Premature babies support group

sigh.. my baby desat just now. luckily my mum went to the hospital.she is the 1 spotted the ecg and saturation drop, not the nurse. i dun like this nurse today.when my mum saw my baby, her face sort of changed colour liao.. then she see the monitor and find tat the reading not like wat she usually see. she asked the couple beside her and they quickily asked her to alert the nurse. tat nurse maybe over confident..din sort for help, trying to recuse mt gal by herself. luckily tat couple went to seek help from the senior nurse outside the room..

sigh.. they took x-ray and blood of her.. now she on drip, gotta stop her milk feed for tonight and tmr see how..

this isn´t the 1st time she desat, but somehow this time more serious..

i still feel very uneasy now..

dun worry yan, your gal will be fine...know how worrying.
hope she is better today n can goes home soon.

ah mi tuo fo, praying for u.

Last time whenever i was worried, i would sit outside the nicu to recite ah mi tuo fo, n went to guan yin tang to pray. I even folded 1000 paper cranes (with help fr mum and mum in law). If you really felt uneasy, can try to do something like that to make urself feel better?

updated dash's birthday celebration in his website time flies, my amazing boy is 3 years old. I keep telling hubby, we are so blessed to have dash with us.
Hope next year we will hv our new family member with us.

Going back to zzz
ya, we went guan yin tang at mum wrote my baby yilin name there to pray too.

she is ok today. i think the nurse last night respond a bit slow. today even the more senior doctor also came over to see yilin again. she is back on milk feed but the drip not removed yet. and they put her back on caffine again.

hope tat the nurse will be more alert now. sometime we din make noise ah.. they just dun care. just now i saw yilin was lying slanted in her bed. her forehead pressing against the plastic container bed already but the nurse beside just busy doing other things.. please lor.. just shift her back got so difficult meh.. awhile only wat.. then i went in and say ¨y you sleep until like tat?¨ the nurse quickily came over to shift her back.. i think because of last night incident, the nurses all scare kana scold so quickly respond to wat we commented..

wah, super big birthday cake for dash leh
tot just simple grandparents and parents celebration only..?? ha... can finish meh...?!
Glad ur gal is better now. why must yilin be on caffine?

Ur gal in scn already right? scn is like that one. The nurses are all busy busy.

Big cake hor, but thats the minimum kg, 2kg.
in the end, everybody da bao as breakfast, so we manage to clear. haha.
i know how that uncertainty feels. u must remind yilin to breathe on her own.. last time i always told bryan.. when he hears the desat monitor beep loud, time to breathe!! bryan desat a lot when his "sleeping area" goes thru changes, like change of incubator, change from incubator to room air, etc. yilin just came out of incubator, give her some time.

that looks like an e-creative cake?! i got a pooh one for bryan today.. 2kg too and still got half the pooh in the fridge.

small party for only 16 persons, i.e. immediate relatives. din wanna make it big affair and outdoor cos bryan very mafan one.. hot also cranky, many pple also cranky, somemore still on 3 hrly feeds so troublesome. but putting up all that decor makes me feel so happy, now to take them down for the next celebration!

been too tired to log in...
Saw the list and didnt know there were so many babies smaller than Kayden..
edition to the list, he was in SCN for a month too..

CAme back frm eye and hernia followup.. ROP totally gone and hernia recovering nicely..

Just that his stuffy nose and breathin still heavy..

He tends to sneeze alot too.Is it cos of the air??
Groans alot like an old woman too

In the meantime gonna interview maids for him next week.. Any advise on what to look out for or ask the maids???
Hi xbliss, u r rite, thats an ecreative cake. I like their designs of cakes and taste. yummy.

smiggleprincess, no maid, so can't comment. but my boy does get stuff nose very easily, especially in night when we on aircon. he will sometimes wake up crying or making noises.
as for groaning like an old woman, not sure what is it like?
hi mummies

i just visited dash blog
- advance happy birthday to dash, big 3 ler. he must have had fun time.

re desat, give yilin a little bit more time, i am sure she will get over it very soon and breath nicely on room air

i pm you later on a blog started by one of the mummy who had some experience engaging maid. i learn quite a lot of things via this blog (btw, i have a domestic helper to help my mum).

