Premature babies support group

congrats onto ut 3rd trimester
Really happy for u n little violet.


Ya.. u r rite. the new children's play is really fun. Brought Ezann there 2 weeks ago. she loves it

I always bathe my bb once a day b4 they turn 4 months old. Then evening clean them with warm water n change them into pjs.. Think it's better to listen.. anyway, bbs always smells GREAT

250 is already better than my expectation already with 2As n 2 A stars.. don dare to ask for more liao... now hoping that he can get into the school that he has chosen n oso into the integrated program

regarding childcare...ever since my eldest boy, i don really believe in childcare... cos loke wat u say, the children teacher ratio...but guess wat, i will be sending ezann to a childcare next year where my sis is a principal
Hope to let her interact n learn more
as long as the childcare is safe n teacher caring, it is definitely good... children when they fall sick, they oso build up their immune system.. Jus keep my fingers crossed that little Ezann will not fall sick easily too.....

Me a bit worried for Ezann's toilet training leh... Until now, she still don wanna to use the potty that i boughht for her.. she seems so much slower than the bro... sigh....

$2 trimming is cheap.. where is it?

kkf and violet,
u 2 are really good gals! keep it up! wat a milestone for kkf! i hope i could too in my next pregnancy!

which childcare? share lobang? then we can all benefit.. heheheh..

wat a cutie pie WS is!!!! really charming, cheeky, and pretty! i look fwd to the day my bryan can go to the zoo and have such fun.. rather than strolling ard in the pram.....

sentosa got 2d1n for $288. incl tix to certain attractions. i saw on the mrt just now. can check it out. i really lost on where to go too.. sigh sigh.

anyone knows if it's safe to go m'sia during cny about 5th day onwards? got shops open or not. thinking of going KL particularly cos never been there before... (i know lah.. very suagu.. ahahha!)
Yup, the Sentosa Amara Santuary hotel is nice
went there once when my gf held her wedding there, imo quite romantic

Initially I also have the same feeling that KL is not safe, but think it is ok so long as you don't venture into those dark alleys/ backstreet
Btw, I am suaku
I only been there once when I was a child with my family, that's y when hb suggested gg KL, I quickly agree
r u driving up?if so, think is better 2 go in 2cars or unless ur hubby is very familiar with the roads. once in KL, like any big cities, must b careful lor. think as long as u stay in decent hotels, shop in big malls, avoid dark places, shld b ok.

thanks 4 the compliments 4 ws .. i juz hope she'll b a good & healthy girl can liao

juz brought her to normal neighbourhool hair salon. went in 2 ask, how much is it 2 cut a little girl's fringe, they say $ on lor

btw, those of u with taka card, did u go taka sales? started ytd till fri, got additional 10% for taka card memebers! went ytd & bought presents 4 ws & my happy. will b gg again tmrw
haha, i got my weekend planned. sunday go zoo, monday maybe go west coast park or east coast park (depends on weather) hehe.

hope dash settle into the school comfortably
wow you are so nice. to think of sending over a log cake. its season mood now..

I ever brought siang to a normal neighbourhood hair saloon. he charge me $10 ah :p

little Ezann is totally not toilet train? toilet train takes times. siang now still wear diaper for his afternoon and night sleep. day time he is diaper free thou but at time still got incident

wow you sister is a principal? which school is that :p

oh sentosa got promotion?? last week i try to goggle but did not see it. hehe maybe i can consider haha

re KL, i brought siang to KL, i find it quite a good place to bring toodler
if got chance and got kaki, think me and hubby will bring siang again haha

yeah, i also agree...most important is our kids is happy and healthy
We didn't drive up, traffic in KL is terrible, Bukit Bintang is always JAM
take cabs, they are so easy to travel in

As for me, I intend to bring D&D myself and my helper there, hb needn't go with us, will bring my mother there too
I will still stay in the same hotel, nice place and strict security
Hi Mummies

Long time no post as my elder twin is back since 2 wks ago. Really very busy and tired looking after her.

But my younger twin still in hospt. Already 1 month liao. Really pray hard for her to come home soon. Sob sob. Doctor is doing the blood transfusion for her today. Feel so sad that she has to go through all these at such a young age. My heart really pains. Haiz. But i told myself that i must be strong for her.
oh,re toilet train. can ezann talk alrdy?i rem my mom trying 1 train when she was 1yr+, unsuccessful, cos she can't express herself. when she can talk more, it's easier. anyway, u r sending her 2 sch rt? dun worry, sch will train her heehee
how abt u ? how is going ?

fish oil also recommended for baby brain development. some mummies do take it regularly for that purpose. dunno abt any particular brand. think u just go pharmacy and ask for one used during pregnancy. I was recommended Nordic Naturals, didnt used it last time tho.

purpose of preventing prem labour - something new to me.
fushigi, fish oil can prevent premature labor? where did you hear from?

