Premature babies support group

hi kkf
just logging in to cheer you up and spur you and violet on! jia you jia you!!!

(just gave bryan his morning feed too and can't sleep liao)

Good morning all

log in to see if kkf log in.

hi gg11

wow, you have gone thru quite a lot. persist on till full term. jia you jia you and do come by and chat with us

byran woke up so early for milk? siang was having diarrhoea hence i cut away the milk and now he is more on solid but i think tomorrow i will resume milk
Jia You for you too! I was on bed rest since the Day I knew I was pregnant...cos I have a bleeding pregnancy from Day 1 until delivery. Scary! I was on ventolin drip etc...and worst I have drug allergy on amoxillin family and synflex so I was put on another antibiotic drip and that drip is very very painful...burning sensation....I was also on the verge of giving up when I'm put on drips. My veins are also weak, everyday have to repoke until swollen.....

Jia you.. the weather has turn cold very good time to have long sleep...good rest!
kkf... just pm u my msn... cant chat much in office but at least can chat abit if u r online... there is a bookstore downstairs..can ask ur mommy to get u some books / mags to read? ..actually good that u r under high risk mgt.... at least they wont take things lightly...

xbliss..only son! hahaha...they must super sayang bryan...

gg11...33 weeks now! that's good!

jane, got some mommy said when kena diahoreaa can let them try isomil... but i din :p
wow, angel will do you proud one day because u been thru so much pain

oh i see...ok thanks, will take note, i think isomil is soya so ok to take during diahoreea, i read it on line. Siang is better after i minimize the milk intake (the last 2 days) and he is peeing as per normal.
can try isomil like wat bloom said. i switched to isomil, he din make any fuss, but instead likes the milk..even though i thought it was quite smelly.. hahah
i was trying to switch milk earlier but the neonat say not necessary since siang doing quite well on what he is drinkng now...

why u switch, may i know?

my mum don't really like soya milk ler (personal preference)
gg11 n kkf

We are all here to spur both of u on!! Especially kkf, pray tat violet will cooperate

My 2nd boy was on isomil when he was 3 mths old till when he was one then switch to pediasure. My boy switch ti isomil as he was always phlemy. the pd said it wld be better for him cos he was down with 2 episode of bronchitis n 1 episode of pneumonia which he was warded for 6 days... But now, thank God, he has outgrow all this
Think isomil does help
hi mummylian
yes for a while (because siang down with croup) i thought of changing milk as well. but now we are back to his normal milk. i tried pediasure, siang does not like. Isomil...hmmm... maybe hor.

siang now on goat milk and cow milk
we switched when bryan was having diarrhea. cos cow's milk will worsen the diarrhea whereas soy based won't.

the older generation usually say soy milk not filling enough so they worry child will not grow much. heheh

bryan still on his friso plus one feed of pediasure (took some time to get him used to it) every night. he actually grows to like pediasure cos sweet. We gave against dietician advice.. haiyah bo chup liao. anything to boost his weight! it is a really good milk, i can see good weight gain after taking it. Maybe you can try the other flavors?
i see. weight for siang was not a issue (we never see the dietrican for very long time liao :p). his percentile is ok. but he was down with croup a few times this year hence allergy could be the culprit. but we ask the neonat, she say... don't have to change siang milk (because he is doing well on it) because she don't think food is the culprit.

so now i trying goat milk. Yeah. cow milk will worsen diarrhoea. I wanted to try Nan too but siang reject (then neonat say don't need to change :p). I tried original pediasure.

yes older generation belive that soy milk is not as good as cow milk. my mama is ok with goat milk thou (quite happy siang is on it).

but i will continue to monitor..
hi all mummies,

my elder girl diarrhoea recently, so i bought her a small can 400g isomil 2, but she dun like it. now left about 3/4 tin. opened for a week. anybody wants it? i dun wanna throw leh, very sayang. but self collect at woodlands cos i can´t go out for long, both my girls are sick.

btw, diarrhoea can also take pediasure but must dilute it.. the pd said instead of 5 scoops to 190ml of water, just add 2 1/2 scoops to 190ml.
hurmm.. your elder girl also diarrhoea?

for siang these 2 days i try to minizie milk intake (but he is ok with solid). so i try to ask my mum (she very nice) to cook porridge and give siang the "rice water" from cooking the porridge to drink (as water too), then when cook porrige cook it more watery (so that siang does not suffer from dehyrdation). Siang recover liao.

oh..pediasure is also for diarrhoea?