Siang does not sleep in aircon..thou my house is fix with aircon for all the room. my mum house does not have aircon thou. congrats on kayden clearing both the eye and hernia clinic
Hi jane thanks for visiting dash's site.

I used to not let dash sleep in aircon too, but recently he will be so cranky at night if too hot, so no choice. Somemore me preggy, feel hot all day long, so need to on aircon too.
hi kkf

dash blog full of interesting info sharing, oh i see, true that kids sleep better in aircon where the temperature is more constant.

aww me so sleepy. siang is coughing a bit and i ask my husband to bring him see TCM. hope he recover fast fast. so sian of this ever changing weather :p
yup its been so hot recently. I took 3 baths some days. even Nada 'asks' me to bathe her though its just 3+. Norm her bath is at 5+, but she walked me to her bath tub hehhe

at the same time, scared the electricity charges leh. my parents on all time, if I have to - I just on 1-2hrs and then use fan.
congrats ur babe out of incubator. yeah SCN nurses v busy, have to prompt them for help.

congrats ur babe clear ROP and hernia.
three cheers for kayden and yilin!! both of them are progressing really well!

when bryan just came back from kkh, i had to extract the dirt from his nose everyday using those pick that you can buy from children's shop. very small and blunt end. also used the small suction tool to suck those gunk out. somehow he had a lot of those stuff after coming back from kkh. and cos bbies dunno how to dig them out, they may end up sneezing when irritated. can give it a try. but dun dislodge when the gunk is dry, cos it sticks to the nose when dry and dislodging it may hurt the sensitive skin in nose. what you can do is get a small cotton piece (enuff to put into nose without squeezing), place some water onto it and carefully swipe the inside to soften the gunk first before disloging.

Agree with the mummies.. give ur gal a bit more time
she is a warrior

Happy birthday to dash

Xbliss... Is bryan oct bb??

I'm oct bb too

Ezann went for her developmental test last week. All was ok. Seeing the pd again next year

She is getting a bit mischevious asking for things n crying like a cry bb whenever her request is not met....

We just came back from a 5 day trip to kl n genting.. was a long drive for her but she enjoyed it
we too enjoyed the trip with my boys..

wow.. my gal at terrible 2... can't recall that my boys behave this way when they were 2...
morning mummylian

yes bryan is oct bb. got many oct bbies here i think.. like dash and craydon too. happy bday to u too!! wat did the boys get u?

bryan haven reach 2 already start tatrums. v possessive and scream at u when u take away watever is on his hands. then he will throw head backwards and go into tantrum mode.. sigh sigh.. children nowadays no longer gong gong like us last time. we must had been more lovable! hehehe..

wah.. genting kl! i never go kl before so sad! hahaha. prob cos we dunno wat we can do there and think its v similar to sg so never go. maybe this yr end we will try driving up.
yilin is in the MRSA room.
caffine is to help breath better.
same in the mrsa rooom, nurses always busy.. usually there are 2 nurss for 6 babies.sometime down to 1 for a short while. sometime i dunno they hardworking or lazy. when only 1 nurse, ask her to keep my milk, she said they alone cannot leave the babies with no nurse.. gotta wait for the other nurse to come back.. ok.. fair enough.. but sometime all the nurses just walk out leaving no nurse in the room!! and i was all alone with the 6 babies for quite sometime..
sometime.. said.. later keep my milk but din do it. maybe forgotten lah.. they human too.. but they must check wat.. how come got 1 extra milk there... and my supply super lo so very preious 1 leh... there was once.. my milk was left on he table for 3hrs till the next shift nurse spot tat bottle on the table... luckily is in air con room..

now my elder gal also in the terrible 2 stage.. very demanding.. buay tahan.. think now they realise tat they got options, they can chose, so become chosy too. if dun meet their requirement, make noise liao.
hi all mummies,

long time never login. really been bz for the past half yr.

