okay? My heart broke....see, all this while I felt so quilty for becoming a FTWM, not spending enough time with A, now I realised, she is having a fantastic and fun time at ah ma's house that she prefers me working.....
Today, I'm backing in the office...working...

FYI, all babies lungs continue to grow from birth to about 7-8 years old, during this growth period, babies/toddlers/children tend to get infection --- eg... flu/cough etc...the lungs will get immune and eventually strong about that age...hope this helps....

My girl has chronic lungs and she gets her many bouts of flu and cough, I worry but when I see her cousins her age, born full term have equal episodes of flu and gives me consolation.

Medical term like chronic lungs, sounds scary...on lay man's term... it is just weak lungs...sounds slightly better right, so beware which neo nat or doc. speak to you, some use various description words that will scare you off, some use very simple soothing language that most of us can comprehend. At one stage, there's a Dr Tan who always gave negative feedback and advice (no hope), my hubby and I got so fed up that we actually switched off when he spoke to us. Wait for the next neo. nat on duty and you will hear very positive and encouraging words of progress. Those were the days!
1.4kg at 29wk ?! gd lehhh

dr told me studies show 34 weeks the lungs are matured. last time, we aiming for 34 wks also. I didnt make it tho.

how is Siang now, some time after the surgery ?
I thk cant go holiday for some time. hubby sort always workin/bz on weekend. I end up hav depend on my parents to accompany sometimes. his dream have own biz. now economy like dis - lagi dun believe in employers.
yes, aim into 2009! although 1 jan is good, may get lots of additional bonus if violet is the first baby, but we are not after all these. we are after full term for all our babies here! we choose health over money!!jia you jia you!!!

precious one
i also sad when i hand bryan every am to mil. bryan gets happy cos ah ma house downstairs got he is happy going there. i became very jealous cos when i reach her place to fetch him, she dun let me carry him, keeping hogging him. in the end, i assert myself at her pl and remind myself to spend more time with her. recently both hubby and i very stressed, so bryan get scolded sometimes. she then tell me to leave bryan with her at night even, and dun put childcare (we planning to enrol him once he is 18 months cos feel he lack social skills with children; he bit his cousin when cousin snatch toy from him.. he only 13 mths non corrected then..). i feel she is too possessive, make me want to break away more.

so i guess all mummies are possessive and easily jealous when our kids "forget" us temporarily...
xbliss, precious
agree all mummies possessive. even my mum who takes care of nada is jealous coz nada keep saying grandad but not the word for grandma.

anywayz think e mummies must be persistent to get the kid attentions else grandparents will hog that. u are only a mum once, and responsible for the kids. grandparents had their chance parenting after all.
I know, my hb also started his own biz nine months only, running own biz can be stressful than working for people, but the plus point is that more $
still working full time too ? well my dad in biz so I know its really tough. its odd my hubby 'follow' his shoes hehe
no, he is running his own biz since then, can't work and run his own firm at the same time, conflict of interest leh
told him that he must be fast if he wants to attempt while he is not too old yet
just went for scan today.confirmed boy! did a full scan with doppler. baby is 315g at 20wks, average. the bld flow to baby is not gd - its not within acceptable range. so means hard baby get the required nutrients etc from me in order to grow. my bld pressure is ok tho.dr say not optimistic for fullterm. just keep checkin how baby is growin and see how far can go. upset abt it but well its not over yet..

true true.too old hard to try such things.
hi mummies,i m currently in kkh.
got contractions on friday nite,got admitted in delivery suite, and was on drip and pills (that make heartbear faster) to curb it.
I was very upset and demoralised, dunno how long have to be here...

NICU at kkh is closed due to over number of babies, sgh, nuh all full as well!! so a bit of problem if baby premature.