Siang has not tried isomil before.
Hi thanks thanks thanks for all your encouragements, its another day of blessing!

day 5 in hospital now, going crazy. Waiting for the dunno wat high risk management team to meet up to discuss about my case, and see wats their plan for me, they only meet every wednesday, today is wednesday, but no news from them.

I really dunno how long I have to stay here. I am hoping to go home soon...

gg11, wow, you manage to hang in there till week 33! I hope I can hang in there too. Week 34 will be wonderful! You will soon be there. Hope I will too...

The thought of giving up really occurred to me before leh.
I almost wanted to ask doctor stop me on ventolin drip, and just gave me oral. But of course the nurse tried to talk sense into me. I also ever occurred the idea, why not just c-section me. I m a lousy mum lar.

But gg11, I agree, i realised how nice my hubby is, and our relationship is closer now. He will help me pour my urine, and all these nights he stayed at kkh (not with me cause not allowed, he wandered about at level 1 and slept in his car) just because he knew my fears.

Many of you like xbliss, costa, jane, Precious one, mummylian all being thru the stay at hospital like me. You all are very brave leh, admire. I am complaining everyday, its really boring here. But got to hang on for violet to grow stronger each day. I am targetting week 30, then slowly 31, 32. Its a matter of days I noe (hopefully weeks).
Staying in the ward, seeing people with their newborns really envy leh. When can i be so normal like them and have my newborn push out from nursery to me???

Anyway, i realise, c section, and induce birth really not easy, natural birth is the best...

Now really happy to wake up each day to find violet growing bigger one more day.

I hope by week 32 she will be 2kg liao (week 29 1.4kg, hope 3 more weeks can gain 600g?)
gg11, how they manage to stop your contractions?
I still feel very frequent tightenings though today is much better.

The funny thing is when they use the monitor to track my contractions, its always the time I dun have much.

Now going home is also frightening, cause I dunno when will i ever be in pain.

But anyway, good thing is cervix not shorten yet.

Mummylian, how long you stay in hospital, and you manage to hang in there till week 37?
Hello kkf

That time... i had exactly the same feeling as you do (its perfectly normal). i also see all around me, mummies giving birth and the babies push to their bed. then i see them discharge with their babies. while i lay there and only can see... boredom and nothing to do really gets up my nerve (while i was there). Everyday i wait for the high risk team (someone?) to come. flip papers and flip papers.

you are very normal. but ... try stay postive and hang on there. as you say, a day pass is a day of happiness
. at least u can log in to internet and chat (i did not have access that time). just surf the net (no battery just charge).

sleep when you are tired. eat when you are hungry. time flies
. Jia you violet.
and kkf
just log in here and complain. its ok
complain write... saying it out perhaps will make u feel better. smile okie.
Hi kkf
I'm on bedrest at home with my laptop, so can reply you very fast

Actually, my contractions and tightenings never stop..I still have them. I'm considered by my gynae to be abnomal
so my gynae said we just have to manage this together day by day. That's why I still need to be on bedrest.

I totally understand how you feel. I'm counting by the days. Every single day counts to the growth of baby.

When I was in the labour ward (no TV!!!!), I also see people come and go. I cry everyday, esp when it is time for my hubby to go home. I feel so poor thing for him cos he has to come during lunch and also after work to accompany me. Cos in labout ward only hubby can come in. I see the patients in the labour ward come and go for delivery. I hear what they say...very envy when I hear them say they are 38 or 39 weeks or going to deliver. No one stays overnight in the labour ward except me. Hate the ventolin drip and hate the CTG. My CTG always have shows contractions - only thing is whether regular or not. I became so good with the CTG that sometimes I cheated a bit so that the contractions won't look so regular on the paper :p Cos to me, I know my contractions will never stop...I just want to be transferred to the normal ward cos in labour ward, I have to pay for the labour ward + normal ward - very ex!!!