My boy finally goes home 2 wks ago since from his birth. Almost 1 yr in hospital. Although he goes home with a nasel cannular, but we're still happy.

hi Yan,

Yilin is at which MRSA room? (NICU OR SCN)? My boy was dischaged from SCN MRSA room. Never meet u b4?
caffeine is to keep bb more alert so that they will remember to breathe. hmm... i wonder wat happened to the standard. all deeparaya mood isit? sometimes u gotta remind them a bit in scn, unlike nicu where nurse to bb ratio is better. sometimes i walk all the way to the milk storage area and trouble a nurse there to keep for me if i see them v busy.

how ur milk supply doing? managed to increase after medication or massage?
Congrats xiaowanzi on your boy's return. I'm sure you'll be very busy from now on. Things will get better as he grows older.. Jia Yu..

Regarding this terrible 2.. my girl also has a very bad temper. There was a period where she will be so upset that she will clutch her fists and stiffen up when she can't get wat she wants, like opening a bottle or cannot fit some things into a container. Her face will turn red and she will starts to cry and scream. Sounds bad right? I was pretty shocked at her reaction too. I have this book with baby faces of emotions. And when she had her meltdowns, I will take out the book and flip to the page on ANGRY and tell her, coco is angry because of ...... (whatever made her upset). She seems to understand after a while and after she calm down, i will turn to the HAPPY page and say, Coco is Happy. She will usually break out into laughter when she see the happy face of the baby.

Just to share this little tip. Now she does not have such extreme meltdowns anymore, of course the usual tantrums when she can't get what she wants, but not the type that will run into a fit.
my baby is in the mrsa room tat join together with the blue scn room, not the one nearer to the entrance. congrats, baby can go home at last. happy for u after such a long wait.

i still give my mlk to them but will remind them. milk supply.. sigh.. now i started work already, though work from home but still can´t manage to pump so often plus my elder gal keep asking me to play with her. i pumping 4hrly now and managed to get about 20ml only... but i feel tat though i pump less session than last time when i used to pump 3hrly, i get more in total per day than last time leh...last time i hardly pump 20ml per session. even maybe 10ml only sometime..

the med. not working on me. fengureek also cannot.. i hopeless liao...
happy birthday to all oct baby...

Paige also has block nose n noisy breathing as well. I took her to TCM for tuina, after 3 days of tuina then she vomit some very smelly phlegm, n her block nose is much more better then before. The TCM told me to invest in a good purifier, if we goin to let her sleep in aircon room. Now i bring PAige to tuina every 2 weeks....
where do you bring paige for tuina? my gal on and off coughing for more than a month already. now run awhile only, also will trigger her cough..
anyone of your children got black stains on the teeth that can't be removed? My Coco has it.. i brought her to the dentist but the dentist says they are formula stains and there is nothing much to be done until the she grows older and know to spit out water and use the fluoride toothpaste... i'm so sad.. i hope it's true.. but it's looks so ugly...
wahhhh.. lili u r scaring me... now i will make sure i scrub bryan teeth more often. waiting for the first teeth toothpaste to come from spree.

Got ur PM thanks, been readin that website before but it abit outdated. Some clauses no longer apply.

Kayden's nose is very clean lei.. Dig what??? I already got a good air purifier for him too...
But he sneezes everyday, as much as he farts!!!

WHere u go for tuina?? But i not sure whether Kayden has any phlegm.. Ask doctor also they never reply me straight.

Maid agencies
Headche!! Today went Katong to a few agencies. Now no indon stock only philippines.. Plus cannot make it.. really cant fang xin to let them jaga Kayden... And i goin back next mth to work
me up at 3 plus! sigh...since i get pregnant, never had a good sleep. will wake up at intervals,recently usually 2 or 3plus and failed to get back to sleep till 2-3hours later.

btw, xiaowanzi, congrats that your boy is home! but why did he need to stay at hospital for so long? your hospital bill must be huge!!!

regarding tuina, you all can try yu guo at castle road (sorry forgot exact address). Its a very popular place. used to bring my boy there, but now too lazy.

lili, my boy has yellowish teeth instead of black stains.

smiggleprincess, good luck in your search for maid.

need to go back to zzz.