I just hope they wun keep me here till baby is born...but think got to be here for a couple of days...sigh...

very sad and sianz...
pray for me and violet, hope violet guai guai stays till 34 weeks then no worries about bed in nicu...
day-see, kkf
Will pray for day-see's boy and kkf's girl..violet. Relax and dun overly worried... adhere strictly to your gynae's advice...relax relax and more relax.
Hi mommies,
Just saw the spree for a training urinal, so cute, wonder if it is useful ? thot of ordering
dun worry too much, too stressful ah, bld flow will be even worst.. relax...

ya, i hate the drip too, i even vomitted. heart beating too fast already. actually i m in kk now. my baby yilin kana flu from me and her sister. appetite to drink milk so the doc admitted her to monitor.u back to normal ward already? if tmr yilin still not discharge, i can go visit u. i will be staying tonight to accompany her.
take care n dun worry too much.i wish u all the best.

hi daec,
im ok gynae said everything looks normal during last juz back from kl with cathrina.wil go see gynae on tis sat to get my triple test result.i wish u all the best too.dun worry too much.
Daec, KKF
jiayou, will b praying for you guys.

hope yilin is getting better n will go home soon. Paige too having flu for 1 wk liao, been losing weight as she nt drinking her milk...
Jia you
violet will be ok. keep us posted.

congratulations! not to worry too much. things be ok

yan & Shellow,
Hope yilin and paige recover soon. i think its the bad weather now, even siang seem to be having stomach discomfort.
thanks shelllow andd jane,

actually my elder girl just admitted to Mt.A due to diarrhoea and stool got blood. when she came home she got serious flu and cough. me kana the flu bug too then yilin got it ..

today the doc said can discharge yilin though still got mucus. if the nose block again, can bring her to gp for suction. but i doubt all gp will perform this suction thing rite... so i drag it for another day, tmr then discharge.. else if her nose is block, she refused to drink and sleep leh...
dear mommies,
festive season but seems like lots of take care..

kenna a car accident on fri nite. a car bang me frm the back. ws was q shocked, cos she was sitting behind. luckily she was strapped down. but think she was q shocked. but luckily, after a while, she's back 2 her normal self. sigh. even me myself was in shock. luckily, no one was hurt. but dunno whether i'll hav phobia driving or not. sigh. been driving for 15yrs, this is the 1st time & i definitely hope it's the last!
didi, ahhaah... its been many many years since i have been overseas too :p

yan, use the yao lan if need to..dont think too much cos its ur sanity! :p loves airport so much? btw, do u know which terminal can see the airplanes flying off? cos the last time we brought kate to T3 (the new one) and we cannot see disappt... how's lunch at astons?

xbliss, is bryan the only grandchild?

daec, hahaha..actually till now kate can call daddy everyday but never call me.. :p but ok lah..i knows she prefers me cos she comes to me for comfort, food, etc.... r u on aspirin already?

kkf, take care! does dr tan knows u r in kkh? any advice from her?

fairylander..wah..still went KL...
happy shopping?
same lah. she dun call me either. I just tell myself - the word for mum is harder. which is true, that what research says ;)

yup on aspirin since 1st day met dr, it supposed thin the blood so more blood gets to baby.
hi bloom,
me didnt really went shopping in kl.juz eat alot good food hehe.coz tis trip is actually bring my mum for check and attend my cousin wedding.
wow.. 15yrs.. i lousy leh.. i took my license 3yrs ago, till now i drive less than 15 times i think.. no confident...
hi fairylander
how is your mum? ok?

Disneymickey must have got a shock. that time we met with an accident, siang also got a shock.

