Premature babies support group

finally both of ur gers can be at home liao..
and waiting to see their pics.. hehe..
u got anybody helping u when jie jie is back??

me coping fine with my gers..
they just went for their BCG jab and Hep B jab today...
I log in every afternoon..
never see u leh..
maybe u tell me one time then I log in then we can chat.. hehe

Mummy yan congrats that both your gals are home. busy busy busy soon!

daec, me worried too, as I spend a lot. I think I will need to stop buying things, which is really not what I like to. sigh. But no lose no gain...sigh.

Jane, dm, daec, yes, will seriously considering to take a long term break and see what I want. To continue teaching or to stop. It is no point dragging myself to work everyday. Maybe I will go into tuition like what you all said, or simply go relief teaching, adjunt teaching, or just be a kindergarten teacher.

Jane I dun think I am a good mummy really.

dm, I have the nose drop from padetrician as well. But never give dash.

Tiring...recently slept quite late, so got myself very tired.
hi good morning mummies

ok ok. great thanks. i will try to check it out this weekend :p

you have done a lot and put in much efforts. heart and soul just try to stay relax and do what you think is best for yourself. don't feel lost. belive in what you can achieve
we jiayuo together ok ? one thing I noticed I spent more when unhappy. sorta compensation/make up for unhappy. so if quit, happier may not want to spend so much :p
daec, same here!!! When I am down, will go buy and buy to make myself happy! haha.

My school has organised tickets for fireworks, never buy, though very much will want to, cause by then, maybe I am already having 3rd one hoepfully.haha.
Morning mummies!

So tired. woke at 130am, then slept back at 4am. going to be like a zombie...zzzzzzzzzzz

Anyway, tuesday is dash's first time at little skoolhouse, most prob will go with him. hope he will learn something from the school!

enjoy working!
Hi all,

GOOD AFTERNOON!!!! So quiet here.. keke..

Anyway KKF, I also feel like zombie now.. Craydon wake up for milk at both 1am++ and 6am when I slept at 12am+.. At coming 9mth, he still wake up for nite feed :p
hi mummies

yes so quiet recently...

hello kkf and powergal
me too had a bad night. am not sure is it because last night was quite humid and hence siand did not sleep well... me like zombie too...

tomorrow u be on leave? hope dash like little skoolhouse

yess.. weather was hot and humid in the nite too.. can't sleep in aircon, even a powerful fan also no use..

Anyway ask u horr, does ur mil or mum stay in hougang?
hi all,

yes, weather super hot. ws' nose still not cleared yet, so no air-con for the past 1wk+. i m sleeping w her on mattress on the floor, directly below fan. but she's been tossing & kicking now i oso zombie. my throat begins 2 hurt 2. sigh..

me gg singapore flyer!! yeh yeh.. manage to get cheap tix frm office.. $15 per hor? but wondering which day to go.. plan to go on weekday, hope not so crowded.
hi mummies,
today brought bryan for his half a year eye review. so far so good. this test not so invasive as the last one whereby they had to use something to keep his eye open.

sg flyer is fun according to my hubby. great that u got it so cheap! take care and drink more water. too hot also very hard to sleep leh.. maybe adjust air con to 28deg.

i like dash new blogskin!

very long din see u post. hope u and the boys are doing great and having fun still!
hello mummies!

Yes, jane going to be with dash today.

Mummies, I will really be going on no pay very soon, most prob in a few weeks time or even next week. haha. Financial is a great burden cause I spend and spend without saving much.

Thanks xbliss. glad you like the new blogskin.

All of us zombies...haha.

me too. today also tired, but got to wake up early cause dash first day to little skoolhouse. Think tomorrow onwards, may not be with him. He is very ok to be alone even in new setting. i just accompany today because I want to see what is going on during his 3 hours there.

finally u hav made up your mind? good 4 u..

my air con old alrdy. if turn up >23deg, it's v noisy. cos the stupid thermostat something wrong. so the air-con will keep shutting down & turing up, so v noisy..decided to bring ws to c doc tonite, hope can finally get good night rest.

