Premature babies support group

Hope Siang Siang is ok now
luckily your helper has arrived

ya, my Darryl was on it for a while, but think it is really good

mummylian, u go gal! still bf edel!! i gave up on bf after 9 months cos bryan not appreciative of the milk!!! he didn't like bm and each feed is really a pain even when bottle feed. now change to friso and phew... it's rare to hear tis, but i believe he was very upset with me becos he wanted to latch and i refused... a lot of fight going my breast area each time the feeding time reached.. keke.. the sure know how to follow smell!!!

pls dun think like this. i think some ppl generally cannot produce that much bm. there are many bbies who take formula right from birth, and there is no evidence to say they are weaker too. i used to express in nicu/scn with bryan's neighbor's mummy and she always have hard time squeezing out the precious 50ml.

like didi i did 3hourly even at 3rd month too.i only switched to 4 hourly at 4th month. when supply established, i did 3-4 hourly in day time and only once or twice at night. hang in there!!!

congrats! good birthweight!

thanks thanks! he did fire the cardiac centre but we insisted he goes back for a 1 yo review ultimately... just to get assurance..

can u get advice from paed? pneumococcal works in a way you have to take for 4th, 5th, 6th and 9th month in order for it to be effective. if u miss this schedule, u have to wait for 1 yo i think, which is a really long time from now. and pneu is a really common illness, so prevention is better than cure. I think it is slightly different for kaydon he still needs a little help with the oxygen level at times whereas for paige, she should be stable already right? my boy din get fever though paed advised he might. he was ok for all 3 jabs, except for the 1yo which he hasnt taken. and he took all the jabs according to this chronological age, which means he took the first jab when he was only 2 months corrected.

Sorry to ask hor... Wat is croup??
Ezann oso in her terrible 2. But hor, when I brought her to Japan, many ppl in the same tour group say that she is very well behaved
Mayb my treshold is smaller??? S Little Ezann knows quite many words now.. Love to imitate ppl esp the 2 kor kor. Always inputting nonsense to her. I love to hear her saying mei mei oih oih ( sister sleeping)
Wow, it must have been tough to be shuffling yourself thru without helper.. my helper jus renewed her contract for another 2 years. Thank God for her

Indeed the MRSA unit was cosier n more conducive for our little ones.. Guess tat's how they really recuperate more

Hmm.. prior to my waterbag bursting, i notice i have more discharge (whitish one).. N guess wat, I never had my water bag bursting for my 2 boys! Tat's my first experience too. Jus wanna share that I jus read the motherhood magazine about a mum n she had a premie due to her weak womb.. Her gynae asked her to 'strengthen' the cervix??? by stitching through an operation when she was in her 4 months... Din know u could do that... n she delivered the bb in 37 weeks;)


Hee... ok la.. thankfully still has the energy to express for edel
but hor i think the determination that I have for Edel in all aspects seems to be a little lesser as compared to Ezann... Must try to balance myself for that
Smiggle Princess
Wat's that medicine for? Quite costly since already subsidised.. so guess this pill is a non standard drug that don enjoy subsidy.. Review will be lesser as they grow
Hello here i am nearly 3am. Actually since I got pregnant, can't sleep really well, keep waking at intervals. Just now woken by a bad dream, must distract myself, else will continue to get a bit panic.

Smiggleprincess, I agree, neosure is good. I stop breastfeeding since 3rd month, and my boy was on neosure since then. That forumla really helped him to gain lots of weight. no lobang leh, neosure is never on discounted price, cause not a common formula. But safer to buy from singapore, hee, after the milk chaos in china.

Mummylian, I have been resting a lot (stop working) since I know I am pregnant. Mine is not incompetent cervix i think, else my gynae will have stitch me up long time ago. She is still observing. I really hope my problem is as simple as that, incompetent cervix, which magazine was that?

More whitish discharge, I have more yellowish sticky discharge recently, and I got a bit of concern. I called up my gynae, the clerks there told me as long as not smelly its ok, but still I am worry. I remember when I was about to give birth to dash, i had some abnormal discharge too, though not yellowish, but a bit of blood stinged discharge. I was very sure that time it was mucus plug, but the gynae thought nothing about it. sigh...

now I really dunno whether to believe in myself or otherwise.