I am worst. i got my licence 4 years ago (coming to 5 years). and... i only drive 1 time (hahha and only drive one bus stop distance) :p kekeke. so you are much more better than me
. i not only no confident. i cannot even really remember how to park a car :p
but now still bit scared..dunno whether dare 2 drive again or not. sigh. didn't notice on fri nite, but noticed on sun tat got a scratch on my forehead..lucky covered by fringe, else 破相 liao

let ws zzz at my mom's place on fri nite, cos i need to go settle some paperwork & hubby was in reservist. whole nite can't sleep well, cos kept waking up, worried abt her. the next day when she came home, still can tell daddy, somebody knocked ah gong's car, now the car is spoilt, sent 4 repair, so her car seat & doll all hav 2 stay @ah ma's house

anyway, juz glad tat nobody is hurt.
yeah..nobody is hurt is the important thing. but you are able to claim insurance?

sure will be scare. but i guess after accident just have to prick up the courage and drive...cannot stop otherwise really may have difficulties in driving.

luckily your mum ok to take care of ws while u settle the paper work. that time after we had the incident, i had to take taxi home with siang while my lao gong settle with the other driver.

good good

haa... now i feel more an wei liao... somebody is worst than me... ha...but sometime i hope i can be more brave so tat can help hubby on driving too...
Hello mummies, still in kkh. sianz.

Tightenings not lessen but more frequent. sianz.
Now under pills, no drip. Baby engaged liao. I think is just a matter of days.
The feeling of dangling there is really terrible. I am constantly worry about painful contractions (Now still no pain)...the tightenings also make me very uncomfortable. sigh....

staying in class C ward, cause the nurses all tell me if bb born early, costs high blar blar no choice. life is very very boring here...luckily hubby and my mum take turn to accompany me, but i miss dash, he still needs to go school so usually my in laws bring him in the evening for 1 or two hours like that.

Haizzz...actually i am a bad mum, i am thinking, violet, pls let mummy dun suffer anymore, if she really is destined to come out, just come out. If she is not, then pls wait till 34 weeks and let contractions stop. but seems like it shd be the front instead of back option.

I dun wish to stay here till i give birth...this is too much for me. is just waiting for which is the day.

anyway, dm, we were involved in accident b4. I understand the shock! Dash was in shock too, but kid gets over very fast. It was me who still rem the impact.

Thanks for all your concerns and sms, really grateful. Thanks.

Bloom, yes consulted ann tan, but she did not say much, anyway, i am in kkh she also could not do much.

Yan, you take care of yiling lar, hope yiling recovers soon.
now violet s 30weeks rite? 30 weeks not too bad. like wat u say, if destinated to come out early, then let it be...
ya.. the feeling is real bad, aching here and there.. tat time the nurses and doc asked me got contraction kind of backache pain anot. aiyo.. lying down the whole day of cos pain i know wat pain is tat... try to distract yourself. maybe playing some hand held game... or surf net, online shopping..
dun worry. violet alrdy 1.4kg rt? 2 console u, ws was born @1.4kg oso. but u hav alrdy taken the jab 2 strengther her lungs rt? did ur gynae say anything? anyway, tmrw is alrdy fri & u'll b 31wks. actually hor, i same like u leh, wk 30 probs start coming out & I 'tong' till wk34. so u juz take a day by day.

any chance of coming home & rest? at least got dash ard 2 make some noise, not 2 boring haha. oso, if u can come home & rest, prob can continue with ur own gynae & eventually deliver by her? juz some kpohness la. i'm sure u know wat's best 4 urself.

take care. keep us updated..we r all so excited 4 u

Jia You!
Just to share with you, my sis who was expecting twins previously received the steroids jabs at week 32 and was put on bed rest then. She requested to be resting at home, and she kept talking to her babies to wait until week 36, and they arrived at week 36. So stay positive for Violet and talk to Violet your wish.
hi kkf,

so glad u can still come here to chat. it must be really boring, not mentioning frightful for you and violet there.

I am echoing the rest that you need to destress yourself, maybe listen to some music, keep talking to baby, and try to keep your mind away from the tightening sensations ok?

I guess we have to stay practical to some extent.. if violet is engaged, you are right it may be couple of days. but we are still going to hope and pray its going to be the maximum no. of days then!!

i have a colleague whose waters broke while she was overseas at 24 weeks. she stayed in kkh for 2 months til the baby was 31 wks! not too bad eh? jia you jia you!!

yes, first nei4 sun1 for his parents.. anyway, whichever child i deliver will be the only nei4 sun1 cos hubby is the only son... sianzzzzzzzzz..
thanks thanks...yah, occassionally can be online to surf net.

still here, not ablet o discharge...sigh. still got very frequent tightenings.