checking out villas @bali, cos think if hubby wans to bring MIL to hols, i'll wan to bring my parents along 2. so think villa is a good idea, cos no need to spend on 3 hotel rooms. any recommendations?
You mom stay at Bedok so you travel a long distance everyday to put Siang Siang at her place ?
hi good day mummies


hope today school went well for dash. go with your heart and things will turn out fine

right now i am bringing siang back on alternate days. then weekend siang is at my house. but yes, its a long distance travel whenever i bring siang back and fro my mum house... but its worth it
good morning mommies,

comtemplating whether to bring ws to GP last nite, cos she always hav blocked nose when sleeping. haven't been sleeping well last few nights cos she made 2 much noise at nite. but decided against it. cos hubby say don't wan to start her on anti-biotics, which may reduce her natural imune system. oso, i'm lazy la haha..hope she can recover soon..i miss sleeping in air-con rooms
now gg to tell hubby wan to bring my parents 2 bali, if he wans to bring his mom. cos my parents dun hav chance to go on hol now, when they r taking care of ws. last time, they wan to go any time oso can go.. now not so free alrdy

wish me luck
ya, your parents definitely deserves a holiday from you and hb, after all they are the ones that take care of ws
your hb should be ok with it, is your father-in-law going as well ? as I thot she mite feel left-out
gd luck!
yup agree with didi that ur parents deserve it. I really find it tiring to when hubby try to push for his parens. make me want to hide in shell more hehe.
yay! no more school for u soon! Congrats on making ur decision. That takes a lot just to decide to do it, rite
when hbs pushed for his parents, we also must push for our parents what !! sometimes if hb want to get/do something for his parents if I am not in favour then then I will just say 'no comments' a neutral answer
jane, kkf, no secret lah..just that the neonat thinks tht she did not the average 20 words tht a kid of her age knows.. sian right?

jane, ahhaa..super big bolster for siang...

xbliss..ahh..maybe rock too much by other pp??

dm, if weather is really too hot when on air con but add water/humidifier?

mummy yan, jie jie back yet?

daec, how was the fireworks? ECP is too far for me so din go...

kkf, daec, i love shopping when down too! :p and fooodddddd...

daec, didi, have to agree with didi that we must push for our parents too... thats why lucky i have my own income... so hb canot make noise when i treat my parents etc....but alot of things i also n ever tell him..else he will complain abt the money spent...
he push to go out together with his parents. whereas my parents are ok that we go out without them. think we need time just alone. I dun mind we visit his parents but I mind if it eat too much into our own time and family out together time. afterall weekend is only time we have together as well as my own free time too. he seem to think it unfair to his parents. but then we live with my parents and nada taken care by them. its only natural that nada has more time with them. lucky he has toned down. I'm sorta always on my guard when he mention parents

didnt go fireworks. ECP is near for me. but troublesome transport unless got car hehe
ya, you did the rite thing, me too when I buy things for my parents I dun want to tell hb, although they never express any displeasure, god knows what they think, rite ?
i'm like u. if i dun feel for the idea if it concerns his parents, i'll juz say 'no comments, up to u lor'. cos it's his parents, no gd if i make -ve comments. so juz keep quiet

no, FIL dun like to travel. so prob MIL + her sis

ya, it's natural if nada more close to your parents cos she c them more often wat.

my point is, my parents dare not suka suka go hols, cos they know i need to take leave if they r not free 2 care 4 ws. oso, i'll b gg bangkok with frens in aug , so prob will need them 2 care 4 ws for a few nites (prob weekday nites). c, if need their help, nev even ask if they ok or not, but go hol, then nev bring them..not v gd rt?
same leh, I will sometimes say 'up to you' after so many years of marriage he already know it means I am not in favour when I say 'no comments/ up to you' ha...ha.... one concern, if you bring both sets of parents, you must handle entertain them well, cause I have gfs who bring 2 sets of parents and ended up usually the in-laws (the hb's side) will somehow complain that they are neglected even though not the case
but don't bother so much, up to them to say anything so long as we are fair rite
went to Dash's blog, hey, he look cute in the uniform too
one thing, your Dash also resembles you
happy lor
I also went to Bern Bern's blog, felt that the IQ test look a tad complicated leh, they are so young... how to complete those tasks ? chiam for my boys
did I read correctly that you carried Bern Bern home from Big Splash, hey must salute you liao, walk alone from there to your place is something, carrying Bern Bern, Oh man, your can soon fight with 'Lin ChiLing's legs' liao
yeah lor if his parents, i dun wan to get involved.

tru lah, dm. ur parents deserve bring for hols.
didi, haha, dash looks cute in his uniform?