Jane, it will be over soon. I used to think when it will end too. But now as dash is getting bigger, things are more ok now.

daec, yah yah, trying hard to think positive. But really, if there is a medicine that will let me forget about the past, will take it, and think I will be happier.
thanks for all the encouragment.yes.. every mom want the best for their children. i´ll work harder

yesterday yilin had her 2nd eye review. so far no sign of ROP
but the other 2 babies in the room not so lucky
my hubby overheard tat 1 baby might need laser or surgery. the other baby at least better, improving from stage 3 to 2

i like the mrsa room too, quieter and darker. most of the time there will be 2 nurses taking care of 4 babies

like to ask ah.. wat is the duration u all pump per session? i pump an average of 40min every session. is it enough or too long?
neonat from KKH told me tt all vaccine will be taken according to their actual age. yeah need to talk to the paed again. Pnemococcal vaccine very ex lei, no choice la... so far Paige is stable la, graduated from eye doc, still need follow up wif neonat n cardio, tt day they found some bleedin in her brain, hope will resolve by itself.

hope siang is getting better.

i normally pump 1 hr per session, 30 min each.... my supply also getting low, i get angry when i see paige dun wana finihs her milk...
hi mummylian (your PM is disable?)

What is Croup?

Croup is a common viral infection of the upper airways. The virus affects the windpipe (trachea) and the voicebox (larynx) causing inflammation and narrowing of the airways, and hence difficulty breathing.

It usually occurs in young children between 6 months to 3 years of age, but it can affect kids up to 6 years old.

Symptoms of Croup.

The child may start by having a runny nose and fever and then progress to have noisy breathing, hoarse voice and a loud barking cough. It is important that parent recognize when croup becomes an emergency. This is when the child looks very sick (toxic) and tired and is having very noisy breathing (stridor) at rest. Another sign that it is very serious is when you look at the chest and you can see the ribs prominently when the child is breathing in (retractions). These are signs that you need to seek medical attention straightaway.

What usually happens in cases of mild Croup?

Mild Croup can be treated without hospital admission. The illness may last around 5 days with the first 2 days being the worse. The child does not need antibiotics since it is a viral infection.

Can Croup be dangerous?

Severe croup can be rapidly fatal as the passage of air in the voice box and larynx get so narrow that the flow of air into the lungs is severely limited. The child will need to be treated immediately with a procedure to put an airway tube into the throat so as to ensure that air can get into the lungs.

What to do?

In the Singapore context where clinics are readily available, it is best to just bring your child to your family doctor if you suspect your child is having Croup. If it is severe, bring the child straightaway to KK Children's emergency. However, if it is a mild case, Croup can be treated at the clinic. The doctor can give a immediate dose of steroids which can have amazing results. The child may improve markedly within 1 to 2 hours after giving the medication and can then be looked after at home. However it is important to note that the child should be observed closely over the next few hours to make sure the condition does not start deteriorating again.

The doctor may prescribe some fever medication and simple cough and cold syrups for the child. It is also useful to prop the child up and help the child relax by watching some TV or reading a book. Moist air can also be useful. You can do this by turning on the hot shower in the toilet for a while before giving your child a bath or by using a humidifier.


Croup is a common illness affecting younger children. It is usually mild and can be treated at home with the help of your family doctor. However, there are some instances where Croup can be so severe that the child will need to be admitted to hospital. So it is important for parents to be able to recognize severe Croup and seek medical attention immediately.
hi SmigglePrincess
I see. yes may we know what is this expensive medicine that the PD has prescrible for kayden?

i agree with kkf, didi. neosure is good. no lobang, like kkf say, there is no discount/promotions so far. when siang was on it, i always purchase it from NTUC and often there is limited stock...there was a period i purchase from KKH pharmacy, then they bar the number of tin per parents can buy...

kkf, didi, shelllow,
siang is ok liao... this incident really very sudden.

Oh, miss out congrats on bryan progress

hehe yeah. what is the plan for craydon birthday?

congrats to yilin clearing her eye review. siang also regress from 2+ to normal. continue to cheer yilin for me
hug hug

that time i pump an average of 30-40mins...but then again for BM expressing its really up to indiviudual and also the interval the mummy does it. my colleague (she just back from maternity). she does the expressing every 4 hourly. per pump she pump around 60mins or so.
oh shelllow

just to share about Pnemococcal vaccine. yes xbliss is right. it come in phrases. i brought siang to a GP to jab that. it cost me $175 per jab but this GP quite nice. did not charge me any consultation fee :p... hehe. bo bian ah, must think of how to save cost. siang had 2 jab (he toke the first after he was one year old actual)

hope paige brain bleeding be resolved soon

Me expressing twice a day in an interval of 12 hourly. Expressing about 30 to 40 min per expression.