Yan, violet is not yet 30 weeks, now 29 + 4 days. The worry now for me is whether nicu got bed.

Precious one, yah, been telling violet to stay till 34 weeks, but not too sure. last time keep talking to dash as well, but he still come out early leh...haha.

dm, hope can go home too, but...

I m a weird person I guess, my case is under dunno what high risk case management team in kkh.

Xbliss, hope I can also dong for a few more weeks.

take care n relax... i was warded when i was 30 weeks cos i was dilated.. jus rest well n don think so much. keep us posted n rest well!
understand, hate feeling of dangling. was admitted also then waiting.. like ER, so many pp keep walking in.out room

since u are in kk already, thnk they must make arrangment for the nicu bed. dun worry.. just take one step by one step. focus on just getting thru this time. thinking of u and hoping u are ok
Hi kkf,
Is your high risk doctor Dr kenneth quek? He is a very very nice and caring gynae. Was taken care by him when i was admitted for my first pregnancy. Actually is best to stay in hospital until everything is stable, tahan awhile and is all worthwhile when you see your little violet.
i too hope i can be more brave to drive :p. but i think i need refresher course (which i am not sure will help me or not too haha)

jia you. don't think too much. online check with us. i was in C class for nearly 12 days before siang arrived. ask for newspaper and magazine to read (i am sure the nurse is ok to help)

Persist on... jia you jia you. don't think so much (on nicu) etc first. The forum mummies is all cheering u on
i believe Dr Quek now promoted to some consultant level alr? He was in my care team during the period i was undergoing regular check ups for my twin twin transfusion but never really involved directly. more provided consultation to my snr consultant, dr june tan.

kkf, u and violet can do it one. i have pretty flexible work hours (own time own targe.. hehe), u pm me if you need to get anything but noone to help you, regardless how insignificant it is.
You are not wierd, I was also under the high risk committee previously when I was admitted at week 21 and stay until delivery .... can understand the boredom .... fyi, the high risk committee forgot to jab me with the steroid jabs for baby's just focus on you and violet only...Violet can feel you and hear your every thoughts....加油!


Hope this will make you feel better...I'm same case as you. I'm on bedrest at home now. You are better than me..early contractions at 29.5weeks. I was admitted to hospital in late Aug for bleeding. Stayed for 2 weeks there, then discharge to go home and stay at home for another 2 weeks. Went to work for 1 week then kena admitted in early Oct for early contractions. Stayed in hospital for 3 weeks then at home from then on. Still home now. I was staying in Gleneagles...can you imagine the bills!!!! The 2nd time I was admitted, gynae stitched up the cervix cos it was opening up. I had the terrible ventolin drip!!! That was a nightmare cos the nurses and the doctors can't find my veins!!! I suffered a no. of unsuccessful the end I cried and cried and insist on oral ventolin instead which was not as effective.

I was about 26 weeks when I was admitted for the second time...almost wanted to give up really..hubby and my gynae gave me a lot of support. When I was on the drip, I felt so terrible, wanted to give up...made my hubby go to my gynae and insist on discharge. Got a 'lecture' from my gynae the next day. Honestly, this experience had made my relationship with my hubby stronger. Actually I have phobia of hospital esp the labour ward now...I was in the labour ward most of the time, on ventolin drip.

Are you still on drip? What I learnt is...not to get excited or upset cos this will worsen contractions. Relax..please don't read or watch anything exciting caused contractions for me.

Now, I have to be in bed. The only treat for me is going to the gynae.

From 21 weeks plus when I was first admitted till now 33 weeks..gynae still don't allow me to walk around...not even around my house. I'll be taking out the stitch in my 36th praying everyday that baby will cooperate.

Think positively cos this helps k? You can do it...just a few weeks more!!