Anyway, I am so disappointed with little skoolhouse too! sigh. You can see I am full of complaints in my blog. Have even wrote complaint letter. I dunno maybe being a teacher makes me very particular about education? Anyway, when I asked dash what he learnt in school, again he could not say anything. Anyway, from what I observed yesterday, that was nothing much for him to learn anyway.

I just got to know a brave mummy who has her baby at 23 weeks. I have invited her to join our forum. Her baby still in nicu.

Yes, I am pending to submit my no pay leave approval email to my principal, may do so tomorrow or friday.

dm, you parents reallly good. My parents are always on the go, they are going genting for 5 days. You see my mum, after she just came back from europe, she is going genting now.

My in laws are taking care of my boy more. They are more shrimp, and do not go holiday so often.

opps write more later, cooking for dash now.

dun worry la. did i tell u, the beginning few days when ws went to sch, i asked her wat u learn in sch today, 1st day, she told me they played peek-a-boo..can show me hand action some more. we were v happy, tot $ well spent. then subsequent few days, she'll tell u "gor gor bathe, jie jie bathe".. *faint* i pay $ send u 2 sch 2 c other pple bathe?? haha...

even now, when we asked her wat u learn in sch today, she sometimes won't ans u directly. but u can tell frm small things, eg. new song she started singing... suddenly say things like "teacher say...", her fren did this, did tat.. frm all these, can tell tat she's learning & enjoying...

so prob u need to observe dash's behaviour & rather than hear it frm his mouth...anyway, skoolhouse oso a "branded" sch, so u shouldn't hav worry...

somehow, my MIL will surely feel neglected. cos ws surely more close 2 my parents & more willing to play/stay w them. it'll b super obvious if all go out together.. but i dun care. it's true tat my parents put in more effort & time 2 look after her, so i oso wan her to b closer to them. whereas, my MIL nev show attention to ws, unless her other grandson is not ard. whose fault is it? i know i'm being the evil DIL, but can't help it..heehee
hi, mummies...
hows everybody?

dm, my son till k2 will tell me he learn nothg in school...never heard him saying he learnt anythg in all the years there..maybe he really learnt nothg hahah....

Heres smthg which i am posting on behalf of the early bird baby club of kkh...

Dear Parents of Premmies

Hope you all are well.

As you all know , we had our Prem Awareness Day last november at KKH. We
concurrently launched the book, " A Journey with my Child" , which was a
book written by parents and ex prems.

We thank all of you for your support contributing articles, in
writing poems, in doing fantastic posters, and the drawings that the kids
I also want to thank those who came to support the launch and the day!
....There were so many ... it was standing room only!

I must " THANK " esp all the wonderful performers... your kids.. who put
up a wonderful performance on stage. Our Guest of honour the NMP Denise
Phua, was very impressed by their performance... and it was a wonderful
showcase of what your kids can do and have achieved and an inspiration to

We want to continue with raising awareness of Prems., this year. But we
really need your input , as parents of premmies, to come and share what you
would like to do.

So please join us on the 12th july 2008 at KKH seminar room , from 10am to
1pm .

Look forward to meeting up with you all again.

Dr Khoo Poh Choo

I have told Doc Khoo that i may not be able to make it but even if we cant make it but if you have any ideas on how to raise awareness of prems in spore, do post it here or pm me and i will consolidate yr suggestions to Doc Khoo and let her it having a walk a thon to raise funds or drop yr ideas here....MANY HEADS ARE BETTER THAN ONE...

Thanks so much and do hope to hear yr ideas....

KKH mummies, if you want to receive emails from the PM me so that i can forward yr email addresses (with yr permission) to them...thanks...
me also evil dil. my ger only grandchild somemore. its natural my ger close to my parents since they take care of her. feel that my parents more understand her and put in more effort take care her. accompany me go hospital everyday when she was at hosp. send us to hosp for every appt.
il-sometimes bring her over, too bz/tired tend to her. also sometimes feel they dun understand her. she used cry so much at nite. but still ask to met her at nite even when saw her screaming for 1hr. like wan her adjust to their schedule instead other way ard.they assume they understand her but no leh.
dm, daec,
You all are not evil lah
very funny it is like maternal grandparents are closer to their dotter's grandchildren instead of paternal grandparents
think its natural coz the mummy tends to look for her own mummy for advice/help heheh ;) but hubby like cannot accept it leh. its odd coz he himself v close to his mum side.I told him to his face, but he say he want be diff from that. hmm another thing is that depends if DIL can be comfy/talk to IL. make a big diff. I really dun need another set of parents telling me what to do, organise my time or advising me :p
yup, think it is difficult for mils to treat their dils like their own dotters, unless they have no dotters othewise how possible can they treat us dils as close as their own dotters
for my hb, he is not that close to his parents (his parents not the kind who express affections for their children openly but funny now they dotes on their grandchildren instead).....
Then I must be one lucky one, cause my mil has no daughters only two sons, but sadly her dil not close to her...haha.