Thanks for updating me with wat is croup. I remember allowing Ezann to take the pneumoccocal vaccine during her 2nd visit with Dr. Khoo. She has completed all her vaccine

It's motherhood magazine. I subscribed to it and read it 2 days ago. Was thinking to share the info.
oh, the medication is for reflux, hope kayden be off it soon

no problem. i extract the information from the medical web page. I see, for siang he toke the pneumoccocal after his review with Dr Agarawal on his 12mth review with her. Siang have completed all his vaccination too
hi mummies,

sorry cannot keep up with who writes what.. hehe

thanks! hope he can faster clear all

re: bleeding in brain
bryan also had that, but it resolved itself by the time he went back for his first review after discharge

my mil told me that today is bryan's chinese b'day! so coincident! happee 1st birthday to craydon and bryan!!

re: bm
i took about 30-40 min each time, including washing up. i hate to wash the pumps.. so many small parts!!

and yes, i hate it when bryan doesnt drink up the milk!! waste my time so in the end no motivation to pump further.

not sure just see doc. do you think having a doula would help??? cos i read they are also para medical also so may be able to advice you and give you encouragement too.
mummylian, xbliss,
aiyoh I am so terrible compared to you
my every bm expressing milk only about 15-20 mins, hmm... when I see the amount that I want is achieved then I will stop even the milk are dripping,... me not hardworking at all !
dun say that lah! u have 2 to take care so naturally more tired.. i had to pump out everything cos i realised kept getting blocked ducts earlier on. in the end, the phobia just kept me going. clearing the blocked ducts was a painful hard job so i became diligent out of fear!!
Happy children's day to all our children! may they be happy always and forever!

Smiggleprincess, there is really no discount for neosure at the major supermarkets because they are the minority powder, so no discount. I think malaysia is selling, and could be cheaper. I remember a mummy bought from malaysia before. But then, i think singapore is safer.

You may want to try emailing to abbott and ask if they will offer discount if buy in bulk?

Xbliss, and daec, thanks for the suggestions but me not able to go anywhere. so think i can't approach a doula.

happy birthday to craydon and bryan! soon, will be dash! hee.

Yan, sorry i forgot how long i pump. I never really time. I just pump enough and will stop.
hello mommies,
i'm back.. so many posts to catch up.

had a wonderful/terrible holiday in bali. the villa we stayed in was fantastic. with 3 individual villa/rooms & 2 swimming pools. we reached there on fri evening & ws wanted to go swim alrdy. told her will do so in the next few days.

went for a day tour on sat, n tat's the starting of my terrbile tour. hubby & ws went into a shop @monkey forest. when they came out, ws was complaining itchy. we tot it was normal, those kind of itch u'll get when u r sweaty? when we got into the car, hubby's arms & body flare up.. n it looks like hives. in the evening, ws' legs oso flared up.

since we do not trust the docs in bali, we juz applied some insect-bite cream 4 her. but she was soooo uncomfortable & complaining abt the itch all day long. trying very hard to stop her frm scratching.

she was ok when distracted, but during meal times, will start whinning & crying. poor girl. during sleep oso like tat. sigh.

did not manage to buy anything 4 myself. no mood 2 shop. didn't eat a lot 2. cos ws take super long 2 finish her meal. by the time she finished, either the food cold alrdy, or i no appetite 2 eat alrdy. think i lost weight this trip

came back last nite & immediately went to c doc. doc gave med & cream 4 her & finally, we all can hav a good nite sleep last nite.

however, do not b discouraged by my bad experience. bali is a very nice place 2 visit. the pple r nice & friendly. the place is clean & beautiful. prob will go again in a few yrs' time.
Hi dm, yes, bali is a nice place. but it is only a place good for relaxing, shopping wise, really nothing much.

Glad you enjoyed your trip and hope ws is ok now...
ok la.. as long as we have put in our best..
my boys were complaining to me as I did not breastfeed my two elder boys.. initially, din wanna bf ezann but no choice cos she premie.Bf is tiring.. even till now, every now n then will feel like stopping...

wow.. going to have many events this two weeks.. my eldest boy PSLE on fri, Ezann 2 yr development test on the 6th oct n after that, will be driving the whole family to genting n kl
Hope everything will fall nicely in place

where r u seeing ur gynae?
Hi Mummylian, I am seeing my gynae at Mount Elizabeth, dr ann tan.

Hope everything goes smoothly for you!

Me getting a bit worry about my weight gain leh, how? I have been gaining 12kg and now only about 19 weeks. I have been eating too much in 1st trimester, and also not moving about keep lying down and sitting down, so gain a lot of weight! sigh...

Now I only hope my baby gains weight too!

I really wonder how I am going to shed off the excess weigth after delivery, and how to regain my stamina cause after resting for so long n not moving much.
now i feel so ugly na feel like a king kong. besides going to my gynae, i dun dare to go anywhere. sob.

I am worry about my 3rd trimester too, too big size will have lots of problems...sigh.
its ok. i have not lost a single inch after pregnancy... in fact i gain more and more, everyone ask me if i preggy with no. 2.. sigh sigh.. hahahaha
yan, yes, not enuf milk nurse mix with fm ... some pp have 'better luck' in bfing lah.. i know of a mommy who never wake up at night to engorgement and yet so much ss she must buy another fridge!

mummylian, my gal is 22.5 months old (actual), abt 21 months corrected...

jane..hehehe.. not bad..still can survive for 2 weeks w/o maid... how is the new maid? Croup sounds scary.. and hor.. i suspect alot of GPs might not know how to handle it.