btw, today is dash's exact 3 years old birthday! wow time flies!
tomorrow morning, he will be seeing dr argawal for is always a blessing to have him with me...
btw, i realise i really like to spend. even now i am not working, i still can buy this and that. cause i always like to buy things when i am very stress, just like now!!! keeps wanting to get something for myself like some branded stuff to make myself feel better...sigh. to reward myself for going this far...

i really dread mid november when i need to shift into my in laws place sigh.
its ok to shop, but be selective on wat u buy. when i stress, i like to shop too.. can distract my attention, not too focus on the stress part.

wah.. about maid.. next april my maid will be going back. she has been with us for 3 yrs by then and she is very good. worry that not able to get someone like her. moreover my gal is very attact to her, jia lut liao.... tot her i rene her work permit for 2 yrs last time, if she wanna stay till 2010 also can but think her boyfriend grandmother want her to go back to get married.
Yan, hehe..its ok..not clear also can post!
yes the nurse at scn abit busy..last time my gal cry till she turned blue and the machine start beeping also no nurse respond... luckily i was there (but i duno how many times had it occured before when iwas not there!)... sad when we have to depend on maid right?

kkf...wah..super big cake..ecreative is the one at sun plaza right? more yummy than usual cake? but 2kg is so much..recently hb's bd..and we canot even fini the 300g cake ahahahah time when u wake up at night..dont netsurf..i think the internet will make u not want to go back to sleep.... why r u moving to ur in laws pl in nov? is it going to be permanent?

xbliss.hahaha..i have to agree.when they are young its very mah fun to go out! :p

smiggleprincess, congrats on ROP and hernia OK (esp ROP!)
very tight deadline in getting a maid! will there be any elderly jagaring the maid? how abt sourcing for those auntie bbsitter around ur neighbourhood?

mummylian..wah..u guys drive al the way up to KL? all the kids went?

xiaowanzi, congrats on having ur bb home!
now u can see him 24x7!

Lili, yan, xbliss, my gal also terrible twos, though she is only 23 months old ahhaha... sometimes very headache...

Lili, interesting book u have!
formula stains? non-fluoride toothpaste will not work?

shelllow, yes where is ur tuina? my gal had been sick on and off since she started playgrp... had running nose for > 1 week but still have not recovered despite taking meds...sighh... that yuguo very far from my home leh...
morning mommies, so long nev post cos bz at work.

try using non-fluoride toothpaste & brush coco's teeth after milk or food. wat we did was brush b4 night bath. after milk, will use a cloth & clean her teeth b4 gg zzz. it worked. there were a few days when we didn't do it, there's stains on the teeth, like those ah-pek who drink tea/coffee. haha

feeling very sian. guess it's abt sian-ness at work. wondering whether i shld change job or not. hav been in this company for almost 8yrs alrdy. agency called up 2 offer something, i told them interested, but 1wk alrdy, still no sound no pic. ytd, heard another dept got offering, dunno wan to go find out more or not. sian la..

okie. sorry 2 bother all with my grumbling
hi mummies,

congrats on bb going home!! time for lots of cuddling, bonding and joy! do join us here more often as we love to hear about good news and progress

if nose clean then dun need.. hehe.. i only found out when i put some cotton into his nose to clean, dunno isit the cotton loosen the gunk inside so i can see them after the quick swipe (which of cos he dun like!!) anyone in ur family got sinus or allergic rhinitis? it can pass thru genes.

happy birthday to DASH! Dash dashed for 3 yrs steadily, hope he bu bu gao sheng and faster put kkh behind!
think u better start some cheap hobby to while your time positively. maybe gardening, crotchet, make scrapbook for dash and bb, photoshop your digital photos, etc.. hehehe.. all the above is i wan to do but no time to do one!!!

8 yrs is a loooong time! can understand how it feels to be itchy. sometimes change of environment may force us to bring out our potential which got buried cos of complacency and comfort!
guess i'm sian, cos rumours of promotion gg ard & i'm not 1 of them
n frankly, not v song with the 'selected' one. so tat prob pushed me 2 look 4 another job. but 2 comfortable alrdy, scared 2 move. old alrdy oso .. but my track record q gd leh. stayed on my 1st job for almost 6yrs, then now this job almost 8yrs..

but still lazy & scared leh..

maybe i need another break
Bloom, the dentist says that those non-fluoride toothpaste for babies are smooth in texture so will not help in cleaning the stains.