My boy is closer to my parents in law instead of my parents leh. Think I am totally different fr you all. My parents in laws take care of my son much much more than my mother.

Anyway, I want to officially announce that I have joined SAHM CLUB! YEAH!

I will not be going work anymore. I just need to clear some work on hand, but I dun have to go back to school anymore.

A sudden decision, but hope is worthwhile in the end.

I may stop dash from school liao. Silly right? But after consideration, I thought since I am so free now, I should teach dash myself, and save the money from going school. I am going to search for preschool syllables now. haha.

Actually I am somebody with no savings, so really hard life for us now. Think we have to really scrimp and save now.

No more toys, books, clothes etc for dash.
I think that too. she got dotter, not close at all. sometimes feel like i the stand-in dotter tho I dun wan. hubby still wan me be close to IL.aii - this kinda thing cannot force. lagi force lagi repel in the opposite direction. we totally opposite character/principles2.

ah well think IL always got bit friction as diff backgrd/family. even own parents sure have

yay for u! effective when? yup me hope its worthwhile for me too. hope i wont b too busy with freelance work or that freelance enuff $.

well i the one buy stuff for nada, but can see that my mum closer to her nada without having to buy anything at all. thk its time and attention that most impt afterall. since u at home, think can manage find things/activities to bond over without having spend. hope so same for me. so upset yest coz nada keep look for mum, not me.

dun thk its a silly decision teach dash. my aunt (SAHM) did that. then her kids come home from sch, complain boring coz sch stuff all teach already heheh. they 2 smart hehe. she is sought after for tuition coz other parents c that she can teach her kids well.
Warm welcome to sahm, hmm....Dash will be so lucky, you still need to send Dash to your il's place ? btw where is the school now Dash attending ? thot it is not near your place

so true
about the ils
hope ur hubby can cover living expenses. that already gd lah. actually shld be that u get bit of pocket money ah. SAHM also work too ;)
didi and daec, my no pay leave is effective from next week...

Yeah, must chat more now. we can share tips on saving money and what to do at home.

Didi, my boy is attending little skool-house at amk hub, haha, just for 1 week only, maybe 1 more week next week, and I will be withdrawing him. I will teach him at home myself. Like this can save money, and also dash remembers what I taught him more than what the teachers taught him. He cannot say anything about school, but he can say what he learnt at home with me.

Actually daec, my hubby income not enough to cover everything. I got to tap on my savings which can only last less than a year...haha.

I am taking a break now, to regain energy, and maybe next year, will rethink what I want to do. Maybe I will go childcare or kindergarten teaching.
wow so efficient.. ur sch can juz let u go like tat? no need find replacement? u resign or take no-pay leave?

my MIL only has 2sons, & i'm her 1st DIL. i've known my hubby for 8yrs b4 got married, but still she doesn't treat me as a daughter & vice versa. her 2nd DIL was q close 2 her b4 married, b4 giving birth. but i think my SIL only act act only la. so, sometimes, i think, heng i dun hav son, heehee

anyway, confirm my bali trip alrdy, end sep. but then got another prob. i juz ask if my mom wans to go, she say ok, then i ask my sis wan to go or not. she heard my MIL gg, she immediately say no & say my mom oso won't wan to go. then i tot, jia lad, i 4got to tell my mom my MIL gg. anyway, gg to 'break' the news 2 her ltr. hope they still wan to go, 4 the sake of ws.. if mess up this, i'm afraid next time hubby wont' wan to organize anything alrdy.

oh,good idea hor, home school is good, anyway you can teach Dash, me can't share much on saving $, me also can't save for god's sake, I am happy so long as every month what my hb gives me is enough and need not tap into my miserable savings
some months, I will manage to save then when we see something then I will splurge

think you have to tell your mom that your mil is gg too
persuade her to go for your sake, and mentioned that your hb will be disappointed if she don't want to go, and tell her don't 'lugi' as she deserves the trip much more than mil mah,
but your mom is ok with your mil, rite ?