Very often, I'm very tempted to ask gynae just to let nature takes its own course and let me discharge, but at times, I really want the baby cos I've already went through more than half of the pregnancy.

I know it's very very terrible to be lying on the hospital bed and not knowing what will happen - by lying there, is it very confirmed that baby will be saved or there may be a chance that effort would be wasted? THink about it this way (that's how I think)...we are only pregnant. We will recover and go shopping again after few months...what about those people who have terminal diseases? At least there is a timeline for us...we know when we will be up and running again.

I count by stages...gynae told me only when baby is 28 weeks, then got 70% chance of survival. So I count down to 28 weeks. Then slowly to 30, then to 32. Now I'm counting down to 34 weeks, then will be Christmas. After Christmas will be 35 weeks....

As the early contractions caused by cervix to open up, gynae had to sew up the birth canal. He has to check the birth canal daily when I was in hospital. I would be removing the stitch early next year - in my 36 weeks.

I'm counting daily with you as well. Just remember, it is easier to go through the remaining pregnancy than to start a new one again.

Don't get too excited ok? My friend lent me a portable dvd player to watch HK drama serials...cos gynae said I can't watch too exciting shows else will have contractions.

Am still getting tightenings, contractions, and also feel pressure at the cervix cos baby's head is pressing down. Am on 10 ventolin pills a day now.

Feel free to email me...I know how it feels like really...if I can do it, you can too. Let's count down together ok?
hi gg11
my heart is cheering up for you too. Do hang on there. log in often. most of the time there is readers in this forum.

Jia you. You can manage it well
It is better to stay in the ward. At week 21, I was at the labour suite for the ventolin drip for 11 days straight and with all the other mummies screaming and sometimes you hear doc. nurse said push....I have to try very hard to switch off my ears cos I so scared my baby will come out when they shout push. When one gets excited, I feel the contraction more.....

by next week, week 36, actually you can deliver your baby....very normal to have babies out at week 36....people around me seems to have healthy babies out at week 36

You have pass the week 28 mark too, this is so encouraging, you have already come so far, violet will come out when she is ready and healthy.

gg11 and kkf --- like Jane said, all mummies here are cheering for both of you. Whatever befalls, we know that we will have two lovely and healthy babies entering this very exciting world.

Hi.. Hope u r coping well
Can't agree more that when I was in the ward, was happy n 'jealous' to see those with their newborn.. I was warded when I was 30 weeks.. Warded for a day as there was brown discharge n gynae say I'm about 2 cm dilated liao. Was warded n ordered to rest in bed. Did a growth scan for bb n she was then about 1.8 estimated.. the next day, gynae came to see me, check the cervix n note ni further dilation.. as 2 weeks later will be CNY, he asked me if I wanna go home, i told him i wanted to. So i jus rest n relax at home, told my bb in the stomach that daddy wants her to be a bb rat, not bb pig
She listened. Like u, every day was a blessing then
for the little life to grow in me. When I was warded, straight away took the steroid jab. Pain ....Told the little one that jiejie ezann did it the hard way, so she better guai guai n grow in mummy's womb
went for gynae visit every week then. one week at a time. Dr say aim for week 34.. then 35.. he say if anything, must admit. God's grace, Edel stayed till week 37 n Dr decide to induce. U must hang on hor... I know that type of dileema n discomfort on the mummy.. but i jus wanna share that we as mummie know exactly how long the discomfort will last.. tat will be when the bb is full term
but if we give up, the little ones who are out early will have a harder headstart.. u know what i mean rite? Anyway, my secret is stay cheerful n wat is to come will come.. don worry so much too .. Most importantly, don neglect ur little Dash
Hi precious one
Next week I'm only 34 weeks plus...not so fast. Everyday counts now in our condition

Hi mummylian
My hubby and I also told baby that he can only come out when he hears a lot of new year songs.. cos gynae said Jan should be safe...that's when I'm 36 weeks, but of course the longer I can hold, the better it is. Told baby when he hears Xmas songs, must still stay in tummy.

