Premature babies support group

hey, if anyone go kembangan for tuina - can buzz me for coffee :p I stay v near there.

gd tip! nada also will make unhappy loud noises when she cant do somethng eg. unscrew a container.

all the best stayin with ur IL.u did say ur IL quite ok, so shld be ok lah. *fingers crossed*

this time, I intend to be 'thicker skin' heheh

urrgghh..having a terrible headache now!! feel like gg toilet & rest my eyes.

u r like my colleague. she was offered the promotion, but rejected, cos she's planning for #2, scared of added responsibility. but then the post was offered 2 another woman, whom we all felt not up-to-standard 4 tat position. but wat to do, boss like her..sigh. no la, won't go 2 hr directly 1 la. i oso wan face. scarly kenna rejected by hr heehee
Congrats on the discharge of ur boy

Hee.. ya, me oso dream to stay in condo.. but don think it will happen liao due to the current situation.. Sian..

How's things?

Yo.. U slim la. Don worry.. The most important thing is eat well n rest well now.. The rest of the things can be well taken care of later

Don need to feel pai seh... as long as u know that u have the the very best for ur bb
Be proud of ur achievement and perseverence
Share with u.. I din even breastfeed my 2 elder boys:p
Hi Mummies,

Thanks for all the wishes. Hope he can take off his nasel cannular as soon as possible.


Oh, my boy also discharged from that room. Hope yr Yilin can also discharge very soon.
aiyo, tell u all something tat make us pissed off last night.

last night my hubby went to visit yilin as usual.. in the evening. then he realised that the feeding tube was loose and like wanna come out from her mouth already. he told the nurse about it, hope she can change another tube for her of cannot insert back right... guess what tat nurse say..? " aiyo, 17oct then due for change leh, now change wasted leh." she got no intention to do something about it. alamak!! for goodness sake!! the tube is coming out leh.. yilin got reflux problem, wat if the milk get into the lungs due to the feeding tube not inserted properly? my hubby so angry, insisted her to change and tell her in a angry tone.."just change it! i can pay for it!" when she pull out the tube, it was so short. my hubby said the tube might be just around the chest only..

wah lau eh.. i so angry when my hubby told me about it. she is a nurse not accountant leh. her job is to save life not save money leh. what is this man!! stupid woman..
yilin was there since 22nd sep. till now, only 1 baby girl discharged from that room leh..

sigh.. 1 disadvantage of working from home...
i m still working now.. my boss expect me to complete by tomorrow 4pm.. hmm..
PAige is 4 mth old actual age (1 mth old corrected). I still breastfeed her, her longest record 10 days. I try giving her neosure, n she dun like it... I gave her wind drop also, she pass a lot of gas n the way she pass gas is like poo pooing whereas when she poo poo, she v relax, no straining.....
Hi yan, i bought the antique quilted hobo bag. yah, think will just carry. a bit regretted cause think it does not look like working bag, but dun care, think will just carry. If really dun like when i receive, then may try to sell. hee.

kkh is like that, but i never have problems with the nurses leh. Seems like you meet few nasty nurses? maybe during dash's stay, all the nurses are very good.

Yesterday dash went for review with dr argawal at child devt clinic. Dr argawal told my hubby dash is growing very well, 1 year later then see again. But his ang moh not good, cannot answer some of the questions, haha, and he can't draw shapes (i never teach him leh, he only know how to draw circles).

xbliss, my teaching bond long over. can switch job anytime, but what can i do?
I hate those 9-5pm job...

my in laws are good people lar. they really very good, except a big naggy for my mum in law, and a bit toooooooo helpful. She sees things, thinks is good, will buy without asking and put at our house (she pays). They are too protective towards my boy too.

Anyway, they have given us another option, they come to stay with us mon-fri and go back on weekends. what you mummies think? I am just worry that i am not able to make it to hospital on time.
Sengkang to mount Elizabeth is very far. My labor alawys very fast...last time when i gave birth to dash, less than 6 hours, gave birth liao, and somemore was me trying very very very hard to control the urge the push then can delay one (cause waiting for my gynae lor).

bryan dressed so smart! he really looks like siang leh. one of these days two of them must stand together to take photos. hee
regarding the rushing to Mt E part, maybe you could call the ambulance if emergency, as the vehicles will give way to ambulances (usually) and the will inform the hospital beforehand so the medical team will be prepared
har...ambulance ah? dunno why, thats the last ting i will do leh but if really baby coming out then bor bian.
Tell u something, I was brought to kkh in an ambulance, thanks goodness, I am really glad that I called them cause if my hb were to fetch me there, huh I really dun know what will happen
and his car will be 'blood sea' cause I was bleeding profusely, luckily calling an ambulance came to my mind as I remember reading somewhere in this forum that one of the mommy did that
I think my labour largi quick, though contractions started in the morning around 10am, but I can tahan lei...I was rush to the labour suite at 1130 hrs after the house officer came to review me, terok pain strike at 12 noon and baby out in 20 50mins only. Anyone mummy here faster than this? hehe
wah Bryan so big already! feel like not too long ago, heard abt times when he just born/in SCN. hehe lotsa girls going to go gaga over him - gd looking boy

which one u more comfy with ? r u more comfy at home or the travelling bothers u more?