I didn't take fish oil at all leh, I dun believe in that actually(it will make a baby smarter), anyway, i hate pills as well.

girl80, hope your younger gal can go home soon.

Thanks xbliss and mummylian, I will be in 3rd trimmester tomorrow! yippee! first time leh. haha. crazy me.

But having a bit of lower back aches recently a bit worry.

hey mummylian, guess wat? my psle results is far far far behind your boy. I mean to me your boy's results very very good!

Jane yah sentosa hotels good can consider.

Me really looking forward to 30 weeks, but then me a bit worry now about safety of baby and myself...just read a very scary news.
Btw, mummies, I am trying to clear the old books of dash and getting new ones for him.

If you noe of any good book for children and suitable for 3 years and above, recommend to me ok?
u juz made me cried in office, after reading tat article..felt so sad 4 the little girl & the husband.

dun worry 2 much..tmrw is fri, coming to end of the week..u shld celebrate another wk of achievement..
I knew about this tragedy on Monday cause the lady's father is an ex-colleague of my dad
we were so sad when we heard about this....
MORNING mummies, another week of blessing. in 28 weeks now! yippeeeeeee

But suddenly just fear labor...cause i am in 3rd trimester, seems like anytime from now got to be prepared...
Hi ladies,

I just gave birth to a pair of twins and recently the doc recommend that steriods be administered to help them off the ventilator. But she warned us of the possible side effects that made me really uncomfortable.

So, I'm just wondering if any of your babies had been given steriods before?
hi tigger,

My boy was given steriods during his stay in hospital. Not only 1 time, but a few times due to his weak lung. We were also worried during that time but too long on ventilator also no good for him.

Now,he's seem alright. So,dun have to worry too much.

Hi mummies,

anybody buy Neosure from Malaysia before? It's much more cheaper than Singapore. But wonder it is safe?

Hi kkf,

Congrat and Jia You!
tigger how many weeks are ur twins?

think is pretty common for steriods injections is it?? me not too sure either as i dun remember doctors got mention about that during my boy's stay.

Jane, very very sorry, did you rec my sms? I am truely sorry, made your hubby made a wasted trip. My gong hubby, really gong ah he, took the plastic bag (which I put your books in) behind the door, thinking I wanted him to send to people. I am very sorry. i will send thru registered post to u ok?
congrats, u step into 3rd trimester...violet will be a good girl to you, she will be full term.

my gal at 24weeks+4 was given steroid jabs too and was on ventilator and oxygen support I think the longest here in this forum, with GOD's grace, she is doing well now. Will be 4 next year.
Jus got back from genting. We often drive there... hmm about twice a year at least... if u r not familiar with the place, u can install a gps
KL... during CNY.. can't give u any advise cos i don travel during CNY.. I love all the visitation n the gathering n the good food! Haha

Congrats once again
Read the news that u linked... scary... tat's y i always feel tat don underestimate any pain or telltale sign... feel sad when i read the news.... reminded me of my fren's churchmate whose daughter pass away 2 weeks ago due to kidney cancer... she was only 2 1/2 yr old.... felt very sad......
U kua jiang on my boy again
As for books, guess u r gd at it

Yo... forgot to tell u that ws is really sweet
Ezann can speak now.. but she does not really want to toilet train lei... haiz... hope the child care can aid her in tat n oso the peer pressure

can't give any tips on that... but guess since the dr say it is necessary, it will be better for the young ones bah..

No lei.... Little Ezann is not train at all... at first try to train her for poo poo... even bought a 50 bucks potty for her... she sit on it, jus refud=se to do it.. Din wanna stress her since she is not ready... remember when i toilet train my boys were much easier...

Girl 80
congrats on the homecoming for ur elder twin
How is she coping at home? Must be growing well with mummy's loving tendercare
Pray that ur younger one will join ur family at home as soon as possible

Any mummies use the leapfrog books??? do u think it is gd??
Hi everyone,

Thanks for replying.

Hope you don't mind that I ask some very blunt questions. Cause I'm very worried for my children.

I just gave birth to a pair of twins @ 24 weeks. I didn't get the steroid injection in time.

So now, both my babies are on ventilator. The doc recommend that steroids be given to help them off the ventilator. I search through the internet and nearly all the websites tell me the high chances of developing cerebral palsy and impairing neurodevelopment. I was very upset.

The doc however tell me that my babies being so extremely premature is already a risk of having some form of neurodevelopment. This makes me even more upset.