DM, how did you get ur girl to brush her teeth? Coco juz refused to let us put the toothbrush in her mouth. She will fight with us and bite the toothbrush instead. I restore to brushing her teeth when she is sleeping but now, even in her sleep, she will turn her head away.. Once or twice, I managed to do it and some of the stains did lighten. I just need to get the toothbrush into those teeth.

Also, now she is about 18mths (corrected about 15 1/2) only 4 teeth on top and 4 teeth at the bottom.. a bit slow or not?

smiggleprincess, you have someone else to keep an eye on your maid for you when u go back to work? but really lor, depends on luck one.. pray before you decide on one..

kkf, is it that you also sleep in the afternoon so cannot sleep at night?
like wat xbliss said, too complacency and comfortable liao, tats y we become lazy. my previous and current jobs, all recommended by friends, else i also lazy to change although not very song with the company. always complaining but no action taken.. ha....
maybe u can show her when u brush your teeth. try making some funny expression and sound to catch her attention.

for my elder gal, since young, we brush her teeth liao. now she habit, like to do it by herself. but of cos..most of the time the brush not on the teeth.. ha... we gotto help her.
if coco doesn't wan u 2 use toothbrush, try using a cloth & clean away the milk stains?

initialy must coax lor. but since she go sch, maybe due to peer pressure, she is oso brushing teeth in sch alrdy.

thanks. juz talked 2 a colleauge in factory (our factory, they hav an opening). but after talking, i immediately rejected liao, simply becos cannot go home on time haha..
Hi lili, i haven't start brushing dash teeth when he was 18 mths leh...guilty. He just started getting into habit of brushing teeth recently. :p He saw me brushing teeth and wanted to imitate...
Anyway, my in laws very naggy, nag and nag for millions of times to brush his teeth.

Btw, no leh, even I dun take nap, i still will wake up. I think its more like a habit. or rather bec of pregnancy, needs to go toilet often, and so wake and wake.

dm, think part and parcel of working...i am thinking of changing job as well. Was soooo moody from jan to june, and no mood to work, and was sooo sianz everyday. Luckily got preggy and could take a break. Initially tot not going back to teaching, but then after much considerations, can't afford leh, must earn and save for retirement, now my savings basically very pathetic. My aim: to buy a condominum when old, and live well. haha. Anyway, think I will die from boredom if I dun already half dead (choy!).

bloom, I m moving to my in laws place in november because my hubby working in renci. Currently renci is at buangkok, so very near my plc. If I got anything, can call him, and less than 15 mins he will be home. But starting mid november, renci new hospital is at novena. Very far from my plc. I am bit stress, if I (choy!) have contractions, call him, come back, go hospital, i think i will already give birth. haha. Cause my labor can be quite fast. So no choice, got to move to my in laws plc at ang mo kio. Hubby will leave his car there, take train to work, and if anything, my father in law can drive me to hospital. So no choice got to move...but me very sianz.

Yan, really cannot resist, really want to pamper myself at times! feel such a torture...
Soooooo very the sianz.

Dash quite poor thing, today his actual birthday, nothing much is done. haha, hubby took half day, but he is sleeping like a pig now. So half day is for him to sleep, not to be with dash. Just now dash had nuggets and fries for his lunch (I only allow him this time, other days, no such thing). Later will ask hubby to bring him to pray at nearby temple, and to buy swensens for dinner.
happy birthday to dash...its okay lah you celebrated his birthday for him alrady mah....
wat job you tinkg of changing to?

congrats..hp all is well wif yr boy
congrats on your boy discharge...1 yr is a long time....nevertheless his health will improve in great folds when he's home. He has the best care from his loving parents and love will concur all.
yes.. timing very important.. my current job not very good too. either too busy or too free.. busy in the sense that i got to bring home and work till midnight, most of the time 2-3am..weekend also working non stop. that's y my hubby think tat my premature delivery was due to work stress and lack of sleep.

if really wanna buy then buy lah.. sometime not that we need that item, is just the feeling.. we feel good when we purchase it.