talk abt labour - sounds v odd - but I hope to experience it hehe. this coming from someone who just had c-section at week 32. no idea of labour, giving birth naturally is like.

anyways I just went to see gynae today. diff one. He say I may likey have pre-E again BUT possible to prevent so we try to pre-empt it rather than sit and wait. no guarantees,if it happen - it happen lah - but we try prevent and push for as far along as we can. it sounds reasonable to me.

he prescribed folic acid (says I need more than the normal preggy) and aspirin to thin the blood so more bld gets to the baby.

Hmm, are we talking about the same room? Cause on 24th Sept,the room was emptied for me and my husband to room in, so no bbs accept my boy.

The room he's staying is oppsite the counter, is a big room.
condo got pros and cons la.. stayin in one now.. so small.. but good that can bring bb go walk walk.. and good relations with nieghbours

where u buy neosure from?? KKH sells at $18!! so ex...

been interviewin but no success..
anyone got the maid guidelines or duties to send to me pls!!!
daec, why want to give birth naturally actually? i can tell you the labor pain is scary and unbearable!!! want my life. 1st time i still blur blur, so not that painful in my memory, when I had dash, 2nd time labor, i really dunno why, it was sooooooooooo painful!!!! somemore cannot take epidural!

Precious one, think me also very fast. I started contractions around 4 or 5 plus pm, then went hospital, contractions getting more n more (want my life!), and finally couldn't resist the urge to push and gynae arrived, he broke waterbag, less than 10 mins too, just a few pushes, dash came out at 923pm. nurses praised me said i pushed very well, and quick! haha, but i was just sooooo glad it was over man! really really want my life. I still feared when i thought of the pains!

didi, really ah? think if my contractions really very jialat, i had to call ambulance too, but how long does it take for it to arrive? i will panick to wait for it to arrive i think.

smiggleprincess, you staying in condo ah? good good. so young can stay in condo liao, like my friend. I want to get a condo when i m older, say 40 plus or wat, then when old can pass to my children. haha.

btw, did i tell you my colleague's sister gave birth at home, and by her hubby? she could not make it in time to hospital! scary leh. But if full term baby, never mind right, cause baby healthy, can wait to go hospital, but if premature, every single second counts!!!
The ambulance come to my place very fast, despite the fact that my place is not that easy to find during that time as my place just completed, very funny the security guards just let them come in 1st without checking then follwed them to my block and waited below my block, so dramatic, think they are very fast, took 15mins to reach my place
hmm...didi, think if this time my contractions really unbearable, i will just call ambulance too. But to me calling ambulance sounds like scary idea. think my hubby dun even know how to call one. haha
hmm... I know, I am the one that called the ambulance
directing them to my place
while lying in the long bath to decrease the amt of blood gushing out
Think very positive, your baby will arrive full term. I don't think any contraction can be bearable.....from those mummies who gave birth more than once ..... but the labour pain should be shorter than the very 1st one ..... again according to those experienced mummies....

wow, your labour very dramatic, now when you think back, it is an unique experience!
wanna give birth natural coz its 'natural'.

c-section recovery takes much longer time. can walk by second, third day. hhmm I cant say walk either. hobble hehe. struggle to get off the bed, walk here and there. I felt like a cripple! hated it! pain sorta ended abt 1mth later. I still get pain here and there for abt 1year. The risk of uterine rupture etc is there. tough to cope with baby when u find it hard to cope physically personally. when breastfeeding - its more painful coz the uterus will contract against the stitches.

some mummies find contractions bearable and okay. yes even without epidural. not too sure how they do it..Guess its diff for everyone

wah such an experience! super to tahan AND direct them. wow!
agreed with u. i also struggle to get off the bed. the stomach muscles will be strained.. painful...but i think i consider the lucky ones.. i delivered 2 months plus ago.. now i only have a bit of blue black kind of pain around the tummy if i press my tummy.. actually just after i delivered, i dun feel much pain if i dun move or just move a little. only when i wanna get up, then got pain.
precious one, daec,
ya, everytime me and hb think about it, we still can feel the tension at that time
I am very worried about my bbs to think of the pain lor
when my hb return home to 'clean' up the scene, he told me it is like those 'CSI' set-up,(blood everywhere), hee....