Hi kkf
I noticed you said you were put on the CTG only at times...I was at all times on the CTG machine, until I also expert in reading the CTG reading - you can see your contractions, baby's heartbeat and also baby's movement on the chart. I felt very uncomfotable with the CTG things strapped on me and also the drip. Then I can't move much. I noticed that once I move, contractions will come!! It's that bad. Once got contractions, the nurses will come and adjust the drip - increase the input of the ventolin drip. I was aiming for low level of drip input with not much contractions...only then, I can move to the normal ward. That's why I try not to move. Everytime I use the bedpan, sure have contractions.

So relax and lie still. Don't answer too much phone calls as well. I noticed when I answered phone calls or replied sms, when I used my brain too much or got too excited (I get excited very easily), when I was upset, contractions will come. That was why even when I was transferred to the normal ward, I did not receive any visitors except own family members cos I knew I would get contractions from too much talking.

Let us know what the high risk doctors say. But if your case if a high risk one, shouldn't the docs be seeing you everyday instead of having meeting only once a week?
WOW gg11, your story really inspired me.

i m in normal ward now, so they only monitor me once a day leh.

Really you have tightenings all the time??? I also leh, sometimes, I feel fine, but most of the time tightenings tightenings tightenings. I am eating 2 pills of antalyc (dunno how to spell) every 6 hourly. I hope I can be like u go home rest in bed (thats wat i decided besides going toilet will just lie down).

Tomorrow if the doctors dun have any plans for me, i will request to go home and monitor myself, cause right now what they are doing for me is just measure temp, blood pressure once a day like that, listen to baby's heartbeat, Check contractions once a day, give me pills to eat, all these I think can do at home right? I dun want to keep wasting time here leh if they dun have anything else for me.

I was in labor ward only 2 days, on drip for 2 days only too cause no contractions when on drip.

I can't imagine precious one and gg11 staying there for days? But one thing good, hubby can stay overnight right?

I am really taking one step at a time, 30 weeks, then 31 weeks, 32 weeks etc. never think so far liao. Just count each passing day as a blessing.

Will be staying with my in laws after discharge cause they can fully take care of me, and I dun have to move about...

Really hope can discharge soon.
Hi kkf

THis is my no. 1 and it's via you can imagine how precious and expensive this baby is.
You are better than me..can stay in normal ward. I was mostly in the boring labour ward. Hubby can't stay overnight there.

Just know that you are much better than me - have already a son, and already in the normal contractions when on drip. I have contractions also though I was on drip. That's why I told my gynae I would never not have any contractions or tightenings.

Btw, don't the doctors see you everyday? There should be difference between you in hospital and at home. I was under constant monitoring through CTG by the labour ward nurses. Once I have regular contractions, they will run and increase my ventolin drip amount. Also had to see gynae everyday. He came by on Sun to see me as well...
precious, mummylian,jane
thx for sharing ur story, its inspiring.

u are both inspiring - u reach so far and still hanging on though its challengin for u

kkf ur hubby so gd, sleep in car so he can be near

which hospital and ward u were in ? thnk it makes a diff the treatment given
Btw, as this is my no. 1 and I have to be on bedrest for most of my pregnancy, I don't have much chance to wear my new and nice pregnancy clothes

Also, didn't attend any antenatal lessons or shopping for baby things cos can't even get off the bed. Only thing I bought is Gap and Old Navy clothes for baby via internet
- the only thing I can do. Also, like aunt like that - see newspapers on Thurs and Fris to see if any baby items on offer then ask hubby to by. Else my baby will have no diapers, no bathing stuff, no feeding bottles...only have inexperience dad and mum..

Luckily friends are quite helpful...offered to do shopping for me and also pass me things they don't need..but of course it would be nicer to do shopping yourself.

Sigh..miss the Christmas shopping and all the Christmas songs...but it's ok year still got Christmas.

kkf, just remember...your case is already better than mine..I'm sure you can hang on...
Hi day-c
I'm with Gleneagles. I was in the labour ward Stage 1 beds - the place that all pregnant ladies go to monitor their contractions before they deliver. But I stayed there throughout lor.
gg11, me at kkh. it is different from gleneagles. In kkh labor ward, hubby allows to stay overnight. doctors come every 4 hourly, and nurses will check u very frequently.

But once normal ward, different story. Nurses dun bother to come unless they do checkups once in a while. doctors worse, only come in the morning once per day. rest of time u want see doctors also dunno where to find! I really find waste of time here...unless in labor ward.