I take abt 1 hr each for pumping... 4 hrs can imagine how impossible it is for me to pump in office.... so in the end decided to stop...

xbliss, for blocked ducts try latching bb on... more effective than pumping...

dm... scary holiday for ws!!!!!

kkf, dont worry abt the wgt gain... now the most impt thing is the bb... after u gave birth ask ur hb to go jogging with u and sponsor for ur slimming package!
wah, quite a few mummies pump about 1hr per session. last time i used to pump 1hr too, the lactation nurse told me to pump 30min. but sometime i still pump till 50min else the amount will be very pathetic..

thinking of asking for 3rd course of medication to increase the supply..hmm...
u working? how big is kayden now? some nannies scared of handling small babies. no family members?

wat medication u on now? domperidon never fail to increase supply. when i lapsed and milk decrease suddenly, i will take it.. instant results in 1-3 days. hee..

how to latch when bryan was in nicu?? so i own self squeeze block ducts. painful session but when the milk finally flowed out.. phewwwww...
smiggleprincess, I mean to say you can try calling up abbott, or email them to ask whether can buy neosure in bulk?

the forum is getting veri quiet, think soon will die down...

i email abbott and no reply, maybe call tml..
But my nursing auntie say no need drink Neosure for so long since Kayden already full term and 5.3kg liao..

ya no one can help me to take care of him

wish i can be SAHM
good morning, mummies, so long din post...

dm, hows ws ?hp her skin's so lucky went so many hvnt been to bali before...

i fed my son neosure last time becuz he was he is still underweight...i bot my supplies from NTUC but not all branches hv....if not, i got it fm KKH pharmacy like jane...

wah, so many activities for yr family....enjoy yself, huh...and m sure that ezanne will pass her developmental test well.....
good morning mummies

this thread won't die down...probably some of the mummies busy :p. we are all always here..

hehe my new domestic helper ah. ok ok la, so long siang is ok, gotten learn to let go of certain things lor.

croup to me (its the 2nd espisode siang had) is scary indeed. and... i probably won't bring him to GP, will head to KKH for anything serious. for flu and runny nose, right now siang is seeing GP lor.

my mum was nice to volunteer to look after my son when she know he arrived early. for domestic helper, maybe it would be good to have a elderly at home. i hope you find a workable plan soon

can i ask..what is hives?

kkf,i'm still here..but bz clearing some work.

jane & costa,
thanks 4 ur concern. ws is much better. still some spots on her legs, & occassionally she'll complain of itch, but it's definitely much better.
hives, i oso dunno. 蜂mo (4) in chinese. it started with terrible itch, after scratch, became patches of white white, then became many many many red dots..super duper itchy until painful kind.
hi dm
oh ok i see. ws so pretty. the back ground is the submerge temple right? there is lots of monkey there...which villa you stay in?
wow ur kaydon is of very good weight, my paige is fullterm now 3.6kg. I know how u feel, me too no family member to help out... has been looking for nanny for a long time. finally find 1 n she told me since paigeis premature she is charging me 100 extra. as long as she can take good care of paige when i at work, i dun mind. BTW where do u stay, cos my fren recommended me a few but they all stay in Pasir ris, n i stay in jurong west....

ur ws is so cute. can wait for paige to grow up... haha

this is paige at 3wk (corrected age) the pacifier is too big for her n she got choke sucking it....
nice pics, looking at the pics you must have enjoyed very much
btw which agent did you booked the trip with ?
hi Jane
coup sounds scary. Nada is sick now with cough, diarrhoea and flu.

$100 extra coz premature ? I wonder what's her justification ? me thinks take care of premature is more worry but sometimes its also mindset as fullterm baby is tough too.
Paige looks alert ;)

cooler bag ? yikes I dun even want to thk abt that though part of me mentally thinks if kena again, must buy gd pump and pump pump pump regularly. be more diligent and less worry that previous time.
hi mummies,

Thanks for the well wishes.. Had fun in the chalet the other day.. Took Craydon for his 1st swim and he luv it!! Keep spashing water and laughing..
Took alot pix but no time to post in the blog yet..
no agent. we booked tix & my fren recommended the villa. we booked a driver for a full-day tour. then subsequent days, we juz go 4 shopping.
I also buy frm NTUC. But tryin to find online forum see got any1 sell cheaper..

I stayin in Tiong Bahru frm Nov onwards..
Ya, also worry abt nannies chargin extra

Just check if your babies strain/arch alot??? Is it common in premature babies??

Hmm, I see
ok how's shopping there ? my gf went the last time and she told me the spa is good