i also feel very stressful and tired so like to shop too.. everyday and night gotta pump and pump.. but milk supply not picking up.. envy those that can pump 1-2 full bottles of milk.. everytime walk from the breastfeeding room to the mrsa room, i hide my milk in my bag.. so pai seh to let people see leh.. if got parents inside the mrsa room, i will try to put somewhere they can't see, if possible.

baby still in hospital and i started work already. no time to shop, but i shop online :p. and of cos try not to buy expensive item cos scare the hospital will be a bomb.. recently there was a lesport bag sale spree.. think of buying but still dare not buy..
Thanks for all the wishes!

Hi yan, i saw the lesportsac spree, the 75% off right? I bought leh...but regretted.

Very guilty now, just now ate swensens fish and co, and ice cream!! Already gained many kgs, now ate ice cream! somemore its sooo sweet, feared that would lead to diabietics. :p But simply couldn't resist.

Dash ate a bit of ice cream as well and spagetti.
He enjoyed the food.
ya! 75% lor.. which model u bought, y regret? impluse buy? since buy already just use la

eat ice cream once awhile ok lah. maybe your princess graving for it, tats y you can´t resist.ha..
Dash Dash Happy Birthday
You will get the best present next year, a meimei to play

You bot the lesportsac bag, good, some of the designs I quite like too
hey, for me, I think opp, if I get old I will sell away the condo and live in HDB
reason being I won't want to continue paying the high maintenance fees (which is much higher than HDB), nearer to amenities (when old can't walk too much and will get rid of the car too)
and enjoy the rebates by govt
that's what I think lor
I bring PAige to Yuguo at Jln Masjid (opp Kembangan MRT). Agree wif Bloom, tt place is too far. Now we goin to try another 1 in Bk Merah, closer to home. Paige also a lot of gas, fart n burp a lot. Paige pass motion once a week, any1 baby has tis problem? though doc say as long as stool nt hard is ok, but it still annoys me... haha

haha... same la i also shop online... at least ur job u can work from home, mine i cant, overtime also must stay in office.... my maternity leave ending soon,going back to work.. sob sob...

just eat wat u feel like, then violet will put on weight....

bryan poo poo almost daily until he was about 4-5 months then became 2-3 days. he was breastfed. Once onto formula, poo poo once in 5-7 days too. still quite soft. nowadays after starting porridge, his stools can be quite solid.. but we are not concerned if he is well and no pain during poo poo lor. how old is paige now?? u give her the wind drops? is it she take in too much wind when crying or drinking milk? the good thing is she can let the gas out! hehe.. got one time bryan so bloated cos he couldnt get the wind out!

wah, 14 yrs of work already n track record so good! i think thats y u do hope that u can get some career advancement at the same place rite? why not be assertive, go to the hr and ask for a promotion if u think u deserve it? its esp more possible if the vacancy is made public. i mean, u dun have to ask to be promoted to that position, but just for them to consider raising your pay and level (kakak.. tell them u have been headhunted...).

i talk so big, but i no guts to do such things one.. cos maybe lack confidence in myself plus i hate change. so i face the opposite situation, boss wanna promote me and i die die refuse. partially cos i know i wanna try for 2nd bb next yr and worry it will be just as traumatic plus full of MC so i dun wanna hai ren hai ji.

yar agree with yan.. think little princess like to eat! heheh. u finished ur bond already? if so, then can change job with less "burden". u are known shopping queen here, so i guess retail therapy is still the way for u even if you feel guilty after that! heee. ai.. just buy lah, not as if we are buying stuff that cost millions! take it as a treat for urself.

i oso secretly hope to live condo.. maybe all the mummies in this thread should all move into same condo and then we have a physical support group! hahaha.

i know how it feels to stay with mil. not that it's that bad, but its not ur own place, cant do a lot of things. honestly i suspect thats the reason both my previous pregnancies din go well. i really couldnt do a lot of things that i wanted and still expected to do household chores when pregnang. But, i'm sure with ur situation, ur parents in law will be more understanding and supportive. Remember to pack ur laptop n camera along so u can still join us online!!