So I m thinking of going home...

yes, gg11, this child is very precious to u, and yes, I m much luckier. But you are doing great! you are in week 33 now! great!
how r u? on leave today, so many postings. but tot of logging in 2 chk any news frm u..jia you..ya, celebrate each day w ur huby

welcome & hang on.. ur little prince/princess is indeed very expensive
but u dun hav 2 worry. i oso nev attend any antenatal classes. when the time comes, u'll know how 2 handle

i c gleneagles. like wat kkf say - yeah lor kkh C class ward like dat one.

wk 33-34 gd leh. I didn reach it last time. jia yuo! how is ur baby weight?

gd nite! another day pass- cheers! jia yuo
good morning kkf and gg11

its another brand new day, i know that having to spend days on the bed and missing out the season celebrations can caused our moral to be very low.

2 years ago (when i was in KKH for 12 days on CBR before my boy arrive), i celebrate my birthday there and yes, also national day 2006. I want to tell both of you. Its OK. most important is kids turn out fine.

so... jia you is still the word. afterall, both of you have come so far and knowing xmas is coming, who don't want to go shopping and eating and celebrating. but well, when your healthy kiddo arrive...thats the time to pop champagne and celebrate

don't worry about missing out buying things for your number 1 kid. Me too, that time i did not have chance to finish shopping and my boy arrive. well, today i can say, things will turn out fine. afterall, what our kid needs most is parents love and then is all the necessities ;)
oh kkf, chit chat a bit with you
i finally :p got the set of Scholastic Sight Words Readers. You were right. its not bad ler hehe

hmm let us know if the doc is ok for you to be discharged ah
Hi day-c
I don't know my baby's weight leh.Everytime I go see my gynae, he'll measure baby's head in the screen and said baby's growth is good and normal.

Also the constant monitoring for me is only when I was in labour ward. When I was transferred to noraml ward, the monitoring was periodic or when I press button to call them. One thing I have to comment, the nurses at Gleneagles were very nice, so no complaints.

Only thing is I stay in hospital for sooooooooooo long that I really have phobia of the place. Thinking about lying on the labour ward bed in preparation for delivery also scare me...I can still remember the feeling...eeekkks..

Hi kkf
How are you today? Any TV there for you to watch? If you or your friend has any portable dvd player, borrow it and watch serials...I like HK drama colleagues passed what they have to me. TIme really pass faster watching all these... Now at home, I watch cable tv and also surf internet..The thing to do now is to pass time and then Christmas will come, then New Year then CNY!!!
update, doctors came, and asked if i am keen to discharge. Of course I said yes lor. So she did a check on my cervix and also CTG (which shows no contractions as usually morning, not much for me, and they always do in the morning!). She said I am 1cm dilated, but said because of my preterm histories, not much difference??? But I was rather fearful hearing that leh.

Mummylian, you were 2cm dliated, and can hold on till 37 weeks??? can har? hope 1cm is really nothing.

Jane, thanks!! thanks for logging on to chat.

gg11, no tv here, i will chat with u more from home....i am on internet 24 hours too when I go home cause I will be lying down most of the time.

really hope baby can hang in there, and comes out at least 32 (aims low now) weeks when she about 2kg.

I am going to see two doctors, ann tan, and kkh. Going for both appointments, i think, as I think I feel much safer this way. Have decided, if baby is born 34 weeks, will go mount E to deliver, if baby is born less than that, will go KKH, so seeing doctors from both sides. hee.
kkf, gg11
jia you n hang in there.... u guys will b my inspiration when i'm brave enough to have my 2nd one

i was also seeing june tan during my pregnancy but in the end, Dr Quek was the checking on me before and after delivery...

Jane, yan
hope your boy and gals will get well soon.

Paige is doing well now, no more midnight feeding, very talkative now but dun understand a thing she said
jane..ahaha..u and i r the same..too lazy to change the milk :p

kkf..ahaha..was still thinking of visiting u on monday cos i am on leave for some makan appt..but reading what gg11 said..i better dont disturb u and cause more contractions! i think ur hb is really a dear!!!!!! do let us know if u will be discharged... ur ILs pl got 24hrs internet? Will dash stay with u at ur ILs place then?

gg11,kkf, next yr we plan some gathering then u 2 can show off ur bbs ok?

yest i boh liao go and read the adoption thread...sighh...
Bloom, not bor liao, i ever thought of adopting too.
Its really not easy for us mummies here to go thru pregnancies...