Thus, can anyone please let me know if your babies are normal and doing ok, and those whose babies have the steroids injections, they are doing normal and doing well too?

tigger, there are a few mummies who gave birth at 24 weeks like u. I am not sure steroids given to babies any side effect leh. Usually the injections are given before they r born right?

how long has your babies stay in hospital liao?

Our children in this thread are actually doing pretty well...

For me I am born 27 weeks and I am doing well now.

But honestly, if babies born 23-24 weeks like that, the doctors will give you the worse scenarios. My eldest boy was borned 23 weeks, that time the doctors were telling me lots of bad things too. But sadly my boy did not manage to make it as he was too early.

I really hope your twins will do well. Both girls or boys or 1 boy 1 girl?
I believe the doctors noe what is the best for your two babies. Maybe u shd let them decide?
my 2nd twin is finally home yesterday. So happy. Finally jie jie & mei mei can be together. Pleased to share my joy :

Left : Jolin (Mei Mei)
Right : Joann (Jie Jie)

Congratulations, Girl80!!! I am really sooo happy for you - can just imagine your happiness

p/s - Sorry girls. No time to update at the moment. Will post soon.
good morning....i just PM boy was born at 24 he is 2.5 years old...

kkf is right, the doctors will give you the worse scenerios just to prepare you...i was given all this bad news and even cried so badly...but the truth is, its not so bad..just have to follow thru wat the doctors tell us to do and keep yr spirits up..thats all..

my son stayed in hospital for 5 mths and a between there were many periods of ups and step forward two steps back..but glad to say that like other prems on this board...they are all doing well and as normal as any other kids..
Morning mummies.

Congrats!girl80!!! Happy for you!!

Tigger, how's your twins?

So few posts lately? Anyway, I went to furama riverfront for 2 days 1 night hotel stay. Though I got to stay at hotel room, but I managed to eat buffet at the restaurant (wow! really happy buffet is my favorite!), and to go popular to get some books for dash! You noe I have been confined at home for soooooooo long! I am really happy to step out of the house!!!

Hope to be in my 32 weeks soon, by then, I think I will dare to move about more.

Now going to be 29 weeks...seeing gynae thursday.
congrats! good that you have enjoyed yourself..加油!

thanks 4 ur encouragement on FB. didn't do quite well..hubby even commented i was slower than all his colleagues haha. but anyway, glad tat i've completed. an achievement which i m proud of, dun care abt timing la
wanna join me next yr ??
kkf and violet, way to go!!!!!! so proud of you. i jealous now, i never even got to touch wk 29! hahahah.

congratulations! i remember i brought my boy 1 yr ago around this time too, just in time for xmas though we dun celebrate! but, wat are holidays without them?! enjoy the bonding even more!!
congrats....your girls look lovely and sweet.

I am one mummy here who did not receive the steriod jabs for baby lungs as baby came out too suddenly at 24 weeks + 4. My observation is my baby's lungs were indeed worst then those premies whose mummies received the steriod jabs before the babies were delivered. Whatever, my girl who failed many times of extubation, eventually went through tracheostomy ops....yeah, the neo nat. did mention to me that there are always pros and cons to any medication, one cure this but might lead to other areas of problems....we have to leave our baby to GOD and the expertise hands....the end result girl was under hardship for first 2 to 3 yrs of life, but she is growing well now. She is like any other kids except that her lungs is still chronic .... your babies are out stay strong for them and continue to believe that they will be strong and healthy by the time they are home. Those were the days that I read up so much on tracheostomy, steriods etc. and it only made me more depress. Mix around with positive and happy people, draw strength from them and you will be able to see light very soon. me. I've been there and though the journey with my girl was tough, today, I am a proud and happy mummy. I believe that the mummies here are specially chosen to be Mummies of Premies. GOD will not give you too much that you can't handle. My girl was at the NICU for almost 6 months, she didn't go SCN but discharged from NICU.
wow precious one, very inspiring leh!

Thanks mummies for the encouragements, counting down to 2 more days before i hit week 29. really counting each day as a blessing...and hope violet will continue to jia you and be strong and healthy...
OUR babies are all going thru the route of xian ku hou tian (bitter first, but sweet afterwards)...

they are our special children, who are braver and stronger than other children.

My twins are doing well. But I really don't like the idea of giving them steriods. The reason is very simple, why do I want to make them suffer in future?