Intially, I also wanted give birth natural too
I used lotsa panadol esp the first month.weird ha panadol is gd for those pains hehe. yup pain only when get up and walking and BF. those things we have to do often tho.

hope ur hubby appreciate u more after seeing e 'CSI scene' ;)

hope I get a gd natural birth this time. 'gd' meaning not so teruk hehe.
didi, daec
I had a natural birth (non assisted delivery) and I felt great after giving birth especially when I did not have to undergo scissors, sewing blah blah blah.... No pain except the tummy still look pregnant...; can't walk well cos I was CRIB for too long. Anyway, I was told that mummies who underwent natural birth have very good appetite during confinement....which was true in my case, I ate so much, in fact the minute I'm back at the ward, I was very very hungry.
hi precious one...
i truely agree wif u... v v v hungry. but was past midnite so cldn't grab any snacks snacks.

n smmore during confinement had to hide hide n eat all e sinfull food. if not mum sure shout.
yilin got her eye scan yesterday. the ROP worsen from stage 1 to 2.
very sad...

any mom baby got ROP and it resolve by itself?
it will resolve by itself.......dun son even got stage 3 at one point...the area where the rop is, is also vy important..maybe you speak to the eye doctor to get a feel..

the doctor din say anythg right....?unless there is further news about surgery..guess it shld be alright for her...

my son is now 2 plus..okay...but still has to see the eye doctor maybe once in a year..dun worry too much....
good morning mummies

not been writing here as siang has just (again yes) been discharge from KKH for croup (yes again). they are going to arrange for a scope to be done to check his airway and throat as he has been incubated for quite a while since birth.

Also, i will be asking the neonat to see if they can perform a allergy skin patch test for him.

congrats on your boy discharge

don't worry. siang has ROP 2 since birth and since then it has dissoved and he is fully discharged from the eye clinic (the doctor give a open date for him thou...) and the doctor ask us to montior ourselve at home. anything, just call and ask for appointment.

with early intervention (if need be) things be ok.
i did PM you the link and some standard guidelines for employing domestic helper..did you receive my PM?
hello didi

thanks, siang is recovering at home (with puff). with a bit block nose.

sigh, there is this major construction work going on (just behind my block)...faintz..all that dust.
I see, hate it too whenever there's construction work going on
luckily it is not those interior renovations, those are worse
sigh..there is some drilling by my upstairs neighbour but so far ok. is the major construction that worries me. the plot of land really huge...and of all time, they start plotting..ah yo :p
Hi costa and jane.,

yes, the doctor said the rop is in zone 2 of the eyes. no medication needed now just hope that it can resolve by itself. the vessel will more or less stablised on 37weeks(2 more weeks).

for yilin, she dun have rop since birth. just developed 2 weeks ago only.. now gotta check every week.. poor gal.. dunno the eye drop will cause any pain anot..
hi yan
i see. for siang he have stage 2 since birth. then at discharge time he is still around that stage.

its after discharge (nearly after 1 year) then he totally regress. but then the eye doctor still ask us to keep a close watch.

i guess eye check for yilin is a routine must then... its painful for us to see them being put on the eye drop (siang always struggle and cry).

Yilin is a brave ger. I hope she can clear the eye test soon. Ask her jiayou ok...

you too take care, don't be too stress
Talking about eye check-up, hmm... my 2 bums are scheduled soon to have their eyes checked
Darryl will cry and Dylan will struggle
last weekend, we brot them to the Seletar Animal Resort, they loves it esp Darryl he fed the goat, ha... and refuses to feed the poor emu/ ostrich (not sure) .....
oh D&D having their yearly review or 6 monthly review? oh yes...siang both struggle and cried when he had to go thru the eye review. hope both boys pass the review
do PM and share with me the results ah

hmmm its seem goat is very popular among kids ler :p i know another twins who love them...siang have not been to seen an actual goat yet but i often show him pix and such :p. Perhaps after his GA in november... i should really consider bringing him to the hay farm and also this seletar animal resort that u mention (can u PM me the address :p).

I toke a look at my blog. Siang officially pass his review on Monday, 28 July 2008 and a bit of corrections to what i say earlier (the doctor given him an open dated appointment of 2 years). honestly, the wait has been worth it for me. He was born 12 Aug 06 (same date as yilin but different year).

Thru the period, he also went for monthly then turn 3 monthly then turn 6 monthly review with the eye doctor... the review on 28 July 08 was an yearly review and he pass it.

Have patient and pray hard. Yilin will do well, give her time and yes lots of love and belive in miracle. she is really brave