So envy, next door neighbour in ward gave birth 2nd child. I always tend to envy...

Hope violet hangs in there, and can comes out healthy and strong.

Yes, will be moving with my in laws, and dash as well. Their house nearer to KKH, somemore i think i will be in complete bed rest, good to have people taking care of me 24 hours.

I am quite fearful of not making to hospital on time, but I cannot stay at kkh till i give birth right, which is a question mark of when???
hi kkf
You can watch tv as hubby moved one of the tv to our room so that i can watch and not feel bored...i watch even the most boring show

When I was in hospital with no tv, i read almost every news in the papers and every article in the magazines...cos nothing else better to do

Btw, you mentioned that you have pre-term history...your no.1 was born in which week?

You also mentioned you are 1cm dilated - apologies for my ignorance..does that mean that you will be ok if you just lie down in bed? When my cervix is slightly opened, my gynae sewed it up cos he worried the contractions will make it bigger...esp when he could feel my baby's head from the birth canal. Maybe you can ask your gynse about it. My gynae told me premature babies very expensive - $1K per day in the ICU.

You are going MtE to see Dr Ann Tan? Don't walk around so much...ask for a wheelchair k? When I was in hospital, everywhere I go is via wheelchair - even when I bath though the bathroom was just 3 steps away!!!
Hi bloom
Adoption was on my consideration list as well before I went ivf. After this difficult pregnancy, my hubby and I have phobia of getting pregnant...imagine....throughout the pregnancy - 5 weeks stay in hospital and 5 months on hospitalisation leave - hope my job is still there when I'm back. Share with us what you discovered on adoption.

kkf, my mum moved over to look after me. You need someone to do everything for you. Bring food and drinks to's really everything. Need anything? Just shout at the top of your voice. Minimise your walking except to the bathroom.. Your bedrest period is much shorter than can do it!!!
yalor.. lao sai, got blood somemore.. this stupid kkh ah... din admit her. we bought her to kkh 24hr children clinic. we even bought the blood stool there in case they wanna do stool test. watied forr so long.. nevermind.. but when i see the doc face ah.. i lost confident liao. young small built lady, can see that she is inexperince. for the 1st 20min, she only ask qn, din even check on my girl. when i took out the stool sample to show her, she push my hand further away. even i m not a doc can see tat the blood actually came out with the stool and not just the blood from the the tore anus.but she think is froom the tore anus. then another maybe more senior doc came by, asked all the qn again! when i offer to show him the stool, he said no need! and told me tat unless we see a lot of blood like pieces clogged blood came out then need to worry.. aiyo... by then jialut liao lor...

then the following day we still feel not right, she still pass bloody stool and she diarrhoea whenever she eat or even just pass urine. ssowe bought her to mt.a 24hr clinic. luckily the doc admit her, put her on drip, by then she as a little dehyrated already. and they also do a stool test.

after she discharged, she down with flu and cough and eveen passed it on to me and yilin.. sigh... yilin so small leh. before it get worst we quickily bought her to kkh. she preemie so we think bo bian lah, go kkh at least if things can get worst, her neo nat doc is there. but the kkh doc just givee nose drop and send us home.

the next day we went there again, her nose very bloock already, affecting her milk intake, less pee pee too. this time round thee doc then admit her. sigh... stay for a few days, though no med she can take but at least can do suction for her when her nose blocked. just discharged 2 days ago, now better though still block a little.

i recommend u all if need to go 24hr clinic, go mt.a. much cheaper than kkh( $45, kkh $80) and the doc on duty are experience doc.
Hi gg11, in this matter i am not as lucky as you. I lost my 1st boy at 23 weeks plus, he stayed 2 days in NICU and left us.

I have my 2nd boy dash at 27 weeks plus, and he is 3 years old now, doing well.

I dunno how I find the courage to have the 3rd one, but I really hope to have 2 children. I really hope my little girl will do well.

Why you choose gleneagles? very expensive if give birth prematurely there or hospitalised there.