I read about your birth story and how you cope with the oxygen support equipment. As we did not receive the steroids injection, I forsee my babies will have problems with the lungs as well. I really don't want to see them suffer (pro-longing their life with those dreaded machines)
precious_one..ehehe..last night i was so happy... trying to pet kate to sleep then she keep lifting one finger in front of her face and say no... then i reaslise she is trying to say 'nose' and point to her nose! ehehee... then i ask her where is mommy's nose, and she pointed to my nose... but i ask her where is yan yan's nose (her dialect name) but she canot point back to her nose... well, its a start! she finally know a body part!

shelllow,.. next tiem when paige knows how to walk she will drag u around too... phlegm..mmm... got one med called mucosolvant but for > 2 yo....

daec, so cfm moving to JB?

dm.maybe our premmies more conscious of this kind of thing..i bring my gal to the water play at bird park and jacob ballas park she also did not enjoy ... ws looks cute as usual!

yan, my gal bath twice a day when she was abt 1 month corrected (2.5 months actual) once i brought her to nanny's pl...

kkf, bribery! ahahah..but good that the pl emphasis on hygiene..nowadays too many things are spread due to lack of hygiene...

didi, sounds like u really enjoy ur trip..pak tor days!

fushigi,last ttime when i was preggy i took neurogain.... still give birth early... :p

mummylian..2As and 2Astar!!!! wow!!!!

girl80..congrats on having both gals back.. they are so cute!

tigger, not sure abt steriod after birth.. sorry canot help...
Congrats! must be soo happy

my parents confirm move JB. me dunno yet. try to get own hse and move there. I hope can do that - else I forsee some quarrels between me and hubby. he may not agree us move JB for the meantime,may want to move to IL.errhh I v uncomfy there. once move in, dunno when/if can move out. they wont help take care of Nada and no food at home as they work shift. anyways I think I need my parents support to take care of Nada & me in case any complications&after birth. my parents r more able help me as mum not work, dad flexi hrs. if own hse, they will come over to visit often. so hope can get own hse straightaway with God's Grace
ya, after 3 years of nt gg overseas, even gg to kl excites me
planning for our next trip next year hopefully
any mommies use sarong(yao lan) for their babies?
yilin is working night shift(not sleeping at night). wanna faint already.. thinking of getting yao lan..
so far i only went JB ( parents hse only) after Nada born. hmm think I may also be like la - wait few yrs before can travel.itching to travel, but cannot leh.
even i was working like dat one, so hard to persuade hubby to go.
I am using sarong for both my boys, they are god-send
intially I was against the idea, but the sarong really enable them to sleep soundly for longer periods

me opp, when I was not preggie, hb is the one that in favour of gg holidays
since you are gg to be in JB, maybe you can try out holidays in Malaysia for a start
like didi say, yao lan is god sent. hahaha. i tahan nearly 3 months after bryan came home and then finally succumbed. He slept through the night after that... instead of whining n crying n only sleeping when we carried him. at 9 months corrected, he seemed to have weaned himself off the habit.. cos he end up on our bed since we too tired to bring him in and out of yao lan (plus also breastfeed). Now he is coming 14 months non corrected.. we are putting him on the mattress below our bed..trial trial day 2!

i'm actually quite sure it might work. just get lah.. for our sanity.. hahah
Good thing that Bryan weaned from the sarong
D&D still using that for naps in the afternoon, must start to wean them off sarong asap
tigger, how long has your twins been in hospital. as mother, you noe what is best, just follows your heart.

Yao lan, dash only sleeps yao lan at my in laws.

I am also looking forward to my next trip next year!!!!!didi!

But I hope my body will be better first.

Going to see gynae in noon. so excited! haha, crazy, week 29 tomorrow. yippee! Looking forward to week 30 liao!!

So boring at home...
back from gynae. Violet (yes double confirmed its a girl!!)is 1.4kg at 29 weeks.
gynae said aims for year 2009, best 34 weeks (dunno why becomes 34 weeks).
congrats! jia you..we r oso very excited 4 u

clearing my leave these 2 weeks..was on half day ytd & went shopping alone. tmrw again half day. but will b having lunch w hubby, then go back bring ws out. asked her where she wans 2 go, she say "AIRPORT!" haha.. btw, do u know airport is having some disney shows starting this weekend, till 28dec? but it's only on weekends. so even if i go tmrw, won't b able 2 c lor

so tired..came back late tonite cos got dept team building in the afternoon @sentosa & dinner. gg zzz liao...

good nite...
wow, so good clearing leave now.

Yeah, violet in week 29 now. really counting each passing week as a blessing!

Hope she guai guai stays till at least week 32. But somehow I feel that I am losing my energy...maybe old liao.

dun give up, we r all very happy & excited 4 u

ya, clearing leave. today on half day again. later gg having good lunch @astons *drool* with hubby.