For kkh, nicu is around $13000 for 92 days if Mummy stays in c class ward, so I am in c class ward all this while in case baby born early.

So if I give birth early and baby got to stay quite some time, I will go KKH, and not mount E though my gynae at Mount E.

i also dunno why the doctors still let me go home, she said 1cm for a person who experienced twice premature labor may mean not much difference.

I searched internet, it says women who gave birth before may already be 1cm dliated all this while?

Me not sure as well. but really hope to go home.

Sit wheelchair? really? when you visit your gynae, you sit in wheelchair?
Hi kkf
Actually I was the one who pestered my gynae to let me go home. He always refused then and he said he had seen too many such cases - not stable, go back then premature. That was why he wanted my contractions to stabilise, then have the operation (to tighten the cervix) - which was 2 weeks after I was admitted. He explained that when I was having contractions, cannot do the operation. After tightening the cervix, then he felt safer to discharge me after another week of monitoring but he made me promise I would be good at home - stay in bed. So everytime I see him, he would check on the stitch and ensure it is still good and not opening up. Like what I mentioned before, he said to observe slowly - day by day.

When I was in hospital, whenever I come down from bed, a wheelchair is always there. But of course from home go and see gynae now don't have. My hubby and I always book appt at night at abt 8 plus pm so that he can park at the doctors' lot (cos all the docs go back already except my gynae) and I do not need to walk so much as the lot is just outside the entrance. We must minimise walking.

I chose Gleneagles becos of my gynae, else I've have gone to Thomson - cheaper hospital and nearer to my place. My gynae is very very experienced and smart with a lot of qualifications...and he doesn't take chances. But waiting time for him is super super long. We find him very dedicated cos he starts his operation everyday at 930am and work through till late at night, sometimes about 2am cos he got a lot of patients and meetings. He also opens till night on Sat and sees patients in hospital on Suns before he goes to church. I like dedicated doctors
but he is a man of little words. He doesn't talk much..just tell you what you need to know and answer your questions. I like very adore him hor?? My hubby and I even thought of naming our son after him hoping our son can be as clever as him!!

I also hope to have 2 kids cos I don't want my son to feel lonely, that's why we thinking of adopting the second one cos I scared the 2nd pregnancy also like this one...I'll faint.
gg11 and kkf

tat time i stay for 6 days only in kkh, but in and out of delivery ward for 3 times.. then the 4th time bo bian gotta c-sec liao. water bag burst and infections set in. was a tourture already though just 6 days.. can´t imagine if stay longer, my back aching like nobody biz... vomitted when on drip.

i can understand how u feel, see others come and goes so fast, can carry their newborn but u just lying there with monitor on u.. i was in b2+ ward, 6 bedder.. all the other 5 patients discharge already but i still there.. some also due to contractions admitted in, but then managed to control it by just taking pill and can go home to rest.. so envy right.. y mine can´t me controlled... sigh.. no tv too.. but luckily my hubby bring me my mini laptop for me to surf net and watch shows.. can listen to internet radio too.. maybe u all can do the same too
there are a lot of radio station from all over the world.. this is the link

most of the patients in my ward are malays.. i feel like i m in foreign country.. ha... luckily got radio, i can listen to my fav fm933, then i feel much better and happier too..
great can go home; happy for you. so this PM going back? (before 1pm)?

oh really some bad experiences with kkh A&E. But i always bring siang to KKH A&E because his very very thick case sheet is there wor.

now both gers better? sometime really scare someone at home not well and pass the viral to the small kids.

hehe can post paige picture?

you meant you ever thought of changing the FM for kate? neonat advise me not to...but siang i will keep on monitoring
Hi Yan
How many weeks were you when you had to c sec?

Yes yes yes...I can still remember the feeling...everyone come and go except us


26weeks only.. she weighed only 812g. stay in nicu for 1 month and scn for 2months. but managed to go home before the edd. as my bm supply is not very good, she took mostly fm.. can´t digest well.. there was time tat they gotta stopped the milk feed and put her on drip. desat several times too.. so scary.. there was once when she was already in scn, desat suddenly but we think the nurse din noticed, luckily my mum just arrived and saw the reading not right and alert the nurse.
